How I got data science internship at Nvidia and NBC: part 1

Pham An Khang
Machine Learning Interview
4 min readMay 26, 2021

Data Science internship

In this interview series, I summarize interview experiences from my friends. I hope it helps you in preparing for your DS internship. David Nguyen is a Master Student in DS at University of Pennsylvania. Before that he worked as Senior Consultant for 5 years.

Interview experience

  1. For NBCUniversal: 3 rounds total. First round was an online assessment with about 20 questions about probabilities and statistics, math, and ML. Second round and third round were with 2 hiring managers, one is with the Recommendation System team for Peacock TV, second is with the Content team. Overall I had good experience. The whole process took 4 weeks.
  2. For NVIDIA: 3 rounds total. First round was with HR, nothing too technical, just some behavioral questions. Second round focused on my past experiences. Since I worked as a financial consultant for almost 5 years before pivoting my career to data science, the interviewer was very interested in understanding what skill sets I could bring to the table. Third round was mostly technical questions, focusing on handling data, SQL, and some basic NLP questions.


  • I mostly used class notes from the machine learning class that I was taking at…

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Author of Machine Learning System Design course on, Machine Learning Design Interview book and ML interview on github. Top 1000 Medium writers.