Oppenheimer Read The Screenplay

Contributed by Deadline

Page 1 of Oppenheimer Read The Screenplay
O P P E N H E I M E R by Christopher Nolan by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin based on the book AMERICAN PROMETHEUS THE TRIUMPH AND TRAGEDY OF J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER
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WHITE Revision - 1-3-22 1. O P P E N H E I M E R 1 1 A VAST SPHERE OF FIRE, the fire of a thousand suns, slowly EATS the nighttime desert. A line of black type appears: "Prometheus stole fire from the Gods and gave it to man." And the sound of DOZENS OF FEET STAMPING RHYTHMICALLY... "For this he was chained to a rock and tortured for eternity." ROILING PLASMA expands, the sound of STAMPING GROWS OPPRESSIVE, the STAMPING FASTER and FASTER over- 2 2 A FACE. Gaunt, tense. EYES TIGHTLY SHUT. The face SHUDDERS- the sound CEASES as my EYES OPEN, STARING INTO CAMERA: Peer into my soul- J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER, aged 50, close cropped greying hair. The gentle sounds of bureaucracy... Super title: " 1. FISSION " VOICE (O.S.) Dr.Oppenheimer, as we begin, I believe you have a statement to read into the record? I glance down at my notes. OPPENHEIMER Yes, Your Honour- SECOND VOICE (O.S.) We're not judges, Doctor. OPPENHEIMER No. Of course. (I start reading) Members of the Security Board, the so-called derogatory information in your indictment of me cannot be fairly understood except in the context of my life and my work. This answer is a summary of relevant aspects of my life in more or less chronological order... SENATE AIDE (V.O.) How long did he testify? CUT TO: