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[COMM] Treaty Trouble



The branch off adventures of the reality warping Chaos Emerald continues as a Blaze the Cat of the Sol Empire is having an Alliance Signing with Elias Acorn of the Acorn Republic... but things seem to be derailing.  Something seems to be off, but what?

More limitations of the Emerald seem to be seen as well, this time where the emerald won't remove clothes if they're meant to be power limiters, or if the clothing is viewed more as a uniform instead of just normal clothing.

With this treaty being televised between both nations, who knows how far this has spread now? @_@;

Previous: [COMM] Acorn Republic's Magic Circle by Gameboysage

Marine the Raccoon belongs to SEGA
Blaze the Cat belongs to SEGA
Dylan the Porcupine belongs to the Archie comic
Hamlin the Pig belongs to the Archie comic
Rosemary Prower belongs to the Archie comic
Penelope Platypus belongs to the Archie comic
Isabella Mongoose belongs to the Archie comic
Elias Acorn belongs to the Archie comic
Antoine D'Coolette belongs to the Archie comic

Hope you like it, feel free to comment ^^
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For a solid minute I thought Blaze was unaffected for whatever reason, but now that I look closer, she's missing her white pants. I guess being a princess gives her fancy clothing privilages. ;P

Oh, and Marine looks really nice with her... neckerchief I believe is what it's called?