Selected Matches for: Items related to Wu, Hung Hsi
Cohl, Howard S. (1-NIST-ACM)
Division of Applied and Computational Mathematics, National Institute of Standards and TechnologyMission Viejo, California, 92694
Ismail, Mourad E. H. (1-CFL)
Department of Mathematics, University of Central FloridaOrlando, Florida, 32816
Wu, Hung-Hsi (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
The legacy of Dick Askey (1933–2019).
Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 69 (2022), no. 1, 59–75.
01A70 (33-03)
George E. Andrews, Richard Askey, and Ranjan Roy, Special functions, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 71, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999, DOI 10.1017/CBO9781107325937. MR1688958
G. E. Andrews and B. C. Berndt, Ramanujan's lost notebooks. Parts I-V, Springer Nature, Melbourne, Fla., 2005, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2018.
R. Askey and N. H. Bingham, Gaussian processes on compact symmetric spaces, Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verw. Gebiete 37 (1976/77), no. 2, 127–143, DOI 10.1007/BF00536776. MR423000
Richard Askey and George Gasper, Jacobi polynomial expansions of Jacobi polynomials with non-negative coefficients, Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 70 (1971), 243–255, DOI 10.1017/s0305004100049847. MR296369
Richard Askey and George Gasper, Positive Jacobi polynomial sums. II, Amer. J. Math. 98 (1976), no. 3, 709–737. MR430358
Richard A. Askey, Fibonacci and related sequences, The Mathematics Teacher 97 (2004), no. 2, 116–119.
Richard Askey, Good intentions are not enough, The Great Curriculum Debate: How Should We Teach Reading and Math? (Tom Loveless, ed.), Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Brookings Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 2001.
Richard Askey, Jacobi polynomial expansions with positive coefficients and imbeddings of projective spaces, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 74 (1968), 301–304, DOI 10.1090/S0002-9904-1968-11931-7. MR220987
Richard Askey, Orthogonal polynomials and special functions, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, Pa., 1975. MR0481145
Richard Askey, Handbooks of special functions, A Century of Mathematics in America, Part III, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1989, pp. 369–391. MR1025353
Richard Askey, Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics, American Educator 23 (1999), no. 3, 1–8.
Richard Askey and James Wilson, Some basic hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials that generalize Jacobi polynomials, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 54 (1985), no. 319, iv+55, DOI 10.1090/memo/0319. MR783216
B. C. Berndt, Ramanujan's notebooks. Parts I-V, Springer Verlag, New York, 1985, 1989, 1991, 1994, 1998.
David Drasin, Peter Duren, and Albert Marden (eds.), The Bieberbach conjecture, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 21, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1986. MR875226
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions. F. W. J. Olver, A. B. Olde Daalhuis, D. W. Lozier, B. I. Schneider, R. F. Boisvert, C. W. Clark, B. R. Miller, B. V. Saunders, H. S. Cohl, and M. A. McClain, eds., Release 1.1.3 of 2021-09-15.
George Gasper, Mourad E. H. Ismail, Tom Koornwinder, Paul Nevai, and Dennis Stanton, The mathematical contributions of Richard Askey, q-Series from a Contemporary Perspective, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 254, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2000, pp. 1–18. MR1768919
National Mathematics Advisory Panel, Foundations for Success: The Final Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC, xxvii+90 pp., 2008.
Srinivasa Ramanujan, Notebooks. Vols. 1, 2, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, 1957. MR0099904
Srinivasa Ramanujan, The lost notebook and other unpublished papers, Springer-Verlag, Berlin; Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1988. With an introduction by George E. Andrews. MR947735
Gábor Szegő, Collected papers. Vols. 1,2,3, Contemporary Mathematicians, Birkhäuser, Boston, Mass., 1982. 1915–1927, 1927–1943, 1945–1972, Edited by Richard Askey, Including commentaries and reviews by George Pólya, P. C. Rosenbloom, Askey, L. E. Payne, T. Kailath and Barry M. McCoy, MR674482, MR674483, MR674484.
This list reflects references listed in the original paper as
accurately as possible with no attempt to correct error.
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
Wu, Hung-Hsi (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Events surrounding the birth of the Kobayashi metric.
Geometry and analysis on manifolds,
Progr. Math., 308, Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, 2015.
{For the collection containing this paper see MR3307690.}
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
Wu, Hung-Hsi (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Zheng, Fangyang (1-OHS)
Department of Mathematics, Ohio State UniversityColumbus, Ohio, 43210
Examples of positively curved complete Kähler manifolds.
(English summary)
Geometry and analysis. No. 1,
Adv. Lect. Math. (ALM), 17, Int. Press, Somerville, MA, 2011.
From the introduction: "While it is relatively easy to write down
examples of positively curved complete Riemannian metrics on
Rn, it is much more difficult to write down (explicitly
or simply to show the existence) positively curved complete Kähler
metrics on
Cn when
n>1. In fact, prior to the present
article, there were only three examples in this direction, by P. F.
Klembeck [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
64 (1977), no. 2, 313–316;
MR0442290] in 1977, by H.-D. Cao [in
Elliptic and parabolic methods in geometry (Minneapolis, MN,
1994), 1–16, A K Peters, Wellesley, MA, 1996;
MR1417944; J. Differential Geom.
45 (1997), no. 2,
MR1449972] in 1995 and 1997,
respectively. Klembeck's example is explicit, while Cao's are given as
solutions to some first or second order ODEs. All three are
U(n) invariant metrics on
In Theorem 1, the authors exhibit necessary and sufficient conditions
U(n) invariant metrics on
Cn to have
positive bisectional curvature. This (with some further work) in
particular re-proves that the above-mentioned three metrics have
positive bisectional curvature. They also exhibit conditions for
positive sectional curvature, and prove that the latter two examples
satisfy them, while the former constructed by Klembeck does not. Using
these results, the authors exhibit new families of
invariant metrics that have positive sectional or bisectional
Among the authors' motivations in writing down these examples are the
conjectures by Greene-Wu and Yau concerning uniformization of complete
non-compact Kähler manifolds with positive sectional or bisectional
curvature (we refer the reader to the introduction for more details on
these conjectures).
{For the collection containing this paper see MR2867631.}
Reviewed by Yanir A. Rubinstein
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
C. B. Allendoerfer and A. Weil, The Gauss-Bonnet theorem for Riemannian polyhedra, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 53 (1943), 101-129.
R. Bott and S.-s. Chern, Hermitian vector bundles and the equidistribution of their zeroes of their holomorphic sections, Acta Math. 114 (1965), 71-112.
S.-s. Chern, On integral geometry in Klein Spaces, Ann. of Math., 43 (1942), 178–189.
S.-s. Chern, The geometry of isotropic surfaces, Ann. of Math. 43 (1942), 545-549.
S.-s. Chern, A simple intrinsic proof of the Gauss-Bonnet formula for closed Riemannian manifolds, Ann. of Math. 45 (1944), 747-752.
S.-s. Chern, Characteristic classes of Hermitian manifolds, Ann. of Math. 47 (1946), 85–121.
S.-s. Chern, Some new viewpoints in the differential geometry in the large, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 52 (1946), 1-30.
S.-s. Chern, The intergrated form of the first main theorem for complex analaytic mappings in several complex variables, Ann. of Math., 71 (1960), 536-551.
S.-s. Chern and J. Moser, Real hypersurfaces in complex manifolds, Acta Math., 133 (1974), 219-271.
S.-s. Chern and J. Simons, Characteristic forms and geometric invariants, Ann. of Math., 99 (1974), 48-69.
F. Hirzebruch, Neue topologische Methoden in der algebraischen Geometrie, Ergebnisse der Mathematik, Volume 9, Springer, 1956.
W. V. D. Hodge, The characteristic classes of algebraic varieties, Proc. London Math. Soc., 1 (1951), 138-151.
J. W. Milnor and J. D. Stasheff, Characteristic Classes, Princeton University Press, 1974.
L. S. Pontryagin, On some topological invariants of closed Riemannian manifolds, C. R. (Doklady) Acad. Sci. USSR, 43 (1944), 91-94.
L. S. Pontryagin, Some topological invariants of closed Riemannian manifolds, Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Mat. 13 (1949), 125–162.
A. Weil, S. S. Chern as geometer and friend, In Shiing-shen Chern Selected Papers, Springer- Verlag, New York-Berlin-Heidelberg, 1978, ix-xii.
A. Weil, Oeuvres Scientifiques/Collected Papers, Volume 1 (1926-1951), Springer-Verlag, New York-Berlin-Heidelberg, 1979.
H. Wu, S. S. Chern, the Berkeley years, In Shiing-shen Chern Memorial volume (in Chinese), S. T. Yau, K. Liu, L. Ji, (eds.) Zhejiang University Press, China, 2005. (English translation in preparation.)
H. Wu, Historical development of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, Science in China, Series A, Mathematics, 51 (2008), 777–784.
This list, extracted from the PDF form of the original paper, may
contain data conversion errors, almost all limited to the mathematical
This is an excellent, very well written survey on the Gauss-Bonnet
theorem and its contemporary developments. The author succeeds in
explaining the fundamental ideas and techniques in remarkably few pages.
Reviewed by Liviu Ornea
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
Nebres, Ben (PH-ATMA2)
Ateneo de Manila UniversityLoyola Heights, Manila Quezon City, Philippines
Cheng, Shiu-Yuen (PRC-HKST)
Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)Clear Water Bay Kowloon, People's Republic of China
Osterwalder, Konrad (CH-ETHZ)
Department of Mathematics (D-MATH), Eidgenössische TH Zürich8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Wu, Hung-Hsi (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Panel C: The role of mathematicians in K–12 mathematics education.
(English summary)
International Congress of Mathematicians. Vol. III,
Eur. Math. Soc., Zürich, 2006.
00A99 (97B99 97D20)
{For the collection containing this paper see MR2286147.}
MR2018347 (2005d:32043)
Wu, Hung-Hsi (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Zheng, Fangyang (1-OHS)
Department of Mathematics, Ohio State UniversityColumbus, Ohio, 43210
Kähler manifolds with slightly positive bisectional curvature.
Explorations in complex and Riemannian geometry,
Contemp. Math., 332, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2003.
32Q15 (32Q30 53C21 53C55)
This article discusses the uniformization problem in the
high-dimensional case, for which a major problem is to understand complex
manifolds of dimension at least two which admit the complete Kähler
metric with nonnegative or nonpositive bisectional curvature,
especially the compact ones. In this article two theorems of this kind
are asserted and a sketch of proofs is given. For the nonpositive
case, there is a conjecture of Yau asserting that for a compact
Kähler manifold M with nonpositive bisectional curvature, there
exists a finite cover M′ of M, such that M′ is a holomorphic and
metric fiber bundle over N which is a compact Kähler manifold with
nonpositive bisectional curvature and c1(N)<0, and that the fiber
is a (flat) complex torus. For the nonnegative case, the authors
propose a conjecture asserting that for a complete Kähler manifold
Mn with nonnegative bisectional curvature, its universal covering
manifold M~ is holomorphically isometric to Cn−r×Nr, where r is the Ricci rank, i.e. the maximum
rank of the Ricci form. Guided by the two conjectures, the authors are
able to prove the following theorems. Theorem 1 asserts that
Yau's conjecture is true if one assumes that the metric on Mn is
real analytic. Theorem 2 asserts the following. For a complete
Kähler manifold Mn with nonnegative bisectional curvature and
Ricci rank r=2, suppose that its metric is real analytic. Then its
universal covering manifold M~ is holomorphically isometric to
Cn−2×N2, where N2 is a complete Kähler manifold
with quasi-positive Ricci tensor.
The first major step in the proof of Theorem 1 states that when M is
complete and the bisectional curvature is nonpositive or nonnegative,
the Ricci kernel foliation L is always a holomorphic
foliation. The second major step in the proof of Theorem 1 is to use the
holomorphicity of L to derive a splitting result in the compact
case, with bisectional curvature being nonnegative or nonpositive. For
the proof of Theorem 2, firstly, a similar idea as step 1 above is
explored. If the maximum Ricci rank is two, then in the open subset
U⊂M where the Ricci form has rank two, one has the
holomorphic, totally geodesic foliation L whose leaves are
complete and flat of codimension 2. To prove that U is locally
isometrically and holomorphically a product, one must show that a
certain open subset denoted by V⊂U is empty. This set V is
defined via the use of the so-called conullity operators CT which
are also used in step 1 of the proof of Theorem 1, and studied in some
work of K. Abe, and M. Dajczer and L. Rodriguez. Suppose that V is
nonempty. Derived from CT and L, there is a distribution
L~ associated with L, such that L~
is a totally geodesic, holomorphic foliation with flat leaves. The second
step is to study the orthogonal distribution of L in
L~, which is also totally geodesic and holomorphic. Fix
a point p∈V and let Y be the leaf of this distribution
passing through p. Let D be the maximal star-shaped domain around
the origin for which the exponential map expp:D⊂Tp(Y)≅C→Y is defined. The desired contradiction to the
assumption that V is nonempty can be reached by proving that D is
actually all of C. This step is again nontrivial, which
consists in showing that at the end point of a unit speed geodesic
contained in Y, the rank of the Ricci tensor is still 2.
{For the collection containing this paper see MR2016087.}
Reviewed by I-Hsun Tsai
MR1972147 (2004b:53128)
Wu, Hung-Hsi (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Zheng, Fangyang (1-OHS)
Department of Mathematics, Ohio State UniversityColumbus, Ohio, 43210
Compact Kähler manifolds with nonpositive bisectional curvature.
(English summary)
J. Differential Geom. 61 (2002), no. 2, 263–287.
53C55 (32Q05 32Q15 53C21)
There is a conjecture by S. T. Yau which states: Let
(Mn,g) be a compact Kähler manifold with
nonpositive bisectional curvature. Then there exists a finite cover
M′ of M such that M′ is a holomorphic and metric
fiber bundle over a compact Kähler manifold N with nonpositive
bisectional curvature and c1(N)<0, and the fiber is a flat
complex torus. In the paper under review the authors confirm the
conjecture under an additional assumption that g is real analytic
(Theorem E). The Kodaira dimension of M is equal to its Ricci rank
r, the maximum of the rank of the Ricci tensor ρ at each
point. Let U⊂M be the open set where the rank of ρ is
r and L be the distribution in U given by the kernel of
ρ. One key step in the proof of Theorem E is to show Theorem A:
If (Mn,g) is a complete Kähler manifold with nonpositive
bisectional curvature, then L is a holomorphic
foliation. Another key step is to show that leaves of L in
the universal cover of M close up. The authors propose a generalized
Yau conjecture: Let (Mn,g) be a compact Kähler
manifold with nef cotangent bundle in the sense of Demailly and
κ be its Kodaira dimension. Then there exists a finite cover
M′ of M such that M′ is a holomorphic fibration
without singular fibers over a projective manifold N of dimension
κ with c1(N)<0, and each fiber is a complex
Reviewed by Peng Lu
K. Abe, A complex analogue of Hartman-Nirenberg cylinder theorem, J. Differential Geom. 7 (1972) 453–460, , Zbl 0272.53040.
K. Abe, Applications of a Riccati type differential equation to Riemannian manifolds with totally geodesic distributions, Tôhoku Math. J. 25 (1973) 425–444, , Zbl 0283.53045.
L. Auslander, On radicals of discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Amer. J. Math. 85 (1963) 145–150, , Zbl 0217.37002.
D. Burns, Curvature of Monge-Ampère foliations and parabolic manifolds, Ann. of Math. 115 (1982) 349–373, , Zbl 0507.32011.
R. Bishop & B. O'Neill, Manifolds of negative curvature, Tran. AMS 145 (1969) 1–49, , Zbl 0191.52002.
S.S. Chern, Einstein hypersurfaces in a Kähler manifold of constant holomorphic curvature, J. Differential Geom. 1 (1967) 21–31, , Zbl 0168.19505.
M. Dajczer & L. Rodriquez, Complete real Kähler minimal submanifolds, J. Reine Angew. Math. 419 (1991) 1–8, , Zbl 0726.53041.
J. Demailly, T. Peternell & M. Schneider, Compact complex manifolds with numerically effective tangent bundles, J. Alg. Geom. 3 (1994) 295–345, , Zbl 0827.14027.
P. Eberlein, Lattices in spaces of nonpositive curvature, Ann. of Math. 111 (1980) 435–476, , Zbl 0401.53015.
P. Eberlein, A canonical form for compact nonpositively curved manifolds whose fundamental groups have nontrivial center, Math. Ann. 260 (1982) 23–29, , Zbl 0468.57014.
P. Eberlein, Isometry groups of simply connected manifolds of nonpositive curvature, II, Acta Math. 149 (1982) 41–69, , Zbl 0511.53048.
P. Eberlein, Euclidean de Rham factor of a lattice of nonpositive curvature, J. Differential Geom. 18 (1983) 209–220, , Zbl 0514.53038.
P. Eberlein, Symmetry diffeomorphism group of a manifold of nonpositive curvature, II, Indiana Math. J. 37 (1988), 735–752, , Zbl 0676.53054.
P. Eberlein, U. Hamenstedt & V. Schroeder, Manifolds of nonpositive curvature, Differential geometry: Riemannian geometry (Los Angeles, CA, 1990), 179–227, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 54, Part 3, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1993, , Zbl 0811.53038.
P. Eberlein & O'Neill, Visibility manifolds, Pacific J. Math. 46 (1973) 45–109, , Zbl 0264.53026.
D. Ferus, On the completeness of nullity foliations, Michigan Math. J. 18 (1971) 61–64, , Zbl 0193.22003.
G. Fischer & H. Wu, Developable complex analytic submanifolds, Inter. J. Math. 6 (1995) 229–272, , Zbl 0826.32006.
S. Frankel, Locally symmetric and rigid factors for complex manifolds via harmonic maps, Ann. of Math. 141 (1995) 285–300, , Zbl 0828.53058.
T. Frankel, Manifolds with positive curvature, Pacific J. Math. 11 (1961) 165–174, , Zbl 0107.39002.
P. Hartman & L. Nirenberg, On spherical image maps whose Jacobians do not change sign, Amer. J. Math. 81 (1959) 901–920, , Zbl 0094.16303.
A. Howard, B. Smyth & H. Wu, On compact Kähler manifolds of nonnegative bisectional curvature, I, Acta. Math. 147 (1981) 51–56, , Zbl 0473.53055.
Y. Kawamata, On the length of an extremal rational curve, Invent. Math. 105 (1991) 609–611, , Zbl 0751.14007.
S. Kobayashi, Differential Geometry of Complex Vector Bundles, Iwanami Shoten and Princeton University Press, 1987, , Zbl 0708.53002.
S. Kobayashi & K. Nomizu, Foundations of Differential Geometry. I, John Wiley, 1963, , Zbl 0119.37502.
S. Kobayashi & K. Nomizu, Foundations of Differential Geometry. II, John Wiley, 1969, , Zbl 0175.48504.
S. Kobayashi & H. Wu, On holomorphic sections of certain Hermitian vector bundles, Math. Ann. 189 (1970) 1–4, , Zbl 0189.52201.
H.B. Lawson & S.-T. Yau, Compact manifolds of nonpositive curvature, J. Differential Geom. 7 (1972) 211–228, , Zbl 0266.53035.
S.-Y. Lu and S.-T. Yau, Holomorphic curves in surfaces of general type, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 87 (1990) 80–82, , Zbl 0702.32015.
N.-M. Mok, The uniformization theorem for compact Kähler manifolds of nonnegative holomorphic bisectional curvature, J. Differential Geom. 27 (1988) 179–214, , Zbl 0642.53071.
N.-M. Mok, Factorization of semisimple discrete representations of Kähler groups, Invent. Math. 110 (1992) 557–614, , Zbl 0823.53051.
N.-M. Mok, Metric rigidity theorems on Hermitian locally symmetric manifolds, Series in Pure Mathematics, 6, World Scientific, Inc., Teaneck, NJ, 1989, , Zbl 0912.32026.
N.-M. Mok, Topics in complex differential geometry, Recent topics in differential and analytic geometry, 1–141, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 18-I, Academic Press, Boston, MA, 1990, , Zbl 0748.53041.
S. Mori, Projective manifolds with ample tangent bundles, Ann. of Math. 110 (1979) 593–606, , Zbl 0423.14006.
A. Nadel, Semisimplicity of the group of biholomorphisms of the universal covering of a compact complex manifold with ample canonical line bundle, Ann. of Math. 132 (1990) 193–211, , Zbl 0716.32021.
Y.-T. Siu & S.-T. Yau, Compact Kähler manifolds of positive bisectional curvature, Invent. Math. 59 (1980) 189–204, , Zbl 0442.53056.
B. Wong, A class of compact complex manifolds with negative tangent bundles, Math. Z. 185 (1984) 217–223, , Zbl 0552.32026.
H. Wu, On compact Kähler manifolds of nonnegative bisectional curvature, II, Acta. Math. 147 (1981) 57–70, , Zbl 0473.53056.
H. Wu, Complete developable submanifolds in real and complex Euclidean spaces, Inter. J. Math. 6 (1995) 461–489, , Zbl 0839.53004.
H. Wu & F. Zheng, On Complete developable submanifolds in complex Euclidean spaces, Comm. Anal. Geom. 10 (2002), 611–646, .
H. Wu & F. Zheng, Kähler manifolds with slightly positive bisectional curvature, to appear.
cf. MR2018347
P.C. Yang, On Kähler manifolds with negative holomorphic bisectional curvature, Duke Math. J. 43 (1976) 871–874, , Zbl 0358.32005.
S.-T. Yau, On the fundamental group of compact manifolds of non-positive curvature, Ann. of Math 93 (1971) 579–585, , Zbl 0219.53040.
S.-T. Yau, On the Ricci curvature of a compact Kähler manifold and the complex Monge-Ampere equation, I, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 31 (1978) 339–411, , Zbl 0369.53059.
S.-T. Yau, Problem Section, Seminar on Differential Geometry, Annals of Math Studies, 102, Princeton University Press and University of Tokyo Press. Princeton, 1982, 669–706, , Zbl 0479.53001.
Q. Zhang, Global holomorphic one-forms on projective manifolds with ample canonical bundles, J. Alg. Geom. 6 (1997) 777–787, , Zbl 0922.14008.
F. Zheng, Nonpositively curved Kähler metrics on product manifolds, Ann. of Math. 137 (1993) 671–673, , Zbl 0779.53045.
F. Zheng, First Pontrjagin form, rigidity and strong rigidity of nonpositively curved Kähler surfaces, Math. Z. 220 (1995) 159–169, , Zbl 0851.53042.
F. Zheng, Kodaira dimensions and hyperbolicity for nonpositively curved Kähler manifolds, Comment. Math. Helv. 77(2) (2002) 221–234, .
F. Zheng, Ricci degeneracy in nonpositively curved manifolds, to appear in the proceedings for the second ICCM, Taipei, 2001.
cf. MR2498000
F. Zheng, Complex Differential Geometry, Amer. Math. Soc.-International Press, 2000, , Zbl 0984.53002.
This list reflects references listed in the original paper as
accurately as possible with no attempt to correct error.
MR1912259 (2003d:53101)
Wu, Hung-Hsi (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Zheng, Fangyang (1-OHS)
Department of Mathematics, Ohio State UniversityColumbus, Ohio, 43210
On complete developable submanifolds in complex Euclidean spaces.
Comm. Anal. Geom. 10 (2002), no. 3, 611–646.
The authors study immersed, complete, complex submanifolds Mn in
CN which they call developable, which means that the image
of such a submanifold's Gauss map Γ: Mn→GC(n,N) into the
complex Grassmannian has dimension r<n. Recall that Γ(x) is the
subspace of CN parallel to the tangent space TxM. The level
sets of Γ are (n−r)-dimensional linear subvarieties of
CN. If r=1 they are all parallel to each other, and hence
Mn is a cylinder. This is the complex analogue due to Abe of the
classical Hartman-Nirenberg theorem. By previous work of Dajczer-Gromoll,
Bourgain, Wu and Vitter, non-cylinder examples exist for r≥2.
The first main result of the paper is that when r=2 and Mn is not a
cylinder, then Mn is the total space of a holomorphic fiber bundle over
a Riemann surface, whose fibers are (mapped by the immersion of Mn in
CN into) linear subvarieties of dimension (n−1) in
CN, each of which is the union of parallel
(n−2)-dimensional level sets of its Gauss map. Moreover, if Mn is,
in addition, an embedded hypersurface in Cn+1, they show that
it can be explicitly described in terms of a complex plane curve S in
C2={(u1,u2)} whose projection Ω=u1(S) into the first
coordinate axis is a non-empty open subset of C, and a holomorphic
map f: Ω→Cn∖{0}.
The second main result concerns the general case when the rank restriction
is removed. Namely, when r≤4 or r=n−1 they are able to prove that
Mn is a twisted cylinder, that is, it is foliated by cylinders
(which reduce to linear subvarieties of dimension (n−1) when r=2)
whose generators are the level sets of the Gauss map. This was conjectured
by Vitter for any value of r (and first proved by him for r=2), but the
authors also give counterexamples showing that it fails to be true for
In the last part of this interesting paper, the authors raise some
questions related to topological aspects of developable submanifolds and
the holomorphic deformability of a developable submanifold into a cylinder.
Reviewed by Ruy Tojeiro
K. Abe, Applications of a Riccati type differential equation to Riemannian manifolds with totally geodesic distributions, Tôhoku Math. J., 25 (1973), 425–444.
A. Andreotti and T. Frankel, The Lefschetz theorem on hyperplane sections, Ann. of Math., 69 (1959), 713–717.
S.-S. Chern and N. Kuiper, Some theorems on the isometric imbedding of compact Riemannian manifolds in Euclidean space, Ann. of Math., 56 (1952), 422–430.
M. Dajczer and D. Gromoll, Rigidity of complete Euclidean hypersurfaces, J. Differential Geom., 31 (1990), 401–416.
M. Dajczer and L. Rodriquez, Complete real Kähler minimal submanifolds, J. Reine Angew. Math., 419 (1991), 1–8.
D. Ferus, On the completeness of nullity foliations, Michigan Math. J., 18 (1971), 61–64.
G. Fischer and H. Wu, Developable complex analytic submanifolds, International J. Math., 6 (1995), 229–272.
P.A. Griffiths and J. Harris, Algebraic geometry and local differential geometry, Ann. Ec. Norm. Sup., 12 (1979), 355–423.
A. Vitter, Twisted-cylinder theorem for complex submanifolds, preprint, 1979.
H. Wu, Complete developable submanifolds in real and complex Euclidean spaces, International J. Math., 6 (1995), 461–489.
F. Zheng, First Pontrjagin form, rigidity and strong rigidity of non-positively curved Kähler surfaces, Math. Z., 220 (1995), 159–169.
This list reflects references listed in the original paper as
accurately as possible with no attempt to correct error.
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
Singer, I. M. (1-MIT)
Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridge, Massachusetts, 02141
Wu, H. (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
A tribute to Warren Ambrose.
Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 43 (1996), no. 4, 425–427.
As a natural generalization of the classical developable surfaces in
R3, an
n-dimensional immersed submanifold
(M,i) of
RN, with
n≥2 and
i:M→RN an immersion of an
M into
RN, is a developable submanifold in
RN if for a positive integer
r≤n, there is a foliation
L on
M whose leaves
{Ls} are
i(Ls) is an open subset of an
r-dimensional linear
subvariety of
RN, and the tangent space
di(TxM) for
x∈M, when identified as a subset of
RN, is constant along each
i(Lx). If
G(n,N) denotes the Grassmannian of
n-planes in
RN, then such an
M has a degenerate Gauss map
Γ:M→G(n,N) in the sense that the differential
dΓ is singular
at each point; in fact rank
dΓ≤n−r. In this paper, the
author studies complete submanifolds of
RN consisting of
those with a degenerate Gauss map. Clearly, developable submanifolds
all are such submanifolds. For convection,
Γ is said to have
s if
dΓ has rank at most
s and has rank
s at some
The main results of this paper are as follows. (1) Let
(M,i) be a
n-dimensional immersed submanifold of
RN with
nonnegative Ricci curvature in
RN. If
i(M) contains an
r-dimensional linear subvariety
(1≤r≤n), then
(M,i) is a
cylinder with an
r-dimensional generator. In particular,
(M,i) is
a developable submanifold. Clearly, if the Gauss map
Γ of a
(M,i) has rank
n−r, where
1≤r≤n, then
must contain an
r-dimensional linear subvariety. Hence, the above
result is a generalization of the Hartman-Nirenberg theorem
[cf. P. Hartman and L. Nirenberg, Amer. J. Math.
81 (1959),
(2) Let
(M,i) be a complete
n-dimensional submanifold of
RN (n≥2) and let the
rank of the Gauss map
Γ:M→G(n,N) be
n−r, where
1≤r≤n. Then a component of
M∨ is a cylinder with
r-dimensional generators iff the tangent subbundle
F of
TM∨ in that component is integrable. Here
M∨ is the open
subset of
M on which rank
dΓx=n−r for all
x∈M∨. (3)
(M,i) be an
n-dimensional properly immersed complex
submanifold of
CN such that its Gauss map
Γ:M→GC(n,N), where
GC(n,N) is the complex Grassmannian,
has rank
≤1. Then
(M,i) is a
complex cylinder in the sense that there is a closed
complex curve
C⊂M such that
M is biholomorphic to
C×Cn−1 and, after a unitary transformation of
i(C)⊂CN−n+1 and
I:M→CN−n+1×Cn−1≡CN is given by
(p,z)↦(i(p),z) for all
p∈C and for all
This paper is a natural outgrowth of a preceding paper by G. Fischer
and Wu [Internat. J. Math.
6 (1995), no. 2, 229–272;
Reviewed by Yi Bing Shen
In this exciting paper, the authors study the classical problem of
complex geometry concerning developable submanifolds in complex
Euclidean space: a complex submanifold Mn in CN is
called developable if there exists a holomorphic foliation on M
whose leaves are open subsets of linear subvarieties in CN,
and such that along each leaf the tangent space TM is constant. The first
main result (Theorems 1 and 2) is the following: Suppose the Gauss map
Γ:M→G(n,N) of a complex n-submanifold
M in CN has rank n−r<n. Let S⊆M be the set
where Γ has rank <n−r, and let F be the foliation on M∖S determined by Γ. Then M∖S is
developable (under F) and all the leaves of F are closed in M.
They also prove (Theorem 3) that S=∅, when r≥n/2.
The second main result (Theorem 4) says that for a smooth hypersurface
Mn⊆Cn+1, rankdΓ=rankH−2, where
H is the extended Hesse matrix of the defining function of M. For
a real surface in R3, this already gives a nice determinant
formula for the Gaussian curvature. The authors also prove some other
results (e.g., Theorems 5 and 6) which are very interesting but longer
to state.
It is worth noting that the technical aspects of this paper are equally
exciting as the results. The most interesting new concept introduced
and analyzed in the paper is the so-called holmet, which has good
potential and just might become a fundamental object in complex
geometry one day.
Reviewed by Fangyang Zheng
MR1216628 (94a:53071)
Greene, R. E. (1-UCLA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, California, 90024
Wu, H. (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Non-negatively curved manifolds which are flat outside a compact set.
Differential geometry: Riemannian geometry (Los Angeles, CA, 1990),
Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 54, Part 3, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1993.
53C21 (53C20)
An interesting question concerning open manifolds M of nonnegative sectional
curvature is to determine to what extent, if any, the geometry far away from
the soul affects the global structure of M. One of the earlier results in
this direction, due to the authors, states that if M is simply connected at
infinity and flat outside a compact set, then M is, in fact, (isometric to)
Euclidean space. In this paper, the authors observe that the key ingredient in
their earlier proof actually implies the same conclusion if M merely has
nonnegative Ricci curvature. They also generalize the above method to deal with
the non-simply connected case: if M has nonnegative curvature and is flat
outside a compact set, then any soul S of M is flat, and in fact, if S
has codimension ≠2, then M itself is flat.
{For the collection containing this paper see MR1216605.}
Reviewed by Gerard Walschap
MR1207887 (94a:32038)
Wu, H. (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Old and new invariant metrics on complex manifolds.
Several complex variables (Stockholm, 1987/1988),
Math. Notes, 38, Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 1993.
32H15 (32-02 32H20 32L07)
In this paper the author gives an interesting survey of invariant
metrics on complex manifolds and their use in the study of complex
analysis and geometry. In the first part he introduces in
chronological order the classical invariant metrics on complex
manifolds: Bergman, Carathéodory, Kobayashi and Kähler-Einstein,
recalling the basic properties, the relationships among the different
metrics and their boundary behavior.
He also focuses attention on the importance of Carathéodory and
Kobayashi metrics for the study of holomorphic mappings and the
importance of Bergman and Kähler-Einstein metrics for a
geometric-topological study of complex manifolds. The author then
introduces a whole class of new invariant metrics (§6, §8, §9),
with the main purpose of investigating the relationship between
hyperbolicity and the existence of Hermitian metrics of strongly
negative holomorphic curvature, or strongly negative Ricci curvature.
In this direction the following theorem is proved: Theorem 2. Every
compact Carathéodory-hyperbolic complex manifold admits a C∞
Hermitian metric of negative Ricci curvature, and is hence algebraic.
{For the collection containing this paper see MR1207850.}
Reviewed by Antonella Nannicini
MR1140897 (93b:32010)
Cheung, Chi-Keung (1-MI)
Department of Mathematics, University of MichiganAnn Arbor, Michigan, 48109
Wu, H. (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Some new domains with complete Kähler metrics of negative curvature.
J. Geom. Anal. 2 (1992), no. 1, 37–78.
32C17 (53C55)
The main concern of this paper is the following natural question of
complex differential geometry: when does the sum of Hermitian metrics
of negative curvature also have negative curvature? It was well known
that such a result holds for the holomorphic curvature [H. H. Wu,
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
22 (1972/73), 1103–1108;
and, more generally, for the bisectional curvature [N. Mok, Ann. of Math.
125 (1987), no. 1, 105–152;
of the sum of two Hermitian metrics with
corresponding conditions. A simple example (p. 40 of this paper)
shows that it is false in terms of all sectional curvatures, but the
authors prove this statement for the sum of two admissible metrics in
two complex dimensions. A Kähler metric
G on a domain
E⊂Cn is said to be admissible (it automatically has constant
holomorphic curvature
−4) if (a)
G=−∂∂¯¯¯logϕ for some positive
ϕ:E→(0,∞); (b)
−ϕ is
plurisubharmonic; (c)
ϕ is a linear function of each
zi and
z¯¯¯j for the holomorphic coordinate system
(z1,⋯,zn) of
Cn. For instance, any ellipsoidal domain
and any fractional linear transform of the unit ball admit such
metrics. The main result of the paper is the following (Theorem 2):
E,F be domains in
C2 with admissible metrics
H and
S respectively. If
M=E∩F is nonempty, then
G=H+S is a
Kähler metric of strongly negative curvature on
M. In spite of
"the obvious truth'' of this result it is nontrivial in view of the
example on p. 40 and the difficulties involved in suitable
H+S curvature
estimation. In addition, an inspection of the authors' technique allows
one to construct a complete Kähler metric of negatively pinched
bisectional curvature on the intersection of two complex-ellipsoidal
E and
F in
C2. According to a theorem of P. C.
Yang [Duke Math. J.
43 (1976), no. 4, 871–874;
this is impossible for the polydisk
Δn for
Thus this confirms one's intuition about the small role played by nonsmoothness
of the boundary of the polydisk.
Reviewed by Mark A. Chinak
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
MR1173053 (93g:53053)
Wu, H. (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Subharmonic functions and the volume of a noncompact manifold.
Differential geometry,
Pitman Monogr. Surveys Pure Appl. Math., 52, Longman Sci. Tech., Harlow, 1991.
53C20 (58G99)
In this paper, the author discusses in detail the interaction between
the growth rate of the volume of a geodesic ball in a complete
Riemannian manifold M and the growth rate of the maximum modulus of
a nonconstant subharmonic function f and its differential df on
M. One of the theorems of the paper asserts that if M admits a
nonconstant continuous subharmonic function f satisfying f≤Aρν+B for some positive constants A and B and for a
constant ν∈(0,2), then
limr→∞V(r)/r2−δ=∞ for any δ∈(ν,2), where ρ stands for the distance function to a fixed
point o of M and V(r) denotes the volume of the metric ball
around o of radius r. As noted in this paper, an earlier result
due to S. Y. Cheng and S.-T. Yau shows that if there is a nonconstant
continuous subharmonic function bounded from above, then
limr→∞V(r)/r2=∞. The conditions of these results
are in a sense optimum.
In fact, we have a family of complete metrics gν on R4
such that, (i) in the case ν<0, V(r)∼r2−ν and the space
of bounded harmonic functions on Mν=(R4,gν) is of
infinite dimension; (ii) in the case ν=0, V(r)∼r2,
Mν possesses no nonconstant harmonic functions, but harmonic
functions of order logρ form an infinite-dimensional space; (iii) in the case
ν∈(0,2), V(r)∼r2−ν and the space Hν of harmonic
functions f satisfying f≤Aρν+B for some positive
constants A and B is infinite-dimensional; (iv) in the case
ν=2, V(r)∼logr and dimH2=∞; (v) in the case
ν>2, V(r)∼1, namely Mν has finite volume, but dimHν=∞.
Moreover, the author also proves that if M is a complete noncompact
Kähler manifold on which is defined a nonconstant holomorphic
function h of polynomial growth, then
limr→∞V(r)/rν=∞ for every ν<2.
{For the collection containing this paper see MR1173028.}
Reviewed by Atsushi Kasue
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
The first part of this collection is a biography of
It is of interest not only because it presents details about
the life of a mathematician who made important contributions
to his field, but also because this particular life was so
very much influenced by events which occurred during
the Cultural Revolution.
Based on information received from Zhong's wife, Wu
gives us a vivid account of
what life must have been like during
a period of such great political and social conflict.
The second part consists of a list of publications
of Zhong. Many of these have been reviewed individually in MR
(see the following paragraph).
The third part contains fourteen of the papers of Zhong,
several of which are appearing in English here for the first time.
This work concerns differential geometry of
symmetric spaces, questions about other bounded homogeneous
domains, automorphic functions, etc.
Eleven of the papers have been reviewed individually in MR:
The reader should consult those reviews for more details.
{For the collection containing this paper see MR1170355.}
Reviewed by B. Gilligan
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
Display contents as search results
Hung Hsi Wu, "Zhong Jia Qing (1937–1987)”, 1–13.
"Publications of Zhong Jia Qing”, 15–17.
Peter Li and Andrejs Treibergs, "Applications of eigenvalue techniques to
geometry”, 21–52.
Qi Keng Lu, "The theory of functions of several complex variables in China from
1949 to 1989”, 53–93.
Yum Tong Siu, "Uniformization in several complex variables”, 95–130.
Jia Qing Zhong, "Selected papers of Zhong Jia Qing”, 131–479.
{The papers are being reviewed individually.}
MR1128575 (92g:32017)
Wu, H. (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Polynomial functions on complete Kähler manifolds.
Several complex variables and complex geometry, Part 2 (Santa Cruz, CA, 1989),
Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 52, Part 2, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1991.
32C17 (53C55)
The author defines a function f on a Kähler manifold M to be of
polynomial growth if, for a fixed k, |f|≤Ark+B on any ball with
center at a fixed point P0 and radius r. He proves that if M
admits a nonconstant polynomial function then there are corresponding
restrictions on the volumes of geodesic balls.
{For the collection containing this paper see MR1128530.}
Reviewed by Steven George Krantz
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
The authors list four additional references related to the paper
cited in the heading.
The Bochner technique is the brainchild of Salomon Bochner and dates back some
forty years or so. The underlying principle is that certain vector fields, e.g.
of Killing or spinor type, or harmonic forms, are constrained to satisfy
certain PDEs when curvature conditions are imposed. Careful applications of the
technique have yielded a number of remarkable vanishing theorems; for instance,
the famous result of Kodaira in the 1950s. The method is also particularly
powerful in the theory of harmonic maps of Riemannian manifolds, where, in the
presence of curvature bounds, special analytic properties of the maps may be
An overall point is that, in its more elementary form, the method is quite
direct and very workable. Although more recent and more sophisticated methods
may emulate the Bochner technique (in some cases), the very ingenuity of the
idea will no doubt survive the history of modern geometry.
The author has performed a fine service to the community of modern geometric
analysts by providing a self-contained and quite readable account of the
background to the method and how it may be effectively applied to a number of
problems. Space here certainly cannot accommodate very many details.
For now, we will simply list the topics covered by the six chapters: coordinates and frames
normal at a point, the Weitzenböck formulas, some results in the compact
case, some results in the noncompact case, harmonic spinor fields, and harmonic
Reviewed by James F. Glazebrook
MR0917868 (89g:53063)
Greene, R. E. (1-UCLA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, California, 90024
Wu, H. (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Lipschitz convergence of Riemannian manifolds.
Pacific J. Math. 131 (1988), no. 1, 119–141.
be the set of all connected, compact
C∞ n-dimensional
Riemannian manifolds,
M, whose (sectional) curvature,
diamM, and volume,
VolM≥v. By a theorem
of M. Gromov[
Structures métriques
pour les variétés riemanniennes, CEDIC,
Paris, 1981;
is precompact relative to the Hausdorff metric and convergence
in this metric coincides with convergence relative to the
Lipschitz metric. Moreover any limit space
is a connected, compact
C∞ n-dimensional manifold
with a nonsmooth "Riemannian'' metric
gX. Several people have studied the regularity properties
gX. The best result is that
gX is of class
for any
0<α<1. This is proved in the present
paper and in a paper by S. Peters[Compositio Math.
62 (1987),
no. 1, 3–16;
The essential tool is the use of
"linear'' harmonic coordinates due to J. Jostand H. Karcher[Manuscripta Math.
40 (1982), no. 1,
Reviewed by Karsten Grove
MR0922343 (89d:32041)
Wu, H. (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Liouville theorems.
Complex analysis, III (College Park, Md., 1985–86),
Lecture Notes in Math., 1277, Springer, Berlin, 1987.
32F05 (32C10 53C55)
One of the fundamental concerns of the geometric theory of several
complex variables is to understand the relationship between the
existence of complete metrics with prescribed curvature properties
and the function-theoretic properties of the manifold. In this
partly expository paper, the author is mainly concerned with how
the sign of the curvature affects the existence of holomorphic functions,
and in particular, bounded holomorphic functions. After briefly surveying
the known results and those questions which still remain open, he
establishes the following new results: (a) If
M is a complete Kähler
manifold with nonnegative scalar curvature, then
M does not admit any
smooth negative plurisubharmonic function which is strictly plurisubharmonic
at a point
p; (b) If
M is a complete Kähler manifold with nonnegative
Ricci curvature which admits a smooth plurisubharmonic function which is
strictly plurisubharmonic at a point
p, then the holomorphic functions
provide local coordinates at
Related results were obtained by the author and R. E. Greeneand
published elsewhere [
Function theory on manifolds which possess
a pole, Lecture Notes in Math., 699, Springer, Berlin, 1979;
{For the collection containing this paper see MR0922330.}
Reviewed by John Bland
A Riemannian manifold M is said to have q-positive
[resp. q-nonnegative] curvature if for each x∈M
and for all sets of q+1 orthonormal tangent vectors e0,e1,⋯,eq at x, ∑qi=1K(e0,ei)>0 [resp. ≥0],
where K denotes the sectional curvature. Examples of manifolds
of q-positive curvature (q>1) are compact locally symmetric
spaces of rank >1. The author studies the topology of
such manifolds through the existence of partially convex functions f
in the sense that the Hessian D2f satisfies ∑qi=1D2f(ei,ei)>0.
Theorem 1 says roughly that if M is compact, of q-nonnegative curvature
and has convex boundary ∂M (the actual assumption is
weaker than this) then (a) M has the homotopy type of a finite CW-complex
with cells of dimension ≤q−1; (b) M also has the homotopy type of
a CW-complex obtained from ∂M by attaching a finite
number of cells of dimension ≥n−q+1. In particular Hi(M;Z)=πi(M)=0 for i≥q;Hi(M,∂M;Z)=πi(M,∂M)=0 for i≤n−q. In the proof a partially convex function is
constructed using the distance function to ∂M, but in general
it is not smooth; thus a smoothing theorem must be proved.
Then the result follows from the approximation by a Morse
function. In the special case where q=1 it is proved that (M,∂M)
is diffeomorphic to the standard n-disk.
In the case where M is a complete noncompact Riemannian manifold
whose curvature is q-nonnegative and in addition q-positive outside
a compact set, it is proved, using the Busemann function, that M
carries a smooth partially convex function. As corollaries: (a)
M contains no compact minimal submanifold of dimension ≥q;
(b) if in addition the sectional curvature is nonnegative outside a
compact set, M has the homotopy type of a finite CW-complex
with cells of dimension ≤q−1.
Reviewed by Akito Futaki
MR0786275 (86g:32010)
Graham, Ian (3-TRNT)
Department of Mathematics, University of TorontoSt. George Campus Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G3, Canada
Wu, H. (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Characterizations of the unit ball Bn in complex Euclidean space.
Math. Z. 189 (1985), no. 4, 449–456.
This paper contains two main results. The first result gives a sufficient
condition for an n-dimensional complex manifold M to be biholomorphically
equivalent to the n-ball in Cn. The condition is stated in
terms of two norms on the nth exterior power of the holomorphic tangent
bundle being equal at some point of M. The second result provides sufficient
conditions for a strictly convex domain in Cn to be biholomorphically
equivalent to the n-ball.
Reviewed by Gary A. Harris
MR0776396 (86e:32031)
Graham, Ian (3-TRNT)
Department of Mathematics, University of TorontoSt. George Campus Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G3, Canada
Wu, H. (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Some remarks on the intrinsic measures of Eisenman.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 288 (1985), no. 2, 625–660.
32H15 (32H20 53C55)
To explain the importance of this paper concerning the intrinsic
measures on complex manifolds introduced by Eisenman in analogy
with the intrinsic distances of Kobayashi, it is best
to quote from the introduction: "It is much to be regretted that while
a substantial amount of information has been amassed concerning the
Kobayashi metric through the years, the present knowledge of the Eisenman
measures has remained extremely meagre. Our puzzlement over this anomaly
prompted us to take a closer look at these measures—particularly the
top-dimensional one—by examining systematically some of the open problems
that have naturally emerged. This paper contains the results of this
"Although there are positive results in this paper, our explicit
computations of the top-dimensional measures of these domains (unbounded
domains in
Cn) more often than not led to counterexamples
of some existing conjectures. The somewhat unexpected phenomena uncovered
in this paper will be its main contribution.''
Ek be the Eisenman
k-norm on an
n-dimensional complex manifold
1≦k≦n. One of the main positive results is the product
formula for the top-dimensional norm:
(dimP=q). The authors find a condition called strongly negative
kth Ricci curvature and show: Let
M be a Hermitian manifold with strongly
kth Ricci curvature. Then
M is strongly
k-measure hyperbolic.
This contains the classical result of H. Grauert and H. Reckziegel[Math. Z.
89 (1965), 108–125;
holomorphic sectional curvature
≦−Γ<0 implies hyperbolicity.
The authors study the following well-known extension problem: (A)
X and
M be
n-dimensional complex manifolds, let
V be a proper
subvariety in
X and let
M be compact and measure hyperbolic. If
f:X−V→M is holomorphic, then
f extends to a meromorphic
map on
X. (Aʹ) Let
X and
M be
n-dimensional Hermitian
manifolds, let
V be a proper subvariety of
X and let
M be compact.
f:X−V→M is holomorphic and
f is volume decreasing
relative to the volume forms
ΩX and
ΩM of the corresponding
Hermitian metrics, i.e.,
f∗ΩM≦ΩX, then
f extends to a
meromorphic map on
X. After additional hypotheses, the authors prove
(A). But they give a counterexample which shows that (Aʹ) is false even
for Kählerian
X and
In this paper, two problems on the regularity of the Eisenman norms
are negatively answered. In fact, the authors give a counterexample
that proves Problems B.1 and B.6 of S. Kobayashi[Bull. Amer.
Math. Soc.
82 (1976), no. 3, 357–416;
to be false for domains in
Cn. They also give a counterexample
to the assertion: If
Ω is a domain of finite volume, then
is strongly measure hyperbolic.
Finally, the authors present the following thoughts: "Our overall
impression as a result of this work is that if the notion of measure
hyperbolicity is to prove its usefulness, it should be along a different
line from the one which the development of hyperbolic manifolds has taken.
There is no doubt that more examples of measure hyperbolic, but nonhyperbolic,
manifolds are needed before we know what to expect of these measures.''
Reviewed by Toru Ishihara
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R. E. Greene and H. Wu, Function theory on manifolds which possess a pole, Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 699, Springer-Verlag, New York and Berlin, 1979.
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S. Kobayashi, Invariant distances on complex manifolds and holomorphic mappings, J. Math. Soc. Japan 19 (1967), 460-480.
S. Kobayashi, Hyperbolic manifolds and holomorphic mappings, Dekker, New York, 1970.
S. Kobayashi, Intrinsic distances, measures and geometric function theory, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 82 (1976), 357-416.
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D. A. Pelles (= D. A. Eisenman), Holomorphic maps which preserve intrinsic measure, Amer. J. Math. 97 (1975), 1-15.
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H. L. Royden, The extension of regular holomorphic maps, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 43 (1974), 306-310.
B. Shiffman, Holomorphic and meromorphic mappings and curvature, Math. Ann. 222 (1976), 171-194.
N. Sibony, A class of hyperbolic manifolds, Recent Developments in Several Complex Variables (J. E. Fornaess, Ed.), Ann. of Math. Studies, no. 100, Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N.J., 1981.
Y. T. Siu, Extension of meromorphic maps into Kähler manifolds, Ann. of Math. 102 (1975), 421-462.
Y. T. Siu, Every Stein subvariety admits a Stein neighbourhood, Invent. Math. 38 (1976), 89-100.
W. Stoll, Über die Fortsetzbarkeit analytischer Mengen endlichen Oberflacheninhaltes, Arch. Math. 9 (1958), 167-175.
H. Wu, Normal families of holomorphic mappings, Acta Math. 119 (1967), 194-233.
H. Wu, Remarks on the first main theorem in equidistribution theory. III, J. Differential Geometry 3 (1969), 83-94.
H. Wu, The equidistribution theory of holomorphic curves, Ann. of Math. Studies, no. 64, Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N.J., 1970.
H. Wu, An elementary method in the study of nonnegative curvature, Acta Math. 152 (1979), 57-78.
H. Wu, Function theory on noncompact Kähler manifolds, Complex Differential Geometry, DMV Seminar, Bd. 3, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1983, pp. 69-158.
This list reflects references listed in the original paper as
accurately as possible with no attempt to correct error.
MR0740887 (85j:32031)
Wu, H. (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
On certain Kähler manifolds which are q-complete.
Complex analysis of several variables (Madison, Wis., 1982),
Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 41, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1984.
32F10 (53C55)
There are the notions of
q-completeness on complex manifolds and
related cohomology vanishing theorems [A. Andreotti and
H. Grauert, Bull. Soc. Math. France 90 (1962), 193–259;
In the article under review, the author gives
differential-geometric conditions for a Kahler manifold to be
M be an
n-dimensional complex manifold and
C∞-function. If the Levi form
Lφ=4∑i,j(∂2φ/∂zi∂z¯¯¯j)xdzidz¯¯¯j has
at least
(n−q+1) positive eigenvalues for points
x in a subset
φ is said to be strongly
q-pseudoconvex on
W. A
M is said to be strongly
q-pseudoconvex if
M has an
exhaustion function which is strongly
q-pseudoconvex outside a compact
C, and to be
q-complete if this
C can be taken empty. On the
other hand, a domain
D on a Kahler manifold
M is said to be
q-convex if each
x∈∂D admits a local defining function
φ (i.e. a function in a neighborhood
W of
x such that
φ|D∩W<0 and
|dφ(x)|=1), with the property that the eigenvalues
λ1,⋯,λn−1 of the restriction of
Lφ onto the largest complex
subspace of the tangent space
Tx(∂D) to
∂D at
should satisfy the relation
∑qj=1λij>0 for any
1≤i1<i2<⋯≤n−1 of
ij's. We also have the notion of
(holomorphic) bisectional curvature
H(X,Y) (
X,Y real tangent vectors
M is said to have
q-positive bisectional curvature in
W, if for each
x∈W and for each orthonormal basis
{e1,Je1,⋯,en,Jen} of
TxM and for each unit vector
∑qi=1H(X,ei)>0 holds. "
q-nonnegative bisectional curvature'' is understood
in an obvious way.
With this terminology the main results of the paper can be stated as
follows. Theorem 1: Let
M be a compact Kahler manifold and let
N be a nonsingular (complex) hypersurface in
M. If the bisectional
curvature of
M is
q-positive in a neighborhood of
N, then
M−N is strongly
q-pseudoconvex. If, in addition, the bisectional
curvature is everywhere
q-nonnegative on
M, then
M−N is
Theorem 2: Let
M be a Kahler manifold (not necessarily complete) and
D be a
C∞ q-convex domain in
M with compact closure.
If the bisectional curvature of
M is
q-positive in a neighborhood of
D is strongly
q-pseudoconvex. If, in addition, the bisectional
curvature is everywhere
q-nonnegative on
M, then
D is
Theorem 3: Let
M be a complete noncompact Kahler manifold and
a compact subset of
M. Suppose the bisectional curvature of
M is
q-positive in
M−C. Then (A) If the bisectional curvature is
q-nonnegative in
C, then
M possesses a
C∞ strongly
q-pseudoconvex function. (B) If the sectional curvature is nonnegative
M−C (while nothing is assumed about the curvature in
C), then
M is strongly
q-pseudoconvex. (C) If the bisectional curvature is
q-nonnegative in
C and the sectional curvature is nonnegative in
M−C, then
M is
q-complete. Theorem 4: Let
M be a Kahler manifold
with a pole
o (i.e.,
exp:MO→M is a global diffeomorphism). If
the bisectional curvature is everywhere
q-nonnegative, and is
q-positive outside a compact set, then
M is
Some generalizations of the Lefschetz hyperplane theorem are also
{For the entire collection see
{For the collection containing this paper see MR0740866.}
Reviewed by Shigeo Nakano
MR0826253 (87g:32016)
Wu, Hung Hsi (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
Function theory on noncompact Kähler manifolds.
Complex differential geometry,
DMV Sem., 3, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1983.
32F05 (32C10 32E10 53C55)
To quote the author: "These notes are neither a survey of, nor an
introductory text on, the function theory on noncompact Kähler
manifolds. My intention is to provide a somewhat discursive tour guide
of the subject by way of several illustrative theorems and open
problems; for this reason, motivation and heuristic arguments will take
precedence over technical details.''
The background material is explained in Chapter 0. Especially,
there is a self-contained discussion of the transition from the
Hermitian connection of a given Kähler metric to the Levi-Civita
connection of the real part of the Kähler metric.
Chapters 1 and 2 deal with the question about the existence of
nonconstant holomorphic functions on certain abstract Kähler manifolds.
Chapter 1 contains the result that a simply connected complete
Kähler manifold of nonpositive sectional curvature is Stein.
Moreover, it is shown by producing a strongly plurisubharmonic
exhaustion function that a manifold with pole which has nonpositive
radial curvature is Stein.
To illustrate the main ideas in the proofs of general theorems on
the existence of strongly q-pseudoconvex (exhaustion) functions the
following result is discussed in Chapter 2: Let M be a complete
noncompact Kähler manifold with positive bisectional curvature
and nonnegative sectional curvature. Then M is a Stein manifold.
The main idea of the proof is to introduce a distance function
"from infinity'', the so-called Busemann function. The positivity
assumption on the bisectional curvature implies that the Busemann
function is strictly plurisubharmonic. The presence of nonnegative
sectional curvature provides a strongly plurisubharmonic exhaustion
function as the lowest upper bound τ of Busemann functions.
Then τ is modified to become a strictly plurisubharmonic
C∞-exhaustion function.
The next chapter, 3, is devoted to the following question: Can one
show that on certain Kähler manifolds there are no nonconstant
bounded holomorphic functions? To answer this question curvature
conditions on a Riemannian manifold M are presented which force
that M carries no nonconstant positive harmonic functions.
Chapter 4 studies again simply connected complete Kähler manifolds
of nonpositive sectional curvature. Conditions on the behaviour of the
sectional curvature at infinity are discussed in order to understand
their influence on the complex structure of the manifold. For example:
if the sectional curvature is away from zero near infinity then
M is complete hyperbolic.
The paper under review concludes with Chapter 5, in which a lot of open
problems are raised which discuss how the geometric properties
(curvature conditions) of a Kähler manifold could influence its complex
{For the collection containing this paper see MR0826251.}
Reviewed by Peter Pflug
MR0714349 (85m:53044a)
Wu, H. (1-CA)
Department of Mathematics, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, California, 94709
The Bochner technique.
Proceedings of the 1980 Beijing Symposium on Differential Geometry and Differential Equations, Vol. 1, 2, 3 (Beijing, 1980),
Sci. Press Beijing, Beijing, 1982.
53C21 (53-02 58A10)
J is a geometrically interesting quantity on a Riemannian manifold,
it can be useful to establish a formula for the Laplacian
(or any other elliptic or selfadjoint differential operator of
The name "Weitzenbock formula'' has come to be known for this type of
representation. The combination of a Weitzenbock formula with extremal
principles or integral theorems frequently provides a very effective method
for obtaining global conclusions on the constancy (parallelism) or the
vanishing identically of a given object. This, roughly speaking, is the gist
of the so-called Bochner technique. Although this method already experienced
its first summarizing presentation 30 years ago [see K. Yano and
S. Bochner ,
Curvature and Betti numbers, Ann. of Math. Stud., 32, Princeton Univ.
Press, Princeton, N.J., 1953;
and has meanwhile
acquired an almost classical character, more recently further interesting
generalizations and applications have appeared. These developments are
summarized in the paper under review. Since most of the proofs are carried
out completely, the paper can also be read—assuming the knowledge of some
basic concepts of differential geometry—as an independent
introduction to the Bochner technique. The author discusses both compact and
complete (noncompact) manifolds, the Riemannian structure in the real and the
Kahler structure in the complex case, as well as Hermitian vector
bundles. A special section is devoted to Spin structures.
First, Weitzenbock formulas are established: (I) for the Laplacian of
alternating differential forms, (II) for the Laplacian for the square of the
norm of harmonic differential forms, (III) for the complex Laplacian of
(p,q)-forms, (IV) for the complex Laplacian for the square of the
norm of harmonic
(p,0)-forms and (V) for the Laplacian of vector-valued
differential forms on Hermitian vector bundles over a Kahler base
manifold. In the extensive applications that follow, additional assumptions
on the signs of the curvature are always emphatically made in the form
of "quasipositivity'' (or "quasinegativity'') which represent a weakening
of the usual, everywhere strict sign conditions. Among the results that one
obtains are, in particular, vanishing theorems, for example, the vanishing
theorem of K. Kodaira [Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 39
(1953), 1268–1273;
in the compact case, and the vanishing
theorems of S. T. Yau [Indiana Univ. Math. J. 25 (1976),
no. 7, 659–670;
and R. E. Greene and the author
[Michigan Math. J. 28 (1981), no. 1, 63–81;
in the
noncompact case. {On the subject of transformations
Φ:M→M¯¯¯¯¯ between
Riemannian manifolds of the same dimension there exists an
unpublished result by the reviewer (Oberwolfach, 1976). According to this
result a projective transformation
Φ for compact
M is already affine if
has the differential inequality
traceg(Φ∗Ric¯¯¯¯¯¯¯)≤R between
the Ricci tensor of
M¯¯¯¯¯ and the scalar curvature of
vanishing theorem
for harmonic spinor fields, a certain high point of the paper,
is prepared by a thorough introduction to the Clifford algebra and the
Spin structure.
This attractively written paper also deals with further consequences, related
trends of development, open problems and the origin of the theorems, and thus
offers a fine panorama of the recent state of the subject.
{The second paper is a translation of Sections 3–5 of the English original.}
Part I of the translation has been reviewed
For the entire collection in which the first paper appears see
Reviewed by R. Walter (translated from Zbl 528:53042)
The authors' main theorem is the following: Let
M be a complete
noncompact Riemannian manifold which is simply connected at infinity and
has dimension at least 3. Assume
M has nonnegative sectional curvature
everywhere and zero sectional curvature outside some compact set; then
is isometric to Euclidean space.
As the authors point out, this theorem is false when
dimM=2. The proof
involves an estimate of the growth of the volume of a geodesic ball of
r centered at a pole as
r tends to infinity. There are similar
theorems in which the condition that the sectional curvature vanish outside
a compact set is relaxed: it is enough to require that it tend rapidly to
zero, in a sense made precise in the paper.
Theorems similar to those of the authors have recently been proved for
Kähler manifolds by N. Mok, Y. T. Siu and S. T. Yau [Compositio Math.
44 (1981), 183–218;
It is interesting that the
results of the present authors are a phenomenon of Riemannian geometry and
not just Kähler geometry.
Reviewed by A. Gray
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
The author proves the following theorem: Let
M be a noncompact complete
Riemannian manifold which has Ricci curvature
≥−Aρ−2−ε, where
ρ denotes the distance function
from a fixed point of
M and
A and
ε are positive constants;
M has infinite volume. The same techniques are also used to prove
the following result: A complete noncompact Riemannian manifold whose Ricci
curvature vanishes outside a compact set must have infinite volume.
These results generalize results of S. Cohn-Vossen [Compositio Math.
2 (1935), 69–133, Satz 4; Zbl
11, 225], A. Huber [Comment. Math.
32 (1957), 13–72;
E. Calabi [Notices Amer.
Math. Soc.
22 (1975), A-205, Abstract 720–53–6], and S. T. Yau
[Indiana Univ. Math. J.
25 (1976), no. 7, 659–670;
A simple example is given to show that the exponent
2+ε cannot be replaced by 2.
The basic idea of the proof is to exploit the existence of a globally
Lipschitzian subharmonic function as in an article by R. E. Greene and the
author [Invent. Math.
27 (1974), 265–298;
However, the actual construction of such a function requires considerable
Reviewed by A. Gray
Authors' summary: "In this note we announce some theorems that show that
the flat metric of Euclidean space has no nearby nonflat complete metric
with the property that its curvature keeps a sign and is `uniformly small'
in a sense made precise here.''
Publisher's description: "This book mainly discusses Riemann surfaces,
centering on the proof and applications of the Riemann-Roch
theorem, because Riemann surfaces are the simplest model for several
branches of modern mathematics. Necessary concepts and methods of
modern mathematics are used as tools in the discussion, so that the
book can serve as an introduction to many aspects of modern mathematics.
It can be used by mathematicians and by upper division and graduate
students in mathematics.''
Part I of the paper consists of two sections: (1) Coordinates and frames
normalized at a point; (2) the Weitzenbröck formula. Sections 3–5 and
the bibliography are deferred to part II. The purpose of the paper is to
give typical examples of the use of the Bochner technique in the theory of
Riemannian manifolds.
Let M be a Kähler manifold with nonnegative bisectional curvature and
D a C∞ strongly pseudoconvex domain in M. Then M is a Stein
manifold, as C. Badji has proved ["Sur la ∂¯¯¯-cohomologies
de bidegré (1,1) de certaines variétés Kählériennes à bord,
à coubure holomorphe bisectionnelle non négative: Un théorème de
nullité'', paper given at the Seminar in Complex Analysis, Internat.
Centre Theoret. Phys., Trieste, 1980].
The author now gives a generalization of this result: If M has
q-nonnegative bisectional curvature on D and D is
C∞-hyper-q-convex (or M has q-positive bisectional curvature
near the boundary of D and D is weakly hyper-q-convex) then D is a
q-complete manifold. Harmonic theory and the second variation formula are
the main tools in the proof. A corollary is stated as follows: If M has
q-nonnegative bisectional curvature, then M does not contain
exceptional analytic sets of dimension greater than or equal to q.
Reviewed by Klaus Fritzsche
In the first part of this series, the authors prove the following
interesting result. Let M be an n-dimensional compact Kähler manifold
with nonnegative bisectional curvature and let the maximum rank of the
Ricci tensor on M be n−k. Then (A) The universal covering of M is
holomorphically isometric to a direct product of an (n−k)-dimensional
compact Kähler manifold M′ with quasipositive Ricci curvature and a
flat Ck. (B) M′ is algebraic, possesses no nonzero holomorphic
q-forms for q≥1, and is holomorphically isometric to
M1×⋯×Ms, where each Mi has quasipositive Ricci
curvature with H2(Mi;Z)≅Z. (C) There is a flat, compact
complex manifold B and a holomorphic, locally isometrically trivial
fibration p:M→B whose fibre is M′. In the second part,
Wu continues to investigate such Kähler manifolds and obtains several
other important results. The following one will serve as a sample. Let M
be an n-dimensional compact Kähler manifold with nonnegative Ricci
curvature. If the maximum rank of the Ricci tensor on M is n−k, then
(1) hp,0(M)=0 for p=k+1,⋯,n. (2) h1,0(M)≤k and
h1,0(M)=0 if and only if π1(M) is finite. (3) If in addition the
bisectional curvature is nonnegative, then h1,0(M)=k.
The main conclusion of these two nice papers is that the study of compact
Kähler manifolds of nonnegative bisectional curvature can be essentially
reduced to the special case where simple connectivity and the isomorphism
H2(M;Z)≅Z are in addition assumed, and that with a mild
positivity assumption these two desirable properties would follow in any
Reviewed by Bang-yen Chen
The author discusses nonexistence theorems for
Lp harmonic forms,
1≤p<∞, on complete Riemannian and Kählerian manifolds. The proofs of
these theorems consist of two steps. First a calculation in local
coordinates shows that under appropriate curvature conditions the function
⟨α,α⟩1/2=|α| is subharmonic. Then the
results of R. E. Greene and H. H. Wu's paper [Invent. Math.
(1974), 265–298;
or of S. T. Yau's paper [Indiana
Univ. Math. J.
25 (1976), no. 7, 659–670;
nonexistence of nontrivial nonnegative subharmonic functions in
Lp yield
the conclusion. Many vanishing theorems for harmonic forms and some
cohomology vanishing theorems are derived using this scheme.
REVISED (1982)
Current version of review.
Go to earlier version.
Reviewed by Józef Dodziuk
M is a manifold with a torsion-free affine connection, then there is
M a pseudodistance
p which depends only on the projective structure
of the connection [S. Kobayashi,
Minimal submanifolds and geodesics
(Tokyo, 1977), pp. 85–92, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1979;
The manifold (with connection) is said to be projective hyperbolic if the
p is a genuine metric, i.e., if
{(x,y)∈M×M:p(x,y)=0}={(x,x)∈M×M}. It is said to be complete
projective hyperbolic if
p is a complete metric. The question of whether
or not, under some curvature assumption, a manifold-with-connection is
projective hyperbolic (or complete projective hyperbolic) is formally
analogous to the corresponding questions concerning hyperbolicity
properties of complex manifolds. In particular, negativity of curvature in
some form is expected to imply projective-hyperbolicity; and it was in fact
known previously that the Ricci curvature being bounded above by a negative
constant was a sufficient condition for projective hyperbolicity
[Kobayashi, op. cit]. The first principal result of the present paper is a
result on negative curvature implying projective hyperbolicity which is far
stronger than that just stated. This result in fact goes much beyond what
one would expect by analogy with the complex situation; in that situation,
at the very least, some type of negative upper bound is required, albeit
that the upper bound may decay to zero with controlled rapidity as a
function of distance [cf. the reviewer and the author,
Function theory
on manifolds which possess a pole, Lecture Notes in Math., 699, Springer,
Berlin, 1979;
In the projective case, a much weaker
negativity condition is shown to suffice: Theorem: Let
M be a manifold
with a torsion-free affine connection whose Ricci tensor is negative
semidefinite. Suppose for each maximal geodesic
γ:J→M where
J is an open interval in
Ric(γ˙,γ˙) is never identically zero. Then
M is
A second theorem is that, for a compact Riemannian manifold with Ricci
tensor everywhere nonpositive and negative definite at some point, the
group of projective transformations is finite (Theorem 2 in the paper).
This improves results of R. Couty [Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)
(1959), 147–248;
that the group is discrete and
Kobayashi [op. cit.] that the group is finite, when the Ricci curvature is
negative definite everywhere (hypothesis required in both results).
The present author also shows (Theorem 3) that the pseudodistance
p is
obtained as the integrated form of an infinitesimal metric (i.e., the
pseudodistance between points is the infimum piecewise
C∞ of
arc-lengths between them, where arc-length is obtained by integration of
the length of tangent vector, length relative to the infinitesimal metric).
Upper and lower estimates on the infinitesimal metric are obtained (Theorem
4): (a) If
M is a Riemannian manifold, and if, for some positive constant
Ric(x)≤−A(1+ρ(x)2)−1 where
ρ= Riemannian
distance from a fixed point, then there is a positive constant
such that
|X|p≥α(1+ρ(x)2)−1/2|X|, where
|X|= Riemannian
norm and
|X|p= the infinitesimal metric for the (pseudo)distance
(b) If
M is a Riemannian manifold of dimension
n and if, for some
Ric(x)≤−A2, then
M is Riemannian complete, and if, for some positive constant
Ric(x)≥−B2, then
The results listed as (b) of course imply that
|X|p=A(n−1)−1/2|X| for
a space of constant Ricci curvature
A>0. The result (a) is the
analogue of a known complex result [the reviewer and the author, op. cit.],
as is the first part of (b). The complex analogue of the second part of (b)
is conjectural [the reviewer and the author, op. cit.]. The author notes
that the first part of (b) is implicit in Kobayashi's article [op. cit.].
The final main result of the present paper (Theorem 5) is the analogue of
the theorem of Brody in the complex case, that a compact complex manifold
is hyperbolic if and only if it contains no complex line [R. Brody, Trans.
Amer. Math. Soc.
235 (1978), 213–219;
compact manifold
M with torsion-free affine connection is
projective-hyperbolic if and only if there is no (nonconstant) projective
map from
R to
With the material established in this paper, it seems that, in the words of
the author, "a more globally-oriented study of projective connections
deserves the attention of geometers''. The results of this paper provide a
definitive picture of the general relationship between curvature and
projective hyperbolicity, which one expects to play a foundational role in
further global investigations.
Reviewed by Robert E. Greene
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
MR0609553 (82c:58002)
The Chern Symposium 1979.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Differential Geometry in honor of S. S. Chern held in Berkeley, Calif., June 1979.
Edited by W. Y. Hsiang, S. Kobayashi [Shoshichi Kobayashi], I. M. Singer, A. Weinstein, J. Wolf and H. H. Wu.
Springer-Verlag, New York-Berlin, 1980.
ii+259 pp. ISBN: 0-387-90537-5
Display contents as search results
I. M. Singer, "Preface”, p. i.
M. F. Atiyah, "Real and complex
geometry in four dimensions”, pp. 1–10.
Raoul Bott, "Equivariant Morse
theory and the Yang-Mills equation on Riemann surfaces”, pp. 11–22.
Eugenio Calabi, "Isometric families of Kähler structures”, pp. 23–39.
Mark Green and Phillip Griffiths, "Two applications of algebraic geometry to
entire holomorphic mappings”, pp. 41–74.
F. Hirzebruch, "The canonical map
for certain Hilbert modular surfaces”, pp. 75–95.
Nicolaas H. Kuiper, "Tight embeddings and maps. Submanifolds of geometrical class three in EN”, pp. 97–145.
J. Moser, "Geometry of quadrics and spectral theory”, pp.
Louis Nirenberg, "Remarks on
nonlinear problems”, pp. 189–197.
Robert Osserman, "Minimal surfaces, Gauss
maps, total curvature, eigenvalue estimates, and stability”, pp. 199–227.
Wen Tsün Wu [Wen Jun Wu], "de Rham-Sullivan measure of spaces and its
calculability”, pp. 229–245.
Chen Ning Yang, "Fibre bundles and the physics
of the magnetic monopole”, pp. 247–253.
Shing Tung Yau, "The total mass and
the topology of an asymptotically flat space-time”, pp. 256–259.
{The papers are being reviewed individually.}
The main purpose of this paper is to make an observation of a
function-theoretic nature in global differential geometry. The author takes
up a group of theorems centering around the Bochner technique, which
typically shows that under the assumption of everywhere positive or
negative curvature, certain geometrically interesting tensor fields (e.g.,
Killing, projective, etc.) vanish. Making use of the elementary fact that a
nonconstant subharmonic function has no relative maximum, the author shows
in essentially all cases that, instead of positivity or negativity,
quasipositivity or quasinegativity of the Ricci curvature suffices.
Reviewed by Bang-yen Chen
R. L. Bishop and B. O'Neill, Manifolds of negative curvature, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (1969), 1-49.
S. Bochner, Vector fields and Ricci curvature, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 52 (1946), 776-797.
J. Cheeger and D. Gromoll, The splitting theorem for manifolds of nonnegative Ricci curvature, J. Differential Geometry 6 (1971), 119-128.
R. Couty, Sur les transformations de variétés riemanniennes et kählériennes, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 9 (1959), 147-248.
T. Frankel, On theorems of Hurwitz and Bochner, J. Math. Mech. 15 (1966), 373-377.
R. E. Greene and H. Wu, C∞ convex functions and manifolds of positive curvature, Acta Math. 137 (1976), 209-245.
K. Kodaira, On a differential geometric method in the theory of analytic stacks, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 39 (1953), 1263-1273.
S. Kobayashi, On compact Köhler manifolds with positive Ricci tensor, Ann. of Math. 74 (1961), 570-574.
S. Kobayashi, Transformation groups in differential geometry, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, Band 70, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1972.
S. Kobayashi and K. Nomizu, Foundations of differential geometry, Volume 1, Wiley, New York, 1963.
S. Kobayashi and H. Wu, On holomorphic sections of certain Hermitian vector bundles, Math. Ann. 189 (1970), 1-4.
A. Lichnerowicz, Géométrie des groupes de transformations, Dunod, Paris, 1958.
O. Riemenschneider, Characterizing Moišezon spaces by almost positive coherent analytic sheaves, Math. Z. 123 (1971), 263-284.
O. Riemenschneider, A generalization of Kodaira's imbedding theorem, Math. Ann. 200 (1973), 99-102.
J. A. Wolf, Homogeneity and bounded isometries in manifolds of negative curvature, Illinois J. Math. 8 (1964), 14-18.
H. Wu, Some theorems on projective hyperbolicity (to appear).
cf. MR0597482
K. Yano, On harmonic and Killing vector fields, Ann. of Math. 55 (1952), 38-45.
K. Yano and S. Bochner, Curvature and Betti numbers, Ann. of Math. Studies, no. 32, Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N. J., 1953.
S. T. Yau, Some function-theoretic properties of complete Riemannian manifolds and their applications to geometry, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 25 (1976), 659-670.
S. T. Yau, On the Ricci curvature of a compact Kähler manifold and the complex Monge Ampère equation. I, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 31 (1978), 339-411.
This list reflects references listed in the original paper as
accurately as possible with no attempt to correct error.
This article treats some questions in geometric function theory,
specifically the function theory of Kähler manifolds having a pole (a
p in a Riemannian manifold
M is a pole (by definition) if
expp:Mp→M is a diffeomorphism). Complete simply
connected Kähler manifolds of nonpositive curvature automatically satisfy
the condition of having a pole; in fact, every point is a pole, by the
Cartan-Hadamard theorem. In this case, it is known that if the Riemannian
sectional curvature goes to zero sufficiently rapidly in terms of distance
from a fixed pole, then
M is biholomorphic to
n= complex
dimension of
M [Y. T. Siu and S. T. Yau, Ann. Math. (2)
105 (1977),
no. 2, 225–264;
the reviewer and H. Wu, 53002 below].
The present article shows that on any Riemannian manifold with a pole (not
necessarily of nonpositive curvature), satisfying some curvature conditions
related in a natural way to the biholomorphism-to-
Cn theorems
mentioned, the function
r2 (
= the square of the distance from the
pole) has second covariant differential globally close in a certain sense
to twice the metric tensor. On
Rn with its standard metric, these
tensors would be equal everywhere so the closeness of them measures in a
way the closeness of the geometry of the manifold to that of Euclidean
space. An open problem is stated: If
M is a Kähler manifold with a pole
on which
r2 is strictly plurisubharmonic and on which the Levi form of
r2 is sufficiently close (in the sense introduced) to the metric tensor,
M biholomorphic to
Cn? It is noted that this problem has been
solved affirmatively by the author and K. Yagi in the following cases:
is a Riemann surface; or (more generally) the holomorphic isometries of
which fix the pole act transitively on the holomorphic 2-planes at the
pole. The general case appears to require techniques different from those
used in the cases just indicated. Since it is important in geometric
function theory to separate the direct role of curvature hypotheses from
their indirect role in allowing the construction of special
plurisubharmonic functions, the investigation of the problem formulated in
this article is of considerable interest.
Reviewed by Robert E. Greene
From the introduction: "Most methods for the study of the behavior of
functions on Riemannian manifolds apply directly only to functions which
have some degree of differentiability. On the other hand, many functions
which arise naturally from the geometry of the manifolds are in general at
best continuous. Thus it is important to have in hand mechanisms of
constructing smooth approximations of continuous functions. The standard
mechanism, the use of partitions of unity combined with smoothing by
convolution in local coordinate systems, tends to obliterate geometrically
meaningful properties and is thus unsatisfactory for many geometric
problems. The purpose of the present paper is to present a mechanism of
smooth approximation which tends to preserve geometric properties and is
thus broadly applicable to geometric questions.
"The paper is organized as follows: Section 1 contains a discussion of the
smoothing method in terms of smooth approximations of sections of
subsheaves of the sheaf of germs of continuous functions on a Riemannian
manifold; being able to carry out approximation of continuous sections by
C∞ sections of the same subsheaf corresponds to being able to
preserve the geometric structure in the approximation procedure. Section 2
discusses the specific cases of Lipschitz-continuous and convex functions,
and Section 3 that of subharmonic functions. Section 4 discusses a method
of establishing the hypotheses of the theorems of Section 1 for certain
specific subsheaves, in particular, the sheaf of germs of strictly
plurisubharmonic functions on a complex manifold and certain other related
In a little more detail, what the authors do in the first section is to
define for subsheaves properties which they call maximum closure, convex
C∞ stability, and semilocal
C∞ approximation.
These properties are then related to the approximation of
C0 sections of
the subsheaf by
C∞ sections. In the next section the authors
demonstrate that the Riemannian convolution smoothing processes which they
introduced in earlier papers can be used to establish the semilocal
property for various subsheaves. In the third section they discuss
subsheaves which involve subharmonicity and Lipschitz continuity. Heat
equation techniques are used to establish the semilocal approximation
property. In the last section it is established that this semilocal
property can often be replaced by the weaker requirement that
approximations exist within coordinate patches.
This paper is both clear and comprehensive. It is self-contained except for
the geometric applications. These have been discussed in other articles by
the authors [Invent. Math.
27 (1974), 265–298;
Acta Math.
137 (1976), no. 3–4, 209–245;
Reviewed by H. Jacobowitz
A pole in a Riemannian manifold M is a distinguished point o∈M such
that the exponential map expo:Mo→M, Mo=To(M)=Rn, is a diffeomorphism. Let ρ(x) denote dist(o,x), for
x∈M, and let the sectional curvatures at every point x∈M be
pinched between k(ρ(x)) and K(ρ(x)) for given continuous
functions k(ρ) and K(ρ)≥k(ρ), ρ∈[0,∞).
The authors start with an account of basic facts of Riemannian and Kähler
geometry that serve as a good introduction to the field. Then they proceed
with comparison theorems such as the following. Theorem C: If
∫∞0ρmin(0,k(ρ))dρ>−∞ and
∫∞0ρmax(0,K(ρ))dρ<∞, then the map
expo:Mo→M is a quasi-isometry, i.e. the differentials
Dx(expo) satisfy |log∥Dx∥|≤const<∞ for all x∈Mo. This implies, via Moser's Harnack inequality, the following
corollary. Theorem D: There is no nonconstant positive harmonic function on
M. The main results of the book concern Kähler manifolds. Theorem G: If
the function K(ρ) is nonpositive and furthermore
K(ρ)≤−1/ρ2 for all ρ≥ρ0>0, then M is completely
hyperbolic in the sense of Kobayashi. Theorem H: If K(ρ)≤0 and
K(ρ)≤−ρ−2(logρ)ε−1 for ρ≥ρ0 and
for some ε>0, then the (positive definite!) Bergman metric
exists on M. Theorem J: (Generalized Siu-Yau theorem) If K(ρ)=0, the
function k(ρ) is nondecreasing for ρ≥ρ0>0 and
∫∞0ρk(ρ)dρ>−∞, then M is biholomorphic to
Cn, where n=dimCM. These theorems are only major
samples. The book is full of interesting facts, diverse examples and
conjectures, and it provides a background for the theory of linear elliptic
operators on open manifolds.
Reviewed by M. L. Gromov
It is well known [see J. Cheeger and D. Gromoll, Ann. of Math. (2)
(1972), 413–443;
that on a complete open Riemannian
M with nonnegative sectional curvatures there exist proper
continuous convex functions and that these functions play an important role
in the theory of such manifolds. Analogous relations exist between the
nonnegativity of the Ricci curvatures and the existence of subharmonic
functions and (in the case of Kähler manifolds) between bisectional
curvatures and plurisubharmonic functions. The author proposes a general
method for constructing such functions. Let
M be a Riemannian manifold
with distance function
d and let
{Ct} be a family of subsets of
such that for given
d(O,Ct)→∞ as
t→∞. For some subsequence, the functions
ηi(p)=d(O,Cti)−d(p,Cti) converge to a continuous function
η(p). The main result is that in the case of a manifold with
nonnegative sectional, Ricci or bisectional curvatures (the latter for
Kähler manifolds) such functions
η are convex, subharmonic, or
plurisubharmonic, respectively. Some more precise definitions and
applications of this result are given. The author points out that the main
tool of the proofs is the following easy fact: A function
f is convex if
for every
x0 there exists a smooth function
g such that
g′′(x0)≥0 and
g(x)≤f(x) near
Reviewed by Yu. Burago
MR0514211 (82h:01074)
Chern, Shiing Shen Selected papers.
With a foreword by H. Wu [Hung Hsi Wu] and introductory articles by André Weil and Phillip A. Griffiths.
Springer-Verlag, New York-Heidelberg, 1978.
xxxi+476 pp. (2 plates). ISBN: 0-387-90339-9
01A75 (53-02 53-03)
This book was published in conjunction with the International Symposium in
Global Analysis and Global Geometry held in Berkeley, Calif., June 1979 in
honor of Prof. Shiing Shen Chern on the occasion of his 70th birthday. It
includes 34 papers by Chern published from 1935 to 1974. In making the
selection, Chern has given preference to shorter and less accessible
papers. These papers comprise a third of Chern's total output to date and
cover the following branches of geometry, in most of which Chern is the
author of fundamental results: characteristic classes [
geometry of submanifolds of Euclidean spaces [
holomorphic mappings [
integral geometry [
minimal submanifolds
projective differential geometry
["Sur la possibilité de plonger un espace á connexion projective
donné dans un espace projectif'', Bull. Sci. Math. (2)
61 (1937),
234–243; Zbl
17, 228;
MR0025787]; theory of connections and
G-structures [
MR0087172]; webs ["Abzählungen für Gewebe'', Abh.
Sem. Univ. Hamburg
11 (1935), 163–170; Zbl
11, 132; "Eine
Invariantentheorie der Dreigewebe aus
n-dimensionalen Mannigfalitgkeiten
2n-dimensionalen Räumen'', ibid.
11 (1936), 333–358; Zbl
13, 418]; fibre bundles [
The book also contains a brief scientific autobiography of Chern and papers
by Weil ("S. S. Chern as geometer and friend'') and by Griffiths ("Some
reflections on the mathematical contributions of S. S. Chern'').
Reviewed by Yu. Burago
The authors give a geometric proof of the following generalisation of the
classical Hartogs theorem for a pseudoconvex domain in
Cn; recall
first that a domain
D in a Kähler manifold
M is locally pseudoconvex
if, for every
x∈D¯¯¯¯, there exists a neighbourhood of
x in
M, say
U, such that
U∩D is a Stein manifold. Next, define
δ(x)=distance(x,∂D) with respect to the induced
Riemannian metric. Theorem: Let
M be a Kähler manifold and let
D be a
locally pseudoconvex domain in
M; then: (A) If
M has nonnegative
[positive] bisectional curvature then there exists a neighbourhood
U of
∂D in
M such that
−logδ is plurisubharmonic [strictly
plurisubharmonic] in
D∩U. {The positivity part of the result was
previously obtained by an analytic procedure by G. Elencwajg [Ann. Inst.
Fourier (Grenoble)
25 (1975), no. 2, 295–314;
(B) If
M is complete and has positive bisectional curvature, then
−logδ is strictly plurisubharmonic in all of
D. (C) If
M is
complete and has nonnegative bisectional curvature and if in some
U of
∂D in
M there is defined a continuous
strictly plurisubharmonic function
φ:D∩U→R, then
−logδ is plurisubharmonic in all of
Using the basic construction of J. Cheeger and D. Gromoll [Ann. of Math.
96 (1972), 413–443;
the authors prove the
following theorem: Let
M be a complete non-compact Kähler manifold of
positive bisectional curvature; then
τ=supγ(−fγ) is
strictly plurisubharmonic, where
fγ is a Busemann function.
The problem of whether or not
τ is an exhaustion function is still
open. Applications are given in the direction of the authors' earlier talk
Several complex variables (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. XXX,
Part 2, Williams Coll., Williamstown, Mass., 1975), pp. 69–100, Amer.
Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., 1977;
See also the papers
by Elencwajg [op. cit.] and A. Takeuchi [J. Math. Kyoto Univ.
(1967), 323–357;
Reviewed by Jacques Vauthier
With the increased interest of late in general relativity, the time could
not have been more opportune for a volume on this subject for
mathematicians. The first author (a physicist), and the second author (a
mathematician) acknowledge that presenting honest mathematics and honest
physics together, while simultaneously preserving the distinction between
the two, is a formidable task. To achieve such a balance requires a
delicate touch, because it is difficult for mathematicians to steel
themselves against their traditional methods. This quotation found in the
book and attributed to Einstein contains the essential point: "As far as
the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far
as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.''
Although the authors had moments of doubt during the writing of this book,
and appear pessimistic about future efforts in explaining physics to
mathematicians, they have produced a work of singularly stellar quality.
Owing to the similarity between the book and the article under review,
comments here will pertain to the book as a whole, but will be limited to
chapter eight of the article.
The preliminary chapter of the book presents the necessary mathematical
notation and physics background. Chapter One contains the relevant
definitions of space-time, curvature (the requisite differential geometry
is on the level of R. L. Bishop and S. I. Goldberg's book [
analysis on manifolds, Macmillan, New York, 1968;
time orientability, and most important, examples of Schwarzschild and
Einstein-de Sitter spacetimes. Continuing in this vein, Chapter Three
discusses observers, the Fermi-Walker connection along a timelike curve,
and reference frames. With the reader's mathematical and physical intuition
so enhanced, the authors get down to business in the succeeding four
chapters (Electromagnetism and matter, Einstein's field equation, photons,
cohomology). For any mathematician who has struggled with the idea of an
energy-momentum tensor (and then felt duped) the discussion of
stress-energy in Chapter Four is refreshingly direct. In the simplest case,
a matter model of non-negative rest mass,
m, in a space-time with
fundamental tensor
g, consists of a vector field
P such that
g(P,P)=−m2 and a density function
The associated stress-energy tensor
T of this model is defined to be
ηP⋅P, with the dot representing symmetric multiplication. An
electromagnetic field (more precisely, a charge-current density) can be
adjoined to this model in the form of the vector field
eηP, with
being a real number interpreted as the electric charge. Maxwell's equations
are then discussed, as are the resulting conservation laws, the Lorentz
world-force law, and energy-momentum conservation. Chapter Four ends with a
discussion of models for dust and perfect fluids.
The exposition of the Einstein field equation is offered in the authors'
usual straightforward manner, with a hint at gravitational collapse via the
Raychandhuri equation.
The fifth chapter, entitled simply "Photons'', could just as well have
been labeled: "What you always wanted to know about light but were afraid
to ask''. Beginning with a section on the frequency ratio, the authors lay
the foundation for many of the experiments carried out in physical
The Einstein-de Sitter space is exhaustively studied as a cosmological
model (warts and all) in Chapter Six, while Chapter Seven is a potpourri of
general relativity applied to black holes, gravitational waves, and the
solar system. The final two chapters offer a selection of exercises on
relativity and various Newtonian interpretations. Of course, there is a
generous supply of exercises along the way. Chapter Eight of the authors'
article presents a discussion, not found in the book, of a typical
singularity theorem of the Hawking-Penrose variety.
In summary, a mathematician with little or no physics background can obtain
a leisurely introduction to present-day cosmology, both physical and
theoretical, by reading the book and Chapter Eight of the article. A
physicist may prefer the article by itself because it condenses the topics
in the book and contains the added bonus of a chapter on singularities.
The book should be on the desk of every mathematician who has wondered
about the red shift or the microwave radiation background.
Reviewed by F. J. Flaherty
MR0460699 (57 #692)
Greene, R. E.;
Wu, H. Analysis on noncompact Kähler manifolds.
Several complex variables (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. XXX, Part 2, Williams Coll., Williamstown, Mass., 1975),
pp. 69–100,
Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. XXX, Part 2, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1977.
Each Kähler manifold has an underlying Riemannian structure. This
excellent article surveys results relating the Riemannian geometry of such
a manifold to the function theory. After an intuitive discussion of the
various types of curvature, the following theorem is discussed [the
authors, Amer. Math. Soc.
77 (1971), 1045–1049;
78 (1972), 866–870;
79 (1973),
M be a complete Kähler manifold.
is Stein if any of the following holds: (A)
M simply connected and
sectional curvature
≤0, (B)
M noncompact, sectional curvature
≥0 and
>0 outside a compact subset, (C)
M noncompact, sectional
≥0, and holomorphic bisectional curvature
>0, (D)
noncompact, Ricci curvature
>0, sectional curvature
≥0, and
canonical bundle trivial.
After giving examples showing the need for each of the various hypotheses,
the authors outline the proofs. Recall that
M is Stein if and only if it
admits a
C∞ strictly plurisubharmonic exhaustion function. A
function on a Riemannian manifold is convex if its restriction to each
geodesic is convex. Plurisubharmonicity lemma: On a Kähler manifold any
C2 strictly convex function is strictly plurisubharmonic. Now on a
simply connected complete Riemannian manifold of nonpositive sectional
curvature there is a
C∞ strictly convex exhaustion function derived
from the distance function. (Since this is a purely differential geometric
result, the authors relegate its proof to an appendix. Note, however, the
mistakes in its statement on p. 84). This proves (A). If
M is as in (B),
then it has an exhaustion function which is strictly convex outside some
compact subset but which is in general only continuous. This follows from
the techniques introduced in J. Cheeger and D. Gromoll [Ann. of Math. (2)
96 (1972), 413–443;
An approximation theorem is
used to find a
C∞ exhaustion function which is strictly
plurisubharmonic outside of a compact subset.
M is then shown to be
Stein. The proof of
C is based on G. Elencwajg [Ann. Inst. Fourier
25 (1975), no. 2, 295–314;
The proof
of (D) is based on the
L2 theory of
∂¯¯¯ as, for
instance, in L. Hörmander [
An introduction to complex analysis in
several variables, D. Van Nostrand, Princeton, N.J., 1966;
The solvability of
∂¯¯¯ on
(0,1) forms is used to
find a smooth strictly plurisubharmonic function
M admits a convex
exhaustion function
σ by the result of Cheeger and Gromoll. By an
approximation theorem, for any positive function
ε there exists
τ∈C∞ with
|τ−σ|<ε and the second
derivative of
τ along a geodesic
>−ε. Then
τ+eg is a
C∞ strictly pluri-subharmonic exhaustion function.
This paper is addressed to an audience familiar with several complex
variables. The geometry is mainly self-contained and intuitively explained.
One of the authors' main points is that the geometry and function theory
should be more closely related for Kähler rather than Hermitian
manifolds. For instance, the pluri-subharmonicity lemma fails on some
Hermitian manifolds. A curious lapse appears here in the careful
presentation. A reader unfamiliar with the underlying geometry of Kähler
manifolds might not recognize where in the proof of this lemma the Kähler
property actually enters. (It is that
DJ=0.) The paper also contains a
list of open problems and related work by other authors.
{For the entire collection see
{For the collection containing this paper see MR0435433.}
Reviewed by H. Jacobowitz
The authors establish the existence of a
C∞ strictly convex
function on certain Riemannian manifolds and provide a systematic
exposition of the geometric and topological information derived from such a
function. They start with a Riemannian manifold which admits a continuous
strictly convex function and use a smoothing procedure to obtain
approximations. In particular,
it then follows from J. Cheeger and D. Gromoll [Ann. of Math. (2)
(1972), 413–443;
and the authors [
distribution theory, Part A (Proc. Tulane Univ. Program on
Value-Distribution Theory in Complex Analysis and Related Topics in
Differential Geometry, 1972–1973), pp. 145–167, Dekker, New York, 1974;
that any complete, noncompact Riemannian manifold of
everywhere positive sectional curvature admits a
C∞ strictly convex
exhaustion function.
The following theorems are typical of the results proved. If
M is a
complete Riemannian manifold which admits a strictly convex exhaustion
function, then
M is diffeomorphic to Euclidean space and has infinite
volume. If
M is a complete, oriented, four-dimensional Riemannian
manifold with sectional curvature positive outside of some compact set,
then the total curvature of
M is bounded by the Euler characteristic. If
M is a complete non-compact Kähler manifold whose curvature is
everywhere nonnegative and positive outside of some compact subset, then
M is a Stein manifold.
Reviewed by H. Jacobowitz
MR0407908 (53 #11678)
Greene, R. E.;
Wu, H. Whitney's imbedding theorem by solutions of elliptic equations and geometric consequences.
Differential geometry (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. XXVII, Part 2, Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif., 1973),
pp. 287–296,
Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. XXVII, Part 2, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1975.
In another paper [Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)
25 (1975), no. 1,
the authors proved that any open Riemannian
manifold of dimension
n admits a proper harmonic embedding into
R2n+1. Here they extend that result to other elliptic equations. Among
their applications are the existence of complete metrics of negative scalar
curvature on noncompact manifolds and a new proof of Y.-T. Siu's theorem on
the vanishing of
Hm(M,F), where
M is a noncompact complex
manifold of dimension
m and
F is a coherent sheaf on
{For the entire collection see
{For the collection containing this paper see MR0370637.}
Reviewed by M. L. Gromov
The authors prove that any open n-dimensional Riemannian manifold M
(i.e., one without closed components) admits a proper harmonic embedding
into R2n+1. This follows (by a Whitney-type general position
argument) from two facts: (1) for any point m∈M there exists a locally
defined harmonic function with a given value of the differential at m;
(2) any harmonic function on an open relatively compact set U⊂M
can be approximated by harmonic functions defined on all of M, provided
that the complement M∖U has no compact component.
Reviewed by M. L. Gromov
MR0379898 (52 #802)
Greene, R. E.;
Wu, H. Some function-theoretic properties of noncompact Kähler manifolds.
Differential geometry (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. XXVII, Part 2, Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif., 1973),
pp. 33–41,
Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. XXVII, Part 2, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1975.
32E10 (53C55)
The authors survey recent results (mostly their own) relating
function-theoretic properties of a complete Kähler manifold to the
behavior of its curvature. A typical example: If such a manifold is
contractible and its sectional curvature does not vanish, then it is a
Stein manifold without holomorphic functions in
{For the entire collection see
{For the collection containing this paper see MR0370637.}
Reviewed by M. L. Gromov
The authors consider several of the generalizations of convex functions on
Euclidean space to manifolds: (A) functions that restricted to geodesics
give convex functions; (B) functions that are subharmonic with respect to
the metric Laplacian; (C) plurisubharmonic functions on complex manifolds.
Theorem 1: Any continuous strictly convex function can be uniformly
approximated by
C∞ strictly convex functions. For (C) this result
is due to R. Richberg [Math. Ann.
175 (1968), 257–286;
Applying this for (A) to exhaustion functions allows the authors
to generalize some results of D. Gromoll and W. Meyer [Ann. of Math. (2)
90 (1969), 75–90;
and to give simpler proofs.
Theorem 4 gives similar approximation results (in the compact open
topology) for convex functions that are not strictly convex. Here the
approximating smooth functions may fail, by some small degree, to be
convex. Theorem 5: Let
M be a Riemannian manifold that admits an
exhaustion function which is, outside a compact set, Lipschitzian and
subharmonic; then
M has infinite volume. Theorem 6: Let
M be a complete
noncompact Riemannian manifold of dimension
≤4 whose curvature is
nonnegative outside a compact set; then its total curvature does not exceed
its Euler characteristic. No proofs are given, but the authors indicate
that the proofs are based on the authors' previous work [Indiana Univ.
Math. J.
22 (1972/73), 641–653; Invent. Math.
27 (1974),
Reviewed by H. Jacobowitz
The main theorem: A Riemannian manifold M has no nonnegative subharmonic
functions in L1 if it possesses a proper positive convex uniformly
Lipschitz continuous function φ:M→R with
∥gradφ∥≥1 almost everywhere. This result is
applicable in particular to complete open manifolds of nonnegative
curvature, where it also yields (by a Bochner-type calculation) the
non-existence of (nontrivial) harmonic 1-forms in Lp, 1≤p<∞.
Reviewed by M. L. Gromov
MR0352534 (50 #5021)
Greene, R. E.;
Wu, H. A theorem in complex geometric function theory.
Value distribution theory (Proc. Tulane Univ. Program, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La., 1972-1973), Part A,
pp. 145–167,
Pure Appl. Math., 25, Dekker, New York, 1974.
In a series of papers, the authors have studied the problem of relating the
geometric structure of complex manifolds to complex analytic properties of
the manifold [see, e.g., Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.
77 (1971),
78 (1972), 866–870;
79 (1973), 606–608;
In this paper
they give an essentially self-contained exposition of one such theorem: If
M is a noncompact complete Kähler manifold with positive curvature,
M is a Stein manifold. The proof given in the paper involves
carrying over Hörmander's
L2-theory for the
∂¯¯¯-operator to the manifold, and then using standard
analytical arguments. The reviewer feels the authors were successful in
their objective, stated in the Introduction, of giving an introduction to
their theory by presenting the main ideas of "the proof of a
representative theorem with the hope that we have succeeded in conveying
the essential flavor of the subject without encumbering the reader with
excessive technical details.''
{For the entire collection, see
{For the collection containing this paper see MR0344508.}
Reviewed by B. A. Taylor
M be a complete noncompact orientable
C∞ hypersurface in
Rn+1(n>1) with nonnegative sectional curvature that is identically
zero. Let
γ:M→Sn be the Gauss map. The author
proves the following statements: (a)
γ(M) has a convex closure and a
convex interior; (b) the total curvature of
M does not exceed one; (c)
M has infinite volume; (d) if, in addition, the sectional curvature of
M is everywhere positive, one can choose coordinates
(x1,⋯,xn+1) in
Rn+1 so that
M is tangent to
{xn+1=0} at the origin and is the graph of a nonnegative strictly
convex function defined in
{xn+1=0}. Moreover, for any
M∩{xn+1=c} is diffeomorphic to the
Of the assertions above, the crucial one is (a) from which (b)-(d) follow.
Actually, it was believed for some time that
γ(M) itself was convex.
This is false as shown by an example at the end of this paper.
The author actually works in a more general setting than the one described
above. Natural generalizations of assertions (a) and
(d) are proved for continuous convex hypersurfaces, that is, full
boundaries of convex bodies in
Rn+1. In this case,
γ is defined
as the (possibly multi-valued) map that assigns to each
p∈M the set of
outer unit normals to supporting hyperplanes at
p. In fact, a slightly
more general assertion than (d) is proved, which corresponds in the
C∞ setting to describe what happens in (d) when we drop the
additional assumption that the sectional curvature is everywhere positive.
It should be remarked that some extensions of these results to the case
M is a hypersurface of a Hilbert space have been proved by R. L. de
Andrade both in the
C∞ and
C0 setting [Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.
80 (1974), 576–577;
Bol. Soc. Brasil Mat.
4 (1973), no. 1, 41–45;
Reviewed by M. do Carmo
MR0346181 (49 #10907)
Vu, Kh.;
Vu, H. Теория равнораспределения для голоморфных кривых.
(Russian) [The equidistribution theory of holomorphic curves]
Translated from the English by E. M. Čirka.
Edited by B. V. Šabat.
Izdat. "Mir'', Moscow, 1973. 228 pp.
The original has been reviewed [Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N. J.,
Continuing their earlier works [same Bull.
77 (1971), 1045–1049;
78 (1972), 866–870;
authors announce results on Kähler manifolds of nonnegative curvature.
(1) If
M is a complete Kähler manifold with positive Ricci curvature
and nonnegative sectional curvature,
K is the canonical bundle of
M and
L is a holomorphic line bundle on
M with
L⊗K∗>0, then
Hp(M;O(L))=0 for
p≥1. (2) (Analogue of K. Kodaira's imbedding
theorem [Ann. of Math. (2)
60 (1954), 28–48;
M is as above then
M possesses nonconstant meromorphic functions; given
any compact
K⊂M, there exists a positive integer
N and a
meromorphic mapping
φ:M→PNC such that
φ|K is a holomorphic imbedding. (3) If
M is as above and the
canonical bundle
K is topologically trivial then every convex open subset
M is Stein. (4) If
M is an open set in
Cn with a complete
Kähler metric
g of nonnegative sectional curvature then every
g-convex open subset of
M is a domain of holomorphy. (5) Let
M be a
complete noncompact Kähler manifold with nonnegative sectional curvature;
then no nonzero holomorphic function on
M is in
Lp for
1≤p<+∞. (6) For
M as in (5), let
be a convex function such that each sublevel set
Mc={p∈M:φ(p)<c} has a compact closure in
M; then
Mc is Runge in
M for all
c∈R. The proofs of
(1),⋯,(6) are based on an
approximation theorem by the authors [Indiana Univ. Math. J.
(1972/73), 641–653].
Reviewed by A. Aeppli
A real-valued function
f on a
C∞ Riemannian manifold
M is said
to be geodesically convex if each restriction of
f to a geodesic segment
is a convex function of arc length. When
M is Euclidean
n-space this
definition is that of ordinary convexity for
f. In this case,
f is
subharmonic (upper semicontinuous and dominated by harmonic functions)
because if
f is
C2 and convex, its second order directional
derivatives are non-negative and general convex
f can be approximated
uniformly on compact subsets by
C∞ convex functions constructed by
a convolution process. Similarly, if
M is complex
n-space, a convex
function is plurisubharmonic. The present paper extends these results.
First, to the case in which
M is any Riemannian manifold (Theorem 1):
geodesic convexity of
f implies
f is subharmonic. Second, to the case
in which
M is a Kähler manifold (Theorem 3): geodesic convexity of
f is plurisubharmonic. The difficulty of these theorems lies in
their extension from smooth to general
f. Theorem 3 is made to rest on a
stronger result: a geodesically convex function
φ on
M can be
uniformly approximated on compact sets by
C∞ functions
ε>0, which are nearly geodesically
convex in the sense that on any geodesic
t equals arc length,
This has the important corollary that the eigenvalues of the Levi forms of
the approximants
φε, as functions of
eventually exceed any preassigned negative number. Here the Kähler
condition on
M is essential to a special representation for Levi forms.
Though the proof of Theorem 1 can be done in a similar fashion, the authors
use a simpler proof based on a construction of E. Hopf [S.-B. Preuß.
Akad. Wissensch. Phys.-Math. Kl.
1927, 147–152; Jbuch
{In a note added in proof the authors point out that their Theorem 1 could
also be proved along the lines of Theorem 1 in a paper by E. Calabi [Duke
Math. J.
25 (1958), 45–56;
Reviewed by W. J. Firey
From the authors' introduction: "It was shown by the authors [Ann. of
Math. (2)
94 (1971), 1–20;
that, if
M is a
compact orientable 2-dimensional Riemannian manifold with a
C5 metric of
everywhere positive Gaussian curvature and if
M′ is the manifold obtained
M by deleting a finite number of points
p1,⋯,pn, then any
C2 isometric embedding
ϕ′:M′→R3 is rigid in the
class of
C2 isometric embeddings. In fact, it was shown that
ϕ′ is
necessarily the restriction to
M′ of a
C2 isometric embedding
ϕ:M→R3, and the rigidity of
ϕ′ is then a
consequence of the rigidity theorem for
C2 isometric embeddings of
compact manifolds of positive curvature. The purpose of the present paper
is to prove a similar rigidity and regularity result for compact orientable
2-dimensional Riemannian manifolds of everywhere nonnegative curvature with
a finite number of points deleted, at each of which points the Gaussian
curvature is positive.''
Again, in the present case, it is clear that
ϕ′ extends to some
continuous map
ϕ. That
ϕ is smooth follows from results of
Alexandrov and Pogorelov once it is established that
ϕ(M) bounds a
convex set. Most of the paper is concerned with proving this latter fact.
One tool is the following: Each component of the set of planar points of
ϕ′ is a compact convex subset of a plane in
{For the entire collection see
Reviewed by H. Jacobowitz
The author's purpose is to prove the following theorems. Theorem 1: Let
be a complex manifold and let
G and
H be two Hermitian metrics on
whose holomorphic sectional curvatures
K(G) and
K(H) satisfy the
K(G)≤−K1<0 and
K(H)≤−K2<0, where
K1 and
K2 are
positive constants [
K(G)≤0 and
K(H)≤0]; then
K(G+H)≤−K1K2/(K1+K2) [K(G+H)≤0]. Theorem 2: Let
M be a
compact complex manifold that admits a Hermitian metric with negative
holomorphic sectional curvature; then
M admits a Hermitian metric
with negative holomorphic sectional curvature such that every holomorphic
automorphism of
M is an isometry of
G. Theorem 1 shows a remarkable
contrast between Hermitian metrics and Riemannian metrics.
In the case
dimcM=1, Theorem 1 was first proved by H. Grauert and H.
REckziegel [Math. Z.
89 (1965), 108–125;
We can
recall another fact about the decreasing property of holomorphic sectional
curvature on submanifolds [see P. A. Griffiths,
Global analysis
Papers in honor of K. Kodaira), pp. 185–251, Univ. Tokyo Press,
Tokyo, 1969;
S. Kobayashi,
Hyperbolic manifolds
and holomorphic mappings, Dekker, New York, 1970;
present author proves the following lemma: Let
M be a Hermitian manifold
with Hermitian metric
G, and let
t be a unit tangent vector to
M at
p∈M; then there exists an imbedded 1-dimensional complex submanifold
M′ of
M tangent to
t such that the
Gaussian curvature of
M′ at
p relative to the induced metric equals the
holomorphic sectional curvature
K(G,t) of
t assigned by
G. After such
preparations, the author proves Theorem 1. Since in the present case the
group of holomorphic automorphisms of
M is finite [the author, Acta Math.
119 (1967), 193–233;
Theorem 2 is obtained as an
application of Theorem 1.
Reviewed by Y. Mutô
This paper is an announcement of some results on Kähler manifolds (where
the Riemannian curvature fulfills appropriate conditions) in continuation
of the authors' previous note [same Bull.
77 (1971), 1045–1049;
(1) Let
M be a complete simply connected Kähler
manifold with nonpositive sectional curvature, with|sectional curvature
(p)|≤C⋅(d(0,p))−2−ε (C,ε>0),
distance; then there exists no bounded holomorphic function on
M. (2) For
M complete Kähler,
dimCM=n, of positive scalar curvature,
M has no holomorphic
n-form in
L2. If
ri1+⋯+rip>0 for
i1<⋯<ip (where
r1,⋯,rn are the eigenvalues of the
Ricci tensor) then
M admits no holomorphic
p-form in
L2. (3) For
complete Kähler, with positive Ricci curvature and nonnegative sectional
curvature, and for
L a holomorphic line bundle on
M with nonnegative
Hp(M,O(L))=0 for
p≥1. Corollary: A domain
M⊂Cn with a complete Kähler metric of positive Ricci
curvature and nonnegative sectional curvature is a Stein manifold. (4) For
M complete simply connected Kähler, with
−d2≤ sectional curvature
≤0 (or
−d2≤ sectional curvature
≤−c2<0), certain
F(M) of
A(M) (= algebra of holomorphic functions on
are given with
F(M) dense in
A(M). (5) A theorem concerned with
boundedness properties of the solutions of
∂¯¯¯u=f is
formulated. (6) A pseudo-Hermitian metric with nonpositive Ricci curvature
Cn satisfies
(Ricci curvature
Reviewed by A. Aeppli
M be a compact orientable two-dimensional Riemannian manifold with
strictly positive Gaussian curvature, and let
M′ be the Riemannian
manifold obtained from
M by deleting a finite number of points. It is
well known that if the metric on
M is smooth there is a smooth isometric
imbedding of
M in three-space which is unique in the class of smooth
immersions up to a rigid motion of three-space. The authors show that if
the metric on
M is of class
C5 then any isometric imbedding of
extends to a
C2 isometric imbedding of
M and is thus unique up to a
rigid motion. The result answers an old question about the rigidity of
punctured ovaloids [see D. Hilbert and S. Cohn-Vossen, English translation,
Geometry and the imagination, p. 230, Chelsea, New York, 1952;
The result should be contrasted with that of A. V.
Pogorelov [Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR
139 (1961), 1307–1308;
which gives a countable number of distinct isometric immersions
(not one-to-one) of any punctured ovaloid.
The authors prove the theorem as follows. First they show that any
isometric imbedding
f′ of
M′ extends uniquely to a continuous map
M into
R3. Then they show that
f(M) is the boundary of a convex
body by means of the following lemma: Every plane in
R3 meets
f(M) in
at most one point or one convex simple closed curve. Then they show that
the map
f is actually
C2 everywhere, so that it is unique by the
result mentioned above. The smoothness is proved using results of A. D.
Aleksandrov and Pogorelov [see Pogorelov, German translation,
Verbiegung konvexer Flächen, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1957;
The bulk of the present paper is devoted to proving the lemma about the
intersection of the surface with an arbitrary plane. The general idea of
the proof is to show that a flow induced on
f(M) by a vector field
obtained from the gradient of the height function of the surface enables
one to decompose
f(M′) into a disjoint union of open sets unless the
conclusion of the lemma holds, thus contradicting the connectedness of
f(M′). The actual proof involves a good deal of delicate geometric
Reviewed by C. S. Weaver
In this paper the author defines when a
C∞ convex hypersurface
in a Euclidean space
Rn+1 (n>1) is said to form a pseudograph over
the tangent plane and announces a structure theorem that complements the
convexity theorem of R. Sacksteder and J. van Heijenoort [Sacksteder, Amer.
J. Math.
82 (1960), 609–630;
Theorem: Let
M be a
C∞ hypersurface in
Rn+1 which is
complete, noncompact and orientable with nonnegative sectional curvature
not identically zero; then (1) the spherical image of
M in the unit
Sn has a geodesically convex closure which lies in a closed
hemisphere, (2) the total curvature of
M does not exceed one, (3)
M is
pseudograph over one of its tangent planes, and (4)
M has infinite
Corollary: Suppose that the sectional curvature of
M is in fact
everywhere positive; then (5) the spherical map is a diffeomorphism onto a
geodesically convex open subset of
Sn and consequently the spherical
image lies in an open hemisphere, and (6) coordinates in
Rn+1 can be
so chosen that
M is tangent to the hyperplane
xn+1=0 at the origin,
and there is a nonnegative strictly convex function
defined in a convex domain of
{xn+1=0} such that
M is exactly the
graph of
Reviewed by Y. Katsurada
The authors announce results on Kähler manifolds, mostly with nonpositive
Riemannian curvature. (1) If M is a complete simply connected Kähler
manifold with nonpositive Riemannian curvature, then (i) M is Stein [cf.
the second author, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 14 (1967), 515, Abstract
67T-327]; (ii) if ρ=ρ(x) is the distance of x from a fixed point
O∈M, then logρ is plurisubharmonic and ρ2,
log(1+ρ2) are both C∞ and strictly plurisubharmonic; (iii)
estimates for ddcρ2 and ddclog(1+ρ2) are given if the
Riemannian curvature ≤−c2<0 or if −d2≤ the Riemannian curvature
≤0; (iv) if dimCM=n, then
∫Sr|f|pωr≥|f(0)|p(2πn/(n−1)!)r2n−1 for f a
holomorphic function in M, 0<p<∞, Sr the geodesic sphere of
radius r about O, ωr the volume element on Sr; furthermore,
if the Riemannian curvature ≤−c2<0, r≥1, then
∫Sr|f|pωr≥Dfecr for Df a constant independent of
r. (2) For M as above, if | Riemannian curvature (x)|≤C/ρ3(x) for some constant C then M does not admit any nonconstant
bounded holomorphic function. (3) If M is Stein and D⊂⊂M
is a strongly pseudo-convex domain of M with C2 boundary, then the
Bergman kernel form goes to infinity at ∂D and the Bergman metric
of D is complete. (4) (i) If D is a domain with C2 boundary in the
Kählerian Stein manifold M, and D is locally geodesically convex,
then D is Stein; (ii) if M is again as above (complete simply connected
Kähler, with nonpositive Riemannian curvature) then every geodesically
convex domain in M with C2 boundary is Stein. (5) If M is a
noncompact complete Kähler manifold with positive Riemannian curvature,
then M has no compact complex submanifolds.
Reviewed by A. Aeppli
Let M be a compact hypersurface of a Riemannian manifold M¯¯¯¯¯.
Let Ms be the set of points lying on geodesics normal to M at a
directed distance s from M. Let A(s), the "growth function'' of M,
be the content (volume) of Ms. The authors show that A(s) satisfies
the differential equation A′′+cA=0 for each hypersurface M of
M¯¯¯¯¯ if and only if M¯¯¯¯¯ is a two-dimensional Riemannian
manifold of constant curvature c.
Reviewed by C. B. Allendoerfer
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
The authors prove the following striking results. Relative to a flat
Hermitian metric hdzdz¯¯¯ on a disk Dr of radius r centered
at the origin, the area and diameter of Dr are at least πr2a and
r(2a)1/2, respectively, where a=h(0). Moreover, if ρ(z) is the
distance with respect to hdzdz¯¯¯ from z to ∂Dr,
then supDrρ≥(31/2/4)r√a and ∫Driρhdz∧dz¯¯¯≥(31/2π/32)r3a3/2. Consequences of
this are that, relative to this sort of metric, the complex plane has
infinite area and diameter and it possesses closed discs of arbitrarily
large radii that are compact. {The authors phrase their results in
seemingly greater generality.}
Reviewed by Moses Glasner
This book contains the value distribution theory of holomorphic curves
developed by L. V. Ahlfors [Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. Nova Ser. A
(1941), no. 4;
and Weyl. The presentation needs the
elementary theory of one complex variable and some background from
differential geometry, but almost everything else, including the geometry
of complex-projective space
Pn, is developed starting from a very
elementary standpoint. In Chapters I and II Nevanlinna's theory of
meromorphic functions
(i.e., holomorphic maps
V a Riemann
surface) is recalled. The first and the second main theorems are proven,
and integrated in the case when
V admits a harmonic exhaustion, and the
defect relations are derived.
P1 is replaced by
Pn. Chapter III contains
elementary properties of holomorphic curves
x:V→Pn. In particular, the associated curves q
0≤k≤n, are defined (
G(n,k)= Graßmannian of
k-planes in
Pn) as well as projection and contraction curves of
In Chapter IV, the first and second main theorems are proven. The latter
kx, and
k+1x, and it is shown how this
gives for compact
V the classical formulas of Plücker. Chapter V proves
the defect relations, following Ahlfors closely.
Reviewed by W. Barth
Let E be a holomorphic vector bundle with Hermitian metric h on a
compact complex manifold M. With respect to local coordinates in M and
a local basis for the sections of E, let Kαβij¯
be the components of the curvature of the Hermitian connection and
hαβ¯¯¯ the components of the metric
h(i,j=1,⋯,dimM,α,β=1,⋯,dimE). Let
Kγ¯¯¯βij¯=∑hαγ¯¯¯Kαβij¯. Then the authors
prove the following main result: If ∑iKγβii¯ is
a negative definite Hermitian matrix at each point of M, then E admits
no non-zero holomorphic section. This shows in particular for a line bundle
E that if the first Chern class is represented by a (1,1)-form with
negative trace in each point of M, then E admits no non-zero
holomorphic section. Another interesting consequence is the following
property. Let r1,⋯,rn be the eigenvalues of the Ricci tensor of
the Hermitian manifold M. If ri1+⋯+rip>0 for all
i1<⋯<ip, then M admits no non-zero holomorphic p-forms. If in
particular the scalar curvature of M is positive, then M admits no
non-zero holomorphic n-forms, n=dimM.
Reviewed by Ph. Tondeur
In the present paper the authors extend the classical theorem of Bloch,
first to meromorphic functions in the complex plane C and second, to
quasiconformal holomorphic mappings in the complex vector space Cn. The
classical theorem of Bloch states that if f is holomorphic in D¯¯¯¯={z:|z|≤1} such that |f′(0)|=1, then there exists a constant
β>0 such that the disc {z:|z−z0|<β} is the one-to-one
image of an open subset of the unit disc under f. Replacing the absolute
value in C by the chordal distance χ and the absolute value of the
derivative f′ by the spherical derivative ρ(f)=|f′(z)|/(1+|f(z)|2),
the authors prove: (A) If f is meromorphic in D¯¯¯¯ and
ρ(f(0))≥1, then there exists a constant γ>0 such that the
disc {z:χ(z0,z)<γ} in the chordal distance is the
one-to-one image of some open subset of D¯¯¯¯ under f.
Furthermore, 0.163<γ<0.429. Let M and N be hermitian manifolds
of dimension n. A holomorphic mapping f:M→N is
quasiconformal of order K if and only if for every p∈M, df carries
the unit sphere of the tangent space Mp at p either onto a point or
onto a hyperellipsoid of the tangent space Nf(p) at f(p) such that
the ratio of the largest axis of the hyperellipsoid to the shortest axis is
bounded above by K>0. The second result then reads: (B) Let M=D¯¯¯¯n be the closed unit ball in Cn equipped with the flat metric and let
N be a hermitian manifold of the same dimension satisfying either (a) N
is compact or (b) the group of holomorphic automorphisms of N contains a
transitive group of isometries. If f:D¯¯¯¯n→N is a
quasiconformal holomorphic mapping of order K, and
(f∗Ω/ω)(0)≥a>0, then there exists a universal constant
γ=γ(n,a,K,N)>0 such that f possesses a univalent ball of
radius γ, where ω is the volume form of the flat metric on
D−n and Ω the volume form of N. The authors also point out
that (B) with (a) contains (A), except for the explicit bounds of the Bloch
constant γ, and the hypothesis on quasiconformality in (B) is
essential, i.e., (B) is false without it.
Reviewed by K. T. Hahn
The author studies equidistribution theory for maps of fiber dimension 0
into compact manifolds. He first proves an unintegrated first main theorem
in the differential case. The Green form on a compact Riemannian manifold
M gives a form
μa on
M−{a} such that
dμa is the volume
element on
M. In the complex case,
μa=dcλa, where
λa is a singular potential in the sense of the reviewer [
Value distribution of holomorphic maps into compact complex manifolds,
Springer, Berlin, 1970;
λa is invariant
under the isometries of
M. J. J. Hirschfelder [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
23 (1969), 548–554;
showed that
λa is a
weak proximity form in the sense of the reviewer [loc. cit.].
V be an
n-dimensional complex manifold with a non-negative
exhaustion function
τ and let
M be a compact,
Kähler manifold with fundamental form
κ. The author derives an
(integrated) first main theorem for 0-fibering holomorphic maps
f:V→M of
rankn. The map
f is said to be
quasi-surjective if
M−f(V) has measure zero. If
τ is pseudoconvex,
f is quasi-surjective if
liminfr→∞(1/T(r))∫V(r)−V(r0)f∗(κn−1)∧ddcτ=0, where
r>r0 and
V(r)={x∈V|τ(x)≤r} and where
T(r)=∫rr0(∫V(t)f∗κn)dt is the characteristic of
f. As a corollary the author re-proves and clarifies a theorem of S. S.
Chern [Ann. of Math. (2)
71 (1960), 536–551;
He then considers special cases in which it is possible to replace
(∗) by a more accessible condition. For instance, Theorem 2 in
III shows that a holomorphic map
f:Cn→M of bounded
distortion into a Kähler manifold of dimension
n is quasi-surjective if
f has
rankn. Corollary 4 states the same for quasi-conformal
F:Cn→M. Part IV studies the case
f:Cn→Cn by replacing the Fubini-Study metric of
Cn in
Pn by the flat metric in the image space
The author obtained these results independently of Hirschfelder [Invent.
8 (1969), 1–33;
A general unified theory
was given by the reviewer [loc. cit.].
Reviewed by W. Stoll
The following theorem is proved: "For each positive integer n, let
ρ(n)=(n/2+1)2+1 if n is even, ρ(n)=((n+1)/2)((n+3)/2)+1 if n
is odd. Let Cm be the m-dimensional complex euclidean space and
PnC the n-dimensional complex projective space. Then every
holomorphic mapping x:Cm→PnC such that
x(Cm) omits ρ(n) hyperplanes in general position must reduce
to a constant.''
Reviewed by A. Gray
Let M be a Riemannian manifold for which the length (area, volume, etc.)
of parallel submanifolds of codimension one is a linear function of
directed normal distance. Then M is flat and of dimension two.
Reviewed by R. L. Bishop
MR0237772 (38 #6053)
Wu, H. Mappings of Riemann surfaces (Nevanlinna theory).
Entire Functions and Related Parts of Analysis (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., La Jolla, Calif., 1966),
pp. 480–532,
Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., XI, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1968.
Ever since it was recognized that Nevanlinna's second theorem is closely
related to the Gauss-Bonnet formula, it has been clear that a differential
geometric approach to value distribution theory is both possible and
desirable. The reviewer carried out such a program without stressing its
generality and without full use of the language of differential geometry
that had not yet been fully developed [Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. (N.S.) A
2 (1937), no. 6]. In more modern terms the same approach was taken up by
S. S. Chern [Amer. J. Math.
82 (1960), 323–337;
The author follows Chern rather closely, but in a more general setting.
Given a holomorphic mapping
f:V→M from one Riemann
surface to another, the basic objective is to obtain quantitative laws
referring to the pointwise covering of
M by
V. In the classical case
V is the complex plane or a disk, and
M is the Riemann sphere. Chern's
generalization is to compact
M and a
V obtained by removing a finite
number of points from a compact surface. In this paper the author tries to
deal with arbitrary open
V, but he decides that significant results can
be obtained only if
V possesses an exhaustion by level curves of a
harmonic function. The case where
V has a boundary is dealt with in an
The main theorems can be formulated for an arbitrary Riemannian metric on
M, but the author seems to prefer the metric with constant curvature. The
reviewer was not quite able to see to what extent this is a simplification.
The measuring functions, such as characteristic and deficiencies, depend on
the metric and on the exhaustion.
The proofs are very detailed and precise, making the presentation quite
suitable for students. The author does not elaborate on the overlap with
the book of K. Noshiro and L. Sario [
Value distribution theory, Van
Nostrand, Princeton, N.J., 1966;
The reviewer misses a
reference to G. af Hällström, who was one of the pioneers.
{For the collection containing this paper see MR0232935.}
Reviewed by L. V. Ahlfors
Für komplexe Mannigfaltigkeiten
M und
N bezeichne
A(M,N) die
Menge der holomorphen Abbildungen
f:M→N, versehen mit
der CO-Topologie. Der Satz von Bloch wird verallgemeinert zu: (I) Seien
N hermitisch, und sei
Fa⊂A(M,N) eine
relativkompakte Teilmenge, so daß in einen festem Punkt
p∈M für
f∈Fa die "Volumenverzerrung'' von
f größer oder
a ist. Dann gibt es ein
r>0, so daß jedes
f∈Fa in
{q∈M:|p−q|<r} biholomorph ist.
Ein ähnlicher Satz wird auch für gewisse differenzierbare Abbildungen
reeller Gebiete bewiesen.
N heißt tight bezüglich einer Metrik [taut], wenn
für alle
M gleichgradig stetig [normal] ist. Die Sätze von Cartan und
Carathéodory über beschränkte Gebiete werden mit den gleichen
Methoden für solche Mannigfaltigkeiten bewiesen: (II) Ist
N taut oder
tight, so ist die Gruppe der biholomorphen Automorphismen von
N in der CO-Topologie eine (reelle) Liegruppe. (III) Sei
eine relativkompakte offene Untermannigfaltigkeit und tight bezüglich
einer Metrik von
N′ und sei
f:N→N holomorph mit
p. Dann ist
f Automorphismus genau dann, wenn
Daß Sätze analog (II) und (III) auch für komplexe Räume (mit
Singularitäten) gelten, wurde von W. Kaup bewiesen [Invent. Math.
(1967), 43–70;
Reviewed by Gerd Fischer
Author's summary: "This paper studies the holonomy group of a Riemannian
manifold whose metric is allowed to have arbitrary signature; it is meant
to supplement the works of Borel, Lichnerowicz and Berger on Riemannian
manifolds with positive definite metric. We first show that each such
holonomy group can be decomposed into the
direct product of a finite number of weakly irreducible subgroups of the
pseudo-orthogonal group. Those weakly irreducible subgroups which are not
irreducible (in the usual sense) we call S-W irreducible. So our
investigation is reduced to that of these S-W irreducible holonomy
groups. We actually construct a large class of symmetric spaces with
S-W irreducible holonomy groups and for the nonsymmetric case, we give
an indication of their abundant existence. On the other hand, not every
S-W irreducible group can be realized as a holonomy group; this fact is
shown by an explicit example. We then study the closedness question of
S-W irreducible subgroups in general, and of holonomy groups in
particular. It turns out that algebraic holonomy groups (and hence S-W
irreducible subgroups in general) need not be closed in Gln but that
holonomy groups of symmetric Riemannian manifolds of any signature are
necessarily closed. Sufficient conditions are also given in order that an
S-W irreducible subgroup be closed. Finally, we produce various
counter-examples to show that many facts known to hold in the positive
definite case fail when the metric is allowed to be indefinite.''
Reviewed by L. Auslander
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
It is a well-known theorem in the geometry of paths of the American school
(or Princeton school) of differential geometry that a projective change of
a symmetric affine connection into a symmetric affine connection is trivial
if it preserves the affine parameters of the geodesics. Replacing the words
"symmetric affine connection'' and "system of paths'' by "dissection''
and "spray'', Ambrose, Palais and Singer [An. Acad. Brasil. Ci.
(1960), 163–178;
gave this old theorem a new outlook
which is perhaps more appealing to a new breed of differential geometers.
(If one uses a modern definition of connection, then the equivalence
between a symmetric affine connection and a dissection is less trivial than
when one uses the classical definition.) The version by
Ambrose-Palais-Singer states that there is a natural one-to-one
correspondence between the sprays and the dissections. The paper under
review gives a new proof of this theorem, which is in the reviewer's
opinion sounder than the original one in the sense that it is closer to the
old proof of the old theorem and is easily understandable. In the second
half, the author obtains a new result which characterizes those sprays that
come from Riemannian metrics.
Reviewed by Shoshichi Kobayashi
In a previous paper [Illinois J. Math.
8 (1964), 291–311;
the author established the decomposition theorem of de Rham
type for Riemannian manifolds whose metrics are not positive definite. The
present paper is concerned with a related problem. The holonomy group of a
Riemannian manifold
M is said to be nondegenerately reducible if it
leaves a proper nondegenerate subspace of the tangent space invariant.
is said to admit an affine decomposition if there exist affinely connected
M1 and
M2 and a connection-preserving diffeomorphism
M onto the direct product
M1×M2. The most essential result
proved here is that, for a simply connected complete Riemannian manifold
M, the holonomy group of
M is nondegenerately reducible if and only if
M admits an affine decomposition. This is proved by a rather fine
analysis of various subspaces arising from an affine decomposition and the
action of the holonomy group. Corollary: If the maximal trivial space of
the holonomy group of
M is zero, then every affine decomposition of
is in fact an isometric decomposition (that is,
ϕ is an isometry).
Reviewed by K. Nomizu
The decomposition theorem for a simply connected complete Riemannian
manifold according to the reducibility of the holonomy group [de Rham,
Comment. Math. Helv.
26 (1952), 328–344;
for a
different proof, see Kobavashi and the reviewer,
Foundations of
differential geometry, Vol. I, Interscience, New York, 1963;
is now extended to the case of an indefinite metric. To be more
precise, let
M be a manifold with a non-degenerate metric. The holonomy
Φ of
M at a point
m is said to be nondegenerately reducible
if it leaves invariant a proper subspace
Mm1 of the tangent space
Mm on which the restriction of the metric is also non-degenerate. In
this case,
Mm is the direct sum of
Mm1 and its orthogonal
Mm2, which is invariant by
Φ and on which the
restriction of the metric is also non-degenerate. The main result is the
following. Let
M be a simply connected complete manifold with an
indefinite metric and suppose that the holonomy group
m is non-degenerately reducible:
Mm=Mm1⊕Mm2 as
before. Then
M is isometric to the direct product of the maximal integral
M1 and
M2 of the parallel distributions
T1 and
obtained from
Mm1 and
Mm2, respectively.
The first step of the proof is, of course, to establish a local
decomposition and it is here that the assumption of non-degenerate
reducibility is essential. An example, attributed to Holzsager, is given to
illustrate that mere reducibility is not enough.
The construction of a global decomposition is based on a generalization by
Hicks [Illinois J. Math.
3 (1959), 242–254;
of a
result of Ambrose on parallel translation of curvature [Ann. of Math. (2)
64 (1956), 337–363;
As the author observes,
this part of the proof is valid for an affine connection which is not
necessarily metric; once a local product structure is established, simple
connectivity and completeness together will give a global decomposition, as
worked out in a different manner by Kashiwabara [Tôhoku Math. J. (2)
8 (1956), 13–28;
see also the remarks on the de Rham
theorem by R. Hermann [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
108 (1963), 170–183;
The author lists a number of known results based on the de Rham
decomposition theorem which are now valid in suitable form for a manifold
with an indefinite metric, thanks to his main theorem.
Reviewed by K. Nomizu
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
Thesis (Ph.D.)–Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
1963. (no paging).
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