Hi there first post here. I am trying to achieve the effect of the Simple Deform Modifier set to Taper within Geometry Nodes. Using Blender 3.1.0
The picture to the left is my Geometry Nodes object - just a simple scattering of cylinders on a plane. To the right is the same object with a Simple Deform Modifier after the GeoNodes mod set to taper along the Z axis.
I would prefer to be able to do the same thing within the Geometry Node tree without using the deform modifier.
The main reason being that for the modifier to work I have to realize the instances, which I'd rather not do so I can use the instance objects' local texture coordinates for shading.
Surprisingliy I did not find many resources online on how to deform a mesh in GeoNodes. Any help and pointers are appreciated. Thanks in advance.