

The name Palestine comes from the aftermath of all the Roman genocide, raping and pillaging. After the Bar Kokhba revolt of 132, most Jews are exiled from their homeland - though some remain. The Romans wanted to erase the Jews from history and renamed the region, taking it from what some called “Syria Palaestina.” Settler-colonialism, if you will. Many Jews escaped to Galilee. But, there was no one home - Jews begin to disperse all around the globe. Some go to Babylonia. Some go to Egypt (their original oppressors). Greece, Italy, Northern Africa, Europe. It’s uncertain if Jews will survive at all. By the 7th century, Islam is born and Islamic conquests start. In some ways, Jews are able to adapt and thrive in the midst of all the war. Their existence is given a special tax, and the Caliphates take over the major centers of Jewish life. Sometimes, there is tolerance and flourishing of culture, sometimes Jews are targeted for expulsion, rape and genocide. Their safety is at the whim of whoever is in charge. Then the Crusades start. This is around 1096, and it utterly devastating for Jews. It’s now Europeans specifically targeting Jewish communities. Envious of Jewish economic success, and spurred by antisemitic propaganda (sound familiar?) they do mass killings. They force religious conversions. And to survive, Jewish people disperse even further around the globe.

