Michael Bailey
Michael Bailey
1.2万 件のポスト
Michael Bailey
Open the Overton window.
Michael Baileyさんのポスト
I have just been notified that my paper with Suzanna Diaz will be retracted by the publisher due to concerns about lack of informed consent. This paper:
It has come to my attention that the retracted version of our article on Rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) is hard to read because of its defacing (Retracted Article on every page) by the publisher Springer Nature. Here’s a link to the original version:
Repeating an assertion is not an argument.
Repeating an assertion is not an argument.
Repeating an assertion is not an argument.
Repeating an assertion is not an argument.
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Article will remain online but with retraction notice. It remains true. Let's Streisand this thing!
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I am collaborating on a much larger (more participants, more extensive survey) long-term study that will include both parents. and gender dysphoric adolescents. Hope to launch this summer. The Diaz and Bailey study remains in the scientific literature. Cite it.
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Parents contacted Suzanna Diaz after seeing her invitation to complete a survey. These parents were concerned their children have ROGD. They wanted the data out. Obviously.
Suzanna Diaz and I are happy that our new paper has been published:
Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: Parent Reports on 1655 Possible Cases
open access
Our article “Detransition and Desistance Among Previously Trans-Identified Young Adults” is just published. Coauthors:
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Our article that was retracted at Archives of Sexual Behavior (Rapid onset gender dysphoria: Parent reports on 1655 possible cases) has been “republished” at Journal of Open Inquiry in the Behavioral Sciences. Download here:
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It's okay. The controversy has publicized the article far more than it would have been. And the shame is Springer's, not ours.
The incomparable and brilliant scholar of autogynephilia, Anne Lawrence, has just resurrected her website. No one should write (or even think) about autogynephilia without visiting and reading:
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Many of those who do like what is going on in academia. That is worrisome.
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Republishing in JOIBS, journal for SOIBS, where you are a member. In fact, the open access publishing agreement (which we have) allows multiple republication.
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How has this woman gotten a high-paying academic position and influence?
Michael Bailey
Our article “Detransition and Desistance Among Previously Trans-Identified Young Adults” is just published. Coauthors: @LisaLittman1 @stellaomalley3 @lacroicsz @profjmb
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Here is the official cancellation attempt:
International Academy of Sex Research
1/Dear IASR members,
In the interest of transparency, we want to communicate to the Membership about recent concerns regarding a publication in our official journal, the Archives of Sexual Behavior. On March 29th, the journal published an article authored by ...
their values don't include the pursuit of knowledge and truth, unfortunately.
Jesse Singal () has a contract to write a book about gender medicine (and trans stuff more broadly, presumably). This is an opportunity to persuade him of the harm that avoiding autogynephilia (AGP) discussion has done. It's mostly discussed by self-aware and decent…
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I detect some phobiaphobiaism here.
Michael Bailey
Our article “Detransition and Desistance Among Previously Trans-Identified Young Adults” is just published. Coauthors:
Link to study:
The Research On Sexuality They Don't Want You to See - Michael Bailey...
J. Michael Bailey is a Northwestern University professor of psychology, researcher, and an author known for his work on sexual orientation and human sexualit...
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There was considerable, but not universal agreement that they had had “rapid-onset gender dysphoria.” Encouragingly, gender dysphoria went WAY DOWN and life satisfaction went WAY UP after detransition.
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This is a bad take. He is a psychologist and researcher committed to preventing child sex abuse.
Let this be a warning to societies wanting to put identity politics before the pursuit of knowledge and reasoned discussion.
James Cantor
Open letter of resignation:
My 27-year association with Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality must come to an end. In the present culture war between science and popular appeal, the SSSS Board of Directors selected the latter.
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After social transition, youths became much worse off in terms of both their psychological functioning and their relationships with parents.
I love a good novel. Increasingly though, I have noticed–just like everywhere else–novel reviews are weighted by "correct" politics. Probably unintentionally, but regardless: novels that can only be enjoyed if you have a particular political orientation don't interest me.
Andrea James is a piece of work, to be sure, and what she tried to do to me was terrible. But her biggest victims are honest transgender persons with autogynephilia (AG). Suppression of discussion of AGP has been extraordinarily harmful to those who need knowledge.
Oozlum Sam
返信先: @HJoyceGenderさん
The person running this, andrea james, was involved in an insane harassment campaign against @profjmb. I can't remember all the details but she explicitly aimed stuff at his kids.
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This is an incredible action on Twitter's part. Blanchard's tweet was that of a scientist, not a troll.
#Puzzles2023 Next up: James Morandini, who is a leading therapist and researcher on gender dysphoria and autogynephilia. James will talk about "Bisexual Phenomena Among Autogynephilic Men"
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It is one of the few empirical studies of persons who identified as transgender and then changed their minds. Often this occur afters serious steps towards social and medical transition.
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