Welcome Visitors!
This website provides downloadable copies of my academic publications, including my 2013 book, Men Trapped in Men's Bodies: Narratives of Autogynephilic Transsexualism. There are also links to videos and podcasts in which I've participated and there will be occasional essays on topics related to gender dysphoria. Some of the ideas presented on this website are controversial. I hope to present additional controversial ideas as time and energy permit.
What's New
- Ms. Z's Further Reflections: Body and Identity (2024) Ms. Z contributed a narrative to Men Trapped in Men's Bodies, published in 2013. Over a decade later she submitted this essay offering her further reflections.
- Video: Dr. Anne Lawrence on Erotic Target Identity Inversions (2023) Dr. James Morandini interviews me on the topic of Erotic Target Identity Inversions, a paraphilic category that encompasses a range of unusual sexual orientations, including autogynephilia. This is an excerpt from a longer symposium video available here.
- Video: Autogynephilic Sexual Orientation & Gender Dysphoria, An Introduction for Clinicians: Dr. Lawrence interviews Dr. James Morandini (2024) Dr. Morandini explains autogynephilic sexual orientation and its importance in working with clients who experience gender dysphoria.
- Becoming What We Love: Autogynephilic Sexual Orientation (2023) This brief, nonacademic introduction to autogynephilia summarizes the most important elements of my 2007 article.