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UD Talk is an app that can be used for free.

A communication support app that has been introduced in over 1000 organizations (including local governments)
and over 150 educational institutions with
1 million downloads.

Appeared in the dramas “Starry Night,” “Silent,”
“Fight Song,” and “Fukuoka Love White Paper 13: The Other Side of Your World.”

Some of the implementation examples are published on the map.

What is UD Talk? (scroll down)

YouTube channel

We have released many videos on how to use UD Talk . Please subscribe to the channel.

Original goods

We sell UD Talk original goods at SUZURI .

online manual

This is an online manual that can be searched by function or menu item name.
Online Manual (Japanese version)
Online Manual (English ver.)

privacy policy

Display based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Law

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