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    Polcompball Anarchy Wiki

    Non-ism refers to a centist ideology which believes, to put it simply, nothing. No political system should be used, it preaches, due to them being too complicated. Therefore, it is against every political idea.


    As stated before, Non-ism doesn't really have any beliefs, beyond being anti-beliefs. It doesn't think we need socialism or capitalism, nor do we need authoritarianism or libertarianism. Politics, as a whole, is simply not needed.

    Personality and Behaviour

    Non-ism will generally be confused by other ideologies, choosing instead to simply ignore them instead, as arguing with them would be showing a belief.

    How to Draw

    File:Non-ism Flag.svg
    • Draw a ball,
    • Colour the ball light grey (#F1EBEC),
    • In the middle, draw a white (#FFFFFF) circle,
    • Around the edge of the circle, draw a grey (#E5E2E3) line,
    • Draw two white horizontal lines, coming from each side of the circle,
    • As with the circle, draw a grey line around the edge of the lines,
    • Add the eyes, and you're done!
    Color Name RGB HEX
    Light Grey 241,235,236 #F1EBEC
    White 255,255,255 #FFFFFF
    Grey 229,226,227 #E5E2E3


    Having relationships, of any kind, would be too much of a belief for Non-ism.

    Further Information


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