

Soejima T, Kitao M. Adaptation and measurement invariance of the 13-item version of Patient Activation Measure across Japanese young adult cancer survivors during and after treatment: A cross-sectional observational study. PLOS ONE. 2023; 18(9): e0291821. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0291821

Soejima T, Tokita M, Kitao M. Impact of flexible work arrangements on job resignation after cancer diagnosis among Japanese young adult cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer Survivorship. 2023; in press. doi: 10.1007/s11764-023-01421-1.

Oshiro R, Soejima T, Kita S, Benson K, Kibi S, Hiraki K, Kamibeppu K, Taku K. Reliability and Validity of the Japanese Version of the Short Form of the Expanded Version of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI-X-SF-J): A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023; 20(11):5965.

永吉美智枝, 早川晶, 前田美穂, 副島尭史, 吉備智史. 小児がん経験者の入院中から復学後における学習上の困難の実態. 日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌. 2023; 60(1): 27-33.

津野春香,副島尭史,法橋尚宏. スピリチュアリティ支援としてのライフレビューの効果と家族への転用可能性の検討:文献レビュー. スピリチュアルケア研究. 2023; 7: in press.


Sato I, Soejima T, Ikeda M, Kobayashi K, Setoyama A, Kamibeppu K. Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Infant Scales. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes. 2022; 6: 10.

Kibi S, Soejima T, Emoto S, Kamibeppu K. Associations Between Japanese Children’s Information Sources and Attitudes Towards Peers with Physical Disabilities or Sensory Impairments. Contemporary School Psychology. 2022. DOI:10.1007/s40688-021-00402-4.

Tobe H, Soejima T, Kita S, Sato I, Morisaki-Nakamura M, Kamibeppu K, Ikeda M, Hart C, Emori Y. How participating in a group-based anger management program changed Japanese mothers’ cognition, attitude, and behavior: A Pre-Post Study. Mental Health & Prevention. 2022; 25: 200228.

副島尭史, 永吉美智枝, 吉備智史, 前田美穂, 早川晶. 小児がん経験者とその家族における復学の経験:保護者による学校への情報提供の観点から. 日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌. 2022; 59(5): 413-419.

松本淳,副島尭史,上別府圭子.新型コロナウィルス感染症の流行やそれに伴う面会制限によって看護師が家族に関わる際に抱く困難とその対応.家族看護学研究. 2022; 28(1): 15-29.

粕谷ありさ, 副島尭史, 佐竹和代, 上別府圭子. 病棟保育が付き添い家族の負担感・心理的ストレス反応・入院生活満足度に与える影響. 小児保健研究. 2022; 81(2): 161-168.


Soejima T. Impact of the coronavirus pandemic on family well-being: A rapid and scoping review. Open Journal of Nursing. 2021; 11(12): 1064-1085.

Kibi S, Oshiro R, Soejima T, Kamibeppu K, Hiraki K, Sasaki T, Takano A, Taku K. Influence of perceived trauma on the cognitive processing model of posttraumatic growth among university students. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 2021. DOI:10.1080/13548506.2021.2001548.

Oshiro R, Soejima T, Tada K, Suzuki M, Ohno S, Yubune K, Nakamura S, Fukuchimoto H, Takei J, Yamauchi H, Kamibeppu, K. Anxiety and related factors among parents of patients with breast cancer after surgery in Japan: A multi-informant and multilevel study. Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2021; 19: e12452.

Taku K, Tedeschi RG., Shakespeare-Finch J, Krosch David G, Kehl D, Grunwald S, Romeo A, Tella MD, Kamibeppu K, Soejima T, Hiraki K, Volgin R, Dhakal S, Zięba M, Ramos C, Nunes R, Leal I, Gouveia P, Silva CC, Chaves PNDP, Zavala C, Paz A, Senol-Durak E, Oshio A, Canevello A, Cann A, Calhoun LG. Posttraumatic growth (PTG) and posttraumatic depreciation (PTD) across ten countries: Global validation of the PTG-PTD theoretical model. Personality and Individual Differences. 2021; 169: 110222.

副島尭史, 星順隆, 吉備智史, 江本駿, 東樹京子, 上別府圭子. 一般児童生徒への小児がん啓発授業が小児がん患者に対する知識・関心に与える影響. 小児保健研究 2021; 80(1): 46-55.


Soejima T, Shiohara M, Ishida Y, Inoue M, Hayakawa A, Sato A, Kamibeppu K, Atsuta Y, Yamashita T. Impact of cGVHD on Socioeconomic Outcomes in Survivors with Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant in Japan: a Cross-Sectional Observational Study. International Journal of Hematology. 2020; 113(4): 566-572.

Ikeda M, Sato I, Soejima T, Setoyama A, Kobayashi K, Fukuzawa R, Kamibeppu K. Parents' perceptions and judgment formation process of their infants' quality of life. Open Journal of Nursing. 2020; 10(12): 1219-1232.

Sakka M, Kita S, Sato I, Soejima T, Eguchi H, Tokita M, Yamamoto-Mitani N, Shimazu A, Kamibeppu K. Reliability and Validity of the Japanese Version of the Caregiving Interface Work Scale in Employed Japanese Family Caregivers. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2020; 21(2): 254-261.

Nakajima S, Sato I, Soejima T, Koh K, Kato M, Okamoto Y, Imamura T, Maeda M, Ishida Y, Manabe A, Kamibeppu, K. Comparison of child and family reports of health-related quality of life in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients after induction therapy. BMC pediatrics. 2020; 20: 390.

Sato I, Soejima T, Ishida Y, Maeda M, Koh K, Kamibeppu K. Simple change in logistic procedure improves response rate to QOL assessment: A report from the Japan children’s cancer group. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes. 2020; 4: 48.

Sato I, Sakka M, Soejima T, Kita S, Kamibeppu K. Randomized comparative study of child and caregiver responses to three software functions added to the Japanese version of the electronic Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (ePedsQL) questionnaire. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes. 2020; 4: 49.

Kita S, Sato I, Sakka M, Soejima T, Kamibeppu K. Does the use of childcare services reduce the impact of intimate partner violence on the quality of life of children?: Multiple-group structural equation modeling. Applied Research in Quality of Life. 2020; 16: 1825-1845.

Soejima T, Sato I, Takita J, Koh K, Kaneko T, Inada H, Ozono S, Kamibeppu K. Impacts of Physical Late Effects on Presenteeism in Childhood Cancer Survivors. Pediatrics International. 2020; 62(11): 1241-1249.


Soejima T, Sato I, Takita J, Koh K, Kaneko T, Inada H, Ozono S, Kamibeppu K. Do childhood cancer and physical late effects increase worries about future employment in adulthood? Cancer Reports. 2019; 2: e1175.

Sakka M, Goto J, Kita S, Sato I, Soejima T, Kamibeppu K. Associations among behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, care burden, and family-to-work conflict of employed family caregivers. Geriatrics & gerontology international. 2019: 19(1): 51-55.

Oshiro R, Kopitz J, Soejima T, Kibi S, Kamibeppu K, Sakamoto S, Taku K. Perceptions of positive and negative changes for posttraumatic growth and depreciation: Judgments from Japanese undergraduates. Personality and Individual Differences. 2019; 137: 17-21.

半谷まゆみ, 関正史, 三谷友一, 樋渡光輝, 岩崎美和, 木村敬子, 副島尭史, 佐藤伊織, 松本公一, 康勝好, 真部淳, 高木正稔, 藤村純也, 滝田順子. 小児科スタッフが中高生以上のがん患者と関わるうえで抱えている課題に関する質問紙調査. 小児血液・がん学会雑誌. 2019; 56(5): 447-453.


Soejima T, Kamibeppu K. Are cancer survivors well-performing workers?: A systematic review. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016; 12(4): e387-e397.

上別府圭子, 副島尭史. 小児がん患者の復学:患児が体験する<あいだ>, 家族が結ぶ<あいだ>, 多職種間でつながる<あいだ>. 質的心理学フォーラム. 2016; 8: 32-38.


Soejima T, Sato I Takita J, Koh K, Maeda M, Ida K, Kamibeppu K. Support for school reentry and relationships among children with cancer, peers, and teachers. Pediatrics International. 2015; 57(6): 1101-1107.

平賀健太郎, 野中らいら, 副島尭史, 東樹京子, 佐藤伊織, 武田鉄郎, 上別府圭子. 小児がん患児に対する特別支援教育コーディネーターの役割意識の構造とその影響要因. 育療. 2015; 58: 45-51.


Kaneko M, Sato I, Soejima T, Kamibeppu K. Health-related quality of life in young adults in education, employment, or training: development of the Japanese version of Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) Generic Core Scales Young Adult Version. Quality of Life Research. 2014; 23(7): 2121-31.

副島尭史, 村山志保, 東樹京子, 佐藤伊織, 平賀健太郎, 武田鉄郎, 上別府圭子. 小中学校の教員における小児がんへの認識および小児がん経験者への支援. 小児保健研究. 2014; 73(5): 697-705.


副島尭史, 東樹京子, 佐藤伊織, 武田鉄郎, 上別府圭子. 小児がんおよび小児がん経験者への児童生徒の認識と態度. 小児保健研究. 2012; 71(6): 858-66.