Hand in Hand is a 1961 British drama film about the friendship between two young children, one a Roman Catholic boy about nine, the other a 7-year-old Jewish girl.
Filmed in the summer of 1960 under the title "The Star and the Cross", Hand in Hand. Although ABPC's distribution arm in the United Kingdom, Warner-Pathe Film Distributors, screened the film for the British press in late 1960, it remained unreleased in the UK until 1963, when it finally went out nationally on the ABC cinema circuit as the supporting feature for the Tony Hancock comedy The Punch and Judy Man. It was shown to American children and adults when released on the CBS Children's Film Festival 1967 season hosted by Kukla, Fran and Ollie.
In the town of Springfield, England, adolescents Michael O'Malley and Rachel Mathias strike up a friendship despite their less than friendly first meeting at school. That friendship becomes so strong that they spend whatever time they can together, Mike even forgoing playing his regular games with his old friends just so that Rachel won't feel left out. Their friendship is primarily based on reaching for somewhat collective dreams, those that seem to be at the top of the list being going to London to have tea with the Queen, and going big game hunting in Africa. They feel they are stronger as a pair than they are as individuals. Their respective parents support the friendship, which they may not have if it was ten years later and the friendship was a romantic one, their parents who would like their respective offspring to marry within their own religion, Mike's family who is Catholic, Rachel's being Jewish. The first test to their friendship is the possibility of Rachel's family moving away to Marlow, thirty miles away. The second and arguably bigger test is when a classmate points out a fundamental difference between their two religions. By this time, Mike and Rachel have become what they consider blood brothers who cannot be separated. But they have to test whether their blood tie is stronger than their individual ties to their respective religion, the outcome of the test which may have unintended tragic consequences.
Director: Philip Leacock.
Cast: Loretta Parry, Philip Needs, John Gregson, Sybil Thorndike, Finlay Currie, Derek Sydney, Miriam Karlin, Arnold Diamond, Kathleen Byron, Barry Keegan, Martin Lawrence, Barbara Hicks, Denis Gilmore, Eric Francis.
UK, 1961.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Hand in Hand. 1961.Hand in Hand. 1961. HD.
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CZ. Po tom, čo sympatického štyridsiatnika Morgana Robertsa (David James Elliott) bolestne zasiahnu zlé správy od jeho lekára, rozhodne sa prijať prácu ako poradca v nezabudnuteľnom letnom detskom tábore, v ktorom on sám prežil spolu so svojím najlepším kamarátom Sunnym (Ed Quinn), ktorý je tam dnes riaditeľom, najkrajšie leto svojho života. Je rozhodnutý pripraviť tohtoročným táborníkom rovnako nezabudnuteľné leto, ako pred rokmi prežil on sám – a popritom sa, aj keď sa mu o tom ani len nesnívalo - sám čosi naučí od svojim malých, mimoriadne živých zverencov...
EN. Morgan Roberts, a middle aged adult in crisis, reunites with his best friend when he returns to the summer camp of his youth. His troubles seem to magnify when he is joined by a rag-tag group of 10 year old campers. Through their struggles they collectively overcome their personal problems and exchange them for one of the best summers of their lives.
Director: Christopher R. Watson.
Cast: David James Elliott, Grayson Russell, Ed Quinn, Julie Ann Emery, Rebecca Mader, Gabriel Mann, Renée Taylor, Stephen Tobolowsky, Lizz Carter, Max Burkholder, Noah Munck, Harvey J. Alperin, Taylor Boggan.
USA, Czech Republic, 2008.
Language: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Najlepšie prázdniny / The Rainbow Tribe. 2008:
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A big collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Seventy Six. The names of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.
Possible presence of repeats from the previous collections but in better quality video.
Enjoy watching!
28 clips.
Download Children In Cinema. Part-76.Children In Cinema. Part-76. Full collection of clips from featuring films and documentaries with the participation of young actors "Children in Cinema" is available for download on this forum.your comment
FI. Teuvo Tuliolta vaikutteita ottaneiden melodraamojen ja sotilasfarssien jälkeen Roland af Hällström ohjasi neljä merkittävää klassikkokirjallisuuden filmatisointia, joita voi pitää ohjaaja-käsikirjoittajan päätöinä. Ensimmäisenä valmistui Joel Lehtosen Putkinotkon (1920) elokuvasovitus, jota seurasi Putkinotkoa monessa muistuttanut Ilmari Kianto -filmatisointi Ryysyrannan Jooseppi (1955), F. E. Sillanpään samannimisen kuuluisimman teoksen filmatisointi Poika eli kesäänsä (1955) ja vielä Minna Canth -sovitus Lain mukaan (1956). Näistä Putkinotko ja Ryysyrannan Jooseppi nousevat omaan luokkaansa.
Viime vuosisadan alussa lähellä Savonlinnaa asuvan Käkriäisen perheen elämästä yhden päivän ajalta kertova Putkinotko on tarina rähjäisistä, köyhistä ja sivistymättömistä metsäläisistä. Juutas (Matti Lehtelä), perheen pää, on ulkonäöltään koko perheestä kaikkein räjähtänein, niin likaisen näköinen, että melkein hänet voi haistaakin. Valtaosan vuodesta Juutas on saamaton vätys, joka kyllä rakastaa vaimoaan (Elvi Saarnio) ja eritoten monia lapsiaan, mutta viihtyy parhaiten yksin ja omilla reissuillaan.
Käkriäisen perheen elanto tulee viinan trokaamisesta, mutta rähjäisen mökkinsä he ovat saaneet vuokralle siitä hyvästä, että huolehtivat tilasta ja samassa pihapiirissä sijaitsevasta päärakennuksesta, jonne äveriäs kaupunkilaismies Muttinen (Pentti Viljanen) aina silloin tällöin saapuu kesää viettämään – tänään vieläpä fiinin naisystävänsä (Hillevi Rautio) kanssa. Juutas ei ole pestistä erityisen innoissaan, koska pelkää häätöä eikä muutenkaan tunnu olevan halukas tekemään työtä toisen hyväksi.
Putkinotkon päivä on toimintaa täynnä. Muttisen visiittiä ennen vaimo ja lapset ehtivät käydä kaupungissa ja Juutas jauho-ostoksilla, myöhemmin illalla käydään saunomassa ja vielä sen jälkeen laskemassa verkkoja. Pelkästään Juutaksen jauhokaupoista on saatu hyvin yksinkertaisella tavalla tehtyä loistavaa viihdettä, eikä vaimon asiointi apteekissa ole yhtään sen tylsempää katseltavaa. Kaupungissa käydessään vaimo yrittää yhdessä veljensä (Ari Laine) kanssa miettiä, miten Juutaksen saisi suostumaan pontikankeittoon.
EN. A story takes place within one summery day in a place called Putkinotko on the shore of lake Saimaa in the early 20th century. Juutas and Rosina Käkriäinen are poor sharecroppers struggling to feed their ten children, so they run a liquor selling business on the side…
Director: Roland af Hällström.
Cast: Elvi Saarnio, Matti Lehtela, Lasse Poysti, Ritva Juhanto, Jorma Kutvonen, Sirkka Saarnio, Ilari Paatso, Pirjo Paatso, Reijo Suomalainen, Leena Rahikka, Raija Suomalainen, Heikki Jalkanen, Sylva Rossi, Ari Laine, Pentti Viljanen, Leni Katajakoski, Maija Kekäläinen.
Finland, 1954.
Language: Finnish.
Subtitles: English, Finnish.
Download Putkinotko / Children of the Wilderness. 1954.Putkinotko / Children of the Wilderness. 1954. your comment
My Life as a Dog (Swedish: Mitt liv som hund) is a Swedish drama film which was released to cinemas in Sweden on 12 December 1985, directed by Lasse Hallström. It is based on the second novel of a semi-autobiographical trilogy by Reidar Jönsson. It tells the story of Ingemar, a young boy sent to live with relatives.
Ingemar lives with his brother and his terminally ill mother. He may have a rough time, but not as bad as Laika - the russian dog sent into space... He gets sent away to stay with relations for the summer. While there, he meets various strange characters, giving him experiences that will affect him for the rest of his life.
Director: Lasse Hallström.
Cast: Anton Glanzelius, Tomas von Brömssen, Anki Lidén, Melinda Kinnaman, Kicki Rundgren, Lennart Hjulström, Ing-Marie Carlsson, Christina Carlwind, Ralph Carlsson, Jan-Philip Hollström.
Sweden, 1985.
Language: Swedish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1280x768 HD
Download Mitt liv som hund / My Life as a Dog. 1985:
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Part-2Mitt liv som hund / My Life as a Dog. 1985. HD. Mitt liv som hund / My Life as a Dog. 1985. HD. your comment
DK. Tre engle og fem løver er en dansk film fra 1982, instrueret af Sven Methling og baseret på en roman af Bjarne Reuter.
Lille Bertram har denne gang helliget sig malerkunsten. Onkel Georges besøg falder uheldigvis sammen med tante Gydas besøg hos den Bertramske familie. Helt galt går det, da Onkel George tager børnene med på Glyptoteket, hvor far er kustode. Bertram har nemlig taget sit maleri "Bertram og De fem Løver" med. Under et tyveri på Glyptoteket, bliver billedet forbyttet med et kostbart maleri. Søsteren Winni bliver taget som gidsel, og så går den vilde jagt. Først på Bellahøj Camping, dernæst en hæsblæsende sejltur - med Bertram bag rattet! Jagten slutter i Tivoli, hvor hele familien skal bytte maleriet for Winni.
EN. Tre engle og fem løver, the sequel to Kidnapning (1982), has irrepressible Uncle Georg leading his nephews and niece off on an adventure once again. This time some art thieves are foiled when Uncle Georg exchanges their stolen "Three Angels" masterpiece for little Oscar's oil painting of five lions - and the chase is on, this time through the famed Copenhagen Tivoli Gardens.
Director: Sven Methling.
Cast: Michael Nezer, Jesper Lund, Tobias Fog, Henriette Holm, Otto Brandenburg, Lisbet Dahl, Jesper Langberg, Marie-Louise Coninck, Alvin Linnemann.
Denmark, 1982.
Language: Danish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian, Danish.
1792x1080 FULL-HD
Download Tre engle og fem løver / Three Angels and Five Lions. 1982.your comment
DK. Kaia er 12 år gammel og har mistet sin far i en dykkerulykke. Hun drømmer om at fridykke, og øver sig overalt i at holde vejret, til hendes mors store bekymring. Under overfladen forsøger Kaia at forstå døden uden frygt.
Filmen er baseret på instruktørens egen erfaring.
EN. Kaia is 12 years old and has lost her father in a diving accident. While her mother tries to keep the family together, Kaia lies and sneaks away from the support group to go on diving adventures in the local swimming pool. Beneath the surface, Kaia searches for her father in a magical world under water, while trying to understand death without fear.
Director: Malene Begtrup.
Cast: Julie Frendrup Skovborg, Karl Peter Kjær Houlind, Christine Albæk Børge, Bella Thorup, Anders Valbro Højte.
Denmark, 2021.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Under overfladen / Diving Deep. 2021.Under overfladen / Diving Deep. 2021. FULL-HD.
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A road movie, an unorthodox crime story.
A man in his thirties is on the run with a young girl. As they take a ferry to the UK, traces of a common past come to light - a past filled with loss and sorrow. Fleeing in secret, they end up hiding in a small apartment on the seaside, where they live day-to-day, exploring each other’s emotional territories. Mourning and grief will bind them, but is this alliance of dependence appropriate for them and for the outside world?
Director: Caroline Strubbe.
Cast: Kimke Desart, Zoltán Miklós Hajdu, Mark Hanney.
Belgium, 2013.
Language: English, Dutch, Hungarian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download I'm the Same, I'm an Other / Deep in a Dream of You. 2013.I'm the Same, I'm an Other / Deep in a Dream of You. 2013. FULL-HD.
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Standing Up (also known as Goat Island) is a 2013 American coming-of-age film written and directed by D. J. Caruso and starring Chandler Canterbury and Annalise Basso. It was based on Brock Cole's 1987 young adult novel The Goats.
Based on one of the most beloved Young Adult novels of all time: Two kids are stripped naked and left together on an island in a lake - victims of a vicious summer camp prank; But rather than have to return to camp and face the humiliation, they decide to take off, on the run together. What follows is a three day odyssey of discovery and self-discovery.
Director: D J Caruso.
Cast: Chandler Canterbury, Annalise Basso, Radha Mitchell, Val Kilmer, Kate Maberly, Charles Carroll, Alix Lapri, Adrian Kali Turner, Justin Tinucci, William J. Harrison.
USA, 2013.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
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DK. Jonas (Mads M. Nielsen) er tolv år. Han kan ikke holde uf at mor (Kirsten Olesen) og far (Kjeld Nørgaard) skændes hele tiden, så han stikker af hjemmerfra. Han holder sig skjult i et par uger, hvor han bl.a. tjener penge ved bærplukning og i den forbindelse træffer han en pige. Han bliver også gode venner med en alkoholiseret forhenværende pilot (Ole Ernst), der imidlertid begår selvmord. Politiet finder ikke drengen, men han vender selv tilbage til forældrene.
EN. A 13 year old boy runs away from his wealthy parents in protest of their endless quarreling. He seeks freedom in the woods and befriends a drunken pilot, who offers him some warmth and understanding.
Director: Ebbe Nyvold.
Cast: Mads M. Nielsen, Mille Reingaard, Kirsten Olesen, Kjeld Nørgaard, Tomas Find, Susanne Knutzon, Ole Ernst, Aksel Erhardtsen, Ingolf David, Asta Esper Hagen Andersen.
Denmark, 1984.
Language: Danish.
1440x1080 FULL-HD
Download Drengen der forsvandt / The Boy Who Disappeared. 1984.your comment
The Tree is a French-Australian 2010 film co-produced between Australia and France. It was filmed in the small town of Boonah in Queensland, Australia and follows the lives of Dawn (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and her four children after the unexpected death of her husband Peter (Aden Young). The film is an adaptation of the 2002 debut novel Our Father Who Art in the Tree by Australian writer and performer Judy Pascoe.
The O'Neills lived happily in their house in the Australian countryside. That was until one day fate struck blindly, taking the life of Peter, the father, leaving his grief-stricken wife Dawn alone with their four children. Among them, eight-year-old Simone denies this reality. She is persuaded that her father still lives in the giant fig tree growing near their house and speaks to her through its leaves. But the tree becomes more and more invasive and threatens the house. It must be felled. Of course, Simone won't allow...
Director: Julie Bertuccelli.
Cast: Charlotte Gainsbourg, Morgan Davies, Marton Csokas, Christian Byers, Tom Russell, Gabriel Gotting, Aden Young, Penne Hackforth-Jones, Gillian Jones, Murray Shoring.
France, Australia, Germany, Italy, USA, 2010.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download The Tree / L'arbre / Der Baum. 2010.your comment
DK. Lad isbjørnene danse er en dansk dramafilm fra 1990. Filmen er instrueret af Birger Larsen, der også har skrevet manuskript sammen med Jonas Cornell. Manuskriptet er baseret på Ulf Starks roman af samme navn.
Fortalt med en konstant livgivende humor og med vedkommende sidehistorier bliver "Lad isbjørnene danse" aldrig tung eller dyster. 12-årige Lasse aner ligesom sin far ikke uråd: Moderen har en affære med en anden mand, som hun hellere vil leve sammen med.
Lad isbjørnene danse vandt i 1991 både Bodil-og Robertprisen for bedste film.
EN. Dance of the Polar Bears (Danish: Lad isbjørnene danse) is a 1990 Danish drama film directed by Birger Larsen. The film was selected as the Danish entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 63rd Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
At age 12, Lasse is a tough guy and a bright one. His life is changed when his mother, pregnant at the time, abandons his beloved father. She takes Lasse with her to live with her new paramour, a dentist as authoritarian as Lasse's Elvis Presley-fan butcher dad was easy-going. The dentist has a daughter, too, and she is a jealous schemer. Lasse tries hard to conform, but can a tiger change its stripes?
Director: Birger Larsen.
Cast: Anders Schoubye, Tommy Kenter, Birthe Neumann, Paul Hüttel, Laura Drasbæk, Hakim Bellmann Jacobsen, Kristine Horn, Stig Hoffmeyer, Henrik Larsen, Erik Hansen, Gerda Gilboe, Astrid Villaume, Vibeke Hastrup.
Denmark, 1990.
Language: Danish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Lad isbjørnene danse / Dance of the Polar Bears. 1990.Lad isbjørnene danse / Dance of the Polar Bears. 1990. FULL-HD. Lad isbjørnene danse / Dance of the Polar Bears. 1990. FULL-HD.
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Kept and Dreamless (Las Mantenidas Sin Sueños) is a 2005 Argentinian film directed by and starring Vera Fogwill. It also features Lucia Snieg and Elsa Berenguer. Shown at the American Film Institute's Silver Theatre in Silver Spring, Maryland, on September 24, 2005, this post-modern film explores mother-daughter relationships and the struggles of a 10-year-old child to raise her cocaine-addicted mother. The film is reminiscent of the work of Spanish director Pedro Sanchez.
Florence, a young irresponsible mother and her precocious daughter, Eugenia, have an unusual relationship. The roles between the two are reversed. Florence is totally inept at caring for a daughter, whereas Eugenia, only 10 years old, shows maturity and responsibility far beyond what her age might lead you to suppose.
Directors: Martín De Salvo, Vera Fogwill.
Cast: Vera Fogwill, Lucia Snieg, Mirta Busnelli, Edda Díaz, Mía Maestro, Elsa Berenguer, Julián Krakov, Gastón Pauls, Pochi Ducasse, Anahí Martella, Ornella Quattrocchi, Giuliana Quattrocchi, María Ezilda Fernández.
Argentina, France, Netherlands, Spain, 2005.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Las mantenidas sin sueños / Kept and Dreamless. 2005.your comment
DE. Sieben Sommersprossen ist ein in den Hauptrollen mit Laiendarstellern besetzter Jugendfilm der DEFA von Regisseur Herrmann Zschoche aus dem Jahr 1978.
Nachdem sie früher einmal im selben Haus gewohnt hatten, treffen sich die 14-jährige Karoline und der 15-jährige Robbi nach längerer Zeit in einem Ferienlager wieder. Mit der Zeit entwickelt sich eine erste Liebe zwischen den beiden. Doch es gibt viele Hindernisse für sie. Der Tagesablauf ist streng reglementiert. Die Lagerleiterin ist streng und interessiert sich nur für die körperliche Ertüchtigung. Gefühle – vor allem die der jungen Menschen untereinander – versteht sie nicht. Deshalb ist sie zunächst auch dagegen, dass der Betreuer Herr Benedikt, der als einziger Verständnis für die jungen Menschen hat, mit den Jugendlichen das Stück Romeo und Julia für die benachbarte LPG aufführt.
EN. Teens in a holiday-camp. First love, first sex, first self-made theatre performance of "Romeo and Julliet" - quite interesting to have a look at the east-German youth in the seventies.
Director: Herrmann Zschoche.
Cast: Kareen Schröter, Harald Rathmann, Christa Löser, Evelyn Opoczynski, Jan Bereska, Barbara Dittus, Hilmar Baumann, Janine Beilfuß, Carola Spindler, Sabine Schmich, Michael Böttcher.
DDR, DEFA, 1978.
Language: German.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Sieben Sommersprossen / Seven Freckles. 1978:
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Part-3your comment
CZ. Kde končí fikce a začíná realita? Kdo koho poslouchá a kdo kým manipuluje? Doktor je během prvního dne své dovolené odvolán jakýmsi naháčem na nudistickou pláž. Červený exkrement malého kluka budí ve zdejší komunitě obavy z infekce. Doktor je vlastně režisér a není spokojen s právě natočeným záběrem. Natáčení svérázného filmového experimentu z nudistické pláže má dát odpověď na otázku, jaké jsme opice – dobré, či zlé. Ruský producent Igor by ovšem rád ve svém filmu viděl poněkud více akce a méně mluvení. Během natáčení navíc přijíždí na plac režisérova manželka, slavná herecká hvězda Vilma, která by ráda řešila partnerskou krizi, což těžce nese režisérova milenka, producentova dcera a představitelka hlavní role natáčeného filmu Lenka. Nepřízeň počasí, časté úpravy scénáře, stoupající nervozita, to vše činí z tohoto natáčení podnik s víc než nejistým výsledkem.
EN. A filmmaker has to deal with obnoxious producers, uncooperative weather, and a troublesome cast -- not all of whom have opposable thumbs -- in this satiric comedy-drama. Rosta is a director whose latest project is an ambitious film that draws parallels between the lives of humans and animals, and as illustration he's cast the members of a local nudist colony, who are to interact naked with a group of apes. However, the cold weather doesn't do much for the esprit de corps of his human cast, while the primates predictably refuse to take direction. Meanwhile, Rosta's backers are demanding more comic relief, the screenwriter argues for a more emotional approach, and Rosta's family shows up unannounced, getting in the way despite their best intentions and also has complications in the relationship with his lover.
Director: Věra Chytilová.
Cast: Bolek Polívka, Jan Antonín Pitínský, Milan Šteindler, Chantal Poullain-Polívková, Věra Havelková, Petr Vacek, Jaromír Tichý-Barin, Veronika Bellová, Otakáro Maria Schmidt, Tomáš Matonoha, Pavel Liška, Marek Daniel, Arnošt Goldflam, Zita Morávková, Pavel Zatloukal, Josef Polášek, Eva Kulichová-Hodinová, Judita Nová, Claudio Monello, Květoslava Vonešová, Jiří Pecha, Jaromír Hník, Regina Lopourová, Renata Lopourová ml., Bobina Staňková, Jana Kristina Studničková, Eva Šlossárová, Jiří Kohout, Věra Chytilová, Tomáš Staněk, Renata Lopourová st., Jiří Schwarz.
Czech Republic, 2001.
Language: Czech.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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Download Vyhnání z ráje / Expulsion from Paradise. 2001. FULL-HD:
6 parts archive:
Download Vyhnání z ráje / Expulsion from Paradise. 2001. DVDRip 1024x576.Vyhnání z ráje / Expulsion from Paradise. 2001. FULL-HD. Vyhnání z ráje / Expulsion from Paradise. 2001. FULL-HD. your comment
'Silence' is an intimate portrait of the life of a ten year old girl as an intense storm is about to descend upon her city.
Director: Michael Salerno.
Cast: Clovis Fouin, Christèle Cervelle, Carla Ferrer-Casanova, Dylan Soultan, Laurent Claret, Diego Mestanza, Marcus Whale, O.B. De Alessi, Quentin Caron.
France, 2013.
Language: French.your comment
Manganinnie is an AFI Award-winning 1980 film which follows the journey of Manganinnie, a Tasmanian Aboriginal woman who searches for her tribe with the company of a young, lost white girl named Joanna. Based on Beth Roberts' novel of the same name, it was directed by John Honey and was the first feature film to be financed by the short-lived Tasmanian Film Corporation.
Through lyrical images, Manganinnie journeys across mountains towards the coast with Joanna, a white girl, in search of Manganinnie's vanished tribe. The poignancy of this film derives from the Aboriginal woman's gradual realization that her people and the tribal way of life are forever gone. It is the story of the Black Drive of 1830, the near-genocide of the Tasmanian Aborigines.
Director: John Honey.
Cast: Mawuyul Yanthalawuy, Anna Ralph, Phillip Hinton, Elaine Mangan, Mana Mana Dhammarrandji, Jarrka Dhammarrandji, Len Burarrapuwuy Dhammarrandji, Makultja Baykali Dhammarrandji, Gunjalk, Mununbatijiwuy Munyaryun.
Australia, 1980.
Language: English, Aboriginal.
1280x720 HD
Download Manganinnie / Darkening Flame. 1980.your comment
The story of an adult and a teenage couple during a brief summer holiday by the sea. While Nic's parents remain trapped in a precarious mutual dependency despite repeated attempts at reconciliation, their 12-year-old son tries to come to terms with his father's traumatizing violent outbursts in games with other children. He tries to teach Marie, who is of his age and suffers from her own relationship with her father, to feel nothing. In fact, both of them are transformed by their experience of the joys and pains of first love. A film about the first steps towards a life of one's own.
Director: Rolando Colla.
Cast: Fiorella Campanella, Armando Condolucci, Alessia Barela, Antonio Merone, Roberta Fossile, Marco D'Orazi, Aaron Hitz, Monica Cervini, Francesco Huang, Chiara Scolari, Giorgio Gobbi, Cristina Puccinelli.
Switzerland, France, 2011.
Languages: Italian, French, German.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Giochi d'estate / Jeux d'été / Summer Games. 2011.Giochi d'estate / Jeux d'été / Summer Games. 2011. FULL-HD.
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CZ. V sérii dojemných i poučných dívčích románků, které vznikaly v 70. letech, patří Velké trápení mezi ty zdařilejší. Odehrává se v dětském domově a líčí osudy dospívající dívky, která se chystá prožít prázdniny s otcem. Avšak nadále hledá citové jistoty - od otce prchá k matce... Film, na jehož scénáři se měl podílet v té době zakázaný dramatik František Pavlíček, se docela naléhavě zabývá neblahým dopadem rozpadlé rodiny na dětskou psychiku.
EN. After the separation of her parents from her father, a 13-year-old girl is placed in an orphanage where she has difficulty settling in, but then begins to break away from her father because she sees through his selfishness.
Director: Jiří Hanibal.
Cast: Renata Mašková, Jana Štěpánková, Božena Böhmová, Eduard Cupák, Marcela Martínková, Marie Motlová, Hana Packertová, Vanda Švarcová, Bohumil Šmída, Marie Vrábelová, Zuzana Fišerová-Svátková, Zuzana Zeithamlová, Kateřina Žalská, Marek Vašut, Martin Slabý, Stanislav Winter, Marek Hlavica, Josef Vytasil, Jan Hrušínský, Renata Bauerová, Táňa Václavová, Kateřina Šimůnková, Robert Krásný, Jitka Zelenohorská, Vladimír Štros, Věra Budilová, Marcel Bogosta, Slávka Hamouzová, Karel Hovorka st., Bohuslav Kupšovský, Zdeněk Skalický, Jindřich Faktor, Bohumil Koška, Věra Petáková, Viktor Riebauer, Jiřina Bílá, Marie Popelková, Petr Skarke, Gustav Vondráček, Barbora Stehlíková, Irena Kozárová, Pavlína Valeriánová.
Czechoslovakia, 1974.
Language: Czech.
1920x1080 FULL-HDVelké trápení. 1974. FULL-HD. your comment
The touching love story of a girl, her lesbian lovers and her ass which has a face on it.
Director: Noboru Iguchi.
Cast: Hozake Yamada, Yui Murata, Asami, Chiaki Usui.
Japan, 2012.
Language: None.
1280x720 HD
Download 悪魔の臀部 / Akuma no denbu / Bad Butt. 2012.悪魔の臀部 / Akuma no denbu / Bad Butt. 2012. HD.
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Beau Pere (French: Beau-père), also known as Stepfather, is a 1981 French comedy-drama film directed by Bertrand Blier, based on his novel of the same name. It stars Patrick Dewaere, Ariel Besse and Maurice Ronet and is about a 30-year-old pianist who has an affair with his 14-year-old stepdaughter after her mother dies in a car accident.
The film played at the 1981 Cannes Film Festival and had an international release. It received some positive reviews in spite of its controversial subject.
Remy is morose, nearing 30 with his career as a musician going nowhere and his eight-year marriage to Martine souring. Then, Martine dies in a car crash, and Marion, her 14-year-old, wants to stay rather than move to her father's. Remy likes the idea: he loves her, he's raised her, and she offers him emotional responsibility. Marion's father objects, but she's willful, so he relents. Soon, she tells Remy she finds him attractive, that she's now "a woman", and why can't they be lovers. Remy is appalled, but weakens, missing her when she spends Christmas with her dad. What if they do become lovers? What next? And what if a women more his age enters the picture?
Director: Bertrand Blier.
Cast: Patrick Dewaere, Ariel Besse, Maurice Ronet, Geneviève Mnich, Maurice Risch, Macha Méril, Rose Thiéry, Pierre Le Rumeur, Yves Gasc, Henri-Jacques Huet, Nathalie Baye, Nicole Garcia.
France, 1981.
Language: French.Beau-père / Stepfather. 1981. FULL-HD. Beau-père / Stepfather. 1981. FULL-HD. your comment
Misunderstood (Italian: Incompresa) is a 2014 Italian drama film directed by Asia Argento. It was selected to compete in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival.
Rome, 1984, Aria is nine-year-old girl. On the verge of divorce, Aria's infantile and selfish parents are too preoccupied with their careers and extra-marital affairs to properly tend to any of Aria's needs. While her two older sisters are pampered, Aria is treated with cold indifference. Yet she yearns to love and to be loved. At school, Aria excels academically but is considered a misfit by everyone. She is misunderstood. Aria finds comfort in her cat - Dac and in her best friend - Angelica. Thrown out of both parents' homes, abandoned by all, even her best friend, Aria finally reaches the limit of what she can bear. She makes an unexpected decision in her life.
Director: Asia Argento.
Cast: Giulia Salerno, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Gabriel Garko, Carolina Poccioni, Anna Lou Castoldi, Alice Pea, Andrea Pittorino, Max Gazzè, Gianmarco Tognazzi, Antony Hickling.
Italy, France, 2014.
Languages: Italian, French, English.
Subtitles: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Incompresa / L'Incomprise / Misunderstood. 2014.Incompresa / L'Incomprise / Misunderstood. 2014. FULL-HD. Incompresa / L'Incomprise / Misunderstood. 2014. FULL-HD.
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FL. Kertomus kahdeksanvuotiaasta Reetasta ja pikkuveljestä, jotka joutuvat elämään "robinsoneina" autiolla mökkisaarella vanhempien veneen saatua moottorivian.
Tylsät kesäpäivät muuttuvat ravisuttaviksi seikkailuiksi – Pertsa ja Kilu, Susikoira Roi ja muut sankarit nyt Areenassa.
EN. Reeta is on holiday with her baby brother and parents. When her parents fail to return to their isolated island house after going shopping, Reeta and her brot her are marooned.
Director: Raili Rusto.
Cast: Anna Ehrnrooth, Lasse Ehrnrooth, Jorma Immonen, Elina Kouki, Leena Uotila.
Finland, 1986.
Language: Finnish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Reetta Robinson. 1986.Reetta Robinson. 1986. FULL-HD. your comment
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