The highly acclaimed 7+ star rated documentary on IMDB has been shown all over the world. This documentary reveals the truth of what has happened, and what will continue happening if no one wakes up to the truth.
In it, here is the
Trailer + All 10 Parts, as well as a bonus episode 11 at the end to show how Europa The Last Battle would have probably ended, if it were made today... all in all, a finished version. This page may be updated periodically.
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January 1, 2024
Simply terrible
I am a revisionist and expert on the Holocaust mythology. Have read more HH and supporting books that probably anybody else on the planet who didn't themselves write them. So from that POV this 1st episode was utterly cringe-worthy. The orthodox would smash that opening stanza in full agreeance with the sensible revisionist body, fake quote after fake quote, conspiracy connection after connection. If a premise is generally correct in a part it's corrupted by false info anyway. About the only part of ep 1 not butchered is the final portrayal of Nazimo. If ep1 is anything to go by this whole series which appeared to be all emcompassing by looking at the contents table on Metapedia appears to be a "missed opportunity" which will serve to discredit revisionism further and appeal only to fools who will go on to get academically KOed (but probably wont realise it anyway).
Rebecca Pederson Hessey
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January 1, 2024
On the topic of mixing races, they have intermingled since Bible times.
I don't know if there are enough polygamists to counteract the takeover.
Alex Ava
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December 29, 2023
No one will tell you the truth!
In the 7th episode, during your translation, you significantly distorted Stalin’s order 0428 and added non-existent lines about the murder of your own population by soldiers dressed in SS uniforms. I just re-read the archived copy of order 0428 and there is nothing like that, on the contrary, it was ordered to withdraw the entire Soviet population during the retreat, and then destroy populated areas so that the infrastructure would not remain to the Germans. Did you intentionally distort the content of a historical document? How can viewers trust the presented content after this, if these particular events presented are built on lies and falsification of facts, at least here I caught your hand!
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December 25, 2023
Other than the music occasionally being a bit too loud and not always fitting the subject being discussed, this is nothing short of amazing. So sad that things have gotten to be the way they are now. Seems like people are starting to wake up again as of recently though. As every day passes it becomes less and less "anti-semitic" to criticize the Israeli govt, discuss the lack of evidence surrounding the holocaust, etc. Even the museums have admitted it at this point. Feels like only God can save us now but I hope I'm wrong and that we aren't as weak as I think.
Shu Neto
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December 18, 2023
Watch it.
The MOST ESSENTIAL documentary this world has ever seen.
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December 13, 2023
Mandatory viewing content
This has the potential to become one the most infuential pieces of media ever created.
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December 10, 2023
czech subtitles
Hi, Czech subtitles disappeared from the web. Obviously they are censoring the truth, can anyone help?
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November 20, 2023
To be shown everywhere
This well documented piece of art needs to be shown to everyone.
The sad reality is you will be called a conspiracy theorist or an anti-semite (when modern jews aren't semite anymore)
Everyone should homeschool their kids and make sure this video is in the curriculum. Useless sending them to school so they can get brainwashed and turn on you later calling you a conspiracy theorist.
Better teach them young instead of governing bodies controlling your kids and spreading false truth from left to right and you start feeling sad for the oppressors
Tomas Macaleenan
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October 16, 2023
The Truth
Absolutely superb overview of the world and how it has been manipulated for centuries.
This explains perfectly why the world is in the state it is today.
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October 8, 2023
Czech subtitles
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October 7, 2023
Czech subtitles request
I really liked this documentary and I would like to send it to everyone, especially to my parents, but I can't because they don't speak English, so I would be very happy if you could make Czech subtitles for it. thanks and gj btw.
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September 29, 2023
I'm speechless
I was very interested in the Second World War at school. Since things have gotten worse and worse in Europe, I have slipped into right-wing circles and this documentary has finally opened my eyes. Could someone arrange to translate the documentary into German and Russian? I still have hope for these nations.
Captain Pingu™
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September 25, 2023
Awesome Film
This is a must watch for anyone who is interested in alternate history, this documentary literally changed my entire world view just with the few parts alone, this documentary alone is clear proof that there is in fact an elite who wants to destroy every fabric of society so that they alone can gain.
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September 21, 2023
damian101 response
If you are talking about Hitler "hating" slavs, he did not, he hated Soviets. He met with many slavic leaders. Anything telling you otherwise is postwar propoganda!
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September 21, 2023
Straight-up misinformation for the most part
Well, what else should I have expected from Neo-Nazi propaganda.
I also find it funny, how Marx is criticized for many of the same positions, that Hitler supported, too.