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Baanboard is shutting down on 31-dec-2023. See:

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What do you expect from your SI Implementation partner for the success of ERP implementation.
Bring best practices - Not to offer more CR's Leveraging standard functions
Need more honesty to work with the Users until their processes are fully mapped & Users are trained
Focus on process automation/ integrations/ Real time data/ BI analytics
Stick to basics
Total votes: 14

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Baanboard is shutting down on 31-dec-2023!
By patvdv at 1 Dec 2023 - 16:12

This is very likely going to be the last thread ever that I am going to start on the site. As the title says: we are shutting down permanently on the last day of the year. When I and my my ex-colleague James Gittins started the site in 2001, we never imagined it would become such a big success. 22 years has been a very good run indeed but it is time to move on.

For the last few months, I have tried to find a serious party who could continue the site as-is and also bring sufficient commitment and resources to make the site more up-to-date again. Unfortunately these efforts have failed so I am discontinuing the site forever. I do not not have the time anymore to revive the site as is really required to make it a modern & secure platform to go into 2024 and beyond.

So what is going to happen?:

Extract Data Natively from Infor LN/Baan
By bamnsour at 26 Jul 2023 - 14:44

Explore B2Data at


Explore B2Data - for a seamless connection to Infor LN database with full support to its unique structure,

including table and field descriptions, multiple companies, enumerated and text fields and much more.


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