What's New
Along with pages being regularly updated to reflect the new data available in each Red List update, new pages, tools and functionality are added to The IUCN Red List website at any time throughout the year. The most recent updates and additions to the Red List website in 2023 are listed below.
For a list of previous updates and additions (since the start of 2020), click here.
New and updated pages |
Publications |
Assessments |
Summary Statistics page
Each time The IUCN Red List is updated, the Summary Statistics page (in the Resources and Publications section) is also updated to provide statistics for the most recent version of the Red List. The Summary Statistics page also includes links to the automated statistics tables. Note that from the 2022-1 Red List onwards, the calculation for proportion of threatened species now includes threatened (CR, EN and VU) and Extinct in the Wild (EW) species.
Spatial Data Download page
Each time The IUCN Red List is updated, the Spatial Data Download page (in the Resources and Publications section) is also updated to provide all the current map data for various groups of species (including polygon spatial data and point data, where available).
Data Repository
Spatial and tabular data from The IUCN Red List are used in many analyses and the results published in scientific papers. Since the IUCN Red List is regularly updated, it is not practical for people to rely on exporting current assessment data to replicate these analyses. Therefore, in 2023, a Data Repository page was added to the Red List website to hold the Red List datasets used in analyses and publications that are primarily lead by people associated with IUCN, making these permanently available.
In October 2023, the sRedList platform was launched. This Red List tool is a user-friendly web-interface, which allows users to download and filter occurrence records, to create distribution maps, to calculate area of occupancy (AOO), to map trends in area of habitat or forest cover, to extract lists of countries of occurrence and habitat preferences, or to assess severe fragmentation. The new sRedList page on the IUCN Red List website includes a link to the sRedList website and tool.
Species Richness and Rarity-weighted Richness Data
A new Species Richness and rarity-weighted Richness Data page was added to the Red List website in 2023, allowing users to download spatial data files (and map images) for species richness and rarity maps based on the IUCN ranges for amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles.
State of the World's Amphibians: The Second Global Amphibian Assessment
The second global amphibian assessment was released in October 2023, and can be downloaded from here. This report provides an update on the status of the world's amphibians, the pressures upon them, and the solutions needed for massively scaling up their conservation. Through the second Global Amphibian Assessment, more than a decade of data from research on amphibians by over 1,000 experts was compiled to assess the extinction risk of 8,011 species.
Petitions: Migratory Monarch Butterfly
All IUCN Red List assessments are open to challenge, and a petitions process is in place to handle cases where there is disagreement on an assessment that cannot be resolved through informal discussions. In 2023, a petition was lodged against the assessment for the Migratory Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus ssp. plexippus). the results of that petition were released on the Petitions Page in September 2023. The assessment for this butterfly was changed, based on the results of the petition, in the IUCN Red List update on 11th December 2023.