Don Markstein's Toonopedia

A Vast Repository of Toonological Knowledge

by Donald D. Markstein

What's NewThe ToonsThe People Behind the ToonsThe Companies that Produce the ToonsOther StuffAwards and CitationsFrequently Asked QuestionsUnauthorized Use PolicyToday in Toons

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Welcome to the world's first hypertext encyclopedia of toons — which will soon, I hope, come to be regarded as the Internet's most comprehensive source of information about the U.S. toon scene.

So, what's a toon?

A toon is a cartoon or cartoon character — "cartoon" referring not just to the animated kind, but also to such "still cartoons" as comic books, newspaper strips, magazine cartoons, etc.

Here at Don Markstein's Toonopedia™, we take a very broad view of what constitutes a toon. The basic idea is to cover the entire spectrum of American cartoonery.

I realize I haven't exactly blanketed the field yet, but I think the thousand-plus toon topics I've written up so far should qualify at least as a light coverlet. And it will get more inclusive as time goes on, as I intend to continue adding new ones and updating the ones I've got, into the indefinite future.

Here's what I've done so far.

What's New:
New February 0:
Mad Jack the Pirate
New February 4: Man-oo the Mighty
New January 28: Captain Future
New January 25: Cutey Bunny
New January 15: Speed Saunders
New January 13: Merry Menagerie
Other recent additions can be found at the Site History.

The Toons:
Aaahh! Real MonstersA-ManAbbie and SlatsAbie the AgentThe Academia WaltzAdam StrangeAdam WarlockThe Addams Family (1937)The Addams Family (1973)Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt HamstersThe Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy GeniusThe Adventures of Mr. Obadiah OldbuckThe Adventures of PatsyAdventures on Other WorldsAesop and SonThe Affairs of JaneAgatha CrummAgent of S.H.I.E.L.D.Aggie MackAguila AzulAirboyAir ManAir RaidersAir Wave (1942)Air Wave (1978)Akbar and JeffAladdinAlfred E. NeumanAlias The SpiderThe "Alice" ComediesAlice in WonderlandAlley OopAll Grown UpThe All-Star SquadronThe All Winners SquadAlly SloperAlpha FlightAlphonse and GastonAlvin and the ChipmunksThe Amazing Chan and the Chan ClanAmazing-ManAmbush BugThe AmericanThe American Eagle (1942)The American Eagle (1965)American Flagg!American SplendorAn American TailAmerica's Best Buy: The Louisiana PurchaseAmericommandoAmethyst, Princess of GemworldAmos MouseA. MuttAnd Her Name Was MaudAndy CappAndy GumpAndy PandaThe Angel (1939)The Angel (1963)Angel and the ApeThe Angriest Dog in the WorldAnimal ManAnimalympicsAnimaniacsAnnieAnswer ManThe Ant & the AardvarkAntediluvian AncestorsAnthroAnt ManThe Apache KidApartment 3-GA. Piker ClerkApple MaryAquamanThe Arabian KnightsArak, Son of ThunderArchangelArchieArchie's Pal Jugheadarchy and mehitabelArion, Lord of AtlantisThe AristocatsArlo and JanisAround the Block with Dunc and LooThe ArrowAsterix the GaulAstro BoyAstro CityAstronutThe Atom (1940)The Atom (1961)AtomanAtom AntThe Atomic KnightsAtomic MouseAtomic RabbitAtomic SubAtomictotAttack from SpaceAugie Doggie and Doggie DaddyAutocat and MotormouseAutomatonThe AvengerThe AvengersAvengers West CoastAxa

BBabeBabs and Buster BunnyBaby BluesBaby HueyBaby SnootsThe BadgerBad KittyThe Bald EagleThe Ballad of Halo JonesBambiBanjo the Woodpile CatBarb WireBarefoot GenThe BarkerThe BarkleysBarnabyBarney BaxterBarney Bear (1939)Barney Bear (1977)Barney GoogleBaron MoochBaron WintersBarry NobleBatfinkBatgirlBat LashBatmanBatman and the OutsidersBatman BeyondBatsBattle of the PlanetsB.C.Beaky BuzzardBeany and CecilThe BeastBeauty and the BeastBeavis and Butt-HeadBee-ManBeetle BaileyBeetlejuiceBelieve It or NotBen and MeBenny BurroBen Webster's CareerThe Berenstain BearsBetsy and MeBettyBetty BoopBeware the CreeperBeyond MarsThe Big Bad WolfBig Ben BoltBig Chief WahooBig GeorgeThe Big Guy and Rusty the Boy RobotBig NateThe Big World of Little AdamBiker Mice from MarsBilly BounceBilly Make BelieveBimbo's CircusBinaryBinkyThe Bird Man (1940)Birdman (1967)Bitchy BitchBizarro (1958)Bizarro (1985)The Black AngelBlack BoltThe Black CanaryThe Black CatThe Black CauldronThe Black CobraThe Black CondorThe Black DiamondThe Black DwarfBlack FuryBlackhawkThe Black HoodBlack JackThe Black Knight (1955)The Black Knight (1968)Black LightningBlackmarkThe Black MarvelThe Black Orchid (1943)The Black Orchid (1973)The Black Orchid (1988)The Black OwlThe Black Panther (1941)The Black Panther (1966)Black PeteThe Black PirateThe Black RiderBlackstarThe Black TerrorThe Black Widow (1940)The Black Widow (1964)The Black WitchBlade, Vampire HunterThe Blonde PhantomBlondieBloom CountyThe Blue Beetle (1939)The Blue Beetle (1964)The Blue Beetle (1966)Blue BoltThe Blue BulleteerBlue DevilThe Blue FalconThe Blue LadyThe Blue RacerThe Blue TracerBobby Make-BelieveBobby SoxBobby's WorldBobby ThatcherBobby the Boy ScoutBob PhantomThe Bogey ManBoneBoner's ArkBongo BearBonkersBoob McNuttBooks of MagicBooster GoldBootleg PeteBoots and Her BuddiesEl BorbahBoris the BearThe Born LoserBoskoThe BouncerBound to WinBoy BuddiesThe Boy CommandosBoys' RanchBozo the ClownBozo the RobotBrain BoyBrand EchhBravestarrThe BreadwinnerBreezly and SneezlyBrenda StarrBrer RabbitBrick BradfordBringing Up FatherBroncho BillBronc PeelerThe Bronze TerrorBroom-HildaBrother JuniperBrother Power, the GeekBrothers of the SpearBrother VoodooBrownie BearThe Brownies (1881)The Brownies (1942)Bruce GentryBrutusBuckaroo BillBuck NixBuck RogersBucky and PepitoBucky BugBucky O'HareBuddyThe Buford FilesBugs BunnyA Bug's LifeBugvilleBulldog DrumheadBulletmanBullseyeBullwinkleThe Bungle FamilyBungleton GreenBunkyBunnyBunny and ClaudeBurp the TwerpBuster BrownBuster BunnyBuz SawyerBuzz LightyearBuzzyBuzzy the CrowB'Wana Beast

CCadillacs and DinosaursCairo JonesCalvin and HobbesCalvin and the ColonelCamilla, Jungle QueenCandyCannonCanyon KiddiesCap'n CrunchCap Stubbs and TippieCaptain 3-DCaptain ActionCaptain AmericaThe Captain and the KidsCaptain Atom (1960)Captain Atom (1986)Captain BritainCaptain CanuckCaptain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo CrewCaptain CavemanCaptain CometCaptain CommandoCaptain CompassCaptain ConfederacyCaptain CourageousCaptain EasyCaptain FathomCaptain FlagCaptain FlashCaptain FreedomCaptain FutureCaptain KlutzCaptain Marvel (1940)Captain Marvel (1966)Captain Marvel (1967)Captain Marvel (1982)Captain Marvel Jr.Captain Marvel BunnyCaptain Planet and the PlaneteersCaptain PugwashCaptain PureheartCaptain Savage (1939)Captain Savage and His Leatherneck (or Battlefield) Raiders (1964)Captain SprocketCaptain StormCaptain TootsieCaptain TriumphCaptain UniverseCaptain Victory and the Galactic RangersCare BearsCarmen SandiegoThe Cartoon History of the UniverseCasey RugglesCaspar MilquetoastCasper the Friendly GhostEl CastigoCastle WaitingThe CatCatDogCathyThe Cat in the HatCat-man and KittenThe Cattanooga CatsThe CatwomanCave CarsonCave GirlCave KidsCerebus the AardvarkChallengers of the UnknownThe ChampionsCharley's WarCharlie BrownCharlie ChickenCharlotte's WebCheech WizardCherry PoptartChilly WillyChing ChowThe ChipmunksChip'n'DaleChip 'n Dale Rescue RangersChoculaChris KL-99CinderellaThe Circus of P.T. BimboCircus SollyClaire VoyantClara CluckClassics IllustratedClaude CatThe ClawClifford the Big Red DogClint ClobberCloak and DaggerThe ClockThe Close Shaves of Pauline PerilClutch CargoClyde CrashcupCoal Black and de Sebben DwarfsCody StarbuckCol. BleepCol. Heeza LiarColonel Potterby and the DutchessThe ColossusThe CometComics RevueCommander Battle and the Atomic SubCommander SteelCommander McBraggCommando YankConchyConcreteCongo BillCongorillaConnieConstantineCookieCool CatCool McCoolCosmo CatCosmo the Merry MartianCount ChoculaCount DuckulaCount Screwloose of ToolooseCourageous Cat and Minute MouseCourage the Cowardly DogCow and ChickenCowboy SahibCoyoteCranberry BoggsCrankshaftCrazylegs CraneThe CreeperCrimebusterCrime Does Not PayCrime SmasherThe Crimson AvengerCrisis on Infinite EarthsCrockThe CrowCrusaderCrusader RabbitThe CrusadersThe Crypt of TerrorCrystarCubby BearCurious GeorgeCurly KayoeCurtisCutey BunnyCyclops

DDaffy DuckDagar, Desert HawkDagar the InvincibleDagwood and BlondieDaimon Hellstrom, Son of SatanDaisy DuckDamage ControlDan DunnDan FlaggDanger MouseDanger TrailDanny DaddlesDaredevil (1940)Daredevil (1964)DariaDarkwing DuckThe DartDarwin JonesDastardly and Muttley in Their Flying MachinesDauntless Durham of the U.S.A.Davey and GoliathDazzlerDeadbeatsDeadmanDeathless DeerDeathlok the DemolisherThe Death PatrolThe DefendersDefenders of the EarthDella VisionThe DemonDennis the Menace (U.S.)Dennis the Menace (U.K.)Deputy DawgThe Desert PeachDesperate DesmondDestinyThe DestroyerDestroyer DuckDetective ChimpDetective DanDevil DinosaurThe Devil's DaggerDewey, Huey and LouieDexter's LaboratoryEl Diablo (1970)El Diablo (1989)Dial H for Hero (1966)Dial H for Hero (1981)Dick and Larry (1931)Dick Cole, the Wonder BoyDick DastardlyDickie DareDick's Adventures in DreamlandDick TracyDilbertThe Dingbat FamilyDinglehoofer und His DogDinky Doodle and WeakheartDinky DuckDino Boy in the Lost ValleyDinosaur HunterDinosaur IslandDinosaurs for HireDirty DuckDisco DazzlerDisney PrincessesA Distant SoilDixie DuganDNAgentsDoc SamsonDoc StrangeDoctor DoomDoctor DroomDoctor DruidDoctor FateDoctor Mid-NiteDoctor OccultDoctor Solar, Man of the AtomDoctor SpektorDoctor StrangeDoctor ThirteenDoc WrightDoc YakThe Dodo and the FrogDoDo the Kid from Outer SpaceDoings of the Fineheimer TwinsDolby's DoubleDoll ManDonald DuckDonald Duck's nephewsDondiDon Dixon and the Lost EmpireDon Winslow of the NavyThe Doodle FamilyDoodles DuckThe Doom PatrolDoomsday + 1DoonesburyDopeyDotty DrippleThe Double Life of Private StrongDougThe DoveDover and CloverDracula (1966)Dracula (1972)DragoDragon TalesThe Drak PackDr. AtomicDr. BobbsDr. DrewDreadstarDreams of the Rarebit FiendDreddDr. FateDrift MarloDr. Mid-NiteDr. MysticDr. OccultDr. RadiumDroopyThe DropoutsDr. StrangeDr. SyntaxDr. ThirteenDuck Dodgers in the 24½th CenturyDuckmanDuckTalesDuckulaDudley Do-Right of the MountiesDumb DoraDumboDunc and LooDynamoDynomutt

EEarth-OneEarth-TwoEarthworm JimEasy Co.EclipsoEek and MeekEek! the CatEggheadElektraThe ElementalsElfquestElla CindersElmer FuddElongated ManElmyra DuffElza PoppinE-ManEmmy LouThe EnchantressEnemy AceEquine the UncivilizedErnieThe Escapades of Mr. JackThe EternalsEtrigan the DemonEtta KettEverett TrueEvil ErnieEx-MutantsExosquadThe ExplorigatorExtra ExtraExtreme GhostbustersThe Eye of MongomboThe Eye Sees

FThe Fab FourThe Fabulous Furry Freak BrothersThe FaceFairly OddParentsThe Falcon (1939)The Falcon (1969)The Family CircusFamily GuyThe Family UpstairsFamous FunniesFanny ZilchFantasiaThe Fantastic FourFantomah, Mystery Woman of the JungleFantomanThe Fantom of the FairFarmer AlfalfaThe Far SideFast Willie JacksonFat Albert and the Cosby KidsFateThe Fat FuryFatman, the Human Flying SaucerFat and SlatFearless FlyFearless FosdickFeifferThe Feitelbaum FamilyFelix the CatFemforceFemlinsFerd'nandFerngully: The Last RainforestFievel MousekewitzFigaro the CatFightin' FiveFighting AmericanFighting YankFilmation's GhostbustersDer Fineheimer TwinsFin Fang FoomFireballFirebrandThe FireflyFirehairFire-ManFirestorm, the Nuclear ManFish PoliceThe Flame (1936)The Flame (1939)Flaming CarrotFlash LightningThe Flash (1939)The Flash (1956)The Flash (1986)Flash GordonFlatfoot BurnsFlebusThe FlintstonesFlippity and FlopFlippyFlip the FrogFluppy DogsThe FlyThe Flying DutchmanFlyin' JennyFly-ManFoghorn LeghornFooFoofurFoolish QuestionsFootrot FlatsFor Better or for WorseForbush-ManThe Forever PeopleThe FoxThe Fox and the CrowFoxTrotFoxyFoxy GrandpaFractured Fairy TalesFraidy CatFrank and ErnestFrankenberryFrankenstein (1940)Frankenstein (1966)Frankenstein (1973)Frankenstein Jr.Frankie DoodleFreakazoid!Freak BrothersFreckles and His FriendsFred BassetThe Freedom FightersFresh-Up FreddieFriday FosterFrightensteinThe Frito BanditoFritzi RitzFritz the CatThe FrogmenFrosty the SnowmanFruitmanFu ChangThe Funky PhantomFunky WinkerbeanFunnyman

GGabbyGalactusGalaxy High SchoolThe Galaxy RangersThe Galaxy TrioGaltar and the Golden LanceGamin and PatchesGandy GooseGarfieldGargoylesGary Concord, the Ultra-ManGasoline AlleyGaston Le CrayonThe Gay GhostGay Purr-eeThe GeekGenius JonesGen of HiroshimaGeorge and JuniorGeorge of the JungleGeorge Pal's PuppetoonsGerald McBoing-BoingGertie the DinosaurThe Get Along GangGhostThe Ghost BreakerGhostbustersThe Ghostly TrioThe Ghost PatrolThe Ghost Rider (1949)The Ghost Rider (1967)The Ghost Rider (1972)The Ghost Rider (1990)Giant ManGiant MouseGigantorG.I. JoeG.I. JuniorsGilligan's PlanetGil ThorpGirlsThe Girls of Apartment 3-GGladstone GanderGo Go GophersGoldberg DevicesGolden ArrowThe Golden GorillaThe Golden GuardianGolden LadGoliathGoodman BeaverGoof TroopGoofus and GallantGoofyThe Goofy GophersGoopy GeerGooseberry SpriggGordoGorgoGrampyGrandmaGrandma DuckThe Great Grape ApeThe Great GustoGreen ArrowGreen BeretsThe Green LamaGreen Lantern (1940)Green Lantern (1959)Green Lantern (1994)The Green Mask (1939)The Green Mask (1944)The Green MistThe Green TeamGremlinsGrendelGrim and EvilThe Grim Adventures of Billy and MandyThe Grim GhostGrimjackGrin and Bear ItThe GrinchGroo the WandererGroovie GooliesGross ExaggerationsThe GrumpThe GuardianThe Guardian AngelGuardians of the GalaxyGulliver's TravelsGumbyGummi BearsThe GumpsGunner and SargeThe GunmasterGyro Gearloose

HHagar the HorribleHairbreadth HarryHalf HitchHalo JonesHamton PigThe HangmanHap HopperHappy HooliganHard-Boiled Defective StoriesThe Harlem GlobetrottersHarold TeenHashimoto-SanThe Haunted HorsemanThe Haunted TankThe Haunt of FearThe Hawk and the DoveHawkeyeHawkman (1939)Hawkman (1961)Hawkshaw the DetectiveHawks of the SeasHayfoot HenryHazelThe HeapThe Heart of Juliet JonesHearts of GoldHeathcliffHeckle and JeckleHector HeathcoteHe Done Her WrongHee Haw and Her Name Was MaudHeeza LiarHejjiHellblazerHellboyHellcatHello KittyHellspawnHellstormHe-Man and the Masters of the UniverseHenery HawkHenryHepcatsHerbieHercules (1963)Hercules (1965)Hercules (1967)Hercules (1975)Hercules (1997)Hercules UnboundThe HerculoidsHere Comes the GrumpHerkyHerman and KatnipHeroes Inc. Presents CannonHero HotlineHero for HireHexHey Arnold!Hi and LoisHillbilly BearsHimHippety HopperHis Name Is … SavageHogan's AlleyHokey WolfHomer PigeonHomer the Happy GhostHome, Sweet HomeThe Honey-MousersHong Kong PhooeyThe Hooded HorsemanHooded JusticeHoot KlootHop HarriganHoppity Goes to TownHoppity HooperHoppy the Marvel BunnyHorace HorsecollarHorton the ElephantHot Stuff the Little DevilThe HoundcatsHourmanHouse of YangHoward HugeHoward the DuckHow the Grinch Stole ChristmasHubertHubie and BertieHuckleberry FinnHuckleberry HoundHuey, Dewey and LouieHugh Hazzard and His Iron ManThe HulkThe Human BombThe Human DynamoThe Human TargetThe Human Torch (1939)The Human Torch (1961)Humphrey BearHunky and SpunkyHydroman

IIbis the InvincibleIcemanImpossible — But TrueThe Impossible ManThe ImpossiblesImpulseInch High, Private EyeThe Incredible HerculesThe Incredible HulkThe Inferior FiveInfinity Inc.Infinity ManThe InhumansInki and the Minah BirdInside EarthThe InspectorInspector GadgetInspector WilloughbyInterplanetary Insurance, Inc.In the Land of Wonderful DreamsThe InvadersInvader ZimThe Invisible HoodInvisible Scarlet O'NeilInvisible WomanIron AceThe Iron CorporalIron FistThe Iron GiantIron ManThe Iron SkullIron VicIrving ForbushIsisI — SpyIt's a Bug's LifeIt's a Girl's LifeIt's Only a GameIt's Science with Dr. RadiumIt's the WolfIt, the Living Colossus

JJabberjawJackie JokersJack Q. FrostThe Jackson TwinsJackys DiaryThe JaguarJaguar ManJames Bond Jr.JaneJane ArdenJann of the JungleJean GreyJeff CobbJem and the HologramsJerry on the JobThe JesterJet PowersThe JetsonsJetta of the 21st CenturyJiggs and MaggieJigsawJim HardyJiminy CricketJimminy and the Magic BookJimmyJimmy NeutronJimmy OlsenJingle BelleJoe and AsbestosJoe CamelJoe JinksJoe PalookaJoe QuinceJoe's CarJohn ConstantineJohn DarlingJohn Force, Magic AgentJohn LawJohnny BravoJohnny Cloud, Navajo AceJohnny DynamiteJohnny HazardJohnny PerilJohnny QuickJohnny the Homicidal ManiacJohnny Thunder (1939)Johnny Thunder (1948)Jo-Jo, Congo KingThe JokerJonah HexJ'onn J'onzz, Manhunter from MarsJonny QuestJon Sable, FreelanceJosé CariocaJosie and the PussycatsJotJ. Rufus LionJudge DreddJudge ParkerJudge PuffleJudge Rummy's CourtJudomasterJugheadJuliet JonesJulius the CatJun-GalThe Jungle BookJungle CubsJungle JimThe Jungle TwinsThe Junior WoodchucksJust a StoryThe Justice League of AmericaThe Justice Society of AmericaJust Kids

KKaanga, Lord of the JungleKalthar the Giant Man, King of the JungleKamandi, the Last Boy on EarthKatie Ka-BoomKaty KeeneThe Katzenjammer KidsKa-ZarKeeping Up with the JonesesKen ShannonKerry DrakeKevin and KellKevin the BoldKewpiesKid Colt, OutlawKid EternityKid Flash (1960)Kid Flash (2003)Kid MontanaKid PowerKiko the KangarooKillravenThe KilroysThe Kin-Der-KidsThe KingKing ArooKing FaradayKing KongKing Leonardo and His Short SubjectsThe King and OdieKing of the HillKing of the Royal MountedKissyfurKlondike KatKnights of the GalaxyKobraKoko the ClownKona, Monarch of Monster IsleKongaKookieKorak, Son of TarzanKrazy KatKrypto the SuperdogK the UnknownKudzuKurt Busiek's Astro CityKwicky Koala

LLaceLady and the TrampLady BountifulLady DangerLady DeathLady FairplayLady LuckLady SatanLala PaloozaLambert the Sheepish LionLanceLancelot StrongLance O'CaseyLando, Man of MagicLariat SamLars of MarsLash LightningLatigoThe Law's LegionnairesLeave It to BinkyThe Legion of Super HeroesLena the HyenaLeopard GirlLex LuthorLiberty BelleThe Liberty LegionLiberty MeadowsThe Liberty ProjectLieutenant HerculesLife in HellLi'l AbnerLi'l Bad WolfLi'l EightballLi'l GeniusLi'l JinxLinda Carter, Student NurseLinda Lark, Registered (or Student) NurseLinus the LionheartedLippy the Lion and Hardy Har HarLittle Annie FannyLittle Annie RooneyLittle ArchieLittle AudreyLittle Boy Blue and the Blue BoysLittle DotLittle HiawathaLittle IodineLittle JimmyLittle JoeThe Little KingLittle LottaLittle LuluLittle Mary MixupThe Little MermaidThe Little MonstersLittle Nemo in SlumberlandLittle Orphan AnnieLittle Pancho VanillaThe Little PeopleLittle QuackerLittle RoquefortLittle Sammy SneezeThe Little ScoutsLittle TigersThe Little Wise GuysThe Living ColossusThe Living VampireLobo (1965)Lobo (1983)The LockhornsLois LaneLolly (& Pepper)The Lone RiderThe Lone SpacemanLong SamLooney TunesLoopy de LoopLooy Dot DopeLorna the Jungle GirlThe LosersLost in SpaceLouieLouie, Huey and DeweyThe Louisiana PurchaseLovable TrulyLove and RocketsLove Is …The Love Life of Harold TeenThe Love of Lulu and Leander •' Lo-ZarLuannLucifer Gorgonzola ButtsLucky LukeLudwig von DrakeLuke Cage, Hero for HireLulu and LeanderLuno the White StallionLuthor

MMachine ManMad magazineMadam FatalMadam SatanMadelineMademoiselle MarieMad Jack the PirateMadmanMageMaggie and JiggsMagic AgentMagic BunnyMagicmanMagilla GorillaMagno & DaveyMagnus, Robot Fighter, 4000 ADMajor HoopleMajor Ozone's Fresh Air CrusadeMale CallMallard FillmoreMandrake the MagicianManhunter (Quality Comics)Manhunter (1942)Manhunter (1973)The Man in BlackMan-oo the MightyMan of the AtomManowar, The White StreakMan-ThingMan-WolfMark MerlinThe MarksmanMark TrailMarmadukeMarmaduke MouseMars AttacksMarshal LawMarsupilamiM.A.R.S. PatrolMartan the Marvel ManThe Martian ManhunterMarvel BoyMarvel BunnyThe Marvel FamilyMarvel GirlMarvelmanMarvinMarvin the MartianMary Jane and SnifflesMary MarvelMary Perkins On StageMary WorthMaserM.A.S.K.The MaskThe Masked MarvelThe Masked RaiderMaster of Kung FuMasters of the UniverseMatt Savage, Trail BossMaud the MuleMausMaw and PawMax MercuryThe MaxxThe Maze Agency'Mazing ManMcFadden's Row of FlatsMcSnurtle the TurtleMegaton ManMelvin MonsterMen in BlackMerely MargyMerlin the Magic MouseMerrie MelodiesMerry, Girl of 1,000 GimmicksMerry MenagerieThe Metal MenMetamorphosis OddysseyMetamorpho the Element ManMichigan J. FrogMickey FinnMickey MouseMickey RatMidnightThe Mighty Atom (1946)Mighty Atom (1951)The Mighty CrusadersMighty DucksThe Mighty HeroesThe Mighty HerculesMighty ManThe Mighty MightorMighty MouseMighty OrbotsMighty SamsonThe Mighty ThorMike and Ike (They Look Alike)Mike DangerMike NomadMildew WolfMillie the Lovable MonsterMillie the ModelMilton the MonsterMinimidgetThe Minute and a Half ManMinute MoviesMiraclemanThe Misadventures of LouieMiss America (1941)Miss America (1943)Miss Cairo JonesMiss FuryMiss LaceMiss MasqueMiss PeachMiss VictoryMiss XMister BregerMisterjawMister MachineMister MiracleMistyMlle. MarieMoby DickMoby DuckModel by DayModesty BlaiseMolly Moo CowMommaMonster of FrankensteinMontana KidMontyMoon GirlMoon KnightMoon MullinsMoose and MollyMoose MillerMopsyMorbius, the Living VampireMorty MeekleThe MothMother Goose and GrimmMotley's CrewMotormouse and AutocatMouse MusketeersThe MouthpieceMr. AMr. AbernathyMr. AmericaMr. and Mrs.Mr. and Mrs. J. Evil ScientistMr. Bug Goes to TownMr. E.Z. MarkMr. FantasticMr. JackMr. JusticeMr. MagooMr. MonopolyMr. MonsterMr. MumMr. MusclesMr. MysticMr. NaturalMr. Obadiah OldbuckMr. SatanMr. Scarlet and PinkyMr. TerrificMr. Twee DeedleMs. MarvelMs. MysticMs. PeachMs. TreeMumblyMushmouse and Punkin PussMusical MoseMutt and JeffMuttsMy Little PonyMy Pet MonsterMyra North, Special NurseMyrtleMysta of the MoonThe Mystery Men

NThe 'NamNamoraNancyNapoleon and Uncle ElbyNard 'n' PatNature BoyNaza, Stone Age WarriorThe NebbsNeil the HorseNelvana of the Northern LightsNemesisNero Fox, the Jive-jumping Emperor of Ancient RomeNervous RexNeutroNew GodsThe NewlywedsThe New MutantsThe Newsboy LegionNew Teen TitansThe New UniverseThe New WarriorsNexusNHS • Nibsy the Newsboy in Funny FairylandNick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.Night ForceThe NighthawkThe Nightmare Before ChristmasNightmare NedNight NurseNight RavenNight RiderNightshade (1941)Nightshade (1966)NightveilNightwing9 Chickweed LaneNinja High SchoolNoManNorbnormalmanNot Brand EchhNovaNov shmoz ka pop?NuklaNurse Linda LarkNutsy SquirrelNyoka the Jungle Girl

OOaky DoaksObadiah OldbuckThe Occult Files of Doctor SpektorThe Oddball CoupleO.G. WotasnozzleOh, Wicked Wanda!Oil Can HarryOld Doc YakOld Judge RumhauserOmacOmaha the Cat DancerOmega the UnknownOne Froggy Evening101 DalmatiansOne Million Years AgoOn StageOn the FastrackOn the WingOona GoosepimpleOphelia's SlateOpus the PenguinOracleOrbotsOriginal GhostbustersOrson's FarmOswald the Lucky RabbitOur Antediluvian AncestorsOur Boarding HouseOur Hero's Hairbreadth EscapesThe Outbursts of Everett TrueOutlandOut of the InkwellOut Our WayThe OutsidersThe OwlOzark IkeThe Oz Squad

PPablo PenguinPanchitoParlor, Bedroom and SinkParrotvilleThe Passing ShowPat Parker, War NursePat PatriotPatsyPatsy WalkerPauline PerilPeabody's Improbable HistoryThe Peacemaker (1966)Peacemaker (1988)PeanutsPegleg PetePenancePenelope PitstopPen MillerPenniless PalmerPennyPennybagsPepe LePewPepper AnnThe Perils of Penelope PitstopPetePeter Cannon … ThunderboltPeter PanPeter PandaPeter PatPeter PiltdownPeter PorkchopsPeter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-HamPeter PotamusPeter RabbitPeter WheatPete the TrampPhantasmoThe PhantomPhantom 2040The Phantom BlotThe Phantom Eagle (1942)The Phantom Eagle (1968)Phantom LadyThe Phantom MagicianPhantom RiderThe Phantom StrangerThe Phantom TollboothPhil HardyPhoenixPhotonPicklesThe Pie-Face Prince of (Old) PretzelburgPiggyPig IronPinguPinkerton Jr.The Pink PantherPinky and the BrainPinocchioThe PiranaThe Piranha ClubThe Pirates of DarkwaterPixie and DixieThe PixiesPlanet TerryPlastic ManPlucky DuckPlutoPogo PossumPokey OakiePolly and Her PalsPonytailPoohPopeye the SailorPore Lil MosePorky PigPortia Prinz of the GlamazonsPositive PollyPower GirlPowerhouse PepperPower ManPower PackPowerpuff GirlsPow Wow the Indian BoyPow Wow SmithPrecious PuppThe Press GuardianThe Presto KidPrezPrince Ra-ManPrincessesPrincess PanthaPrince ValiantPriscilla's PopPrivate BregerPrivate SnafuProfessor Lucifer Gorgonzola ButtsProfessor Otto and His AutoProfessor PhumbleProJuniorP.T. BimboThe Puma BluesThe PunisherPunkin' Puss and MushmousePuppetoonsPureheart the PowerfulPurgatoriThe Purple ClawThe Pussycat PrincessPyroman

QQ.T. HushQuack PackQuackulaQuacky Doodles and Danny DaddlesThe QuestionQuick Draw McGrawQuicksilver (1940)Quicksilver (1964)Quincy

RRaccoon KidsRadio PatrolRaggedy Ann and AndyRagmanRags RabbitRainbow BriteRalph PhillipsRalph Wolf and Sam SheepdogRang-a-TangRapid RabbitRapping AroundThe Rarebit FiendThe RavenThe Rawhide KidThe RayReagan's RaidersReal American #1Real GhostbustersReboot"Red"Red BarryRecessThe Red CrossReddy KilowattRed DevilRedeyeThe Red GauchoThe Red KnightRedmaskThe Red PantherRed RavenRed RubeRed RyderRed SonjaThe Red Tornado (1940)The Red Tornado (1968)Red, White and BlueReg'lar FellersThe Reluctant DragonRen and StimpyRescue RangersRex Dexter of MarsRex Morgan, M.D.Rex the Wonder DogRichie RichRich Uncle PennybagsRick O'ShayRicochet RabbitRight Around HomeThe Ringo KidRio RitaRip Hunter, Time MasterRip KirbyRipley's Believe It or NotRoad RunnerRobin the Boy WonderThe Robonic StoogesRobotman (1942)Robotman (1963)Robotman (1984)The RocketeerRocket Robin HoodRocko's Modern LifeRocky and BullwinkleRocky Mason, Government MarshalRocky StoneaxeRodeo RickRod RocketRoger RabbitRoger RamjetRoland and Ratfinkromance comicsThe Roman HolidaysRoom and BoardRory RaccoonRose Is RoseRoyal RoyRoy Raymond, TV DetectiveRube Goldberg DevicesRudolph the Red-Nosed ReindeerRudy in HollywoodRuff and ReddyRugratsRulah, Jungle GoddessRusty RileyThe Ryatts

SSableSabreSabrina the Teenage WitchSad SackSafe HavensThe Saga of CrystarThe Saga of Windwagon SmithSailor MoonA Sailor's StorySalesman SamSally Forth (1971)Sally Forth (1982)Sally the SleuthSam and Max, Freelance PoliceSam and SiloSam Hill, Private EyeSam Sheepdog and Ralph WolfSamsonSamson and GoliathSam's StripThe Sandman (1939)The Sandman (1974)The Sandman (1989)Santa ClausSarge SteelSargon the SorcererSatanaSavageSavage DragonThe Savage She-HulkScampThe ScarabThe Scarlet NemesisScarlet O'NeilThe Scarlet ScorpionThe Scarlet WitchScary GodmotherSchool DaysScooby-DooScooterScorchy SmithScoutScrappyScreen SongsScrewy SquirrelScribbly the Boy CartoonistScrooge McDuckSea DevilsSealab 2020Secret Agent CorriganSecret Agent X-9The Secret Files of Dr. DrewThe Secret Lives of Waldo KittyThe Secret of NIMHThe Secret Society of Super-VillainsSecrets of IsisSecret SquirrelSectaursSeñorita RioThe Sensational She-HulkSentinels of Liberty711The Seven Soldiers of VictorySgt. BoyleSgt. Fury and His Howling CommandosSgt. Pat of Radio PatrolSgt. RockSgt. SpookShade, the Changing ManThe Shadow (1964)Shang-Chi, Master of Kung FuThe SharkShark BrodieShatterShazam!ShazzanSheena, Queen of the JungleShe-HulkSherlocko the MonkSherman and PeabodySherman's LagoonSherry the ShowgirlShe's JosieS.H.I.E.L.D.The Shield (1939)The Shield (1959)Shinbone AlleyThe Shining KnightShock GibsonShoeShort RibsShow GirlShrekSick Sick SickSidney the ElephantSilk Hat Harry's Divorce SuitSilly MillySilly SealSilly SidneySilly SymphoniesSilverhawksThe Silver ScorpionThe Silver StreakThe Silver SurferSimon, Theodore and AlvinThe SimpsonsSinbad Jr.Sin CitySkatemanSkeleton WarriorsSkippySkrewy the Skrewball SquirrelSkull ValleySky GirlSkyhawksSkyman (1940)Skyman (1986)Sky Masters of the Space ForceSkyroadsSky WolfSlam BradleySlappy SquirrelSleeping BeautySlim Jim and the ForceSlylock Fox and Comics for Kidsthe small societySmallvilleSmiley FaceSmilin' JackSmittySmokey BearSmokey StoverSmurfsSnafuSnagglepussSnifflesSnookumsSnooper and BlabberSnorksSnow White and the Seven DwarfsSnuffy SmithSo HiSolar, Man of the AtomSomebody's StenogSong CartunesSong of the SouthSon of SatanSon of VulcanThe Sorceress of ZoomSourpussSouth ParkSo WhiteSpace AngelSpace CabbySpace DetectiveSpace Family RobinsonSpace GhostSpacehawkSpace KidettesSpace ManSpace MouseSpace MuseumSpace RangerSpace SmithSpace WesternSparky WattsSpawnThe SpectreSpeedballSpeed BuggySpeed Carter, SpacemanSpeed CentaurSpeed RacerSpeed SaundersSpeedy GonzalesSpencer SpookThe SpiderSpider-HamSpider-ManThe Spider QueenThe Spider WidowSpider-WomanSpike and TykeThe SpiritSpongebob SquarepantsSpooky the Tuff Little GhostSport BillySpunky and TadpoleSpymanSpy ShadowSpy SmasherSpy vs. SpyThe Squadron SupremeSquiddly DiddlyThe Squirrel CageStainless SteelStanley and His MonsterStardust the Super WizardStar HawkinsStar HawksStarman (1941)Starman (1980)Starman (1988)Starman (1994)StarslayerThe Star-Spangled Kid and StripesyStaticSteel, the Indestructible Man (1978)Steel (1993)Steel SterlingStern Wheeler • Steve CanyonSteven Spielberg Presents AnimaniacsSteven Spielberg Presents Tiny Toon AdventuresSteve RoperStone Age cartoonsStop That Pigeon!Stories of The Black WitchThe Strange World of Mr. MumStrawberry ShortcakeStrikeforce MorituriStrongheartStumbo the GiantStuntmanThe Sub-MarinerSugar and SpikeSugar BearSun GirlSuperboySuper BratSuper ChickenSuper-ChiefSuper DuckThe Super FriendsSupergirlThe Super GlobetrottersSuper GoofSuper Green BeretSuper HeroesSuper-HipSupermanSuperman's Girlfriend Lois LaneSuperman's Pal Jimmy OlsenSupermouseSupermuseSupernatural LawSuper PresidentSuper RabbitSupersnipeSusie Q. SmithSwamp ThingSweetie PieSwing SissonSwing with ScooterThe Sword in the StoneSylvester and Tweety MysteriesSylvester Pussycat

TTaanda, White Princess of the JungleTad of the TanbarkTailspin TommyTales Calculated to Drive You BatsTales Calculated to Drive You MadTales from the CryptTales from the Great BookTales of the Bizarro WorldTales of the Green BeretsTaleSpinTank GirlTank McNamaraTarantulaTarget & the TargeteersTarzanTasmanian DevilTaz-ManiaTeenaTeenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesThe Teenie WeeniesThe Teen Titans (1964)The Teen Titans (1980)Tennessee Tuxedo and His TalesTerr'ble ThompsonThe Terrific WhatzitThe Terror TwinsTerry and the PiratesThe Terry BearsTexas History Movies.Texas SlimTex ThomponTexas ToadsTharn the MagnificentThatchTheir Only ChildThere Oughta Be a Law!They'll Do It Every TimeThimble TheatreThe ThingThe Thin ManThirteen Going on EighteenThor (1940)Thor (1962)The Three BearsThe Three CaballerosThe Three Chipmunks3-D ManThree Little PigsThe Three Mouseketeers (1944)The Three Mouseketeers (1956)The Three Robonic StoogesThun'da, King of the CongoThundarr the BarbarianT.H.U.N.D.E.R. AgentsThunderboltThunderbunnyThundercatsThe TickTigerTiger Girl (1944)Tiger Girl (1968)TigraTijuana ToadsTillie the ToilerTim Burton's The Nightmare Before ChristmasTime for BeanyTim HoltThe Timid SoulTimmy TimeTim Tyler's LuckTimmy the Timid GhostTimothy HunterTintinTiny TimTiny Toon AdventuresTippie and Cap StubbsTippy TeenTito and His BurritoT-ManTNT and Dan the Dyna-MiteToby the PupTod Holton, Super Green BeretTomahawkTom and Jerry (1931)Tom and Jerry (1939)Tomb of DraculaTomfooleryTommy TomorrowTom SawyerTom SlickTom TerrificTono and Kono, the Jungle TwinsTony the TigerTony TrentThe Toodle FamilyToo Much Coffee ManToonerville FolksTooter TurtleToots and CasperTop CatTop DogTorchyTorchy BrownTor: One Million Years AgoTotal WarTouché TurtleThe Tours of Dr. SyntaxThe Tracy TwinsTragg and the Sky GodsTransformersTreasure Chest of Fun and FactTreasury Agent TraskThe Trigger TwinsTronThe Trouble with GirlsThe Truth about Mother GooseTumbleweedsTurok, Son of StoneTweety BirdTwin EarthsThe Two-Gun Kid (1948)The Two-Gun Kid (1962)The Two MouseketeersTwo Stupid DogsTygra of the Flame People

UUltra-ManUltra the Multi-AlienUncle PennybagsUncle RemusUncle Sam (traditional)Uncle Sam (Quality Comics)Uncle ScroogeUndercover ElephantUnderdogU.N.D.E.R.S.E.A. AgentUnion JackThe Unknown Soldier (1941)The Unknown Soldier (1966)Up FrontThe Upside-DownsUSAU.S. AcresU.S.S. StevensUsagi Yojimbo

VValley of the DinosaursVampirellaThe Vault of HorrorVengeance SquadVenusVic FlintV for VendettaVic JordanVictory through Air PowerVigilante (1941)Vigilante (1983)Viking PrinceThe Vision (1940)The Vision (1968)

WWacky RacesWacky WitchWaldo KittyWallace and GromitWally GatorWally the WizardWambi the Jungle BoyWandering StarWarbirdWarlockThe WarlordThe Warner Brothers (and Sister)War NurseWar of the WorldsWar on CrimeThe War that Time ForgotWar WizardsWash TubbsThe Wasp (1939)The Wasp (1941)The Wasp (1963)The WatcherWatchmenThe WebWeb WomanWee PalsWee Willie Winkie's WorldWendy the Good Little WitchWerewolf (1966)Werewolf by NightWest Coast AvengersWheelie and the Chopper BunchWhere in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?Where's Huddles?The WhipWhiteboyWhite IndianWhite Princess of the JungleThe White StreakThe WhizzerWho Framed Roger RabbitThe Whoopass GirlsWicked WandaWiggles the WonderwormWildcatWildC.A.T.S.WildfireThe Wild ThornberrysWile E. CoyoteWillie and JoeWillie LumpkinWillie the Kool PenguinWillie WhopperWillie WiredhandWilloughbyWill-YumWindwagon SmithWindy and WillyWinky Dink and YouWinky RyattWinnie the PoohWinnie WinkleWinsome WitchWinthropWitchbladeThe Witch's CauldronThe WizardThe Wizard of IdWizardsWolff and Byrd: Counselors of the MacabreWolverineThe Woman in RedWonder BoyWonder Man (1939)Wonder Man (1964)Wonder WarthogWonder WomanWonderwormWoodsy OwlWoody WoodpeckerThe World of Commander McBraggThe WuzzlesThe Wyoming Kid

XX-9Xenozoic TalesX-FactorThe X-MenX-O Manowar

YYakky DoodleYangYank and DoodleYankee GirlThe Yellow ClawYellowjacket (1944)Yellowjacket (1960s)The Yellow KidYellow SubmarineYippee, Yappee and YahooeyYogi BearYosemite SamThe Young AlliesYoung Buffalo BillYoung King ColeYoung RomanceYoung Samson

ZZambini the Miracle ManZanzibar the MagicianZatanna the MagicianZatara the MagicianThe ZebraZiggyZiggy Pig and Silly SealZippy the PinheadZitsZoo CrewZot!

The People Behind the Toons:
(This is the newest section of Don Markstein's Toonopedia™, and is therefore even sparser than the others. Please be patient. Everyone who needs to be in it, will eventually be in it.)

Charles AddamsTex AveryCarl BarksMel BlancHenry BoltinoffGelett BurgessDaws ButlerGene ColanVince CollettaR. CrumbJack DavisJules FeifferLyonel FeiningerBud FisherRube GoldbergMilt GrossGeorge HerrimanWilliam HogarthChuck JonesWalt KellyHarvey KurtzmanWalter LantzRoy LichtensteinLichtyBill MauldinSheldon MayerThomas NastHarvey PekarJulius SchwartzJimmy Swinnerton

The Companies That Produce the Toons:

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