ヨ カクヘイ
余  恪平


  1. Keping Yu received the M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the Graduate School of Global Information and Telecommunication Studies, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 2012 and 2016, respectively. He was a Research Associate, Junior Researcher, Researcher with the Global Information and Telecommunication Institute, Waseda University, from 2015 to 2019, 2019 to 2020, 2020 to 2022, respectively. He is currently an associate professor at Hosei University and a visiting scientist at the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, Japan.
    Dr. Yu has hosted and participated in more than ten projects, is involved in many standardization activities organized by ITU-T and ICNRG of IRTF, and has contributed to ITU-T Standards Y.3071 and Supplement 35. He received the IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award from IEEE BigDataSE 2021, the Best Paper Award from IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine Award 2022 (1st Place Winner), IEEE ICFTIC 2021, ITU Kaleidoscope 2020, the Student Presentation Award from JSST 2014. He has authored 100+ publications including papers in prestigious journal/conferences such as the IEEE WCM, CM, NetMag, IoTJ, TFS, TII, T-ITS, TVT, TMC, JBHI, TR, TCOM, TNSM, TIM, TNSE, TGCN, TCSS, CEM, IOTM, ICC, GLOBECOM etc. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers. He has been a Guest Editor for more than 20 journals such as IEEE TCSS. He served as general co-chair and publicity co-chair of the IEEE VTC2020-Spring 1st EBTSRA workshop, general co-chair of IEEE ICCC2020 2nd EBTSRA workshop, general co-chair of IEEE TrustCom2021 3nd EBTSRA workshop, session chair of IEEE ICCC2020, ITU Kaleidoscope 2016. His research interests include smart grids, information-centric networking, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and information security.


  1. 2015/12/01-2019/03/31早稲田大学国際情報通信研究センター研究助手
  2. 2019/04/01-2020/03/31早稲田大学国際情報通信研究センター次席研究員
  3. 2020/04/01-2022/03/31早稲田大学国際情報通信研究センター主任研究員
  4. 2022/04/01-現在法政大学理工学研究科准教授


  1. 早稲田大学2012/09/15国際情報通信研究科修士修了
  2. 早稲田大学2016/02/18国際情報通信研究科博士修了


  1. 修士 (国際情報通信学)早稲田大学2012/09/15
  2. 博士(国際情報通信学)早稲田大学2016/02/18


  1. 情報通信情報ネットワーク
  2. 情報通信情報セキュリティ


  1. Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity
  2. blockchain
  3. cryptography
  4. rumor/spammer detection
  5. future networks


  1. 早稲田大学Lightweight Distributed Ledger for Internet of Medical Things若手研究2021/04/01-2023/03/01
  2. 早稲田大学Applying a Unified Access Control Enforcement Mechanism for Information-centric Internet of Things若手研究2018/04/01-2022/03/01


  1. A Blockchain-based Shamir’s Threshold Cryptography Scheme for Data Protection in Industrial Internet of Things Settings2022/06K. Yu, L. Tan, C. Yang, K. -K. R. Choo, A. K. Bashir, J. J. P. C. Rodrigues, T. SatoIEEE Internet of Things Journal9/ 11, 8154-816710.1109/JIOT.2021.3125190
  2. Blockchain-Enhanced Data Sharing With Traceable and Direct Revocation in IIoT2021/11K. Yu, L. Tan, M. Aloqaily, H. Yang and Y. JararwehIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics17/ 11, 7669-767810.1109/TII.2021.3049141
  3. Secure Artificial Intelligence of Things for Implicit Group Recommendations2022K. Yu, Z. Guo, Y. Shen, W. Wang, J. C. Lin, T. SatoIEEE Internet of Things Journal9/ 4, 2698-270710.1109/JIOT.2021.3079574
  4. Securing Critical Infrastructures: Deep Learning-based Threat Detection in the2021/10K. Yu, L. Tan, S. Mumtaz, S. Al-Rubaye, A. Al-Dulaimi, A. K. Bashir, F. A. KhanIEEE Communications Magazine59/ 10, 76-8210.1109/MCOM.101.2001126
  5. Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Medical Research Support Platform Against COVID-19: A Blockchain-Based Approach2021/03K. Yu, L. Tan, X. Shang, J. Huang, G. Srivastava and P. ChatterjeeIEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine10/ 2, 111-12010.1109/MCE.2020.3035520


  1. 2022Best Magazine Paper Award (1st Place Winner), IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine
  2. 2021IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award, IEEE BigDataSE
  3. 2021Best Paper Award, IEEE ICFTIC
  4. 2020Best Paper Award, ITU Kaleidoscope
  5. 2020Young Author Recognition, ITU Kaleidoscope


  1. 2022春学期テクニカルライティングワークシ ョップ2
  2. 2022春学期先進総合理工学特論2(情報通信と国際標準化)
  3. 2022春学期IIST特別講義4 (機械学習)
  4. 2022春学期テクニカルプレゼンテーションワ ークショップ2
  5. 2022春学期IIST特別講義2(サイバーセキュリティ)

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