Mrs. Majewski's 1st Grade

Welcome to our class' website. This site is intended to help keep us in communication and let you know what is going on in the classroom.

During the school year, parent/guardian contact information can change. This includes such information as cell phone number, disconnecting of phone land line, email address, and work contact phone numbers. Please notify Houghton School via written note or an email to the Houghton office ( Your child's teacher and school nurse will be updated with the changes.

If you are planning on volunteering in the classroom or around the school,

please make sure your CORI is up to date.

If it is not, you will not be allowed to volunteer.

You can come in to the office and check with Mrs. Wiggin

or pick up a form if you don't have a CORI yet.

This website is a work in progress and will continue to be throughout the year so keep checking back often for updates.


Houghton Elementary's Mission Statement

It is a child-centered school. Our commitment is

to provide challenging and creative learning experiences that enable


to build both a strong

academic and social foundation. Our school offers a safe, supportive

environment where children care to

learn and learn to care.