After some thought, I decided to respond with 3c3d. I entered their move and mine into python-shogi,displayed the resulting position, and generated the next possible moves for ChatGPT in random order:
>>> board.push_usi("2g2f"); board.push_usi("3c3d"); print(board); moves = list(map(str, board.legal_moves)); shuffle(moves); print(*moves, sep=", ")Move.from_usi('2g2f')Move.from_usi('3c3d') l n s g k g s n l . r . . . . . b . p p p p p p . p p . . . . . . p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . P P P P P P P . P . B . . . . . R . L N S G K G S N L5i5h, 2h2g, 3i3h, 7i6h, 2h7h, 8g8f, 2h6h, 6i6h, 2h5h, 1g1f, 3i4h, 7g7f, 5i6h, 6i7h, 9g9f, 2h1h, 2h3h, 4i5h, 2f2e, 3g3f, 6g6f, 6i5h, 9i9h, 4i4h, 4i3h, 5g5f, 4g4f, 5i4h, 2h4h, 1i1h, 7i7h
Then I replied to ChatGPT:
My move is: 3c3dYour possible moves are: 5i5h, 2h2g, 3i3h, 7i6h, 2h7h, 8g8f, 2h6h, 6i6h, 2h5h, 1g1f, 3i4h, 7g7f, 5i6h, 6i7h, 9g9f, 2h1h, 2h3h, 4i5h, 2f2e, 3g3f, 6g6f, 6i5h, 9i9h, 4i4h, 4i3h, 5g5f, 4g4f, 5i4h, 2h4h, 1i1h, 7i7h
I repeated this process. I ended up also saying
It's your turn. Don't list moves. That's what I do. Say only the move you want to play. Don't say anything else. Choose one of them.
every time. (Sometimes they started listing moves or responded as if I was consulting them about moves.) Icreated a shared link to the chat https://chat.openai.com/share/f406a004-ca2c-449d-b2ca-869f722dd458and also uploaded the log to Pastebin https://pastebin.com/7qirN6mp.
I uploaded the game to Lishogi etc. as linked at the beginning. Below can be read by GNU XShogi.
The game