Haiku is an open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. Inspired by the BeOS, Haiku is fast, simple to use, easy to learn and yet very powerful.

Fundraising 2023


Updated: October 19th
(€1 = $1.053574)
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Merchandise is handled by our partner Freewear, who will donate a portion of all sales to Haiku Inc.


We constantly build and and release new, bleeding edge versions of Haiku for testing purposes. You can download and install these versions to check out the latest features and bug fixes.

Be aware that nightly images may be unstable. Additionally, some packages included with official releases need to be installed separately.

If you're OK with this, you can find further instructions at our Nightly image page.

Haiku Activity & Contract Report, September 2023

Blog post by waddlesplash on Thu, 2023-10-12 21:30

This report covers hrev57257 through hrev57308.

This was a bit of a shorter month than usual (for me, at least.)

Haiku Activity & Contract Report, August 2023

Blog post by waddlesplash on Tue, 2023-09-12 21:30

This report covers hrev57184 through hrev57256.

It’s worth noting: the main Haiku CI is currently offline as the developer who was hosting the build machine moved to a location with much slower internet. A new build machine and home for the CI has already been selected, but isn’t fully online yet, so the nightly builds are a bit behind at the moment.

[GSoC 2023] VPN Support Project Update #7

Blog post by Pairisto on Thu, 2023-08-31 20:10

Where We Last Left Off Last post, I left off on the problem where the select functionality was working but there are some problems as it works but not well as the average latency is above 2000ms and when using ping it drops more than 60% of packets on average. For two weeks I was working on this issue but I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with select and given that I was coming up on the deadline of my project, I decided to go with a condition variable approach when reading data from the driver for both the application and interface side.

[GSoC 2023] .NET Developer Platform - Final Report

Blog post by Trung Nguyen on Sun, 2023-08-20 00:00

Project overview This project, a part of Google Summer of Code 2023, aims to port the .NET Developer Platform - a popular open-source framework - to Haiku, following various requests from the community to have a way to build C# or run .NET applications on this OS. The project picks up an incomplete port in 2022 by myself - @trungnt2910 - and @jessicah and brings essential components of the .NET platform (its runtime and SDK) to Haiku.

[GSoC 2023] Improving Icon-O-Matic Final Report

Blog post by Zardshard on Fri, 2023-08-18 11:21

What is Icon-O-Matic? There’s a good chance that not everyone reading this article will know what Icon-O-Matic is, so I’ll start by explaining what it is. Icon-O-Matic is a vector graphics editing program like Illustrator or Inkscape. It is specifically made to work with Haiku’s custom HVIF vector graphics format. This format is similar to the SVG format, except optimized to be much, much smaller. The blog post “500 Byte Images: The Haiku Vector Icon Format” provides a more in-depth discussion for those interested.

[GSoC 2023] VPN Support Project Update #6

Blog post by Pairisto on Thu, 2023-08-17 21:53

Where We Last Left Off So last time I posted I was able to say that I got the client side for OpenVPN on Haiku working but not the server but I am proud to say that now both the server and client work extremely well now on Haiku :) I was able to get the server from not working to working and was able to get the latency for the entire VPN operation down from 1000ms average to anywhere between 2ms to 9ms (that’s a caveat as that is without blocking which will be discussed later).

Haiku Activity & Contract Report, July 2023

Blog post by waddlesplash on Tue, 2023-08-15 23:30

As is the usual way of things, the monthly Activity Report is hereby combined with my Contract Report.

This report covers hrev57127 through hrev57183.

[GSoC 2023] .NET Developer Platform - Progress Report #5

Blog post by Trung Nguyen on Sun, 2023-08-13 00:00

Project status overview The long awaited stateful FD monitoring has finally been implemented on Haiku, and there now is a partial implementation of kqueue usable in libbsd. Therefore, Release builds of .NET can now work properly (after some more hacks) and have been set as the default in my custom dotnet-install.sh script. Due to some technical difficulties in parsing Doxygen documentation and converting it to the XML format used in C#, I have delayed my effort to generate documentation for the Haiku API bindings.

[GSoC 2023] VPN Support Project Update #5

Blog post by Pairisto on Sat, 2023-08-05 00:38

Tempered Optimism So great news everyone, OpenVPN and the TUN/TAP driver is working on Haiku! While this is great news for the development of the project, I need to temper it with some problems that the project has encountered now. So first thing that I had to change first was going from TUN to TAP since OpenVPN wanted a Point-to-Point connection for the TUN driver and Point-to-Point isn’t quite a thing on Haiku yet.