Hi there, I'm Dark! 
I'm a 17-year-old Senior High School student into coding and development. (Away for a while...)
I'm currently learning and improving myself in field of web development. All the time I'm looking for learning new things and improving myself.
You can find my open-source projects in here and can contact me via e-mail.
There is nothing much to say about myself right now.
NOTE: I'm temporarily discontinued from development for a while...
Hey there, I'm temporarily away from development & this GitHub account for a while, for any reason to contact you can use the e-mail given.
class Dark {
constructor(...options) {
this.height = "1.80"
this.age = "17"
this.type = "human"
this.sex = "male"
this.nationality = "Turkish 🇹🇷"
this.job = "Full-Stack Developer"
this.skills = ['Node.js','Vue.js','React','Electron','Flutter','PHP','Laravel','Python','Java']
class CreateHuman extends Dark {
constructor(...options) {
private _eating() {
void "eating 🍔 🍟 🍗 🥤"
private _hobbies() {
void "Swimming 🏊, Bodybuilding 🏋️, Guitar 🎸"
private _coding() {
void "coding... ❤️"
private _sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) }
async createDay() {
await this._sleep(18000000)
let Dark = new CreateHuman()
let Dark = new CreateHuman()
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