CJNG burns rivals face alive as a way of mocking his nickname "Ghost Rider" CJNG burns rivals face alive as a way of mocking his nickname "Ghost Rider". He was thought to be one of the leaders of Carteles Unidos.1603743430_786LIVE0:00/ 0:00 Quality1 AudioSubtitlenot found1603743226_785LIVE0:00/ 0:00 Quality1 AudioSubtitlenot found 931 931 голос Favorite Complaint The Man Asked To Forgive Him But Was Still Hanged 9 249 12 0 A Passing Tractor Robbed An Unfortunate Man Of Both His Legs 2 239 4 0 Im Only Paid To Hold This Door Open 1 378 1 0 Baby Fell From A Window 6 191 9 0 Apparently The Woman Was Fatally Injured In The Accident 6 586 1 0 Comments D DOLO 8 May 2021 01:29 Magnesium is one hell of a drug F Fetid01 6 February 2022 22:45 @DOLO White phospherous, sprinkled on the wet blood of his face would result a beautiful chemical fire burn..... a anon 22 May 2021 02:36 just fucking end him already damnit F Fkrrs 24 July 2021 08:42 Hope they get killed in a worst manner. Psycho fuckers. A Anonymous 6 August 2021 20:25 The guy they killed would do that to people he captured which is why he was nicked named ghost rider A Anonymous 1 September 2021 15:06 It’s funny how these cracked out shit heads worship Santa muerte and they keep dying in the worst ways possible. Good for them, rapists murders and thieves. Death will come for them all and they will think of that. V Vebias 6 December 2021 13:23 Yeah he isn't an innocent person he would do just as bad things as they did to him E El Toro Blanco 1 December 2021 09:47 Ey puto, you're aware what he did to get it like he did right? No you probably don't so shut your mouth bitch. R Reagan 24 December 2021 23:14 Si we, el no sabe de que habla, pero tu como yo, si sabemos. Y la neta son mamadas lo que hacen los pinchis sicarios. Pero es pedo de ellos y como dices tu, el uviera echo lo mismo. Hay que cuidarnos nomas y no meternos en pedos E El domador de toros blancos 31 January 2022 07:16 Ooooh you are so gangster!!!! J Jason Eli 9 February 2022 19:06 the dude in this video was apparently apart of this so......https://www.reddit.com/r/BackdoorGoRe2/comments/qx7j5i/mexican_cartel_executes_father_and_son_after_they/ b bla 11 September 2021 18:39 Subhumans be subhumaning. G Ghost 15 September 2021 15:41 For all the people feeling bad for this guy, look up guerrero flaying he was one of the people responsible for that video in which they behead a father in front of his child and skin the child alive h helloworld 2 November 2021 21:28 Comes full circle this lifestyle E El Toro Blanco 1 December 2021 09:50 Finally someone who knows why he was offed this way. Appreciate the facts being posted. It's funny all these comments acting tough and sorry for him. He got it for a good reason. d deatho 30 January 2022 09:46 so this is why i didn't feel bad for him when i watch this video b bruhhumanmoments 20 September 2021 00:00 just south americans being south americans in south america, damn they do have a very violent nature down there do they fuck me. B Blaze 9 November 2021 13:55 It's Mexico bruh z zaz 24 January 2022 02:53 hi, South American here, this video is from Mexico, AKA North America. Kuddos! v verdy 10 March 2022 22:12 This happened in Mexico which is in North America dumbass S Solo 20 September 2021 18:57 How the fuck was he even still alive with that much damage to his face M Miffet Blue 3 January 2022 15:08 Adrenaline M Meanhead 25 September 2021 18:02 I love how his face is all over his shirt :( A Anonymous 26 September 2021 06:07 bruhhumanmoments, mexico is in north america, not south america t tyler1978j 28 September 2021 14:54 Good luck with Open borders haha F Fetid01 4 February 2022 08:03 Armed and ready for any and all..... B BlartFossom 29 October 2021 05:28 The reason this dude got what he got is HE DID THIS NUMEROUS TIMES before he got caught. Burning members of other cartels is how he got the nickname "Ghost Rider." He kinda had it coming. H How do you know this 29 November 2021 20:39 Title says it. How do you know this information? E El Toro Blanco 1 December 2021 09:52 I'm just tuned in you can say. A Anonymous 1 December 2021 22:44 The way he went out was the way he did things to others, don't feel bad for him or anyone in this video because his acts came back to him. Those people doing that to him are now just like him when he used to do it to others. G Gammagoblin 7 December 2021 06:30 The spooky music is a nice touch k kuku 18 December 2021 15:34 hhheeeehhhhhh hhhheeehhhhhh hhhhheeeehhhhh hhhheeeeeeeehhhhh f fdfddf 20 December 2021 03:37 I bet Even in stone age humans treated each other better F Fetid01 6 February 2022 22:42 MMMMM, looking forward to those delicious Tacos de Cachete (Cheek Tacos)..... F Fetid01 6 February 2022 22:48 Great post! Thanks for the entertainment..... Information Users of Guest are not allowed to comment this publication.