Improving the availability of, and access to, reliable climate data, monitoring and forecasts.
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WMO Programmes
Improving the understanding of the climate system for the benefit of societies coping with climate variability and change.
Enabling worldwide use of specialized and tailored products in support of environmental emergency response involving large-scale dispersion of...
The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) is a co-sponsored programme which regularly assesses the status of global climate observations and...
Connecting people and institutions to the learning opportunities necessary for well-functioning meteorological, hydrological and climate services.
Supporting the safety of life and property at sea, integrated coastal management and the minimization of societal impacts from natural...
Enhancing the contributions of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) to disaster risk reduction (DRR) at all levels in a more...
Providing better hydrologic information, assessments and forecasts, so that Members are able to independently assess their water resources and...
Assisting in the capacity development of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) by improving human, technical...
The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) coordinates and guides international climate research to develop, share and apply the climate...
Floods are the most common natural hazards with the largest impacts on society. Although exceptionally devastating floods...
WIGOS provides the new overarching framework for all WMO observing systems and for WMO contributions to co-sponsored observing systems in...
Enabling the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to enhance both human and institutional...
Assisting National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in providing weather and climate services to farmers, herders and fishermen in...
Collecting, exchanging, processing and providing climate and hydrological observations, forecasts and data exchange to all WMO programmes.
The GDPFS is an international mechanism that coordinates Member capacities to prepare and make meteorological analyses and forecast...
Assisting Members in monitoring and forecasting tropical cyclones to reduce disaster-related losses of life and infrastructure.
Addressing atmospheric composition on all scales: from global, regional, to local and urban.
Enabling the delivery of weather and related services for sound decision-making on public safety and cost-efficiency in all social and economic...
Coordinating the activities of Members related to the space-based observing system component of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System to...
Providing reliable, high quality, timely and cost-effective meteorological services to aviation users worldwide.
The Severe Weather Forecasting Programme (SWFP) aims to strengthen the capacity of WMO Members to deliver improved forecasts and...
Small Island Developing States and Member Island Territories are low-lying island nations that are highly vulnerable and often affected by weather...
Ensuring the efficient and effective functioning of the six WMO Regional Associations in coordinating the meteorological, hydrological...
Coordinating the global system of telecommunication facilities and arrangements for the rapid collection, exchange and distribution of...
Providing observations, modelling and analysis of marine and ocean variables to support research, assessments and operational ocean...
Whether due to natural climate variability or climate change, the likelihood of extreme weather conditions is increasing. The impacts...
Offering operationally reliable, surface-based and space-based subsystems with observing facilities on land, at sea, in the air and in outer space in...
Providing assistance and support to National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in developing and least developed...
Setting technical standards, quality control procedures and guidance for the use of meteorological instruments and observation methods in order to...
The WMO World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) is advancing and promoting research activities on weather, its prediction and its impact...