Company Profile

SBS Holdings Company Profile

company name SBS Holdings, Inc.
Representative Representative Director Masahiko Kamata
Established December 16, 1987
Capital 3,920 million yen
amount of sales 455,481 million yen (Group consolidated results for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022)
number of employees 22,829 (including 11,970 full-time employees, as of the end of December 2022, consolidated)
Single: 259
location 〒160-6125
8-17-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Sumitomo Realty & Development Shinjuku Grand Tower 25th floor
TEL: 03-6772-8200 (representative)
Business content As a holding company, we formulate and promote management strategies for the entire group, audit group management, and perform other business management.
Other Next Generation Development Support Action Plan (Japanese)[PDF: 83.1KB]
General action plan based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (Japanese)[PDF: 79.4KB]
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