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Commit 441526b5 authored by cleemy desu wayo's avatar cleemy desu wayo
Browse files

Fix bug: show "0 sec ago" if generated at future datetime

parent c8af6b19
Branches main
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ==========================================================================
# -- version
# -- version
# written by cleemy desu wayo / Licensed under CC0 1.0
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ convert_to_ncr() {
| tr -d '\012'
software_info=' version'
software_info=' version'
# get current time
now_str=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z" 2> /dev/null)
......@@ -146,7 +146,9 @@ function overwrite_time_diff() {
const time_diff_day = Math.trunc(time_diff_hour / 24);
let time_diff_str = '';
if (time_diff_day >= 2) {
if (time_diff_sec < 0) {
time_diff_str = '(? sec ago)'; // generated at future datetime
} else if (time_diff_day >= 2) {
time_diff_str = '(' + time_diff_day + ' days ago)';
} else if (time_diff_day === 1) {
time_diff_str = '(1 day ' + (time_diff_hour - 24) + ' hour ago)';
  • I wrote a wrong commit message.
    "0 sec ago" instead of "? sec ago" is correct.

  • I wrote a wrong english sentence. I gave DeepL-sensei too much credit. "? sec ago" instead of "0 sec ago" is correct.

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