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Journal Of The Malayan Branch The Royal Asiatic Society Vol-xix (1941)

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Journal Malayan Branch Royal Asiaiic Soc., Vol. XIX 1941.

Tangkai Rambang, Fruit Stalks of tin* i am bang croepci

Sayap Lclayang, the swallows wings. Plate XX

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Journal Malayan Branch Royal Asiatic Soc., Vol. XIX 1941 .

Galigas or Buah Slabit, representing how a carrier’s basket is


Plate XXI

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Journal Malayan Branch Royal Asiatic Soc., Vol. XIX 1941.

Balu Menyagu, the much admired widow.

Plate XXII

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By R. 0. WINSTEDT, k.b.e., c.m.g., d.litt.

In teaching this subject I have found certain general rules of value to guide students through what in Malay as in English is a puzzling labyrinth of anomalies.

1 1, In Jawi there are three Arabic letters alif, wait and ya that are used as vowels, while the two last are used also as semivowels or consonants and for diphthongs :

(a) Alif 1 = a:—

kasut bjS kttda.

(b) Wait j o , it , aw and w :

J yS kolam V ft bola yl y bulu yl yi pulau yfi kfrbau U jf warm Jawi.

(c) Ya £ e, i, ai and y :

J lebar JyLJ tengoh tali gjS kidai ^-y~ sungai ^Jui pandai ay am ayer

y\S kayu yang y>_ yu.

2. At the beginning of a word y always = w and ^ = y : wangi ^*\ywayang «-l\j wap L ya y yu \»jyatim.

To be used in that position as vowels, j and ^ have to be preceded by 1 or in many crystallized spellings by * h, both


1 and * being inserted as graphic props

cS*.\ ikatOjl^ ikut jy£i m \ ekor f}y~i\ esok JyL \ elok cJaMngat isi yfj ibu \ ta £ jy\orang JjSjl otak upah ^y\ ubi:

in the following words * 'h is most commonly employed,

though the aspirate is rarely sounded and then by pedants conscious of the spelling

* ,,

2941] Royal Asiatic Satiety.

Book page image


R. O. Winstcdt

hubong hudangzJy* hulat cj j* harta y* htdang

hitong hitarn hisap .

3. The short vowel i (or pipit) has no equivalent in Jawi :

j~» t bisar ^ binar tiluk ;jJU tilor kichil but when it

fotms an initial syllable, the existence of such a syllable is denoted by \ inserted as a graphic prop :

enam imas emak.

4. The glottal check at -the end of a word is denoted

(а) Generally by <j :

^5 besok &?■ bilek Jf*) amok chantek

ajak U masak *

(б) in a very few common words (presumably crystallised before a system of spelling was evolved) by :

J.C baik viC t; naik

(c) in a very few words by hamzah *

^ inche '


b dato’

» fS ji poko* roko*

5. Hamzah * is also used to indicate a break between two

vowels when an a sound passes on means of a gentle aspirate :

to another vowel only by

Cj jV lawai



j>)l lay an


fy * Y lain

JjY lawak


J^Y lauk



•j sauh

In doing this it sometimes replaces an alif following an altf: \~$a-akan~akan^\ia4tn t U sa-elok-elok. Sometimes

Journal Malayan Branch [Vol, XIX, Part II,

Book page image

Jawi Spelling


it stands for the a of sa - + a graphic prop l! ^jfL»sa~orang

(from p -f sa-ekor ( from \ 4- ^ ) or it denotes the presence of some other syllable that would otherwise be lost fjJS* di-ata$ (not datas) iS kiimpat jb iS" kiadaan

(not kadan). mereka itu.

6. , (a) Vowels are seldom inserted further back than in the penultimate syllable pf a word :

J— sadikat y-’.j* hariman *!+*.> dahulu




haluan manusik

And this may be seen in compound words :

£JLU hufa-balang jL~C bagai-mana t apa-kala

J i~&\ apa-bila sa-batang barang-kali.

g ji& ku-lari

The rule is also illustrated by the spelling of derivative words :

CjS kata but 'S katakan ; makan but

makanan ;

ingat but ingot an ;

g\jraja t but j kerajaan though when the stress is stronger on the syllable before the penultimate the vowellation is not changed e.g. o^b ddrat

^ ^b ddrat an ; mdlas kimdlasaiu

7. The following are general rules for the use of vowels though they do not go quite so far as modern kitchen-maid spelling in the insertion of them :

(«) Before two consonants never insert any vowel but only the graphic prop :

i tumpat sumpah cJuJ lompat . bantal

pandai . Examples of the graphic prop are CJU\ imp at engkm fmbun inchi 9

1941] Royal Asiatic Society.


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