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Elections |
Building trades, property companies form coalition to back St. Paul City Council candidates against rent control

A man speaks at a lectern with signs saying "Service Saint Paul."
Jason George, business manager for the mechanics, heavy equipment operators and other members of Operating Engineers Local 49, delivers remarks on Monday, Sept. 25, 2023, at the North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters Hall in St. Paul. Abraham is a member of the Service St. Paul business and labor coalition, which expects to raise more than $300,000 around the Nov. 7 city council races and is calling for the city to refocus on core city services, including policing, while rejecting rent control. (Frederick Melo / Pioneer Press)

Frustrated by St. Paul’s rent control policy and rhetoric they’ve described as anti-policing, a coalition of labor unions and businesses with ties to the real estate community say they’re on track to raise more than $300,000 in advance of the Nov. 7 elections.

The funding is being used to back candidates for St. Paul City Council as well as for focus-group style surveys and polling. There also will . . .