Thomas Blake Glover's British-Korean or chinese son

Thomas Albert Glover (1871-1945)

= Tomisaburo Kuraba = 倉場富三郎 

 Sakuzo Yoshino (1878-1933) 


He is founder of the democracy movement in Japan.


The main idea of this democracy movement in Japan (1916-1925) was to abolish the form of politics that had been monopolised by those who had succeeded in the Meiji Coup*, and to implement a politics in which the citizens were the main actors.


People-impersonating-citizens-of-your-country-spies-who-have-infiltrated-your-country page those from the pseudo-Japanese organisations mentioned at the beginning mainly the four organisations of the Satsuma, Choshu, Tosa and Hizen clans.


And the idea was to implement a system of politics in which citizens would vote, resulting in an impartial discussion of the running of the state by elected representatives from a number of political parties with different views.



However, this was also a plan to further deceive us, the true Japanese.

The monopoly of the legislative authority by the fake Japanese organisation has not changed to this day.


On the contrary, they use the sophistry that 'We politicians are duly elected by the vote of the people of this country!', 'If you want to complain to us then you should get elected and become a politician!'


And today, they do the bidding of the boss: Masons or pass only laws that suit them.



And also the the executive authority, which has to manage the electoral system fairly not administer this electoral system fairly at all.


They have switched ballot papers, and in recent years they have been using computer programmes to falsify voting results.

Many processes are hidden and fraudulent.


There have been many court cases, but the judicial authority has also collud to cover up the truth about the irregularities.




He is a venue manager who counts the election ballots.

(He wears a pink towel around his neck.)


He is obstructing the Japanese who want to make sure that the votes are fairly counted and opened.

Look at his ears.


Not only that, the identities of many of the other people who appear to be working on vote counting are not clear.


Rigged elections = a form of indirect invasion.

Polling place and the official counting of votes place in Japan are controlled by foreigners (and fake Japanese people).


Please read the comments on this video.

An agent impersonating a Japanese writes in Japanese langages.

'Stop the annoying behaviour!’