I dont need this blog anymore
I’m in a better place.
My first ex had a girlfriend recently who then dumped him as he said I love you.
My second ex is closer than ever and thats because we’re friends.
And now with a third guy I’ve had the pleasure of calling a boyfriend, I’ve been held together since moving away and actually FINALLY had proper sex with a guy I adore.
And whats even better? I want to fuck him again becasue it doesn’t hurt nearly as much as in the past.
I’m ready now and I want more.
Will this relationship work or crash and burn like the others? Who knows.
If this blog becomes active again I guess it will give the game away.
Ciao for now
Katie xx
his is probably quite bad but i kind of know if my ex didn’t have a new girlfriend at this moment in time tonight wed probably end up gave sex again. Though that’s probably my lack of action than anything. But saying he has a girlfriend in just not going to bother with him, no matter how drunk i get pulling is going to be difficult though and probably not going to happen boo
Playing this RPG where Laurent is the GM is so much more painful than I thought. He’s cut his hair short, eating yoghurt in his adorable mannor, laughing at my jokes….and I’m never going to see him again, as in physically. I was literially hanging around him last week at nationals, and as much as I’m interested in this new Dutch guy, my attachment to Laurent is seemingly unfading. I’m trying to convince myself he’s not handsome, his laughs annoying and dumb stuff like that and it’s doing nothing.
I am enjoying this session but I wish so much I wasn’t attracted to Laurent, there’s nothing there for me, when am I going to understand that >.<
The only saving grace I feel is not showing affection at nationals, being able to share a room with him and not do anything except chat like we use to and not force or make him awkward which was nice.
I really wish I had bigger boobs. Like a C cup on me would be fantastic
I wonder if I did something wrong when I was growing up, like I didn’t drink enough milk or silly things like that. My mom has nice big boobs so I don’t get why I don’t
Saying that I freakin’ love sleeping on my front