Finder's Fee
Chapter 2
Copyright© 2008 by colt45
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Toliver Nelson, ex-solider and exile thinks he's lucked into a scheme that will bring him a goodly amount of cash, enough cash to live well on for a long time. What does he have to do? Nothing much; rescue the daughters of three of the wealthiest families on Earth from slavery, return them to where they belong and claim the reward from their grateful parents. A simple plan right? You know what they say; if you want to hear God laugh tell him your plans...
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Consensual Romantic Science Fiction Humor Harem Pregnancy
Initially I planned to stop on the way home and let them shop for clothing and necessities. You bought a slave with nothing but the tunic on their backs and the little paper slippers they were given, but it was obvious to even an insensitive bastard like me that Tiernay was in no condition to go anywhere. All she did was cry, hold onto Dubois' arm and follow her like a dog on a leash when we moved. It was a decent tube ride back to my place so I herded them into the first unoccupied car at the stop and sat them down.
"All right, so who are you?" Dubois demanded as soon as they sat down. I stayed up holding onto one of the overhead straps. I could have sat down but it was easier to look at all of them together this way.
"What do you mean?" I snorted. "I'm your new master, blondie."
"True," she responded after a pause. "But that's not all you are. You may want us for your nice little fuck toys but that's not all you want us for. What are you up to? Ransom?" Tiernay shivered again and sobbed at the words "fuck toy."
"Such a mouth! You kiss your mother with that mouth? What makes you so certain I want anything except your beautiful bodies?"
"Don't be stupid! Okay, maybe you can't help but be stupid, but try not to treat us as if we're as dumb as you are," she fired back. "You know who I am. You picked the three of us specifically and knew the specifications to ask for to get us." Delgado actually looked at me with some curiosity this time. "Picking one of us? Possible, even probable if Eve had been first. Two of us? Also possible although statistically unlikely. All three of us? Highly improbable especially when you consider that right now Kee isn't in what you bastards would consider prime condition. So, what's your game, motherfucker? Ransom? Blackmail? Extortion?"
"I've fucked a mother," I admitted, "just not mine." The little witch was trying to goad me; I thought it was kind of amusing. Hell, I'd been worked over by the meanest, nastiest, Master Sergeants the Greens had to offer, and she didn't even place in the top ten.
"Ransom is such a harsh word. I prefer finder's fee. I expect your families are going to be happy you aren't dead and will suitably compensate the kind soul who brings you back to them.
"Yes, I know who you are," I admitted. "It's not often I get the chance to rescue three fair maidens in distress; especially when the three involved happen to be the only children of three of the richest families on Old Earth. You're damn right I expect to be compensated. I plunked down a ton of cash for you three and I expect that back and a bit more on top."
"Oh, our knight in shining armor," she said placing her free hand to forehead in a pretend swoon. "How could we be so lucky? So what now? You fuck us until our families fork over the cash?"
"You're funny," I grinned. "I like that. Sorry to disappoint you, sweetie, but we aren't going to be pounding the mattress together. I like my women a little older and a lot more willing. Besides, if I'd wanted that I'd have taken the brunette with the short hair; she was seriously hot!" I think Delgado actually frowned a little at that; that was seriously funny! Okay, I admit it: I enjoy teasing the ladies almost as much as they enjoy teasing me. So sue me. It's all in fun for the most part.
"Been awhile then, hasn't it?" Dubois shot back. Damn this chick had brass ones, big brass ones. I could actually like having her around.
"Not so you'd notice," I answered nonchalantly. "This is our stop. It's time we get back to home sweet home and tell mommy and daddy their little lost sheep have been found."
"You're serious, aren't you?" she said sounding amused as the doors whooshed open and we walked out onto the platform. I started walking towards my place Dubois at my side Tiernay still attached and Delgado strolling behind us ignoring me completely. She could have been just out for a walk and just happened to be going in the same direction I was for all she acted. I had this one pegged already: a bitch. But what the hell, I wouldn't be putting up with her for long so what did I care.
The door opened to my palm-print and the lights came up as we entered. It was no palace but not too bad if I say so myself. Five rooms, a kitchen and open living area. More room than I need but it was a standard design and it costs almost nothing to cut out a few more rooms so when I had it dug I went for the larger size. I lived alone most of the time but there have been times when the extra room came in handy, like now.
"Rooms are down that hall," I pointed. "Mine is the first one on the right. Pick any of the other ones for yourself. Toilet and 'fresher is at the end. You share but that's just something you'll have to deal with. This isn't the Hilton. When you're ready we'll order some clothes and anything else you need. Take a shower, get something to eat and we'll call the 'rents and get the show on the road."
"Honey, I'm home!" I said loudly.
"Welcome back, Toliver," came a rich, feminine voice, coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. "You have two messages, neither coded as critical. I see you have brought guests home with you."
"Sharon, this is Teresa Dubois, Eveta Delgado and Keelin Tiernay," I said pointing to each in turn. I know I'm strange but I can't help but treating my AI (artificial intelligence) as if she was a real person. Call me crazy but I really believe I get better treatment from them than other people do; besides most of the AIs I know are better people than most real people I deal with and I treat them as such.
"Pleased to have you with us Miss Dubois, Miss Delgado, Miss Tiernay. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make your stay more enjoyable."
Dubois' eyebrows rose up as if surprised and said, "Thank you, Sharon. I hope we won't cause you any problem." She kept bumping herself up in my estimation; I like people who are nice to AIs. I think how someone treats an AI shows what they are truly like underneath the masks we all wear for the outside. Most people just think of them as things.
"No problem at all, Miss Dubois," my AI answered.
"Sharon," I broke in, "they're going to need clothing soon, food sooner and..." I looked over at Tiernay, "maybe a mild sedative for Miss Tiernay."
"So, what's your name, Sir Galahad?" Dubois asked me. "I can't keep calling you shithead and you might as well break out your stunstick if you think I'm going to call you master."
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