No-Intro Romsets (2023)
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No-Intro Romsets (2023)
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- no-intro, nointro, no intro, roms, romset, 2022, no intro, nointro, 2023, romsets, roms, collection
This is not an "official" No-Intro set, because there is no such thing. However, is a proper No-Intro set, because the files match the hashes (etc) that are listed in the No-Intro DAT files
Set Name | Full Download | Single ROMs | DAT | MIA |
ACT - Apricot PC Xi | Download | Download | (20211125-165629) | 0 |
APF - Imagination Machine | Download | Download | (20220416-042756) | 0 |
APF β MP-1000 | Download | Download | (20211213-125803) | 0 |
Acorn β Archimedes | Download | Download | (20230522-103707) | 0 |
Acorn - Atom (Tapes) (Bitstream) | Download | Download | (20230406-090500) | 0 |
Acorn - Risc PC (Flux) | Download | Download | (20230506-040449) | 0 |
Acorn RISC OS - Flash Media (Misc) | Download | Download | (20221123-054527) | 0 |
Amstrad - CPC (Flux) | Download | Download | (20230406-091045) | 0 |
Amstrad - CPC (Misc) | Download | Download | (20230406-091045) | 0 |
Apple - I (Tapes) | Download | Download | (20230313-130448) | 0 |
Apple - II (A2R) | Download | Download | (20220728-095306) | 0 |
Apple - II (WOZ) | Download | Download | (20220728-095306) | 0 |
Apple - II (Waveform) | Download | Download | (20220728-095306) | 0 |
Apple - II Plus (Flux) | Download | Download | (20211227-061630) | 0 |
Apple - II Plus (WOZ) | Download | Download | (20211227-061630) | 0 |
Apple - IIGS (A2R) | Download | Download | (20220727-120719) | 0 |
Apple - IIGS (WOZ) | Download | Download | (20220727-120719) | 0 |
Apple - IIe (A2R) | Download | Download | (20220718-130608) | 0 |
Apple - IIe (Kryoflux) | Download | Download | (20220718-130608) | 0 |
Apple - IIe (WOZ) | Download | Download | (20220718-130608) | 0 |
Apple - Macintosh (A2R) | Download | Download | (20220727-190526) | 0 |
Apple - Macintosh (BETA) (Bitstreams) | Download | Download | (20220831-024638) | 0 |
Apple - Macintosh (BETA) (FluxDumps) | Download | Download | (20220831-024638) | 0 |
Apple - Macintosh (DC42) | Download | Download | (20220727-190526) | 0 |
Apple - Macintosh (KryoFlux) | Download | Download | (20220727-190526) | 0 |
Apple - Macintosh (Uncategorized) | Download | Download | (20220727-190526) | 0 |
Apple - Macintosh (WOZ) | Download | Download | (20220727-190526) | 0 |
Apple-Bandai - Pippin (Floppies) | Download | Download | (20220623-041333) | 0 |
Arcade β PC-based | Download | Download | (20230329-073558) | 0 |
Arduboy Inc β Arduboy | Download | Download | (20230528-053947) | 0 |
Atari β 2600 | Download | Download | (20230805-030735) | 0 |
Atari β 5200 | Download | Download | (20220405-183755) | 0 |
Atari β 7800 | Download | Download | (20230707-164315) | 0 |
Atari - 8-bit Family | Download | Download | (20230312-212517) | 0 |
Atari - 8-bit Family (Kryoflux) | Download | Download | (20230312-212517) | 0 |
Atari - Jaguar (J64) | Download | Download | (20230414-115726) | 0 |
Atari - Jaguar (ROM) | Download | Download | (20230414-115726) | 0 |
Atari β Lynx | Download | Download | (20230811-144816) | 0 |
Atari β ST | Download | Download | (20220506-114708) | 126 |
Atari - ST (Flux) | Download | Download | (20220506-114708) | 0 |
Bally β Astrocade | Download | Download | (20220411-220423) | 0 |
Bally - Astrocade (Tapes) | Download | Download | (20220914-145554) | 0 |
Bally - Astrocade (Tapes) (WAV) | Download | Download | (20220914-145554) | 0 |
Bandai - Design Master Denshi Mangajuku | Download | Download | (20211124-132745) | 0 |
Bandai - Gundam RX-78 | Download | Download | (20211124-013520) | 0 |
Bandai β WonderSwan | Download | Download | (20230717-110112) | 0 |
Bandai - WonderSwan Color | Download | Download | (20230818-060630) | 0 |
Benesse - Pocket Challenge V2 | Download | Download | (20230819-030528) | 0 |
Benesse - Pocket Challenge W | Download | Download | (20230820-005555) | 2 |
Bit Corporation β Gamate | Download | Download | (20230627-112619) | 0 |
Casio β Loopy | Download | Download | (20230712-105452) | 0 |
Casio β PV-1000 | Download | Download | (20200109-103603) | 0 |
Coleco β ColecoVision | Download | Download | (20230814-212902) | 0 |
Commodore β Amiga | Download | Download | (20230804-123733) | 10 |
Commodore - Amiga (Bitstream) | Download | Download | (20230804-123733) | 0 |
Commodore - Amiga (Flux) | Download | Download | (20230804-123733) | 0 |
Commodore - Commodore 64 | Download | Download | (20220524-092648) | 0 |
Commodore - Commodore 64 (PP) | Download | Download | (20230414-015239) | 0 |
Commodore - Commodore 64 (Tapes) | Download | Download | (20230804-123725) | 0 |
Commodore β Plus-4 | Download | Download | (20090105-000000) | 0 |
Commodore β VIC-20 | Download | Download | (20170315-223700) | 0 |
Digital Media Cartridge β Firecore | Download | Download | (20230527-105439) | 0 |
Emerson - Arcadia 2001 | Download | Download | (20081124-193319) | 0 |
Entex - Adventure Vision | Download | Download | (20081125-031450) | 0 |
Epoch - Game Pocket Computer | Download | Download | (20211122-141248) | 0 |
Epoch - Super Cassette Vision | Download | Download | (20201123-013546) | 0 |
Fairchild - Channel F | Download | Download | (20120223-000000) | 0 |
Fujitsu - FM Towns (Flux) | Download | Download | (20230501-233459) | 0 |
Fujitsu - FM Towns (HDM) | Download | Download | (20230501-233459) | 0 |
Fujitsu - FM-7 (Bitstream) | Download | Download | (20230818-113129) | 0 |
Fujitsu - FM-7 (Flux) | Download | Download | (20230818-113129) | 0 |
Fujitsu - FM-7 (Sector) | Download | Download | (20230818-113129) | 0 |
Fujitsu - FM-7 (Tapes) (Bitstream) | Download | Download | (20230406-075508) | 0 |
Fujitsu - FM-7 (Tapes) (Waveform) | Download | Download | (20230406-075508) | 0 |
Fujitsu - FMR50 (Flux) | Download | Download | (20220302-115306) | 0 |
Fukutake Publishing β StudyBox | Download | Download | (20200113-140743) | 0 |
Funtech - Super Acan | Download | Download | (20200111-044109) | 0 |
GCE β Vectrex | Download | Download | (20170908-211236) | 0 |
GamePark β GP2X | Download | Download | (20220107-115126) | 0 |
GamePark β GP32 | Download | Download | (20100224-080928) | 0 |
Hartung - Game Master | Download | Download | (20211012-064712) | 0 |
Hitachi - S1 (Waveform) | Download | Download | (20220730-205621) | 0 |
Interton - VC 4000 | Download | Download | (20211122-135810) | 0 |
Konami β Picno | Download | Download | (20201121-052249) | 0 |
LeapFrog β LeapPad | Download | Download | (20190401-035314) | 0 |
LeapFrog - Leapster Learning Game System | Download | Download | (20190311-121012) | 0 |
Luxor - ABC 800 (Flux) | Download | Download | (20220712-142738) | 0 |
Magnavox - Odyssey 2 | Download | Download | (20200720-221603) | 0 |
Mattel β Intellivision | Download | Download | (20230819-175346) | 0 |
Microsoft β MSX | Download | Download | (20230708-121746) | 0 |
Microsoft β MSX2 | Download | Download | (20230312-212825) | 0 |
Milton-Bradley - Omni (Waveform) | Download | Download | (20220725-135133) | 0 |
Mobile β J2ME | Download | Download | (20230811-200452) | 0 |
Mobile - Palm OS | Download | Download | (20220725-121548) | 0 |
Mobile - Palm OS (Digital) | Download | Download | (20221220-003002) | 0 |
Mobile - Pocket PC | Download | Download | (20220725-120454) | 0 |
Mobile - Pocket PC (Digital) | Download | Download | (20221220-122641) | 0 |
Mobile β Symbian | Download | Download | (20220516-232715) | 0 |
NEC - PC Engine β TurboGrafx-16 | Download | Download | (20230819-064535) | 0 |
NEC - PC Engine SuperGrafx | Download | Download | (20210905-042020) | 0 |
NEC - PC-88 (Flux) | Download | Download | (20220725-151518) | 0 |
NEC - PC-88 (KryoFlux) | Download | Download | (20220725-151518) | 0 |
NEC β PC-98 | Download | Download | (20230404-021501) | 0 |
NEC - PC-98 (Flux) | Download | Download | (20230404-021501) | 0 |
NEC - PC-98 (Greaseweazle) | Download | Download | (20230404-021501) | 0 |
NEC - PC-98 (HardDisk) | Download | Download | (20230404-021501) | 0 |
NEC - PC-98 (Uncategorized) | Download | Download | (20230404-021501) | 0 |
Nichibutsu - My Vision | Download | Download | (20230724-090438) | 0 |
Nichibutsu - My Vision (Mame) | Download | Download | (20230724-090438) | 0 |
Nintendo - Family BASIC (Tapes) | Download | Download | (20230417-090759) | 0 |
Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System (FDS) | Download | Download | (20230707-122615) | 0 |
Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System (QD2FDS) | Download | Download | (20230628-104405) | 0 |
Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System (QD) | Download | Download | (20230707-122615) | 0 |
Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System (FDS2QD) | Download | Download | (20230628-104405) | 0 |
Nintendo - Family Computer Network System | Download | Download | (20220516-232939) | 15 |
Nintendo - Game & Watch | Download | Download | (20211228-000000) | 0 |
Nintendo - Game Boy | Download | Download | (20230817-010017) | 0 |
Nintendo - Game Boy Advance | Download | Download | (20230813-002612) | 0 |
Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (Multiboot) | Download | Download | (20220808-164416) | 0 |
Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (Play-Yan) | Download | Download | (20210113-092936) | 0 |
Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (Video) | Download | Download | (20230528-232802) | 0 |
Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (e-Reader) | Download | Download | (20230512-104729) | 8 |
Nintendo - Game Boy Color | Download | Download | (20230812-231629) | 0 |
Nintendo - Kiosk Video Compact Flash (CardImage) | Download | Download | (20211208-080217) | 0 |
Nintendo - Kiosk Video Compact Flash (Extracted) | Download | Download | (20211208-080217) | 0 |
Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (BigEndian) | Download | Download | (20230815-163131) | 0 |
Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (ByteSwapped) | Download | Download | (20230815-163131) | 0 |
Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (Mario no Photopi SmartMedia) | Download | Download | (20210514-090046) | 0 |
Nintendo - Nintendo 64DD | Download | Download | (20230131-042611) | 0 |
Nintendo - Nintendo DS (DSvision SD cards) | Download | Download | (20221023-022924) | 0 |
Nintendo - Nintendo DS (Download Play) | Download | Download | (20230615-023439) | 24 |
Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Decrypted) | Download | Download | (20221120-044114) | 1 |
Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Encrypted) | Download | Download | (20230417-043358) | 1 |
Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Digital) | Download | Download | (20220506-190731) | 0 |
Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Digital) (CDN) (Decrypted) | Download | Download | (20221120-044114) | 0 |
Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Digital) (CDN) (Encrypted) | Download | Download | (20230417-043358) | 0 |
Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headered) | Download | Download | (20230818-005858) | 0 |
Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Unheadered) | Download | Download | (20230818-005858) | 0 |
Nintendo - Pokemon Mini | Download | Download | (20230819-004829) | 0 |
Nintendo β Satellaview | Download | Download | (20230819-211857) | 0 |
Nintendo - Sufami Turbo | Download | Download | (20230720-214006) | 0 |
Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System | Download | Download | (20230817-172419) | 0 |
Nintendo - Virtual Boy | Download | Download | (20230818-005559) | 0 |
Nintendo β Wallpapers | Download | Download | (20230410-103428) | 0 |
Nintendo β amiibo | Download | Download | (20211113-040458) | 0 |
Nokia - N-Gage (WIP) | Download | Download | (20220220-010530) | 0 |
Philips β Videopac+ | Download | Download | (20120223-000000) | 0 |
Project EGG | Download | Download | (20230816-064000) | 0 |
RCA - Studio II | Download | Download | (20200201-121822) | 0 |
SNK - NeoGeo Pocket | Download | Download | (20230810-194458) | 0 |
SNK - NeoGeo Pocket Color | Download | Download | (20230819-000345) | 0 |
Sanyo - MBC-550 (Flux) | Download | Download | (20220720-120703) | 0 |
Sega β 32X | Download | Download | (20230718-190411) | 0 |
Sega β Beena | Download | Download | (20230610-054527) | 0 |
Sega - Dreamcast (Visual Memory Unit) | Download | Download | (20230103-091559) | 0 |
Sega - Game Gear | Download | Download | (20230809-202432) | 0 |
Sega - Master System - Mark III | Download | Download | (20230804-123302) | 0 |
Sega - Mega Drive β Genesis | Download | Download | (20230815-102952) | 5 |
Sega β PICO | Download | Download | (20230327-122617) | 0 |
Sega β SG-1000 | Download | Download | (20230708-233258) | 0 |
Seta - Aleck64 (BigEndian) | Download | Download | (20220513-040448) | 0 |
Seta - Aleck64 (ByteSwapped) | Download | Download | (20220513-040448) | 0 |
Sharp - MZ-2200 (Waveform) | Download | Download | (20220726-061910) | 0 |
Sharp - MZ-700 (Waveform) | Download | Download | (20220724-142320) | 0 |
Sharp - X1 (Waveform) | Download | Download | (20220720-115216) | 0 |
Sharp - X68000 (Flux) | Download | Download | (20220302-045947) | 0 |
Sinclair - ZX Spectrum +3 | Download | Download | (20161210-235900) | 3 |
TeleNova - Compis (Flux) | Download | Download | (20220712-150715) | 0 |
Texas Instruments - TI-99-4A (A2R) | Download | Download | (20221123-054417) | 0 |
Tiger β | Download | Download | (20221031-184634) | 0 |
Tiger β Gizmondo | Download | Download | (20070531-125518) | 0 |
Toshiba - Pasopia (BIN) | Download | Download | (20220726-115432) | 0 |
Toshiba - Pasopia (WAV) | Download | Download | (20220726-115432) | 0 |
Toshiba β Visicom | Download | Download | (20200202-120958) | 0 |
VM Labs - NUON (Digital) | Download | Download | (20230313-131707) | 0 |
VTech β CreatiVision | Download | Download | (20230426-080718) | 0 |
VTech β V.Smile | Download | Download | (20230227-190053) | 0 |
Watara β Supervision | Download | Download | (20230728-064342) | 0 |
Welback - Mega Duck | Download | Download | (20220531-111927) | 0 |
Yamaha β Copera | Download | Download | (20211125-171549) | 0 |
Zeebo β Zeebo | Download | Download | (20190815-004208) | 0 |
iQue - iQue (CDN) | Download | Download | (20220521-055741) | 0 |
iQue - iQue (Decrypted) | Download | Download | (20220521-055741) | 0 |
Nintendo - Misc (No longer available..)
BONUS (Non-related with no-intro)
NES2.0 Set based on NewRisingSun XML (MIA 4) (2021-12-25)
Nowadays, NES it's the only platform that requires headered ROMs to be playable (in case emulators doesn't have an internal database to identify the ROMs proprieties), and for that reason there are two available headered sets:
iNES headered set that only has NES2.0 headers when it's really necessary (mappers > 256).
This type of header it's very common specially due to the popularity of GoodNES sets and as a result a lot of the hashes listed in the NES hacks profiles are based in this format (and that's the main reason why this set it's here...).
PS: Now that No-Intro it's using the NES2.0 headers, I will no longer maintain the iNES set, for archival purposes the set can be found here:
NES2.0 headered set based on NewRisingSun XML file.
This is the recommended set:
- Supports more mappers,
- Dendy support (Russian Famiclone),
- Contains important details for accuracy reasons (Sub-Mappers, PRG NVRAM, CHR RAM, CHR NVRAM, Input device);
- It's retro compatible with Emulators that only read iNES headers (legacy support).
MIA's (Miss In Action):
NES header skipper (required for NES headered sets):
No-Intro is now moving some Aftermarket entries to private database, so as result, some good dumps might be removed by the ROM manager tools with latest DATs, you can learn more about it here:
Probably the best place to look for emulator recommendations:
You can find more related content (roms\isos\bios) in my profile and my favorites:
TORRENTs: does not generate torrents for archives over 75GBs, use a download manager or go search ROMs somewhere else.
I would recommend jDownloader2 as download manager ( ), just don't forget to add your account to the accounts menu (Go to Settings --> Account Manager --> Add --> Select and insert your credentials)
ARE THESE FILES SAFE TO DOWNLOAD? uses the VirusTotal API to scan all the files, so the chance of getting any virus are very slim...
Near\Byuu is my biggest hero, unfortunately he is no longer with us, can't thank him enough for his contributions in the video game preservation (SNES Preservation Project), emulation (Higan, BSNES, Byuu, Ares), and translation ROM hacks (special highlight to his Bahamut Lagoon translation hack), which reflects his passion, dedication and humbleness in every project he was involved.
His legacy should be remembered and preserved, please check the "Near Respite" webpage: (No longer online, the backup can be found here: )
- Access-restricted-item
- true
- Addeddate
- 2020-04-15 18:39:54
- Identifier
- no-intro_romsets
- Reviews allowed
- frozen
- Scanner
- Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4
Reviews can no longer be added to this item.
August 14, 2023
Subject: Intellivision updates
Subject: Intellivision updates
Intellivision updates here for now:
August 14, 2023
Subject: dead?
Subject: dead?
why hasn't this been updated for 2 months? it used to be getting constant updates and now it hasn't gotten one since June.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
August 6, 2023
Subject: Nintendo-Misc
Subject: Nintendo-Misc
Is there a reason why it was deleted? It would be nice to know why it was censored.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 5, 2023
Subject: good work!
Subject: good work!
It'd be helpful if you had lists of the missing roms.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 3, 2023
Subject: Question about QD2FDS ROMs
Subject: Question about QD2FDS ROMs
What is the difference between FDS and QD2FDS roms?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 28, 2023
Subject: Re: Now that the date is missing from the archives
Subject: Re: Now that the date is missing from the archives
Right-click on the download package in JD2, select 'Start CRC Task!' under 'Other' to have it delete all of the outdated archives. Once it's done with that, right-click on the download package again and select 'Force Download Start' to have it download what's missing.
Right-click on the download package in JD2, select 'Start CRC Task!' under 'Other' to have it delete all of the outdated archives. Once it's done with that, right-click on the download package again and select 'Force Download Start' to have it download what's missing.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 29, 2023
Subject: corrupt on romcenter + DatOMatic
Subject: corrupt on romcenter + DatOMatic
hello, I wanted to update my roms with your fullset (thanks for your work) but I have a problem.
when i check snes roms with "dat o matic" and "romcenter" all roms are corrupted.
I don't have this problem with NES or GB.
can you help me ?
when i check snes roms with "dat o matic" and "romcenter" all roms are corrupted.
I don't have this problem with NES or GB.
can you help me ?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 25, 2023
Subject: Now that the date is missing from the archives
Subject: Now that the date is missing from the archives
Hi, first thanks for maintaining this collection. Must take a lot of time and effort to keep this up. My workflow to mirror this site was to add the base url to jdownloader and then only the changed archives (because of changed names) would download. So I could 'mirror' this site. Now it seems all archives are just the name only and no date or dat version. So mirroring on the archives name only would be out of the question of now? Has anyone a better option to mirror this site? I would like not to prefer to download the same archives again, just the updates ones. Thanks anyway! (not being ungratefull but just wandering how to efficient mirror the contents locally for backup purposes ;))
June 20, 2023
Subject: Replies
Subject: Replies
I tried to upload Ouya set once, but the archive got removed due to some files being DCMA'd.
the FDSpatch ( ) binary available on github is for DOS only, try this instead:
I tried to upload Ouya set once, but the archive got removed due to some files being DCMA'd.
the FDSpatch ( ) binary available on github is for DOS only, try this instead:
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 18, 2023
Subject: Missing sets
Subject: Missing sets
There are sets missing here on this page that are on the NI-ROM-Sets page and vice-versa.
Also would be nice to have the No-Intro Ouya set posted.
Also would be nice to have the No-Intro Ouya set posted.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 16, 2023
Subject: Complete ROM Zips
Subject: Complete ROM Zips
U should add new gbc game Grimace's Birthday which is an unofficial game by mcdonald. And then there's american release of babel tower for nes which is titled mystery castle on switch.
For ur english translated roms section there are some new translation releases like new gekisha boy translation and battle network 2 for gba. And also new snes fastrom hacks. Thanks for uploading all these. I'm only waiting for ur uploads here because i don't know to name these files with aftermarket, beforemarket, etc. hehe.
For ur english translated roms section there are some new translation releases like new gekisha boy translation and battle network 2 for gba. And also new snes fastrom hacks. Thanks for uploading all these. I'm only waiting for ur uploads here because i don't know to name these files with aftermarket, beforemarket, etc. hehe.
June 12, 2023
Subject: fds headers?
Subject: fds headers?
does anyone know where to find a program to batch add headers to fds roms that works in windows? the only program i could find (fdspatch.exe) doesn't work in windows 10. i need headered fds roms to play them nesds on ds/3ds.
ei8ht the pG
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 11, 2023
Subject: Thank you very much
Subject: Thank you very much
ChadMaster for all the afford to keep this up to date and so structured!
Can't thank you enough!
Can't thank you enough!
Shimaster Games
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 10, 2023
Subject: Good job!
Subject: Good job!
Thank you friend, congratulations for the great work!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 25, 2023
Subject: Great work
Subject: Great work
Please preserve my Lynx games
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 25, 2023
Subject: Thanks and the new Arduboy set
Subject: Thanks and the new Arduboy set
Thanks for all your hard work.
Here is a link to the new Arduboy rom set.
Here is a link to the new Arduboy rom set.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 19, 2023
Subject: @nikamimon
Subject: @nikamimon
@nikamimon: You should understand that these packs are No-Intro packs. They simply contain whichever ROMs are there in the current No-Intro dat files. Chadmaster does not decide what to include, so you should direct your questions about what is included / not included, to No-Intro, not here.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 16, 2023
Subject: Where can I report mising roms?
Subject: Where can I report mising roms?
I'm missing Xeno Crisis (World) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt) (Unlt) in the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis pack.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 12, 2023
Subject: Perfect
Subject: Perfect
They are part of the complete No-Intro DAT. If you want a more refined set, you can download the DAT yourself with your preferred filters and use a ROM manager to create your desired set.
They are part of the complete No-Intro DAT. If you want a more refined set, you can download the DAT yourself with your preferred filters and use a ROM manager to create your desired set.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 9, 2023
Subject: Thank you/missing sets
Subject: Thank you/missing sets
Thank you, these sets are so useful. NES and Mega Drive/Genesis sets are missing though, will they be back up at some point?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 9, 2023
Subject: Thx Chadmaster
Subject: Thx Chadmaster
Thanks for the great work, I hope you keep this alive,
EDIT: Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System its no longer available, help :(
EDIT: Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System its no longer available, help :(
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 8, 2023
Subject: Torrent7z
Subject: Torrent7z
I know most people upload using TorrentZip to keep the files uniform.
Why do most uploaders avoid using Torrent7z?
I ask this because if it can keep them uniform across all sources, remain compatible with the decompression software and emulators, and still be smaller than torrentzip, what is the main thing keeping it from being used?
Why do most uploaders avoid using Torrent7z?
I ask this because if it can keep them uniform across all sources, remain compatible with the decompression software and emulators, and still be smaller than torrentzip, what is the main thing keeping it from being used?
Elias Gudsson
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 4, 2023
Subject: nds,3ds,n3ds
Subject: nds,3ds,n3ds
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 29, 2023
Subject: Only ancient games
Subject: Only ancient games
@Langriser - Just use the recommended d. manager to get the ZIP packs you want. To access individual files from the web interface in the future, add a slash to the end of the URL (after ".zip").
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 22, 2023
Subject: How to use the ia command line tool?
Subject: How to use the ia command line tool?
I try to use the Internet Archive command line tool (ia) to download the ROM set I chose (and not a zip file, but files, because in the future I do not want to download the same files again).
I need an ID which I can find in this page, but I wasn't able too select which ROM set I want.
Then I try with metadata option, but I do not make it.
Please, someone can help?
I try to use the Internet Archive command line tool (ia) to download the ROM set I chose (and not a zip file, but files, because in the future I do not want to download the same files again).
I need an ID which I can find in this page, but I wasn't able too select which ROM set I want.
Then I try with metadata option, but I do not make it.
Please, someone can help?
Roy Chan 86
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 15, 2023
Subject: No-Intro Romset
Subject: No-Intro Romset
A rom collection I can really appreciate.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 13, 2023
Subject: No-Intro Romsets
Subject: No-Intro Romsets
This is the way.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 4, 2023
Subject: Nintendo DS encrypted
Subject: Nintendo DS encrypted
Thanks for updating it constantly and organization of romsets. I am just curious why the DS games romset are not included here and if you have a link to a reliable download page, would be wonderful if you could share it.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 4, 2023
Subject: dwonload problem
Subject: dwonload problem
hi guys I tried to paste the link for everything, it says 14 gb in total, but when I tried to download it through jdownloader, it says ignored it is not possible to download it through j downloader any tips to make it faster?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 28, 2023
Subject: Hey ChadMaster
Subject: Hey ChadMaster
I had a set almost done was seconds to finish then it cut off happened 4x in a row i'm just wasting my download gigs for nothing love the sets but we need this on a fast site.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 26, 2023
Subject: Hi ChadMaster I am Requesting English 1G1R Set
Subject: Hi ChadMaster I am Requesting English 1G1R Set
Can you create a proper updated no intro rom set of english games only 1g1r set so its all cleaned up ive tried many times but i get many errors and i give up im sure you got every proper rom to make this 1g1r set english only for us thanks in advance brother.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 24, 2023
Subject: Aftermarket
Subject: Aftermarket
Thank you for constantly updating these.
About the aftermarket ROMs / private DATs, No-Intro does allow sharing of the DATs, they just don't want them on their website. Anyone can get access to the "private" DATs if they ask. I signed up on their forum and DMed the admin xuom2 asking for a login to view private DATs, and he made me a "lurker" account for Dat-O-Matic. But if you don't want to do that or don't want to include private sets, I respect your decision.
I have uploaded my own No-Intro Private Aftermarket Romsets, including the DATs:
I've also uploaded the private daily DAT "love pack" here (easier to update):
About the aftermarket ROMs / private DATs, No-Intro does allow sharing of the DATs, they just don't want them on their website. Anyone can get access to the "private" DATs if they ask. I signed up on their forum and DMed the admin xuom2 asking for a login to view private DATs, and he made me a "lurker" account for Dat-O-Matic. But if you don't want to do that or don't want to include private sets, I respect your decision.
I have uploaded my own No-Intro Private Aftermarket Romsets, including the DATs:
I've also uploaded the private daily DAT "love pack" here (easier to update):
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 23, 2023
Subject: About Excommunicado Link
Subject: About Excommunicado Link
I think you should put it on the main post, for convenience.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 19, 2023
Subject: Amazing.
Subject: Amazing.
@Chadmaster Okay I understand how Zips are more tolerable than 7zs, they are faster and support more older devices that may be incapable of 7zs.
Also, I like how you're starting to put Homebrew games in those sets. Would you like to put in about every existing homebrew game on the PokΓ©mon Mini (found on the PokΓ©mon Mini website) in its set?
That PaulaFox user below is creeping me out. I never knew that suspicious users like that appear on She's new since this year though. Is this the first time that creepers like her appear on this site or something (kinda like the "Hey Arnold Full Episodes playlist" scandal that was on YT the same year, which has been taken care of thankfully)? I don't know where to report spam accounts like this?
Also, I like how you're starting to put Homebrew games in those sets. Would you like to put in about every existing homebrew game on the PokΓ©mon Mini (found on the PokΓ©mon Mini website) in its set?
That PaulaFox user below is creeping me out. I never knew that suspicious users like that appear on She's new since this year though. Is this the first time that creepers like her appear on this site or something (kinda like the "Hey Arnold Full Episodes playlist" scandal that was on YT the same year, which has been taken care of thankfully)? I don't know where to report spam accounts like this?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 17, 2023
Subject: Trojan:Script/Wacatac.H!ml
Subject: Trojan:Script/Wacatac.H!ml
You might want to double-check and re-scan on the Game Boy Color No-Intro Romset as I've encountered a 'Trojan:Script/Wacatac.H!ml' security threat on my part just when downloading the zip batch finished.
Overall, thank you for all the work and effort you put to curate and organize these sets.
You might want to double-check and re-scan on the Game Boy Color No-Intro Romset as I've encountered a 'Trojan:Script/Wacatac.H!ml' security threat on my part just when downloading the zip batch finished.
Overall, thank you for all the work and effort you put to curate and organize these sets.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 12, 2023
Subject: NES
Subject: NES
They didn't remove anything, just set still on sale games as private
They didn't remove anything, just set still on sale games as private
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 2, 2023
Subject: Commodore 64 DAT-o-MATIC
Subject: Commodore 64 DAT-o-MATIC
Hi ChadMaster.
The DAT-o-MATIC has officially changed the Commodore 64 naming scheme to:
Commodore - Commodore 64
Commodore - Commodore 64 (PP)
Commodore - Commodore 64 (Tapes)
You still have the old one:
Commodore - Commodore 64
Commodore - 64 (PP)
Commodore - 64 (Tapes)
Can you fix it?
Great job man, keep it up! ;)
The DAT-o-MATIC has officially changed the Commodore 64 naming scheme to:
Commodore - Commodore 64
Commodore - Commodore 64 (PP)
Commodore - Commodore 64 (Tapes)
You still have the old one:
Commodore - Commodore 64
Commodore - 64 (PP)
Commodore - 64 (Tapes)
Can you fix it?
Great job man, keep it up! ;)
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 22, 2023
Subject: Chadmaster = LEGEND
Subject: Chadmaster = LEGEND
Keep it up.. you're doing a great job
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 17, 2023
Subject: nes headered
Subject: nes headered
i don't know what i'm doing wrong but i got a lot of "unnecessary" files when checking this nes headered set. i checked aftermarket games and pirate and all that in the dat selection and clrmame pro is telling me i have unnecessary files idk someone got the data that matches this headered set, also as of now there is a guntner rom that is missing in nes
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 4, 2023
Subject: Thanks for your hard continuous work
Subject: Thanks for your hard continuous work
Thanks ChadMaster for your continuous work on updating this archive.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 13, 2023
Subject: Torrent
Subject: Torrent
Theres a torrent? Also, THANK YOU for keeping this alive
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 11, 2023
Subject: heyyy
Subject: heyyy
I am just commenting to make the torrent work. G'day!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 8, 2023
Subject: Great set, having some issues though.
Subject: Great set, having some issues though.
This is freaking epic.
I do have an issue though. My previous set (NES) would play in any core in Retroarch, no issues, but this new set today, will not play in ANY core except Mesen.
I assume it has to do with the way the files are zipped?
Any ideas?
@Chadmaster - thanks for the info. I wasn't aware of header/noheader on NES, and that indeed solved it. Much appreciated!
Also @anyone - is there a normal DS nointro set on here. I found an older one but was just curious.
I am not sure what (Download Play) is..I think that's a smaller set of only the games release for Nintendo Download Play right?
I do have an issue though. My previous set (NES) would play in any core in Retroarch, no issues, but this new set today, will not play in ANY core except Mesen.
I assume it has to do with the way the files are zipped?
Any ideas?
@Chadmaster - thanks for the info. I wasn't aware of header/noheader on NES, and that indeed solved it. Much appreciated!
Also @anyone - is there a normal DS nointro set on here. I found an older one but was just curious.
I am not sure what (Download Play) is..I think that's a smaller set of only the games release for Nintendo Download Play right?
December 29, 2022
Subject: Archive missing
Subject: Archive missing
Hello, the archive Nintendo - Satellaview (20221228-104632) is missing
Hello, the archive Nintendo - Satellaview (20221228-104632) is missing
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 17, 2022
Subject: Nintendo DS (DSvision SD cards)
Subject: Nintendo DS (DSvision SD cards)
Recently, the Nintendo DS DSvision SD cards were separated from the main DS dat and put into their own dat. Do you plan on adding them to this collection?
Thanks for your efforts in maintaining this excellent collection!
Recently, the Nintendo DS DSvision SD cards were separated from the main DS dat and put into their own dat. Do you plan on adding them to this collection?
Thanks for your efforts in maintaining this excellent collection!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 11, 2022
Subject: Thank you
Subject: Thank you
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing all these sets. It is tremendously appreciated.
Joshua Gardner
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 8, 2022
Subject: Nintendo Satella (page not found)
Subject: Nintendo Satella (page not found)
Just fyi
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 20, 2022
Subject: No-Intro Romsets (2022)
Subject: No-Intro Romsets (2022)
Good set but it seems to be missing the Sonic & Knuckles lock-on ROMs.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 5, 2022
Subject: Awesome work
Subject: Awesome work
Do you ever plan to add the Nintendo DS romset as well?
the Rickster Dickster
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 3, 2022
Subject: Sneed
Subject: Sneed
Glad it doesn't use any of those fake formats like CHD and RVZ
Steve Craft465
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 16, 2022
Subject: Add more ROMs
Subject: Add more ROMs
I have a link
The ROMs are used GoodSet ROMs. Can you please add
I have a link
The ROMs are used GoodSet ROMs. Can you please add
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 8, 2022
Subject: Incredible
Subject: Incredible
Thank you so much, really appreciated Amazing work!!!
Operating system805
October 7, 2022
Subject: You forgot DAT-o-MATIC
Subject: You forgot DAT-o-MATIC
Blizzard Arcade Collection
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 7, 2022
Subject: 3DS sets
Subject: 3DS sets
Not sure if there are CDNs or Decrypted sets in the near future?
favoritefavorite -
September 21, 2022
Subject: Why are the download speeds so slow?
Subject: Why are the download speeds so slow?
I wanted to download all of the SNES ROMs but it says it will finish in1-2 hours
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 20, 2022
Subject: Mega Drive / Genesis HB
Subject: Mega Drive / Genesis HB
I have some SMD/Genesis Homebrews you don't have.
How can I contact you?
How can I contact you?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 19, 2022
Subject: VTech Mobigo
Subject: VTech Mobigo
Hi, @ChadMaster
The no-intro dat names the unheadered NES roms as .nes, and in your package they are named .unh
What's the reason?
edit: thank you for the explanation
The no-intro dat names the unheadered NES roms as .nes, and in your package they are named .unh
What's the reason?
edit: thank you for the explanation
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 10, 2022
Subject: a missing wonderswan color game
Subject: a missing wonderswan color game
Can someone give feedback on this game to no-intro
Fire Lancer (USA) (Demo) (2018-12-25) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Fire Lancer (USA) (Demo) (2019-01-03) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
where's Fire Lancer 2020.08.01 DEMO VER.?
Fire Lancer (USA) (Demo) (2018-12-25) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Fire Lancer (USA) (Demo) (2019-01-03) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
where's Fire Lancer 2020.08.01 DEMO VER.?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 10, 2022
Subject: Nintendo DS Encrypted
Subject: Nintendo DS Encrypted
Dear Community,
i encrypted most roms from the unencrypted version but i miss some roms :(
AceKard 2 (World) (Unl)
AceKard 2 (World) (v2.1) (Unl)
EDGE (World) (Unl)
Max Media Player (World) (v1.22) (Unl)
Passcard 3 (World) (v3.0,v4.0) (Unl)
Passcard 3 (World) (v5.0) (Unl)
Passcard 3 (World) (v6.0) (Unl)
Super Key (World) (v5.0) (Unl)
Super Key (World) (v6.0) (Unl)
Could someone help me with these missing roms?
i encrypted most roms from the unencrypted version but i miss some roms :(
AceKard 2 (World) (Unl)
AceKard 2 (World) (v2.1) (Unl)
EDGE (World) (Unl)
Max Media Player (World) (v1.22) (Unl)
Passcard 3 (World) (v3.0,v4.0) (Unl)
Passcard 3 (World) (v5.0) (Unl)
Passcard 3 (World) (v6.0) (Unl)
Super Key (World) (v5.0) (Unl)
Super Key (World) (v6.0) (Unl)
Could someone help me with these missing roms?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 3, 2022
Subject: Need help.
Subject: Need help.
Please, how do I run Dragon Slayer - The Legend of Heroes on emulator? I try to run the Game Disk but it asks for an User Disk which I don't have. The only User Disk I can find for download is one with cheats(all maxed stats). How can I start this game from Scratch?
August 27, 2022
Subject: check on xXGigaChadXx 3ds series
Subject: check on xXGigaChadXx 3ds series
May need to ask him to help reupload the stuff. Or pass his collections to others to reupload
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 21, 2022
Subject: NEC - PC-98 (Greaseweazle)
Subject: NEC - PC-98 (Greaseweazle)
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 16, 2022
Subject: Random OCD question
Subject: Random OCD question
NEC - PC Engine - TurboGrafx 16
Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis
Shouldn't it be "Nintendo - Super Famicom - Super Nintendo Entertainment System"?
Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis
Shouldn't it be "Nintendo - Super Famicom - Super Nintendo Entertainment System"?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 1, 2022
Subject: Thank You
Subject: Thank You
many thanks for all and especially for the nes stuff
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 14, 2022
Subject: About PC-98 and Sharp X68000
Subject: About PC-98 and Sharp X68000
The best No Intro collection on the internet. But why are there so few games on PC-98 and Sharp X68000? The latter for instance only have Detana TwinBee.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 14, 2022
Subject: Excellent
Subject: Excellent
Really helpful. Thank you. Appreciated.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 3, 2022
A-)i dont think i can be the only one person who is asking why tehere is no torrent link to download them all at once, ? i appreciate all the efforts and everything but can someone setup a torrent link for entire folder please ?
B-)also are all this roms no-intro roms ?
C-)Lastly what is the reason that
Nintendo 3DS
Sega Saturn
Game Cube
Neo Geo (AES-MVS)
Neo Geo CD
are not in the list ?
Thank you so much for the time again. love the work
B-)also are all this roms no-intro roms ?
C-)Lastly what is the reason that
Nintendo 3DS
Sega Saturn
Game Cube
Neo Geo (AES-MVS)
Neo Geo CD
are not in the list ?
Thank you so much for the time again. love the work
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 30, 2022
Subject: Nintendo - Misc
Subject: Nintendo - Misc
Would you happen to have anything from Nintendo - Misc lying around or know where we can find that stuff? ~Red
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 29, 2022
Subject: Epic! But please include torrent in files
Subject: Epic! But please include torrent in files
Really just one word... EPIC! What a great upload. Thank you. Why aren't you including a torrent in the files btw?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 8, 2022
Subject: @ChadMaster
Subject: @ChadMaster
I was confused by your reply to another commenter regarding NES sets. Will the NES 2.0 headered set be updated or should I download the current headered or unheadered set above? Is the 2.0 set still the recommended set?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 24, 2022
Subject: Thank you!
Subject: Thank you!
Thank you for this amazing work!
iQue - iQue (Decrypted) (20220509-093950) link its wrong, is the same link of iQue - iQue (CDN) (20220509-093950) :/
iQue - iQue (Decrypted) (20220509-093950) link its wrong, is the same link of iQue - iQue (CDN) (20220509-093950) :/
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 13, 2022
Subject: Flux
Subject: Flux
What is (Flux)? I don't understand this and can't find any information for it.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 2, 2022
Subject: No-Intro NES2.0 Headers
Subject: No-Intro NES2.0 Headers
With the change to only supporting the 2.0 set, is the proper way to validate this set by grabbing the unheadered .dat from DAT-o-MATIC and scanning it against the set with the no-intro NES iNES header skipper enabled? I use Mesen with Retroarch if that helps.
Rod-Alexander Georgescu
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 26, 2022
Subject: content matching database explanation
Subject: content matching database explanation
ok thank you for the answer
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 15, 2022
Subject: N64 (BigEndian) - Different Links
Subject: N64 (BigEndian) - Different Links
Looks like my links got messed up because I posted them inside parenthesis.
Here's the direct links for the N64 files so you can see what I'm talking about.
Landing page:
Downloads page:
See that they're different? The file link on the Landing page doesn't work and generates a "Page Not Found" error, while the link on the Downloads page works. All that needs to happen is the file link on the Landing page be updated to match the file link on the Downloads page.
Looks like my links got messed up because I posted them inside parenthesis.
Here's the direct links for the N64 files so you can see what I'm talking about.
Landing page:
Downloads page:
See that they're different? The file link on the Landing page doesn't work and generates a "Page Not Found" error, while the link on the Downloads page works. All that needs to happen is the file link on the Landing page be updated to match the file link on the Downloads page.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 7, 2022
Subject: A compiled roms organized with mastery
Subject: A compiled roms organized with mastery
Thank you so much for your effort!
Games like "Paprium" (Aftermarket / Modern release) from Sega Mega Drive - Genesis can be implemented in this addition list or in a later bonus list of the similar category?
I found most of the newly launched modern games, but this one in particular didn't find it.
Games like "Paprium" (Aftermarket / Modern release) from Sega Mega Drive - Genesis can be implemented in this addition list or in a later bonus list of the similar category?
I found most of the newly launched modern games, but this one in particular didn't find it.
April 2, 2022
Subject: SNES link broken
Subject: SNES link broken
The link for SNES is broken (as well for Atari2600, GB Color & GBA).
Nonetheless a big thanks ChadMaster to provide those links & to keep them updated with NoIntro updates.
The link for SNES is broken (as well for Atari2600, GB Color & GBA).
Nonetheless a big thanks ChadMaster to provide those links & to keep them updated with NoIntro updates.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 28, 2022
Subject: Those are different contents ... ?
Subject: Those are different contents ... ?
Ok.Thank you very much for your prompt reply
I"m feels this is incomplete sets,
So More Japan versions roms data will be lost in it pack,
I give up on that.I had no choice but go to
redownload a old [goodsets]pack in now.
thank you your messy shares ^_^"
Ok.Thank you very much for your prompt reply
I"m feels this is incomplete sets,
So More Japan versions roms data will be lost in it pack,
I give up on that.I had no choice but go to
redownload a old [goodsets]pack in now.
thank you your messy shares ^_^"
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 27, 2022
Subject: Only for Info
Subject: Only for Info
@jplike, before ruling perhaps it is better to inquire:
... and then, 1g1r means "1 game 1 rom", so you are comparing apples with pears, moreover with pears that are at least 1 year old since the "Hearto's 1g1r collection" is updated to the romset "No-intro - 2021 -01-04 ", this just for your information.
... and then, 1g1r means "1 game 1 rom", so you are comparing apples with pears, moreover with pears that are at least 1 year old since the "Hearto's 1g1r collection" is updated to the romset "No-intro - 2021 -01-04 ", this just for your information.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 20, 2022
Subject: Thanks everyone!
Subject: Thanks everyone!
Thank you very much for your hard work, for the brave enthusiasm and dedication!
I propose to make an addition to the description of your topic according to the comment of a friend @MrBamse. And supplement as needed.
It will be very useful information for beginners, which is difficult to find even in open sources.
The words of gratitude written above also belong to you :-)
Thank you very much for your hard work, for the brave enthusiasm and dedication!
I propose to make an addition to the description of your topic according to the comment of a friend @MrBamse. And supplement as needed.
It will be very useful information for beginners, which is difficult to find even in open sources.
The words of gratitude written above also belong to you :-)
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 20, 2022
Subject: My summary
Subject: My summary
This is what i managed to figure out.
Hope it helps someone out there understand the difference, I know I felt like a n00b :)
XApple - II (A2R) (20220226-043620)
>Apple - II (WOZ) (20211206-064038)
Reason: A2R format is what is was read wile WOZ is an actual image:
XApple - II Plus (A2R) (20211227-061630)
>Apple - II Plus (WOZ) (20211227-061630)
Reason: A2R format is what is was read wile WOZ is an actual image:
XApple - IIe (A2R) (20211207-062628)
>Apple - IIe (WOZ) (20211207-062628)
Reason: A2R format is what is was read wile WOZ is an actual image:
XApple - IIGS (WIP) (20211222-212609)
>Apple - IIGS (WOZ) (20211222-212609)
Reason: Don't know what WIP is but WOZ is an actual image, see above.
>Apple - Macintosh (20211206-120325)
>Apple - Macintosh (Flux) (20220226-060612)
Reason: Both have unique games.
>Atari - Jaguar (J64) (20220124-003946)
XAtari - Jaguar (ROM) (20220124-003946)
Reason: Identical amount. Prefer J64 (I think):;wap2
>Bally - Astrocade (20211124-201356)
XBally - Astrocade (Tapes) (BIN) (20211124-185628)
Reson: Only one game in "(Tapes)" and it exists in both.
Benesse - Pocket Challenge V2 (20220225-085947)
Benesse - Pocket Challenge W (20210307-215029)
Reason: I personally skip these. Not sure what the difference is.
>Commodore - 64 (20211231-133819)
>Commodore - 64 (PP) (20131204-081826)
>Commodore - 64 (Tapes) (20210216-231940)
Reason: PP means Preservervation Project and they include copy protection etc. All collections have a lot of unique games.
Get them all and combine in the order Regular/Tapes/PP.
mv -n Tapes/* Regular/
mv -n PP/* Regular/
>NEC - PC Engine - TurboGrafx 16 (20220106-193148)
>NEC - PC Engine SuperGrafx (20210905-042020)
Reason: Unique games in both and kinda different.
XNintendo - Family Computer Disk System (FDS) (20220216-141427) [unheadered]
XNintendo - Family Computer Disk System (QD2FDS) (20220216-141427) [unheadered]
>Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System (QD) (20220216-141427)
>Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System (FDS2QD) (20220216-141427)
XNintendo - Family Computer Disk System (FDSStickBIN) (20211021-141824)
XNintendo - Family Computer Disk System (FDSStickRAW) (20211021-141824)
XNintendo - Family Computer Network System (20210328-154211)
Reason: Network System is only their modem. FDSStickBIN/FDSStickRAW only contains one game that already exists in the other.
Combining FDS+QD2FDS and QD+FDS2QD results in 395/396 games (20220320)
QD feels cleaner since it's Nintentos own format and some Zelda games intro had proper intro
That means you have to make two downloads and combine them, if that's to much for you just download the "(FDS)" version since it already had everything the QD versions had.
mv -n FDS2QD/* QD/
>Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (20220318-080015)
XNintendo - Game Boy Advance (Multiboot) (20220212-025607)
Reason: Multiboot is edited to allow multiplayer:
XNintendo - Kiosk Video Compact Flash (CardImage) (20211208-080217)
XNintendo - Kiosk Video Compact Flash (Extracted) (20211208-080217)
Reason: I personally skip these.
>Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (BigEndian) (20220311-002301) <---
XNintendo - Nintendo 64 (ByteSwapped) (20220311-002301)
>Nintendo - Nintendo 64DD (20211019-130556)
Reason: 64DD is 64 but with their new cassettes and it only had a few files that was unique.
>Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Decrypted) (20220302-051210)
XNintendo - Nintendo DSi (Encrypted) (20211219-073032)
?Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Digital) (20211008-234258)
>Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Digital) (CDN) (Decrypted) (20211009-114602)
XNintendo - Nintendo DSi (Digital) (CDN) (Encrypted) (20211009-114602)
Reason: Skip encrypted. Don't know about "(Digital)-only", downloading. "(Decrypted)" contains some that "(Digital) (CDN) (Decrypted)" don't.
Download both and combine.
mv -n Decrypted/* /DigitalCDNDectrypted/
XNintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (20220315-095814) [headered_iNES]
>Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (20220315-095814) [headered_NES2.0]
XNintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (20220315-095814) [unheadered]
Reason: NES2.0 has iNES legacy support.
>Seta - Aleck64 (BigEndian) (20210908-061629)
XSeta - Aleck64 (ByteSwapped) (20210908-061629)
Reason: Read about Big Endian vs Little Endian vs ByteSwapped.
>Toshiba - Pasopia (BIN) (20211126-182534)
XToshiba - Pasopia (WAV) (20211126-182534)
Reason: I personally skip these. Not sure, but go for BIN.
XiQue - iQue (CDN) (20190927-125114)
>iQue - iQue (Decrypted) (20190927-125114)
Reason: I personally skip these. CDN contains more but probably isn't decrypted so go for Dectrypted by.
Hope it helps someone out there understand the difference, I know I felt like a n00b :)
XApple - II (A2R) (20220226-043620)
>Apple - II (WOZ) (20211206-064038)
Reason: A2R format is what is was read wile WOZ is an actual image:
XApple - II Plus (A2R) (20211227-061630)
>Apple - II Plus (WOZ) (20211227-061630)
Reason: A2R format is what is was read wile WOZ is an actual image:
XApple - IIe (A2R) (20211207-062628)
>Apple - IIe (WOZ) (20211207-062628)
Reason: A2R format is what is was read wile WOZ is an actual image:
XApple - IIGS (WIP) (20211222-212609)
>Apple - IIGS (WOZ) (20211222-212609)
Reason: Don't know what WIP is but WOZ is an actual image, see above.
>Apple - Macintosh (20211206-120325)
>Apple - Macintosh (Flux) (20220226-060612)
Reason: Both have unique games.
>Atari - Jaguar (J64) (20220124-003946)
XAtari - Jaguar (ROM) (20220124-003946)
Reason: Identical amount. Prefer J64 (I think):;wap2
>Bally - Astrocade (20211124-201356)
XBally - Astrocade (Tapes) (BIN) (20211124-185628)
Reson: Only one game in "(Tapes)" and it exists in both.
Benesse - Pocket Challenge V2 (20220225-085947)
Benesse - Pocket Challenge W (20210307-215029)
Reason: I personally skip these. Not sure what the difference is.
>Commodore - 64 (20211231-133819)
>Commodore - 64 (PP) (20131204-081826)
>Commodore - 64 (Tapes) (20210216-231940)
Reason: PP means Preservervation Project and they include copy protection etc. All collections have a lot of unique games.
Get them all and combine in the order Regular/Tapes/PP.
mv -n Tapes/* Regular/
mv -n PP/* Regular/
>NEC - PC Engine - TurboGrafx 16 (20220106-193148)
>NEC - PC Engine SuperGrafx (20210905-042020)
Reason: Unique games in both and kinda different.
XNintendo - Family Computer Disk System (FDS) (20220216-141427) [unheadered]
XNintendo - Family Computer Disk System (QD2FDS) (20220216-141427) [unheadered]
>Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System (QD) (20220216-141427)
>Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System (FDS2QD) (20220216-141427)
XNintendo - Family Computer Disk System (FDSStickBIN) (20211021-141824)
XNintendo - Family Computer Disk System (FDSStickRAW) (20211021-141824)
XNintendo - Family Computer Network System (20210328-154211)
Reason: Network System is only their modem. FDSStickBIN/FDSStickRAW only contains one game that already exists in the other.
Combining FDS+QD2FDS and QD+FDS2QD results in 395/396 games (20220320)
QD feels cleaner since it's Nintentos own format and some Zelda games intro had proper intro
That means you have to make two downloads and combine them, if that's to much for you just download the "(FDS)" version since it already had everything the QD versions had.
mv -n FDS2QD/* QD/
>Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (20220318-080015)
XNintendo - Game Boy Advance (Multiboot) (20220212-025607)
Reason: Multiboot is edited to allow multiplayer:
XNintendo - Kiosk Video Compact Flash (CardImage) (20211208-080217)
XNintendo - Kiosk Video Compact Flash (Extracted) (20211208-080217)
Reason: I personally skip these.
>Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (BigEndian) (20220311-002301) <---
XNintendo - Nintendo 64 (ByteSwapped) (20220311-002301)
>Nintendo - Nintendo 64DD (20211019-130556)
Reason: 64DD is 64 but with their new cassettes and it only had a few files that was unique.
>Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Decrypted) (20220302-051210)
XNintendo - Nintendo DSi (Encrypted) (20211219-073032)
?Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Digital) (20211008-234258)
>Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Digital) (CDN) (Decrypted) (20211009-114602)
XNintendo - Nintendo DSi (Digital) (CDN) (Encrypted) (20211009-114602)
Reason: Skip encrypted. Don't know about "(Digital)-only", downloading. "(Decrypted)" contains some that "(Digital) (CDN) (Decrypted)" don't.
Download both and combine.
mv -n Decrypted/* /DigitalCDNDectrypted/
XNintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (20220315-095814) [headered_iNES]
>Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (20220315-095814) [headered_NES2.0]
XNintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (20220315-095814) [unheadered]
Reason: NES2.0 has iNES legacy support.
>Seta - Aleck64 (BigEndian) (20210908-061629)
XSeta - Aleck64 (ByteSwapped) (20210908-061629)
Reason: Read about Big Endian vs Little Endian vs ByteSwapped.
>Toshiba - Pasopia (BIN) (20211126-182534)
XToshiba - Pasopia (WAV) (20211126-182534)
Reason: I personally skip these. Not sure, but go for BIN.
XiQue - iQue (CDN) (20190927-125114)
>iQue - iQue (Decrypted) (20190927-125114)
Reason: I personally skip these. CDN contains more but probably isn't decrypted so go for Dectrypted by.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 18, 2022
Subject: Homebrews Curator
Subject: Homebrews Curator
Can I ask you please if there is a curator, like no-intro, but for homebrews.. it seems no-intro doesn't include many homebrews in their database like "2004mbit" for GBA π. No-intro is perfect and so your breathtaking efforts.. but I looked for homebrew sets everywhere and found no clue.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 13, 2022
Subject: Add torrent!
Subject: Add torrent!
It's not difficult for anyone, send a torrent to this set!
And then downloading ZIP is some kind of hell!
UPD: In the "Entex - Adventure Vision" set from the "No-Intro (2021-09-14) (PD)" set from, there was a "Table Tennis (Europe)" ROM, but not here.
And there was also a set of "Mobile - Palm OS" consisting of two games.
And there are no sets "Amstrad - CPC" and "Sharp - X68000"
And then downloading ZIP is some kind of hell!
UPD: In the "Entex - Adventure Vision" set from the "No-Intro (2021-09-14) (PD)" set from, there was a "Table Tennis (Europe)" ROM, but not here.
And there was also a set of "Mobile - Palm OS" consisting of two games.
And there are no sets "Amstrad - CPC" and "Sharp - X68000"
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 11, 2022
Subject: Thank you so much
Subject: Thank you so much
You are the best!
Ruby Eye Shabranigdu
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 9, 2022
Subject: Thank You! \o/
Subject: Thank You! \o/
I just want to say:
Thank you so much for all this!
Impressive work!
Very good!
Thank you so much for all this!
Impressive work!
Very good!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 9, 2022
Subject: Thank you
Subject: Thank you
Words are not enough for the work you have been doing.
I just want to sincerely thank you and wish you all the best.
I just want to sincerely thank you and wish you all the best.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 9, 2022
Subject: Please add a torrent option
Subject: Please add a torrent option
I'd like to download certain sets like the SNES, Genesis, GBA and whatnot, but the lack of a torrent or magnet link is a deal breaker. It would be so much faster if there was a dedicated torrent.
Please add one!.
Please add one!.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 5, 2022
Subject: MIA roms for "Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (BigEndian) (20220301-042134)"
Subject: MIA roms for "Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (BigEndian) (20220301-042134)"
Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (USA) (Aftermarket) (Unl):
Star Wars Episode I - Racer (USA) (Aftermarket) (Unl):
Star Wars Episode I - Racer (USA) (Aftermarket) (Unl):
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 2, 2022
Subject: Microsoft - XBOX 360 (Digital)
Subject: Microsoft - XBOX 360 (Digital)
Would it be possible that they add the Microsoft Xbox 360 DLC?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 26, 2022
Subject: cd32 in chd
Subject: cd32 in chd
is posssible amiga cd32 in chd?
Gruce the Bruce
favoritefavoritefavorite -
February 14, 2022
Subject: Game Gear section is a hot mess
Subject: Game Gear section is a hot mess
The Game Gear section contains so many unnecessary versions for one game. I understand having 4 versions of a game or so, but it was much worse. 18 versions of βThe Berenstain Bearsβ Camping Adventureβ? Is that really necessary? Or 30 versions of βSports Trivia Championship Editionβ? I appreciate that youβve collected these no intro roms here, but it was a pain to go through all those duplicates and remove them.
Iβve made a list of some of the cases of too many versions for a game.
Adventures of Batman & Robin: 9 versions
Aladdin: 5 versions
Asterix and the Great Rescue: 7 versions
Berenstain Bearsβ Camping Adventure: 18 versions
Bonkers Wax Up: 14 versions
Chicago Syndicate: 25
Dynamite Headdy: 6
Legend of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse: 7
Lion King: 12
NBA Action starring David Robinson: 31
NFL '95: 14
NHL All Star Hockey: 18
Ristar: 6
Shining Force the Sword of Hajya: 6
Sonic Blast: 7
Sonic Spinball: 21
Sports Trivia: 8
Sports Trivia Championship Edition: 30
Super Columns: 9
Taz in Escape from Mars: 15
Tempo Jr.: 10
World Series Baseball '95: 7
X Men Mojo World: 8
Iβve made a list of some of the cases of too many versions for a game.
Adventures of Batman & Robin: 9 versions
Aladdin: 5 versions
Asterix and the Great Rescue: 7 versions
Berenstain Bearsβ Camping Adventure: 18 versions
Bonkers Wax Up: 14 versions
Chicago Syndicate: 25
Dynamite Headdy: 6
Legend of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse: 7
Lion King: 12
NBA Action starring David Robinson: 31
NFL '95: 14
NHL All Star Hockey: 18
Ristar: 6
Shining Force the Sword of Hajya: 6
Sonic Blast: 7
Sonic Spinball: 21
Sports Trivia: 8
Sports Trivia Championship Edition: 30
Super Columns: 9
Taz in Escape from Mars: 15
Tempo Jr.: 10
World Series Baseball '95: 7
X Men Mojo World: 8
February 8, 2022
The download speed is very slow and you can't download it through free download manager that doesn't work with these files I don't know why. How to solve this problem ?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 1, 2022
Subject: So far so good
Subject: So far so good
Trimmed the rom with a hex editor. Worked first try.
I spent half a day using 5 search engines and places like your link for Hercules do not come up. If that were every day knowledge all my prototype needs would be fulfilled.
I spent half a day using 5 search engines and places like your link for Hercules do not come up. If that were every day knowledge all my prototype needs would be fulfilled.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 29, 2022
Subject: JDownloader
Subject: JDownloader
Hi Guys I Try To Download With JDownloader
And It's not Possible With Download Manager
And It's not Possible With Download Manager
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 21, 2022
Subject: @ChadMaster
Subject: @ChadMaster
I uploaded my 3DS set, and will upload my Wii U set next month, you can add it if you want.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 19, 2022
Subject: How to compile the Nintendo GameCube Source Code
Subject: How to compile the Nintendo GameCube Source Code
Does anyone know if there are instructions on how to compile the Nintendo GameCube Source code in this set into .ISO files to use in dolphin?
Thanks for uploading this by the way! Always appreciate the work put into the retro community!!!
Thanks for uploading this by the way! Always appreciate the work put into the retro community!!!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 13, 2022
Subject: Perfect sets but no torrent???
Subject: Perfect sets but no torrent???
only thing missing from this amazing set is a torrent, as a simple 1.9gb set says it takes over 3 hours to complete and I have really good internet download speeds!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 10, 2022
Subject: Absolutely Amazing! (Broken link needs to be fixed)
Subject: Absolutely Amazing! (Broken link needs to be fixed)
Amazing amazing post! Only problem is, under the heading, "Sets Maintained by other archivists:", the link to
Nintendo - Nintendo DS (Decrypted) (20211215-064326) (Curated by Loggan) is dead. Loggan is uploading a new one. link to it is
Nintendo - Nintendo DS (Decrypted) (20211215-064326) (Curated by Loggan) is dead. Loggan is uploading a new one. link to it is
MC Black
January 3, 2022
Subject: Genesis issues
Subject: Genesis issues
For some reason, I can't view the contents of the Sega Genesis folder.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 27, 2021
Subject: Something wrong in zip archive?
Subject: Something wrong in zip archive?
Entex - Adventure Vision (20210920-044453)
have only 4 games, but previous version
Entex - Adventure Vision (20210820-115600)
have 5 games.
Now missing Table Tennis (Europe).zip
have only 4 games, but previous version
Entex - Adventure Vision (20210820-115600)
have 5 games.
Now missing Table Tennis (Europe).zip
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 24, 2021
Subject: 10/10
Subject: 10/10
Thanks for everything!
Exellent SETS
Exellent SETS
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 24, 2021
Subject: [unheadered] sets
Subject: [unheadered] sets
Friend sorry I have a question, what is the difference of these sets with those of the past months that they did not have the title of unheadered, Thank you xd.
Atari - 7800 (20210920-065554) [unheadered]
Atari - Lynx (20211105-213335) [unheadered]
Atari - 7800 (20210920-065554) [unheadered]
Atari - Lynx (20211105-213335) [unheadered]
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 20, 2021
Subject: Torrent plix
Subject: Torrent plix
Thanks for the answer.
You could split it into two parts, and update it once a year.
Even with a manager I can't even use 20% of the connection.
I would be very grateful if you can split in two parts in torrent as your collection is very important to the community.
Happy birthday.
You could split it into two parts, and update it once a year.
Even with a manager I can't even use 20% of the connection.
I would be very grateful if you can split in two parts in torrent as your collection is very important to the community.
Happy birthday.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 17, 2021
Subject: Ouya - Ouya (20190830-100807)
Subject: Ouya - Ouya (20190830-100807)
you are missing the Ouya romset, I have it but it occupies 70.8 GB, if someone tells me a way to upload it at good speed I will share it and the No-Intro collection will be complete.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 6, 2021
Subject: Great release!
Subject: Great release!
Thanks so much for these! My only wish is that it would work with ia command line, keeps saying item doesn't exist. Great release nonetheless!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 29, 2021
Subject: Thank you for the great collection
Subject: Thank you for the great collection
Are there torrent links for any of these? I'm trying to get the updated Amiga set but it always stops downloading partway.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 26, 2021
Subject: PS1
Subject: PS1
Tell me where SP1 and PSP games can be downloaded from "No-Intro" I can't see them here
M K640
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 21, 2021
Subject: Nintendo 3DS
Subject: Nintendo 3DS
Do you have a 3DS rom set somewhere or recommend one? One with all versions of the game like yours
Great Hierophant
October 20, 2021
Subject: Fills for the NES MIAs
Subject: Fills for the NES MIAs
Here are the missing ROMs for the NES sets :
October 17, 2021
Subject: .
Subject: .
If you're zipping items then you could add 1G1R sets to the zip file and it wouldn't take up any extra space, provided they're the same files the compression ratio will be 100%.
no intro amiga
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 14, 2021
Subject: Original
Subject: Original
Hello is it possible to make the original ADF Files Without The Intro Cracks Playble ? please make the original stuff ADF FILES .
October 10, 2021
Subject: Mssing
Subject: Mssing
Can you please add:
Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (20210919-032929)
Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (20210919-032929)
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 22, 2021
Subject: Replies
Subject: Replies
@ChadMaster thank you Chad, I was scared, you are our Lord and Saviour.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 21, 2021
Subject: SNES
Subject: SNES
Could you please fix the link - Super Nintendo Entertainment System (20210910-224815).
Thanks for your work, I am very grateful for this...
Thanks for your work, I am very grateful for this...
September 21, 2021
Subject: Emulators
Subject: Emulators
There is an all-in-one solution for emulation older games called retroarch it is available on many platforms.
- Steam (64-Bit Linux and 64-Bit Windows ONLY):
- Android (32-Bit): or
- Android (64-Bit):
all other
- Steam (64-Bit Linux and 64-Bit Windows ONLY):
- Android (32-Bit): or
- Android (64-Bit):
all other
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 7, 2021
Subject: RE: Latest No intro ROM set
Subject: RE: Latest No intro ROM set
@Muhammad Hassan682, please stop promoting your website in ALL your reviews. You are spamming.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 3, 2021
Subject: A very complete no-intro set!
Subject: A very complete no-intro set!
Thanks for a very complete set that I am looking for. I can't download entire because I got 503 errors. I was able download each set files. For larger sets, use downloader. For who have IDM downloader, put login info into download popup when you add URLs.
August 31, 2021
Subject: ED7F5555
Subject: ED7F5555
I see that ED7F5555 has favourited this item. So I'm making a post here in case he sees it: could you share these two No-Intro 3DS ROM dumps you made?
Monster High - Skultimate Roller Maze (USA) (En,Fr,Es) (Rev 1)
Nintendogs + Cats - French Bulldog & New Friends (USA) (En,Fr,Es) (Rev 1)
Monster High - Skultimate Roller Maze (USA) (En,Fr,Es) (Rev 1)
Nintendogs + Cats - French Bulldog & New Friends (USA) (En,Fr,Es) (Rev 1)
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 30, 2021
Subject: Other Sets
Subject: Other Sets
Thank you for the rare ROM set.
I cannot thank you enough for your great support.
I have a question.
Do you have these ROMs?
IBM - PC and Compatibles
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Desura)
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (GOG)
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Humble Bundle)
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Misc)
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Steam)
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Steam) (Extracted)
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Unknown)
Nintendo - Wii (Digital) (Split DLC) (WAD)
Nintendo - Wii (Digital) (CDN)
If you have, is it possible to provide them?
And thank you for reading.
Thank you for the rare ROM set.
I cannot thank you enough for your great support.
I have a question.
Do you have these ROMs?
IBM - PC and Compatibles
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Desura)
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (GOG)
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Humble Bundle)
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Misc)
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Steam)
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Steam) (Extracted)
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Unknown)
Nintendo - Wii (Digital) (Split DLC) (WAD)
Nintendo - Wii (Digital) (CDN)
If you have, is it possible to provide them?
And thank you for reading.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 23, 2021
Subject: Nintendo 3DS No-Intro Romsets
Subject: Nintendo 3DS No-Intro Romsets
Can you do the Nintendo 3DS No-Intro Romsets for the next update, please?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 23, 2021
Subject: Update
Subject: Update
Hello. First of all, thank you very much for your wonderful work.
How do I know what has changed in a pack after an update? Because I made important sorts and this manually of the different packs. Thank you in advance.
How do I know what has changed in a pack after an update? Because I made important sorts and this manually of the different packs. Thank you in advance.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 22, 2021
Subject: Dat Files
Subject: Dat Files
I can't find the:
Nokia - N-Gage
Tiger - Gizmondo
dat files on DAT-o-MATIC, would you have a link for those?
edit: found them:
Nokia - N-Gage
Tiger - Gizmondo
dat files on DAT-o-MATIC, would you have a link for those?
edit: found them:
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 16, 2021
Subject: Explaination
Subject: Explaination
Thx for again for your time and answer.
The FDSStick is a piece of hardware but in the archive there are these dirs:
- FDSStickBin
Both includes this file:
Egger Land - Souzou e no Tabidachi (Japan) (Beta) (1987-11-11).zip
Why are the dir namend by "FDSStickBin" and "FDSStickRAW" and what are the diffs between them and what is the purpose of these dirs?
If "Egger Land - Souzou e no Tabidachi (Japan) (Beta) (1987-11-11).zip" is rom (game).
Why is not placed under:
Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System (FDS) (20210605-072150) [unheadered].zip
Best Regards
The FDSStick is a piece of hardware but in the archive there are these dirs:
- FDSStickBin
Both includes this file:
Egger Land - Souzou e no Tabidachi (Japan) (Beta) (1987-11-11).zip
Why are the dir namend by "FDSStickBin" and "FDSStickRAW" and what are the diffs between them and what is the purpose of these dirs?
If "Egger Land - Souzou e no Tabidachi (Japan) (Beta) (1987-11-11).zip" is rom (game).
Why is not placed under:
Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System (FDS) (20210605-072150) [unheadered].zip
Best Regards
Joe Glax
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 12, 2021
Subject: Thanks for all the ROMS...
Subject: Thanks for all the ROMS...
...but I'm dumb. My monthly bandwidth is quite limited, and I can't figure out how to sort each set for the newest ROMS to just update what I already have. (These have been done for torrentzip I'd guess)
Is there somewhere else on with just the updates?
Thanks for any help!
Is there somewhere else on with just the updates?
Thanks for any help!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 11, 2021
Subject: Thanks
Subject: Thanks
Split may not be the word I was looking for but you how some downloads have a mirror in case one source is down or heavily being used at the moment. Something like that but I couldn't think of the word for it.
Split may not be the word I was looking for but you how some downloads have a mirror in case one source is down or heavily being used at the moment. Something like that but I couldn't think of the word for it.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 8, 2021
Subject: Amazing rom collections
Subject: Amazing rom collections
The amount of effort to collect/pack and maintain the library( an many other things i can't even think of ) must be astounding.
Thanks to you guys i am able to play some of my childhood games again and more, so much more :)
I'd like to extend my thanks to every contributor, and if i could i'd buy you all a beer.
Thanks to you guys i am able to play some of my childhood games again and more, so much more :)
I'd like to extend my thanks to every contributor, and if i could i'd buy you all a beer.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 29, 2021
Subject: Amazing Work!
Subject: Amazing Work!
Thank you for making these sets available and up-to-date!
By the way, the file "Pokemon-e TCG - Expedition Base Set - B-84-# - Alakazam (USA).zip" in the Nintendo e-Reader set doesn't seem to match the latest dat. Could you take a look at this please?
Thanks again for all your hard work!
By the way, the file "Pokemon-e TCG - Expedition Base Set - B-84-# - Alakazam (USA).zip" in the Nintendo e-Reader set doesn't seem to match the latest dat. Could you take a look at this please?
Thanks again for all your hard work!
Cassiano Jardel Antunes
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 28, 2021
Subject: Spectacular Curation Work
Subject: Spectacular Curation Work
Can't thank you enough. It is impressive what you have done here, amazing.
I decided to update my NES/SNES sets after 7 years without touching it, and this is how I have found you. I was shocked when I realized what the NRS Set really is about.
One thing I am now looking for is a xmdb or something else that I can use to create a NRS merged set(each zip with all parent/clone/hacks/etc inside) the way I used to do with Cowering's GoodNes on GoodMerge. Unfortunately I can't say I will create/update a xmdb file myself any soon, so if you happen to know something please let me know.
Almost forgot, I am failing to understand the difference between the two DATs provided in the iNES20-NewRisingSun directory, could you please elaborate it a bit?
Again, thank you very much!
I decided to update my NES/SNES sets after 7 years without touching it, and this is how I have found you. I was shocked when I realized what the NRS Set really is about.
One thing I am now looking for is a xmdb or something else that I can use to create a NRS merged set(each zip with all parent/clone/hacks/etc inside) the way I used to do with Cowering's GoodNes on GoodMerge. Unfortunately I can't say I will create/update a xmdb file myself any soon, so if you happen to know something please let me know.
Almost forgot, I am failing to understand the difference between the two DATs provided in the iNES20-NewRisingSun directory, could you please elaborate it a bit?
Again, thank you very much!
June 25, 2021
Subject: Super Nintendo set is not available.
Subject: Super Nintendo set is not available.
The link for Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System (20210621-070154) is missing. Cannot download.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 24, 2021
Subject: Wrong file?
Subject: Wrong file?
Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (20210603-122241) [headered]
Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (20210603-122241) [unheadered]
They are linked to 20210531 files.
Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (20210603-122241) [unheadered]
They are linked to 20210531 files.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 16, 2021
Subject: thanks
Subject: thanks
@Chadmaster, I was really asking if Im doing something wrong or if this is expected. Not asking you to do more work sorry if I came across that way and thank you for everything.
Im new to retroarch was strictly using stand alones previous.
Im new to retroarch was strictly using stand alones previous.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 31, 2021
Subject: Found a corrupted rom
Subject: Found a corrupted rom
Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (USA).zip
(as of May 31 2021)
At first the game boots fine tot he title screen and menu, but when you attempt to run Mario World it corrupts. This does not happen with the European version.
(as of May 31 2021)
At first the game boots fine tot he title screen and menu, but when you attempt to run Mario World it corrupts. This does not happen with the European version.
May 25, 2021
Subject: Http error 403
Subject: Http error 403
Why am I getting this error when using a download manager?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 22, 2021
Subject: Separate changes
Subject: Separate changes
You're still missing the point. I'm telling you to:
* completely ignore the created torrent
* put all new & changed files into a separate zip file per console, which you can continue to update
* keep the current zip files static so they can exist in a torrent which you *create yourself* with a torrent client.
The archive description literally starts with a disclaimer about needing login due to high bandwidth, which this would solve.
Yes, using a ROM manager is an option, but not one most people will use.
--- previous review ---
I'm not suggesting creating another archive, just adding all new & changed files after a certain date to a separate zip file per console and updating only those from that point forward. So roughly 99% by size would be in the current zip files which would no longer change. Then you can manually create a torrent (using any torrent client, not of the unchanging zips containing all old files.
After that people could download 99% through a torrent and a relatively tiny file per console from here, and then extract the updated files on top of the older ones. Removed/renamed files could be replaced with empty files, making them easy to find & delete. This would be far faster than downloading 10s of GBs from, not to mention re-downloading them for a tiny update.
If someone doesn't know how to use torrents, they could just download 2 files per console from here.
Even if that is not feasible, thank you for this amazing work.
* completely ignore the created torrent
* put all new & changed files into a separate zip file per console, which you can continue to update
* keep the current zip files static so they can exist in a torrent which you *create yourself* with a torrent client.
The archive description literally starts with a disclaimer about needing login due to high bandwidth, which this would solve.
Yes, using a ROM manager is an option, but not one most people will use.
--- previous review ---
I'm not suggesting creating another archive, just adding all new & changed files after a certain date to a separate zip file per console and updating only those from that point forward. So roughly 99% by size would be in the current zip files which would no longer change. Then you can manually create a torrent (using any torrent client, not of the unchanging zips containing all old files.
After that people could download 99% through a torrent and a relatively tiny file per console from here, and then extract the updated files on top of the older ones. Removed/renamed files could be replaced with empty files, making them easy to find & delete. This would be far faster than downloading 10s of GBs from, not to mention re-downloading them for a tiny update.
If someone doesn't know how to use torrents, they could just download 2 files per console from here.
Even if that is not feasible, thank you for this amazing work.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 19, 2021
Subject: Thank you!!
Subject: Thank you!!
Thank you for sharing these treasures with the community. I'm really grateful. I was wondering if you plan to create a page that's dedicated to rom-hacks that improve the quality of life in games? Ones with applied patches. Similar to how you have done with your "Retroplay - English Translations" page.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 15, 2021
Subject: Ouya full No-Intro Romset 20200720-221834
Subject: Ouya full No-Intro Romset 20200720-221834
I do have the full set processed with the dat (20200720-221834) how can I help?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 2, 2021
Subject: Thank you
Subject: Thank you
Your efforts here are hugely appreciated. Keep up the great work
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 24, 2021
Subject: Consider uploading separate ROMs, or at least Zip with _no compression_ for entire sets
Subject: Consider uploading separate ROMs, or at least Zip with _no compression_ for entire sets
Good job. Please consider the following:
1. Uploading separate ROMs instead of putting entire ROM set into a single archive.
2. At least use Zip with NO COMPRESSION for packing entire set (original and compressed sizes in the archive properties should be exactly equal), so that could directly access individual ROMs by a simple byte offset inside the set with no need for prior unpacking the entire multigigabyte archive.
This should considerably increase download speed for end users.
P.S. You seem to consistently erroneously use "it's" (short form of "it is") instead of the "is" verb. For example, it should be:
* "this set _is_ here" instead of "this set _it's_ here";
* "This _is_ the recommended set" instead of "This _it's_ the recommended set", etc.
Best wishes.
1. Uploading separate ROMs instead of putting entire ROM set into a single archive.
2. At least use Zip with NO COMPRESSION for packing entire set (original and compressed sizes in the archive properties should be exactly equal), so that could directly access individual ROMs by a simple byte offset inside the set with no need for prior unpacking the entire multigigabyte archive.
This should considerably increase download speed for end users.
P.S. You seem to consistently erroneously use "it's" (short form of "it is") instead of the "is" verb. For example, it should be:
* "this set _is_ here" instead of "this set _it's_ here";
* "This _is_ the recommended set" instead of "This _it's_ the recommended set", etc.
Best wishes.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 23, 2021
Subject: I LOVE YOU
Subject: I LOVE YOU
Tank you so much for your work.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 13, 2021
Subject: Awesome!
Subject: Awesome!
Thank you for the hard work!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 12, 2021
Subject: Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (BigEndian) (20210406-233941)
Subject: Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (BigEndian) (20210406-233941)
Bad Rom
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 4 (Japan) (Beta) (1996-11-30)
Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (Europe) (Beta) (2003-02-13) (GameCube)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 4 (Japan) (Beta) (1996-11-30)
Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (Europe) (Beta) (2003-02-13) (GameCube)
Getta Robo
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 5, 2021
Subject: Updated torrent for 2021
Subject: Updated torrent for 2021
Much obliged for your efforts friend, may I ask if you plan to update the torrent with the latest releases? While you have already done an outstanding job with the direct downloads, torrents are very handy for quite a few folks out there.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 4, 2021
Subject: Great Archive
Subject: Great Archive
Thank you very much for this archive! It's great.
But I noticed that Ultracore (Europe) (Alt 1) (Aftermarket) is missing from the Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis pack.
Hope you can add it.
Thanks again!!!
But I noticed that Ultracore (Europe) (Alt 1) (Aftermarket) is missing from the Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis pack.
Hope you can add it.
Thanks again!!!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 24, 2021
Subject: Good
Subject: Good
A very complete collection.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 21, 2021
Subject: Amazing Set, keep it up! :D
Subject: Amazing Set, keep it up! :D
For anyone wanting games i have put up my 18TB Drive to the web:
Use this for when you need a few games, if you want to download Terrabytes of Roms, use for that, i can only handle a limited amount of traffic, will keep your set up to date on my webdrive.
Use this for when you need a few games, if you want to download Terrabytes of Roms, use for that, i can only handle a limited amount of traffic, will keep your set up to date on my webdrive.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 21, 2021
Subject: Curating of DS sets
Subject: Curating of DS sets
I can curate the DS sets , I have 12 TB disk storage online, plus I am adding more soon.
r44h1m z1a
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 11, 2021
Subject: Thank you
Subject: Thank you
thank you for making such a organized and efficient rom set for us gamers. this is a blessing from heaven because i had to keep looking around for roms and then i find this. finally time to play final fantasy xii (:
(just realized there wasnt ps2 on this idc il find it somewhere else)
(just realized there wasnt ps2 on this idc il find it somewhere else)
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 10, 2021
Subject: Stuck at 99%
Subject: Stuck at 99%
What is Padding_File / 474? It will not download it. Do I need the padding files? I just want the roms.
I tried downloading JDownloader but I have no idea how to use this program.
Thank you
I tried downloading JDownloader but I have no idea how to use this program.
Thank you
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 8, 2021
Subject: Thank you!!
Subject: Thank you!!
I just wanna say thank you for your hard work :3
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 8, 2021
Subject: Thank you!
Subject: Thank you!
I appreciate the work that goes into this. Thank you for all the good memories!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 6, 2021
Subject: Thank you
Subject: Thank you
This rom set seems to grow bigger each time i come back. Thanks for all your work & to the others who keep our nostalgia alive.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 5, 2021
Subject: Great Set, Thank you!
Subject: Great Set, Thank you!
I am however getting issues in Jdownloader where its saying certain sets are unavailable, such as the GBA, NES Unheadered and Sega Genesis parts.
Also, I seen mention that using torrents is meh since the set gets updated frequently, how does one make sure their current set is up-to-date? Redownload it every so often or?
Also, I seen mention that using torrents is meh since the set gets updated frequently, how does one make sure their current set is up-to-date? Redownload it every so often or?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 3, 2021
Subject: Very Useful
Subject: Very Useful
This is a really good pack.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 25, 2021
Subject: Just fantastic
Subject: Just fantastic
What a fantastic collection.
I thank you for everything, Chad.
I thank you for everything, Chad.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 20, 2021
Subject: Nds
Subject: Nds
Will there be a set of Nintendo ds games? Other than that I love this
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 13, 2021
Subject: Thank you!
Subject: Thank you!
I've been maintaining my sets with yours since 2017. Thank you so, so much for your hard work!
Edited to add: @ChadMaster, I found at least one of the MIA files from Commodore - Amiga set!
Edited to add: @ChadMaster, I found at least one of the MIA files from Commodore - Amiga set!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 13, 2021
Subject: Why not just use the torrent?
Subject: Why not just use the torrent?
I will download and seed the torrent, so that Internet Archive can save their bandwidth. ;)
Thanks for the content.
Thanks for the content.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 13, 2021
Subject: β€
Subject: β€
i cannot even begin to imagine how much effort has gone into this archive. cheers and many thanks!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 12, 2021
Subject: Stuck at 99.9%
Subject: Stuck at 99.9%
I am downloading through torrent, and it is stuck at 99.9%.
.____Padding_File / 474 seems to be corrupt.
Is this file important?
.____Padding_File / 474 seems to be corrupt.
Is this file important?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 11, 2021
Subject: retroorgasm
Subject: retroorgasm
I imagine that the one who reported you gave him a #retroorgasm.Anyone can get one from watching so many retro games together. :Β¬)
I wanted to ask you what is the difference between the DSi sets, I can't get information to clarify it, just that the CDNdec is decrypted.
I wanted to ask you what is the difference between the DSi sets, I can't get information to clarify it, just that the CDNdec is decrypted.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 6, 2021
Subject: big thanks!!
Subject: big thanks!!
Love it. Thank you!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 30, 2021
Subject: Thank you!
Subject: Thank you!
I'll never know how much time/effort it goes into making these, but i can imagine it's quite a lot of energy/effort. Thank you so much for the hard work!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 30, 2021
Subject: Amazing work
Subject: Amazing work
This is amazing, especially for the Big N's sets which are hard to find elsewhere. Thanks!!!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 29, 2021
Subject: Just say Thank you.
Subject: Just say Thank you.
I 100% agree with you. These people have no idea the amount of work that goes into making and maintaining these sets. Just so random people can come along download all the work you put into keeping this updated daily. No thank you, or nothing. Just complaints about how your romsets should be maintained.
ChadMaster, thanks for the updates and keeping us up to date.
I 100% agree with you. These people have no idea the amount of work that goes into making and maintaining these sets. Just so random people can come along download all the work you put into keeping this updated daily. No thank you, or nothing. Just complaints about how your romsets should be maintained.
ChadMaster, thanks for the updates and keeping us up to date.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 29, 2021
Subject: @Epic_Man89
Subject: @Epic_Man89
No-Intro doesn't do 3DO and PSX DATs, ChadMaster has CHD sets for those consoles on their profile and atrac17 has cue/bin 3DO and PSX sets. Ungrateful assholes like you downrating content cause it doesn't have "x" annoys me.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 28, 2021
Subject: Great collection!
Subject: Great collection!
I find it has hundreds of games for lots of fun without having to download roms one by one. As well as scanning a bunch of roms into RetroArch and having almost 40000 roms is just heaven.
Would've reached a 5 star if it had 3DO and PSX roms, however.
Would've reached a 5 star if it had 3DO and PSX roms, however.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 26, 2021
Subject: Thank you so much!
Subject: Thank you so much!
A very arranged set of ROMs. The internet will thank you.
Nathan Machane
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 24, 2021
Subject: Request
Subject: Request
PSX and maybe PS2 roms? And 3DS roms?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 24, 2021
Subject: How to get a more complete metadata for these?
Subject: How to get a more complete metadata for these?
Anyone know how to augument the .dat files with year/genre/publisher/description/urls to game databases and such ?
Is someone maintaining something like that or are there scripts to do it ?
Is someone maintaining something like that or are there scripts to do it ?
Renan Darrell
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 22, 2021
Subject: Man Of My Life
Subject: Man Of My Life
Man, you are the best human being since cave man. Hard work to us have Fun!!! Congratulations Forever!!! Let me to do an question... Are there some way to make an clean romset with the manager roms apps with just oficial roms per region without repeat they? An tutorial for this Will be interesting... Big Hug from Brazil!!!
January 19, 2021
Subject: Locked Content
Subject: Locked Content
It appears all romsets and some misc. items from this set are now locked and inaccessible, including those of us who are logged in.
Edit:. Nevermind, please disregard. Whatever caused the lockdown seems to be over and everything is back to normal.
It appears all romsets and some misc. items from this set are now locked and inaccessible, including those of us who are logged in.
Edit:. Nevermind, please disregard. Whatever caused the lockdown seems to be over and everything is back to normal.
January 18, 2021
Subject: Question
Subject: Question
How many gigabytes in total should this whole collection be if I were to download all of them?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 15, 2021
Subject: Very good
Subject: Very good
Thanks sir
One last thing do you have vegas Casino by bold games on your Ds roms? Could not find it there
One last thing do you have vegas Casino by bold games on your Ds roms? Could not find it there
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 15, 2021
Subject: SNES Split
Subject: SNES Split
Just curious, what is the SNES Split folder for? It contains one game that is 1GB, I know its associated with an old SNES competition, but why is the file so large?
Chris Bigg
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 13, 2021
Subject: Fantastic work, thank you.
Subject: Fantastic work, thank you.
This is probably a dumb question, but which files are mame?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 10, 2021
Subject: Nintendo FDS2QD missing?
Subject: Nintendo FDS2QD missing?
hello thanks you a lot i really appreciate.
Is Nintendo FDS2QD missing?
It gives the same download as QD2FDS, and I checked the content it is identical.
Is there no difference?
Is Nintendo FDS2QD missing?
It gives the same download as QD2FDS, and I checked the content it is identical.
Is there no difference?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 8, 2021
Subject: unable to delete n64 zip files
Subject: unable to delete n64 zip files
Hello I love what you did here!!! but i'm having trouble deleting files from the nintendo 64 collection its giving me an error now there stuck on my pc.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 7, 2021
Subject: No-Intro dats
Subject: No-Intro dats
Could you please include the no-intro dats you used to create these sets? The dats from dat-o-matic do not match as they are constantly updated. Thanks for all you work on these sets.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 7, 2021
Subject: The Nostagia...
Subject: The Nostagia...
I just called to say i love you!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 5, 2021
Subject: Brilliant
Subject: Brilliant
Thank you for this, must have taken a lot of effort. Cheers to you and everyone who made this possible.
Storage Manager
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 4, 2021
Subject: Solid Archive
Subject: Solid Archive
Good Job on a well Maintained Archive. I'm stealing as much as I can for when this Epic Archive disappears in the future.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 3, 2021
Subject: Comprehensive, and a good README
Subject: Comprehensive, and a good README
Thanks for taking your time hosting these, and even more noticeably, including a nice explanatory README for those intrigued about the multiple different NES ROM types for instance.
Probably one of the most 'complete/updated' repositories of game ROMs on the Internet - and given it's hash-checkable with recent DATs that's always a good sign, I never liked the fact a lot of the old ROM sites in the day hosted ancient or mixed up ROM versions so to have consistency is great too.
You should add info on the differences between the byte-swapped and Big Endian N64 ROMs, as well as anything else that might be of discrepancy to newcomers.
Is there anything similar for Redump?!
Probably one of the most 'complete/updated' repositories of game ROMs on the Internet - and given it's hash-checkable with recent DATs that's always a good sign, I never liked the fact a lot of the old ROM sites in the day hosted ancient or mixed up ROM versions so to have consistency is great too.
You should add info on the differences between the byte-swapped and Big Endian N64 ROMs, as well as anything else that might be of discrepancy to newcomers.
Is there anything similar for Redump?!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 2, 2021
Subject: Thanks
Subject: Thanks
Best maintained archive on the internet.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
December 29, 2020
Subject: bless you let 8bit gos smile on you, you might miss your jump n thay will smie
Subject: bless you let 8bit gos smile on you, you might miss your jump n thay will smie
Thanks dude..
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 21, 2020
Subject: workaround for logging in and high bandwidh?
Subject: workaround for logging in and high bandwidh?
What if not logged in users just got the torrent with no webseeding so they could download from other peers? Maybe we should post the magnet link?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 15, 2020
Subject: Kanink
Subject: Kanink
Can't understand why someone flagged this as sexual. Archive should thoroughly review flags like these.
December 9, 2020
Subject: torrent
Subject: torrent
would you be able to update the torrent to current please?
December 7, 2020
Subject: SNES SPLIT is broken
Subject: SNES SPLIT is broken
Downloading the SNES Split version just gives me a rar with one game in it, Powerfest 94.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 6, 2020
Subject: ...what happened?
Subject: ...what happened?
Today I checked back on this, and it says it may contain graphic sexual content. What?
favoritefavorite -
November 17, 2020
Subject: Checksums always changing
Subject: Checksums always changing
I've noticed that every time these repositories get updated or reuploaded under a new record, the checksum changes for every file. Even ones that haven't been updated but were just reuploaded end up getting a new sha1 checksum. They still match the no-intro database when examining their contents, but it's rather problematic when trying to make sure all the preservations are matched.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 15, 2020
Subject: Awesome
Subject: Awesome
This project is awesome and itΒ΄s constantly being updated.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 14, 2020
Subject: Old School Life
Subject: Old School Life
Thank you and much appreciation to the creators. You guys are awesome and have brought me back down memory road again.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 13, 2020
Subject: Awsome
Subject: Awsome
Best Ever. Keep Up The Excellent Work.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 13, 2020
Subject: THANKS!!
Subject: THANKS!!
Say no more. thank you very much for all of those who involved in collecting this massive childhood memory and putting it in 1 place. thanksss
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 12, 2020
Subject: Archiving Excellence
Subject: Archiving Excellence
Thank you for all your work
November 11, 2020
Subject: can't seem to download
Subject: can't seem to download
Doesn't seem to be able to download gba roms
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 4, 2020
Subject: folder name changes
Subject: folder name changes
Hi, the romsets are great. One thing I think it could be better is to not change the name of folders such as
Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (20201026-071535) [headered]/'89 Dennou Kyuusei Uranai (Japan).zip
So that the links to the archive won't be dead.
Maybe the date can be a file in the folder.
Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (20201026-071535) [headered]/'89 Dennou Kyuusei Uranai (Japan).zip
So that the links to the archive won't be dead.
Maybe the date can be a file in the folder.
October 30, 2020
Subject: Nintendo DSi (Digital)
Subject: Nintendo DSi (Digital)
Thanks for all the Romsets
i have a pb with "Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Digital) (20200731-061141)" : i can download juste a piece of, not all.
This pb appear with a direct download or torrent :-/
I have Rom A to R, after that it's broken.
Thanks for helping me
Best Regards
(sorry for my poor english)
Thanks for all the Romsets
i have a pb with "Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Digital) (20200731-061141)" : i can download juste a piece of, not all.
This pb appear with a direct download or torrent :-/
I have Rom A to R, after that it's broken.
Thanks for helping me
Best Regards
(sorry for my poor english)
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 27, 2020
Subject: Slow or not downloading...
Subject: Slow or not downloading...
Using the torrent is slow and stop downloading at 43%. I have to manually download the zip files one by one. Is the list being updated? Thank you for your time. β₯
October 27, 2020
Subject: Question
Subject: Question
Are these supposed to be clean? When I try to use these for patching, I get that the patch is not intended for these. Any input to help me?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 15, 2020
Subject: Incredible!
Subject: Incredible!
This compilation of romsets is amazing! The Mega Drive/Genesis romset doesn't want to finish downloading for some reason, though. It gets through most of the download before failing.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 11, 2020
Subject: Thank You!
Subject: Thank You!
This has been the best resource to find what I was missing. Would it be possible to include the dat file used for the sets? I'd like to rebuild mine and have a rom tool tell me which ones I need to be up to date. I can only find the latest on datomatic.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 10, 2020
Subject: Great collection!
Subject: Great collection!
favoritefavoritefavorite -
September 2, 2020
Subject: Bitdefender found a Trojan.
Subject: Bitdefender found a Trojan.
\no-intro_romsets\no-intro romsets\Nokia - N-Gage (20081203).zip is infected with Trojan.SymbOS.Q.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 30, 2020
Subject: Question
Subject: Question
Is "Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Combined) (20200825-150106)" a broken link (says item not found) or just not ready yet? Thank you for your hard work!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 26, 2020
Subject: 1G1R
Subject: 1G1R
Are you uploading 1G1R Sets for each romset? Very much appreciation for your work sir.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 25, 2020
Subject: Great set But I wish they were not zipped
Subject: Great set But I wish they were not zipped
so much easier to seed that way
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 13, 2020
Subject: You're the best
Subject: You're the best
Great collection to store those classic Nintendo ROMs and DS ROMs set in my 4TB external HDD. Thank you dude.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 13, 2020
Subject: Fantastic work
Subject: Fantastic work
Oh ok, I didn't realize it was supposed to be in there. I thought it was a mistake. Thanks for clarifying that
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 6, 2020
Subject: Castlevania - Amiga
Subject: Castlevania - Amiga
It looks like this game is missing and also not listed as missing.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 2, 2020
Subject: files got mixed up?
Subject: files got mixed up?
I tihnk something got miexed up here. The list in the website is 86 files long. While the lift on the right, whe looking at "ZIP" file list, it has 88 files. Like, Gameboy Advance is also double existing there. (one from may, one from july)
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 31, 2020
Subject: I have a question.
Subject: I have a question.
Until yesterday, the Nintendo-Misc (20200712-074912).zip file existed, but I wonder why it disappeared.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 30, 2020
Subject: Thank you!
Subject: Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this labour of love.
Greetings form Portugal.
Greetings form Portugal.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 27, 2020
Subject: @ChadMaster
Subject: @ChadMaster
Ah okay, that makes sense, thank you. Do you have any insight when a new dump might become available for an NDS pack?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 18, 2020
Subject: Amiga MIA
Subject: Amiga MIA
RomVault found these 2 missing Amiga roms in my ToSort folders.
They were posted on The Zone.
City Defence + Fortress Underground (Europe) (Compilation - Powerbox)
Sumera + Takado (Germany) (Compilation - Powerbox)
They were posted on The Zone.
City Defence + Fortress Underground (Europe) (Compilation - Powerbox)
Sumera + Takado (Germany) (Compilation - Powerbox)
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 14, 2020
Subject: Awesome!
Subject: Awesome!
Any plans to include Nintendo DS(i) and Nintendo (New) 3DS in the future?
ThomasFan1945 Productionsβ’ Inc.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 30, 2020
Subject: Leapster ROMs
Subject: Leapster ROMs
Do these ROMs open with files called .bin or are they corrupted?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 27, 2020
Subject: No-Intro Rom Sets (2020)
Subject: No-Intro Rom Sets (2020)
Thanks for clearimg thsat up for me!
Thanks for clearimg thsat up for me!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 27, 2020
Subject: @ nps_archive
Subject: @ nps_archive
Just get the No-Intro 2020 Rom Set.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 15, 2020
Subject: Missing Atari ST Roms
Subject: Missing Atari ST Roms
How does one get in contact with you, might have some of the MIA ones
May 25, 2020
Subject: Fix a bad name
Subject: Fix a bad name
In Atari - 2600 (20200215-222027).zip, "Tunnel de L'Estace, Le (Europe).a26" is a bad name. The good name is "Tunnel de L'Espace, Le (Europe).a26". Can you fix that please? Thank you. Best regards.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 13, 2020
Subject: Suberb!
Subject: Suberb!
Damn thanks for these packs! Just wanna mention that "Nintendo SufamiTurbo" pack have the wrong link, it points to Sattelaview.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 9, 2020
Subject: Excellent
Subject: Excellent
Thanks very much for NES roms with correct headers!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 26, 2020
Subject: Wow!
Subject: Wow!
Great collection, thanks! =D
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 18, 2020
Subject: Cheers!
Subject: Cheers!
Thanks for the collection / updates!
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The Unofficial Redump HoardUploaded by ChadMaster on