dropbox_hostname=anonbox.net dropbox_ip= dropbox_ns2_ip= # onion hostnames: dropbox_hostname_442=hkxv47pkoe4udgko.onion dropbox_hostname_444=tcjtfg5etiet7ecq.onion dropbox_mail_dir=/var/www/mail dropbox_log_dir=/var/www/log dropbox_hash_binary=/sbin/sha256 dropbox_hash_valid_subdomain_chars=5 dropbox_hash_validchars=10 dropbox_base32_command() { hash=$( ${dropbox_hash_binary} | tr 'a-f' 'A-F' ) for a in $(echo -e "obase=32\nibase=16\n${hash}" | BC_LINE_LENGTH=1024 bc); do a=$(( 97+${a#0} )); [ $a -gt 122 ] && a=$(( a-73 )); printf '\'$( printf '%03o' $a ); done } # This function is used everywhere to get the day portion of dynamic # addresses, e.g. the subdomain part date2hash () { echo $1 | dropbox_base32_command | cut -c -${dropbox_hash_valid_subdomain_chars}; } date2hash_old () { echo $1 | ${dropbox_hash_binary} | cut -c -12; } # This function is used to return unified names dropbox_hash_command () { dropbox_base32_command | cut -c -${dropbox_hash_validchars}; } # Take the current time and prepare values time_now="`date +%s`" time_plus_24h=$(( ${time_now} + 86400 )) time_minus_24h=$(( ${time_now} - 86400 )) time_minus_48h=$(( ${time_now} - 172800 )) time_minus_5m=$(( ${time_now} - 300 )) date_beforeyesterday="`date -r ${time_minus_48h} +%D`" date_yesterday="`date -r ${time_minus_24h} +%D`" date_today="`date -r ${time_now} +%D`" date_tomorrow="`date -r ${time_plus_24h} +%D`" localize_known_languages="de en fr ru es" localize_de_about_us="über uns" localize_en_about_us="about us" localize_fr_about_us="À notre sujet" localize_ru_about_us="О нас" localize_es_about_us="Quienes somos" localize_de_documentation="dokumentation" localize_en_documentation="documentation" localize_fr_documentation="documentation" localize_ru_documentation="Документация" localize_es_documentation="Documentación" localize_de_generate="erzeugen" localize_en_generate="generate" localize_fr_generate="fournir adresse" localize_ru_generate="Сгенерировать" localize_es_generate="Generar" localize_de_author="Ein Service des Chaos Computer Club, Deutschland." localize_en_author="This service brought to you by Chaos Computer Club, Germany." localize_fr_author="Un service du Chaos Computer Club, Allemagne" localize_ru_author="Сервис предоставлен Chaos Computer Club, Германия" localize_es_author="Un servicio presentado por Chaos Computer Club, Alemania." localize_de_email="Ihre Einmal-E-Mail-Adresse lautet:" localize_en_email="Your one-day-email-address is:" localize_fr_email="Votre adresse internet temporaire:" localize_ru_email="Ваш однодневный адрес:" localize_es_email="Su dirección de correo es:" localize_de_url="Holen sie ihre E-Mails hier ab:" localize_en_url="You can check your mail here:" localize_fr_url="Boîte aux lettres:" localize_ru_url="Проверить почту вы можете здесь:" localize_es_url="Revise sus correos aquí:" localize_de_expire="Ihr Postfach ist gültig bis:" localize_en_expire="Your mail address is valid until:" localize_fr_expire="À consommer avant:" localize_ru_expire="Ваш адрес действителен до:" localize_es_expire="Su bandeja de correo vale hasta:" localize_de_betahead="BETA JavaScript reader" localize_en_betahead="BETA JavaScript reader" localize_fr_betahead="Lecteur Javascript en BETA" localize_ru_betahead="BETA JavaScript reader" localize_es_betahead="BETA JavaScript reader" localize_de_beta="Ihr Postfach im bequemen JavaScript E-Mail-Reader. E-Mails mit HTML-Anteil können Ihre Anonymität unterminieren. Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr." localize_en_beta="Convenient JavaScript mail reader tool. Although we filter external images, HTML mails may compromise your anonymity. Use at your own risk." localize_fr_beta="Lecteur de mail pratique écrit en JavaScript. Meme si on filtre les images externes, les mails HTML peuvent compromir votre anonymité. Utiliser à votre propre risque." localize_ru_beta="Convenient JavaScript mail reader tool. Although we filter external images, HTML mails may compromise your anonymity. Use at your own risk." localize_es_beta="Convenient JavaScript mail reader tool. Although we filter external images, HTML mails may compromise your anonymity. Use at your own risk."