urcagedboy ur fav addict@UrcagedboymethyWhy does @stvincentsmelb hire rapists like Joe Fiedler who has sex with unconscious young boys after he gives them GHB? Him and his drug dealer bf @urcagedboy Ziang Li a police informant are also meth addicts and dealers and he’s been sanctioned at work for it before @VicGovDHポストを翻訳Herald Sunさんと他8人引用Herald Sun@theheraldsun·8月9日Home alarms that fire 12-gauge shotgun rounds when someone “trips” a wire have been installed in Victorian homes from Colac to Frankston, and it’s not just crooks using them. Full details: https://bit.ly/3YvVXyf午後4:30 · 2023年8月9日·573 件の表示61 リポスト18 件のいいね