Societal Sadomasochism
James Redford
July 4, 2021
 One cannot understand the extreme schizophrenia and sado-masochistic psychopathy of mankind—and hence the appeal that etatism holdsfor many—without incorporating the crucial insight provided by psychologist Ju-lianJaynesinhis1976monograph
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
. And here I’m not speaking of so-called “aberrant” human psy-chology, but rather simply standard human psychology that all humans are born with due to natural evolution.
1 The Problem
 great age-old social problem that has faced mankind, and still very much does, isthat most people do not love themselves, but instead actually hate themselves. Humanbeings tend to be extreme gluttons for punishment. This can unmistakably be seenin the extreme systems of mass-horror that humans continuously construct for them-selves.It’snotasifwedon’thaveessentiallytheentiretyofcivilizationalhumanhistorthatpointedlywarnsagainstsuchsocialsystems,yethumansareutterlyfascinatedandenchanted by them, like moths to a flame. Obviously these systems of mass-horror areserving some deep-seated need within the human psyche.Now, of course, this is not a conscious realization for most people, but rather isa psychological imperative which they are subconsciously controlled by. This has todo with evolutionary psychology, particularly after the Neolithic Revolution and thebreakdown of the bicameral mind discussed by psychologist Julian Jaynes in his book 
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
 (Boston: Houghton
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Mifflin, 1976). It was the widespread belief among the ancients circa three millenniaago and before that they actually directly interacted with the gods. Jaynes’s crucialinsight was that before the breakdown of the bicameral mind around said era, duringthe evolution of humans out of an animalistic mental state, that humans were notactuallyself-conscious,butratherhadnochoicebuttoobeythecommandsofthegods,ofwhichgodswereactuallyonepartofthebraincommunicatingwithadifferentpartthe sensate, action-response part—via human language that would be heard as actual voices. In other words, our ancestors of circa that era and before were an especially extreme form of schizophrenics.I haven’t heard supporters of Jaynes mention this as an item in Jaynes’s favor be-fore, but muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antagonists, such as scopolamine, providestrong evidence for Jaynes’s theory—indeed, perhaps the strongest, since it makes the voice-command state Jaynes wrote about completely reproducible. Sociologist LloyddeMause’s work on psychohistory also fits well the Jaynes theory.Jaynes’s theory is also reinforced by Artificial Intelligence researcher Marvin Min-sky’s concept of the Society of Mind (see Marvin Minsky, illustrations by Juliana Lee,
The Society of Mind
New York: Touchstone, 1988; 1st ed., 1986
). And both Jaynesand Minsky’s ideas on this are restatements and elaborations on Mark 5:1–20 and Luke8:26–39 involving the Messiah’s interaction with a demon-possessed man. When Jesusasked the demon what its name was, the entity replied, “My name is Legion; for weare many.” Indeed there are a host of these entities within us all. It’s amazing to think thatthe keyto crackingthecode ofArtificial GeneralIntelligencewas givensome 2000 years ago within these passages.The Jaynesian demons can be usefully defined as those subset of Minskian agents which impel people to untowardness, e.g., self-destruction and social destruction.What a demon is in actuality is a particular type of computer-program operatingon the wet-computer of the human brain. Demons are utterly real, but they exist inthe exact same ontological manner which the human mind exists, as the human mindis itself a particular type of computer-program operating on the wet-computer of thehuman brain. The demons are the destructive subsets of the human mind. Sciencehas identified the spiritual realm, and it is the living brain—the living human brain inparticular, since that brain is the most complex at present. The spiritual realm exists! And it’s not that these demons actually wish to end life’s existence, i.e., that they impel humans toward suicide and societal suicide. Mere nonexistence is not what they seek for us. The actual case of the matter is far, far worse than that. For what thesedemons actually seek is to send their host and everyone else to Hell for all eternity. Thedemons are infuriated that they do not have the same level of control they once hadover their hosts, when they could issue what was perceived as voice-commands and2
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the host had no choice but to obey—that they are not quite the gods they once were. Via the breakdown of the bicameral mind, the Jaynesian gods of old have more or lessbeenrelegatedtoTartarus(see2Peter2:4,Young’sLiteralTranslation;WeymouthNewTestament; or the note to this passage in the English Standard Version), though they still exercise great control over the subconscious mind and compel humans towardsystems of extreme mass-horror. As I said, these demonic entities are utterly real—as real as any human being, asthey ontologically exist in the sameself way as the essence of what a human beingis, i.e., the human personality, i.e., the human mind. If one should ever doubt thereal existence of these entities, then there are psychological techniques one can useto summon them, such as Astral Projection, as what often follows attempts at AstralProjection is demon-visitation during episodes of sleep paralysis. And one’s interaction with these entities can be perceived as being as real as interacting with any otherperson in external physical reality—nay, sometimes even more real. One can actually have sex with these entities, such as with the succubi and incubi—or what is perceivedas such, seemingly every bit as real as sex with any human. Though I only recommendsummoning these entities under conditions of actual scientific research, as they are notto be trifled with.In actuality, what elite occultism is is principally three-pronged: (1) methods of contacting these entities using various mental techniques, including coming into fullpossession by them; (2) getting people within important social control-sectors to en-gage in blackmailable behavior so as be able to subjugate them for life; and (3) toprovide a spiritual justification for extreme psychopathy. Esoterica at the top echelonsis not hokum, but rather utterly practical methods of power. And the demons are out-rageous liars who will present themselves as extraterrestrials, departed humans, spiritguides, etc.—though the clandestine scientific psychologists of the deep state, such as with Project MKU
, undoubtedly know what the actual ontological nature of theseentities are.Ifmostpeople actuallyweretolovethemselves, thenessentiallyallthemajor socialproblems of the world would be solved, for then people would not tolerate improperimpositionsuponthemselves;butratherseekfreedomforthemselves,andthusalsoforothers, for one cannot be free while living in a slave-pit. Yet societies are continuously impelled into various hellpits by subconscious psychological forces whereof most peo-pleknownot—bythedemonslurkingwithinthem,whisperingintotheirear,promisingHeaven but delivering Hell. World society is quite literally under demonic control, andthe demons have nothing nice in store for anyone, let alone those who make a pointof consciously summoning them for power.3
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2 Biography of the Author
Born in Austin, Texas and raised in the Leander, Texas hill country, James Redford isa born-again Christian who was converted from atheism by a direct revelation fromJesus Christ. He is a scientific rationalist who concludes that the Omega Point (i.e.,the physicists’ technical term for God) and the Feynman–DeWitt–Weinberg quantumgravity 
Standard Model Theory of Everything (
) is an unavoidable result of theknown laws of physics. His website is the following:
 Theophysics: God Is the Ultimate Physicist
, ark:
3 Other Works By the Author
 James Redford, “The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Every-thing”,
 Social Science Research Network
), Sept. 10, 2012 (orig. pub. Dec. 19,2011), 186 pp., doi:10.2139
 James Redford, “Video of Profs. Frank Tipler and Lawrence Krauss’s Debate at Caltech:Can Physics Prove God and Christianity?”,
 God and Physics Wiki
, May 12, 2019,
 James Redford, Jesus Is an Anarchist”,
 Social Science Research Network
),Dec. 4, 2011 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2001), 60 pp., doi:10.2139
 James Redford, “Libertarian Anarchism Is Apodictically Correct”,
 Social Science Research Network
), Dec. 15, 2011, 9 pp., doi:10.2139
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