Idea groups
- For the ideas of individual countries, see national ideas.
- For the ideas of American natives, see native ideas.
- For the practical guide on idea groups, with analysis and recommendations, see Idea groups guide.
As a nation develops technologically, it unlocks the ability to gain additional idea groups. Investing into a full idea group can take a long time and cost several decades worth of power. The act of choosing at any point of time a certain idea group over the other and advancing in it represent the time and focus nations choose to spend historically along certain administrative, diplomatic, and military specializations.
Mechanics summary[編集 | ソースを編集]
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Each nation can have up to 8 idea groups from a pool of 19 groups (only 18 are shown as the Aristocratic and Plutocratic idea groups are locked behind exclusive government reforms). Idea group choice is only restricted by the requirement for a balanced mix of groups: No more than half of a nation's chosen idea groups, whether completed or not, can have the same associated type of monarch power.[1] This limit can be turned off in options before starting a game without disabling achievements.
Idea group choices are unrestricted, with several exceptions: Plutocratic ideas are enabled for most republics but disabled for most other government types; Aristocratic ideas are disabled for most republics but enabled for most other government types; Divine ideas are enabled only for theocracies; Horde Government ideas are enabled only for steppe nomads; Indigenous ideas are enabled only for native tribes and Maritime and Naval ideas are disabled for primitives. However, AI nations have weights assigned to the idea groups to make their choices random but still somewhat historical.
Each idea group consists of 7 ideas. Advancing within an idea group is done sequentially and each unlocked idea enhances a particular aspect of the nation. Unlocking the last idea in the group also unlocks the group's bonus.
Unlocking new slots[編集 | ソースを編集]
New idea group slots are unlocked with the advancement in Administrative technology as described below:
Administrative tech level | 5 | 7 | 10 | 14 | 18 | 22 | 26 | 29 |
Number of idea groups | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Year in which the technology loses its ahead of time penalty | 1453 | 1479 | 1518 | 1570 | 1622 | 1674 | 1730 | 1775 |
Abandoning idea groups[編集 | ソースを編集]
Available only with the Art of War DLC enabled. |
Abandoning an idea group can be used to free up an idea slot if it no longer serves the nation and there may be others more suitable groups that do so. It is important to note, however, that doing so will result in losing all the given bonuses from said idea group and will only refund 10% of the monarch power points invested in the group[2]. Discarding idea groups will also impact the number of Ideas a nation has towards unlocking National Ideas and Ambitions.
Due to the low refund rate and the importance of monarch power points, picking an idea group should be done with its future usefulness to the nation in mind. However, this option should not be disregarded either as it is extremely useful in the right circumstances. For example:
- Primitives can take only the first 3-4 Exploration ideas, get a colonial border with a western power, then drop Exploration for something else. Some would benefit more from the Expansion idea group; but Expansion doesn't allow Explorers or long-range island-hopping. They could even opt out of colonization altogether after getting the border they needed.
Technology cost reduction[編集 | ソースを編集]
Each unlocked idea grants a −2% Technology cost reduction. The reduction can result in up to −14% for a fully unlocked idea group (without accounting for further reductions that may be applied from the ideas themselves). The type of the reduction depends on the affiliation of the idea group; for example, the Diplomatic idea group grants Diplomatic tech cost reduction.
Innovativeness gain[編集 | ソースを編集]
Being the first nation to unlock an idea or unlocking an idea within 365 days after it is first unlocked gives a nation a base of +2 innovativeness.
Policies[編集 | ソースを編集]
- Main article: Policies
Policies become enabled when a pair of 2 idea groups are fully unlocked. Picking a policy provides a bonus to the nation at the monthly cost of 1 monarch power per policy (type of monarch power used depends on policy affiliation) if the limit is overwhelmed (base: 1 policy of each type can be picked for free) . Once picked, a policy cannot be canceled for a duration of 10 years. There is no restriction on policy composition and a nation can activate up to 9 policies at a time, 3 per type.
Idea cost[編集 | ソースを編集]
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Unlocking an idea has a base idea cost of 400 monarch power[3] (the type of power depending on the idea group).
The base idea cost is modified by the following:
Conditions | |
−25% | for the AI at very hard difficulty |
−1% | per −1% modifier to all power costs (up to −10% with 100 Innovativeness and another −10% during a Golden Era) |
−1% | per −1% modifier (up to −10% with 100 Mysticism ) |
−10% |
−5% |
+0.2% | as Nahuatl countries for each point of doom |
+20% |
+25% | during the Janissary Decadence disaster |
+50% |
Ideas and policies:
Traditions | Ideas | Bonuses | 展開するPolicies |
Several missions, decisions and events grant modifiers that affect idea cost.
National ideas[編集 | ソースを編集]
- Main article: National ideas
Every country has seven national ideas. These ideas do not cost any monarch points but instead are unlocked; one national idea is unlocked for every third idea bought normally from an idea group.
Many nations have unique national ideas while a large number of others have national ideas based upon a common geographic region or a shared culture. The rest of the nations, who lack unique NIs or don't share a common NI group, draw their national ideas from a common generic set of ideas.
- National tradition
- Every nation also starts with a national tradition: two abilities which define the history and heritage of the country.
- National ambition
- Countries also have a “national ambition”, which is a bonus that is unlocked when a nation has gained all seven of its national ideas. This bonus is also unique for each country.
Administrative groups[編集 | ソースを編集]
Administrative power is required to unlock ideas within these groups.
- −25% Administrative advisor cost
- +1 Possible advisor
- −25% Core-creation cost
- −30% Cost to promote culture
- −25% Stability cost modifier
- −0.05 Global monthly autonomy
- −10% Administrative technology cost
- +20% Governing capacity modifier
- +10% Eunuchs loyalty equilibrium
Associated events: Administrative idea group events
- +15% National tax modifier
- +0.10 Yearly inflation reduction
- +10% Production efficiency
- -0.05 Inflation Reduction from Loan Repayment
- −25% Gold depletion chance
- −5% Land maintenance modifier
- −0.5 Interest per annum
- +1 Merchant
- +10% Goods produced modifier
Associated events: Economic idea group events
- +1 Colonist
- +1 Merchant
- +20 Global settler increase
- +10% Global tariffs
- −20% Envoy travel time
- +1 Diplomat
- −5% Liberty desire on other continent subjects
- +1 Colonist
- +5% Settler chance
- +20% Global trade power
- −10% Minimum autonomy in territories
Associated events: Expansion idea group events
- −2 National unrest
- +25% Religious harmonization speed
- −10 Years of separatism
- +2 Tolerance of heretics
- +2 Max promoted cultures
- +2 Tolerance of heathens
- +20% Religious unity
- +30% Improve relations
- +1 Max tolerance of heretics
- +1 Max tolerance of heathans
- −10% Idea cost
- +0.25 Yearly harmony increase
- +10% Brahmins loyalty equilibrium for Muslims
- +10% Dhimmi loyalty equilibrium
Associated events: Humanist idea group events
- −33% State maintenance
- +0.25 Global prosperity growth
- −10% Construction cost
- −25% Expand infrastructure cost modifier
Expanded Infrastructure Network
- +10% Movement speed
- −20% Center of trade upgrade cost
- −10% States governing cost
- −25% Fort maintenance
- −25% Construction time
- −100% Expand administration cost
- −10% Development cost
Associated events: Infrastructure idea group events
- −1% Prestige decay
- +50% Innovativeness gain
- −10% Technology cost
- −10% Institution embracement cost
- +1 Possible advisor
- +25% Institution spread
- −0.05 Monthly war exhaustion
- +1 Monthly splendor
- +1 Free policies
- −20% Advisor costs
Associated events: Innovative idea group events
- +1 Missionary
- −50% Missionary maintenance cost
- +10% Manpower in true faith provinces
- +3% Missionary strength
- +2 Tolerance of the true faith
- +0.1 Prestige per development from Missionary
- +2 Yearly papal influence
- +0.25 Yearly devotion
- +0.25 Monthly fervor
- +10% Church power
- +0.5% Yearly patriarch authority
- +10% Yearly karma decay
- +1 Yearly doom reduction
- +0.15 Yearly authority
- +0.1 Monthly piety accelerator
- +10 Relation from same religion
- Permanent casus belli against neighboring heathens and heretics
- −25% Culture conversion cost
- +10% Brahmins loyalty equilibrium
- +10% Clergy loyalty equilibrium
Associated events: Religious idea group events
Diplomatic groups[編集 | ソースを編集]
Diplomatic power is required to unlock ideas within these groups.
- +100% Power projection from insults
- +10% All estates' loyalty equilibrium
- +5% Estate loyalty change on privilege revoked
- +1 Yearly prestige
- +20% Reform progress growth
- +1 Max privileges per estate
- Estate privileges have 20% less impact on maximum absolutism
- +2 Monthly splendor
- −20% Estate interaction cooldown modifier
- +1 Diplomatic possible policies
- +1 Monarch diplomatic skill
- +0.5 Yearly legitimacy
- +0.2 Yearly republican tradition
- +0.5 Yearly devotion
- +0.5 Yearly horde unity
- +0.25 Yearly meritocracy
- +0.1 Mandate growth modifier
- +5% Imperial authority growth modifier
Associated events: Court idea group events
- +1 Diplomat
- −25% Diplomatic advisor cost
- +1 Diplomatic relation
- +25% Improve relations
- +1 Diplomat
- +2 Diplomatic reputation
- −20% Province warscore cost
- −10% Diplomatic technology cost
- Lowered impact on stability from diplomatic actions
Associated events: Diplomatic idea group events
- Allows 'Transfer Vassal' Peace Treaty at half cost
- Can claim entire states
- −20% Aggressive expansion impact
- +50% Spy network construction
- +10% Siege ability
- +1 Diplomat
- −15% Advisor cost
- +33% Foreign spy detection
- −0.2 Yearly corruption
- +33% Privateer efficiency
- +25% Chance to capture enemy ships
- +15 Vassalization acceptance
- +33% Monthly favor gain modifier
- +100% Rebel support efficiency
- −20% Covert actions cost
Associated events: Espionage idea group events
- Allows recruitment of explorers & conquistadors
- −10% Naval attrition
- +1 Colonist
- +50% Colonial range
- +10 Global settler increase
- −10% Trade company provinces governing cost
- −10% Trade company investment cost
- +10% Settler chance
- +25% Naval force limit modifier
- +25% Treasure fleet income
- Can fabricate claim overseas in colonial regions
Associated events: Exploration idea group events
- +25% Income from vassals
Additional Loyalist Recruitment
- −15% Liberty desire in subjects
- +10% Vassal naval force limit contribution
- −25% Diplomatic annexation cost
- +1 Diplomatic relation
- +2 Diplomatic reputation
- −25% Envoy travel time
- −10% Liberty desire from subject development
- +100% Vassal force limit contribution
- −50% Unjustified demands
Associated events: Influence idea group events
Not available for primitives.
- +25% Trade range
- +100% Naval tradition from protecting trade
- +50% National sailors modifier
- +25% Marines force limit
- +10% Global ship repair
- −10% Sailor maintenance
- +50% Naval force limit modifier
- +25% Ship tradepower propagation
- −10% Ship costs
- +10% Global naval engagement
- −25% Admiral cost
- +50% Blockade efficiency
- +25% Privateer efficiency
- Ships can repair when in coastal sea zones
- +1 Fleet movement speed
Associated events: Maritime idea group events
- +20% Global trade power
- +1 Merchant
- +25% Trade range
- +10% Trade efficiency
- -25% Cost to promote Mercantilism
- +15 Placed merchant power
- +25% Trade steering
- +25% Caravan power
- +1 Merchant
- +10% Burghers loyalty equilibrium
- +10% Jains loyalty equilibrium
- +10% Vaisyas loyalty equilibrium
Associated events: Trade idea group events
- For Exploration note the hidden bonuses when using explorers: each terra incognita sea zone revealed through naval exploration grants +1 naval tradition.
Military groups[編集 | ソースを編集]
Please help with verifying or updating this section. It was last verified for version 1.34. |
Military power is required to unlock ideas within these groups.
Government-based idea groups[編集 | ソースを編集]
Enabled by most monarchies (except the Plutocracy and Feudal Theocracy reform), tribes (except steppe nomads and Great Mongol State), and the Noble Elite republican reform.
- +15% Cavalry combat ability
- +15% National manpower modifier
- −5% Development cost
- +10% Cavalry to infantry ratio
- −20% Cavalry cost
- −1% Yearly army tradition decay
- −1% Yearly navy tradition decay
- +1 Diplomat
- −10% General cost
- −50% Cost to fabricate claims
- −25% Unjustified demands
- −0.025 Monthly autonomy change
- +0.5 Yearly absolutism
- +1 Leader siege
- +10% Nobility loyalty equilibrium
- +10% Rajputs loyalty equilibrium
- +10% Marathas loyalty equilibrium
Associated events: Aristocratic idea group events
Available for theocracies and countries with the Feudal Theocracy reform
- −5% Development cost
- +1 Yearly devotion
- +0.5 Yearly legitimacy
- −10% Fire damage received
- −33% Cost of reducing war exhaustion
- −10% Leader cost
- −10% Morale damage received
- −10% Culture conversion cost
- −30% Cost of enforcing religion through war
- −2 National unrest
- +15% Manpower in true faith provinces
- +50% Prestige from land battles
- +1% Missionary strength vs heretics
- +10% Clergy loyalty equilibrium
- +10% Brahmins loyalty equilibrium
Associated events: Divine idea group events
Enabled only for countries with the Steppe Nomads or Great Mongol State government reforms
- −33% Cavalry cost
- +10% Cavalry to infantry ratio
- −10% Aggressive expansion impact
- +25% Religious unity
- −20% Land attrition
- −1 National unrest
- +0.5 Yearly horde unity
- +20% Caravan power
- +2 Max promoted cultures
- +25% Cavalry combat ability
- +10% Tribes loyalty equilibrium
Associated events: Horde Government idea group events
Only available for native tribes
- −5% Development cost
- +0.015 Tribal development growth
- +1 Attrition for enemies
- +25% Monthly reform progress modifier
- +10% Morale of armies
- +15% National manpower modifier
- −10% Idea cost
- −20% Province warscore cost
- +25% Institution spread
Associated events: Indigenous idea group events
Enabled by most republics (except the Noble Elite reform) and monarchies with the Plutocracy reform.
- −20% Mercenary cost
- −5% Regiment cost
- +10% Morale of armies
- −1 National unrest
- +10% Monthly reform progress modifier
- +1 Merchant
- +10% Goods produced modifier
- −5% Development cost
- +25% Caravan power
- +20% Manpower recovery speed
- +25% Trade power in owned provinces
- +10% Burghers loyalty equilibrium
- +10% Vaishyas loyalty equilibrium
Associated events: Plutocratic idea group events
General military idea groups[編集 | ソースを編集]
- +100% Army tradition from battles
- +15% Morale of armies
- +1 Land leader maneuver
- −5% Land maintenance modifier
- −5% Regiment manpower usage
- −10% Fort maintenance
- +25% Fort defense
- +30 Reinforce speed
- +33% Garrison size
- +1 Attrition for enemies
- +1 Max attrition for enemies
Associated events: Defensive idea group events
- −25% Mercenary cost
- −25% Military advisor cost
- Can recruit mercenaries from anywhere
- −25% Mercenary maintenance
- −10% Military technology cost
- −50% War taxes cost
- +50% Mercenary leader army tradition modifier
- +10% Infantry combat ability
- Mercenary Companies no longer reduce Army Professionalism when hired
- +30% Mercenary manpower
- Allow mercenary units to drill
- +5% Mercenary discipline
- +100% Possible condottieri
Associated events: Mercenary idea group events
Not available for primitives.
- +1 Naval leader shock
- −1 Landing penalty
- +25% Galley combat ability
- +1 Naval leader fire
- −33% Morale hit when losing a ship
- +1 Yearly navy tradition
- +1 Blockade impact on siege
- +25% Sailor recovery speed
- +25% Marines force limit
- +20% Heavy ship combat ability
- +10% Ship durability
- +10% Morale of navies
- +10% Global naval engagement
- −100% Naval barrage cost
- +15% Ship disengagement chance
Associated events: Naval idea group events
- +1 Land leader shock
- −10% Recruitment time
- +1 Land leader fire
- +100% Prestige from land battles
- +20% Siege ability
- +15% Land force limit modifier
- −20% Special unit cost
- +5% Discipline
- +10% Recover army morale speed
Associated events: Offensive idea group events
- +10% Infantry combat ability
- +0.5 Yearly army tradition
- +0.5 Yearly navy tradition
- +10% Cavalry combat ability
- +5% Ship durability
- +10% Morale of navies
- −25% Naval attrition
- +10% Artillery combat ability
- +5% Discipline
- +10% Janissaries loyalty equilibrium
Associated events: Quality idea group events
- +33% National manpower modifier
- +20% Manpower recovery speed
- −10% Regiment cost
- +33% National supply limit modifier
- −33% Reinforcement cost
- −5% Land maintenance modifier
- −25% Land attrition
- +33% Land force limit modifier
Associated events: Quantity idea group events
Events[編集 | ソースを編集]
- Main article: List of idea group events
Idea group events are pulse based events. They occur at regular intervals (5 years) based on the nation's idea groups (not all groups are on the same interval).
In addition, the choice of ideas also has some influence in how often an event may happen, known as MTTH; meaning they can increase or decrease the likelihood of a certain to happened in over other events in their pulse group.
AI preference[編集 | ソースを編集]
Please help with verifying or updating this section. It was last verified for version 1.33. |
The AI is dynamically determined according to the current conditions of the country.[4] To decide which idea group it should take, the AI employs a "weight system": each idea group is given a certain weight and the higher this weight is for an idea group, the higher the chances that the AI will choose it. The AI will never choose an idea group with a weight of 0.[5]
Idea group | Base weight | 展開するWeight modifiers[6] |
Footnotes[編集 | ソースを編集]
- ↑ See in /Europa Universalis IV/common/defines.lua: MAX_IDEA_GROUPS_FROM_SAME_CATEGORY = 0.5,
- ↑ See in /Europa Universalis IV/common/defines.lua: ABANDON_IDEAGROUP_REFUND = 0.10, -- The part of the idea group spent that will be refunded upon abandonment.
- ↑ See in /Europa Universalis IV/common/defines.lua: PS_BUY_IDEA = 400
- ↑ It is still possible to revert to the old system by changing "AI_USES_HISTORICAL_IDEA_GROUPS" to 1 in /Europa Universalis IV/common/defines.lua. Note, however, that the AI will never use historical idea groups in a custom/random setup.
- ↑ The weights and their modifiers are defined in /Europa Universalis IV/common/ideas/00_basic_ideas.txt at the bottom of each idea group (ai_will_do).
- ↑ Multiple valid modifiers will stack
Ideas and Policies | Idea groups • National ideas • Policies |
Ages and Institutions | Ages • Institutions |
Innovativeness and Technology | Innovativeness • Technology |