Plandemic 3 Teaser

285601 646 4
First published at 22:06 UTC on December 5th, 2021.

As the only independent movie to reach over one billion views, Plandemic1 is accredited for being first to warn the world of the crimes against humanity that are now out in the open.

Plandemic2 set a world record with 2 million unique viewers tuni…

CategoryNews & Politics
SensitivityNormal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over

  • Operation Q
    • AhayahTruth

      🔥 Keep God's Laws or Burn Forever! 🔥

      • 1:12000 Manasse

        do you want to be set free of fear and to get eternal life?
        Here you go:
        You can get saved and have eternal life only through Jesus Christ aka God.
        John 14:6
        “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
        John 8:36
        “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
        Know this:God loves you!
        John 3:16
        “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
        If you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day you will be saved and you will have eternal life:
        1 Corinthians 15:1-7:
        “1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: 6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.7 After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles.”
        Romans 6:23:
        "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
        1 John 5:4
        “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” Maranatha
        PS: Revelation 21:4
        “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”
        [show more]

        • Ninsuna

          How in God's name did anyone see even ONE of those horrifying "vaccine" promos and actually buy what they were selling?

          I've always joked that I must have been involved in a tragic, intergalactic switched-at-birth accident. It took 70 years to get here, but now I'm fully convinced it's true.

          • View all 3 replies
          • bconcerned

            Fear. The fear that was instilled by the national & world leaders. People were afraid NOT to take it, lest they get the "deadly" disease. Which wasn't deadly at all, if it had just been TREATED. So corrupt....murderous.

          • Ninsunabconcerned

            Agreed, and nothing is more effective than fear in manipulating and controlling people.

            But there's a reason fear campaigns work so well for many, and not at all for some. Decades of indoctrination, coupled with humans willing (and even eager) to be indoctrinated. I will never understand it. But then I've also always joked in talking about my incarnation on planet Earth: "I missed Indoctrination Day." Many of us did, it seems. I credit faith in God above all. Others may have different reasons. But it will always be a mystery to me how willing so many humans are to comply, obey, and conform, according to the diktats of supposed "superiors." [show more]

          • bconcernedNinsuna

            Yep, I agree. I think I didn't believe them because I don't trust govt in the first place. When I started seeing doctors like Dr. Mercola, Peter McCullough & the Front Line doctors speaking out, what they said made sense to me, & I'm SO thankful that they DID speak out, & continue to do so! So many that I know, were putting on facebook that they'd had the jabs & were proud of it. I thought, You have no idea what's going to happen from those jabs! [show more]

        • FactCheckThisBitch
          • FactCheckThisBitch

   Organ harvesting, Pandemic, Abortions and Biotechnology documentary:

            • Technodisciple
              • NealFox

                Wow! A must see.

                • @YeahNOthanks

                  Fantastic! This is so important. Please please pleeeease watch your back. You know during the cold war the CIA created a gun that shoots an instantly dissolvable, totally undetectable dart that causes a heart attack in its intended target. These lunatics whack people all the time they have spent decades fine tuning and perfecting their ability to make deaths look natural or self induced. Pay attention and stay as publicly lit and well known as humanly possible. Make sure they know it will be news across the globe if the plandemic creator dies under suspicious circumstances.. I think you are already there honestly, these are just thoughts I wanted out of my head:)
                  I can't believe this is our world now, it's all really happening... Even more unbelievable is the amount of humans that can't see it. It boggles the mind. I suppose the matrix is a pretty comfortable space to exist in so... I guess we can't blame their subconsciouses for keeping them trapped in there.
                  No doubt you are leading the charge in setting them free. I thank you and your whole team for that.
                  [show more]

                  • Annika Wolff

                    The massive propaganda is so damn creepy!

                    • KathyL07

                      I can't wait to see it!!

                      • IoannesJaeger

                        I wish this was coming sooner. But I'm looking forward to it.

                        • Cybergun01

                          The criminals of Covid19 - It's time to take them down... -

                          • Daniella22

                            The government are planning to put even more fluoride in our drinking water. If this is something you are not in favour of, join the club and also find out how to filter or distil your water.

                            • Daniella22

                              The government are planning to put even more fluoride in our drinking water. If this is something you are not in favour of, join the club and also find out how to filter or distill your water.

                              • Daniella22

                                The government are planning to put even more fluoride in our drinking water. If this is something you are not in favour of, join the club and also find out how to filter or distil your water.

                                • Dukedom of Leinster

                                  They are lying.

                                  • vwmech

                                    Awesome, can’t wait for the video. God Bless and protect you 🙏💉☠️

                                    • circlej


                                  • Mindseed

                                    Down with Fuckerberg, down with the Metaverse! Check out my new Metaverse EP and subscribe if you like it!

                                    • Biblioteque5

                                      Where do we find these videos to watch all of them in full?

                                    • Cathyne

                                      I hug my family without the shot.
                                      I wish people would watch this and pay attention to what they are being told. But most are brainwashed

                                      • Gold1984

                                        There is no covid because there is no accurate test to test for this so called virus and its variants. See the truth.

                                        • DogzRuleAll

                                          Couldn't finish watching it because it’s so socially rancid made me gag. No way this girl gets a clot shot and no flu vaccinations going forward either. They will be mixing the poison in with any vaccine they can.watching from washington state USA 🇺🇸

                                          • wetlands2u

                                            it’s not the virus.. it’s our so called governments response to it .. LOB

                                            • Dream.Walker

                                              All high level government officials and politicians have been arrested and
                                              replaced with body doubles and/or DEEPFAKE CGI avatars:
                                              US President Joe Biden, arrested and replaced
                                              Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, arrested and replaced
                                              Canadian Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole, arrested and replaced
                                              UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, arrested and replaced
                                              California Governor Gavin Newsome, arrested and replaced
                                              Albert Bourla , CEO Pfizer, arrested and replaced
                                              Bill Gates, CEO Gates Foundation, arrested and replaced
                                              Melinda Gates, Gates Foundation, arrested and replaced
                                              Janel Yellen, Secretary of Treasury, arrested and replaced
                                              Tony Fauci, NIH, arrested and replaced

                                              Go here and see the shocking truth:

                                              [show more]

                                              • Nocturnal Bazaar

                                                Nuremberg 2.0—enough talk, let's make it happen:

                                                • Gold1984

                                                  Yes goodbye to all the scum, round them up and eliminate them.

                                              • SpiritTechnology

                                                It is impossible to thank you enough for this brave, inspirational and meaningful work. A slight alteration to the biblical - 'Forgive them Lord, for they know exactly what they are doing'.

                                                • FrequencyofLove

                                                  As a mother of five my gratitude is echoed across generations. Thank you! You, and those speaking up have given a public voice to many of us who have been silenced, canceled and ignored by those in our social media, churches and centers. Bless you all.

                                                  • directedby

                                                    Could anything be more illustrative of the moral inferno that Hollywood has become? Disgusting.

                                                    • NWO_GreatResett-Truth

                                                      Pseudoscience and conspiracy theories perpetrated by alternative media!

                                                      • Dream.Walker

                                                        All high level government officials and politicians have been arrested and
                                                        replaced with body doubles and/or DEEPFAKE CGI avatars:
                                                        US President Joe Biden, arrested and replaced
                                                        Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, arrested and replaced
                                                        Canadian Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole, arrested and replaced
                                                        UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, arrested and replaced
                                                        California Governor Gavin Newsome, arrested and replaced
                                                        Albert Bourla , CEO Pfizer, arrested and replaced
                                                        Bill Gates, CEO Gates Foundation, arrested and replaced
                                                        Melinda Gates, Gates Foundation, arrested and replaced
                                                        Janel Yellen, Secretary of Treasury, arrested and replaced
                                                        Tony Fauci, NIH, arrested and replaced

                                                        Go here and see the shocking truth:

                                                        [show more]

                                                        • ATTENTION-paid

                                                          I'll have one of those delicious saline shots, like the elites get....X3.

                                                          • Baker1074

                                                            Can't wait to see it.

                                                            • not_the_fascist1

                                                              Not that it's lacking at all, but how did you miss including Stephen Colbert's ultra-cringe vaccine dance in that intro? Perhaps legality issues..::shrug::

                                                              Trailer is strong!

                                                              • Tony Boyer On Idaho

                                                                When Fauci and company are tried and hanged, the media personalities who pushed this need to join them.

                                                                • Gold1984

                                                                  Yes I will pay to see Bill Gates executed.

                                                              • musickelly

                                                                hell hath no lodgic. Thank you for your bravery. We cannot change this kingdom (hell?), we can only change from it


                                                                  No one will have Freedom as long as the "Targeted Individual" Mind Control torture program (MK-Ultra) continues to run in America. It’s Real. This will be used to totally control all Americans. 5G will be the final nail. The Hammer program exposed illegal surveillance, harvesting information of over 20M Americans, including Donald Trump. More people are added every day under Track and Trace. Dennis Montgomery (Hammer Program) stole 47 hard drives of this illegal domestic surveillance. He unsuccessfully tried to obtain whistleblower protection. Montgomery was forced to return his 47 hard drives to the FBI Director who then covered up these crimes. This has been happening to “Targeted Individuals” for decades. It is used for blackmail, leverage and more. MK-Ultra Ken Rhoades. [show more]

                                                                  • j14ka

                                                                    The mix of pro-vaccination clips is phenomenal, it looks like some sort of intro to dystopian post-apocalyptic computer game.

                                                                    • Kelley17

                                                                      We are the PEOPLE!!!!!!! We will not lay down !!!!!!!

                                                                      • Arnieus

                                                                        You will if you take the shot.

                                                                    • Red.Wolf

                                                                      "They tried to bury us. They didn't know we were seeds." 👍

                                                                      • the_truth_none_of_you_can_handle

                                                                        It's the fertility stupid. They decided it's too much the 11 million pounds of food per day we eat.
                                                                        But if you want to make a positive difference:
                                                                        Since fake PCR is the jugular vein of this beast we could slice it with some action ...
                                                                        Coffee shop, sniff out the employees of the nearby 'pcr test lab' you can find in maps.
                                                                        Hand them a jump drive, surely many feeling guilty and disgusted. Instructions on it where to deliver (maybe to a flower pot with no cameras around).
                                                                        Fauci: Anything over 35 is “just dead nucleotides, period”.
                                                                        FDA/CDC: Use 40 cycles, it's in the instruction manual: (a regular web page, not a download, they are just too dumb to know the difference)
                                                                        [show more]

                                                                      • the_truth_none_of_you_can_handle

                                                                        There's a vaccine darted into animals when populations become unmanageable. Can cause uncontrolled muscle movements, heart attacks sometimes but works on both males and females to reduce fertility in proper dosage. GONACON is an immunocontraceptive. Good thing our keepers don't think we're overpopulated or they might be sticking us with needles.
                                                                        Manufactured by USDA APHIS (US Dept of Agriculture - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, 4700 River Road, Riverdale, MD 20737, a 10 minute drive from the White House)
                                                                        [show more]

                                                                    • Gaelileo

                                                                      great to see, watching from ireland, Gaelileo on YT


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