Ukraine gets better score in 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index – Transparency International

According to Transparency International, Ukraine has worsened its indicators in the Corruption Perceptions Index
According to Transparency International, Ukraine has worsened its indicators in the Corruption Perceptions Index

“(Ukraine’s) score has increased by one point, and now the country ranks 116th out of 180 countries in the CPI,” the report says.

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Algeria, Angola, Zambia, Mongolia, El Salvador, and the Philippines also have 33 points.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Gambia, Indonesia, Malawi, Nepal, Sierra Leone are one point ahead of Ukraine – all have 34 points.

The Dominican Republic, Kenya, and Niger have one point less than Ukraine.

Among its neighbours, Ukraine trails all except Russia, which lost one point in 2022 and, with 28 points, now ranks 137th. In addition, the points of Hungary fell again – 42 points (-1, 77th), and those of the Russian satellite Belarus as well. The latter has lost two points this year.

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According to TI, among the friends of Ukraine, there are changes in indicators as well.


Poland lost one point but remained the leader of CPI among Ukraine’s neighbours – with 55 points, it ranks 45th. Slovakia managed to improve its indicators – 53 points (+1, 49th), Romania – 46 points (+1, 63rd) and Moldova, whose indicators increased the most – +3, and which now ranks 91st with 39 points.

“The global leaders and outsiders of the Corruption Perceptions Index 2022 are little changed,” reads the report.

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“Denmark tops the list with 90 points, followed by New Zealand and Finland – both countries scored 87 points. Outsiders also remained unchanged: Somalia with 12 points ranks 180th, and South Sudan and Syria, scoring 13 points, rank 178th.”

Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine