One Skill PowerPoint
One Skill PowerPoint
One Skill PowerPoint
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One Skill PowerPointについて
About One Skill
Ladies and Gentlemen, have you ever wanted to create a great looking presentation and got stuck? Well, I have been there too, many times... However, as the time went by I have uncovered secrets of awesome slide design & animation. Now I want to share it all with you :) Free Beginner and Advanced PowerPoint tutorials can be found on my One Skill YouTube channel. While on this page you can choose to support me and get access to my tutorials slides (.pptx files). Welcome my friend to the land of awesome presentations :)
How does Patreon work?
If you are new to Patreon and have never heard of it, it is a way for you to show your support to your favorite creators and tip them as much or as little as you want.
Where does your money go?
Free knowledge available to everyone, that is what I believe in. I am doing my best to create as much as possible free high quality content that will help you improve your slides. If you like my creations and would like to support me, I would be super grateful ❤️With your support I will be able to improve the equipment and create many more amazing tutorials.
One Skill PowerPointの最近の投稿
✅ Tutorial Slides (.pptx) attached below the post
Hello My Friends! In today's video you will learn how you can create this animated title slide in PowerPoint. After watching this video you will know how to animate title slides, insert videos and use the PowerPoint draw tool to create smooth looking handwritten text. Let’s go!
✅ PowerPoint Slides (.pptx) are attached below the post
So there was one big question bothering humanity since the beginning of time. Can you create a website just using PowerPoint? Well my friends, let's find it out in this video. I have created an animated PowerPoint presentation that looks like a website. It has a clickable menu, a couple of sections, some clickable buttons, animations and a parallax scroll effect. Now the only thing that’s left is to turn this animated PowerPoint presentation into an actual website :)