Pink_jollyrancher68: I AM A WHITE RACIST
Yellow_jollyrancher: PINK NOO
(anon): Im mr green christmas
(anon): Im mr sun,.
(anon): Im mr Heat blister, Im mr 101
(anon): They call me heat miser
(anon): whatever i touch starts to melt in my clutch... Im too much
Nekogonzales2002: hes mr White Christmas hes mr snow hes mr icicle, hes mr 10 below
Yellow_jollyrancher: friends call me snow miser!
Yellow_jollyrancher: Whatever I touch
Yellow_jollyrancher: Turns to snow in my clutch!
Nekogonzales2002: *hes too much*
Death25: ...................
Nekogonzales2002: I never want to know a day thats over 40 degrees, I'd rather have it 30, 20, 10, 5 and let it FreeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEeeeeezeeeee
Red_jollyrancher: e
(anon): Hes mr Green mr christmas, hes mr sun, hes mr heat blister, hes mr 101
(anon): They call me heat miser!
(anon): Whatever I touch, starts to melt in my clutch.
(anon): *Hes too much*
(anon): I never want to know a day thats under 60 degrees, I'd rather have 80, 90, 100 a-grees, Some like it hot.
(anon): But I like it REALLY HOT!
Nekogonzales2002: Hes mr White christmas,
(anon): hes mr sun
Nekogonzales2002: hes mr icicle
(anon): Hes mr 101
(anon): Kromer Kenundrum
Death25: where is reaper
Death25: somebody save me from this
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Nekogonzales2002: yes
Mommymilkers42069: blueeeeeeeee
Blue_jollyrancher: Yes Milk?
Mommymilkers42069: haiii
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi
Death25: JI
Death25: hi blue
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Toasty_waffles: E
Toasty_waffles: Eviction
Toasty_waffles: E
Mommymilkers42069: e
Death25: E
Logan_taken: finally finished my german exam
Logan_taken: and chats dead XwX
Death25: how did it go]
Logan_taken: awful 186 questions
Death25: oooooooooooooof
Nekogirl: ouch
Death25: that is terrible
Death25: hi neko
Logan_taken: so my day is going awful
Nekogirl: hi death
Nekogirl: we got thanksgiving for lunch :3
Death25: nice
Death25: i am lonely i miss reaper
Nekogirl: i honestly like the school fish sticks better though
Nekogirl: oh fuck!
Death25: oh fuck
Nekogirl: *cringes internally while screaming
Logan_taken: ummmmm
Nekogirl: also death, reaper still owes me an outfit
Logan_taken: i can see bone...........
Death25: oh
Nekogirl: oh fuck....
Nekogirl: thats a nurse level thing...
Death25: i will reaper kw neko
Death25: yh
Logan_taken: ummmm i might just deal with it :)
Death25: ok
Nekogirl: put is in salt :3
Logan_taken: wtf i would if i had some on me lmao
Nekogirl: dont that would hurt, i just like the burning feeling :3
Logan_taken: wtf....
Nekogirl: masochist...
Nekogirl: i have also been branded before.....
Logan_taken: some what uncomfterbale lmao
Nekogirl: sorry
Nekogonzales2002: oh boy what did I join to now
Death25: have u ever snorted pure sugar
Logan_taken: yeah
Nekogonzales2002: yes
Death25: i have
Logan_taken: i miss shell TwT
Death25: i miss reaper
Logan_taken: he was on not that ong ago mybe like 2 days ago
Nekogirl: i have no one to miss TwT
Logan_taken: *pats neko on the back* ik how you feel
Nekogirl: well i have one person...but no
(anon): oh boi
Logan_taken: who is that
British_grenadier: Oi, right to privacy.
Death25: no
(anon): right to piracy
Death25: yes
Nekogirl: daughter :3
Logan_taken: same tbh
Death25: :3
Chaos_insurgent_officer: what about daughter?
Logan_taken: neko misses her
Nekogirl: nothing.....
Logan_taken: oop
Logan_taken: my b
Death25: lol
Nekogirl: its fine :3
Chaos_insurgent_officer: Ah, well I hope for your sake daughter gets on at a time where you both can conveniently converse.
Death25: :3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3
Logan_taken: chaos use smaller words plz
Chaos_insurgent_officer: I hope Daughter gets on at a decent time so she and neko can talk
Logan_taken: lmao thz
Logan_taken: thx
Nekogirl: i mean
Nekogirl: im on forever some
(anon): dan why do u care
Nekogirl: so*
Death25: lol
Chaos_insurgent_officer: Yeah... Going to outlive us all I presume
Logan_taken: lmao
Death25: maybe
Nekogirl: :3
Logan_taken: im bored af
Logan_taken: im just listening to bury me in smoke by down
Nekogirl: oh, want to know a good flirting song?
Nekogonzales2002: oh boy...
Logan_taken: sure?
Chaos_insurgent_officer: *Sits down and reads a book*
(anon): yee
Nekogirl: its really cheesy, but tim in a bottle
Nekogirl: time*
Nekogonzales2002: ehhh
Death25: LOL
(anon): snow miser tho
Chaos_insurgent_officer: well, I've got to go
Logan_taken: sweet child o mine is a good one to
Nekogonzales2002: Ah shit yeah classes are about to rotate
Death25: k
Shell61_taken: hey....guys....
Logan_taken: hey shell
Nekogirl: hi sheel :3
Nekogirl: shell
Shell61_taken: hi...
Death25: HI SHELL
Shell61_taken: 0-0
Logan_taken: death chill
Death25: cant to much energy
Death25: *jumps to another galaxy*
Nekogirl: death, want a hug?
Death25: sure
Nekogirl: *opens arms* :3
Death25: *hugs neko*
Nekogirl: yeah :3
Death25: *Calms down*
Nekogirl: emotional support fluff :3
Death25: yh
Death25: my friend irl wants me to play a game of cah
Shell61_taken: .....
Nekogirl: oof
Nekogonzales2002: mk im back
Death25: im bacl
Nekogirl: yay two of my favorite people :3
Death25: ty
Vinnie_: bonk
Death25: BONK
Cineres: BONK
Shell61_taken: oh there we go with bonking .-.
Cineres: yep lol
Shell61_taken: .-.
Shell61_taken: _-\
Cineres: im gay
Shell61_taken: ok....?
Death25: lol
Nekogonzales2002: *Bonks Cineres with sledgehammer* No, bad!
Shell61_taken: lol....
Nekogonzales2002: Only I can bonk people
Shell61_taken: fuck!
Shell61_taken: fuck!
Shell61_taken: shit!
Shell61_taken: shit!
Death25: can i bonk people
Nekogonzales2002: no
Shell61_taken: lmao
Death25: then i can do this and no one can stop me
Death25: *pulls out la chancla belt and the uno gauntlet*
Death25: haha
Nekogirl: ...
Death25: wt
Shell61_taken: *bonks jose*
Nekogirl: danger
Death25: yh
Death25: to my fort
Nekogonzales2002: *I smack shell the end of my sledgehammer* Stop that
Nekogirl: *tackles death*
(anon): RAGE
(anon): R E E E E E E E E E E E E E E *shits pants angrily*
Death25: *falls down*
Shell61_taken: make me
Nekogirl: *lands on top of death*
Nekogonzales2002: I'll bonk you harder.
Nekogirl: oh.....this is awkward...
Death25: yh
Corporal_sterling: ayo...?
Death25: y did u tackle me
Shell61_taken: *bonks jose really hard*
(anon): horny neko owo
Nekogirl: cause i wanted to :3
Death25: no
Nekogirl: no horny
Death25: ok
Nekogonzales2002: *I slam the head of my sledgehammer into Shells shoulder* Knock that shit off!
Nekogirl: want me to get off?
(anon): yee
Shell61_taken: never! *doesn't feel pain*
Corporal_sterling: Im lost...
Death25: yes pls
Death25: good
Nekogirl: *gets up*
Nekogonzales2002: *I crack your shin and sweep your leg* well then you shouldn't mind not having legs
Nekogirl: jose want me to show you how to get her to stop?
Death25: i got this
Death25: *cracks la chancla belt*
Chaos_insurgent_officer: the fuck going on?
Shell61_taken: no neko
Death25: shell stop ir
Nekogirl: yes
Shell61_taken: nu
Death25: yes
Nekogirl: shell you're cute :3
Shell61_taken: ok?
Nekogirl: :3
(anon): ur a cutie owo
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: 'Bout damn time I got back in
Nekogirl: hi dan :3
Shell61_taken: but that won't make me stop neko
Nekogirl: hmmm
Death25: SHELL do have to inervene
Nekogirl: i can do more than just call you cute
Shell61_taken: 0-0 no you can't
Death25: ........
Death25: oof
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: eh, Chaos insurgency was fun while it lasted
Chromosome_snatcher: A,E,I,O,U, AND Y
Corporal_sterling: thank you snatcher, very cool
Chromosome_snatcher: CRACKY SNACKY BACKY
Death25: i am lonely :(
(anon): rip lol
Death25: shut up
Shell61_taken: lmao
Death25: or i will beat u
(anon): damn ok
(anon): beat me
Shell61_taken: *heals self*
Nekogirl: shell :3
Shell61_taken: what?
Logan_taken: back
Nekogirl: hi logan
Shell61_taken: wb
Nekogonzales2002: ah fuck here we go again
Logan_taken: wdym
Logan_taken: also thx sell
Shell61_taken: np
Nekogirl: shell how has your day gone?
Shell61_taken: it's been ok ig
Logan_taken: awful i had to do 186 questions on a exam
Nekogirl: 186?
Logan_taken: yes
Nekogirl: rookie numbes
Nekogonzales2002: yeesh, finals?
Nekogirl: numbers*
Logan_taken: no mid terms
Nekogonzales2002: oohhh
Nekogonzales2002: Mid-terms are just semester finals
(anon): breh
Logan_taken: yeah
Nekogirl: they are the pain
Nekogonzales2002: heh, yeah
Logan_taken: but it was a german exam
Nekogirl: *looks at logan*
Nekogirl: i would rather die
Logan_taken: what
Trees_the_proto: ?
Logan_taken: oh lmao
Nekogonzales2002: *yawn*
Shell61_taken: *bonks neko*
Nekogirl: just the mental image of a titan handing out christmas cookies though, i cant get over it
Nekogirl: shell
Shell61_taken: hehe~
Death25: im back
Nekogirl: a simple bonk cant stop the horny
Logan_taken: lmao
Death25: yh
Nekogirl: well in my case atleast
Logan_taken: lol
Shell61_taken: oh yeah *bonks neko really hard*
Trees_the_proto: how bout a shotgun blast?
Nekogirl: ok now im getting horny, stahp TwT
Shell61_taken: lmao
Nekogonzales2002: ehhh, I've found a modified sledgehammer with affixed Buckshot firing sensor-activated shotguns works better.
Nekogirl: bullet proof...
(anon): Elephant gun proof?
Nekogirl: rated up to 750 nitro express
Nekogirl: :3
(anon): damn
Nekogirl: you empty your mag and go home with lead pennies
Shell61_taken: *smacks neko on the back of the haed* I LIKE YOUR CUT G!!!
Shell61_taken: lmao
Logan_taken: LMAO
Logan_taken: glad you 2 are still friends
Nekogirl: if logan wasnt here...
Trees_the_proto: how to stop neko horni, you dont
Nekogirl: ^
Shell61_taken: 0-0
Logan_taken: neko wanna finish that
Ballzz: ыгы
Nekogirl: i alsomost said the same thing back but without the "G" out of reflex TwT
(anon): Ayo??
Ballzz: руддщщ
Heavyfromtf2: Hello tiny baby men
Nekogirl: but i caught myself
Ballzz: рш
Nekogirl: *thumbs up*
Ballzz: впиащ8цф7уке
Heavyfromtf2: ok then
Ballzz: кпор укрк ршутл лшкр угиги4ги
Nekogirl: hey heavy?
Heavyfromtf2: yeah?
Logan_taken: ima go watch last kingdom bye
Nekogirl: *tosses sandwich into minefeild*
Nekogirl: ok
Shell61_taken: *smacks neko and runs*
Nekogirl: ....
Heavyfromtf2: damn it.
Logan_taken: *chases shell*
Nekogirl: highly debating on doing something, but it would get me in trouble........
Heavyfromtf2: I may not be smart, but I am not dumb.
Logan_taken: nvm lmao
(anon): do it
(anon): DO IT
(anon): dew it
Shell61_taken: *keeps running*
Logan_taken: bye
Death25: lol
Shell61_taken: bye
Death25: bye
Nekogirl: bye
(anon): You were saying?
Nekogirl: *teleports in front of shell*
Shell61_taken: *stops running*
Shell61_taken: 0-0
Death25: lol
Nekogirl: *taps foot* you're in trouble young lady
Shell61_taken: ok and....?
Death25: uh oh
Nekogirl: well when i got in trouble i was spanked with an oak switch....
Shell61_taken: lmao
Nekogirl: its not fun TwT
Death25: oof
Nekogirl: but it is effective
Death25: yh
Shell61_taken: *teleports away*
Nekogirl: *snaps tree limb off* you might not want to cover your butt, it'll hurt worse
Death25: hey neko do u want the la chancla
Nekogirl: hmm ok, its a long range weapon anyway
Death25: *hands la chancla to neko*
Nekogirl: *throws it and hits shell in the calf*
Shell61_taken: *douges it*
Nekogirl: she knows the dougy
Shell61_taken: MISS ME!!!!
Death25: *pulls out a uno reverse*
Death25: no
Nekogirl: trying not to say a few things right now....
Death25: uh oh
Shell61_taken: *douges it again*
Nekogirl: also shell, chanclas are homing
Nekogirl: they have aimbot
Nekogirl: right death?
Shell61_taken: i know
Nekogirl: they are impossible to escape TwT
Shell61_taken: not for me
Death25: yh
Death25: u cant escape them
Shell61_taken: yes i can
Shell61_taken: i've done it b4
Nekogirl: well, i could always just snap and make your clothes disappear.....
Death25: uno reverse
Shell61_taken: FUCK!!!
Nekogirl: stop running or ill do it
Nekogirl: dont mess with the magic horni kitty
Shell61_taken: FUCK fine....
Nekogirl: finally
Nekogirl: TwT
Nekogirl: no bonking or im taking mine off
Shell61_taken: 0-0 shit!!!
Shell61_taken: *sits on the ground*
Death25: hah
Nekogirl: thats what i thought
Nekogirl: hmph
Death25: need a hug neko
Nekogirl: now that thats settled, i have paperwork TwT
Nekogirl: *hugs death* thanks
Shell61_taken: son of a..... i just gonna stfu now
Death25: np
Nekogirl: thank you shell
Death25: *hugs neko*
Nekogirl: :3
Shell61_taken: *looks at neko with death stair*
Nekogirl: ...
Death25: lol
Nekogirl: im gonna do what my momma woulda done if you dont get that look off yo face
Death25: lmao
Shell61_taken: *shm*
Nekogirl: also im sorry to say this....but you look good in shorts shell >////<
Nekogirl: now i have to do an article on alcohol
Death25: ok
Shell61_taken: 0//////0 *filps off neko*
Nekogirl: you know shes cute when shes mad~
Death25: yh
Nekogirl: well, and all the time
Nekogirl: *pokes shell's cheek*
Shell61_taken: looks at neko with death stair again*
Nekogirl: what did i tell you
Shell61_taken: *filps off neko again*
Nekogirl: you wanna know what my momma used to do when we gave her that look...
Death25: yh
Nekogirl: the shape of my shoulder blades are in the wall.....6 feet off the ground
Nekogirl: you respected mom and thats all there was to it
Death25: yh
Shell61_taken: *gets up and walks to dark corner and sits*
Nekogirl: *hugs shell*
Nekogirl: :3
Death25: im a sad boi cause reaper is not here
Shell61_taken: *sotfly growls*
Nekogirl: you know its hard to be dark and broody when you smile like a goof :3
Death25: yh
Nekogirl: its cute though :3
Shell61_taken: .-.
Nekogirl: im waiting for logan with a knife :3
Nekogirl: nothing.....
Logan_taken: oop
Logan_taken: my b
Death25: lol
Nekogirl: its fine :3
Chaos_insurgent_officer: Ah, well I hope for your sake daughter gets on at a time where you both can conveniently converse.
Death25: :3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3
Logan_taken: chaos use smaller words plz
Chaos_insurgent_officer: I hope Daughter gets on at a decent time so she and neko can talk
Logan_taken: lmao thz
Logan_taken: thx
Nekogirl: i mean
Nekogirl: im on forever some
(anon): dan why do u care
Nekogirl: so*
Death25: lol
Chaos_insurgent_officer: Yeah... Going to outlive us all I presume
Logan_taken: lmao
Death25: maybe
Nekogirl: :3
Logan_taken: im bored af
Logan_taken: im just listening to bury me in smoke by down
Nekogirl: oh, want to know a good flirting song?
Nekogonzales2002: oh boy...
Logan_taken: sure?
Chaos_insurgent_officer: *Sits down and reads a book*
(anon): yee
Nekogirl: its really cheesy, but tim in a bottle
Nekogirl: time*
Nekogonzales2002: ehhh
Death25: LOL
(anon): snow miser tho
Chaos_insurgent_officer: well, I've got to go
Logan_taken: sweet child o mine is a good one to
Nekogonzales2002: Ah shit yeah classes are about to rotate
Death25: k
Shell61_taken: hey....guys....
Logan_taken: hey shell
Nekogirl: hi sheel :3
Nekogirl: shell
Shell61_taken: hi...
Death25: HI SHELL
Shell61_taken: 0-0
Logan_taken: death chill
Death25: cant to much energy
Death25: *jumps to another galaxy*
Nekogirl: death, want a hug?
Death25: sure
Nekogirl: *opens arms* :3
Death25: *hugs neko*
Nekogirl: yeah :3
Death25: *Calms down*
Nekogirl: emotional support fluff :3
Death25: yh
Death25: my friend irl wants me to play a game of cah
Shell61_taken: .....
Nekogirl: oof
Nekogonzales2002: mk im back
Death25: im bacl
Nekogirl: yay two of my favorite people :3
Death25: ty
Vinnie_: bonk
Death25: BONK
Cineres: BONK
Shell61_taken: oh there we go with bonking .-.
Cineres: yep lol
Shell61_taken: .-.
Shell61_taken: _-\
Cineres: im gay
Shell61_taken: ok....?
Death25: lol
Nekogonzales2002: *Bonks Cineres with sledgehammer* No, bad!
Shell61_taken: lol....
Nekogonzales2002: Only I can bonk people
Shell61_taken: fuck!
Shell61_taken: fuck!
Shell61_taken: shit!
Shell61_taken: shit!
Death25: can i bonk people
Nekogonzales2002: no
Shell61_taken: lmao
Death25: then i can do this and no one can stop me
Death25: *pulls out la chancla belt and the uno gauntlet*
Death25: haha
Nekogirl: ...
Death25: wt
Shell61_taken: *bonks jose*
Nekogirl: danger
Death25: yh
Death25: to my fort
Nekogonzales2002: *I smack shell the end of my sledgehammer* Stop that
Nekogirl: *tackles death*
(anon): RAGE
(anon): R E E E E E E E E E E E E E E *shits pants angrily*
Death25: *falls down*
Shell61_taken: make me
Nekogirl: *lands on top of death*
Nekogonzales2002: I'll bonk you harder.
Nekogirl: oh.....this is awkward...
Death25: yh
Corporal_sterling: ayo...?
Death25: y did u tackle me
Shell61_taken: *bonks jose really hard*
(anon): horny neko owo
Nekogirl: cause i wanted to :3
Death25: no
Nekogirl: no horny
Death25: ok
Nekogonzales2002: *I slam the head of my sledgehammer into Shells shoulder* Knock that shit off!
Nekogirl: want me to get off?
(anon): yee
Shell61_taken: never! *doesn't feel pain*
Corporal_sterling: Im lost...
Death25: yes pls
Death25: good
Nekogirl: *gets up*
Nekogonzales2002: *I crack your shin and sweep your leg* well then you shouldn't mind not having legs
Nekogirl: jose want me to show you how to get her to stop?
Death25: i got this
Death25: *cracks la chancla belt*
Chaos_insurgent_officer: the fuck going on?
Shell61_taken: no neko
Death25: shell stop ir
Nekogirl: yes
Shell61_taken: nu
Death25: yes
Nekogirl: shell you're cute :3
Shell61_taken: ok?
Nekogirl: :3
(anon): ur a cutie owo
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: 'Bout damn time I got back in
Nekogirl: hi dan :3
Shell61_taken: but that won't make me stop neko
Nekogirl: hmmm
Death25: SHELL do have to inervene
Nekogirl: i can do more than just call you cute
Shell61_taken: 0-0 no you can't
Death25: ........
Death25: oof
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: eh, Chaos insurgency was fun while it lasted
Chromosome_snatcher: A,E,I,O,U, AND Y
Corporal_sterling: thank you snatcher, very cool
Chromosome_snatcher: CRACKY SNACKY BACKY
Death25: i am lonely :(
(anon): rip lol
Death25: shut up
Shell61_taken: lmao
Death25: or i will beat u
(anon): damn ok
(anon): beat me
Shell61_taken: *heals self*
Nekogirl: shell :3
Shell61_taken: what?
Logan_taken: back
Nekogirl: hi logan
Shell61_taken: wb
Nekogonzales2002: ah fuck here we go again
Logan_taken: wdym
Logan_taken: also thx sell
Shell61_taken: np
Nekogirl: shell how has your day gone?
Shell61_taken: it's been ok ig
Logan_taken: awful i had to do 186 questions on a exam
Nekogirl: 186?
Logan_taken: yes
Nekogirl: rookie numbes
Nekogonzales2002: yeesh, finals?
Nekogirl: numbers*
Logan_taken: no mid terms
Nekogonzales2002: oohhh
Nekogonzales2002: Mid-terms are just semester finals
(anon): breh
Logan_taken: yeah
Nekogirl: they are the pain
Nekogonzales2002: heh, yeah
Logan_taken: but it was a german exam
Nekogirl: *looks at logan*
Nekogirl: i would rather die
Logan_taken: what
Trees_the_proto: ?
Logan_taken: oh lmao
Nekogonzales2002: *yawn*
Shell61_taken: *bonks neko*
Nekogirl: just the mental image of a titan handing out christmas cookies though, i cant get over it
Nekogirl: shell
Shell61_taken: hehe~
Death25: im back
Nekogirl: a simple bonk cant stop the horny
Logan_taken: lmao
Death25: yh
Nekogirl: well in my case atleast
Logan_taken: lol
Shell61_taken: oh yeah *bonks neko really hard*
Trees_the_proto: how bout a shotgun blast?
Nekogirl: ok now im getting horny, stahp TwT
Shell61_taken: lmao
Nekogonzales2002: ehhh, I've found a modified sledgehammer with affixed Buckshot firing sensor-activated shotguns works better.
Nekogirl: bullet proof...
(anon): Elephant gun proof?
Nekogirl: rated up to 750 nitro express
Nekogirl: :3
(anon): damn
Nekogirl: you empty your mag and go home with lead pennies
Shell61_taken: *smacks neko on the back of the haed* I LIKE YOUR CUT G!!!
Shell61_taken: lmao
Logan_taken: LMAO
Logan_taken: glad you 2 are still friends
Nekogirl: if logan wasnt here...
Trees_the_proto: how to stop neko horni, you dont
Nekogirl: ^
Shell61_taken: 0-0
Logan_taken: neko wanna finish that
Ballzz: ыгы
Nekogirl: i alsomost said the same thing back but without the "G" out of reflex TwT
(anon): Ayo??
Ballzz: руддщщ
Heavyfromtf2: Hello tiny baby men
Nekogirl: but i caught myself
Ballzz: рш
Nekogirl: *thumbs up*
Ballzz: впиащ8цф7уке
Heavyfromtf2: ok then
Ballzz: кпор укрк ршутл лшкр угиги4ги
Nekogirl: hey heavy?
Heavyfromtf2: yeah?
Logan_taken: ima go watch last kingdom bye
Nekogirl: *tosses sandwich into minefeild*
Nekogirl: ok
Shell61_taken: *smacks neko and runs*
Nekogirl: ....
Heavyfromtf2: damn it.
Logan_taken: *chases shell*
Nekogirl: highly debating on doing something, but it would get me in trouble........
Heavyfromtf2: I may not be smart, but I am not dumb.
Logan_taken: nvm lmao
(anon): do it
(anon): DO IT
(anon): dew it
Shell61_taken: *keeps running*
Logan_taken: bye
Death25: lol
Shell61_taken: bye
Death25: bye
Nekogirl: bye
(anon): You were saying?
Nekogirl: *teleports in front of shell*
Shell61_taken: *stops running*
Shell61_taken: 0-0
Death25: lol
Nekogirl: *taps foot* you're in trouble young lady
Shell61_taken: ok and....?
Death25: uh oh
Nekogirl: well when i got in trouble i was spanked with an oak switch....
Shell61_taken: lmao
Nekogirl: its not fun TwT
Death25: oof
Nekogirl: but it is effective
Death25: yh
Shell61_taken: *teleports away*
Nekogirl: *snaps tree limb off* you might not want to cover your butt, it'll hurt worse
Death25: hey neko do u want the la chancla
Nekogirl: hmm ok, its a long range weapon anyway
Death25: *hands la chancla to neko*
Nekogirl: *throws it and hits shell in the calf*
Shell61_taken: *douges it*
Nekogirl: she knows the dougy
Shell61_taken: MISS ME!!!!
Death25: *pulls out a uno reverse*
Death25: no
Nekogirl: trying not to say a few things right now....
Death25: uh oh
Shell61_taken: *douges it again*
Nekogirl: also shell, chanclas are homing
Nekogirl: they have aimbot
Nekogirl: right death?
Shell61_taken: i know
Nekogirl: they are impossible to escape TwT
Shell61_taken: not for me
Death25: yh
Death25: u cant escape them
Shell61_taken: yes i can
Shell61_taken: i've done it b4
Nekogirl: well, i could always just snap and make your clothes disappear.....
Death25: uno reverse
Shell61_taken: FUCK!!!
Nekogirl: stop running or ill do it
Nekogirl: dont mess with the magic horni kitty
Shell61_taken: FUCK fine....
Nekogirl: finally
Nekogirl: TwT
Nekogirl: no bonking or im taking mine off
Shell61_taken: 0-0 shit!!!
Shell61_taken: *sits on the ground*
Death25: hah
Nekogirl: thats what i thought
Nekogirl: hmph
Death25: need a hug neko
Nekogirl: now that thats settled, i have paperwork TwT
Nekogirl: *hugs death* thanks
Shell61_taken: son of a..... i just gonna stfu now
Death25: np
Nekogirl: thank you shell
Death25: *hugs neko*
Nekogirl: :3
Shell61_taken: *looks at neko with death stair*
Nekogirl: ...
Death25: lol
Nekogirl: im gonna do what my momma woulda done if you dont get that look off yo face
Death25: lmao
Shell61_taken: *shm*
Nekogirl: also im sorry to say this....but you look good in shorts shell >////<
Nekogirl: now i have to do an article on alcohol
Death25: ok
Shell61_taken: 0//////0 *filps off neko*
Nekogirl: you know shes cute when shes mad~
Death25: yh
Nekogirl: well, and all the time
Nekogirl: *pokes shell's cheek*
Shell61_taken: looks at neko with death stair again*
Nekogirl: what did i tell you
Shell61_taken: *filps off neko again*
Nekogirl: you wanna know what my momma used to do when we gave her that look...
Death25: yh
Nekogirl: the shape of my shoulder blades are in the wall.....6 feet off the ground
Nekogirl: you respected mom and thats all there was to it
Death25: yh
Shell61_taken: *gets up and walks to dark corner and sits*
Nekogirl: *hugs shell*
Nekogirl: :3
Death25: im a sad boi cause reaper is not here
Shell61_taken: *sotfly growls*
Nekogirl: you know its hard to be dark and broody when you smile like a goof :3
Death25: yh
Nekogirl: its cute though :3
Shell61_taken: .-.
Nekogirl: im waiting for logan with a knife :3
Nekogirl: to my neck
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Nekogirl: hi blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi neko
Nekogirl: *hugs shell*
Shell61_taken: *waves at blue*
Nekogirl: im being a nuisance
Death25: HI BLUE
Nekogirl: *hugs death*
Nekogirl: *hugs blue* i am hug opra
Shell61_taken: *softly growls at neko*
Nekogirl: *boops shell's nose*
Shell61_taken: *growls*
Nekogirl: i would kiss y on the nose if it wouldnt get me killed....
Shell61_taken: *rolles eyes*
Blue_jollyrancher: *Hugs neko back* Hello death hello shell
Death25: lol
Nekogirl: well to be fair i tend to not care about getting killed
Nekogirl: but i wont cause i respect the fellow crayon eater
Shell61_taken: *drinks a bottle of blood*
Nekogirl: ..
Nekogirl: thats interesting
Nekogirl: whose and why?
Shell61_taken: *death stairs at neko*
Nekogirl: i dont think its wierd, just curious
Death25: *pulls a giant botlle of blood and starts drinking it*
Nekogirl: i mean i would be a hypocrite if i thought it was weird......puro like the taste of mine...
Death25: blood is yummy
Nekogirl: *covers the bite mark on my neck*
Nekogirl: so i hear...
Blue_jollyrancher: I kinda like blood...
Shell61_taken: *has a bloody knife beside me on the floor and drinks blood*
Nekogirl: hmm
Nekogirl: vampires?
Death25: part vampire
Shell61_taken: *hinds knife*
Blue_jollyrancher: No it tastes like copper and copper tastes good~
Death25: yh
Mxangel: Oop
Nekogirl: puro said mine tasted like razzberry to her, weird
Nekogonzales2002: what...?
Shell61_taken: *has blood on face*
Nekogirl: blood jose
Generic: i am a free man
Nekogonzales2002: why are we talking about blood...?
Nekogirl: hi gen :3
Death25: .........
Blue_jollyrancher: In rp my inner latex tastes like blueberries
Death25: blood is yummy
Nekogonzales2002: Im concerned now
Mxangel: Idk if blood really tastes like copper. Maybe it's just different for me :P
Nekogirl: its like iron and other things
Death25: yh
Shell61_taken: *drinks another bottle of blood*
Blue_jollyrancher: Blood is yummy
Blue_jollyrancher: Crap gtg bye
Mxangel: Oop bi
Death25: *chugs down 2 bottles of blood*
Shell61_taken: *sitting in dark corner drinking blood*
Death25: that was yummy
Nekogirl: shell, *teleports beside you* do yuo have an iron deficiency?
Shell61_taken: *smh no and shurgs*
Nekogirl: hmm, weird
Shell61_taken: *drinks more blood*
Nekogirl: want some of mine?
Nekogirl: im just bored
Shell61_taken: *smh no*
Nekogirl: ok
Shell61_taken: *starts to drink a bottle of fake blood*
Death25: i do
Nekogirl: well all this blood is making me feel.......something
(anon): period?
Nekogirl: horny....
Generic: anyways
Generic: next court date is jan 20
Blue_jollyrancher: I am hungry horny and tired and also have returned
Nekogonzales2002: welcome back
Shell61_taken: *thows empty blood bottle at neko*
Nekogirl: *catches it*
Shell61_taken: 0-0
Nekogirl: you know
Nekogirl: this stuff isnt good for you~
Nekogonzales2002: ok so I got a new PFP
Shell61_taken: *shurgs*
Generic: link dont work
Nekogonzales2002: damn.
Nekogonzales2002: hmmm
Nekogonzales2002: Ah here we go
Death25: there is nothing there
Nekogonzales2002: damn it...
Death25: reaper is back *happy boi noises*
Nekogirl: reaper hug your puppy
Shell61_taken: *drinks blood with whisky in it*
Nekogirl: shell i thought you said you didnt want my blood
Logan_taken: hey guys
Furryanimeboy: wtf did i come back to
Death25: he
Logan_taken: idk
Nekogirl: logan i got shell to stop bonking
Logan_taken: cool
Nekogirl: it took a threat
Logan_taken: what
Nekogirl: eh it wasnt violent
Logan_taken: no what was it
Shell61_taken: *death stair at neko*
Nekogirl: oh.....this is awkward...
Death25: yh
Corporal_sterling: ayo...?
Death25: y did u tackle me
Shell61_taken: *bonks jose really hard*
(anon): horny neko owo
Nekogirl: cause i wanted to :3
Death25: no
Nekogirl: no horny
Death25: ok
Nekogonzales2002: *I slam the head of my sledgehammer into Shells shoulder* Knock that shit off!
Nekogirl: want me to get off?
(anon): yee
Shell61_taken: never! *doesn't feel pain*
Corporal_sterling: Im lost...
Death25: yes pls
Death25: good
Nekogirl: *gets up*
Nekogonzales2002: *I crack your shin and sweep your leg* well then you shouldn't mind not having legs
Nekogirl: jose want me to show you how to get her to stop?
Death25: i got this
Death25: *cracks la chancla belt*
Chaos_insurgent_officer: the fuck going on?
Shell61_taken: no neko
Death25: shell stop ir
Nekogirl: yes
Shell61_taken: nu
Death25: yes
Nekogirl: shell you're cute :3
Shell61_taken: ok?
Nekogirl: :3
(anon): ur a cutie owo
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: 'Bout damn time I got back in
Nekogirl: hi dan :3
Shell61_taken: but that won't make me stop neko
Nekogirl: hmmm
Death25: SHELL do have to inervene
Nekogirl: i can do more than just call you cute
Shell61_taken: 0-0 no you can't
Death25: ........
Death25: oof
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: eh, Chaos insurgency was fun while it lasted
Chromosome_snatcher: A,E,I,O,U, AND Y
Corporal_sterling: thank you snatcher, very cool
Chromosome_snatcher: CRACKY SNACKY BACKY
Death25: i am lonely :(
(anon): rip lol
Death25: shut up
Shell61_taken: lmao
Death25: or i will beat u
(anon): damn ok
(anon): beat me
Shell61_taken: *heals self*
Nekogirl: shell :3
Shell61_taken: what?
Logan_taken: back
Nekogirl: hi logan
Shell61_taken: wb
Nekogonzales2002: ah fuck here we go again
Logan_taken: wdym
Logan_taken: also thx sell
Shell61_taken: np
Nekogirl: shell how has your day gone?
Shell61_taken: it's been ok ig
Logan_taken: awful i had to do 186 questions on a exam
Nekogirl: 186?
Logan_taken: yes
Nekogirl: rookie numbes
Nekogonzales2002: yeesh, finals?
Nekogirl: numbers*
Logan_taken: no mid terms
Nekogonzales2002: oohhh
Nekogonzales2002: Mid-terms are just semester finals
(anon): breh
Logan_taken: yeah
Nekogirl: they are the pain
Nekogonzales2002: heh, yeah
Logan_taken: but it was a german exam
Nekogirl: *looks at logan*
Nekogirl: i would rather die
Logan_taken: what
Trees_the_proto: ?
Logan_taken: oh lmao
Nekogonzales2002: *yawn*
Shell61_taken: *bonks neko*
Nekogirl: just the mental image of a titan handing out christmas cookies though, i cant get over it
Nekogirl: shell
Shell61_taken: hehe~
Death25: im back
Nekogirl: a simple bonk cant stop the horny
Logan_taken: lmao
Death25: yh
Nekogirl: well in my case atleast
Logan_taken: lol
Shell61_taken: oh yeah *bonks neko really hard*
Trees_the_proto: how bout a shotgun blast?
Nekogirl: ok now im getting horny, stahp TwT
Shell61_taken: lmao
Nekogonzales2002: ehhh, I've found a modified sledgehammer with affixed Buckshot firing sensor-activated shotguns works better.
Nekogirl: bullet proof...
(anon): Elephant gun proof?
Nekogirl: rated up to 750 nitro express
Nekogirl: :3
(anon): damn
Nekogirl: you empty your mag and go home with lead pennies
Shell61_taken: *smacks neko on the back of the haed* I LIKE YOUR CUT G!!!
Shell61_taken: lmao
Logan_taken: LMAO
Logan_taken: glad you 2 are still friends
Nekogirl: if logan wasnt here...
Trees_the_proto: how to stop neko horni, you dont
Nekogirl: ^
Shell61_taken: 0-0
Logan_taken: neko wanna finish that
Ballzz: ыгы
Nekogirl: i alsomost said the same thing back but without the "G" out of reflex TwT
(anon): Ayo??
Ballzz: руддщщ
Heavyfromtf2: Hello tiny baby men
Nekogirl: but i caught myself
Ballzz: рш
Nekogirl: *thumbs up*
Ballzz: впиащ8цф7уке
Heavyfromtf2: ok then
Ballzz: кпор укрк ршутл лшкр угиги4ги
Nekogirl: hey heavy?
Heavyfromtf2: yeah?
Logan_taken: ima go watch last kingdom bye
Nekogirl: *tosses sandwich into minefeild*
Nekogirl: ok
Shell61_taken: *smacks neko and runs*
Nekogirl: ....
Heavyfromtf2: damn it.
Logan_taken: *chases shell*
Nekogirl: highly debating on doing something, but it would get me in trouble........
Heavyfromtf2: I may not be smart, but I am not dumb.
Logan_taken: nvm lmao
(anon): do it
(anon): DO IT
(anon): dew it
Shell61_taken: *keeps running*
Logan_taken: bye
Death25: lol
Shell61_taken: bye
Death25: bye
Nekogirl: bye
(anon): You were saying?
Nekogirl: *teleports in front of shell*
Shell61_taken: *stops running*
Shell61_taken: 0-0
Death25: lol
Nekogirl: *taps foot* you're in trouble young lady
Shell61_taken: ok and....?
Death25: uh oh
Nekogirl: well when i got in trouble i was spanked with an oak switch....
Shell61_taken: lmao
Nekogirl: its not fun TwT
Death25: oof
Nekogirl: but it is effective
Death25: yh
Shell61_taken: *teleports away*
Nekogirl: *snaps tree limb off* you might not want to cover your butt, it'll hurt worse
Death25: hey neko do u want the la chancla
Nekogirl: hmm ok, its a long range weapon anyway
Death25: *hands la chancla to neko*
Nekogirl: *throws it and hits shell in the calf*
Shell61_taken: *douges it*
Nekogirl: she knows the dougy
Shell61_taken: MISS ME!!!!
Death25: *pulls out a uno reverse*
Death25: no
Nekogirl: trying not to say a few things right now....
Death25: uh oh
Shell61_taken: *douges it again*
Nekogirl: also shell, chanclas are homing
Nekogirl: they have aimbot
Nekogirl: right death?
Shell61_taken: i know
Nekogirl: they are impossible to escape TwT
Shell61_taken: not for me
Death25: yh
Death25: u cant escape them
Shell61_taken: yes i can
Shell61_taken: i've done it b4
Nekogirl: well, i could always just snap and make your clothes disappear.....
Death25: uno reverse
Shell61_taken: FUCK!!!
Nekogirl: stop running or ill do it
Nekogirl: dont mess with the magic horni kitty
Shell61_taken: FUCK fine....
Nekogirl: finally
Nekogirl: TwT
Nekogirl: no bonking or im taking mine off
Shell61_taken: 0-0 shit!!!
Shell61_taken: *sits on the ground*
Death25: hah
Nekogirl: thats what i thought
Nekogirl: hmph
Death25: need a hug neko
Nekogirl: now that thats settled, i have paperwork TwT
Nekogirl: *hugs death* thanks
Shell61_taken: son of a..... i just gonna stfu now
Death25: np
Nekogirl: thank you shell
Death25: *hugs neko*
Nekogirl: :3
Shell61_taken: *looks at neko with death stair*
Nekogirl: ...
Death25: lol
Nekogirl: im gonna do what my momma woulda done if you dont get that look off yo face
Death25: lmao
Shell61_taken: *shm*
Nekogirl: also im sorry to say this....but you look good in shorts shell >////<
Nekogirl: now i have to do an article on alcohol
Death25: ok
Shell61_taken: 0//////0 *filps off neko*
Nekogirl: you know shes cute when shes mad~
Death25: yh
Nekogirl: well, and all the time
Nekogirl: *pokes shell's cheek*
Shell61_taken: looks at neko with death stair again*
Nekogirl: what did i tell you
Shell61_taken: *filps off neko again*
Nekogirl: you wanna know what my momma used to do when we gave her that look...
Death25: yh
Nekogirl: the shape of my shoulder blades are in the wall.....6 feet off the ground
Nekogirl: you respected mom and thats all there was to it
Death25: yh
Shell61_taken: *gets up and walks to dark corner and sits*
Nekogirl: *hugs shell*
Nekogirl: :3
Death25: im a sad boi cause reaper is not here
Shell61_taken: *sotfly growls*
Nekogirl: you know its hard to be dark and broody when you smile like a goof :3
Death25: yh
Nekogirl: its cute though :3
Shell61_taken: .-.
Nekogirl: im waiting for logan with a knife :3
Nekogirl: to my neck
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Nekogirl: hi blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi neko
Nekogirl: *hugs shell*
Shell61_taken: *waves at blue*
Nekogirl: im being a nuisance
Death25: HI BLUE
Nekogirl: *hugs death*
Nekogirl: *hugs blue* i am hug opra
Shell61_taken: *softly growls at neko*
Nekogirl: *boops shell's nose*
Shell61_taken: *growls*
Nekogirl: i would kiss y on the nose if it wouldnt get me killed....
Shell61_taken: *rolles eyes*
Blue_jollyrancher: *Hugs neko back* Hello death hello shell
Death25: lol
Nekogirl: well to be fair i tend to not care about getting killed
Nekogirl: but i wont cause i respect the fellow crayon eater
Shell61_taken: *drinks a bottle of blood*
Nekogirl: ..
Nekogirl: thats interesting
Nekogirl: whose and why?
Shell61_taken: *death stairs at neko*
Nekogirl: i dont think its wierd, just curious
Death25: *pulls a giant botlle of blood and starts drinking it*
Nekogirl: i mean i would be a hypocrite if i thought it was weird......puro like the taste of mine...
Death25: blood is yummy
Nekogirl: *covers the bite mark on my neck*
Nekogirl: so i hear...
Blue_jollyrancher: I kinda like blood...
Shell61_taken: *has a bloody knife beside me on the floor and drinks blood*
Nekogirl: hmm
Nekogirl: vampires?
Death25: part vampire
Shell61_taken: *hinds knife*
Blue_jollyrancher: No it tastes like copper and copper tastes good~
Death25: yh
Mxangel: Oop
Nekogirl: puro said mine tasted like razzberry to her, weird
Nekogonzales2002: what...?
Shell61_taken: *has blood on face*
Nekogirl: blood jose
Generic: i am a free man
Nekogonzales2002: why are we talking about blood...?
Nekogirl: hi gen :3
Death25: .........
Blue_jollyrancher: In rp my inner latex tastes like blueberries
Death25: blood is yummy
Nekogonzales2002: Im concerned now
Mxangel: Idk if blood really tastes like copper. Maybe it's just different for me :P
Nekogirl: its like iron and other things
Death25: yh
Shell61_taken: *drinks another bottle of blood*
Blue_jollyrancher: Blood is yummy
Blue_jollyrancher: Crap gtg bye
Mxangel: Oop bi
Death25: *chugs down 2 bottles of blood*
Shell61_taken: *sitting in dark corner drinking blood*
Death25: that was yummy
Nekogirl: shell, *teleports beside you* do yuo have an iron deficiency?
Shell61_taken: *smh no and shurgs*
Nekogirl: hmm, weird
Shell61_taken: *drinks more blood*
Nekogirl: want some of mine?
Nekogirl: im just bored
Shell61_taken: *smh no*
Nekogirl: ok
Shell61_taken: *starts to drink a bottle of fake blood*
Death25: i do
Nekogirl: well all this blood is making me feel.......something
(anon): period?
Nekogirl: horny....
Generic: anyways
Generic: next court date is jan 20
Blue_jollyrancher: I am hungry horny and tired and also have returned
Nekogonzales2002: welcome back
Shell61_taken: *thows empty blood bottle at neko*
Nekogirl: *catches it*
Shell61_taken: 0-0
Nekogirl: you know
Nekogirl: this stuff isnt good for you~
Nekogonzales2002: ok so I got a new PFP
Shell61_taken: *shurgs*
Generic: link dont work
Nekogonzales2002: damn.
Nekogonzales2002: hmmm
Nekogonzales2002: Ah here we go
Death25: there is nothing there
Nekogonzales2002: damn it...
Death25: reaper is back *happy boi noises*
Nekogirl: reaper hug your puppy
Shell61_taken: *drinks blood with whisky in it*
Nekogirl: shell i thought you said you didnt want my blood
Logan_taken: hey guys
Furryanimeboy: wtf did i come back to
Death25: he
Logan_taken: idk
Nekogirl: logan i got shell to stop bonking
Logan_taken: cool
Nekogirl: it took a threat
Logan_taken: what
Nekogirl: eh it wasnt violent
Logan_taken: no what was it
Shell61_taken: *death stair at neko*
Death25: *hugs reaper*
Nekogirl: clothes disappear
Femboyreaper: hi
Nekogirl: hi reaper :3
Logan_taken: *hugs shell*
Furryanimeboy: NOPE FUCK THIS IM OUT
Femboyreaper: hey neko
Shell61_taken: *hugs back*
Furryanimeboy: COMMUNSIM
Death25: YES
Blue_jollyrancher: *Sits in corner*
Nekogirl: *is fascist*
Death25: ...........
Generic: socialism
British_grenadier: *Is british*
Generic: bri'ish
Furryanimeboy: MERICA FUCK YEA
Shell61_taken: *walks to neko and smacks her*
Death25: TRY
Death25: me
Nekogirl: dont do that shell, i dont want to moan in public
Death25: *pulls la chancla*
Nekogonzales2002: Ok imma go for a second
Furryanimeboy: *ABOUT THORWS UP*
Furryanimeboy: to much sceaming
Shell61_taken: *death stair at neko*
(anon): *stare
Nekogirl: i love that look :3
(anon): *Vine boom*
Nekogirl: sorry logan
Logan_taken: *slaps neko* no
Nekogirl: now you're doing it
Nekogirl: its common sense: dont slap the masochist
Blue_jollyrancher: Feed me!
Shell61_taken: *smacks neko really hrad*
Logan_taken: *gives blue food*
Nekogirl: *winces and blushes*
Furryanimeboy: IT TIME TO STOP
Logan_taken: *punches neko as hard as i can* DONT BE HORNY TO HER
Nekogirl: im not
Nekogirl: im just horny in general
Nekogirl: no caps plaes
Nekogirl: please*
Nekogirl: wow i fucked that up
Logan_taken: no horny to shell that my job
Logan_taken: oop
Nekogirl: logan....
Death25: 4k
Kk100: whats the game name
Shell61_taken: 0-0
Logan_taken: lmao its a joke
Nekogirl: you're fired for sleeping on the job
Nekogirl: 🤣
Nekogirl: ok im done
Nekogirl: :3
Logan_taken: hes te one to call DR.FEELGOOD
Logan_taken: the*
Shell61_taken: *walks back to corner and drinks more blood*
Blue_jollyrancher: *Eats food silently*
Logan_taken: *follows shell*
Generic: who wants dicked down
Nekogirl: ....
Nekogirl: me but not from you....
Logan_taken: from who
Nekogirl: ...
Nekogirl: i have a list of 3 names
Logan_taken: daughter isnt it
Nekogirl: shes one yes TwT
Nekogonzales2002: 3 names for what...?
Logan_taken: lmao
Obamabinladen: i want to play meincraft
Nekogirl: getting "dicked down" jose
Nekogonzales2002: oh...
Death25: lol
Nekogirl: jose, you might also be on the list.....
Nekogonzales2002: ... ok then
Nekogirl: and the last is.......
Nekogirl: logan
Nekogonzales2002: Oh I was gonna guess puro
Nekogirl: im joking its puro 🤣
Nekogonzales2002: Called it
Death25: lol
(anon): e ae aeee ea eo ao o
Logan_taken: ..................
Nekogirl: i wouldnt let logan's dick anywhere near my holes...
Nekogonzales2002: Beware the diseases
Nekogirl: sorry bud, but im sure you couldnt care less
Logan_taken: i wouldnt want my dick near them lmao
Nekogirl: see
(anon): WooOooOOOooOoOoOOoOh hahahahaaah
Nekogirl: thats why i made the joke
Nekogirl: cause i knew he wouldnt care
Nekogirl: i was hoping to get a rise out of everyone else
Logan_taken: well yo ugot a rise from me and not in a good way
Nekogonzales2002: Chats kinda dead rn
Death25: yh
Nekogirl: logan.....
Shell61_taken: *drinks of blood and thows it at neko*
Logan_taken: what neko
Nekogonzales2002: *Bats that shit away*
Nekogirl: is it the kind of rise im thinking of?
(anon): ayo
(anon): BIG PP
Nekogirl: *catches it*
Death25: *catches the bottle shell through*
Nekogirl: i meant you getting pissed off
Logan_taken: oh yes a little
Nekogonzales2002: horny fucks
(anon): says the catgirl
Nekogirl: death let go of the bottle
Nekogonzales2002: *Bonks anon with decimator* silence wench
(anon): *Crack* 101 bone jokes
Nekogirl: jose
Nekogonzales2002: yeah
(anon): hot mommy dommies in your area for free
(anon): kromer
(anon): kromer
(anon): kromer
(anon): kromer
Death25: ok
Death25: *lets go*
(anon): click 4 free penis enlargement
Logan_taken: no
(anon): click 4 free kromer
Nekogirl: didnt you want to stay a catgirl originally cause you were pregnant?
Nekogonzales2002: ...
(anon): hot mommy dommies in your area, click here
Shell61_taken: hmmmm *thows kinfe near neko's head*
(anon): Click [Hyperlink blocked]
Fluffythickdoggo: nu
Fluffythickdoggo: are you still here trees?
Generic: bruh wut fkn ss LMAOO