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Latest commit b18ade6 Mar 27, 2023 History
1 contributor

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193 lines (193 sloc) 5.65 KB
Ncdc: I didn't...
Ncdc: Ah darnit
Dtrump: overused meme
Ncdc joined.
Assmaster: hi
Ncdc: So I am 21 and you?
Assmaster: 23
Ncdc: No that girl
Girl4you: 22
Ncdc: Lol
Girl4you: but stop pls
Ncdc: With what
Ncdc: We're just started
Ncdc won the round!
Ncdc: 21 22 23
Ncdc: Now we need an 20 years old one
Girl4you: invite more players if u can
Ncdc: Ahh
Ncdc: You just use me
Ncdc: Well ok
Bakersfield joined.
Assmaster won the round!
Girl4you: yes, are you a simp?
Girl4you: haha
Butterscotch joined.
Ncdc: What's wrong with liking woman too much?
Bakersfield won the round!
Girl4you: Nothing
Ncdc: I mean... Just a little bit of bloopers and posting here would be good for the wellbeing
Assmaster: bloopers?
Girl4you won the round!
Girl4you: True
Bakersfield logged out.
Bakerfield joined.
Ncdc won the round!
Ncdc: There's to publish pictures
Ncdc won the round!
Ncdc: And we're anonym
Ncdc: And bobs... exists
Girl4you won the round!
Girl4you: What
Ncdc: A picture-hosting website where you can make your pic to an online link
Bakerfield won the round!
Ohfuck joined.
Girl4you: Nice
Sillysamtastic joined.
Ncdc: And I asked you for some part to photo yourself because why not
Ncdc: The night is still young, babe
Bakerfield: I agree
Ncdc: See? He agrees.
Girl4you: I dont know you
Ncdc: My name is Ncdc
Ncdc: Now you know me enough where
Girl4you: Really...?
Ncdc: to whisper
Assmaster won the round!
Ncdc: What would go wrong?
Ncdc: Like we all visit biology class and know how it looks like down there
Ohfuck won the round!
Ncdc: Also everyone just know your name too so
Girl4you: Ok fine...
Ncdc: Yay
Girl4you: But i am not beautiful are u sure?
Ncdc: Man I am excited
Ncdc: I am ugly too so it balanced
Girl4you won the round!
Girl4you: Ok
Ncdc: I mean it motivationaly
Ohfuck: how dark should this one be
Bakerfield logged out.
Assmaster won the round!
below 01:08
Ncdc: Like were all are hidden behind our monitors.
Ncdc: To be honest
Ohfuck: im so sorry
Ncdc: It's more beautiful than I excepted
Ohfuck: but at the same time
Girl4you: Really?
Ohfuck: im not
Ncdc: Like I don't deserve this. I should spend 5 $ on it
Assmaster: song is Iron Lotus my MILI
Ncdc: I am not good at feedbacks
Girl4you: Thx
Assmaster: *by
Ncdc: But it looks soft and nice like you are
Girl4you won the round!
Ncdc: Dumb question but are you Indian or Asian?
Butterscotch logged out.
Girl4you: Thx you so much
Girl4you: Indian
Ncdc: You are welcome
Ncdc: Lol I guess right
Ncdc: Because of that call color and chain around your neck
Ncdc: My English bad
Girl4you: Yes
Girl4you won the round!
Ncdc: Well anyways, I kiss your cheeks and you're a very courageous woman and young looking :-*
Assmaster won the round!
Girl4you: But please do not share it or put it on internet please
Ncdc: Why would I
Ohfuck: how old are you?
Ncdc: After all I have no friends
Ncdc: 21
Girl4you: I am 22
Ncdc: Yeah we told that earlier
Sillysamtastic: If you’re 22 what year were you born
Girl4you: Can I get a photo with you please?
Ncdc: And she can embrace herself openly
Jefferybezos joined.
Girl4you: I was born on 21 january 2000
Ohfuck: ok
Ncdc: "with you" you mean who
Sillysamtastic: OK
Girl4you: you?
Ncdc: me?
Ohfuck: i have seen things looking for the perfect image, end my life
Ncdc: Like me me?
Girl4you: I mean, when were you born and yes photo with ncdc
Ncdc: I choose woman because they're naturally automatically more beautiful than me
Ncdc: Bruh
Assmaster: ?
Ncdc: Do you doubt I am 21?
Assmaster won the round!
Jefferybezos: Bro what
Ncdc: I mean it's voluntary, right?
Jefferybezos: there was another jeffery bezos lmao
Girl4you: no but what date
Ncdc: date?
Ncdc: Man that's some extra steps there
Girl4you won the round!
Jefferybezos: I was the og jefferybezos
Ncdc: I am the introvert loner boy
Girl4you: yes what date and photo please?
Ohfuck logged out.
Ncdc: Ah this date
Ncdc: Still kinda sus. Is this Facebook account registration or what?
Ncdc: There's other ppl in this chat
Sillysamtastic won the round!
Ncdc: Why focusing of me
Girl4you: because you asked me for photo
Ncdc: Yees
Ncdc: And that means?
Sillysamtastic: Oh my God yes this is public
Assmaster: yes it is
Girl4you: you can wishper me
Ncdc: I told her the whisper function to be fair
Ncdc: Thx
Girl4you: was it public????
Ncdc: Because... I am bad at commitments
Ncdc: Just enjoy your life
Ncdc won the round!
Jefferybezos: Wtf is going on here lmao
Girl4you: please please delete the photo
Ncdc: You did a good contribution to this hu Manity
Ncdc: Ok
Sillysamtastic: Ur pic yes it was
Girl4you: please
Ncdc: act on it
Jefferybezos: What tf happened
Ncdc: The host can delete photos
Ncdc: she will leave
Girl4you: please host please
Ncdc: anyways I guess
Assmaster: its gone
Sillysamtastic: Lol
Sillysamtastic: im dead
Ncdc: It always has been gone
Mommymaya joined.
Girl4you: thank you so much
Ncdc: she will get worried even more
Ncdc: Now anything to do tonight?
Ncdc: There's another chat outside this game
Girl4you: yes play this game
Ncdc: There's Generic and Femmy. They're nice ppl
Girl4you: you?
Ncdc: I just recommend you other ppl
Girl4you: where are you from?
Ncdc: Because they share the similar fate than you
Ncdc: Italy
Girl4you won the round!
Generic joined.
Ncdc: Well, but it's 1 o'clock in italy
Girl4you: oh nice
Generic: bruh wtf
Ncdc: So I need my sleep
Mommymaya logged out.
Assmaster: hi gen
Generic: who TF
Ncdc: Good night guys
Generic: took my color