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502 lines (499 sloc) 16.7 KB
Separatio: hes reaction would of been so funny
Logan_single: im confused
Separatio: nothing happened it was just to mess with him
Logan_single: not that
Separatio: oh
Separatio: what then
Femboyreaper: AHHHHH
Separatio: AHHHH what
Femboyreaper: i hate people
Furryboi34: ill be bac
Logan_single: i thought you 2 were guys lol
Femboyreaper: with a passion
Logan_single: same reaper
Femboyreaper: look i donr hate furries
Separatio: but
Timebother: :|
Femboyreaper: but if i see one in the street with a fursuit on
Femboyreaper: so help me god
Timebother: jump
Logan_single: kill it
Separatio: ;) is gonna happen
Femboyreaper: NO
Femboyreaper: SEP NO
Separatio: lol
Femboyreaper: i will drop kick it with the might of zeus
Timebother: ye
Separatio: and enjoy their moaning
Femboyreaper: nope
Separatio: yep
Femboyreaper: shush
Logan_single: fuck drop kick it ill shot the damn thing till is moosh
Separatio: lmao
Femboyreaper: shot
Logan_single: its*
Timebother: jump it
Logan_single: shoot*
Femboyreaper: i gtg guys
Femboyreaper: byeeeeee
Logan_single: byeeeee
Separatio: ok
Timebother: bye
Timebother: f
Shell61_taken: bye
Logan_single: i hate my life so damn much
Separatio: ok
Timebother: ye
Logan_single: lol
Separatio: we do to
Logan_single: anywaaaaay
Separatio: no
Logan_single: no what
Timebother: does anyone on this place have a positive outlook on life?
Separatio: no
Logan_single: nope
Logan_single: : )
Separatio: i didnt choose to be born so why would i like it
Timebother: rip
Logan_single: very good point
Separatio: god said here have fun with torture
Timebother: i exist without my consent
Logan_single: lmao
Separatio: lol
Separatio: what does a gun get if it has too many bullets
Logan_single: My flesh will feed the demon
No trial, no case for reason
I've been chosen to pay with my life
Mad men define what mad is
Turning witches and saints to ashes
Rising masses marching to find heretic blood
Separatio: dia bbs
Timebother: wtf
Separatio: dia bbs
Separatio: like biabetes
Logan_single: sorry its called heretic by avenged sevenfold
Timebother: the joke was interrupted with logan
Timebother: i get it
Logan_single: lol
Furryanimegirl: so confused
Separatio: i got it from paradise pd
Logan_single: My flesh will feed the demon
No trial, no case for reason
I've been chosen to pay with my life
Mad men define what mad is
Turning witches and saints to ashes
Rising masses marching to find heretic blood
Timebother: diabetes
Timebother: smh
Logan_single: same anime
Logan_single: reeeeeeeeeeeeee
Separatio: i have to go in 7 minutes
Separatio: to my next class
Logan_single: same
Furryanimegirl: cool
Separatio: then i will be back on
Furryanimegirl: im suspended
Logan_single: lol
Separatio: lucky
Blue_jollyrancher: .-.
Logan_single: ive been away
Timebother: for what
Logan_single: searching for a reaason
Logan_single: another purpose to fight
Furryanimegirl: skipping
Logan_single: sorry
Timebother: f
Separatio: i used to get suspended for fighting all the time
Separatio: i threw a kid down a slide
Famiiiarpenity: that was me in grade school
Timebother: damn
Separatio: broke someones nose for not shutting TF up
Logan_single: im listening to Hail To The King album by avenged sevenfold
Famiiiarpenity: i fucking yeeted a kid down a fucking stair well in the 7th grade
Timebother: nice
Logan_single: lol
Separatio: beat up 3 kids that tried t ojump me
Furryanimegirl: avenged sevenfold, cool
Timebother: ojump
Logan_single: yeah very good band
Famiiiarpenity: that also happened to me in the 5th grade
Separatio: kids cant fight
Famiiiarpenity: ^
Furryanimegirl: and why fight when you can do drugs
Timebother: ye
Separatio: that the point
Logan_single: right
Furryanimeboy: SENPAI NO
Timebother: no
Furryanimegirl: senpai yes
Furryanimeboy: T.T
Timebother: i will smite you
Logan_single: plz do
Separatio: smite me harder
Logan_single: to me
Timebother: horny
Separatio: lol
Famiiiarpenity: seperatio, legit one of the fights in my high school was a domestic dispute between a lesbian couple, one of the girls just fucking bodied the other, she fucking threw her ass on the ground, walked away, the other girl got up, tried to tackle her, the girl then side stepped out the way, and started beating her ass
Furryanimegirl: damn, who called the paragraph squad
Logan_single: no one
Separatio: i bit a hole in my privat schools teachers arm in pre k
Logan_single: nice
Timebother: -_-
Furryanimegirl: same, but in like 3rd grade
Furryanimeboy: *still a corgi walks up to furryanimegirl* hi T.T
Logan_single: gtg
Logan_single: byeeeeeeeeeee
Furryanimegirl: pets* hello
Timebother: bye
Separatio: and i bit a hole in a kids back because he was ontop of me in 4th grade
Famiiiarpenity: i burnt down a playground in the 5th grade
Timebother: sur
Separatio: lol
Famiiiarpenity: i did though
Separatio: i brought a knife to school in 1st grade
Famiiiarpenity: kids during the day were being dicks, so i took away the thing they wanted
Famiiiarpenity: i also brought a knife to school, but that was also in the 7th grade
Separatio: i dont know why though
Separatio: i thought it was CoOl
Furryanimegirl: im makin a public game, anyone who wants to join can join
Separatio: k
Famiiiarpenity: i forgot it was in my pocket because, the day before some one tried stealing the bikes i had chained up on my back porch
Timebother: gtg soon
Furryanimeboy: fp this you
Furryanimeboy: HERMOSA — Nixon Elementary School's playground — built after years of parent advocacy — was destroyed in an arson fire Tuesday evening, devastating the school community. The playground, 2121 N. Keeler Ave., went up in flames about 6 p.m. Tuesday. No one was hurt, but the flames torched the playground, authorities said.
Famiiiarpenity: no, mine was east elementary
Famiiiarpenity: they thought it was a cigarette bud that did it, thats what the paper said anyways, but it wasn't i was arrested for it
Separatio: big brain
Famiiiarpenity: and i had a shit ton of wooden matches
Separatio: aight gtg brb
Separatio: time for next class
Famiiiarpenity: my next class is in 31 minutes
Blue_jollyrancher: .c
Famiiiarpenity: my jobo teacher is giving us a history lesson on pearl harbor
Nekogirl: *falls asleep behind the bar*
Separatio: back
Shell61_taken: *sitting on ground*
Nekogirl: *kisses shell's head* bye
Shell61_taken: >///< bye
Blue_jollyrancher: hello?
Trees_the_proto: Yello
Blue_jollyrancher: hi tress
Blue_jollyrancher: how are you today
Trees_the_proto: good to be with a cutie blue~
Blue_jollyrancher: whos the cutie?
Trees_the_proto: u
Blue_jollyrancher: oh..
Blue_jollyrancher: o///o
Separatio: im bored
Blue_jollyrancher: i'm am flustered
Separatio: ok
Separatio: why
Shell61_taken: hola
Separatio: shut up
Blue_jollyrancher: someone giving me damn complements and it sweet but i'm flustered
Shell61_taken: -_- really
Trees_the_proto: Heheh...-
Separatio: who else knows how to force small amounts of adrenaline to be released so you dont fall asleep
Separatio: and act diffrent
Separatio: more aggresive
Separatio: and hyper
Trees_the_proto: inject adrenaline into you.
Separatio: your body makes it for you
Blue_jollyrancher: true
Blue_jollyrancher: i'm getting tired again
Depresseddom52: Penis
Depresseddom52: and now I leave
Separatio: do what i do
Separatio: not the adreniline thing
Separatio: that took me awhile
Blue_jollyrancher: mhm?
Separatio: close your eyes as you flex the muscles in your eyelids then open them real fast as your still flexing them
Blue_jollyrancher: shit i gtg
Blue_jollyrancher: be back in 15 mins
Separatio: ok
Separatio: your beating your schmeat arent you
Nekogonzales2002: wtf
Furryboi34: wth did i come back to
Shell61_taken: idk
Separatio: lol
Separatio: dont worry i can explain
Nekogonzales2002: do I even wanna know
Shell61_taken: oh god
Separatio: the russians
Separatio: they did it
Nekogonzales2002: blame natasha
Joshua_graham: the time for talk has passed
Joshua_graham: the lords work must be done.
Shell61_taken: thank you god! *looks up at the sky*
Shirleybean: o-o
Blue_jollyrancher: hello?
Famiiiarpenity: soooo, i just got news from blue, that some asshole deleted my account
Nekogonzales2002: hello
Shirleybean: Hello
Famiiiarpenity: WHO THE FUCK DID IT
Joshua_graham: *Loads 1911* Im going to go execute someone, be right back
Shirleybean: o-o
Famiiiarpenity: there was a mr. graham that had sex with a student here in my high school my freshmen year
Joshua_graham: <_<
Famiiiarpenity: you heard me
Famiiiarpenity: it was like, the first week too
Shirleybean: ;-;
Separatio: ?
Separatio: ?
Separatio: ?
Separatio: ?
Separatio: ?
Separatio: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Separatio: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Joshua_graham: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Famiiiarpenity: ?
Famiiiarpenity: v?
Famiiiarpenity: ?v
Famiiiarpenity: v
Famiiiarpenity: ?
Famiiiarpenity: v
Shirleybean: ?
Famiiiarpenity: ??
Famiiiarpenity: ?
Famiiiarpenity: ?
Famiiiarpenity: ?
Famiiiarpenity: ?
Joshua_graham: ???????????????
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: ?
Shirleybean: v
Shirleybean: ?
Shell61_taken: STOP SPAMING
(anon): no
Shell61_taken: -_-
(anon): no
Blue_jollyrancher: back and breathing air
Generic: helll
Generic: hello*
Blue_jollyrancher: hello
Nekogonzales2002: welcome back
Generic: jus had to take my pre act, shit sucked
Generic: didnt learn half of it
Blue_jollyrancher: I havn't done any sat prep
Nekogonzales2002: oof
Separatio: we are doing stitching
Joshua_graham: vibin' to death by glamor
Nekogonzales2002: Ah fuck we got stitching today
Generic: da wut?
Separatio: time to bleed
Blue_jollyrancher: Fp you see the half gallon thing onmy desk
Joshua_graham: oh boy
Generic: i keep forgetting yall actually go to the same school
Nekogonzales2002: nah its like 3 major schools
Blue_jollyrancher: ^
(anon): e
Blue_jollyrancher: Jose want a monster
Nekogonzales2002: what flavor
Separatio: skin
Shell61_taken: i don't go to the same school as yall
Generic: i want a monster
Joshua_graham: you take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen
Zakk: i need more sleep
Blue_jollyrancher: Ultra sunrise
Logan_single: re
Nekogonzales2002: sure why not
Blue_jollyrancher: here *hands monster*
Nekogonzales2002: *Takes and consumes*
Generic: *cums*
Generic: i mean thank u
Joshua_graham: o_O
Blue_jollyrancher: I'll sit here with my piss juice
Separatio: you have been druged
Nekogonzales2002: I have been flashbanged by woods
Nekogonzales2002: words
Generic: finna flashbang ur asshole
Blue_jollyrancher: imma look at an reddit artist on my phone
Nekogonzales2002: ok
(anon): ooo
(anon): who it be
Zakk: your going to flashbang someones asshole??
Blue_jollyrancher: oh just someone
Zakk: what the fuck
(anon): When your not able to look at the tempered glass from the side to distinguish the refraction
Separatio: STFU
Generic: when u an anon and nobody cares abt ur opinion
Zakk: please
Zakk: shut tf up
Separatio: generic understands why i said STFU
Zakk: mhmm
Separatio: MHMM
Shell61_taken: Bq:
Separatio: E
Separatio: E
Separatio: E
Separatio: E
Separatio: E
Separatio: E
Separatio: e
Separatio: E
Separatio: E
Separatio: E
Separatio: e
Tigerado: Huhu
Separatio: i stop now
(anon): When your not able to look at the tempered glass from the side to distinguish the refraction
Generic: this is y i muted all anons
Generic: and i shall repeat that process now
(anon): ok
Zakk: every anon is just a little 5 to 6 year old acting like there cool
(anon): ok hold on
Music_mann: ok im logged in
Separatio: i mute anon
Music_mann: any requests?
Zakk: uh
Zakk: idk
Separatio: yeah how about shutting the FUCK UP
Music_mann: lol ok
Separatio: im kidding
Separatio: your fine
Zakk: im out
Separatio: k
Music_mann: *Strums out Eurodyne Yacht theme*
(anon): nitroglycerin cum
Separatio: whos school blocks everything on youtube
Joshua_graham: *hand raise*
Separatio: use this
Separatio: you can search key words instead of links btw
Separatio: and if you click the middle download button it doesnt download but open a video player and it works
Generic: oh if u need to unblock vids i got u vro vro
Generic: i got a way easier option
Mommymilkers42069: Genericcccc
Shell61_taken: *shapshifts into a wolf cub*
Generic: MOMMY
Mommymilkers42069: aaaaa how are you
Generic: ok so say this is ur url ''
Generic: jus put a dash in between the t and the u like ''''
Generic: and im okay
Generic: i just took the pre act and now im having to take a math test which is pretty bs
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Shell61_taken: lol *is a wolf cub*
Generic: shell...
Generic: wtf did i say abt furry in pub
Shell61_taken: what?
Generic: nvm
Generic: Shell61_taken: lol *is a wolf cub*
Generic: explain?
Shell61_taken: ok? that doesn't mean i'm a furry dambfuck
Generic: .....
Generic: Generic: Shell61_taken: lol *is a wolf cub*
Generic: Generic: Generic: Shell61_taken: lol *is a wolf cub*
Generic: Generic: Generic: Generic: Shell61_taken: lol *is a wolf cub*
Generic: Generic: Generic: Generic: Generic: Shell61_taken: lol *is a wolf cub*
Generic: Generic: Generic: Generic: Generic: Generic: Shell61_taken: lol *is a wolf cub*
Generic: Generic: Generic: Generic: Generic: Generic: Generic: Shell61_taken: lol *is a wolf cub*
Shell61_taken: 😡🤬
Generic: i win
Mommymilkers42069: oop-
Shell61_taken: no
Shell61_taken: bc i am not a FURRYYYYYYYYY
Nekogirl: hmm
Nekogirl: press x to doubt
Generic: wsp neko
Furryanimeboy: WTF did i come back to
Nekogonzales2002: x
Nekogirl: im joking shell is normal
Generic: nothing too interesting
Nekogirl: also hi gen
Generic: i got like 3 hours of sleep
Shell61_taken: NEKOOOOOOOOOOO *jumps on neko*
Nekogirl: oof
Nekogirl: hi sweetie~
Shell61_taken: hehe~
Shell61_taken: :)
Skyz_maine_coon: the world is gonna end in 2030...
Nekogirl: i hope so
Blue_jollyrancher: nice
Nekogirl: *kisses shells cheek*
Shell61_taken: >////<
(anon): ayo
Generic: and idk if u read it neko, but i had to take my pre act this morning and, having 3 hours of sleep and minor withdrawals is not da wae
Nekogirl: what do you mean
Nekogonzales2002: jesus calm down
Nekogirl: sky.........i will end you if you upset shell
Nekogirl: just a warning
Skyz_maine_coon: TRY ME BITCH
Blue_jollyrancher: Sky whats wrong with it?
Generic: "stop ur lesbian shit its annoying as fuck"
Generic: homophobic type beat
Nekogirl: no thanks you dont look that good
Nekogirl: he just doesnt like rp in general
Skyz_maine_coon: sorry i dont wanna end a girl uglier than a dirty swimming pool ^-^
Skyz_maine_coon: much ugllier than shit itself
Blue_jollyrancher: Sky what the hell is the problem?
Nekogirl: that hurts but is a bit correct.....
Generic: damn chill skyz
Furryanimeboy: i would love for it to end NOW PLZ GOD BLOW UP EARTH STOP THIS HELL HOLE FROM LIVING
Nekogonzales2002: holy hell
Generic: wut...
Generic: are...
Generic: u
Generic: talking
Generic: abt
Skyz_maine_coon: just kidding its gonna end in 600000000 years
Furryanimeboy: NOOOOOOOOO
Generic: the earth isnt gonna end any time soon so..
Generic: dont get ur hopes up
Shell61_taken: lmfao
Furryanimeboy: I CAN MAKE IT END
Nekogirl: i dont know, biden is a leader of one of the top world powers
Nekogirl: its on a fast track to ded
Generic: i honestly couldnt care less abt politics
Generic: all ik is that the last 2 presidents have been retards
Nekogirl: *poofs into me but mouse sized* i like this forma lot better wolfie~
Nekogirl: ooop Ow
Callmelili: Oh wtf
Generic: ...
Nekogirl: eh
Generic: how is this not furry
Generic: and hello lili
Nekogirl: im defintely a furry
Nekogirl: shell however is not
Shell61_taken: *lays on the ground*
Generic: i jus dont understand the community
Generic: or the appeal
Nekogirl: well
Furryanimeboy: I'm a furry but that's obvious
Nekogirl: its welcoming and warm fluff titties are fun to touch
Nekogonzales2002: ._.
Nekogirl: tell me im wrong
Furryanimeboy: sadly your not wrong
Furryboi34: heya everyone
Nekogirl: its also really freindly
Nekogirl: another furry
Nekogirl: cool
Shell61_taken: lmao
Nekogirl: im tempted to say furry group hug
Nekogirl: wonder how many people would participate