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Comenlal: theres worse things than pedophilkia
Generic: stop trying to justify pedophillia
Comenlal: why
Koda: yea fr
Koda: wtf
Generic: its disgusting
Koda: pedophilia is bad
Koda: period
Comenlal: but what am I doing wrong
Koda: thats it.
Koda: it's bad.
Comenlal: Generic: its disgusting
Generic: u know how ez it is to get an underrage person to give "consent"
Comenlal: yeah lets make a campaign against brocolli
Comenlal: Generic: its disgusting
Comenlal: I find gays distuighting
Comenlal: Generic: its disgusting
Generic: u are fucked up in the head my goodman
Koda: bro wtf.
Generic: and spell it right b4 u come at me retard
Comenlal: You just indoctrinated that way
Koda: lmaooooooo
Koda: i can see why you're single and unemployed.
Comenlal: theres no higher reason except "law" or culture to forbid hebdophilia
Generic: comenial are u in college?
Comenlal: kind of
Koda: thanks devilboobs
Comenlal: state-paid simulated college
Generic: ...its a yes or no question
Devilboobs: yuer welcom
Generic: are u currently in college
Comenlal: more yes
Generic: ok
Comenlal: what does it matter?
Generic: but u dont live in a dorm no?
Comenlal: what dorm?
Generic: u live in ur own house?
Comenlal: no
Generic: or in a house at least?
Comenlal: I live with my roommates
Comenlal: its a shared house
Comenlal: like a motel
Generic: interesting
Comenlal: I am with adult boys calm down
Comenlal: and I am NOt gay
Generic: thats not what i was going for.
Daughter: im gay
Generic: thank u for that input daughter
Comenlal: man I got so distracted
Daughter: np
Comenlal: all I wanted is just memeing Koda Rin ship
Koda: dude
Koda: u said u hate gays
Koda: and defended pedophilia
Koda: :|
Generic: yup
Koda: also hi daughter.
Daughter: hilo
Koda: hru?
Callmelili: Apple bees and dog cum
Daughter: im in pain
Koda: whys that?
Comenlal: just acringe meme for koda
Callmelili: Period?
Koda: ima just
Koda: not open it
Koda: seems easy enough.
Comenlal: head out?
Daughter: just emotional pain from thinking about something
Generic: comenial i have a video id like u to check out
Koda: oof
Comenlal: yeah
Logan_single: hey guys
Koda: well hope you get better
Koda: generic
Koda: do it in whisper
Comenlal: someone cant decide about being pedo
Generic: imma whisper it rq
Koda: hi logan
Callmelili: Who cant decide
Logan_single: hey koda
Comenlal: the pedos
Comenlal: their sexual orientation
Callmelili: Shut up cand
Comenlal: and Generic lin kk doesnt work for me
Comenlal: I gone too far kind of
Generic: sucks to suck
Comenlal: thats a CAH card
Koda: lol
Comenlal: just...
Comenlal: what if she looks like 18
Comenlal: Hmmmmmmmmmmm
Koda: dude
Comenlal: I mean for real
Koda: there is no excuse for liking a minor u pedo.
Comenlal: what if it hits yoiu
Koda: if she is under 18
Koda: she's under 18.
Koda: you have to fucking ask
Comenlal: and than your reputation gots destroyed
Koda: you can't just assume the age.
Callmelili: Now from the top make it drop
Comenlal: just because of some love
Daughter: what if they're 500 years old but look 14?
Comenlal: do we not all want more love?
Comenlal: In this cruel world?
Comenlal: and now just because shes 17
Comenlal: I get unished by the police
Comenlal: how is that fair?
Koda: stfu loser
Koda: get a job.
Generic: sounds like uve experienced this b4 comenial....
Comenlal: but yeah thats a whole different story compare to gays in the 1960s
Comenlal: Ok children are too young
Callmelili: *cums*
Nekogirl: hmmm i showed up during something interesting, can anyone give me context?
Generic: mans tryna justify the 15 yr old he fucked when he was 20
Koda: yea
Comenlal: but most teens nowadays already got exposure from adult content since 10 or earlier
Koda: dude is defending pedophiles
Koda: and saying he hates gay people
Daughter: wao
Comenlal: I saw children smoking pot
Koda: dude is just a fucking loser
Logan_single: hey d
Generic: wuts ur point, weed is cewl
Comenlal: so when porn is ok among all ages in this society?
Eniroc: My face
Eniroc: is pain
Koda: finally rin
Generic: AMOGUS???
Koda: welcome back.
Eniroc: I go die now
Daughter: sus
Eniroc: Sorry fam called
Comenlal: And the puberty according to some studies goes earlier biological speaking
Callmelili: D
Comenlal: why not adopting to changes
Daughter: imposor
Nekogirl: jesus alt
Daughter: eject him
Comenlal: ok I find those studies
Callmelili: immpocum
Callmelili: Jesus
Eniroc: I go cook now
Eniroc: oh
Callmelili: Gsus
Eniroc: kodaaaaa
Koda: rinnnnnnn
Eniroc: gimme kissss
Generic: Comenlal: so when porn is ok among all ages in this society?
Generic: Comenlal: so when porn is ok AMONG all ages in this society?
Callmelili: OH WHAT THR FUCK
Logan_single: wtf
Daughter: Among
Comenlal: or take this
Nekogirl: ah hes defending his people, got it
Daughter: us
Koda: lol yea
Generic: Comenlal: so when porn is ok AMONG(US?!) all ages in this society?
Daughter: amogus
Comenlal: or this
Callmelili: This is mental aids
Comenlal: bruh
Daughter: i have aidss
Generic: says the physical aids
Comenlal: This mental aids frees us
Daughter: wereee
Nekogirl: puberty does not equal mental development
Comenlal: from our unnessearly boundaries
Koda: :/
Comenlal: what?
Koda: lol
Comenlal: I thought thats the point
Koda: this is the dumbest shit ever.
Comenlal: we mature though puberty?
Koda: yes.
Comenlal: Nekogirl: puberty does not equal mental development
Comenlal: ok what does?
Comenlal: mental development?
(anon): looks like we have a new addition to ur deck koda
Nekogirl: time and experience
Koda: obviously, yeah.
Comenlal: According to that I am not allowed to fuck everyone
Koda: but we won't be here very long i assume
Nekogirl: which is why a minimum age exists
Comenlal: yeah nice law system
Koda: even if he is back at another time
Comenlal: If you finish puberty
Koda: nobody is gonna talk to him lol
Comenlal: youre mature
Comenlal: thats how it works
Comenlal: ok Koda
Nekogirl: honestly i dont think you specifically should have the legal option to have intercourse
Daughter: dude wtf is he going on about
Comenlal: you can ignore me but not the truth
Comenlal: that your son also does adult crimes
Koda: smh rin
Comenlal: You cant protect him forever
Koda: i dont think anyone here has a son
Nekogirl: nope
Koda: you're just a fuckin weirdo
Comenlal: which is why I gave mine a gun with training
Nekogirl: apart from luigi
Comenlal: smart thinking there
Daughter: mario?
Comenlal: I am weird
Comenlal: yes
Koda: waluigi
Daughter: wahoo
Comenlal: thx for listening
Nekogirl: nah legit luigi's step father
Koda: lmao fr
Comenlal: This mental development sounds like Yoga bullcrap
Comenlal: we have IQ
Comenlal: we have social competence
Koda: no, YOU don't lol
Daughter: ok groomer
Comenlal: and maturity process
Koda: yea, we do maybe.
Nekogirl: clearly you were left out
Comenlal: but how can I mesure mental process without any of there?
Comenlal: but what is mental development. I google it lol
Comenlal: MENTAL DEVELOPMENT. are the progressive changes and improvements during mental maturation. MENTAL DEVELOPMENT: "As an individual grows and develops, mental development supports the growth of their cognitive abilities." Cite this page: N., Sam M.S., "MENTAL DEVELOPMENT," in, April 7, 2013,
Comenlal: mental maturation. and what connects mental
Comenlal: Neurobiology. Your brain. Your sexual hormons. Which teens hitting earlier
Generic: ok i say that comenial shuts the fuck up abt his pedo shit and we all move on with our day, yes?
Comenlal: got also expourse from social media
Koda: yep.
Logan_single: ima gooo bye?
Koda: sure.
Daughter: dude idk what you think maturity is but whatever your beliefs are they seem pretty sus
Koda: hru generic?
Comenlal: so I was on the right track
Generic: eh.
Koda: feeling better today?
Koda: you seem better lol
Koda: to me)
Comenlal: Children becone earlier like 18
Generic: at first i was but it hit like a couple hours ago, but rn its dying down
Comenlal: and wos to blame here?
Koda: oh alr good
Generic: u are comenial
Koda: wyd rn?
Generic: cuz ur a pedo
Comenlal: the parents who let their children uncared outside?
Comenlal: nice argument Gen
Comenlal: just smear the opponent away
Generic: um jus listening to music and talking to u
Koda: what song?
Comenlal: without showing empathy to other-minded humans
Comenlal: oh ok
Generic: rn 'everything is broken' by city morgue
Comenlal: Is this a good song?
Comenlal: Is this song? MaTuReD?
Daughter: comenlal do you think you think you have a thorough grasp?
Comenlal: its a joke bruh
Koda: did u eat today gen?
Daughter: a thorough grasp on deez?
Comenlal: you mean stotter?
Daughter: deez nuts
Generic: yea i had a pop tart
Koda: lmaoooo
Generic: u?
Koda: what flavor tho.
Koda: i ate some wendy's breakfast.
Generic: brown sugar and cinnamon
Comenlal: I am just saying, that theres nothing wrong with just thinking pedo
Nekogirl: there is
Comenlal: and we should kind of help them instead ostracized them
Nekogirl: its called morality
Generic: wut u get at wendy's?
Eniroc: Hm
Generic: so how u been doing neko?
Eniroc: koda
Comenlal: but also if everyone consent and is happy, whats wrong?
Koda: welcome back rinnn
Koda: yes?
Eniroc: Mwah
Eniroc: aorry I’m cooking
Generic: aw
Koda: ^3^
Koda: watcha cooking?
Comenlal: If it hits you, than you would cry.
Eniroc: 🥘
Nekogirl: ok i think that they should be adressed in a different way yes, but that doesnt make it ok
Generic: oooh watcha cookin?
Badge: ಠಿ_ಠ
Koda: also i got a breakfast sandwich
Comenlal: ok neko
Generic: hello badge
Generic: bad timing
Badge: hi
Jannneer: herlo badge
Generic: we got another pedo on our hands
Eniroc: Hello Jan
Comenlal: I guess I am more open-minded than you lol
Eniroc: you probably don’t remember me
Comenlal: I can´t change that
Nekogirl: hi badge :3
Jannneer: i mean i think i seen your name eni
Comenlal: whats wrong with fucking teenagers if theyre drunk too?
Eniroc: You haven’t
Eniroc: ha
Comenlal: its also their fault, their arent children. They also do crime.
Nekogirl: jan lurks alot so he might have
Generic: EXCUSE ME?
Eniroc: Kodaaaaaa
Koda: lol
Koda: yesssssssss
Comenlal: They can´t always run from mommy and daddy until adults
Nekogirl: also hi jan
Jannneer: hi neko :)
Generic: com gtfo of here
Nekogirl: hru?
Comenlal: they should be also hold accountabble instead destroying dareer from scientists become someone said X
Eniroc: Koda
Koda: yes
Nekogirl: com this teen is about to commit a crime against humanity
Badge: dareer nice
Generic: hello jan, i dont believe ive seen u b4, im fairly new
Comenlal: Taking drugs and watching18+ porn is also crime
Koda: lol
Comenlal: at least technically
Jannneer: im good wbu neko
Badge: Jannneer is a old player
Eniroc: Jan is a mod
Koda: badge is an old person.
Comenlal: or crossing red, driving drunk idk
Jannneer: what you gonna do without nuts
Generic: trans
Koda: i mean
Koda: i'd steal yours daddy.
Sangfang: I scrolled up the chat and regret.
Daughter: hey do you guys like baseball?
Jannneer: id feed yours to you raw
Generic: tbf if i HAD to be a woman, i would not complain
Blue_jollyrancher: :p
Koda: wait
Nekogirl: hi fang
Generic: having tits would be fire
Koda: what was the pedos name again?
Koda: i forgot his name
Sangfang: hi Neko
Nekogirl: com
Koda: i know but
Koda: his full anme
Generic: com somthing
Koda: name
Daughter: what team do you prefer, the yankees or the expos
Generic: comenial
Nekogirl: comenlal
Koda: ok thanks neko lol
Nekogirl: np
Jannneer: yeankees
Sangfang: lol
Generic: bro i~
Koda: sangfang is comenlal
Daughter: yank on deez nuts
Nekogirl: ah
Sangfang: yeah thx
Koda: Ignored Sangfang and their alts.
Nekogirl: np
Ignored Comenlal and their alts.
Unignored 2 players and 1 IPs.
Nekogirl: to the wacking stick
Koda: np loser.
Koda: get a life <3
Jannneer: nice
Nekogirl: *bonks fang*
Generic: grabma
Generic: grabma penis lil bitch
Canadian_bacon101: bruh
Generic: bruh thats the best one
Nekogirl: you got it gen~
Daughter: grabma tits nigga
Jannneer: wow
Daughter: oop
Generic: WAIT A SEC
Nekogirl: all things id be glad to do~
Jannneer: you got the n word pass there
Nekogirl: but im off the clock~
Daughter: no
Generic: fugma
Jannneer: wow
Daughter: im retarded
Generic: WTH is fugma brochocho?
Generic: well
Jannneer: same
Generic: can u~
Koda: lol
Generic: fugma ass?
Daughter: ye
Koda: Ignored Canadian_bacon101 and their alts.
Ignored Comenlal and their alts.
Unignored 2 players and 1 IPs
Koda: keep trying bud
Koda: you'll get it someday <3
Jannneer: lol
Daughter: wait
Koda: lmaooo dumbass
Badge: What
Generic: i already ignored him so i didnt see no canadian bacon
Koda: comenlal the PEDOPHILE HOMOPHOBE
Badge: tf happened
Koda: is canadian_bacon and sangfang
Daughter: oof
Badge: hm
Koda: what a fucking loser.
Generic: leme unignore rq
Badge: Be nice at least
Jannneer: lets wait what he comes uo next
Koda: dude
Koda: he was defending pedophillia
Koda: saying he fucks kids
Nekogirl: honestly i can prove to him hes wrong
Koda: and said he hates gays
Koda: why tf would i be nice
Daughter: he said what
Koda: and btw his comenlal profile has 0 stats
Koda: and i see canadian_bacon101 on a lot
Badge: Ita cah they mightve thought they were joking
Daughter: im getting the bat
Badge: its
Koda: so if u guys ever see him on
Koda: its him
Jannneer: i did prove him wrong he didnt listenb
Koda: badge he talked about it for 20 minutes.
Koda: :|
Generic: could be one of his roomates
Badge: og
Badge: oh*
Koda: nah
Koda: it's him
Badge: yeah that too
Koda: his name color was the same each time.
Badge: or it could be his brother or smth
Koda: his real account is
Jannneer: who would room mate someone that retarted
Koda: canadian_bacon101
Koda: the other two accounts he used
Nekogirl: new accounts start out as blue automatically
Koda: had no stats
Badge: it's a shitty world
Nekogirl: so that checks out
Koda: yea no shit neko
Koda: he just made those accounts
Nekogirl: i know
Koda: lmaooo dumbass
Generic: so neko what did u mean when u said "you got it gen~" after i said "grabma penis lil bitch"
Generic: ?
Jannneer: he doesnt know how to change colour
Callmelili: Hello
Koda: dumbass fr thought he could slip through.
Nekogirl: gen hush or ill turn you into a unich
Callmelili: Lol
Generic: :0
Jannneer: nice
Koda: what a lowlife lmao
Koda: dude is 21.
Koda: and on a card game talking about hating gays and how pedophilia is good.
Generic: then he tried to cover it up by saying he was younger...
Koda: whilest being unemployed as well
Koda: fr, he said "yknow what, im 9"
Badge: :/
Koda: what a fucking loser.
Nekogirl: *starts heating up metal clamp* hes to afraid to ask girls his own age so he targets girls that dont fully nderstand it
Generic: nah nah he whispered me some other shit
Generic: that was sarcasm
Callmelili: Slur
Koda: i wouldnt doubt he also says the n word.
Jannneer: wouldnt doubt it
Callmelili: I think Angel diedd
Badge: world os full of surprises
Badge: is
Generic: Comenial: I was just kidding, i am not 21, im 16 lol
Badge: tf
Nekogirl: creep
Koda: why tf would he just whisper that to u?
Koda: that seems suspicious
Nekogirl: yeah
Generic: cuz i rick rolled him
Callmelili: Ee
Koda: and either way, there is no excuse for him
Generic: LMAO
Koda: either way he said he hates gays and defending pedos
Callmelili: Sus
Nekogirl: even at 16 you stick to one year either way
Generic: also am i the only one who doesnt know wtf a "unich" is
Nekogirl: and atleast hope for older
Callmelili: Lol
Trees_the_proto: Wtf is going on…
Koda: and didnt he also talk about how he was in college?
Nekogirl: gen look it up
Koda: he even named his college.
Callmelili: Fucking pedophiles
Generic: im scared
Koda: fr
Nekogirl: gen look it up
Koda: lili stfu
Callmelili: Okay
Koda: ur dating a pedophile 18 year old
Badge: qtf
Callmelili: Yes mommy
Nekogirl: who?
Badge: wtf*
Nekogirl: i was unaware
Generic: D'Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara?
Koda: shes dating Mxangel
Badge: WTF
Nekogirl: oh
Koda: angel is 18 and lili is 14
Callmelili: Ngh~
Koda: no matter what lili is underrage and angel is of age
Badge: WTFF
Nekogirl: well now i know why angel is hiding
Koda: mhm :|
Generic: i still refuse to believe that angel is 18
Callmelili: She watched me shower today~
Koda: lowlife pedo.
Generic: but she sure as hell stfu since u said som
Koda: and lili isnt lying either
Badge: Thats fkd up
Callmelili: She likes my body~
Koda: angel goes into zooms with lili and watches her get naked
Nekogirl: im not gonna hunt angel down or be mean, but i do not approve
Koda: that shit is fucked up.
Badge: None of that is ok
Generic: wtf who would like ur saggy ass titties..
Koda: fr.
Callmelili: A few ppl
Nekogirl: im gonna back out of this convo....
Koda: mhm same lol
Generic: interesting kink, either way ur a minor and she isnt
Jannneer: no need to be mean towards lili
Badge: Thats very very fucked up
Koda: detective koda out <3
Generic: bye daddy~
Koda: bye baby
Koda: i mean baby
Koda: i mean baby
Koda: i mean babe
Koda: i mean cya bro.
Generic: oops...
Badge: Cya baby bro
Callmelili: This is cursed
Koda: cya sis <3
Generic: so is ur relationship lili stfu
Badge: Ima leave but fr its fucked
Generic: i am also backing out
Jannneer: like i said no need to be mean towards lili
Badge: So messed lils you gotta atop with that
Badge: im not being mean
Jannneer: you wasnt
Badge: oh
Callmelili: I know
Koda: jan
Badge: stop*
Koda: do u never see how lili comes in here saying the hard r?
Koda: or how she just calls people a "faggot" all the time?
Nekogirl: and just being a horrible person in general
Koda: fr.
Callmelili: Yeah u both are
Badge: i can back them up
Callmelili: :/
Koda: see, even badge knows.
Callmelili: *remove badge from list*
Nekogirl: *badge wont remember that*
Badge: Im being truthful thats all
Jannneer: lili might do the hard r but no need to call her names
Callmelili: Lol yeah