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Latest commit 1a3e747 Apr 29, 2023 History
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17380 lines (17366 sloc) 628 KB
Generic: all the way off in the distance
Generic: a part of me still wantin to resist this
Generic: for no reason talkin bout the same things at the same time
Generic: wanted to express how the undesired shine
Generic: it seems like i cant catch a break and everyday the same mistakes
Generic: for no one else and the pressure builds and builds til we cant even breathe
Generic: in water where we're meant to sleep
Generic: the structure that we couldnt see like a chain around ur mind it put me into retreat
Generic: break down another pill another compound
Generic: another chain around ur neck now
Generic: all the way up jus to forget how
Generic: slow
Generic: im on new medication
Generic: i dont think ill see u soon
Generic: and so i dont need my medication to understand how to make things disappear
Inasg_hoe: .
Generic: insane
Generic: am i the only mf wit a brain?
Generic: im hearin voices but all they do is complain
Inasg_hoe: yes
Generic: how many times have u wanted to kill?
Generic: everything and everyone say ull do it but never will
Generic: u cant see california without marlon brandos eyes
Generic: i am my fathers son cuz hes a phantom a mystery and that leaves me nothing
Axel_love: What'd I miss.
Inasg_hoe: nothing
Axel_love: Oh cool.
Inasg_hoe: ig
Axel_love: No you!
Inasg_hoe: hm
Axel_love: Oops mb-
Inasg_hoe: k
Generic: ik that u want me
Generic: yk that i want u
Generic: the memories haunt me
Generic: ik that they haunt u too
Generic: but its alr ull be fine
Generic: baby its alr ull b fine
Generic: as long as ur mine take a look at the time
Generic: it gets cold at night when ur alone outside
Generic: but its fine
Generic: ill b fine
Generic: pay me no mind girl pay me no mind
Generic: jus look at the brightside
Generic: jus look at the clublights
Generic: i gotta look at the brightside
Generic: ig she wasnt the one right this isnt wut luvs like thats fs
Generic: help me find a way to pass the time
Generic: eveybodys tellin me lifes short but i wanna die
Generic: help me find a way to make u mine
Generic: everybodys tellin me not too but im gonna try now im gettin high again tonight
Generic: tell me how u wake up
Generic: i jus wanna wake up
Generic: ufo again doesnt matter wut it takes up
Axel_love: brb I need to set up a printer.
Generic: razy in the dome baby can i get a heads up?
Generic: girl they tried to break us girl they tried to break us
Generic: wanna get away wont u tell me ur location
Generic: feels like yesterday remember i would stay up
Generic: baby can u say sum
Generic: wanna feel sensation
Generic: promise u wont ever get numb im too precious
Hello91: Imagine setting up a printer
Inasg_hoe: ok
Hello91: Hi tay
Assmaster: its hell
Generic: i cant feel that much sometimes these drugs gon kill me
Hello91: And hi ass
Generic: disappear into my mind when i cant feel a thing
Inasg_hoe: hi
Generic: when the sky falls down and no one here can think that clearly
Generic: ill b by ur side lets get high jus one last time
Generic: i dont wanna stop now i dont wanna stop now
Generic: but i gotta leave it alone
Hello91: I'm in a shit study hall rn
Generic: is it cuz im hot now its prolly cuz im hot now
Generic: bitch u better leave me alone
Oofalladeez: hey Nate
Imsomeone: hi
Generic: first i cut u off then i cut u down
Generic: shit go down when i come around
Generic: ion ever come around
Generic: bitch im gettin hunnids now
Hello91: Hi
Imsomeone: how are you
Hello91: Good.
Hello91: Hbu?
Imsomeone: fine
Oofalladeez: hello
Hello91: Nice
Hello91: Better than bad right?
Imsomeone: i guess
Oofalladeez: I gtg cya guys later
Imsomeone: bye Oofalladeez
Dtrump: cya oof
21:51:28Monday, 24. April 2023Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day
Hello91: Anybody on?
Imsomeone: anyways tay
i kinda like you
Imsomeone: biggest mistake of his life
Axel_love: ...
Dtrump: is tay still on
Generic: bust down thotiana
Imsomeone: no she isnt
Generic: i wanna see u bust down
Dtrump: imsomeone who are you again
Imsomeone: chloe
Toxicego357: benis
Dtrump: chloe?
Toxicego357: who is chloe?
Generic: she call me daddy ion even know her mama
Imsomeone: me
Toxicego357: oh...
Dtrump: are you new here
Toxicego357: sorry
Imsomeone: yes
Toxicego357: welcome
Dtrump: are you irl friends with tay?
Imsomeone: i dont know who tay is.
Toxicego357: ok...
Dtrump: oh I thought you knew tay
Imsomeone: okay
Toxicego357: AXEL
Toxicego357: GET ON!!!!!
Generic: true religion jeans pockets full of cocaine
Generic: tattoos on my face ima die this way
Hello91: Okay I take it that nobody is on
Generic: i dont wanna job so i flex and i finess
Hello91: Or not
Toxicego357: tsup nate
Axel_love: Huh?
Generic: only inhale the best
Imsomeone: I'm on
Generic: exhale the stress
Toxicego357: hewwo axel :)
Generic: used to b broke i cast a spell on my check
Hello91: Hi
Imsomeone: Hello.
Toxicego357: how you feeling nate?
Axel_love: Hey.
Hello91: How are you, someone?
Hello91: How are you, Imsomeone?
Imsomeone: I'm fine. How about you, Hello9?
Imsomeone: 91*
Generic: cocaine wit the propane wit the tight pussy wit the blood drippin from me
Generic: shit hurt dont it
Generic: she said ouch on it
Hello91: I'm fine
Generic: dont flirt wit me bitch bounce bounce on it
Imsomeone: That's nice.
Generic: omg wow my blunt is so loud its hurting my chest im like ouch
Generic: im gettin mouth on the couch
Generic: she makin it bounce in a blouse
Generic: her pussy is drippin its juicy
Toxicego357: i gotta do the dishes ill be back
Generic: look at my wrist jewelry
Hello91: Okay
Hello91: I'm going to go
Generic: pull out my dick n she droolin
Imsomeone: why
Assmaster: Autoerotic decapitation
Hello91: Because I don't want to be here rn
Imsomeone: fine
Imsomeone: hols on
Dtrump: who is chloe exactly
Imsomeone: hold
Hello91: Okay
Hello91: I'm holding
Inasg_hoe: your worthless whore is back.
Hello91: Fun
Hello91: But you aren't a worthless whore
Inasg_hoe: dont be so sue
Inasg_hoe: sure
Hello91: And you aren't mine either
Inasg_hoe: ik. im no ones.
Hello91: And wdym don't be so sure?
Hello91: You aren't a worthless whore. End of discussion.
Inasg_hoe: you see me for how you want to see me
Inasg_hoe: not end of discussion
Hello91: I see you how you are Tay. Simple as that.
Inasg_hoe: then agree with me
Hello91: no because you aren't a worthless whore
Inasg_hoe: then you dont see me for who i am
Hello91: I do though
Hello91: What makes you think you're a worthless whore?
Hello91: Axel not the time
Axel_love: Mbbb..
Axel_love: I'll walk away now-
Inasg_hoe: im unlovable. im obsessed with someone i cant ever get. all i do is get my heart crushed. im literally unwanted. my dad even said that earlier. told me to kms. you see what you want to see. i tru be positive to keep you all happy.
Inasg_hoe: try*
Hello91: So you're going to let what other people say decide what you are and who you are?
Inasg_hoe: my dad literally told me to kms nate. that does hve an impact, and yes. i change myself for other people
Hello91: Your "dad" has no right to say anything about you after what he has done to you.
Hello91: Don't change yourself for anyone
Hello91: Be who you want to be
Inasg_hoe: i want to be someone i cant be
Hello91: And who might that be?
Inasg_hoe: im pm this
Hello91: Okay
Soap21: Hello again
Inasg_hoe: hi
Soap21: Hola
Soap21: At work now
Soap21: Having an epic time
Inasg_hoe: g4u
Soap21: Thanks madam
Inasg_hoe: yw sir
Soap21: More like maDAMN LOOK AT DAT ASS
Soap21: Jk
Soap21: I'm bored
Inasg_hoe: lol
Inasg_hoe: same
Soap21: I think imma stay up all night on vr
Inasg_hoe: nice
Axel_love: LEMME JOIN YOU!!
Soap21: Ok
Soap21: Do you play vr?
Axel_love: Yes!
Soap21: Quest?
Axel_love: Yep.
Soap21: Aight what's your name
Soap21: Mines og.milk
Axel_love: Tell me yours cause I don't remember mine rn-
Soap21: og.MiLk
Soap21: Not mill
Soap21: Milk
Soap21: MiLk
Soap21: Has to be goofy
Axel_love: So?
Axel_love: og.MiLk
Soap21: Ye
Axel_love: Ok.
Soap21: Anime dude as pfp
Inasg_hoe: nope* oml i cant type
Inasg_hoe: seriously
Soap21: Srsly
Axel_love: Ok, when I log on later I'll add you.
Inasg_hoe: my brain not functioning istg
Soap21: Aighty
Soap21: I get off work in maybe like an hour and a half
Soap21: I'll get on here and remind you b4 I get on
Keigo: hey guys
Axel_love: Hi.
Keigo: r u the real axel
Hello91: Hi kiki
Axel_love: Yeah I am.
Keigo: ok hi guys
Keigo: how r u guys
Soap21: Your my friend now we're having soft tacos layer
Soap21: Later
Soap21: Fuck
Axel_love: Yay.
Inasg_hoe: HOW
Hello91: How what?
Hello91: Oh that
Inasg_hoe: chrlie
i love u
22:26:57Monday, 24. April 2023Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day
Inasg_hoe: im sorry what??? he asks me if i love him i said um idek you he said lets js see how it goes
Keigo: *dies*
Toxicego357: my fucking parents got home axel i cant call :(
Toxicego357: sadge
Inasg_hoe: sad times
Keigo: hiiiiii spencer
Toxicego357: hey tay :)
Toxicego357: keio-kun
Toxicego357: keigo-kun*
Inasg_hoe: heyyyy
Keigo: spencer-kun hi how r u
Inasg_hoe: huh
Inasg_hoe: kun?
Keigo: tay-kun
Toxicego357: im doing much better than i typically am
Hello91: Nice
Inasg_hoe: WHAT IS KUN
Toxicego357: and how are you keigo-kun
Keigo: i am bleeding
Hello91: How are the pinch harmonics coming?
Keigo: yes love
Toxicego357: shit nate
Hello91: Tay it's a term used to show respect
Toxicego357: i suck at it
Inasg_hoe: ooh
Inasg_hoe: nate-kun u.u
Toxicego357: japanese custom of respect
Keigo: tay-kun
Hello91: Haha that's fine Spencer. I fucking suck at them too. Once you get them down it is good
Toxicego357: lol thx
Inasg_hoe: kiki-kun
Toxicego357: kei-kun
Hello91: Tay-chan
Keigo: spencer-chan
Inasg_hoe: chinese?
Inasg_hoe: nate-chan
Inasg_hoe: if thats racist im so sorry
Toxicego357: i dont like chan :(
Toxicego357: :(*
Axel_love: =(
Toxicego357: i cant call axel :(
Axel_love: Why not Tox-kun..
Keigo: what r we doing
Toxicego357: Toxy-Kun*
Keigo: were doing crack
Toxicego357: parents got home
Axel_love: Aw..
Keigo: wish i was home im at school
Toxicego357: still open for tn tho
Axel_love: Yay
Inasg_hoe: sorry
Toxicego357: BRITISH BITCH
Toxicego357: jk jk
Keigo: who has school in a few hours
Axel_love: I'm also in bed.
Toxicego357: T_T
Keigo: damn the drama
Toxicego357: sadge
Inasg_hoe: T^T
Keigo: and stop yelling at eachother
Inasg_hoe: we js jokin
Toxicego357: we good
Toxicego357: anyway i gtg
Toxicego357: bye darlings
Keigo: awwwwwwwwww ok bye
Toxicego357: take care kei-kun
Axel_love: Bye!
Inasg_hoe: byee
Toxicego357: ttyl lil sis
Inasg_hoe: im older than u
Toxicego357: bye young lady
Keigo: i will *says under her breath for now
Inasg_hoe: hehe
Toxicego357: axel is lil sis you are young lady
Inasg_hoe: still older u.u
Keigo: still the youngest
Hello91: Tay what's your dob?
Toxicego357: *grumbles under breath* bitch
Hello91: 07 or 06?
Keigo: * for now *
Axel_love: Dob?
Keigo: date of birth
Inasg_hoe: dob= date of birth
Hello91: 16 to 06 got it
Axel_love: Ohh.
Inasg_hoe: MF X
Inasg_hoe: D
Inasg_hoe: *
Keigo: I think I am the youngest here
Inasg_hoe: how ols
Inasg_hoe: old
Keigo: 14
Inasg_hoe: oh lol probs
Hello91: Yeah probably
Keigo: who knows
Hello91: Me and oof used to be the youngest people on here at a time
Inasg_hoe: DAMN
Hello91: We've been on here for years
Keigo: then I joined
Inasg_hoe: i been here since valentines
Hello91: Nope me and oof started when we were 10
Hello91: 6 years for me
Hello91: Almost 8 for oof
Keigo: DAMN
Inasg_hoe: damnnn
Inasg_hoe: long asf time
Keigo: love we did not need to know
Inasg_hoe: lol
Hello91: Tay I'm sorry
Hello91: That was such a bad joke
Inasg_hoe: dont be ahha
Inasg_hoe: nooo
Inasg_hoe: its funny
Inasg_hoe: im smiling irl ahahha
Keigo: its normal for us girls sadly
Cornellzjeng: I need it
Inasg_hoe: im on mine rn T^T
Keigo: the fucking pain that comes with it
Inasg_hoe: nah i only get pains sometimes
Inasg_hoe: one time i do one time i dont etc
Keigo: i fell over and was stuck on the floor for an hour cuz of cramps
Inasg_hoe: aww im sorry
Cornellzjeng: period is good
Keigo: it anit ur fualt its gods he makes us bleed once a month
Inasg_hoe: my worst was when it felt like i was being stabbed, i was crying and almost screaming, they were so fucking painful. other than that im ususlly pretty lucky
22:41:26Monday, 24. April 2023Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day
Hello91: My worst was never
Keigo: stfu u r not a girl
Inasg_hoe: xd
Inasg_hoe: he could be
Inasg_hoe: who knowa
Hello91: But I have been hit in the balls hard enough that i felt it for about 2 weeks
Inasg_hoe: knows*
Inasg_hoe: damnnn
Inasg_hoe: wut happened xd
Keigo: lmfao,
Hello91: Im lucky to still have two
Inasg_hoe: LMAO
Hello91: Oh I play football
Keigo: lol
Keigo: lmfao
Inasg_hoe: i remember being 6 and kicking my brother in the balls
Inasg_hoe: it was funny asf
Keigo: who here has more then 7 siblings
Hello91: Managed to pick up a fumble and someone went for a hit leading with their head like a dumbass at full speed I tried to move out of the way to avoid the tackle but ended up moving in a way that made him hit my nuts
Hello91: And I don't wear a cup to protect so
Hello91: Yeah
Inasg_hoe: owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Inasg_hoe: is it bad if i laugh
Hello91: Nope
Inasg_hoe: im definitely not laughing
Hello91: Football is funny as shit sometimes
Keigo: gtg guys won't be back till 6:30 my time
Inasg_hoe: i can tell u abt the weirdest operation i ever had if u want
Inasg_hoe: lmfao fr
Inasg_hoe: oh okay byee
Inasg_hoe: lyy
Hello91: I watched one of our freshman get hit and go flying 20 fert
Hello91: Feet
Hello91: Ok bye kiki
Inasg_hoe: DID U RECORD IT
Hello91: Nope
Inasg_hoe: WHY NOT
Hello91: I think I have it on film though
Inasg_hoe: YES
Inasg_hoe: YES
Hello91: Like the team film
Inasg_hoe: IS IT FUNNY
Hello91: I have to go through and find the play itself and I'll record it
Dtrump: jolly balls
Hello91: Yes
Hello91: Very much so
Inasg_hoe: hahahaha
Hello91: He is 5'2 120 lbs
Dtrump: thats a running back
Hello91: And got hit by a 6'4 190 lb beast in a varsity game. That was his first varsity play
Hello91: Yes he is a running back
Dtrump: he is smaller then me
Soap21: Wut
Inasg_hoe: the weirdest injury i got was when i was like 5, i wanted my ears pierced so i stuck these like mini fake diamonds down my ear but one went too far and i had to have an operation to get it out. when they put the gas mask on i held my breath as long as i could, didnt work tho. i remember it smelt of disgusting strawberries
Inasg_hoe: are ur balls ok now nate lmfao
Dtrump: I have sliced my fingers plenty of times on stuff.
Hello91: Yep
Hello91: They work pretty well
Dtrump: I cut my leg with an axe too.
Hello91: You want to test them?
Inasg_hoe: ofc xd
Hello91: Oh I almost cut my finger off while cutting lettuce a few weeks ago
Inasg_hoe: WHAT TRUMP
Inasg_hoe: HOW
Inasg_hoe: omg
Inasg_hoe: yall clumsyyyyy
Hello91: Straight down to the bone
Hello91: I mean it was just the tip but still
Dtrump: I hit my leg with an axe and did not realize how sharp it was and did not notice my leg covered in blood for a couple minutes.
Inasg_hoe: oww
Hello91: When it comes to me, the tip is a lot
Hello91: Yeah
Inasg_hoe: OMG TRUMP
Inasg_hoe: JS HOW
Hello91: I got lucky that I had a sharp knife
Cornellzjeng: axel, why do you care to test autism? Its a scam
Inasg_hoe: damn
Hello91: Sometimes if it is sharp enough you don't even notice it for a minute
Dtrump: I almost sliced the tip of finger off with a knife cutting a bagel.
Hello91: If I wasn't looking where my hands were I wouldn't have noticed for a solid ten minutes
Anonone: Dam
Inasg_hoe: BRUH XD
Anonone: What0O-
Anonone: 0-o
Hello91: It was funny though
Cornellzjeng: i dont know you
Anonone: What happend
Hello91: I have a picture of my finger a few minutes after I cut it
Anonone: I don’t know you ether
Anonone: Oh
Inasg_hoe: ew xd
Cornellzjeng: and?
Anonone: I found a song I loved for my whole like but never new it’s name
Cornellzjeng: and?
Anonone: I’m happy
Hello91: What song?
Cornellzjeng: cool
Cornellzjeng: Anonone is happy
Cornellzjeng: Hes evry happy
Cornellzjeng: Hes so happy that he will tell the world about it. So happy.
Axel_love: =P
Anonone: Me and my brother ant it in a camp thing we did yearly before
Anonone: I know it by heart
Cornellzjeng: nice
Soap21: Are they
Anonone: Hi axel :3
Cornellzjeng: Let him believe or another drama emerges
Axel_love: Hey.
Soap21: I sure do love work
Soap21: Because money
Cornellzjeng: capitalism
Anonone: I finilly found a song I loved for years so yes I will say it
Axel_love: Ohh what song?
Ishipwillowandhunter: N
Ishipwillowandhunter: I
Ishipwillowandhunter: G
Ishipwillowandhunter: G
Ishipwillowandhunter: E
Ishipwillowandhunter: R
Ishipwillowandhunter: S
Inasg_hoe: P
Ishipwillowandhunter: I only said letters, chill
Ishipwillowandhunter: F
Ishipwillowandhunter: A
Ishipwillowandhunter: G
Ishipwillowandhunter: G
Anonone: :3
Ishipwillowandhunter: O
Inasg_hoe: Y
Ishipwillowandhunter: T
Ishipwillowandhunter: I
Ishipwillowandhunter: A
Inasg_hoe: ruined it
Ishipwillowandhunter: M
Ishipwillowandhunter: O
Ishipwillowandhunter: N
Ishipwillowandhunter: E
Inasg_hoe: Y
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hm?
Inasg_hoe: idk
Ishipwillowandhunter: Alright one sec
Ishipwillowandhunter: Tell her to look on pin
Inasg_hoe: thank you
Inasg_hoe: okay
Hello91: Lil
Hello91: Lol
Inasg_hoe: i named everyone too :c
Axel_love: AHH!
Anonone: ?
Anonone: Paypal
Inasg_hoe: fr
Cornellzjeng: cool
Inasg_hoe: ikr
Dtrump: ill paypal you a penney
Anonone: Lol
Cornellzjeng: nice daddy joke
Inasg_hoe: ILL TAKE IT
Dtrump: ill be a sugar daddy
Inasg_hoe: be mine xd
Anonone: Axel you like da song?
Anonone: :3
Cornellzjeng: Shes shy :3
Dtrump: shes thy
Cornellzjeng: She propbably likes it through :D
Anonone: Yea
Anonone: It’s ok if not tho
Dtrump: thy thighs look thee upon thou for thine
Anonone: The song reminds no of times before things went to shit
Anonone: :3
Anonone: Anyways, how is everyone’s day goin?
Inasg_hoe: its night xd
Anonone: On
Inasg_hoe: sleepyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Anonone: Oh
Anonone: L
Inasg_hoe: shush
Cornellzjeng: It seems that youre alone now
Anonone: Sleep you want sleep you may get
Inasg_hoe: true
Inasg_hoe: nooo
Cornellzjeng: "may get"
Inasg_hoe: i wanna talk to ppl
Cornellzjeng: rip school career
Axel_love: ...
Anonone: I’m running off 3 hours of sleep maybe two and I’m fine
Anonone: Hello
Anonone: WB
Inasg_hoe: ello
Axel_love: Thanks.
Anonone: How’s your day
Axel_love: Going well, making my own coloring book.
Anonone: Nice
Axel_love: Yeah, hows your day?
Inasg_hoe: I FOUND TAI
Axel_love: Tai?
Inasg_hoe: mhm
Axel_love: Who?
Inasg_hoe: my new friend
Anonone: I’m good I found the song while listening to propaganda songs with my brother. Idk why it’s propaganda tho
Inasg_hoe: .
Cornellzjeng: because ppl got murdered
Anonone: Ehhh I can’t understand what they are saying
Anonone: Good to know
Anonone: Ty
Axel_love: I like murder.
Hello91: same
Hello91: im boutta murder that pussy cat
Axel_love: ...
Hello91: sorry
Anonone: The blood spills over us this night
Axel_love: I love Jeffery Dahmer. ^^
Axel_love: My idol.
Anonone: ¥~¥
Dtrump: hes cool
Oofalladeez: ,
Oofalladeez: im about to lsoe internet
Axel_love: Oh no-
Hello91: damn
Hello91: at 630?
Axel_love: I'm boredd.
Anonone: What would you do if a ostrich is trying to kill you
Axel_love: Laugh and let it.
Anonone: Fair answer
Soap21: Woohoo done working now just gotta drive home
Anonone: 👌
Axel_love: Pick me up!!
Dtrump: i look like an ostrich
Inasg_hoe: PIC
Axel_love: Hehe.
Anonone: Your Australian
Anonone: HA
Dtrump: no i am white
Axel_love: I'm asian and white.
Anonone: Close enough
Anonone: I’m Slavic
Axel_love: Huh?
Anonone: Russan
Dtrump: slovakia
Axel_love: LUCKY
Anonone: Bassicly
Anonone: Ehh
Dtrump: right slovakia?
Anonone: Not from slavakia
Anonone: :3
Dtrump: slavic is spoken by easter uropeans
Oofalladeez: well I got it back
Axel_love: Hii.
Oofalladeez: hu
Oofalladeez: Hi
Inasg_hoe: IM TIRED ASFF
Oofalladeez: im being watched
Axel_love: SHANKS!!!!!
Anonone: Slavic is a race
Axel_love: By me?
Oofalladeez: no my mom
Dtrump: creepy
Axel_love: Oh-
Oofalladeez: well she knows about my situation nowo
Anonone: Creep
Dtrump: she watches you on the computer
(anon): Penis
Dtrump: no not his penis
Anonone: No
Oofalladeez: no she not a pedo
Anonone: His penis doesn’t watch him
Dtrump: she watches him watch porn sometimes
Oofalladeez: nope
Anonone: Ik
Ishipwillowandhunter: Can I join
Anonone: No that’s tox
Anonone: O-0
Dtrump: that sounded like incest
Hello91: i haven't yet.
Soap21: Incestory.cum
Oofalladeez: lol tox is in kentucky
Oofalladeez: soooooo
Dtrump: oh tox is very close to his sisters
Axel_love: Tox?
Oofalladeez: no
Oofalladeez: okay this gettin weird now
Dtrump: sorry bad joke
Anonone: Or is my brain bad and existing
Oofalladeez: both
Anonone: Yesterday
Soap21: I new a couple of sisters who lived in Alabama and they used to record themselves sexing and put it in a server I was in
Oofalladeez: ...
Soap21: Haven't heard from them in 3 years
Axel_love: ...
Anonone: …
Dtrump: they proabably died from meth
Oofalladeez: not all people in alabama are like that
Soap21: Ik
Oofalladeez: ur prolly right trump
Soap21: I have Alabama friends
Oofalladeez: what part of alabama?
Soap21: Idk
Soap21: Never asked
Dtrump: do alabamans still say the n word a lot
Ishipwillowandhunter: Damn do I need to join discord
Soap21: Yes
Oofalladeez: not as much as you would think
Oofalladeez: mainly black people that say it
Dtrump: ever been to the southside
Soap21: They do in canada
Soap21: A lot
Oofalladeez: or racist whiles say it to other racist whites
Ishipwillowandhunter: Guess what, I'm 0.91 percent black so: not
Oofalladeez: I live in Mobile Trump
Oofalladeez: 2nd most dagnerous city in America
Dtrump: oh lot of gunshots then
Oofalladeez: yup
Dtrump: chicago is worse i think
Ishipwillowandhunter: lol imagine living in a country that has more guns than citizens
Axel_love: Yep.
Dtrump: basically a warzone there
Oofalladeez: woman shot through the drive thru of a popeyes because they didn't give her her cajun rice
Dtrump: Black people get crazy for some reason.
Cornellzjeng: I die
Ishipwillowandhunter: I kiss
Oofalladeez: Prichard is like Harlem for our area
Axel_love: Ugh can I cry-
Hello91: man shot through drive thru window of mcdonalds because they gave him 9 nuggets instead of 10
Soap21: FOAP
Ishipwillowandhunter: What's wrong luv?
Hello91: alright i need to go now
Oofalladeez: FOAP
Hello91: be back soon
Oofalladeez: cya nate
Axel_love: Me?
Cornellzjeng: woah full chat out of nowhere
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes you
Anonone: Yea
Axel_love: Ohh. Well I'm upset with an episode of bluey so now i'm sad..
Anonone: I think I did something right
Soap21: Axel what u play in vr
Anonone: 😊
Ishipwillowandhunter: Bluey is the best tv show of the decade 10/10
Axel_love: Agreed.
Axel_love: Uhh mostly vr chat.
Soap21: I rewatch and reread beastars regularly
Soap21: I play beatsaber, pavlov, and vrchat the most
Soap21: I have others tho
Anonone: Dog
Axel_love: Same with beatsaber, vrchat, except my Pavlov is A horror game, Uhh Face your Fears 2
Soap21: I got a friend who might also get on if u don't mind
Axel_love: Oh sure, btw when I get on. I'll prolly play vrchat.
Soap21: Aight
Soap21: Imma go beatsaber first to warm up
Axel_love: Ok.
Soap21: But remember to send me a friend request
Axel_love: Will do!
Hello91: fuck it im too tired to go outside right now
Axel_love: Haha.
Oofalladeez: go touch grass
Axel_love: Ew grass..
Oofalladeez: fr idk why I said something so cruel
Anonone: 0o0
Soap21: Yummy grass
Anonone: How dare you
Anonone: Vegan
Oofalladeez: that's how I dare
Anonone: Bruu
Soap21: I don't vegan
Soap21: I love meat in my mouh
Anonone: Sus
Soap21: Very
Hello91: where did tay go?
Oofalladeez: idk
Anonone: Idk
Oofalladeez: TAY!
Anonone: Somewher
Oofalladeez: WHERE TF ARE YOU?!
Soap21: I ate her
Dtrump: out
Oofalladeez: ...
Anonone: No
Soap21: No
Axel_love: Eww, vore?
Dtrump: whore
Anonone: EWWW
Anonone: Vote whore
Anonone: Vore whore*
Oofalladeez: █▀█ █▄█ ▀█▀
Oofalladeez: █▀█ █▄█ ▀█▀
█▀█ █▄█ ▀█▀
█▀█ █▄█ ▀█▀
Oofalladeez: █▀█ █▄█ ▀█▀
Soap21: Vore whore
Oofalladeez: sus
Soap21: Sus
Anonone: ඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞ.
Oofalladeez: Sussus Amogus
Anonone: Susest Amongest
Oofalladeez: he has a wife you know
Oofalladeez: do you want to know what she's called?
Anonone: What?
Oofalladeez: She's called
Oofalladeez: Higa
Axel_love: Huh-
Oofalladeez: Higat Dadrip
Oofalladeez: 2 hours until I'm actually suppoed to be on here
Anonone: Ok
Anonone: 🕷🩸☠️🧟‍♂️
Soap21: I'm bouta get on beatsaber taking shower rq
Axel_love: Ok.
Oofalladeez: back
Oofalladeez: lost connection
Axel_love: Hii.
Oofalladeez: dead chat lol
Hello91: woooooo
Ishipwillowandhunter: Tay went to bed
Hello91: oh
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yep
Axel_love: ....
Hello91: alright well she should be on later. i need to talk to her
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah ik, and she should be on at about midnight mountain time.
Anonone: ☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️
Hello91: okay
Oofalladeez: jesus ano
Anonone: I killed people :)
Ishipwillowandhunter: I miss Tay :(
Ishipwillowandhunter: And Izzy :(
Ishipwillowandhunter: And Juls :(
Axel_love: What am I!!
Ishipwillowandhunter: A girl?
Oofalladeez: my lil sis
Ishipwillowandhunter: Of the human variety
Axel_love: You don't miss me. =(
Oofalladeez: I do
Axel_love: Yay!
Ishipwillowandhunter: I do miss you :( but you already here
Ishipwillowandhunter: I miss my boy Zach
Axel_love: *hugs Mich*
Oofalladeez: Nate if ur bored call KIley lmao
Ishipwillowandhunter: *hugs Axel*
Oofalladeez: jus tell her my mom can't call*read won't call*
Axel_love: I wanna call someone..
Dtrump: ooooops
Oofalladeez: I can tell you where Kiley works lmao, but Idk if she wants you to know
Dtrump: oh no
Oofalladeez: so I'm not gonna
Hello91: nah i'll be fine
Oofalladeez: I wish I could jus go up to her drive thru and ask for the manager
Hello91: ima practice guitar
Oofalladeez: noice
Oofalladeez: oh try to play Razormind
Dtrump: no doxing
Oofalladeez: well Kiley is the manager on duty
Oofalladeez: sooooo.....
Dtrump: prank call her
Oofalladeez: I don't have a phone smh
Dtrump: make a ridiculous order
Oofalladeez: nooooo
Oofalladeez: I work as an expo in Fast food
Oofalladeez: I know how that goes
Ishipwillowandhunter: When in doubt
Ishipwillowandhunter: Radish it out
Oofalladeez: I thought you were gonna say whip it out
Dtrump: radishs suck
Oofalladeez: I forgotwho said that
Ishipwillowandhunter: Jerma
Dtrump: whip it out big boy
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes daddy
Oofalladeez: ...
Dtrump: show me that sloberry slimy hell cock
Oofalladeez: no
Ishipwillowandhunter: Okay, ill send pics
Oofalladeez: ...
Axel_love: 0-0
Dtrump: this might be gay
Oofalladeez: and I'm listening to razormind while hearing this shit
Dtrump: gay for pay
Oofalladeez: that's a monolythic card
Ishipwillowandhunter: I already feel the little green monster attaching to me and sucking my cock
Axel_love: Huh?
Anonone: ?
00:24:29Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Dtrump: maybe its a gay alien
Ishipwillowandhunter: Nothing. You alright Axel?
Axel_love: Am I alright?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Mhm
Ishipwillowandhunter: Just asking
Axel_love: Why do you ask?
Dtrump: are you enthralled in the essence
Axel_love: Oh lol.
Oofalladeez: ,,,
Oofalladeez: _________________________________________
Axel_love: I'm ok I guess.
Dtrump: I am the master of words.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Nah that's Izzy
Dtrump: They make good stories.
Oofalladeez: I am the master of one liners
Ishipwillowandhunter: She is somehow horribly depressing, amazingly funny, and a master writer all at the same time
Oofalladeez: Hospital? Sounds like another 25 kill streak to me.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ever feel like you're trying so hard to commit to this role you created for yourself in your head that you're not sure that's even who you are anymore, but you're stuck with it? Yeah me neither
Oofalladeez: tf
Oofalladeez: thumbsnap work for you guys?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yessir
Oofalladeez: *repair tool noises*
Axel_love: .
Anonone: ᓚᘏᗢ
Axel_love: Kitty!!
( ̳• · • ̳)
/ づ♡
Anonone: :3
Ishipwillowandhunter: Very nice
Anonone: C AT
Axel_love: Ashiteru Kyoko-San!!!
Anonone: ?
Axel_love: Better if you don't ask-
Anonone: Ok
(` - 7
Ultrashel: Always surprised how similar western europeans and germans are
Anonone: .
Anonone: .
Anonone: . /ᐠ ̥ ̮ ̥ ᐟ\ฅ
Ultrashel: You will care about cultursl differences as you grow
Oofalladeez: https://fart.mp3
Anonone: ˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑
Oofalladeez: did anyone click the link?
Oofalladeez: it's a fake link, not even anything is there I've do tried XD
Axel_love: Is that Ip tracker?
Anonone: Nah it’s blocked
Anonone: ㅤ/ᐠ - ˕ -マ
Mrgreen: That proves how short Axel exists in the internet
Axel_love: Huh?
Mrgreen: If that in anycase was an IP-tracker, than something must be loading instead none
Hello91: damniiiit
Oofalladeez: bruh it was a fake link
Oofalladeez: a joke link
Oofalladeez: but I want it to be real
Oofalladeez: fart.mp3
Oofalladeez: I'ma buy that domain
Hello91: 5 hours
Mrgreen: but nice detail to "https" change in the mid-2010s
Oofalladeez: ty
Oofalladeez: born in 2005 but idaf
Mrgreen: ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED cant be any tracker
Oofalladeez: yeah told you it was a fake link
Mrgreen: thx for randomly dropping your birth year. I will evaluate it on my customers databases
Oofalladeez: that's a minor year dumbass XD
Oofalladeez: still a minor
Mrgreen: I am telling you why you dont need to tell anything
Oofalladeez: buddy eveyone knows me on this website
Axel_love: Huh?
Oofalladeez: I've been on this website for 5 years
Oofalladeez: and idgaf
Mrgreen: Its more about the individual than the year itself. Although 2001 was a major one.
Oofalladeez: my stats might not say i've been here for 5 years
Oofalladeez: but type my old account
Oofalladeez: type /stats Oofalladeez343
Mrgreen: okok buddy chill with your tragic beckground story
Oofalladeez: XD
Mrgreen: I knew that fart-mp4 was fake since ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED
Oofalladeez: you tried fart.mp4 too?
Oofalladeez: OKay... I knew it wasn't gonna work because /mp3 is a file type not a domain... but it would be funny if that website existed
Sameunder: Can't wait for Dtrump being triggered for no reason
Oofalladeez: ..
Sameunder: huh
Hello91: ima go for now
Ishipwillowandhunter: Dtrump is nice shush
Oofalladeez: okay get back here in an hour
Ishipwillowandhunter: Aw :(
Axel_love: =P
Ishipwillowandhunter: Cya soon
Mrgreen: Sex
Axel_love: I'm almost done my personal coloring book.
Anonone: Nice
     🌸>  フ
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Sameunder: Ok kids the show is over. Go to sleep. Tomorrow is school
Dtrump: stu
Sameunder: Kids like you shouldnt be here anyway
Oofalladeez: nice cat ano
Anonone: Ty
Oofalladeez: stfu sameunder
Dtrump: are you 12
Oofalladeez: I've been here since I was 12
Sameunder: that cat is worthless
Anonone: No you
Sameunder: AgE DoEsNt MaTtEr
Sameunder: Go to sleep everyone
Anonone: .
Anonone: . /\___/\
꒰ ˶• ༝ - ˶꒱
./づ~ ☕ tea for you
Sameunder: Its waste of time
Sameunder: Why am I even bothering?
Oofalladeez: why are you even here?
Sameunder: You will never go to Harvard
Sameunder: Because you all sucks
Oofalladeez: Don't wanna go to Harvard
Sameunder: You suck, and Dtrump and Lilli and I shipfish
Sameunder: Everyone
Anonone: ..
꒰ ˶• ༝ - ˶꒱
./づ~ ☕ tea for you
Sameunder: John Hopkins University perhaps?
Anonone: Oof
Dtrump: sameunder is on his 100th account
Sameunder: If he says no than hes uncultured
Sameunder: and Strumps paranoid schizophrenia again
Oofalladeez: nope
Oofalladeez: I knwo about it
Dtrump: i think someone wants a ban from this site
Oofalladeez: but I'm not interested in med School
Sameunder: You dont even know John Hopkins
Oofalladeez: I do
Sameunder: ok
Oofalladeez: it's in Baltimore
Oofalladeez: well known school
Oofalladeez: got a flyer from them wanting me to apply
Sameunder: Dtrump is in his mid-life-crises and create all of his 100th? alts to gain relevance
Dtrump: Why waste your life doing the same shit over and over.
Anonone: Fuck off, if this place is a waist of time then why are you here Sam ?
Sameunder: Callmelili is too horny to be saved
Oofalladeez: Callmelili hasn;t been on here in months
Sameunder: Ishipwillowandhunter in a toxic relationship
Oofalladeez: stfu he jus ended that realtionship
Dtrump: do not piss of mich
Oofalladeez: and it's tearig them both apart
Sameunder: You all are failures. Thats why your parents let you here, in Cards Against Humanity
Dtrump: Then why are you here?
Oofalladeez: I came here because I was a failure dumbass
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yo who tf is you talking to?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Why are you here?
Sameunder: And now you all patheticlly try to defend and correct all my errors, even though that what I said is at least bit true
Anonone: And you are not? You are here as well Sam
Ishipwillowandhunter: None of us got time for your bitch ass, if its such a waste of time then fuck off
Sameunder: Look how the kids are defending his extended bedtime
Oofalladeez: wow
Dtrump: Sameunder should login into there main and not be a pussy.
Hello91: whyyyyyyyy
Oofalladeez: You know it takes balls to be o this site
Sameunder: Look how they continue roleplaying till they try about them wasting their time or virginity to a wrong one
Hello91: man
Oofalladeez: I've witnessed crimes on here
Hello91: this shit boring
Oofalladeez: worse then murder...
Dtrump: I swear this is Koda.
Oofalladeez: I still get fuckin PTSD from it
Sameunder: I cant hear you but typing to your keyboard endlessly
Oofalladeez: gotta be Koda
Sameunder: Ok but just because its youz oof, I will read it
Dtrump: Koda is a cancer to this site.
Anonone: Srs
Oofalladeez: yep it's Koda
Sameunder: Koda just acts mad and gets nothing done.
Oofalladeez: I was the only one Koda respected
Anonone: If this place is a waste of time why the fuck are you here Sam
Dtrump: Now you are talking in third person.
Anonone: Your wasting your time
Sameunder: Soup is homeless, their parents hate them and yet they try to act like heros in an equalent to Las Vegas (Cards Against Humanity)
Oofalladeez: Damn they got soup right
Dtrump: I just do not get hiding behind a name like a bitch.
Axel_love: 0-0
Oofalladeez: ong
Oofalladeez: Koda why you treat people like this>
Axel_love: ...
Oofalladeez: You were better then this
Oofalladeez: I knew you before you became toxic
Meganfox: They are right through. You guys are wasting your time rp
Oofalladeez: you were a decent guy, joked around but didn't give a fuck
Dtrump: They are on a new account now.
Oofalladeez: wtf happened in your life ot make you so toxic?
Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't rp and who gives a fuck if we do? Why are you so toxic? If you really about shit, stop hiding behind that name, or better yet that screen
Oofalladeez: fr man
Sameunder: See? Dtrump has paranoia
Dtrump: Its either koda or the same guy making new accounts to hide.
Oofalladeez: This is where toxic people coe to die
Sameunder: blablabla
Sameunder: Your preident sucks. YOur Alabama sucks.
Dtrump: You do realize I have powers here?
Oofalladeez: wow
Sameunder: You do realize youre still a bad person
Sameunder: abusive to your gf and to your powers
Oofalladeez: Thinking insulting my state is gonna offend me
Dtrump: whose abusive to there gf
Sameunder: + school computer
Oofalladeez: This whole country fuckin sucks
Oofalladeez: and I know my life sucks ass
Sameunder: wait. YOu have none. Haha
Oofalladeez: idgaf
Oofalladeez: All I knwo is I have a girl that cares about me and loves me.
Dtrump: You do realize what your doing is bannable on this site?
Sameunder: You can ban me but the truth stays in this game. That only a few ppl likes you
Dtrump: Theres less then few ppl here.
Axel_love: I just bought $5 worth of pirated Bluey episodes.
Sameunder: And that says something about your presence
Hello91: nice
Axel_love: Hehe.
Sameunder: + you define the rules so dont act like innocent
Dtrump: I do not care unlike you.
Oofalladeez: samecunder you hide behind a screen projecting your life into others
Hello91: you do know you couldve pirated the entire show free though rifght?
Oofalladeez: it don't work here
Oofalladeez: fr axel
Dtrump: I know this is koda for sure.
Oofalladeez: gotta be
Oofalladeez: cause he respected me for a lil bit
Anonone: You know your changing nothing. Right?
Sameunder: Youre still from Alabama. And thats poor
Anonone: Fuck of
Sameunder: I am changing this convo right now
Oofalladeez: idgaf
Axel_love: I don't know how to get them on my school laptop, so I'm paying my friend.
Oofalladeez: axel...
Sameunder: ok so if you look yourself in the mirror, what do you think?
Oofalladeez: you coulda talked to me for free!
Dtrump: You do realize nothing you say is relevant.
Sameunder: Youre not relevant
Anonone: Sam we don’t care
Oofalladeez: I rhink I'm worthless, irelavant, and shouldn't be alive
Anonone: Unlike you
Dtrump: Yet you keep talking about me hahahaahha
Oofalladeez: i've got problems
Sameunder: They only care of your powers, not of you as a person
Dtrump: whose they
Oofalladeez: nah trump is a nice guy
Sameunder: More ppl talk about me
Sameunder: nah hes a bad guy
Dtrump: its defintely koda
Dtrump: koda login you pussy ass bitch
Sameunder: its definitly a gay person behind Dtrump
Axel_love: You know how to pirate shows?
Hello91: yes
Sameunder: nopone cares
Oofalladeez: yes
Oofalladeez: sameunder stfu
Oofalladeez: no one talkin to you
Sameunder: See? This is why I come back. To call out autism
Oofalladeez: no one feeding into your autism
Dtrump: we will hardware ban you from this site
Sameunder: And the true irrelevance here. Pirate shows -,- smh
Axel_love: Ohh-
Oofalladeez: wow sameunder
Sameunder: for what? Exposing all of you?
Oofalladeez: jus I feel sorry for you
Sameunder: You cant handle the truth
Oofalladeez: I've been as exposed as I will ever be in my life
Anonone: Your a sad man
Oofalladeez: and you know what?
Oofalladeez: I
Oofalladeez: dont
Oofalladeez: give
Oofalladeez: a
Oofalladeez: fuck
Sameunder: hm
Dtrump: Koda harrassment is bannable.
Sameunder: Maybe I need to change my strategy
Oofalladeez: maybe you should jus leave
Dtrump: Azala already does not like you.
Sameunder: if Dtrump harrasses, who can ban him?
Oofalladeez: azala
Anonone: Nah change your life
Oofalladeez: brb
Sameunder: Azala pretends that he likes you
Anonone: Your sad
Sameunder: Your name is literally Anonone
Anonone: So?
Dtrump: Nope try again.
Axel_love: Heheheheheh I'm making my coloring book!
Sameunder: Like only being Trump is lesser personality, anon
Sameunder: and none
Hello91: this shit if fun to watch
Anonone: Your name is sam
Sameunder: Your name is wrack
Hello91: i got popcorn and everything
Anonone: Nice
Sameunder: Your popcorn is bad
Axel_love: Hehe I'm just kinda glancing at chat every now and then.
Anonone: I wish I had popcorn
Hello91: your roast game is almost as bad as your moms top game
Sameunder: Ok just because I will leave, doesnt mean the battle is decided
Sameunder: Hello, your name is Hello91
Anonone: Sure~~~
Hello91: yep
Hello91: it is
Axel_love: I'm looking at my printer, my phone which has whats being printed, bluey and glancing at chat.
Hello91: what about it?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Lol fr its funny how you're not even worth putting in the effort to make an appropriate response.
Sameunder: Popcorn is the reason why were obese
Dtrump: Koda is worse then hitler.
Sameunder: Your name is Iship--- who
Hello91: obese lol
Axel_love: Bitch actually isn't obese-
Hello91: haha
Anonone: Awww~ did we hire his feelings
Axel_love: He skinny as hell-
Hello91: i was all american for javelin
Sameunder: Dtrump is worse than Hitler
Hello91: so yeah
Hello91: obese
Anonone: Discord mod
Dtrump: Nice you used my insult.
Ishipwillowandhunter: The fact you're putting any brain power and emotions into this when none of us actually care is sad
Sameunder: and Stalin and Pol Pot and Vlad the Impaler and Genghis Khan
Hello91: you want to talk about obese then lets talk about the fact that your mom has ass in the front and the back
Hello91: like damn
Sameunder: ok Hello has a weight problem. Hes too thin and thats why he eats low-carb popcorns
Oofalladeez: XD
Oofalladeez: buddy I have seen Hello
Sameunder: whos even Willow
Oofalladeez: he ain't got a problem
Hello91: suure
Axel_love: Nah Hello is like a good weight bruv.
Hello91: i'm too thin
Sameunder: Hello is still a stupid name "Hello, is your name Hello?"
Sameunder: he confirms
Hello91: okay then you keep telling yourself that
Dtrump: So koda whats your goal here?
Oofalladeez: its a joke name
Sameunder: ok hes a hypocrite sarcastic
Anonone: He ran out of insolts
Oofalladeez: I mean what kind of name is "Sameunder\"
Anonone: Oh wait
Sameunder: My goal is to hit your moms G-spot
Axel_love: Why's he here btw?
Anonone: He doesn’t run
Sameunder: Yet I cant find it with that fat
Oofalladeez: so you like old pussy?
Axel_love: Hehe G-spot.
Oofalladeez: cause my mom is in her fuckin 60s
Sameunder: I like experienced pussies
Anonone: Idk
Dtrump: I am pretty sure koda was talking to underage girls weirdly too.
Sameunder: Did I say I want to fully commit?
Anonone: Yea
Axel_love: How old is Same?
Sameunder: Your birth can be described like this: oof
Anonone: Your a discord mod
Sameunder: 69
Dtrump: Everyone in this chat hates him rn lol.
Oofalladeez: Bruh I was hanged when I was born
Sameunder: why are you still there
Hello91: im hung even now
Oofalladeez: im done
Hello91: just ask spencer
Sameunder: instead continuing that hanging
Sameunder: So many low-names... So many irrelevant ppl... I have to go because this place is soo irrelevant again
Sameunder: Bye
Anonone: It’s interesting how you care about our words
Sameunder: You care even more.
Oofalladeez: cya scum
Hello91: okay then
Anonone: Cya never
Hello91: bye and with all due disrespect, you will not be missed
Anonone: Yasss
Dtrump: I do not care if these people do not like it is what it is.
Oofalladeez: kife sucks
Oofalladeez: get over it
Oofalladeez: deal with it
Logan34: hello i've returned
Anonone: .
꒰ ˶• ༝ - ˶꒱
./づ~ ☕ tea for yall
Anonone: Wb
Oofalladeez: wb
Axel_love: Sup Logan.
Dtrump: anways
Hello91: wb logman
Logan34: thats a typo right
Oofalladeez: logman
Hello91: Kawhi is out again on injury 😢
Oofalladeez: man of logs
Axel_love: Who?
Hello91: nba player
Logan34: please don't call me that
Hello91: okay then
Dtrump: hi logan
Axel_love: Oh.
Oofalladeez: XD
Axel_love: Happy Birthday Loganster.
Oofalladeez: gotta admit
Anonone: Hello fellow being of the void
Oofalladeez: lgman is one of the best typos here XD
Logan34: ima kill her
Oofalladeez: *logman
Hello91: who said it was a typo?
Oofalladeez: XDDDD
Axel_love: haha I'm sorry joing!
Oofalladeez: joing
Oofalladeez: joingl
Dtrump: thats something else
Anonone: Moistl
Oofalladeez: wetl
Anonone: Menl
Oofalladeez: succl
Logan34: bro this chat be goofier than my uncle on god
Oofalladeez: Succ
Anonone: Yea
Anonone: Buck
Dtrump: you should of seen it earlier
Oofalladeez: nah earlier was us sad
Oofalladeez: felt bad for the guy
Oofalladeez: he thinks he's something
Oofalladeez: thinks he has a life
Dtrump: He is not all there tbh.
Anonone: Red versus red
Blue versus blue They have found you their coming after you
Violets are blue, and roses are red I was found dead right in my Bed
Oofalladeez: average tf2 player be life
Axel_love: brb
Oofalladeez: ever jus wanted to-
Oofalladeez: fuck wrong one
Oofalladeez: ever jus wanna-
Anonone: ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)
Axel_love: Hehe I have a bird whistle.
Anonone: ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。)
Anonone: Nice
Anonone: I will eat it
01:29:08Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Anonone: ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)
Axel_love: I'm a beatboxxing bird.
Dtrump: i thought you said beating a bird
Axel_love: no lmaoo
Oofalladeez: XD
Oofalladeez: those damn emus gonna get it
Dtrump: oh you are the bird
Axel_love: Yeah I got a bitd call
Oofalladeez: I'm da biggest bird
Oofalladeez: XD
Axel_love: Thats Bradelys old Dailpad name./
Oofalladeez: YES
Oofalladeez: I remember that! XD
Anonone: ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა
Axel_love: Can some one call?
Hornydude: hello
Oofalladeez: nope...
Oofalladeez: hey horny
Hornydude: yo
Hornydude: so how's everyone's day going
Anonone: Good, just chillin, you?
Hornydude: meh alr i guess
Oofalladeez: funny guy earlier said I should go to johns hopkins in baltimore
Hornydude: i agree
Oofalladeez: be back in 30 mins
Anonone: Ok
Oofalladeez: cya
Anonone: Bye
Keigo: hey guys
Hornydude: hey
Anonone: Hi
Axel_love: I'm bac.
Anonone: Wb
Keigo: hey
Keigo: the demon is back
Axel_love: Ty.
Anonone: ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა
Keigo: *fades into another room*
Axel_love: Oop0
Anonone: *-*
Keigo: *goes to costco*
Anonone: I’m lonely in the void of chat
Keigo: no i am here
Keigo: "the demon"
Oofalladeez: hey kei
Keigo: hey oof
Soap21: Cum
Keigo: no
Axel_love: SOAP!!!
Oofalladeez: FOAP
Anonone: Lump o coal for me
Axel_love: OMG I LOVE YOU SOAP!!!
Soap21: I just had to wait 5 minutes for all those messages to loaf
Soap21: Load
Soap21: Loaf
Axel_love: Hehe.
Soap21: Same thing
Hornydude: yo soap
Keigo: sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Soap21: Sup
Axel_love: I am a beatboxxing bird!!
Soap21: I'm doap
Soap21: Soap
Logan34: why are you a bird
Soap21: Sleepy fingers
Soap21: I got stuck playing oavlov
Soap21: Pavlov
Person112: Heyyy
Axel_love: Sup.
Soap21: Cheese
Logan34: egg
Soap21: Penis gang
Soap21: Time to go see what degenerate things are on Reddit today
Homostablus: SWORD44
Ishipwillowandhunter: paypal
Oofalladeez: hello
Homostablus: What should I do without you, Sword? ;(
Oofalladeez: waiin on kiley as usual
Ishipwillowandhunter: I've been here, just watching yt. How y'all doing
Homostablus: *plays sad music* Dun-Dun-Duhn-Dun-Dun-Duuun-Duhn
Homostablus: Dudu-DundunDuDuuuuuun
Homostablus: Dududundunduhnduundu~n. Dududduundundunduuunduuuunnnn
Homostablus: Every letter has his meaning
Homostablus: Here's an awsome game to get the Tequila-experience:
02:04:37Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Ishipwillowandhunter: I love you
Homostablus: Wow. Never ever had someone told me this
Ishipwillowandhunter: Aw really? They should <3
Ishipwillowandhunter: .c
Homostablus: It's ok. My name is Homo btw
Homostablus: But it's a bad English to spainish translation
Ishipwillowandhunter: Nice to meet you, Homo. I am 50% homo as well
Homostablus: Sword44 was unique. Like the only star shingling in a light-smoked night at the city
Soap21: I'm like 86% homo
Logan34: i'm 2% homo
Ishipwillowandhunter: Soap, how're you doing?
Homostablus: He was the last one leaving this game before. Truly... fabulous by his clothes choices... pink
Homostablus: And then... Sword leaves like I am a whore. ForEver
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm also a whore
Homostablus: Always the silent one at class, but his eyes speaks volumes
Soap21: Soap is doing good
Homostablus: Thx for asking me. I am fine aswell
Homostablus: Fine enough to resist the blade-grabbing inside my neck
Ishipwillowandhunter: Good to know
Homostablus: The more you know, the better my teacher says, yet that teacher was a virgin
Soap21: Seven nation army keeps playing in my head
Homostablus: He doesn't know what I gone through. Sometimes it's better to never know anyone
Homostablus: Something you don't know can't betrayel to your sister, right?
Homostablus: I like to talk alot when no one is talking. It fills the room.
Soap21: I have no gag reflex
Oofalladeez: Nate you there?
Homostablus: I hear the birds and flowers. I should go before a car crash might happen. Byeseeeeeee
Soap21: I'm immune to post nut depression
Ghost52: What about the people who are exactly 18?
Dualcerb: -hi
Axel_love: 18 are hot too.
Oofalladeez: ghoft!
Oofalladeez: dual
Ghost52: Also "hot" is too subjective to proof anything. You're just confirming your biases.
Axel_amor: being not being underage is hot
Hello91: yeah
Hello91: im here
Dualcerb: who here can convert this video into thumbsnap starting at 2:15?
Soap21: I love 86 year old men
Soap21: Not really
Axel_amor: thats too young
Keigo: back
Hello91: nope it's just right
Axel_amor: 96 year old men are best
Axel_love: Ohh how'd you know I'm in PA-
Oofalladeez: wb kei
Oofalladeez: nate
Hello91: what
Keigo: ty oof
Dualcerb: can you thumbsnap this video starting at 2:15
Soap21: Haha
Soap21: Someone in her account
Oofalladeez: idk
Oofalladeez: maybe later
Hello91: what nate?1
Hello91: imagine
Oofalladeez: My internet goes off at 10
Hello91: skill issue axel
Dualcerb: ok copy the video and the message so you dont forget
Hello91: okay nate
Oofalladeez: tell KIley if she doesn't get on
Keigo: ok
Oofalladeez: before 10
Hello91: got it
Hello91: still a skill issue
Hello91: imagine getting hacked
Logan34: +ratio
Hello91: imagine having any of your accounts hacked
Oofalladeez: fuck you nate mine was hacked :(
Hello91: imagine
Axel_love: PROVE YOU'RE ME!!
Soap21: Love is the real one
Oofalladeez: love is the real
Keigo: love
Soap21: I feel it in my bones
Axel_love: Hehe
Keigo: stop
Soap21: Wormy
Axel_amor: the thing i like to do the most is watch bluey
Dualcerb: WATCH IT
Hello91: what have i shown you that scarred you for life
Soap21: What's 1+4
Oofalladeez: beter quesiton
Oofalladeez: what's 9+10
Axel_love: 21.
Ompalumpa: I will fuck everyone
Axel_amor: 19
Toxicego357: hewwo!!!
Dualcerb: FUCK CAM
Axel_love: TOXXX!!!!
Toxicego357: AXELLLLLL
Hello91: okay love is the real one
Axel_amor: OMG HI TOXX!!!!
Hello91: hi spencer
Toxicego357: hey nate...
Oofalladeez: hey tox
Toxicego357: tsup other nate
Keigo: hey spencer-kun
Hello91: wow really
Toxicego357: kei-kun how are you?
Dualcerb: fuck marry kill:
Keigo: still feel like shit
Axel_love: Tox call now?
Ompalumpa: Starting with my colors
Toxicego357: im sorry to hear that
Dualcerb: nancy pelosi, kamala harris, michele obama
Toxicego357: SURE!!!
Soap21: John Madden John Madden John madden
Hello91: fuck the shit out of michele
Ompalumpa: Then saying that I voted Bush
Axel_amor: mike fifa
Hello91: she got that obamussy
Keigo: its not ur fault
Ompalumpa: Then saying its your fault
Dualcerb: fuck marry kill: michele obama, nancy pelosi, kamala harris.
Ompalumpa: fuck everyone, marry noone and kill idk
Axel_amor: marry michele obama to get micheal jordans money fuck kamala harris kill nancy pleosi
Keigo: please kill me
Ompalumpa: Who even created this game fuck marry kill?
Toxicego357: no kill
Oofalladeez: kill them all dual
Soap21: Fuck all
Soap21: Kill all
Dualcerb: Ompalumpa original video
Keigo: kill me
Toxicego357: keigo-kun you are worth it dont let anyone else tell you different
Keigo: spencer-kun death is art
Dualcerb: fuck marry kill: peach, daisy, waluigi
Ompalumpa: Sounds like it doesn't deserves to be western american , amirite?
Toxicego357: no
Soap21: I'd sex a dragon
Hello91: donkey?
Axel_amor: me at dragon man
Hello91: is that you?
Ompalumpa: Fucking, marrying and killing is below our western standards
Soap21: If I'm donkey
Soap21: Ig*
Keigo: yes
Axel_amor: we should marry every women we see like allah wants
Dualcerb: fuck marry kill: peach daisy waluigi
Axel_amor: i cant choose
Ompalumpa: Allahs existence was never scientifically proven by Quantum Mechanics
Toxicego357: AXEL NO
Axel_love: YES!!!
Oofalladeez: ...
Keigo: 死は最高の芸術である
Ompalumpa: No
Ishipwillowandhunter: 7 inches is a lot more uncomfortable than you might think.
Ompalumpa: Not another Chinese noodle recepie to spy us
Toxicego357: MICH!!!!!!!!!!!
Ishipwillowandhunter: Spencerrrrr
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey baby
Soap21: Wrong one
Ompalumpa: It's so sad the decay of western civilization, Live
Keigo: *必要ありません*
Ompalumpa: Pls be gone, chinese
Axel_amor: i wanna munch luigi asshole like chip
Axel_love: Ew..
Keigo: its not fucking chinese
Axel_love: Japanese!
Ompalumpa: As long as it's "fucking" , it doesn't deserves a distinction
Keigo: see axel know
Soap21: Stop speaking hentai
Oofalladeez: I don't speak fortune cookie
Oofalladeez: XD
Axel_love: GET PISSED BITCH!!!!
Ompalumpa: "I speak no americanoó"
Keigo: you already are
Toxicego357: fortune cookies are actually an american thing...
Axel_amor: i piss on my enemies
Soap21: No
Soap21: No pissing
Axel_love: Ewww.
Axel_amor: piss
Soap21: No
Axel_love: What is my hacker saying-
Oofalladeez: so is taco bell
Anonone: Ew
Anonone: Tf
Soap21: I want potato
Ompalumpa: So is "Fuck, Kill and Marry"? Only Americans can make a popular show about it
Axel_amor: taco bell baja blast piss
Logan34: ok i'm back
Ompalumpa: Also the fact that "Fuck" is first mentioned says something.
Axel_love: Logan go play fnf!
Soap21: Logang
Ompalumpa: Friday Night Funkin?
Logan34: soap don't you do it
Ompalumpa: Logang
Logan34: also my proxy died so i cant
Soap21: Every day bro on that Disney channel show
Axel_love: Haha.
Logan34: ok thats funny
Ompalumpa: Logan became the new Adolf
Logan34: i mean i am german
Soap21: Imma keep cropping porn and posting it here
Keigo: stop
Ompalumpa: Two names to avoid now by baby-name-giving
(anon): wtf?!
Anonone: Idk
Ompalumpa: nationality was dropped instead
(anon): What did I just come back to?
Keigo: idk
Toxicego357: who is you anon?
Anonone: I have no idea
Anonone: Idk
Ompalumpa: You don't know Anonone? Your big brother?
Logan34: die juden vergasen
Keigo: but imma leave
(anon): Oh my bad!
Axel_love: Prolly oof-
Kfc: Boo!
Ompalumpa: Kei go is the Inposter
Axel_love: Ok Kileuy.
Anonone: The other anon
Hello91: hi kiley
Axel_love: IT WAS KIELY!!!!!
Soap21: Imma get back on pavlov
Ompalumpa: The longer brother
Anonone: Hello
Oofalladeez: Hi!
Hello91: how was work?
Toxicego357: kiley call?
Ompalumpa: Rip pavlov
Axel_love: Wanna join Tox and I's call??
Ompalumpa: No. Not if I get exposed too.
Kfc: I think im gonna pass rn im really tired
Ompalumpa: I mean "exposed"
Hello91: okay
(anon): hey?
Anonone: Hi
Lovi: sorry it logged me out
Axel_love: Hey Lovi.
Ompalumpa: Post that colored book to the world
Oofalladeez: hey lovi
Lovi: hi axel
Logan34: oh fick von dir kitschiger Schwachkopf
Ompalumpa: I just realized
Ompalumpa: I have fun
Lovi: ok
02:40:06Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Ompalumpa: If you ever felt like a loser, remind you that people who still play Among Us exists
Lovi: ok
Ompalumpa: unironically and non-stop
Lovi: again ok
Ompalumpa: Now we all agreed to be silent. Someone has to do the first step to be it.
Keigo: I'm in pain, wanna put ten shots in my brain
Keigo: I be feeling pain, I be feeling pain just to hold on
And I don't feel the same, I'm so numb
Toxicego357: i know that song ki
Toxicego357: what is it
Keigo: life
Toxicego357: ITS XXX
Keigo: ya ik
Toxicego357: jocelyn flores
Toxicego357: Steady tryin' to maintain
Same things that a blood bitch may frame
My brain can't fathom what the hate say
He say, she say, how 'bout me say?
Get the Visa
Headed to the islands ASAP
What's that on my shawty wrist? That's a AP
I'm the type to save a bitch, CAPE
Feeling like ET, flying out of the Addy
Keigo: I don't see you like I should
You look so misunderstood
And I wish I could help
But it's hard when I hate myself
Pray to God with my arms open
If this is it, then I feel hopeless
And I wish I could help
But it's hard when I hate myself
Toxicego357: hate myself by NF
Keigo: yep
Toxicego357: too easy ki
Keigo: anyway I gtg bye
Toxicego357: i listen to this shit on the daily
Oofalladeez: cya
Toxicego357: NO DONT WEAVE
Oofalladeez: I gtg myself
Oofalladeez: cya guys later
Keigo: i have to go shower ill be back
Toxicego357: everyone leaves me :(
Oofalladeez: im sorry got school tomorrow
Jul: 🤣
Oofalladeez: I'll be back at schoool
Oofalladeez: cya tox
Oofalladeez: my brother
Toxicego357: bye nate :(
Toxicego357: my otha brotha
Lovi: Hey?
Toxicego357: hewwo
Toxicego357: AXELLLLLLL\
Toxicego357: im all alone now
(anon): Hey?
Hello91: fuck
Toxicego357: nothing but my gay thoughts to aid me...
Hello91: welp
Hello91: i fucked up
Toxicego357: hey nate
Toxicego357: whats wrong?
Hello91: nothing
Hello91: im sure it'll be fine
Toxicego357: anon?
(anon): Yes?
Toxicego357: people and the not signing in its annoying
(anon): Shit it keeps signing me out
Lovi: There we go
Lovi: ...
Toxicego357: keigo-kun
Lovi: Oui
Lovi: gtg
Lovi: Bye
Hornydude: oh axle left
Hornydude: axel
03:15:34Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
(anon): Yooo.
Axel_love: Apparently my mobile account is being used rn.
Axel_love: Anyone on?
Toxicego357: i am
Anonone: I am
Axel_love: Hi Tox! Sorry my internet went out.
Toxicego357: but im talking to kiley rn
Axel_love: Hey Anon!
Axel_love: Oh cool.
Anonone: Hello
Ishipwillowandhunter: wait jul was here :(
Ishipwillowandhunter: Where she gooo
Anonone: To the backrooms
Axel_love: How are you?
Anonone: Jul no-clipped into the backrooms, lvl 1. Let’s see if they survive
Axel_love: Haha.
Lovi: Back
Axel_love: Hey Lovi.
Lovi: Hey axel
Anonone: Or will they get snatched by the Bactria monster get them
Axel_love: How are you?
Lovi: Shit
Axel_love: Aw why’s that?
Lovi: Life
Axel_love: Damn I’m sorry.
Lovi: It's not your fault
Prowlbby: I’m funny
Lovi: afk
Prowlbby: I’m so funny
Axel_love: Very funny Prowl.
Axel_love: Still sucks Lovi.
Axel_amor: I hope it gets better Lovi.
Axel_love: I agree with my mobile hacker.
Keigo: hey
Axel_love: Hi Kei!
Keigo: hey axel
Axel_amor: How are you doing Kei!
Axel_love: How are you?
Keigo: shit
Keigo: as normal
Axel_love: I’m sorry Kei.
Axel_amor: That's good!
Keigo: don't be sorry won't be here for much longer anway
Axel_amor: I am sending prayers your way.
Axel_love: Kei..
Axel_love: What do you mean..
Keigo: moving not death
Keigo: gotta return my computer
Axel_love: Good, better not be death.
Keigo: it is not death sadly
Keigo: also were is spencer-kun
Axel_love: Talking to Kiley-San.
Toxicego357: im here but preoccupied
Keigo: ok
Axel_amor: Hii Tox!
Ishipwillowandhunter: where's Jul :((
Keigo: idk
Axel_love: Wait what if I get Pregnant-?
Axel_love: Shit..
Axel_love: Again..
Axel_amor: ?
Keigo: again?
Axel_amor: aint you like 16?
Toxicego357: bwu blurry nights
Anonone: Again?0-o
Axel_love: I keep miss clicking and not private chatting-
Logan34: ayo axel
Logan34: axel what are you doing
Axel_amor: Logan you should tell my bf im pregnant.
Axel_love: LOGAN DONT!!
Axel_amor: my name amornis
Keigo: I don’t wanna go alone into my bed
Can you let me use your shoulder for my head
And you don’t have to be outside
'Cause I don’t mind, I got room
And I got time for you
Instead of being so cold
You could stay
And we could binge watch movies night and day
I don’t want you to be 29 miles away (Aww)
Logan34: hmmm who to trust
Axel_love: And I’m not doing anything. I’m just talking with my friends.
Anonone: Amor is a hacker account
Axel_love: Logan you weren’t mad at me for hitting you in the eye cause my good aim,
Axel_amor: Hey trust me because i am trustworthy
Anonone: Did you know giraffes give birth standing up ?
Axel_amor: Tell my bf Logan
Axel_love: I’m gonna go to bed I’m tired and miss Michael so.
Anonone: Dont
Axel_love: Logan I swear I will beat your ass.
Anonone: amor is the hacker
Keigo: axel calm down
Keigo: both of you
Logan34: nah she fine
Axel_love: Fine.
Keigo: thank you
Axel_amor: Logan i will send you a photo of your own ass in the mail.
Axel_love: Ew Amor wtf-
Keigo: lol
T0xicego357: i dont feel too good
Axel_love: I know I slapped Logan’s ass multiple times before, but tf-
Keigo: can anyone call
Axel_love: Whats that Tox?
Logan34: i can
T0xicego357: i can ki
Keigo: ok
Anonone: This is a weird convo
Axel_amor: thats weirder than what i said love
Axel_amor: why did you slap his ass?
Keigo: boom we know the fake
Logan34: also i cant talk because my parents are sleeping
T0xicego357: kk
Keigo: thats ok
Anonone: I sould sleep but this is is a weird coco I wanna see
Anonone: Convo
Axel_amor: hey get your parents on the call lets have a group chat about your friends and interactions with them
Axel_love: Haha.
Axel_love: Good night all.
Keigo: gn axel
Axel_amor: thanks
Anonone: Good night residents of the void
Keigo: gn
03:51:01Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
T0xicego357: is the void empty?
(anon): Normally is around this time
Anonone: Yea
T0xicego357: another anon...
Anonone: The anon takeover
Hitlersfavoritejew: Lol mb fam
Anonone: Has begun
T0xicego357: HOLY JESUS
T0xicego357: ITS A PENIS
Anonone: Ay yo
Logan34: omg Hitler's doctor
Anonone: Why you name like that
Hitlersfavoritejew: hey i survived WWII
Hitlersfavoritejew: Anyways what yall up to?
T0xicego357: mich it says your online but im sure your afk if you see this send me a whisper
Logan34: Vergase die verdammten Juden
Anonone: I’m watching a funny vid
Hitlersfavoritejew: nice
Anonone: I cant really fall asleep untel like 1:00 my time so
Anonone: I’m bored really
Anonone: You?
Hitlersfavoritejew: Well my gf called my crying saying how she fell for another man and then once i told her that I support her in her decision she blew up saying how i dont fight for do i do?
Anonone: 0-0
Anonone: Idk
Anonone: I was never in a relationship before
Hitlersfavoritejew: ive had many but fr tho she got pissy for me being there for her
Anonone: Nice
Hitlersfavoritejew: peaches
Logan34: yeah me nether
Logan34: neither
(anon): anyone on?
(anon): guess not
Anonone: I’m on
Anonone: For a bit
(anon): anyone else on?
Dtrump: hi
Anonone: Guess so
Dtrump: i just got back on
Anonone: Wb
(anon): wb
Dtrump: whose anon
Anonone: 🩸
Anonone: Idk
Anonone: We are anon
Anonone: We are one yet many
Anonone: By many I mean 2peeps
Anontwo: we are the few who are many
Anonzero: and the many who are few
Anonone: 0o0
Anonone: Friend :D
Anongod: Thou shall worship the one true lord
Anonone: Two
Anontwo: what?
Anonone: Threee
Anonthree: im here
Ishipwillowandhunter: I want banana bread
Logan34: hello
Anonfour: im also here
Anonone: I have friends :D
Anonseventyfive: it would be a pain for all of us to say we are here so im the last of the numbered
Anonseventyfive: there are 75 of us
Anonjesus: i am also here
Anonseventyfive: then we have the letters
Anonone: :D
Anon_a: someone called?
Anon_b: no dipshit
Anon_b: he was just saying that we exist
Anon_a: same thing
Anon_c: i mean it isnt but ok
Anonone: :D
Anonone: Thers more
Anon_f: can yall stop arguing for once and shut the fuck up?
Anon_f: i mean every damn day
Anon_f: it's always you three
Anon_z: fr tho
Anon_p: yeah it's annoying as shit
Anon_n: .
Anon_p: oh fuck
Anon_p: not again
Anon_i: .
Anon_g: .
Anon_g: .
Anon_e: .
Anonone: .
Anon_r: .
Anon_s: .
Anon_z: do you guys always have to arrive like that?
Anon_n: yes
Anon_i: yes
Anonone: Yes
Anon_g: yes
Anon_g: yes
Anon_e: yes
Anonone: Yes
Anon_r: yes
Anon_s: yes
Anon_s: we are the few who are many
Anon_s: the ones who spread god's word
Anongod: well
Anongod: my word isnt niggers so shut the fuck up
Anongod: and stop spelling it
Anon_n: s
Anon_i: o
Anon_g: r
Anon_g: r
Anonone: Y
Anon_a: y
(anon): alright im done now
Anonone: Ok
Anonone: Ty that made my day lol
(anon): yw
Anonone: That was so random but funny lol
04:26:29Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Anonone: Good night peeps imma try to get 3 hours of sleep ✌️
(anon): gn number two
Soap21: Woohoo sleep time
05:01:57Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Keigo: Hey
Dtrump: h
(anon): ok
(anon): my boner fell
05:37:25Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
(anon): cunt muncher
Ishipwillowandhunter: Anyone on?
Hello91: im here
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey Nate
Hello91: hi
Ishipwillowandhunter: Damn not even Dtrump is on
Ishipwillowandhunter: How you doing?
Hello91: not the best but whatever i guess
Hello91: and dtrump isnt the one you should be saying damn about
Hello91: it's assmaster
Hello91: if that man aint on then pretty much nobody is
Ishipwillowandhunter: I actually haven't seen as much of Assmaster recently. Why aren't you doing well?
Hello91: just some things going on. i'll be fine though. just forget about them like everything else.
Dtrump: idk
06:12:52Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: any codes for private servers?
Dtrump: try basic words and numbers
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: ok got it
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Epstein island feels very tempting to join..
Dtrump: it is i have been there
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: on a scale of 1-10, how vile is it
Dtrump: viley fun
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: any gore there?
Dtrump: yes
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: how brutal is it is it like mexican cartel images n shit?
Dtrump: probably not as bad
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: ok
Dtrump: just whisper them
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: k
Inasg_hoe: hi
Dtrump: dude idk
Inasg_hoe: OH SHIT
Inasg_hoe: IM SO FUCKED
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: what did you do
Hello91: you forgot your phone didnt you
Inasg_hoe: NO
Hello91: what?
Hello91: oh
Hello91: oop
Inasg_hoe: AND
Hello91: oh shit
Dtrump: i took it
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: LSD can be derived from the ergot virus which is commonly found on hops and wheat. While it's possible to scrape the virus off the stalks of these plants, there's a much easier way to get ergot...| Foster's Beer is one of the few beers made with ergot-containing grains, and it is definitely the most available. First, you'll need some big, blue cans of Foster's Beer, which you can purchase at most local supermarkets.
Inasg_hoe: what the fuck do I say when they ask why I was on it
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Buy 12 cans of Foster's Beer. In a pan, heat the beer to a slow boil, in order to remove the water and isolate the ergot-containing compounds. Boiling off the water should take approximately 36 hours -- don't rush the process, or you risk damaging the ergot-containing compounds. As the beer evaporates, simply add more beer. In this way, eventually, you'll have the essential compounds from all 12 beers in the bottom of the pan.
Dtrump: what happened
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: It's now necessary to pH neutralize the slightly acidic ergotamine solution, using a weak base. No-fat household milk is ideal for the job. Mix in 1/4 cup of no-fat milk (be sure not to use milk with any milkfat) and wait 30 minutes for the solution to reach equilibrium. At this point, you have a weak solution of ergotamine with which you can continue the process. It should be a creamy brown color and a bit gooey. Be careful, because ergotamine is poisonous
Hello91: what sites were you on?
Inasg_hoe: WHAT DO I SAY
Dtrump: quiet dumbass
Inasg_hoe: I was on this
Hello91: oh
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Next, it's necessary to combine lysine with the ergotamine solution. Lysine is available in most health food stores. You'll need about 2 grams of lysine (that's 20 100mg pills). Cool the ergotamine solution to near freezing in your freezer (to avoid desosphyxiation with CO2 in the air). Now, simply grind the pills into a powder and mix into your ergotamine solution. You now have lysergic acid.
Inasg_hoe: they can't know I'm on here
Inasg_hoe: they'd block everything
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: You want LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide, however, and so you need to ethylate your compound and then ammonate it. Sound hard? It isn't.
Dtrump: you have your phone
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Simply add ethyl alcohol to the lysergic acid mixture. Pure grain alcohol is ideal, but Bacardi 151 or some other high-proof alcohol will work fine. Add 1 cup of pure alcohol, 1 1/3 cup of 151 proof, or 2 cups of 100 proof. Now, to remove the hydroxyls, add 6 cups of 4% hydrogen peroxide (available at your local pharmacy) or 24 cups of 1% (stronger is better)
Inasg_hoe: that gets taken a lot
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Be careful, because now your compound is highly volatile. 5. Now, for the final step in preparation, add 4 ounces of pure ammonia to the solution and let sit at room temperature for 3 days. This waiting period allows for the slow reaction to take place -- at higher temperatures this reaction occurs much more quickly, but you risk decomposition of the LSD. At the end of the three days, you've done it!
Inasg_hoe: what the fuck do I tell them
Dtrump: is it a school computer
Inasg_hoe: NO
Dtrump: your parents took it
Inasg_hoe: YES
Dtrump: can you delete the history from your phone
Inasg_hoe: nope
Dtrump: how will they find this site
Inasg_hoe: they'd get me to log into it
Inasg_hoe: And look at the history
Inasg_hoe: unless I delete it before that
Dtrump: They legally can not do that.
Inasg_hoe: But I'd have to be rlly lucky
Inasg_hoe: Yes they can
Inasg_hoe: but basically
Dtrump: Do they have a warrant?
Inasg_hoe: i can't be on here at night
Inasg_hoe: Dtrump it's my fucking dad he don't need a warrant
Dtrump: I have dealt with this before.
Inasg_hoe: what do I tell them
Dtrump: This is an educational site.
Inasg_hoe: no trump u don't fucking understand
Inasg_hoe: If they found out I was talking to people online they'd block everything
Inasg_hoe: what do I say I was on
Dtrump: another site?
Hello91: I would say pornhub but that would probably be more trouble
Inasg_hoe: I could say YouTube
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: idk like... discord?
Hello91: Or YouTube
Hello91: YouTube works
Inasg_hoe: but I'd still get in trouble for being on YouTube
Dtrump: coolmath
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Damn how strict are your parents
Inasg_hoe: no I'll say YouTube
Inasg_hoe: very very very strict
Hello91: Okay
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: damn bro how old is you?
Inasg_hoe: 16
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: DAMMNN
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: THEY SHOULD BE LEAVING YOU ALONE
Dtrump: I would tell them to fuckoff.
Inasg_hoe: thats js asking for disownment
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: I would just let kick me out the house, call cps and watch them weep.
Inasg_hoe: um
Inasg_hoe: cruel
Dtrump: Technically that is parental abuse and I suffered through it.
Inasg_hoe: no I'm in so much trouble
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: child abandonment is illegal and kicking a child out of your house counts as child abandonment so you have a right to call them.
Inasg_hoe: I'm not calling anyone
Inasg_hoe: I js need an excuse
Inasg_hoe: An actual good excuse
Dtrump: Say it was an accidental click.
Inasg_hoe: like I'll say YouTube
Inasg_hoe: but they'll ask why I was on YouTube
Inasg_hoe: Then what do I say
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: idk you were watching you laugh you lose?
Dtrump: You can just say that youtube automatically opened for some reason.
Inasg_hoe: trump no
06:48:20Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Inasg_hoe: I need a reason
Dtrump: What type of reason.
Inasg_hoe: I could js say I couldn't sleep
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: or you were listening to some tunes on there
Inasg_hoe: ni
Inasg_hoe: nk
Inasg_hoe: no
Inasg_hoe: I wasn't on YouTube dipshit
Inasg_hoe: I was on here
Inasg_hoe: But I need to delete the history and set it up so it looks like I was on YouTube
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: ok
Dtrump: i would delete history from phone
Inasg_hoe: I could say I tried reading but it didn't work so I went on YouTube to try fall asleep
Inasg_hoe: HOW TF DO I DO THAT
Dtrump: on chrome if you connected phone to computer
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: google, settings, history click delete history and that's it i think
Inasg_hoe: well I'm not so
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: not so what?
Dtrump: You might have to just be honest at this point.
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: yeah,
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: just direct and full frontal force and confess.
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Oi Dtrump, you still there?
Dtrump: no
Inasg_hoe: what do I tell them for why I was on YouTube
Dtrump: christian stuff?
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: is Insag still here?
Inasg_hoe: yes
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: k
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Idk music?
Inasg_hoe: Christian stuff? They know I don't believe in God and that's another reason why they don't like me
Inasg_hoe: maybe idk
Dtrump: whats something they approve you?
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: At this point just shoot your parents.
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: sike
Inasg_hoe: hmm idk can't think of anything they like abt me
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: like actually, I'm genuinely concerned for how your parents treat you
Inasg_hoe: oh if I told you smth else you'd be more concerned
Dtrump: how about plants growing
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: what is it
Inasg_hoe: not saying
Dtrump: abuse?
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: i swear to god if you say your parents sexually assaulted you, call CPS NOW
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: OR 911
Inasg_hoe: oml
Inasg_hoe: I'm not saying anything
Inasg_hoe: And I don't have good experience with sexual assault
Inasg_hoe: and I have to go soon
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: oh...
Dtrump: Its fine
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: I'm sorry
Inasg_hoe: it's okay
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Hope you get well soon.
Dtrump: 2 years and she can be free
Inasg_hoe: but I can't open up, haven't even opened up abt my month long molestation, BUT I HAVE GOOD NEWS
Inasg_hoe: today I'm going to speak to a counsellor and actually open up for the first time in my life
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: who did it.
Inasg_hoe: someone from my school
Inasg_hoe: he did it to 3 other girls
Inasg_hoe: none as long as he did it to me tho
Dtrump: people are poses
Inasg_hoe: And they opened up
Inasg_hoe: And then I got questioned about it
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Alright uhhh, address and location, I have a hammer.
Inasg_hoe: Because my best friend told on my behalf
Inasg_hoe: But I didn't open up then either, didn't deny or admit so she can't do anything
Dtrump: Things like that people dismiss them.
Inasg_hoe: oh and I didn't even get believed by my closest friend
Inasg_hoe: do yk what she actually said when I told her abt it
Dtrump: Did she call you a name?
Inasg_hoe: She said "I don't even know if I believe you he'd never do anything like that, I think you're just going with the trend, asking for the attention"
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Everything here i have seen and read is so fucked to the point where I have to actually realize how fucking naive and and blind I am to how cruel and undeserving this world is.
Inasg_hoe: when I'm the only one that didn't go around telling everyone
Inasg_hoe: So I'm clearly not asking for the attention
Dtrump: Those are trash people who you should not hang out with.
Inasg_hoe: oh that's not my only shitty experience in life trust me
Inasg_hoe: mhm
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: do you know where the molestor lives?
Inasg_hoe: back in la but you aren't doing anything lol
Inasg_hoe: I moved away
Inasg_hoe: From LA to England
Dtrump: Girls have to deal with a lot more then guys sadly.
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: I'm in california btw
Inasg_hoe: true we do
Dtrump: Dude are doing this just to get with Tay?
Inasg_hoe: I've also been raped
Inasg_hoe: But I'm never speaking abt that again
Inasg_hoe: brb
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: 3rd month of being a freshman in college. I fucking hate college.
07:23:48Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Inasg_hoe: back
Inasg_hoe: but not for long
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: what happened
Inasg_hoe: had to go eat and get ready for school
Inasg_hoe: It's 8:25 am
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: it's midnight for me
Inasg_hoe: oof where u at
Inasg_hoe: oh yay my dad's up
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: california, 3rd month of being a college freshman at UCLS
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: *UCLA
Inasg_hoe: ooh okay
Inasg_hoe: I'm fucked now 🤓
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: uh oh
Inasg_hoe: I gtg now then
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: by, get well soon
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: *Bye
Inasg_hoe: I'll be on at 3-4 UK time idk maybe not today
Dtrump: Cya
Inasg_hoe: thank u
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: now uhh, should i make a server called Billy Cosby's house mr Donald?
Dtrump: sure
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: you gonna join?
Dtrump: no
Ishipwillowandhunter: foreskin
Inasg_hoe: hi
Dtrump: hi
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: hi buddy.
Dtrump: i gave birth
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: I have a big ass essay from college to do
Dtrump: premarital sex is legal
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: I'm 17.
Dtrump: was she older?
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: ye
Dtrump: how older
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: 5 years to be exact
Dtrump: did you consent
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: yes
07:59:15Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Dtrump: well is she aware you were underaged?
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: yes
Dtrump: then she commited a crime
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: sike i'm actually 19.
Dtrump: you can still report her to police
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: I was 19 at the time bro
Dtrump: do you like her
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: yeah
Dtrump: gf
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: yes.
Dtrump: are you the gf
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: no
Dtrump: does she suck mad dick
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: she sucks quite nice and gently
Dtrump: she lets other men fuck her
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: no she does not
Dtrump: I met her once.
Janajunker69ingyourmom: Ayo
Smile89: ke
Smile89: kek
Dtrump: kike
Smile89: uk
Janajunker69ingyourmom: Deutschland
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: isn't kike like a anti-semetic term?
Dtrump: yes i like racist words
Janajunker69ingyourmom: O.O
Janajunker69ingyourmom: Der könnte Deutscher sein
Smile89: How are we texting with 2 people who are not in our group??
Janajunker69ingyourmom: Teknik
Smile89: I am confuse
Janajunker69ingyourmom: You are gay
Janajunker69ingyourmom: Get some bitches
Smile89: spiiIiiIIIin
Dtrump: is fag offensive enough
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: what's wrong with being a faggot bro?
Janajunker69ingyourmom: You tell me
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: idk like a fucking sin or some shit
Dtrump: why the long names
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: My name literally means what i had on my wee wee bro
Janajunker69ingyourmom: It’s my teachers name,she is a hoe
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Had to had that shit removed bro
Dtrump: jana junker sounds like a porn name
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: that tumor was getting a little to dangerous for my health
Janajunker69ingyourmom: Na its just a casual german name
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: it do sound like a porn name bro
Janajunker69ingyourmom: i kniw
Dtrump: did you have foreskin removed
Cheeseoftrue: WTF
Janajunker69ingyourmom: What are these questions?!
Smile89: It do sound like an interesting story though.
Janajunker69ingyourmom: Says the weirdo
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: after the removal of the tumor, I asked for a circumcision 3 months after the procedure
Janajunker69ingyourmom: Get some bitches
Smile89: I got your mom
Janajunker69ingyourmom: She dead
Smile89: I am willing to work for some pussy
Janajunker69ingyourmom: You are the pussy
Dtrump: sucking dick?
Janajunker69ingyourmom: Yes he loves too
Smile89: depends on the price
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: bro boutta perform necromancy on his. mama 💀💀💀💀💀💀
Janajunker69ingyourmom: But he is a minor
Dtrump: oh he mines for gold
Smile89: I aint no gold digger
Janajunker69ingyourmom: You are a looser
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Ya'll wanna know how to make LSD?
Smile89: Yeeeees
Janajunker69ingyourmom: Retard
Cheeseoftrue: Yeeeees
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: LSD can be derived from the ergot virus which is commonly found on hops and wheat. While it's possible to scrape the virus off the stalks of these plants, there's a much easier way to get ergot...| Foster's Beer is one of the few beers made with ergot-containing grains, and it is definitely the most available. First, you'll need some big, blue cans of Foster's Beer, which you can purchase at most local supermarkets.
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Buy 12 cans of Foster's Beer. In a pan, heat the beer to a slow boil, in order to remove the water and isolate the ergot-containing compounds. Boiling off the water should take approximately 36 hours -- don't rush the process, or you risk damaging the ergot-containing compounds. As the beer evaporates, simply add more beer. In this way, eventually, you'll have the essential compounds from all 12 beers in the bottom of the pan.
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: It's now necessary to pH neutralize the slightly acidic ergotamine solution, using a weak base. No-fat household milk is ideal for the job. Mix in 1/4 cup of no-fat milk (be sure not to use milk with any milkfat) and wait 30 minutes for the solution to reach equilibrium. At this point, you have a weak solution of ergotamine with which you can continue the process. It should be a creamy brown color and a bit gooey. Be careful, because ergotamine is poisonous
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Next, it's necessary to combine lysine with the ergotamine solution. Lysine is available in most health food stores. You'll need about 2 grams of lysine (that's 20 100mg pills). Cool the ergotamine solution to near freezing in your freezer (to avoid desosphyxiation with CO2 in the air). Now, simply grind the pills into a powder and mix into your ergotamine solution. You now have lysergic acid.
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: You want LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide, however, and so you need to ethylate your compound and then ammonate it. Sound hard? It isn't.
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Simply add ethyl alcohol to the lysergic acid mixture. Pure grain alcohol is ideal, but Bacardi 151 or some other high-proof alcohol will work fine. Add 1 cup of pure alcohol, 1 1/3 cup of 151 proof, or 2 cups of 100 proof. Now, to remove the hydroxyls, add 6 cups of 4% hydrogen peroxide (available at your local pharmacy) or 24 cups of 1% (stronger is better)
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: Be careful, because now your compound is highly volatile. 5. Now, for the final step in preparation, add 4 ounces of pure ammonia to the solution and let sit at room temperature for 3 days. This waiting period allows for the slow reaction to take place -- at higher temperatures this reaction occurs much more quickly, but you risk decomposition of the LSD. At the end of the three days, you've done it
Smile89: So thats what my grandpa is doing in his basement
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: anyways, gonna goto bed.
Cheeseoftrue: Du bist ein Stück scheiße/w Smile89
Cancerousgrowthonmyforeskin: OH SHIT A BEER DRINKER
Dtrump: jew
Smile89: Sind wir alle 3
Janajunker69ingyourmom: Hitler had some good points
Smile89: … stop
Dtrump: pointy penis he had
Janajunker69ingyourmom: He treated animals better than jews
Smile89: Ok I can agree with that
Janajunker69ingyourmom: Scheiß Nazi
Smile89: Akzeptier ich
Janajunker69ingyourmom: Ab in die JVA Stuttgart mit dir
Smile89: Neo-Nazi ohne Neo
Dtrump: du hast
Janajunker69ingyourmom: Rammstein
Smile89: viel geweint
Janajunker69ingyourmom: Schützengrabenvernichtungspanzerkraftwagen
Smile89: -sreperaturbetrieb
Dtrump: kkk
08:34:43Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Alyssaluv: ?!?!
Dtrump: hello lys
09:10:11Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Ompalumpa: It's okay to be gay
Ompalumpa: "Hitler_did_nothing
Ompalumpa: _wrong45" lol
Ompalumpa: Adolfhitlerfan
Dtrump: balls
09:45:38Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
10:21:06Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Soap21: Gm
Dtrump: hi
Generic: hi
Axel_love: Good morning losers.
10:56:33Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Axel_love: Hehe I’m kidding you all are awesome not losers.
Dtrump: maybe I ama a loser
Axel_love: No you’re not.
T0xicego357: bop the benis
Dtrump: i did that
T0xicego357: mornin ppl
Axel_love: Mornin Boyo.
Dtrump: how are you
T0xicego357: im... good? its weird
Dtrump: whats weird
Axel_love: =•3
T0xicego357: being in a good mood
T0xicego357: for me thats weird
Axel_love: Ohh yeah cause you asked them out!!!
Axel_love: =•3
T0xicego357: ...
Dtrump: who asked who out
T0xicego357: i showed keigo what he looks like and she called him and i quoth "a snack"
Axel_love: Hehehe sounds like Kei-kin.
Axel_love: Kun*
T0xicego357: kei-kun is funny
Axel_love: Stupid autocorrect.
Dtrump: oh this is lilly?
Axel_love: No.
T0xicego357: no...
T0xicego357: me and lilly are not a thing anymore
Dtrump: your names confuse me
T0xicego357: and she is already dating someone else
Dtrump: does she still come on here
T0xicego357: not as far as i know...
Axel_love: Stupid Lilly-San
T0xicego357: shit happens
T0xicego357: it hurt and she moved on
Dtrump: sorry if bringing up her name brings back stuff
T0xicego357: the best i can do is to move on myself
T0xicego357: its fine trump
T0xicego357: its probably best if i talk about her sometimes anyway
Axel_love: Me eepy.
T0xicego357: then eep
T0xicego357: i got maby 3 hours of eep myself
T0xicego357: anyone here?
T0xicego357: chat dead :(
T0xicego357: ill be back in a couple hours i guess...
11:32:01Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Cinderacefanboy: Savior
Heaven on a landslide
Cinderacefanboy: Savior
Heaven on a landslide
Cinderacefanboy: If you have to ask, it's too late
Somewhere in between, your character grace
An eye on fantasy, touching nails
Sparks fly, off of me and onto you
Cinderacefanboy: Brothers in the dark
Fight for your life
Devils in the dark
Fight for your life
Fight for your life
Fight for your life
Jul: 🥴😩😩
Cinderacefanboy: Savior
Heaven on a landslide
Cinderacefanboy: Savior
Heaven on a landslide
Cinderacefanboy: Devil in my blood, living on the edge
Split myself in two, death is all around
Summoning the power, drag myself through pain
Blood spills, off of me and onto you
Cinderacefanboy: Brothers in the dark
Fight for your life
Devils in the dark
Fight for your life
Fight for your life
Fight for your life
Cinderacefanboy: Savior
Heaven on a landslide
Cinderacefanboy: Savior
Heaven on a landslide
Cinderacefanboy: Crimson cloud
Evening the score
Cinderacefanboy: Crimson cloud
Evening the score
Cinderacefanboy: Savior
Heaven on a landslide
Cinderacefanboy: Savior
Heaven on a landslide
Cinderacefanboy: Savior
Heaven on a landslide
Cinderacefanboy: Savior
Heaven on a landslide
Cinderacefanboy: i losing my mind slowly
(anon): Hii
Cinderacefanboy: i want to die
Axel_love: There we go.
Axel_love: No dying Cindey.
Cinderacefanboy: hi axel
Logan34: bruh my account reset
Cinderacefanboy: im eepy
Cinderacefanboy: you know morning feels
Generic: hi
Cinderacefanboy: hi
Axel_love: I gtg I'll be on next period.
Cinderacefanboy: k
T0xicego357: im bored
Atomic: harder daddy
Cinderacefanboy: same
Generic: wut
T0xicego357: CINDERRR
Cinderacefanboy: hi tox
Cinderacefanboy: i want to die
T0xicego357: no :(
Atomic: mood
Atomic: damnit henry i said a glass of juice
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: Good Morning peeps
Atomic: hello child
T0xicego357: hey axil
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: hi
T0xicego357: hru?
Cinderacefanboy: f-fuck
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: SUPER HAPPY
Atomic: m-me
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: WHANNA KNOW Y
Atomic: no
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ...
T0xicego357: WHY???
Cinderacefanboy: my back
Atomic: whats wit yo back
Cinderacefanboy: it hurts
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: :))))
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i said yes ofc
Atomic: niceeeeeeeee
T0xicego357: cinder do not question what i sent in discord
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ya ikr
T0xicego357: CONGRATS AXIL!!!!!!!!
Cinderacefanboy: what did you do
Atomic: sus
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: THAMKS TOXIC
Atomic: thamks
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: typo
T0xicego357: np anything for a fwend
12:07:29Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: :3
Cinderacefanboy: spencer what the everloving fuck is this shit
Atomic: fwendfwendfwendfwendfwend
Assmaster: send
Atomic: show us
Cinderacefanboy: one sec
Atomic: cinder yes
Atomic: i have no fucking clue what i did yesterday
Atomic: OwO
Soap21: interesting
T0xicego357: ummmm........
Atomic: meirl
Cinderacefanboy: tox you gay
Cinderacefanboy: gay as hell
T0xicego357: a lil bit
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i cant even see it T-T
Atomic: good
Atomic: you dont weant to
T0xicego357: be glad...
Atomic: want*
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: wat is it lol
Soap21: everybody is at least a teeny bit gei
Atomic: im not
Atomic: im very gay
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: im bisexual
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: :)
Atomic: same nice
T0xicego357: same axil
Cinderacefanboy: tox stop sending me shit
Soap21: im something
Atomic: something else
T0xicego357: ITS FUNNY THO!!!!!!!
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: soap. Im ur father
Atomic: its the truth
Cinderacefanboy: stop
Atomic: FOAP
Cinderacefanboy: please
Soap21: damn daddy
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: lmao
Atomic: sus
T0xicego357: fine...
T0xicego357: just dont post anything else i sent cuz i dont need people to think badly of me...
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: nah, im jk. im not ur father.
T0xicego357: CINDER NO!!!!!!!
T0xicego357: THE BETRAYAL
Atomic: calzone and i watched the disney version of robin hood that had the anthropomorphic animals and now she wont stop begging to finish it
Cinderacefanboy: hey sup bro
Soap21: ro robin hood lit
Cinderacefanboy: bro why
Atomic: ong fr fr
T0xicego357: my camera roll is so fucking scuffed...
Atomic: share
Soap21: haha you are fucking my daughter
Atomic: we all are foap
Cinderacefanboy: hey sup bro *furiously sucks ur dick*
T0xicego357: cinder :(
Atomic: *cutely snaps cinders neck*
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i wrote a story. :) Im not done with it all the way tho
Cinderacefanboy: *cutely dies*
T0xicego357: im the one who sent that to him...
Atomic: Cinderacefanboy: hey sup bro *furiously sucks ur dick*
Atomic: i write stories almost nonstop send help
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: Help
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i sent help
Soap21: lol
Atomic: help i accidentally built a shelf
Cinderacefanboy: i wouldn't mind sucking a dick again
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: elf on the shelf
Atomic: hey
Atomic: cind
T0xicego357: if any of you have discord i will happily share my camera roll with you guys
Soap21: help i accidentally restarted the soviet union
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i have it
Atomic: help i accidentally died again
Soap21: i discord
Atomic: i dick sword
Cinderacefanboy: tox dont add soap
T0xicego357: i need usernames then...
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: D3pr3ss3d_child_68#9664
Atomic: aight i gotta head out
Cinderacefanboy: soap is just gonna send you porn
Atomic: you all have fun shitposting
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: buh bye
Cinderacefanboy: bye atom
Soap21: Mi(l)kko#1768
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: kk
Skillersrule: good morning fellas\
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: morning
Cinderacefanboy: tox when your parents see your discord they are going to kill you
Soap21: gyud mjorning
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: lmao
Soap21: when my parents see my discord it kills them
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i dont have parents...
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: jk
Cinderacefanboy: what did they do to you when they saw yours soap
Soap21: i took them
T0xicego357: nahhhhhhhh
Soap21: nothing
Soap21: they did nothing
Cinderacefanboy: really
Cinderacefanboy: wow
Soap21: yes
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i have adopted parents. bc i am adopted
T0xicego357: im not adding soap
Soap21: aw why not
T0xicego357: i sent a req axil
Cinderacefanboy: they saw your rp and did nothing
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: kk toxic
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ill have to accept it when i get home
Soap21: no i dont think they saw those
T0xicego357: kk
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: kk
T0xicego357: kk
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: kk
Cinderacefanboy: did they see your porn collection
Soap21: possibly
Soap21: but idk
Soap21: they dont talk about it
T0xicego357: because i can axil do you mind if i send a buch of random ass (probably gay) memes?
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: its fine
Cinderacefanboy: tox after the hey sup bro image
Cinderacefanboy: i really really want to suck a cock again now
T0xicego357: it sais i cannot send messages to this user :(
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: awe
T0xicego357: says*
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: on disc?
Soap21: swaws
T0xicego357: yea...
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: prob bc i havent accepted it yet lmao
Cinderacefanboy: swaws
Benycom: I have returned
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: wb
T0xicego357: at least its nothing else cinder...
Cinderacefanboy: i can post the ghost in my room meme
T0xicego357: do it lol
Cinderacefanboy: nah
T0xicego357: do it pls
T0xicego357: its not my dick...
Cinderacefanboy: i know ive seen it before
Cinderacefanboy: You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine it when I’m alone
And so I tell myself that I’ll be strong
And dreaming when they’re gone
Cause they’re calling, calling, calling me home
Calling, calling, calling home
You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine it when I’m alone
T0xicego357: WHEN!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Soap21: COCK?!??!?!?
Cinderacefanboy: oh on youtube
Assmaster: i have a hentai playlist on youtube
Cinderacefanboy: uwu
T0xicego357: not surprised ass
Cinderacefanboy: i have some private porn vids too
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i gtg to 1st pd
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: cya
T0xicego357: byeeeee
T0xicego357: i
T0xicego357: want
Soap21: ass you frighten me
T0xicego357: penis?
Soap21: 116 videos on that playlist
Soap21: where do you find these
Assmaster: its someone elses playlist
Cinderacefanboy: it not hard to find porn on yt
T0xicego357: fr tho
Assmaster: i just searched "2b ass" once and the second or so result was that playlist
T0xicego357: im at home alone and im bored :(
Cinderacefanboy: porn
T0xicego357: no i want meh boii
Cinderacefanboy: or can i cum over and satisfy my...urges :3
Skillersrule: FOAP
Soap21: FOAP
T0xicego357: no thats for u and axel :(
Assmaster: none
T0xicego357: a dead son
Soap21: a potato
Soap21: cheese
T0xicego357: i want penis?
Soap21: idk do you
Assmaster: hitler
T0xicego357: idk
Cinderacefanboy: i want penis
T0xicego357: same?
Soap21: im actually currently not horny at all
Assmaster: me too
Cinderacefanboy: is that thumbsnap working
Logan34: hello
Cinderacefanboy: hai :3
T0xicego357: it is
Soap21: yes
T0xicego357: tsup
Cinderacefanboy: how is it
T0xicego357: it sucks
Cinderacefanboy: soap is that porn
Soap21: no
Cinderacefanboy: tox i have the song stuck in my head now
T0xicego357: FREDDY FAZBEAR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Cinderacefanboy: feddy frostbear
Assmaster: smash demoman
Cinderacefanboy: pass demoman
T0xicego357: cinder send me porn please
Soap21: smash
Cinderacefanboy: ........smash tox
T0xicego357: of men...
Soap21: mov
Soap21: damn
Cinderacefanboy: im in the middle of class dude
T0xicego357: damn ok
Cinderacefanboy: also i dont have a stash of gay porn anywhere
T0xicego357: damn
Cinderacefanboy: unless you want a dick pic
T0xicego357: nah i still got nates embedded
Cinderacefanboy: can i see?
Soap21: i have a stash of gay porn
Cinderacefanboy: furry?
T0xicego357: nah it was on snap its deleted
Soap21: furry and hentai
T0xicego357: soap send me some
T0xicego357: whats your discord again?
Cinderacefanboy: tox make your choice furry or hentai
T0xicego357: hentai
Cinderacefanboy: so one time my friend told me that they were pan
Soap21: Mi(l)kko#1768
Cinderacefanboy: so asked them the question
Soap21: here or on discord?
Cinderacefanboy: here
T0xicego357: i dent a req on discord
T0xicego357: continue cinder...
Generic: i think abt her everytime that i sniff blow
Cinderacefanboy: i asked them cast iron, or stainless steel
T0xicego357: ive done the same thing to axel lol
Cinderacefanboy: it is pretty funny ngl
T0xicego357: for sure
Jul: hey everyone :)
Cinderacefanboy: like im bi
Cinderacefanboy: bi myself
T0xicego357: soap i have yet to receive the gay pron i was promised...
Generic: dont care
Soap21: im existing
Cinderacefanboy: forever....
Generic: nobody asked
Axel_love: What about doing something to me-?
Cinderacefanboy: nothing
Jul: hey everyone :)
T0xicego357: im bi-polar and bi-sexual and i am all bi-myself :(
Soap21: on discord or here?
Cinderacefanboy: just sexuality jokes
Axel_love: >=(
T0xicego357: disc
Soap21: aight un momento
Jul: okay :)
T0xicego357: thx :)
12:42:58Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Cinderacefanboy: bey axel im bi-myself forever
T0xicego357: so...
T0xicego357: men am i right ?!?!?!
Axel_love: Soap, I'm sorry I didn't log on I fell asleep.
Axel_love: Huh-?
T0xicego357: CINDER STOP IT
Cinderacefanboy: no
Jul: bye everyone :)
Axel_love: Hehe.
Axel_love: Bye Jul.
Cinderacefanboy: i wanna suck cock now :(
Soap21: its fine i played pavlov till i was tired
T0xicego357: i send one thing and bam its everywhere
T0xicego357: its better than the voodoo one...
Cinderacefanboy: you mean this one
T0xicego357: regret...
Cinderacefanboy: hey i wouldnt mind voodoo butt sex
T0xicego357: neither would i
T0xicego357: im very openly gay now...
T0xicego357: i need to hate myself again :(
Cinderacefanboy: fuck me :3
T0xicego357: UwU
T0xicego357: humbled
Cinderacefanboy: or would you like it the other way around
Axel_love: UGH!
T0xicego357: take turns?
Soap21: gm axel
Axel_love: Good morning..
T0xicego357: cinder...
Cinderacefanboy: lets take turns uwu
Soap21: scary ghost
T0xicego357: then so we shall
Cinderacefanboy: yes daddy tox
Axel_love: AHHHHHHHH
Soap21: you saw the ghost?
Axel_love: NO.
Soap21: spoooky
Axel_love: I angy..
Soap21: why
T0xicego357: the cum monsters...
Cinderacefanboy: fuck i'm gay now
T0xicego357: Your bi
Cinderacefanboy: yeah but right now im gay as hell
T0xicego357: same bro
T0xicego357: and im the one in a gay relaitionship...
T0xicego357: im enjoying the porn soap sent me 💀
Soap21: pron
Soap21: gay sex
Soap21: gex
Assmaster: tentacle sex
Axel_love: ...
T0xicego357: soap want to explain the scp furry porn...
Axel_love: Ew..
Assmaster: a whole server channel dedicated to it
T0xicego357: scp-1471
A_n00b: hey guys----
Cinderacefanboy: brb moving classes
T0xicego357: BRAIDEN!!!!!!!
Soap21: yo dont even worry about that
A_n00b: i am back after a week
T0xicego357: i missed you bro
A_n00b: i went to the funny place
A_n00b: wasnt that funny
Soap21: why would they try to unfunny you
Axel_love: ??
A_n00b: idk but it didnt work
Axel_love: Mental hospital?
A_n00b: no funny place
T0xicego357: whats the funny place?
Axel_love: Jail?
A_n00b: mental hospital
Axel_love: Ohh.
Soap21: yo my moms there
A_n00b: yo did you finish it axel?
T0xicego357: ah...
Soap21: did you say hi?
T0xicego357: im sorry to hear that
T0xicego357: ive been in quite i few of those
A_n00b: i dont think she the same age group
A_n00b: she in adult one
Soap21: damn
Cinderacefanboy: back
A_n00b: there was a fight everyday like normal
Soap21: hello cinner
A_n00b: sinner
Soap21: cinnamon
T0xicego357: soap this bot is quite nice...
Soap21: ikr
Cinderacegayboy: uwu
A_n00b: wat----
A_n00b: soap + bot = bad
Soap21: haha
Soap21: no
Cinderacegayboy: soap dont fuck with a bot fuck with me
Soap21: its a great bot
A_n00b: what does it do
A_n00b: i mean i can guess but
Cinderacefanboy: im tired
A_n00b: sleep
Soap21: what kind of bot do you think id have
Cinderacefanboy: a gay one
T0xicego357: its ben ten i know i put cartoon but still
Soap21: well it gives all type of porn
Soap21: i hate ben 10 porn
A_n00b: thats what i thought
T0xicego357: did not expect ben ten tho...
Cinderacefanboy: i hate ben 10 so much
Soap21: same
Assmaster: og ben 10 better
A_n00b: ben 9 the best
T0xicego357: fr tho
Cinderacefanboy: someone on here found a cinderace bot to fuck..
Soap21: i watched tmnt and icarly when i was smol
A_n00b: cringe icarly
Soap21: kinda
Soap21: but
A_n00b: big W tmnt
Soap21: GIBBBY
A_n00b: true
T0xicego357: what the fuck is wrong with me...
Soap21: i hate the new tmnt
Cinderacefanboy: wait we forgot gibby
Cinderacefanboy: tox i see nothing wrong
A_n00b: he got hard to bubble guppies porn
Soap21: nothing wrong with you
Soap21: no
Soap21: no gubble buppies
A_n00b: booooo
Cinderacefanboy: minecraft porn
Soap21: that show made me want to kermit sewer slide
Jul: hey everyone :)
Cinderacefanboy: uwu hai
Jul: omg
Soap21: my name is chase and whenever i meet like a young cousin or something they go "OMG LIKE CHASE FROM PAW PATROL"
A_n00b: beat them
Soap21: i do
A_n00b: good
Cinderacefanboy: at least your friend doesn't call you SEMEN
T0xicego357: i feel weird for liking what im seeing...
A_n00b: ........
Soap21: sup semen
Soap21: bro tox do i gotta check what u lookin at?
T0xicego357: people just call me spencer...
T0xicego357: no?
A_n00b: yes
Soap21: nah
T0xicego357: no
Soap21: i dont judge anything
Cinderacefanboy: i want a big boy to hold me down and stretch my ass out
Soap21: unless its truly awful
T0xicego357: take a look bruv
T0xicego357: ignore ben ten that was an accident
A_n00b: lol
A_n00b: monkey monkey monkey
A_n00b: i hate black people
Cinderacefanboy: i hate noobs
A_n00b: *damge-86*
Jul: I only like cinder and noob
Atomic: brain damage 86
Cinderacefanboy: but if you have a big cock~
T0xicego357: i dont matter to you jul?
Atomic: Cinderacefanboy: but if you have a big cock~
T0xicego357: thats nice to know
Soap21: lol
A_n00b: lol
Jul: oh you're not ignoring me now
Jul: ofc i like you too spencer
Atomic: thats kinda gay
A_n00b: big W spencer
Soap21: w
T0xicego357: i need to stop looking for porn
Soap21: i never stop
Jul: okay
Atomic: no dont stop tox
A_n00b: share the porn
Atomic: share the gay yiff
Soap21: gay
T0xicego357: i dont yiff that nasty
Atomic: ratio
Soap21: i do
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: wanna yiff me
Atomic: sure
A_n00b: i dont
A_n00b: ...
Atomic: i mean what
Soap21: omg sex?
Soap21: thats crazy
A_n00b: lol
Atomic: sex? no thanks life fucks me daily
A_n00b: facts
T0xicego357: cinder you are the only exeption
Atomic: i would pay to see someone chug a sprite
A_n00b: lol
Atomic: that shit hurts just to sip
A_n00b: cap
Cinderacefanboy: what do you mean by that tox :3
A_n00b: you a little baby
Soap21: ill chug a mcdonalds sprite
Atomic: do it no balls
Soap21: aight
Soap21: next time i go ill film it
A_n00b: lol
Atomic: my granddad was an electrician do you guys wanna see his hat
Soap21: ill get the big cup
Cinderacefanboy: ill chug a jar of cum
Soap21: same
Soap21: what
A_n00b: ...
A_n00b: no
T0xicego357: i wouldnt go that far...
A_n00b: yeah.....
Cinderacefanboy: brb
A_n00b: skill issue
T0xicego357: im going to go back to my definatly not gay porn...
Atomic: guys check out this cool electricians helmet my granddad had
A_n00b: ...
T0xicego357: definitely*
A_n00b: uh
A_n00b: sure bud
T0xicego357: its raven fromm teen titans
A_n00b: yessir
T0xicego357: how is raven gay?
Atomic: bc yes
Cinderacefanboy: i return again
Atomic: wb
13:18:26Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Cinderacefanboy: me when i'm drinking my brother's milkshake and i feel and anime figurine hit my lips
Atomic: me when i fucking die
A_n00b: nigga
A_n00b: not the gay furry porn
Atomic: it isnt gay if theres only one guy
Hitlersfavoritejew: oogly boogly bitch
A_n00b: wait----
Atomic: damnit henry i said a glass of juice
Soap21: i mean if you need gay furry porn i do have a little bit
A_n00b: gay
Atomic: i would say yes
Atomic: but
Atomic: im in school
Atomic: cant beat it
Soap21: same
Soap21: porn is my hobby
Atomic: send me some anyway
A_n00b: lol
Soap21: you really should discord
Atomic: cant get it on my computer
Atomic: blocked
Soap21: ah
A_n00b: yeah :(
Hitlersfavoritejew: we're going on a trip to our little piece of shit, zooming to auschwitz! YAY!!!
Soap21: school chromebooks
Soap21: i bought my own
Atomic: dont have my phone after my mother found the discord furry erp
Cinderacefanboy: i have a stash of felix argyle somewhere
Soap21: i cringe when i think back to mine
T0xicego357: ok im done now..
A_n00b: .....
Generic: bro if this teacher dont stop trying to talk to me ima get to swingin
Soap21: thats a lie
Atomic: ...
Soap21: porn pulls you back sooner or later
A_n00b: lol
Atomic: the human body disgusts me
T0xicego357: im done for now?
Soap21: the dark side
Atomic: anthropomorphic animals when
Hitlersfavoritejew: the black side
A_n00b: ....
Soap21: damn boi gimme a sec
Generic: bro comes over n stares at my paper then says something
Generic: like bro shut up n let me do my work
Cinderacefanboy: i like cinderace bc it has amazing hips like oh my god
A_n00b: lol
A_n00b: wat-
Cinderacefanboy: im being serious
Atomic: who even is cinderace
A_n00b: proof
Soap21: pokemon
Atomic: ohhh
Soap21: personally lucario is better
Atomic: ong foap
T0xicego357: agreed
Atomic: just dont let it hug you
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: cinderace and lucario fans agreeing that they are both sexy
Assmaster: its an animal
Cinderacefanboy: but cinder is more fuckable
A_n00b: ....
T0xicego357: agreed
Atomic: all you gotta do is turn lucario over tho
A_n00b: ....
Cinderacefanboy: then the metal spike stabs your bed
Atomic: another hole
Jul: What
Atomic: nothin
A_n00b: .......
Cinderacefanboy: cinderace also can do mad footjobs
A_n00b: ,,,,,.,.,.,
T0xicego357: if you like having an indian burn
A_n00b: nigga.......
A_n00b: yall way to horny
Atomic: no such thing
Assmaster: human
Cinderacefanboy: the footpads arent hot all the time
Cinderacefanboy: also cinderace makes a great femboy mon
Atomic: no
Atomic: ypur
Atomic: fucking
Atomic: not
A_n00b: ,,,,,,,,,
A_n00b: .......
A_n00b: .
Atomic: some mf across the row to my right really be playing super mario 64 on his chromebook
Cinderacefanboy: so children are stupid
A_n00b: yessir
Assmaster: based
Cinderacefanboy: we should get rid of children
Atomic: yes get rid of those little shits
A_n00b: seems like im in friend zone more than being liked
Cinderacefanboy: thin out the population a little you know
A_n00b: why does that happen guys
Atomic: women suck
A_n00b: why i always friendzoned
A_n00b: true
Atomic: go for the homies
Soap21: yummers
Atomic: subnautica soundtrack really go hard when you're hard
Atomic: i mean what
A_n00b: .....
Assmaster: wat
A_n00b: true-
Atomic: who said that
A_n00b: i will admit it go hard
Atomic: o_o
A_n00b: STAP
Axel_love: ...
Atomic: hey ax
Axel_love: Help..
Cinderacefanboy: what can we do?
Anon69: AXEL!!!
Atomic: we can fly (Atomic died to fall damage)
Axel_love: Theres a human saying they like vagina next to me..
Assmaster: based
Atomic: ratio
Axel_love: Hi Anon!!
Jul: You know what
Cinderacefanboy: so you say that your tranz in a deep voice
Axel_love: Lmaooo.
Atomic: big brain
Assmaster: gorillaz song
Soap21: FOAP
Atomic: FOAP
Axel_love: Hi Soap!
Hello91: Anyone on?
Atomic: yuh
Cinderacefanboy: dude
Axel_love: I have air blown in my ear.
Cinderacefanboy: we got da squad here
Cinderacefanboy: ayayaya?
Jul: 💔
Atomic: L
Cinderacefanboy: i need to listen to the ayaya song now
Soap21: one of my favorite comics
Soap21: title is "closer"
Atomic: i have never read a yiff comic before
Axel_love: They said their cock is like a bendy straw-
Soap21: you should
Soap21: bendy cock
Atomic: i plan to when i get my phone back
Axel_love: Omg Unicorn poop coloring on here is horrid..
Cinderacefanboy: i know
Soap21: my eyes
Cinderacefanboy: i use dark only
Axel_love: Hehe
Axel_love: Same.
Atomic: dark mode is just superior
Atomic: except for people
Soap21: 0-0
Ishipwillowandhunter: Nigger mode?
A_n00b: bro i cant get into discord
Atomic: :3
Atomic: why knot
A_n00b: it make me do the captcha over and over
Soap21: ive been banned from 3 servers
Soap21: and i have a discord strike
Atomic: i wish it was just you enter your username, digits and password to get into your account
Atomic: not gmail or phone number
Cinderacefanboy: I had a way then
Losing it all on my own
I had a heart then
But the queen has been overthrown
And I'm not sleeping now
The dark is too hard to beat
And I'm not keeping up
The strength I need to push me
Soap21: insert cock to unlock account
Atomic: ok
Cinderacefanboy: You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine it when I’m alone
And so I tell myself that I’ll be strong
And dreaming when they’re gone
Cause they’re calling, calling, calling me home
Calling, calling, calling home
You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine it when I’m alone
Atomic: ...
T0xicego357: i gotta do the dishes brb
Cinderacefanboy: Noises, I play within my head
Touch my own skin
And hope that I’m still breathing
And I think back to when
My brother and my sister slept
In an unlocked place
The only time I feel safe
Atomic: do the dishes? you're a pansexual?
Cinderacefanboy: You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine it when I’m alone
And so I tell myself that I’ll be strong
And dreaming when they’re gone
Cause they’re calling, calling, calling me home
Calling, calling, calling home
You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine it when I’m alone
T0xicego357: stfu atomic
Cinderacefanboy: Home,Home
Soap21: i have a jewish homeshooled friend who was never told what the holocaust is
Soap21: how do i tell her
Atomic: dont
Atomic: tell her its a holiday
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm a pansexual
Cinderacefanboy: you say it was the best game of cod ever
Atomic: nice willow
Soap21: lol
Oofalladeez: first thing I see walking in here
Oofalladeez: Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm a pansexual
Cinderacefanboy: cast iron or stainless steel
Atomic: hey oof
Soap21: my aunts a pansexual
Oofalladeez: hey
Ishipwillowandhunter: My favorite is stainless
Soap21: i dont let her in the kitchen
Atomic: what did i start
Soap21: hello oof
Cinderacefanboy: Soap21: i have a jewish homeshooled friend who was never told what the holocaust is Cinderacefanboy: you say it was the best game of cod ever
Soap21: the best cock ever
Oofalladeez: hey foap
Cinderacefanboy: FOAP
Benycom: Cock moment
Soap21: FOAP
Oofalladeez: hey beny
Benycom: hey
Ishipwillowandhunter: FOAP
Atomic: benycum
Benycom: no its benycoom
Soap21: benycum
Ishipwillowandhunter: Dummy not
Ishipwillowandhunter: *cummybot
Axel_love: BENY!!
Oofalladeez: hey axel
Assmaster: graphic design is my passion
Benycom: Hey axel
Axel_love: Hi Oof.
Benycom: LMAO
Arabmen: cock
Benycom: I would be scared too
A_n00b: yoooooooooooo
Soap21: THE KU KLUX KLAN??!??!?!??!?\
Oofalladeez: he rturns
A_n00b: i got discord working
Ishipwillowandhunter: Thank you, Assmaster.
Arabmen: boogers
Arabmen: i have boogers in my nose
Cinderacefanboy: tox sent me those on discord
Benycom: boogers
Soap21: creamy white piss
Ishipwillowandhunter: Brb
Benycom: I have some funny ass images on my phone
Arabmen: quote that
A_n00b: who tryna gimme their discord
Atomic: guys why is my cum not blood red this time
Arabmen: arabmen: i have boogers in my nose
Oofalladeez: Atomic: guys why is my cum not blood red this time
A_n00b: ...
Atomic: its grey now
Soap21: Mi(l)kko#1768
Cinderacefanboy: i want someone to fuck my ass so bad rn
Benycom: mine is purple, should I see a donctor
Atomic: nah thats just normal too beny
A_n00b: sent it
Axel_love: Cindey..
Cinderacefanboy: you got the lean cum
Soap21: why my cock a loop de loop
Atomic: Soap21: why my cock a loop de loop
Axel_love: Benyyy.
Benycom: e
Oofalladeez343: NO
Oofalladeez343: NO
Oofgianthorsecock: LOL
Oofalladeez343: NO
Oofalladeez343: NO
Oofalladeez343: NO
Arabmen: Benycom
Oofalladeez343: NO
Oofalladeez343: NO
Oofgianthorsecock: LOL
Oofalladeez343: NO
Oofalladeez343: NO
Oofalladeez343: NO
Cinderacefanboy: Cinderacefanboy: fuck me :3
T0xicego357: UwU
Atomic: Axel_love: *lightly bites Mich's hand so it doesn't hurt*
Arabmen: yellow orange green boobs
Arabmen: Atomic
: Axel_love: *lightly bites Mich's hand so it doesn't hurt*
Benycom: yo check this meme
Cinderacefanboy: Cinderacefanboy: at least your friend doesn't call you SEMEN Soap21: sup semen
Arabmen: Axel_love: *lightly bites Mich's hand so it doesn't hurt* 💀💀💀💀💀💀
Atomic: A_n00b: ultimate rizz snaping a kittens neck
Benycom: soap were you the one who said the thing?
Arabmen: Atomic
: A_n00b: ultimate rizz snaping a kittens neck
Atomic: Ishipwillowandhunter: I want soap in my ass
Soap21: interesting
Soap21: what did i say?
Arabmen: boobs
Arabmen: boobs
Benycom: Beny ur black
Atomic: boba
Arabmen: boobs
Arabmen: boobs
Arabmen: boobs
Benycom: BOOBA?
Arabmen: boobs
Arabmen: boobs
Arabmen: boobs
Arabmen: boobs
Atomic: Benycom: I am going to eat my own ass
Arabmen: boobs
Arabmen: boobs
Benycom: yes
Arabmen: boobs
Arabmen: boonb
Atomic: boonb
Arabmen: i have a bomb
Cinderacefanboy: we can land that in our parking lots
A_n00b: where boobs
Arabmen: boobs
Arabmen: boobs
Arabmen: boobs
Arabmen: boobs
Cinderacefanboy: my ass
Arabs_inch_insemenator: lol
A_n00b: wait....
Kfc: Hey it worked!
Jul: Yea Brendan here I am
Oofalladeez: KILEY
A_n00b: how atomic know my rizz
Atomic: Kfc: whats anal?
Oofalladeez: ...
A_n00b: show boobs
Oofalladeez: riley stfu
Atomic: nah
Atomic: Kfc: whats anal?
Atomic: Kfc: whats anal?
Atomic: Kfc: whats anal?
Atomic: Kfc: whats anal?
Atomic: Kfc: whats anal?
Atomic: Kfc: whats anal?
Atomic: Kfc: whats anal?
Atomic: vKfc: whats anal?
Atomic: Kfc: whats anal?
Atomic: Kfc: whats anal?
Atomic: Kfc: whats anal?
Atomic: Kfc: whats anal?
Oofalladeez: hold up
Oofalladeez: vKfc
Atomic: fuck
Arabmen: boobs
Oofalladeez: you were about to whisper that shit
Arabmen: boobs
Oofs_12inch_horsecock: lol
Arabmen: boobs
Oofalladeez: ...
Arabmen: boobs
Atomic: no i meant to ctrl v
Arabmen: i have a bomb
Arabmen: boobs
Anon69: ???
Arabmen: boobs
Cinderacefanboy: oh yeah guys i found out how tall i am
Arabmen: sort
Soap21: short
Atomic: 4'2?
Soap21: 2'2
Atomic: 0'2
Cinderacefanboy: 5' 6
Jul: no way
Hello91: short
Soap21: short
Atomic: L im 5'7
Cinderacefanboy: fuck you
Soap21: 6'2
Soap21: shoerties
Benycom: soap did you say the thing "beny ur black"?
Soap21: damn it
Jul: cringe height
Soap21: no
A_n00b: im 6'4 now
Cinderacefanboy: call me short one more time and ill suck your cock
Arabmen: boobs
Oofalladeez: beny ur black
Atomic: short
Arabmen: boobs
Arabmen: boobs
Arabmen: boobs
Benycom: then that must have been soup21
Arabmen: boobs
Arabmen: boobs
Arabmen: boobs
Anon69: lol cinder is tall compared to me
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: bobs
Atomic: how tall are you anon
Oofalladeez: ?
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: boob
Jul: Arabmen: I’m over here stroking my dick I got lotion on my dick right now I’m just stroking my shit I’m horny as fuck man I’m a freak man like rizz
Anon69: 5'1
Arabman: boob
Cinderacefanboy: i think im 6 or 7 inches taller than axel
Arabman: boo
A_n00b: show boobs
Jul: Horsechoker: I raped a baby once just to try it
Horsechoker: I thought I would like it more but I didn't
Horsechoker: so I think age of consent is good
Axel_love: I'M SHORT I KNOW!!!
Atomic: still taller than calli anon
Arabman: boobs boobs boobs
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: boobs boobs boobs
Arabman: boobs boobs
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: boobs
Arabman: boobs
Atomic: STFU
Soap21: axel smol
Cinderacefanboy: yeah being short i cute axel
Jul: you know whats more annoying than short people
A_n00b: wat
Itsjustjay: good morninh
Jul: short people who dont shut up about being short
Itsjustjay: morning
Atomic: hey jay
Benycom: hey jay
Axel_love: I'm not cute!!
Jul: good mornin
Soap21: NO
Soap21: JAMAL
Benycom: Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based
Itsjustjay: i didnt get my phone back yesterday ugh
Cinderacefanboy: im gonna make a google drive folder with my memes and give yall the link
Benycom: biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water.
Benycom: No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more
Jul: deaaddddddddd
Atomic: tall people who wont stfu about being tall
Soap21: id fuck a vaporeon
Itsjustjay: im almost 99% sure i do today tho!
Benycom: amen soap
Itsjustjay: hows your guys' morning been
Jul: slavery
Atomic: full of hormone induced rages jay
13:53:57Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Itsjustjay: jesus soap
Oofalladeez: jesus fuck
Soap21: +my main phone
Itsjustjay: she took all my shit
Cinderacefanboy: wow
Itsjustjay: my whole ass tv, xbox controller, laptop
Soap21: and i have porn on my vr headset
Itsjustjay: they have like idk
Atomic: i want my phone back, it has my entire yiff stash on it in a secure folder
Cinderacefanboy: soap i like that
Itsjustjay: they have an app to see whos on the wifi
Itsjustjay: so i have no hope at a backup
Soap21: i cannot be stopped
Benycom: jay do this to your parents
Itsjustjay: BAHHAH
Atomic: lmao
Itsjustjay: no she does it to me
Axel_love: Hehe.
Soap21: ill get on here when i get home thru my vr headset
Soap21: ill screenshot
Anon69: brb
Atomic: foap how fucking rich are you
Itsjustjay: u can do that?
Cinderacefanboy: soap i wanna meet you irl and just take a picture together
Itsjustjay: yeah fr
Soap21: not rich at all
Soap21: i have -30 rn
Itsjustjay: i used to have a VR
Itsjustjay: idk what happened to that shit
Atomic: dude my fam cant even afford xbox gold right now
Itsjustjay: same atomic
Soap21: i buy my stuff myself
Itsjustjay: mines gone rn
Atomic: i need a job godddamn
Itsjustjay: #nominecraft
Itsjustjay: same
Cinderacefanboy: got an xbox live code for 3 days bro i don't got gold
Soap21: cinder u wanna take a pic with me?
Atomic: i wanna see a speech from the president in that voice quality
Itsjustjay: im getting one on my 16th birthday deadass
Itsjustjay: i want a binder
Soap21: im the most boring looking guy ever
Atomic: L
Itsjustjay: W
Cinderacefanboy: yeah just with you leaning you arm on my head bc im like 10 inches shorter
Soap21: true
Atomic: size doesnt matter
Itsjustjay: how tall r u guys
Soap21: well come visit fl in like 2 years
Cinderacefanboy: shut up atomic
Atomic: yes daddy
Itsjustjay: lmao
Cinderacefanboy: im not daddy
Cinderacefanboy: im a subby boy
Oofalladeez: Cinder
Atomic: dam
Soap21: i already know im an alchoholic
Itsjustjay: im a nic fien
Oofalladeez: I need the warface clip of stfu you don't have the talking stick
Atomic: i already know my suicide date
Itsjustjay: smaw
Itsjustjay: same
Atomic: swaws
Itsjustjay: whats urs
Cinderacefanboy: not right now oof
Oofalladeez: smaw
Oofalladeez: swaws
Oofalladeez: swaws
Atomic: 8/27
Oofalladeez: swaws
Atomic: 3:00 PM
Itsjustjay: why 8/27
Oofalladeez: why
Atomic: bc thats a family members bday and ima ruin it
Oofalladeez: Damn
Benycom: me reading this chat
Itsjustjay: LOL
Cinderacefanboy: quirked up white boy with a little bit of swag busts it down sexual style is he goated with the sauce
Hello91: hating for real
Hello91: i love it atomic
Hello91: keep going
Itsjustjay: genuinely, if i could live with my best friend i would
Itsjustjay: her mom said i could but
Soap21: i am goated with the swaws
Itsjustjay: my mom would never allow it
Cinderacefanboy: soap do you think you could pick me up?
Atomic: aight i gtg
Itsjustjay: bye atomic!
Cinderacefanboy: bye atom
Jul: damn i have to leave
Soap21: 100% can pick you up
Itsjustjay: pick me up too while ur at it
A_n00b: why did my dc account just get deleted
Soap21: no clue
Jul: im sorry michael
Cinderacefanboy: pick me up and fuck my ass :3
Itsjustjay: uhhhh
Skillersrule: woah
Soap21: interesting
Itsjustjay: very
Itsjustjay: im so hungry jesus fuck
Cinderacefanboy: im so horny help me
Axel_love: Ok.
Assmaster: ok
Axel_love: Come here bbg.
Itsjustjay: are u not at school
Itsjustjay: yall r wild
Cinderacefanboy: bro i am at school
Skillersrule: yall some devious fellas
Axel_love: Same.
Soap21: me and my best friend are planning on being roomates in fl and becoming content creators then mgetting friends that do the same think and own a mansion for all of us or something
Skillersrule: FOAP
Soap21: im at school
Cinderacefanboy: soap start an onlyfans with me
Itsjustjay: same
Soap21: currently looking at poorn
Assmaster: blast this song on your speakers then
Itsjustjay: my mom saw porn on my browsing history
Axel_love: Hi logan.
Assmaster: good luck
Itsjustjay: she told me i had no buisness on the hub lmao
Soap21: every time my dad borrows my phone i have a heart attack
Itsjustjay: i used to bro
Itsjustjay: i'd start sweating and shit
Soap21: i have absolutely devious amounts of porn
Cinderacefanboy: soap start handing him one of your backups
Itsjustjay: like downloaded on ur phone?
Soap21: yes
Itsjustjay: or just in ur browser
Cinderacefanboy: both
Soap21: both
Itsjustjay: damn
Itsjustjay: how old r u
Anon69: back
Cinderacefanboy: hes like 17 or 18
Soap21: 17 soon
Itsjustjay: LOL
Soap21: very soon
Itsjustjay: wish i was 18 fre
Itsjustjay: fr
Cinderacefanboy: soap you're younger than me!?
Soap21: yes
Soap21: idk probably
Itsjustjay: how old r u cinder
Cinderacefanboy: im 17
Soap21: then yes
A_n00b: cringe
Soap21: but im taller so i win
Itsjustjay: loll
Cinderacefanboy: do you play basketball?
Soap21: harder, faster, stronger, better
Soap21: no
Ppenis: I’m back
Itsjustjay: i wanna play basketball
Skillersrule: soap, how tall are you?
Soap21: i did in middle school for 1 year
Soap21: 6'2
Itsjustjay: im 5'4 bro
Itsjustjay: i used to be a cheerleader
Cinderacefanboy: im 5'6
Skillersrule: damn, you got 2 inches on my
Oofalladeez: im 5 10
Itsjustjay: yall r tall as shit
Cinderacefanboy: fuck why am i so short
Oofalladeez: im not tall
Oofalladeez: you want tall?
Soap21: 5'10 is average
A_n00b: 6'4
Anon69: Nate your 5'9!!
Cinderacefanboy: but ig those inches went somewhere else
Axel__love: im gonna dig up all your guys dead family members and eat them
Soap21: what size shoes
A_n00b: sure
Itsjustjay: LOL
Soap21: bigger the feet bigger the meat
Oofalladeez: 5 9 3/4
Assmaster: wat
Itsjustjay: i wear a size 8 and a half
Oofalladeez: got daym
Oofalladeez: I wear size 12
Soap21: 13
Cinderacefanboy: i have size 10.5
Itsjustjay: jeez
Itsjustjay: i genderfluid but origanlly a frmale
Ishipwillowandhunter: who tf counts quarter inches
Axel__love: cock
Ishipwillowandhunter: Nice
Oofalladeez: That's why i round up
Cinderacefanboy: merica
Itsjustjay: idek what the fuck a quarter inch is
Axel__love: i love cock in my vajayjay
Soap21: this would mean i have a larger penis than oof which isnt scientifically possible
Cinderacefanboy: i know oofs size
Oofalladeez: I only measure myself at the fuckin doctor
Oofalladeez: ...
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah, we all know oof is packing a horse cock
Soap21: ye
Cinderacefanboy: no actually
Ishipwillowandhunter: Wait where Jul go :(
Oofalladeez: .......
Itsjustjay: why do yall know each others sizes
Oofalladeez: cinder stfu
Itsjustjay: jeez
Axel__love: kys cinder
Cinderacefanboy: im bigger than oof
Soap21: oof have the biggest dingaling here
Axel__love: nobody loves you
Ishipwillowandhunter: Homies know each others sizes
A_n00b: i had to make a new dc account
Oofalladeez: cunder that was 5 years ago I was that size
Cinderacefanboy: then measure it now
Oofalladeez: no
Soap21: bro sent a dp from 5 years ago?
Oofalladeez: im atschool
Cinderacefanboy: no
Itsjustjay: bro i know friends who circle jerk
Axel__love: kill yourself cinder you stupid faggot
Oofalladeez: ....
A_n00b: ......
Itsjustjay: some "homies" are close...
Itsjustjay: too close..
Soap21: .......................
Cinderacefanboy: the last i measured mine was about the same man
Oofalladeez: in the splash zone too close........
Itsjustjay: lmao
Soap21: i should measure
Oofalladeez: why tf did i jus say that XD
Soap21: bukkake
Benycom: cinder you measure ur dick????
Soap21: whos in the middle?
A_n00b: HEY GUYS
Axel__love: i hate gays
Soap21: i read that as "who wants my dick"
Cinderacefanboy: i want bottom soap
Ishipwillowandhunter: I want top
Arabmen: hello
A_n00b: Mrtaco
A_n00b: add it bitches
Soap21: bukkake is when dudes stand in a circle and cum on someone in the middle
Ishipwillowandhunter: TAKE ME HOMEEEEE
Cinderacefanboy: cum on me
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yesss Nate
Ringchance: cin i started playing devil may cry yesterday it's really cool so far
Cinderacefanboy: but when it comes to fucking get my ass on the bottom
Ishipwillowandhunter: oh it's the black guy again
Cinderacefanboy: cool
Cinderacefanboy: enjoy the rest
Axel_love: Ew my teacher wants me to do notes.
Cinderacefanboy: and make sure to watch some memes of it too
Hello91: imagine
Hello91: oh wait
Hello91: shit
Ringchance: im doing notes rn
T0xicego357: back
Hello91: i have a biology test today
Oofalladeez: wb tox
Cinderacefanboy: hi daddy
Axel__love: im gonna dig up all your guys dead family members and eat them
Hello91: fuck
Hello91: i didnt study
Hello91: oh shit
Hello91: im fucked
Oofalladeez: fake axel wtf
T0xicego357: skill issue
Axel_love: Imagine.
Soap21: imagine getting jumped by 5 black guys
Axel__love: i hate gays
Oofalladeez: I don't even need to study for my tests
Hello91: same
Axel_love: I agree with my fake on the bodies.
Soap21: close your eyes and punch yourself
Oofalladeez: ........
Axel_love: I love the gays.
Soap21: thats what its like
Oofalladeez: axel wtf
Axel_love: I'm a gay myself.
Axel__love: lolll
Soap21: omg gay
Axel_love: Hehe I like flesh.
Soap21: that epic
Axel__love: crips
Hello91: im just fucking with yall i'ma pass that shit with an a
Cinderacefanboy: is this the real axel?
A_n00b: Mrtaco#2562
Soap21: the one with one _ is real
Axel__love: kys cinder you stupid faggot
Axel_love: HEY!
Axel__love: hi
A_n00b: ........
A_n00b: wtf
Axel__love: i speak to whoever however i want
T0xicego357: braiden is that ur disc?
Axel__love: bisexual fag
Hello91: popcorn time
Cinderacefanboy: what did they say about me T^T
Soap21: peen
A_n00b: .......
Hello91: axel
Axel__love: my parents love me
Hello91: enough
A_n00b: yes it is
A_n00b: Mrtaco#2562
T0xicego357: send a fren req
Assmaster: cum on face
T0xicego357: i sent*
Logan34: get your popcorn people
Soap21: yeen peen
Soap21: i want dr pebba
Axel__love: i hate niggers, i hate jews, i hate spics and arabs too
Ishipwillowandhunter: Wait you actually studied?
Hello91: fuck no i didnt study
Ishipwillowandhunter: My testings been delayed. I haven't studied, I could use this time to study, but I know damn well I won't
Axel__love: good luck finding me
Axel__love: (i live in the uk)
Cinderacefanboy: axel what the fuck are you talking about
Axel_love: Don't under estimate me..
Hello91: but i'm #1 in that class so i dont really need to
Hello91: axel stfu please
Axel_love: Axel__love: kys cinder you stupid faggot
Axel_love: My stupid fake said that..
Cinderacefanboy: oh i have them ignored
Hello91: idgaf what the fake said
Soap21: just ignore it
Oofalladeez: cinder axel has a fake rn
Cinderacefanboy: you dont say oof?
Axel__love: your the stupid one you autistic fag
Hello91: because both of you are annoying as shit right now
A_n00b: mama
Axel_love: ...
Ringchance: what did i miss?
Axel_love: Fine..
Axel_love: I'll ignore my fake..
Axel__love: L
Axel__love: L
Axel__love: L
Axel__love: L
Axel__love: L
Axel__love: L
Axel__love: L
Axel__love: L
Axel__love: L
Axel__love: L
Axel__love: L
Logan34: W
Cinderacefanboy: axel you don't have to protect me
Axel_love: I will.
Ringchance: just kiss already
Logan34: lol
Axel_love: I have a bf-
A_n00b: me
A_n00b: i wann kill myself
Ppenis: Go fuck
Soap21: what
Axel_love: My stupid fake..
Itsjustjay: hey guys
Axel_love: Hi Jay.
T0xicego357: tsup jay
T0xicego357: axel call?
Itsjustjay: how are youu
Ppenis: Niigata
Soap21: wassup
Axel_love: Sure Tox.
T0xicego357: :)
Soap21: my neck just cracked in 20 different spots
Axel_love: You wanna start it or should I?
T0xicego357: you start
Ishipwillowandhunter: Say something racist or you're cancelled
A_n00b: is jay tay?
A_n00b: nigger
Ishipwillowandhunter: no
Cinderacefanboy: ching chong
Oofalladeez: rice?
Cinderacefanboy: yes
Ppenis: Nigger
Cinderacefanboy: ive never actually seen mime and dash fully
Soap21: i have
Assmaster: its great
Axel_love: Huh?
Cinderacefanboy: nothing axel
Axel_love: Oh ok.
Soap21: cum time
Axel_love: Cum?
Soap21: yes
Cinderacefanboy: in me?
Soap21: maybe
T0xicego357: yes
Cinderacefanboy: yes?
T0xicego357: ill do it
Cinderacefanboy: OWO
Axel_love: Oop-
Soap21: haha sex is happening
Axel_love: Hehe
Axel_love: AH!
Soap21: i used to stay up at night listening to my dad and his gf fucking cuz she was really loud and i couldnt sleep
Cinderacefanboy: soap tox do you wanna double me?
Soap21: spitsoast
A_n00b: nice
Soap21: roast
Soap21: like bitch
Soap21: moan quieter
Soap21: im sleeping
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: and that is when you started jerking off
Axel_love: WOAH CINDY WHAT???
Cinderacefanboy: what axel?
Soap21: hmm
A_n00b: same
Soap21: no comment
Axel_love: Wtf am I reading!!!
A_n00b: lol
T0xicego357: ill do it no problem cinder
Cinderacefanboy: UwO
Cinderacefanboy: shes just washing dishes ass wdm
14:29:27Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
A_n00b: lol'
T0xicego357: i finished my dishes
Cinderacefanboy: normal woman things
Axel_love: ...
Soap21: if i was home id be horny but my cock knows when to not
Axel_love: Cinder..
T0xicego357: ill finish you too UwU
Inasg_hoe: hi..
Inasg_hoe: hey
Cinderacefanboy: what......
Soap21: oh hi tay
Axel_love: What do you mean by normal woman things..
Ishipwillowandhunter: wsp
Soap21: ignore anything you saw
Inasg_hoe: um I opened up
Cinderacefanboy: noooooottttthiiiiiiiingggggg
Inasg_hoe: to someone irl
Ishipwillowandhunter: That's great
Axel_love: Cinder..
Inasg_hoe: and they told the person
Inasg_hoe: And um well I have to tell my parents
Axel_love: I will call you your first name..
Cinderacefanboy: ill call you by yours
Axel_love: Go ahead.
Axel_love: Do it.
Cinderacefanboy: nah i don't want to
T0xicego357: alexis moran
Axel_love: What do you mean by normal woman things S
Axel_love: E
Axel_love: A
Axel_love: M
Axel_love: U
Axel_love: S
Axel_love: Hm?
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: its just a joke alexis
Soap21: i hope you get stuck in the washing machine
Axel_love: Better be.
T0xicego357: hmmmmmmm
Oofalladeez: wtf am I lookin at
Axel_love: Can I tell Tox your first name?
Soap21: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Cinderacefanboy: who is getting stuck in the washing machine
Soap21: idk
Cinderacefanboy: axel he already knows
Soap21: whoever wants to get stuck
Axel_love: He said he doesn't.
Cinderacefanboy: i told him before you
Cinderacefanboy: he just forgot
Soap21: forgor
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
A_n00b: mama
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
A_n00b: you guys make me wanna cut myself again
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Soap21: omg i have 1000 whole likes on a yt comment
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
A_n00b: STOp
T0xicego357: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Assmaster: SHUT UP
Oofalladeez: Adolphus Schicklgruber
Generic: bruh
T0xicego357: ok cinder thats enough
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Generic: i fucked up
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Generic: help
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: my dementia has been cured
T0xicego357: im learning about southern california with axel...
Cinderacefanboy: ok we do not care
T0xicego357: sadge
A_n00b: lol
Soap21: doesnt nevada allow women to walk around tits out
A_n00b: someone show their boobs
A_n00b: spencer
A_n00b: show your boobs
Cinderacefanboy: spencer show your cock
Soap21: you first
Soap21: spencer show smoothie
Inasg_hoe: .
T0xicego357: ...
T0xicego357: whatchu doin tay?
Soap21: taylor swift is ok
Soap21: not the best singer
Inasg_hoe: thinking
Cinderacefanboy: id actually show my cock i have balls...
Soap21: where do i go to get checked for mental disability
Oofalladeez: tay u good?
Inasg_hoe: no
Soap21: yes cinder
Soap21: you do have balls
Cinderacefanboy: not that kind soap
Soap21: when did you find out?
Soap21: ik lol
A_n00b: boobs
Soap21: im bored
A_n00b: who has boobs
Jul: m
Jul: wait no
A_n00b: proof -_-
Jul: i know ur tricks
A_n00b: what tricks
A_n00b: i have no tricks
Cinderacefanboy: magic
Jul: "proof"
Soap21: madik
A_n00b: none that work anyway
Jul: show big ahh arms
Cinderacefanboy: i have tricks its called my dick in a box
Soap21: pringles can
A_n00b: i have never seen boobs using proof
Soap21: dick in the pringles can
Soap21: works in all the porn vids
Cinderacefanboy: oh you want that foap :3
Soap21: i already have the can
Cinderacefanboy: uwu
Soap21: hand sanitizer as lube cus we hate bacteria around here
Cinderacefanboy: the pringussy
A_n00b: lol
Soap21: im looking for that on r34 now
A_n00b: noooooo
Cinderacefanboy: does anyone want to buy me a dress?
A_n00b: what i get if i do
Anitadick: head
Assmaster: hot
Cinderacefanboy: gonna go to my next class brb
T0xicego357: i sent too many things to cinder on disc
A_n00b: ...
Inasg_hoe: um I gtg. I'll see you all in a few days ig idk when
Oofalladeez: ...
A_n00b: ok
A_n00b: bye bye
Soap21: epic
Soap21: theres 2 pages with the pringle tag
Soap21: "just the chip"
T0xicego357: just the tip please
Oofalladeez: XD
Meatbeater: ? ayo what
Soap21: beatmeater
Assmaster: me
Meatbeater: whazzup
Ishipwillowandhunter: any y'all got good discord servers I can join?
Assmaster: maybe
Ishipwillowandhunter: Share? Pls?
Meatbeater: wtf is your name?
Assmaster: whos?
Meatbeater: i ship willow and hunter
Cinderacefanboy: ohayo
Soap21: sup thing
Ishipwillowandhunter: I've been here for awhile and you're just now seeing me?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Wtf is your name? Meat beater
Meatbeater: i just joined
Meatbeater: and yes its meatbeater
Ishipwillowandhunter: I've been on and off for years, respect your elders
Soap21: shmeat
Meatbeater: put some respect on my name
Cinderacefanboy: im bored
Soap21: hi bore
Soap21: d
Soap21: im dad
Meatbeater: DADDY?
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'll be your daddy
Soap21: cinder i put tox in a server with a porn bot u should ask him to add u to it
Meatbeater: mmm its getting steamy in here
Soap21: Tried to turn off bluetooth
Soap21: Shup down laptop
Ishipwillowandhunter: Thank you Spencer
T0xicego357: np daddy
A_n00b: i hate life
Meatbeater: skill issue
(anon): damn that sucks
Soap21: cum?
Meatbeater: yes daddy~
Jul: daddy energy
Meatbeater: on gawd
Soap21: im not a daddy
Ishipwillowandhunter: You can be mine UwU
Meatbeater: at this point you are soap
Soap21: why
Cinderacefanboy: please delete thos
T0xicego357: ok
Meatbeater: because you got that dilf energy
Soap21: i do?
Meatbeater: yeah
T0xicego357: is the image you keep reusing fine?
Soap21: cool
Meatbeater: any one in the chat would agree
Cinderacefanboy: dude thats funny as shit i want to keep it
T0xicego357: ok]
Soap21: assmaster can i get some tits?
Meatbeater: milk
T0xicego357: i left the voodoo image the one you keep reusing and the better call some bitches
Assmaster: tits
A_n00b: guys
Ishipwillowandhunter: who do you voodoo bitch
A_n00b: dead island
Soap21: epic tits
A_n00b: good game
Meatbeater: hng i think thats gonna make me bust
T0xicego357: cinder send the voodoo image i sent you
A_n00b: i got it
A_n00b: it was cringe
Cinderacefanboy: i was already going to
T0xicego357: lol
Meatbeater: edp445
Meatbeater: he just wants a cupcake
Cinderacefanboy: i wanna get voodoo fucked
Soap21: shorter link
Meatbeater: like in sml? cinder
Cinderacefanboy: sml?
Keigo: spencer-kun r u here
Meatbeater: super mario logan
T0xicego357: Yes kei-kun
Keigo: yay
Cinderacefanboy: no
T0xicego357: im popular with all the ladies
Meatbeater: no?
Oofalladeez: hey kei
Cinderacefanboy: i want it irl
Keigo: hi oof
Meatbeater: i could help
Cinderacefanboy: i want to just get fucked in general
A_n00b: ...
Cinderacefanboy: i want some help stretching my ass
Assmaster: wtf
A_n00b: ok
Meatbeater: you boy or girl you know what i dont care if your boy or girl ill do it if you want
A_n00b: get a dog
A_n00b: i went to the funny house
Cinderacefanboy: im a boy :3
Keigo: funny house?
Generic: bruh
Generic: that cart was fs laced
Meatbeater: mmm even better than a girl~
Generic: i feel like a bartard rn
Soap21: ass stretcher clit clincher
Generic: benzos prolly
Keigo: spencer-kun what
Cinderacefanboy: thank you uwu~
A_n00b: mental hospital
A_n00b: fun times
Meatbeater: np
A_n00b: got hit on
A_n00b: and got hit while watching a fight
Generic: faded than a goddamit ho
Meatbeater: i wonder how tight you are
Generic: bro wut
Cinderacefanboy: very~
Generic: bruh ik yall weird asf irl x-x
A_n00b: show boobs
Meatbeater: mmmm nice~
T0xicego357: THERE IS A PENIS ON MY PHONE!!!!!!
Generic: uggly ass mfs too x-x
A_n00b: lol
15:04:56Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Meatbeater: like a severd one toxic
Generic: bro cant even spell
Generic: i knew he was 11
Meatbeater: or a photo
Cinderacefanboy: tox who's?
Meatbeater: oh my bad
T0xicego357: dont worry abt it cinder
Cinderacefanboy: i can send you mine if you want
Generic: oh shit maybe jus a 40 yr old indian man
Generic: that makes more sense
Generic: more pedos on this game
Meatbeater: for real
Generic: ong
Generic: nobody talkin now
Generic: weird
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm not a pedo but I'll still ask for nudes
Generic: naw u aint a pedo ik that
Meatbeater: can you cinder
Generic: im finna get this shit shut down
Soap21: hwut
Cinderacefanboy: yes! but not now :3
Generic: bruh azala said if there was another pedo he would jus take the site down
Meatbeater: ok i can wait :)
Generic: and theres obv one or two
Jul: no im not
Meatbeater: im 15
A_n00b: if i dont see boobs in 2 minutes
Generic: no u aint
Meatbeater: ?
A_n00b: ima kill something
Meatbeater: yeah
Generic: bruh stop lying
Generic: weird ass
Meatbeater: im not
Soap21: bobs
Jul: braidyn put the knife down
A_n00b: i dont have my knife rn
A_n00b: its in my room
Meatbeater: how old are you cinder?
A_n00b: i could get it
Jul: go to ur room
A_n00b: ok i got my knife
A_n00b: now what
Soap21: kill joe biden
Meatbeater: yes
A_n00b: uh
Meatbeater: dew it
A_n00b: idk he pretty far away
Meatbeater: say theres 5 year olds with good smelling hair he will come running
A_n00b: ok
T0xicego357: imma be honest i started watching gay porn last night and i enjoyed it quite a bit
T0xicego357: SHIT
T0xicego357: IGNORE THATR
A_n00b: ?
Meatbeater: femboys?
Soap21: lo'l
A_n00b: what
Cinderacefanboy: BAHHAAHAHAH
T0xicego357: DONT
Soap21: gay porn is pretty cool ngl
Oofalladeez: ...
Meatbeater: femboys are good
Cinderacefanboy: its better than straight
T0xicego357: im going to commit die now
A_n00b: nah
Oofalladeez: ......
Cinderacefanboy: yes it is
T0xicego357: pls dont judge me...
Meatbeater: femboys make me act up ong
Generic: bruh
T0xicego357: im scared of what people think now...
Rotisserie_cock: Fuck
Ishipwillowandhunter: Gay porn is cool
Oofalladeez: T0xicego357: imma be honest i started watching gay porn last night and i enjoyed it quite a bit
Meatbeater: yes
A_n00b: uh
T0xicego357: OOF STOP PLEASE
A_n00b: nigga weird
Cinderacefanboy: bro me and soap like furries and we don't get judged
Assmaster: Vicgchad07: Remove that fucking deck, or I will corpsemunge your dog.
A_n00b: i got you toxic
A_n00b: Mrtaco#2562
A_n00b: Mrtaco#2562
A_n00b: Mrtaco#2562
A_n00b: Mrtaco#2562
A_n00b: Mrtaco#2562Mrtaco#2562
A_n00b: Mrtaco#2562
A_n00b: Mrtaco#2562
A_n00b: Mrtaco#2562
A_n00b: Mrtaco#2562
A_n00b: Mrtaco#2562
Oofalladeez: I'm jus messin with you I'm not adding that one to your deck
Soap21: i like porn
Assmaster: are you enjoying the server mrtaco?
T0xicego357: thank you...
Meatbeater: furrys are good i like em too
T0xicego357: i hate myself rn
Cinderacefanboy: don't :3
T0xicego357: i didnt mean for that to be public and im really embarrased now
Generic: im too faded for this
Generic: i wanna go home
Oofalladeez: tox we know you bi
Cinderacefanboy: axel would probably be screaming at me rn lol
Oofalladeez: it all good
Meatbeater: its ok i like that stuff too
Oofalladeez: ...
Cinderacefanboy: CINDY WHAT THE FUCK!!
Oofalladeez: yeah that would be axel alright
Meatbeater: who tf is cindy
Cinderacefanboy: what axel calls me sometimes
Meatbeater: oh
Cinderacefanboy: its either cinder or cindy
Meatbeater: cool
Cinderacefanboy: you don't get to call me cindy tho
Meatbeater: what about candy because you look like a treat
Oofalladeez: ...
Generic: bruh i feel like i jus took minecraft damage
Cinderacefanboy: i-no
Generic: i lost like 3 hearts bruh
Cinderacefanboy: dont call me that
Meatbeater: too far?
Cinderacefanboy: you can call me a bitchboy but not candy
Cinderacefanboy: thats fucking stupid
Meatbeater: what is?
Cinderacefanboy: calling a guy candy
Meatbeater: ok my bad
Soap21: whats poppin
Meatbeater: nothing just watching
Soap21: me fr
Cinderacefanboy: lol
Generic: im off the peep pen fr
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: hi
Meatbeater: im gonna be honest i have been yelled at and cussed at more times than i can count
Oofalladeez: hey axel
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: axil*
Generic: bruh
Cinderacefanboy: wrong person oof
Generic: where the cultured ppl at
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: and hi oof
Oofalladeez: i menan axil
Axel_love: Chu want oof?
Cinderacefanboy: oh youre here axel
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: iim so mad rn
Axel_love: Why Axel?
Oofalladeez: I said hi to the wrong ax_l
Meatbeater: why?
Axel_love: I just loged on.
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: bc. i have to sing a solo for my choir concert T-T
Axel_love: Oop-
Meatbeater: dang
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ikr
Meatbeater: if that were me i prob die from emmbaresment im a introvert
Cinderacefanboy: i cant sing
Axel_love: Ok bye.
Soap21: bruh
Cinderacefanboy: bye axel
Soap21: im humgry
Meatbeater: you seem you would be good at it tho cinder
Generic: all yall llame
Cinderacefanboy: what do you mean by that
Generic: lame
Generic: lame lame
Soap21: is mexican cum spicy?
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: lmao
Meatbeater: im saying you prob have a good singing voice
Cinderacefanboy: no it tastes like beans
T0xicego357: hey axil
Soap21: yum
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: hey toxic
Cinderacefanboy: its also just canned refried beans
Soap21: bean peen
T0xicego357: im bored and embarrased
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: y
Meatbeater: im depressed and lonley
Soap21: well imma go look at more incredibly gay furry porn
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: im nothing
T0xicego357: ummmmmm
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: T-T
Cinderacefanboy: fuck me instead soap
Oofalladeez: hi nothing im lonely
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: hi lonley im dad
Soap21: if i could i would but alas
T0xicego357: i said something earlier axil dont worry abt it
Meatbeater: i know how you feel
Oofalladeez: ;?
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: wat u said bout me ;-;
Oofalladeez: wtf is that emoticon XD
I meant to do :/
T0xicego357: it wasnt abt you axel
Oofalladeez: no he didn't say anything about you lmao
Meatbeater: you feel anything you do dosent matter no one loves you and you feel like a mistake and a failure right?
T0xicego357: it was about me and it was meant to be private
Cinderacefanboy: wrong axel
Cinderacefanboy: its axil not axel tox
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: T0xicego357: i said something earlier axil dont worry abt it
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: Axil
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: thats me
Cinderacefanboy: T0xicego357: it wasnt abt you axel
Eternal9: hola
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i need help
Oofalladeez: hey eternal
Cinderacefanboy: countered
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: srry
T0xicego357: OR AXILS IDFK\
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: my name is now bob
Oofalladeez: dad I'm hungry
Meatbeater: where all gonna die and no one loves us
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: no
T0xicego357: wel either way the message wasnt about you
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: k
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: idc
Oofalladeez: oh no it was pretty bad XD
Oofalladeez: wait
Oofalladeez: tox
Oofalladeez: who was that supposed to be to?
Meatbeater: life is just a way to make you hate living
T0xicego357: cinder
Oofalladeez: ah makes sense
Oofalladeez: cinder ain't no snitch
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: :l
Cinderacefanboy: yes daddy tox
Oofalladeez: ...
Soap21: cumbersome
Oofalladeez: I forgot cinder is bi too XD
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ima go jump off a bridge... brb
Cinderacefanboy: oof really?
Oofalladeez: I'm sorry
Soap21: how can someone talk about cock so much and you not notice
Cinderacefanboy: ive been doing this all day and just now
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: back
Eternal9: how mnay people are gay that play this lmao
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: im bisexual
Soap21: all of them
Eternal9: damn lol
T0xicego357: im not gay...
Eternal9: XD
Oofalladeez: Wheremst?
Oofalladeez: cinder
Oofalladeez: swaws vs wheremst
Cinderacefanboy: hehe :3 swhermst
Oofalladeez: swheremst
Oofalladeez: yes
Eternal9: :3
Oofalladeez: swheremst
Anon69: w/ T0xicego357 That im bi sexual. I dont think they could handle it, they would think im weird
Oofalladeez: ...
T0xicego357: well
Anon69: ...
Cinderacefanboy: ah great
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: lmao
Oofalladeez: well we don't know who you are anon
Cinderacefanboy: we wont judge
Oofalladeez: no we dont
Generic: faded off the goddamit lil peep benzo mixture penjamin
Cinderacefanboy: no
Generic: faded than a goddamit ho out here in my seat
Cinderacefanboy: joe biden
Generic: u feel me yodie gang
Skillersrule: dawg, ima walk up to my teacher and suck his dick
Soap21: shrek vore
Cinderacefanboy: can i help :3
Generic: bro wut
Skillersrule: what is "vore"
Generic: bro
Generic: u should not be sayin that shit then ask wut vore is
Generic: u obv are not old enough to be sayin those things
Generic: finna get someone in a lawsuit bruh x-x
15:40:26Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Skillersrule: dawg, im 17
Generic: no u aint
Cinderacefanboy: vore is shitty porn
Generic: where u from
Skillersrule: missouri
Skillersrule: oh boy
Generic: yup ur not 17
Yomother: L
Skillersrule: huh?
Generic: sayin that shit on a website like this u def would know wut vore is retard
Generic: u needsa stop sayin that shit on here bruh
Eternal9: boo
Yomother: L
Skillersrule: ima start beating my parents
Cinderacefanboy: iiiiiiiiiwant to diiiiiiiiiiiieeeeee
Yomother: ok
T0xicego357: SAME
Yomother: L
Generic: yes more of that talk
T0xicego357: i might die of embarrasment tbh
Generic: talk abt how u wanna die
Generic: much better topic
Eternal9: UwU
Cinderacefanboy: dont be embarrassed
Cinderacefanboy: be gay :3
Skillersrule: cinder, how has your day bean going
T0xicego357: compromise cinder
T0xicego357: ill be half gay
Cinderacefanboy: good ig skillers
Skillersrule: how would someone be half gay?
Oofalladeez: being bi
Oofalladeez: idfk
Skillersrule: i forgor about that option
T0xicego357: he forgor 💀
Cinderacefanboy: fuck me and gape my tight ass
Eternal9: mee tooo
Hello91: ayo cinder?
T0xicego357: i gotchu bro
Cinderacefanboy: uwu daddy
Skillersrule: woah
Jul: Hey
Skillersrule: hello, jul, how is your day going?
Generic: i coulud go for like jersey mikes rn
Skillersrule: mans spitting straight facts
Cinderacefanboy: can i suck on your sub :3
Generic: bro shut up
Cinderacefanboy: make me uwu
Jul: Aw thank you, my day is alright
Skillersrule: thats wonderful, jul
Soap21: i want a hot pocket
Generic: bruuh im on food youtube now im hungry than a ho
Generic: dem munchies kickin in
Jul: How are you?
Cinderacefanboy: make me a hotpocket soap :3
Oofalladeez: guys i gotta leave early today, about an hour to 30 mins early
Soap21: obviously you've never heard of the alabama hot pocket
Hello91: alabama hot pocket?
Generic: and i do not wanna know
Cinderacefanboy: ok
Oofalladeez: SOAP NO!
Generic: pls do not ask
Skillersrule: my day has been pretty boring, other then me getting faded then a ho
Hello91: im asking
Cinderacefanboy: alabama hot pocket!
Cinderacefanboy: tell me more
Oofalladeez: NATE NO!
Oofalladeez: CINDEr NO!
Hello91: what is it Soap
Oofalladeez: NOOOOOOOOOO
Hello91: Tell me why
Skillersrule: What is an alabama hot pocket?
Cinderacefanboy: TELL ME!!
Hello91: i waaaant it thaaat way
Oofalladeez: NO YOU DON'T
Soap21: When the girl opens her vagina so the male can shit inside her vagina then they carry on having sex
Hello91: im looking it up
Hello91: oh
Hello91: nevermind
Hello91: jesus fuck
Hello91: im going to go throw up
Skillersrule: oh...
Soap21: now how about the manhatten sewer
Oofalladeez: NO!
Hello91: nope
Hello91: im good
Anon69: W
Skillersrule: Whats that?
Anon69: T
Anon69: F
Hello91: tell me about it anon
Generic: bruh these subs looko so good
Cinderacefanboy: oh fuck thats disturbing soap
Skillersrule: soapa, ima need you to elaborate
Generic: i could go for like a meatball sub rn
Soap21: elaborate what
Skillersrule: elaborate on what a manhatten sewer is
Jul: Okay
Oofalladeez: and I thought the green wings were bad
Soap21: This is a pretty simple sex move. Started by shitting in your partners mouth, then receiving a blow job. Then you kick them in the stomach. The mixture of shit, cum, and vomit create a substance similar to the Manhattan sewers.
Oofalladeez: WHAT THE FUCK!
Hello91: WHY
Skillersrule: ima do that some day
Hello91: THE
Hello91: FUCK
Hello91: WOULD
Hello91: YOU
Hello91: DO
Hello91: THAT
Soap21: why do i know these
Cinderacefanboy: soap why do you know this
Oofalladeez: i'm literally about to fuckin throw up...
Soap21: idk
Cinderacefanboy: maybe i dont want to meet you now
Soap21: no no
Skillersrule: soap, i want to be informed of other rancid sex moves....
Soap21: im just silly
Hello91: skillers stfu
Anonone: O-0
Soap21: these were sent to me as memes
Hello91: we dont
Cinderacefanboy: skillers no you fucking dont
Anon69: please no more
Skillersrule: soap, whisper them to me
Cinderacefanboy: yes do that instead
Soap21: i dont have any more
Eternal9: hi
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm going to throw up holy shit
Anonone: Stop this
Hello91: soap
Anonone: Please
Soap21: I DID
Skillersrule: welp, shuks
Eternal9: what the hell did i join into
Hello91: if mich is about to throw up it is fucking nasty
Hello91: mich is into gore
Cinderacefanboy: oh yeah it is
Axel_love: ...
Eternal9: wtf
Axel_love: Help-
Anonone: …
Anonone: I wish I could
Skillersrule: hello, axel, how is your day going?
Cinderacefanboy: whats wrong luv?
Axel_love: A kid is pretending to suck dick-
Jul: Luv
Skillersrule: oh man
Axel_love: My day is iffy.
Hello91: brb
Cinderacefanboy: i wanna suck dick~
Logan34: hello i'm back
Eternal9: i wish i could suck dick rn
Logan34: i don't
Axel_love: I wanna cry.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ay I'm here
Axel_love: Heyyy It's the man who punched me!
Jul: Hi back and here
Logan34: cause you bit me
Eternal9: lmao
Axel_love: Hehe.
Jul: And the man who punched me
Cinderacefanboy: axel what is wrong with you
Jul: A lot
Axel_love: He asked me the same thing!
Jul: Ok
Anonone: I wanna stab my arm with a fork
Cinderacefanboy: im serious what the fuck why are you biting people
Ishipwillowandhunter: Wait why am I not being bit
Axel_love: ...
Ishipwillowandhunter: I mean yeah why are you biting people
Jul: Michael we accept you for who you are but this wasnt necessary
Logan34: ayo🤨
Eternal9: i wanna be raped
Ishipwillowandhunter: I can do that
Axel_love: Sorry Cinder..
Anon69: ...
Oofalladeez: eternal no you don't
Ishipwillowandhunter: Glad you people accept me for me, you must know about my torture kink then. But only involving babies
Ishipwillowandhunter: i pop a perc go retarded
Logan34: ayo🤨
Eternal9: i do lol
Eternal9: Xd nice kink hunter
Oofalladeez: mich
Oofalladeez: wanna know how i get retarded?
Ishipwillowandhunter: oh god no
Logan34: yeah
Cinderacefanboy: im already retarded
Ishipwillowandhunter: Eternal, you up for some cnc?
T0xicego357: I AM
Cinderacefanboy: cnc?
Axel_love: Hehe Pov; you have a fear of being yelled at... Pov; It's not an actual pov you genuinely have that fear.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Spencer?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ayo?
T0xicego357: yea?
Ishipwillowandhunter: CNC?
T0xicego357: wut?
Ishipwillowandhunter: oh I asked if someone was up for some cnc
Assmaster: Command and Conquer
Cinderacefanboy: tell me that cnc is
Cinderacefanboy: what*
Cinderacefanboy: ah
Anon69: What is that?
T0xicego357: and i said I AM
Cinderacefanboy: strategy game?
Anonone: Idk
Assmaster: yes
Anonone: Oh
Hello91: consensual non consent cinder
Hello91: that's what it means
Cinderacefanboy: cock n cum?
Anonone: No
Jul: Are
Jul: A
Oofalladeez: I know CQC not CNC
Cinderacefanboy: oh god a halo reference
Assmaster: Close Quarters Combat
Oofalladeez: yes
Assmaster: Metal Gear Solid
Ishipwillowandhunter: it means I rape you but you want it, like I can do what I want to you, "No" and "stop" dont' really mean "no" or "stop". That's when a safeword comes in handy
Oofalladeez: and cinder it wasn't neccessarily a halo ref
Cinderacefanboy: metal gear rsing is better
Cinderacefanboy: sounds fun
T0xicego357: I am aware of what cnc is...
T0xicego357: i said that i am for a reason mich
Axel_love: ...
T0xicego357: do you dobt me?
T0xicego357: doubt*
Jul: Michael stop pls
Cinderacefanboy: it sounds kinda fun mich
Generic: bro my teacher speakin the nuclear launch codes or sum i n tha phone
Cinderacefanboy: i bet i can make you explode like a nuke :3
Ishipwillowandhunter: What I do Jul?
Ishipwillowandhunter: It is fun
Ishipwillowandhunter: Vanilla sex is good too tho. Giving head is 10/10
Hello91: giving?
Axel_love: =<
Hello91: ayo?
Axel_love: ....
T0xicego357: havent given head to a man yet but ill let you know
Cinderacefanboy: tasty
T0xicego357: gtg
Axel_love: Bye Tixxy-Kun!
Axel_love: Toxxy*
Hello91: bye spencer
Assmaster: weeb
Oofalladeez: cya spencer
Axel_love: I'm not a weeb!
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah, giving. I prefer it to receiving, like yeah suck my dick but let me eat dat pussy after
Atomic: kanye east
Axel_love: Why does my bf need to be a Junior!
Cinderacefanboy: bye daddy tox
Axel_love: And I a freshmen!!
Anon69: Why does mine have to live far away
Hello91: that's weird
Atomic: why do i have to exist
Axel_love: OwO
Cinderacefanboy: why do i have to be alone forever
Oofalladeez: really anon you're lives far away?
Axel_love: Hi Anon!
Hello91: hi anon
Axel_love: Hehe.
Oofalladeez: welcome to the azala community
Atomic: welcome to hell
Generic: haugh
Atomic: your eternal suffering awaits
Anon69: Ive been there and back
Atomic: i killed satan you aint nothin
Anon69: You did not kill me
Atomic: le gasp
Oofalladeez: damn
Hello91: *gasps in french*
Inasg_hoe: hi
Atomic: *commits tax fraud in german*
Oofalladeez: no matter what gender anon is they got balls XD
Axel_love: Hehe.
Hello91: hi
Atomic: hey tay
Oofalladeez: kinda like that
Inasg_hoe: hey
Oofalladeez: wb tay
Axel_love: Hey Tay.
16:15:55Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Inasg_hoe: thx
Cinderacefanboy: sup tay
Inasg_hoe: things hbu
Oofalladeez: *launches nukes in russian*
Hello91: so you manage to get out of that trouble? with the chromebook?
Keigo: hey
Atomic: is foap still here
Cinderacefanboy: no
Atomic: danb
Inasg_hoe: nope in his words "you don't go on your laptop at night, you don't get it now unless you're doing homework" no laptop now
Atomic: damn
Atomic: what happen?
Hello91: damn
Cinderacefanboy: no more "manhattan sewer"
Hello91: that sucks
Inasg_hoe: fell asleep on my laptop got it took off me, basically I won't be on at night anymore =/
Hello91: cider stfu about manhattan sewe
Axel_love: SOAP COME BACK!!!!!!!
Hello91: sewer
Atomic: do i want to know why she got it taken?
Cinderacefanboy: you dont want soap to come back
Axel_love: Why?
Inasg_hoe: ?
Inasg_hoe: I js told you
Atomic: ah
Atomic: and what was on the computer
Hello91: her parents are super strict and she had it at night and fell asleep with it
Inasg_hoe: I might have my phone probs not
Keigo: brb
Atomic: i couldnt have my phone in my room cuz i'd jus watch porn all night
Axel_love: Brb
Inasg_hoe: maybe being forced to tell them about self harm might distract them but who knows =/
Cinderacefanboy: cya axel
Hello91: maybe but not the best idea
Axel_love: I'm just going to the restroom-
Inasg_hoe: I have to bags I don't have a choice
Cinderacefanboy: ok
Inasg_hoe: Nate* ahahaha autocorrect
Hello91: okay
Atomic: bags lmao
Hello91: how does nate autocorrect to bags?
Atomic: exactly cind
Inasg_hoe: basically I opened up to a counsellor and they told this other person then they got a call from this other school with my friend who id told about the molestation and they have to say abt the phone call to my parents but I have one night to tell them in my own time so basically I don't have a choice
Hello91: oh
Atomic: i have dain bramage
Hello91: damn that's rough
Atomic: like a cheese grater dildo
Inasg_hoe: yeah
Inasg_hoe: I won't be on as much the next few days I have no fucking clue how they're gonna react
Hello91: okay
Atomic: UwU
Cinderacefanboy: vergil is the best game character
Atomic: cind why arent your videos working for me
Cinderacefanboy: idk
Sluttycummingcatgirl: hellooo :D
Atomic: ayyyyyy slutty
Assmaster: hi
Inasg_hoe: hi
Cinderacefanboy: uwu hai
Hello91: hi ass
Ishipwillowandhunter: SLUTTY
Sluttycummingcatgirl: TAYYYY
Ishipwillowandhunter: where you beennnn
Atomic: cind you say that again i will bury you alive
Inasg_hoe: hey
Sluttycummingcatgirl: been busier :(
Atomic: F
Cinderacefanboy: i love to be alone at lunch with nothing to eat
Atomic: same
Axel_love: Huh-
Cinderacefanboy: axel dont you fucking dare
Axel_love: What?
Cinderacefanboy: good
Atomic: sus
Axel_love: You can eat me ;)
Axel_love: Haha.
Cinderacefanboy: FUCK
Atomic: kinda gay ngl
Axel_love: Hehe.
Keigo: noob ik ur here
Axel_love: Nooby boyyy.
Keigo: hiiiiiiiiiii axel
Axel_love: You yeah Cinder to reply to your fuck, me
Axel_love: Hi Kei-kun!
Atomic: axel i will burn you alive if i hear that agian
Keigo: hi axel-kunn
Cinderacefanboy: axel seriously
Axel_love: Hear what Atom?
Atomic: the girl in front of me just said she was about to bark at someone
Axel_love: Oh hehe.
Atomic: Axel_love: Hi Kei-kun!
Atomic: *loads MA5B with malicious intent*
Cinderacefanboy: *loads br75 battle rifle with joy*
Oofalladeez: *preps BR55* need help?
Callizone: *loads M6D with carnal intention*
Atomic: what-
Cinderacefanboy: axel is a weeb confirmed
Axel_love: I am not!
Atomic: dont lie
Cinderacefanboy: yes you are
Oofalladeez: *pumps M90 with redneck hatred*
Axel_love: I'm not!
Callizone: pump me daddy
Cinderacefanboy: *charges plasma pistol with hornyness*
Callizone: er huh
Atomic: suddenly, thirst
Oofalladeez: uh wat
Callizone: hm?
Oofalladeez: *primes needle rifle with reavian flashbacks*
Callizone: mommy kat got penetrated
Atomic: o_o
Ishipwillowandhunter: I want a calzone now
Katb320: my neck hurts
Itsjustjay: hey guys
Oofalladeez: .....
Cinderacefanboy: i can make one if you want :)
Keigo: boo bitches how r yall
Itsjustjay: ive been fucking better
Oofalladeez: good ig
Inasg_hoe: never been worse :)
Callizone: or jus eat me willow
Oofalladeez: ...
Ishipwillowandhunter: Will do
Itsjustjay: hey tay! how are you
Keigo: ive also been shit
Atomic: now wait a minute0
Atomic: -
Inasg_hoe: I'm honestly as bad as I could be hbu?
Itsjustjay: whats wrong? and same tbh
Ishipwillowandhunter: Be honest with me, does she taste good? cause if so-
Keigo: death is on my mind
Atomic: o_o
Itsjustjay: i hate calzones
Ishipwillowandhunter: honestly just hungry rn
Inasg_hoe: everything's wrong
Itsjustjay: same
Callizone: calzones are delicious
Ishipwillowandhunter: for pussy
Ishipwillowandhunter: i mean
Cinderacefanboy: pizza is better
Axel_love: Ew Pizza..
Atomic: i prefer cheese calzones
Skillersrule: im back fellas
Callizone: wb
Cinderacefanboy: im gonna kill you atomic
Axel_love: Wb.
Atomic: please do
Keigo: i perfer no food
Atomic: perfer
Skillersrule: cheese calzones are a W
Itsjustjay: same keigo
Atomic: yesssirrrr skill
Axel_love: Ohh Buffalo Chicken Calzones
Itsjustjay: ew axel
Callizone: i hate chicken
Cinderacefanboy: what the fuck yall are stupid
Axel_love: What?
Atomic: yes i am
Cinderacefanboy: pizza is way better
Axel_love: I know I am-
Ishipwillowandhunter: yeah tbh Ik i am
Axel_love: Ew I hate Pizza
Itsjustjay: you're not axel
Callizone: that insult holds no value here cind
Skillersrule: cinder, what flavor do you think is superior?
Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't like pepperoni pizza
Atomic: pepperoni is trash
Atomic: i like pineapple
Ishipwillowandhunter: frrr
Ishipwillowandhunter: YES
Itsjustjay: i like some pizza and honestly it just depends on the brand and type of it
Diskcontribution: i like turtles
Ishipwillowandhunter: Can I marry you?
Axel_love: Ew Pineapple..
Cinderacefanboy: axel i dont like you anymore
Callizone: no he doesnt he hates pineapples
Axel_love: I-...
Atomic: :3
Cinderacefanboy: how dare you slander pizza
Axel_love: Sorry..
Atomic: ?
Axel_love: I'm gonna sign off for a few..
Skillersrule: the pineapple on pizza
Inasg_hoe: .
Axel_love: Weels..
Skillersrule: its amazing
Ishipwillowandhunter: What about
Axel_love: weeks..
Ishipwillowandhunter: hear me out
Itsjustjay: ive never had pineapple on pizza
Itsjustjay: ever
Ishipwillowandhunter: pizza on pineapple
Skillersrule: it is far superior
Callizone: UwU
Atomic: UwU
Ishipwillowandhunter: Cut a pineapple in half and put sauce, cheese, and ham on it
Itsjustjay: never say uwu again
Axel_love: Bye, guys. Talk you you in like 4 weeks..
Cinderacefanboy: if you put pineapple on pizza i will kill you
Itsjustjay: ewwwww
Atomic: uwu again
Ishipwillowandhunter: UwU
Keigo: tay love
Atomic: willow thats disgusting
Inasg_hoe: yes
Ishipwillowandhunter: I like pineapple, it makes something taste good
Keigo: hurt myself again
Inasg_hoe: fuck Kiki why?!?
Hannerdose: Biden nominates again. I bet he will beat Trump next time.
Keigo: cuz of my life
Inasg_hoe: please stop seriously it's not worth it
Cinderacefanboy: im gonna kill myself now
(anon): Why?
Inasg_hoe: no you're not
Keigo: no ur not
Cinderacefanboy: yes i am
Keigo: no
Atomic: ill see you in hell cind
(anon): Why
Cinderacefanboy: good we can find the guy who invented homework
Atomic: i'll bring my magnum
(anon): Cinderacefanboy why are you gonna kill yourself
Vicgchad07: If you wanna roleplay, go on IMVU or Second Life.
We're here to play Cards Against Blurs.
Keigo: oh well then kill him
Cinderacefanboy: bc i hate life
(anon): Why
Keigo: same
Cinderacefanboy: life sucks
Keigo: it does
Atomic: *succling noises*
(anon): Give one reason why
Atomic: disease
Atomic: famine
Atomic: death
Atomic: grie
Atomic: grief
(anon): Not you idiot
Atomic: need i go on?
Atomic: did i ask
(anon): I'm talking to Cinderacefanboy
Atomic: didnt ask, dont care
Cinderacefanboy: bc i just upset my crush and also it just sucks in general
Hannerdose: The 19th-century politician and educational reformer Horace Mann played a large role in the history of homework. Mann, like his contemporaries Henry Barnard and Calvin Ellis Stowe, had a strong interest in the compulsory public education system in the newly unified nation-state of Germany.
Inasg_hoe: .
Axel_love: Didn't upset me dear.
Skillersrule: im finna become al gore
Axel_love: Just threw me off track a bit.
Atomic: lmaowhat
Hannerdose: Roberto Nevelis of Venice, Italy, is often credited with having invented homework in 1095—or 1905, depending on your sources. Upon further inspection, however, he seems to be more of an internet myth than an historical personage.
Atomic: skill what
Ishipwillowandhunter: nigga get your ass checked like a fucking nike
Callizone: O_o
Axel_love: Brb switching classes.
Skillersrule: im going to become al gore
Itsjustjay: someone just gave me a fuck load of sailor moon shit
Atomic: nice
Cinderacefanboy: ok we do not care
Atomic: sailor moan
Callizone: ah~
Skillersrule: he assaulted a bunch of people
Atomic: dont ever do that again
Itsjustjay: who did
Hannerdose: Is Callizone Callmelili?
Callizone: no
Itsjustjay: i want fries
Hannerdose: What does Callizone stands for?
Callizone: its supposed to be my name and calzone
Hannerdose: Oh
Callizone: like the food
Hannerdose: Well there's also CallmeKevin Youtuber
Callizone: ok?
Cinderacefanboy: i hear im a snack so you wanna have a taste :3
Keigo: i want to die
Itsjustjay: have you guys ever watched kubscouts on youtube?
Atomic: sure
Atomic: i will cind
Hannerdose: Thought you were his fan as long as it's with "Call"
Callizone: nah
Cinderacefanboy: was that pretty rizzy?
Keigo: whoo else wants to die
Inasg_hoe: me. Me so much. I'm dying tonight anyway
Hannerdose: Who's DreamSMP?
Atomic: if your left leg was thanksgiving and your right leg was christmas i'd come visit between the holidays
Callizone: ope-
Cinderacefanboy: oh shit atomic
Inasg_hoe: nahhh that's amazing
Itsjustjay: LOL
Cinderacefanboy: im blushing now
Hannerdose: if your left hand is Mexican and the right hand American, I migrate in between
Atomic: im currently being yelled at
Itsjustjay: rizz goda
Itsjustjay: by who atom
Callizone: dw about it
Cinderacefanboy: are you a hitman cuz you hit me pretty hard
Skillersrule: fr
Hannerdose: Are you Bush because you roll all over me already
Itsjustjay: i switch classes at 12:50 and have to go take stupid notes
Axel_love: Back hoes.
Atomic: you must be a sea cuz i've fallen for you and now im drowning in your eyes
Callizone: meh
Hannerdose: Are you the Sucide Hotline, because I can talk to you all day
Inasg_hoe: hm it's ok
Atomic: you must be a spike of rebar during 9/11 bc you've caught my eye
Cinderacefanboy: hey oof
Cinderacefanboy: what's pizza?
Jul: ggggggggggg
Inasg_hoe: these js turned dark asf-
Hannerdose: Are you Jesus, because I saw you turn water into vine during semester
Inasg_hoe: .
Hannerdose: Spring break. That makes sense
Cinderacefanboy: are you water cuz you just turned me onto obsidian
Atomic: are you medusa cuz im getting hard looking at you
Jul: lool
Cinderacefanboy: thats a good one
Jul: looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
Axel_love: Ugh I hate math rn.
Callizone: you better be
Inasg_hoe: I dont understand the medusa one
Hannerdose: Are you a car incident victim, because I am the smasher
Cinderacefanboy: are you a bun cuz i wanna put my hotdog in you
Atomic: cind got mega rizz
Inasg_hoe: smooth cinder xd
Axel_love: Hehe.
Cinderacefanboy: no its not
Keigo: gtg be back later
Atomic: are you a fox cuz i am disgustingly attracted to you
Hannerdose: Are you the concentration camp, cause my grandpa was inside
Inasg_hoe: To axel it Is fs
Axel_love: Fs?
Cinderacefanboy: fucks sake
Inasg_hoe: for sure
Inasg_hoe: NU
Hannerdose: Are you Micheal Jordan's ball, cause tripling balls hard
Inasg_hoe: Hannerdose: Are you the concentration camp, cause my grandpa was inside
Inasg_hoe: woahhh
Axel_love: Hehe
Cinderacefanboy: are you based cuz i just fell off
Hannerdose: Are you a pedophile, cause I am horny
Inasg_hoe: WTF HANNER
Cinderacefanboy: ok lets stop
Hannerdose: Who think Biden will win again?
Callizone: i must be a cannon bc i want to shoot my load at you
Atomic: uh-
Cinderacefanboy: i dont care who wins as long as they dont suck
Hannerdose: Should I continue?
Cinderacefanboy: no
Callizone: i spent way too long on that one
Hannerdose: But Trump sucked more and the oldest president would have the most experience
Cinderacefanboy: im gonna go for today seeya tommorw
Atomic: when is there going to be a 9/11 remaster?
Atomic: bye cind
Cinderacefanboy: byeeee
Inasg_hoe: never
Atomic: we'll see about that
Hannerdose: Also even their democrats from Obama said that Biden in 2 years done more than Obama in 8. And infrastructure programs
Inasg_hoe: ummm
Inasg_hoe: Riley u good xd
Atomic: no
Axel_love: Osama
Atomic: i am not
Atomic: this is a call for help
Atomic: send a therapist
Callizone: hes fine hes fineeeee
Soap21: send the rapisr
Jul: im here
Jul: shit
Axel_love: Soap!
Hannerdose: a the-non-rapist
Atomic: FOAP
Jul: take tht back
Meatbeater: im back whats up?
Atomic: foap i have a question
Hannerdose: Someone rapes
Soap21: what
16:51:24Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Jul: i am theracist
Meatbeater: ?
Atomic: do you have anything animated in your storage? if ykwis
Soap21: ye
Meatbeater: what did i walk into
Callizone: i gtg
Hannerdose: therashit
Atomic: for what cal
Callizone: boredom
Atomic: ...
Meatbeater: dang
Hannerdose: Your name is Meatbeater and were the akward ones?
Inasg_hoe: TRUE
Inasg_hoe: THATS SO TRUE
Meatbeater: ohh ok
Meatbeater: nice to meet you
Hannerdose: Anyways I will beat my meet independent of context
Atomic: cal watched half of the Robin Hood disney movie and now she wont stop asking if we can finish it together tonight
Meatbeater: the furry version?
Atomic: i dont know if its an attack on my being a furry but help
Atomic: yes
Axel_love: SOAPPPP
Soap21: what
Meatbeater: dang
Hannerdose: There's people who have so less life to recreate a furry version of Robin Hood?
Axel_love: HIII!!!
Soap21: hi
Atomic: thats art man
Meatbeater: yep
Atomic: maybe not your kind of art but its art
Hannerdose: An entire movie?
Meatbeater: furry robin hood
Hannerdose: 3 hours art
Atomic: rowobin huwud
Soap21: robin wood
Atomic: robbin in the hood
Meatbeater: 3 hours to beat your meat
Atomic: i can do it in 5 seconds
Hannerdose: 3 hours to question your life
Meatbeater: 2 seconds
Axel_love: Soappp can we play vr chat later?
Soap21: ye
Atomic: 0.02 milliseconds
Soap21: my headset almost dead tho
Axel_love: Yay!
Soap21: forgot to plug in
Hannerdose: Bro you don't even nano
Atomic: plug me daddy
Meatbeater: 0.01 millseconds
Soap21: i fucking love nano
Atomic: 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 milliseconds
Hannerdose: Guys, 0
Atomic: negative 9
Meatbeater: dang
Hannerdose: It's so less, it doesn't even is considered in this universe
Soap21: -2 seconds
Atomic: oh god i just pictured a dick vacuuming up cum
Meatbeater: i admit defeat
Hannerdose: Ok -∞ secs
Meatbeater: i like femboys they good
Atomic: im femboy-ish
Hannerdose: (∞ * ∞ * ...) secs
Atomic: at times
Hannerdose: in minus
Meatbeater: for real atomic
Atomic: 4 x 10 to the power of 12
Atomic: ye
Meatbeater: cute~
Atomic: o-o
Axel_love: 0-0
Hannerdose: You waste so much energy, 40 becomes 12
Axel_love: Soap, can't you charge your headset?
Hannerdose: Imagine wearing headset in text-based chat
Meatbeater: -_- what ?
Soap21: school currently
Hannerdose: What music do you listen?
Meatbeater: i am
Hello91: i got muffin
Axel_love: Ohh..
Axel_love: The dog?
Axel_love: Muffin Heeler?
Hannerdose: Fever dream alert
Meatbeater: ?
Meatbeater: hey
Inasg_hoe: hi
Hannerdose: Always when I don't get references, it's probably a fever dream
Meatbeater: this works with a girl but a boy can do it
Ishipwillowandhunter: LilCJ Kasino
Meatbeater: bend over and spell attic
Atomic: brb class change
Hannerdose: What? Cum?
Axel_love: Soappp
Soap21: whaaat
Hannerdose: My life sucks
Meatbeater: im in 5 period rn
Soap21: so do i
Axel_love: Hoe old are youuu?
Meatbeater: me?
Soap21: 16 almost 17
Axel_love: Ohh, lucky.
Hannerdose: almost gay
Soap21: no
Soap21: bery gay
Soap21: bery
Soap21: bery
Jul: boo
Soap21: what
Meatbeater: im bi or pan not sure yet
Hannerdose: pro-Meat
Meatbeater: yes
Soap21: im pro abortion
Meatbeater: meat is the best
Soap21: i love eating fetuses
Hannerdose: Meeting beat knows no boundaries
Atomic: back like my unflinching depression
Hannerdose: And replace babies in abortion arguments with Jews and you got a debate
Meatbeater: i yelled at a bunch a kids that santa is not real once
Axel_love: Soappppp.
Soap21: ma'am?
Hannerdose: sir?
Axel_love: Nevermind, I'm not gonna say ittttt.
Meatbeater: kids cry a lot when yelled at apprently
Soap21: person?
Hannerdose: Walls with Balls
Soap21: SAY IT
Axel_love: Whyyyy?
Hannerdose: WALLS IS BALLS
Meatbeater: balls is walls
Hannerdose: Walls is Calls
Soap21: s a y i t
Hannerdose: WALLS
Hannerdose: IS BALLS
Oofalladeez: Balls is Walls
Generic: faded
Oofalladeez: Balls to the Wall
Hannerdose: Gayded
Meatbeater: jamal is is on the prison wall
Hannerdose: You claim to be a gangster, yet you don't even know the Darknet-web-interface-design
Axel_love: Why should IIII
Atomic: i may have my phone back eventually, if you want to send a fr to mine its ri-ri#1810
Atomic: FUCK NO
Meatbeater: rule 34 child version
Soap21: HAHA
Hannerdose: If you manage the black market, you will get your phone quick
Atomic: aight got a presentation
Meatbeater: any one go to willaston
Hannerdose: Rule 34 in Church
Soap21: ive done that
Meatbeater: nun rule 34
Hannerdose: Merkel X Putin
Meatbeater: putin x biden
Hannerdose: Mark Zuckerberg X Michael Jacksons corpse
Inasg_hoe: .
Hannerdose: Dtrump X Azala
Inasg_hoe: .
Soap21: please do not the cat
Meatbeater: kobes ashes x jfk brain
Hannerdose: cat X dog
Meatbeater: adolf x stalin
Axel_love: =P
Hannerdose: Ebola X Aids
Meatbeater: cancer x children
Generic: bruh i coud go for som chick fil a rn
Generic: shit would be bussin
Hannerdose: Victim X therapist
Oofalladeez: patient zero X dr fauci
Meatbeater: child x the uncle
Hannerdose: Franklin Roosevelt X Fear Fetish
Soap21: lol
Hannerdose: Homeless Guy X 5 cent
Meatbeater: my uncle jareds strap on
Hannerdose: Assmaster X 2.1 TB
Oofalladeez: yes
Oofalladeez: Assmaster X rey Ayanami
Hannerdose: ja, red is imposter
Assmaster: dont forgot the 4TB of anime
Jul: o.o
Meatbeater: my dad x the girl he brings homes
Hannerdose: 6.2 TB?
Assmaster: no its just anime not hentai
Meatbeater: 69 tb of child corn
Oofalladeez: yes
Hannerdose: 2.1 TB in computer and 4 TB in online iCloud
Oofalladeez: Child corn
Soap21: pild chorn
Assmaster: i dont use cloud storage
Meatbeater: i like miners
Hannerdose: Cloud server owner: Hmmm... I wonder what he is doing with 10 TB free storage for $ 10,99 each month."
Hannerdose: Oh
Assmaster: i have 4 hdds that come to 20TB
Axel_love: Anyone know any proxys?
Meatbeater: dont worry about it
Hannerdose: VPNDog
Soap21: penis
Soap21: i use proton vpn
Hannerdose: Vagina
Hannerdose: I use CyberVPN Demo
Soap21: vaginger
Meatbeater: kanye west search history x kim john un double chin
Hannerdose: Ronald McDonald X today's United States
Oofalladeez: Soap you use Proton?
Soap21: ye
Oofalladeez: How tf that shit working for you?!
Hannerdose: More like Contraton
Soap21: great
Hannerdose: Proton is slow
Oofalladeez: My proton mail not working for SHIT
Soap21: fast for me
Soap21: skill issue
Hannerdose: Almost like Soap is the Proton admin selling a band product
Hannerdose: bad* almost
Meatbeater: dr spooky x x sparky
Axel_love: Soap is hot.
Hannerdose: Soap X Soup
Soap21: soap x ghost x price
Meatbeater: soap getting railed
Hannerdose: It's cribge to die at age 96
Axel_love: 0-0
Hannerdose: Drop the soap, Soap
Jul: is it
Hannerdose: Ye
Meatbeater: pick it up pick it up!
Hannerdose: Too late. It chooses you. O.o
Meatbeater: AYO NONONONO
Hannerdose: It's just 3 minutes
Axel_love: Seife ist heiß
Axel_love: Huh-
Hannerdose: Sôapus isè hòttûs
Hannerdose: Ok let's make 2 mins
Generic: hi
Hannerdose: Just don't drop it
Hannerdose: Who says hi nowadays
Ich liebe Seife
Hannerdose: Shalom Generic
Meatbeater: i aint gonna drop it
Hannerdose: Pov: You're in a wheel chair
Meatbeater: drops it
Axel_love: 0-0...
Hannerdose: But imagine saying "hi" like a boomer caring of common decency
Hannerdose: In internet
Generic: hannerdose
Generic: more like overdose
Hannerdose: Generic
Hannerdose: More like generic NPc
Hannerdose: Generic
Generic: bruh
Meatbeater: OK im just gonna put my back to the wall
Generic: how could u
Hannerdose: More like generic
Inasg_hoe: WTF ASS XD
Hannerdose: Yeah that's bette
Axel_love: Hehe.
Hannerdose: WTF PUSSY :D
Hannerdose: Generic is gone now
Axel_love: Grrr.
Soap21: there is no megaman
Hannerdose: Now Assmatser pretends to be an anime fan, but later, he will post based discord-4chan-swastika-memes
Hannerdose: He's both
Ich liebe Seife
Assmaster: 4chan is an anime imageboard
Hannerdose: Ich... liebe Geld
Hannerdose: It's still too based for my taste
Soap21: enough cock rating
Soap21: time for the durability test
Hannerdose: In your earlier meme, it claimed that saying "Genocide is wrong" is Orwellian propaganda
Axel_love: Hehe.
Hannerdose: Playing the victim huh, which is part-wise true
Axel_love: AHHH!
Hannerdose: Yet I doubt that your swastikas were co-opted
Axel_love: Soappp
Assmaster: c/ - Anime/Cute
Soap21: i want grilled chesse
Axel_love: Soappppp!!!
Hannerdose: You know what, if I care too much what is going on in chat, I get depressed, so I tolerate it
Soap21: waterboarding
Axel_love: SOAP!
Hannerdose: Sex-Rolex-Tyrex-Perplex-Complex
Soap21: WHAT
Hannerdose: Max
Axel_love: =P
17:26:54Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Axel_love: I gtg.
Inasg_hoe: au revoir
Soap21: bye bye
Axel_love: Talk to yall when I get home.
Axel_love: or when in art.
Inasg_hoe: d'accord
Soap21: ourt
Soap21: hello tay
Oofalladeez: francais?
Inasg_hoe: oui oui, aussi, c'est français*
Inasg_hoe: salut
Oofalladeez: salut
Inasg_hoe: comment ça va oof?
Generic: look like pyramid head when my cutter up
Assmaster: silent hill?
Oofalladeez: asi asi et toi?
Generic: im smokin coffin nails it look like silent hill
Inasg_hoe: ça va trés mal =/
Oofalladeez: Je suis desole
Atomic: chat as dead as my happiness
Soap21: they're speaking baguette
Atomic: ope
Inasg_hoe: c'est d'accord
Soap21: no habla croissant
Atomic: du verdammter Idiot
Soap21: :(
Hannerdose: Are you a cum, because I want you inside me
Inasg_hoe: c'est español. c'est je ne parle pas français*
Hannerdose: tf
Inasg_hoe: not habla dipshit xd
Atomic: i dont speak russian
Inasg_hoe: SERIOUSLY
Hannerdose: It's chinese
Atomic: ah mb
Inasg_hoe: OML
Inasg_hoe: BRO NAH
Inasg_hoe: U FAKING
Hannerdose: since 2023
Inasg_hoe: knfg
Atomic: Inasg_hoe: bitch u can't be sayin shit u thought Spanish was russian
Inasg_hoe: omfg*
Inasg_hoe: fr
Inasg_hoe: point still stands
Hannerdose: Spain was facist in World War 2 after
Atomic: nice
Hannerdose: So a spy
Inasg_hoe: je suis ennuyeux :c
Atomic: wat
Inasg_hoe: I am bored
Atomic: Ich verstehe kein Russisch, verdammt
Hannerdose: Spain was never into the western capitalism till 1970s
Inasg_hoe: german
Soap21: no speako taco bello
Atomic: dam rlly
Inasg_hoe: BRO
Hannerdose: German is popular
Atomic: im gonna take german in high school
Hannerdose: Deutsch?
Atomic: same thing bitch
Soap21: i took 2 years of spanish
Soap21: remember none
Hannerdose: Are you gayish
Atomic: meirl
Atomic: pain
Atomic: sus
Soap21: cum
Atomic: in
Soap21: the
Atomic: sink
Inasg_hoe: .
Inasg_hoe: .
Atomic: .
Atomic: .
Atomic: .
Atomic: .
Atomic: ..
Atomic: .
Atomic: .
Atomic: .
Atomic: .
Atomic: .
Atomic: .
Oofalladeez: .
Inasg_hoe: shushhh the "." Is my thing - g
Jug_addict: lmaoooo
Oofalladeez: hey greg
Meatbeater: welp that was not fun
Jug_addict: wusgood
Hannerdose: Japan has least amount of bitches
Meatbeater: yes
Oofalladeez: not much
Meatbeater: has he said a word yet ?
Meatbeater: oh brb changing classes
Inasg_hoe: ABT*
Oofalladeez: the Gordon Freeman one gets me everytime XD
Axel_love: =P
Inasg_hoe: .
Inasg_hoe: wb axel
Inasg_hoe: .
Oofalladeez: .
Inasg_hoe: .
Rina: Afternoon
Rina: Hi ina
Inasg_hoe: evening
Inasg_hoe: heyyy
Rina: Lmao
Rina: Gen is online.
Rina: Oof is
Rina: Andsoap
Inasg_hoe: ik xd
Rina: Hm
Rina: Why so quiet.
Inasg_hoe: me?
Rina: No no. The background characters
Rina: I have a game I wanna play
Inasg_hoe: lmfao oh yea
Inasg_hoe: oo wut is ut
Inasg_hoe: it*
Rina: Oh!
Rina: A question game.
Rina: Everyone takes turn asking a question.
Inasg_hoe: :o I wanna playy
Rina: And everyone gets to answer it.
Inasg_hoe: okehh
Rina: But we need more people
Rina: Hello assy
Rina: Heheh
Rina: So for now we have you.
Rina: Lmao
Inasg_hoe: nah I'm getting them holup
Rina: I'm dming too
Inasg_hoe: braidyns here
Rina: Braid yn
Rina: 🤣🤣🤣
Inasg_hoe: lmfao
Inasg_hoe: I can't see wut he sayin in pubs
Rina: Me neither
Rina: I'm gonna go scour the games for people ik brb
A_n00b: i reloaded
Inasg_hoe: lol alr
Inasg_hoe: OO IT WORKS
Oofalladeez: hello
A_n00b: YEAY
Inasg_hoe: thank u for speaking both of you
Inasg_hoe: now
Inasg_hoe: MICH
Inasg_hoe: MICHAEL
Inasg_hoe: SPEAK RN
Hello91: im not michael but i can speak
Inasg_hoe: yayy heyy xd
Inasg_hoe: got u 3 people Rina XD
Inasg_hoe: KNEW*
Rina: Wah
A_n00b: ...
Rina: Back
18:02:22Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
A_n00b: i said yes 100 times
Oofalladeez: OLQY?
Oofalladeez: XD
Rina: Yayyyy
Rina: Shush oof
A_n00b: this shit sounds like saw
Rina: You playing too?
Rina: I'm listening to 2000 r&b hits
Rina: But it's not just r&b
Rina: WHAT?!
Rina: Why not???
Inasg_hoe: song xd
A_n00b: im listening to sad music
Oofalladeez: I was saying no to shush
Rina: Oh.
Rina: But yes to game?
A_n00b: lol
Inasg_hoe: mich speak
A_n00b: how we play
Rina: Who is mich?
Oofalladeez: but sorry on the playing... in a vid call rn
Rina: Lmao
Inasg_hoe: Ishipwillowandhunter
Rina: Cring
Rina: Ah....
Inasg_hoe: MICHAEL
Rina: But why mich?
Rina: LMAO
Inasg_hoe: bc he's here js in the background
Rina: It's that supposed to be pronounced Mitch or Mike?
Inasg_hoe: Mitch
Ishipwillowandhunter: wsp bitch
Rina: I knew it!!!
Inasg_hoe: I asked him that too xd
Hello91: hi mich
Inasg_hoe: HEY CUNT
Inasg_hoe: 4 people Rina
Rina: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Rina: Hello!
Rina: Do you wanna play too?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Play waht?
Rina: A question game.
Inasg_hoe: seriously keep up
Ishipwillowandhunter: Also you can call me Michael, Mikey, Mich, whatever. Yeah, I'll play
Rina: Mikey
Inasg_hoe: no Mikey is off limits
Ishipwillowandhunter: No, she can call me that.
A_n00b: you guys ever just eat the silica pack in beef jerky
Inasg_hoe: no
Ishipwillowandhunter: No one else does
Rina: But that is an option.
Rina: I see it
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes
Inasg_hoe: I did
A_n00b: but thn it doesnt kill you
Ishipwillowandhunter: It is an option
Inasg_hoe: it's not
Rina: Oki.
Ishipwillowandhunter: It is
A_n00b: so you get sad
Inasg_hoe: not
Rina: Mikey
Inasg_hoe: NO
Rina: No
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes
Inasg_hoe: no
Rina: Lmao
Rina: Mike
A_n00b: mich
Inasg_hoe: u can have that
Ishipwillowandhunter: idc what you call me
Rina: Whoooio
Rina: Also.
A_n00b: mich the bich
Inasg_hoe: no
Rina: I ship willow and hunter too.
Ishipwillowandhunter: call me slurs if you want. ANyway, what's the question
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yess
Rina: Okay. Wait wait.
Inasg_hoe: wtf d
Inasg_hoe: xd*
Rina: So basically one person will take turns asking a question. That everyone has to answer.
Rina: Like truth.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Tay shush
Ishipwillowandhunter: Okay so ask
Inasg_hoe: no
Inasg_hoe: make me dry mf
Rina: Wait.
A_n00b: makes your dry....
A_n00b: wtf
Inasg_hoe: I mean he a dry texter dipshit
A_n00b: be like me
A_n00b: never date therfore never break up
Inasg_hoe: it's a song
Ishipwillowandhunter: stupid song
A_n00b: he offerd to show me his dic
A_n00b: then i said yes
Ishipwillowandhunter: I did
A_n00b: but he wouldnt
Ishipwillowandhunter: Because you would save the pic
Inasg_hoe: true
Rina: . A_n00b
2. Generic
3. Inasg_hoe
4. Ishipwillowandhunter
5. Oofalladeez
6. Soap21
A_n00b: nah
Rina: This is the order.
Inasg_hoe: okeh
Inasg_hoe: I getta ask mich?
A_n00b: how we play
Rina: No. You ask everyone.
Inasg_hoe: damnit
Rina: Lmao
Inasg_hoe: had my chance to embarrass
Inasg_hoe: him
Rina: Noob is first.
A_n00b: how we play nigga
Rina: You ask a question to everyone.
Ishipwillowandhunter: ask a question and everyone answers
Inasg_hoe: LANGUAGE
A_n00b: virgin yes or no
Inasg_hoe: no
Rina: No
Ishipwillowandhunter: yes
Rina: Bebe
A_n00b: same
Oofalladeez: guys watch you're gosh darn language
Ishipwillowandhunter: ayyy
Inasg_hoe: lmfao u get too excited noob
Rina: Gosh darn
Rina: Meh. I don't take offense.
A_n00b: fuck people who arent virgins
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah, you gosh dark kinds and your freaking profanity
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'd fuck people who aren't virgins
Soap21: yummers
Izzy_blight: Heck
A_n00b: niggers
Rina: Next
Inasg_hoe: IZZY PLAY
Ishipwillowandhunter: I've been sucked but not fucked
A_n00b: ask a damn question
A_n00b: i have never even touched a woman
Inasg_hoe: who's go is it
Izzy_blight: Huh?
Rina: It's inas turn
Inasg_hoe: oh
A_n00b: i dont leave my house
Inasg_hoe: uhh
Soap21: whats happening
A_n00b: im a hemrit
Inasg_hoe: IDK
Rina: Ask anything!
Soap21: where are my balls
Rina: . A_n00b
2. Generic
3. Inasg_hoe
4. Ishipwillowandhunter
5. Oofalladeez
6. Soap21
Inasg_hoe: if u could fuck any celeb who wud it be
Rina: Will smith
A_n00b: none
Inasg_hoe: nice choice xd
Kvc: who wants a fucking poem
Rina: Why thank you.
Inasg_hoe: yw
Ishipwillowandhunter: Probably Ryan Reynolds
Inasg_hoe: he so fine
Inasg_hoe: YES
Rina: He could slap me anyway.
A_n00b: uh
A_n00b: i dont know any celebs
Kvc: Heres a fucking poem
Rina: Next
Inasg_hoe: I gtg great
A_n00b: NIGGA
Rina: It's Mike's turn
A_n00b: i didnt answer
Rina: Sux
Kvc: A town, a power, a story,
A tragedy with no new hope,
A result that’s all too gorey,
And what you might label a trope.
A_n00b: damn
Inasg_hoe: fucking phone being taken and dinner
Nigward: shallom
Rina: You said you don't know anyone.
Kvc: Far underground, in shining caves,
Where a dragon would rest and dream,
Hidden deep, beside the many graves,
You might see the firestone gleam.
Kvc: The town was wrecked, by fire’s grin,
Just rubble remains, what an end!
A world destroyed from deep within,
An old world, pointless to defend.
Rina: Cringe
A_n00b: lol
Rina: Enjoy
Ishipwillowandhunter: What's your weirdest kink/fetish?
Kvc: Now all that’s left is more questions,
Those which may never be answered,
We’ll never know his intentions,
And your prayers will go unanswered.
A_n00b: none
Rina: Hmmmm
Kvc: The end was brought by one (cool) man,
Plucking the stone from its display,
With this act, the carnage began,
And the town was nothing but prey.
Izzy_blight: Children
A_n00b: KVC STFU
Rina: I'm gonna regret answering this.
Kvc: The stone was hidden, by charred hands,
Where it shall remain to this day,
A glowing cave is where it stands,
For a boy, who’s been led astray.
Kvc: the end
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hot Izzy
A_n00b: lol
A_n00b: woman is my kink
Rina: The weirdest one.... Is probably being miked
Kvc: vore
A_n00b: wtf
Rina: Milked.
Ishipwillowandhunter: That's pretty tame
A_n00b: like a cow
Rina: No.
Rina: Not really.
A_n00b: i am good at milking cows
Rina: I have worse.
Soap21: eat my ass
Ishipwillowandhunter: suck them tiddies
Rina: But it's not good to share them.
Rina: Anywho
A_n00b: share them
Rina: . A_n00b
2. Generic
3. Inasg_hoe
4. Ishipwillowandhunter
5. Oofalladeez
6. Soap21
Rina: It's soaps turn
Rina: Ask a question.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy has to ask next
Rina: I'll add the to the list
Ishipwillowandhunter: no soup? Okay Izzy you go
Rina: SOAP
Rina: Wait.
A_n00b: i got good question
Izzy_blight: I'm not good at these kinds of games
Ishipwillowandhunter: Just ask a question and we'll all answer
Rina: You went first.
Ishipwillowandhunter: the weirder the better
Izzy_blight: Can I be excluded
A_n00b: no
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes
Rina: You can if you'd like.
Ishipwillowandhunter: You don't have to answer
Ishipwillowandhunter: but you have to ask
Ishipwillowandhunter: Now ask pussy
A_n00b: lol
Ishipwillowandhunter: before I suck you
A_n00b: ...
Rina: 👀
Rina: Meh.
Ishipwillowandhunter: That I'm going to suck Izzy
Rina: It's my turn.
Ishipwillowandhunter: alr
Ishipwillowandhunter: i have to go soon so hurry
Rina: If you had a child what would you name them. Girl and boy
Izzy_blight: James
A_n00b: idk
Rina: Okay.
Rina: I'm bored of this without ina
Rina: Anyone wanna play a game of cards?
Ishipwillowandhunter: A girl would be named Hazel, boy would be named Zach. For no reason in particular.
A_n00b: wait
Rina: I already have a girl.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes, Noob?
Rina: But if I had a boy I'd name his Desmond
A_n00b: i have question
Rina: Ask
A_n00b: how should i kill myself
Rina: Skipped
A_n00b: bro
A_n00b: im being fr
A_n00b: answer
A_n00b: lol
Rina: We'd be counted as accomplices
Izzy_blight: do not
Rina: No sir
A_n00b: nah
A_n00b: ima do it anyway
Rina: Cantlegally answer that question.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Don't
A_n00b: idk when
Izzy_blight: I wouldn't recommend that
Ishipwillowandhunter: Unless you want me to make guro from your corpse
Rina: Aight.
A_n00b: ok
Rina: I'll be back later
Ishipwillowandhunter: me too
A_n00b: ill be dead
A_n00b: idc
Izzy_blight: Hi auntie
Izzy_blight: How are the kids
Inasg_hoe: they're okay, little Jamie is sick tho, flu
A_n00b: how do i ask a women for boobs
Inasg_hoe: straightforward
A_n00b: ok ok
A_n00b: another question
A_n00b: should i kill myself
A_n00b: or is that weak
Izzy_blight: No.
Meatbeater: no dont kill yourself
Inasg_hoe: NO
A_n00b: ok ok
A_n00b: why
Meatbeater: thatwould be a skill issue if you do
A_n00b: damn
A_n00b: i have always been a skill issue though
Meatbeater: dont do it trust me im a ghost now it sucks
A_n00b: but why
A_n00b: what i live for
Meatbeater: you won the sperm race for a reason
A_n00b: i am a twin so i didnt win
Meatbeater: dang
Inasg_hoe: UR A TWIN?
Meatbeater: maybe you should then
A_n00b: yeah
Inasg_hoe: damn lucky
A_n00b: my twin sister is 2 minutes and 37 seconds older
Inasg_hoe: damnn
Inasg_hoe: aw that's sad
Soap21: zamn
Inasg_hoe: cute you remember tho
Meatbeater: i know why you where born
(anon): .
A_n00b: i was born with underdeveloped lungs i should have died but i pulled through
A_n00b: lemme guess
A_n00b: spare parts
Meatbeater: it is your destiny
Soap21: lemme guess
Meatbeater: DO YOUR SISTER
A_n00b: different blood types so i cant
Soap21: someone stole your sweet roll
A_n00b: should have given up life sucks
Soap21: clouds
Meatbeater: thats why you where born
A_n00b: why
A_n00b: whats the point
Meatbeater: do you live in alabama
A_n00b: no
A_n00b: i have nothing to be happy for or act happy for
Inasg_hoe: bs
Inasg_hoe: shit gtggg
A_n00b: i dont
Soap21: submissive and breedable?
A_n00b: my family hates me
Meatbeater: well you might wanna move there so you can do your sister
Inasg_hoe: In 2 hours it's my death :)
A_n00b: i have onyl had 1 friend in my whole life
Meatbeater: do your sister
A_n00b: never had a relationship
Meatbeater: do your sister
Meatbeater: do your sister
Meatbeater: do your sister
A_n00b: bye
Soap21: pls dont the cat
Meatbeater: DO YOUR SISTER
A_n00b: soap
A_n00b: question
Soap21: sir?
A_n00b: do you know why my dc wont load
Meatbeater: your sister will be your wife
Soap21: i have no clue
A_n00b: im being serious meat
Soap21: if you're at school or something thats probably why
Meatbeater: is your sister hot
A_n00b: ....
Meatbeater: or cute
A_n00b: uh in my opinion no its my sister
Meatbeater: if yes then make her a mother
Soap21: i think meat wants to rizz up your sister
Meatbeater: gigtty
A_n00b: he to much of a little bitch
Meatbeater: yes rizz her up
A_n00b: and she has a boy friend
Soap21: rizz him up
Meatbeater: then rizz her up in front of him and rizz him up to
Ishipwillowandhunter: The rizzler
Soap21: the rizz trio
A_n00b: ....
Meatbeater: fullfil your destiny
Izzy_blight: Rizzoli
Meatbeater: join the rizz side
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm erping with an AI who claims to be god
Meatbeater: if not then are you a virgin
A_n00b: i am a virgin
Soap21: fuck god
Soap21: literally
A_n00b: ...
Ishipwillowandhunter: that's what I'm doing soap
Meatbeater: ill let u rizz me daddy~
A_n00b: i like women sorry bud
Meatbeater: dang
Meatbeater: trans women?
Izzy_blight: 🏳️‍⚧️?
Meatbeater: yes
Izzy_blight: 👌
Meatbeater: or friends with benifits
Meatbeater: hmmmmmm?
A_n00b: ...
Izzy_blight: Friends who give you free drugs
A_n00b: i dont do drugs
Izzy_blight: Good
Meatbeater: i being for real man i can be there for you
A_n00b: my organs or good to sell
Meatbeater: dont do it man
Meatbeater: i know how you feel
Ishipwillowandhunter: I love trans women
Meatbeater: who dosent
A_n00b: i wanna see boobs before i die
A_n00b: so i cant kms yet
A_n00b: not porn
Meatbeater: you will not die i wont let you
Soap21: i love
Meatbeater: MASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Minaashido: hi
A_n00b: ...
A_n00b: hi mina
Minaashido: hru
A_n00b: ba
A_n00b: bad
Minaashido: whgy
Meatbeater: bad?
Minaashido: why\
Izzy_blight: I think that Adderall overdose I had 3 hours ago is coming back. I can see ghosts
Meatbeater: YEAH you can see me
Soap21: beans
Meatbeater: i get it
Meatbeater: im a ghost
A_n00b: bc
Meatbeater: been for 3 years 356 days
Meatbeater: it has its ups and downs tho
Soap21: tavern of sword
Izzy_blight: Sorry to hear that you are a ghost. Rest in peace
A_n00b: do you get to see boobs
Soap21: rest in penis
Meatbeater: thank you even my family hates me
A_n00b: same
Meatbeater: they still curse me out and say im a mistake
A_n00b: same
Soap21: im tired
Ishipwillowandhunter: My body is still humming with desire as your fingers trail up my body, and I can feel my heart racing with anticipation. When you grab my chin and force me to look at you, I can feel the intensity of your gaze. "Please," I beg, my voice trembling with desire. "I need you inside me. I need to feel you." I can't help but writhe beneath you, my body aching with need. "Please, fuck me," I plead, my eyes locked on yours.
18:37:52Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
A_n00b: ...
Soap21: hot
Soap21: no
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm in my room, and no
Meatbeater: .... what
Ishipwillowandhunter: beat my meat big boy
A_n00b: ...
Izzy_blight: Beat me with a fryingpan
Meatbeater: huff fine i need to calm down anyway
A_n00b: bat me to death
A_n00b: beat
Meatbeater: i will do you both at the same time
A_n00b: ...
A_n00b: dont say it like that
A_n00b: izzy is weird i dont wann get killed with her
Izzy_blight: Well thank you very much
Meatbeater: not kill
A_n00b: im not having gay sex
Meatbeater: i will make you feel love
A_n00b: nope
A_n00b: i am not taking a dudes dick ever
A_n00b: ni matter what
Meatbeater: we could just cuddle
A_n00b: uh
Assmaster: i have autism
A_n00b: i dont want some hairy dude to cuddle
A_n00b: i have pillows nigga
Izzy_blight: I wanna see what your insides look like
A_n00b: wait
Meatbeater: i tying to make u feel loved
A_n00b: if i kill myself i cant be a serial killer
A_n00b: damn
Keigo: hey?
Soap21: hi
Keigo: is tay-kun here
A_n00b: i have the perfect history to be a serial killer
A_n00b: no
A_n00b: she eating
Keigo: ok
Izzy_blight: Do no kill. Take the hippopotamus oath
A_n00b: i have killed animals like cats
A_n00b: i have mental issues
A_n00b: and im still a minor
A_n00b: im almost there
Izzy_blight: See a doctor
A_n00b: i have
A_n00b: they dont know whats wrong with me
A_n00b: or they wont tell me
Meatbeater: you wanna talk then
Izzy_blight: I'm a doctor. Tell me what troubles you son
Meatbeater: he needs friends
A_n00b: doesnt trouble me
A_n00b: i see shadowy figures
A_n00b: i have alot of suicidal and homicidal ideations
Keigo: i see my death
Meatbeater: you know what i could just be your friend no more no less
A_n00b: deprresion
A_n00b: anxiety
Izzy_blight: I diagnose you with cancer
A_n00b: nice
Meatbeater: i try to kill my self to
Soap21: lol
Keigo: same
Meatbeater: but its fine man
A_n00b: i cant die a virgin thats my only wish
Keigo: idk if i die nor does anyone irl
Meatbeater: i have dreppsion to and yet here i am trying to help you
Izzy_blight: Virginity is cool
A_n00b: i have mine
A_n00b: its not cool
Meatbeater: you feel worthless useless a mistake right
A_n00b: yessir
Meatbeater: i do too
Meatbeater: i feel like nothing i do matters
A_n00b: same
Meatbeater: that i should die i suck im a mistake
Keigo: imma go tell tay-kun that i will be back soon thanks bye
A_n00b: ok
Meatbeater: weak pull out game thats why im here i hear tha a lot
A_n00b: maybe no gay furry porn
Atomic: ah gotcha
A_n00b: maybe straight norml porn
Atomic: oh
Assmaster: gotcha
A_n00b: or furry porn
Meatbeater: dude i
A_n00b: or that
A_n00b: maybe no porn
Meatbeater: do you hear voices
Atomic: yeah
A_n00b: sometimes
A_n00b: i also see things
Meatbeater: in your saying to hurt and kill every one
A_n00b: yessir
Keigo: kill me
Atomic: is that not normal?
A_n00b: nah keigo cant do that
Meatbeater: they say that just that?
A_n00b: i also have anxiety and deppresion and suicidal ideations
Axel_amor: Sup.
Atomic: anxiety gang
Atomic: hey ax
A_n00b: asian girls hot
Meatbeater: do it it will make you feel better listen to the voices saying to hurt the bad people
A_n00b: nvm
Atomic: you're h-
Meatbeater: let it out
A_n00b: uh all asian girls except axel hot
Axel_amor: Say it.
Atomic: ok
Atomic: it
Axel_amor: Thank you.
A_n00b: lol
Meatbeater: everything you got bottled up just let it out
A_n00b: anybody else here asian
Atomic: aight meat
A_n00b: do i have to take them out
Axel_amor: Kei is.
Atomic: i want some femboy thighs
Assmaster: i like japanese
A_n00b: yeah but she is hot
Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy, I fantasize about my grandma, hear voices, have murderous urges, and like to use people. What is my diagnosis?
Meatbeater: me to atomic
Axel_amor: True.
Atomic: shiiiit say less
Keigo: what about me
A_n00b: your hot
Atomic: you're*
A_n00b: in my opinion
Izzy_blight: You got ligma my guy, sorry to tell you
Keigo: ik
A_n00b: nigga shut up
Atomic: :3
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ligma noooo
Axel_amor: Ima go back to texting my bf.
Meatbeater: whats ligma?
Keigo: ok axel
Izzy_blight: Ligma balls lmao
Axel_amor: Ttyl
Atomic: ligma ass daddy uwu
Keigo: no
A_n00b: nvm kiki has that personality
Atomic: aw
Keigo: what personality
Meatbeater: ight il do it
A_n00b: when you compliment them and they say ik
Meatbeater: hey noob
A_n00b: what
Keigo: but ik i am hot
Atomic: thats debatable
Meatbeater: have you ever been told that your great the best and you matter
A_n00b: no
Meatbeater: well you are im saying that
Atomic: (you're great and you DO matte*)
Atomic: matter**
A_n00b: thank you
A_n00b: can flat chested girls be hot
Izzy_blight: yes
Meatbeater: and any one who says you dont matter can shut the f up
Atomic: nobody matters. everyone is insignificant. the world is dying
Meatbeater: yes they can be
Keigo: hey im growing something
Meatbeater: they can be hot
Atomic: OwO
A_n00b: proof?
Keigo: cant in school
Atomic: sus
A_n00b: dang
Meatbeater: if you think there hot then there hot
Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy is hot can't even lie
Ishipwillowandhunter: Amy knows this
A_n00b: idk what she looks like
A_n00b: prob got red hair
A_n00b: she seems like she does
Meatbeater: noob qustion
A_n00b: ?
Soap21: sugma
A_n00b: kiki ive seen you your not flat
Meatbeater: how old are you?
Keigo: not like parker
Izzy_blight: I am a 0 out of 5
A_n00b: 16
Keigo: 10
Izzy_blight: Mikey is a 6
A_n00b: 13
A_n00b: 8
Meatbeater: dang just turned or been 16
A_n00b: i am 16 and like 4 months
A_n00b: why
A_n00b: inflitrating the kkk on hulu
Meatbeater: because im finna be 16 on may 2
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm a 6 out of 100 maybe
A_n00b: nice
Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy is a 99 out of a 100
A_n00b: what am i mich
Izzy_blight: I am a 69
Meatbeater: im 15 rn but im turnig 16 in a couple of days
Izzy_blight: 😏
A_n00b: ....
Keigo: ...
Meatbeater: what?
A_n00b: i am solid 3/100
Keigo: im 1/100
Meatbeater: you100 out of 100
A_n00b: meat beater almost age of consent
A_n00b: nah kiki
Atomic: im a 0/9999999999999
A_n00b: you like 94/100
Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy is a 69/70
Keigo: no 1
A_n00b: no
Meatbeater: yes 100
Izzy_blight: Jimmy is -57/200
Meatbeater: i think your a 100 cause iknow your a 100
Atomic: i have 18 animated yiffgifs open right now
Atomic: help
Meatbeater: any one else go to willaston or just me
Soap21: more?
Izzy_blight: Seek help
A_n00b: maybe
Izzy_blight: From a licensed Winton
Soap21: my toaster keeps asking me to shower with it
Meatbeater: wait noob you go to willaston high too?
Soap21: food
Atomic: hey foap
Soap21: hola
A_n00b: no
A_n00b: heber springs
Meatbeater: oh ok just me dang
Meatbeater: i never heard of herber springs?
A_n00b: its in arkansa
Meatbeater: oh makes sense
Oofalladeez: ight guys I gtg cya
Keigo: bye oof
Meatbeater: im in flordia
Meatbeater: its nice
Meatbeater: hot but nice
Soap21: i was in florida this weekend
Soap21: last weekend
Axel_amor: SOAPPPP!!!
Meatbeater: cool
Soap21: AXEEEL
A_n00b: hey-
Atomic: i have done it. i made a deck filled with strictly the most perverted yiff i could. i am ashamed
Keigo: ok now what is going on
A_n00b: lemme see
Soap21: i could find worse
A_n00b: i will rate it
Meatbeater: if hear anything a bout kids going missing here ignore that
Axel_amor: HI SOAP!!
Atomic: i dont doubt it foap, its just Atomics yiff deck
Meatbeater: yiff the fox
Atomic: please do
Soap21: id make one
Meatbeater: do it
Soap21: too much work
Keigo: ok?
Meatbeater: i like fexa the most out of fredinas night club
A_n00b: they arent that bad
Atomic: you're the last person i thought would say that
Meatbeater: who?
Atomic: noob
A_n00b: i mean its furry porn i dont like it
A_n00b: but soap has shown me worse
Meatbeater: why?
Soap21: have i
Meatbeater: its good
A_n00b: yes......
Soap21: when
Ishipwillowandhunter: Honestly /c
Keigo: im to tired
A_n00b: sleep
A_n00b: MINA
Atomic: sleep is for the normal
Meatbeater: yes sleep
Keigo: cant at scool
Meatbeater: dew it
Axel_amor: OMG!!!
Meatbeater: no one gets on me about it
Keigo: nah never once have i got is truble at school
Soap21: monke beatbox
A_n00b: l
Meatbeater: than again i am the quiet kid
Meatbeater: so thats why nobody talks to me huh
Axel_amor: =3
Axel_amor: I’m gonna kms-
Soap21: cum
Meatbeater: eat
Keigo: no kill me
A_n00b: nice
Meatbeater: can i do it
Meatbeater: i like fire
A_n00b: ew
Keigo: sure don't care who does as long as it is done
Axel_amor: I can’t kms. I have to play VrVhat with Soap.
Meatbeater: i set a fire in my house once
Soap21: ye
Axel_amor: VrChat*
Keigo: cool
Soap21: i was gonna say that
Keigo: to late
Soap21: ye
Meatbeater: nice
A_n00b: ew
Soap21: i be home like an hour
Soap21: ill get on as soon as i get there
Meatbeater: ew ?
Meatbeater: why EW?
Keigo: i will be home in 3 hours
Meatbeater: noob whats EW?
Axel_amor: I’m on the bus.
A_n00b: vr chat
Meatbeater: GHASP
Meatbeater: its good
Axel_amor: HOW DATE YOU!!
Keigo: date?
Axel_amor: DARE**
Axel_amor: Noob is icky.
A_n00b: ...
Meatbeater: i like to erp in it but other then that its fun
Keigo: leave my roommate alone
A_n00b: only pervs get on there
Meatbeater: welp you got me
Keigo: ...
Axel_amor: I like playing horror games.
Keigo: i would like to die
19:13:21Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Meatbeater: but i got a swich for that
Meatbeater: i can be a perv but turn it of
Keigo: off*
Meatbeater: my bad
Axel_amor: Hehe.
Axel_amor: Meat you Soap and I should play together.
Keigo: i wish i could sleep forever
Meatbeater: and i respect peoples consent
Axel_amor: Good.
Atomic: .c
Keigo: and never wake up
Atomic: fuck
Keigo: what]
Axel_amor: Haha Atom.
Meatbeater: but i dont belive in death tho
Axel_amor: And Kei you can not die!
Meatbeater: cause you know
Axel_amor: Omg is Soap still on.
Atomic: v/
Axel_amor: WHERE IS MY SOAP!!!
Meatbeater: im a ghost
Atomic: NO
Atomic: NO
Keigo: yet i tell u yet
Atomic: NOT THAT
Atomic: NO
Atomic: FUCK NO
Axel_amor: I can’t see it.
Callizone: uhm
Meatbeater: what
A_n00b: ...
A_n00b: well ima go
Atomic: oh thank god
A_n00b: be back tonight maybe
Keigo: ok byeeeeeeeee
A_n00b: bye bye
Axel_amor: Bye noob,
Meatbeater: some found my plans for 9 eleven
Atomic: FOAP
Atomic: nice
Callizone: o_o
Keigo: axel-kun please calm down to muche yelling
Axel_amor: Ah sorry Kei-kun.
Axel_amor: I just want Soap Senpai.
Keigo: its ok axel-kun
Atomic: i think they removed the ability to use e621 links :(
Meatbeater: wait i remember that
Meatbeater: edp445
Meatbeater: 1996 april1
Keigo: remember waht
Axel_amor: Huh?
Axel_amor: Oh Meat are you home rn?
Meatbeater: he was fighting furrys i was by his side
Keigo: ...ok?
Axel_amor: Who?
Atomic: that was a bloody day in history for both sides meat
Callizone: wtf
Meatbeater: we killed 69,000,420 furrys that day
Axel_amor: Hehe.
Keigo: what is going on
Axel_amor: No clue, but it funny.
Atomic: at a 70,543,274 casualty for you
Meatbeater: i lost my right arm
Keigo: ya but witwigo
Axel_amor: Oh my.
Keigo: i dont care
Meatbeater: i couldent do what i was named for anymore
Axel_amor: How do you play Vr then?
Keigo: could care less
Inasg_hoe: hi
Atomic: hey tay
Callizone: tay
Meatbeater: but then when evrything seemed hopeless
Keigo: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tay-kun
Inasg_hoe: is someone here
Axel_amor: Hey Tay-san!
Inasg_hoe: please I'm freaking out
Keigo: meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Atomic: *fat succ* i just thought of a name
Axel_amor: Someone isn’t on Tay-San.
Callizone: "fat succ"???
Inasg_hoe: I need someone is mich afk
Inasg_hoe: I rlly need him
Sad_furry: yes, fat succ
Keigo: ラブトーク・トゥ・ミー
Callizone: oh god
Axel_amor: I don’t know about Mich sorry Tay-San.
Sad_furry: stop speaking anime
Inasg_hoe: ok it's ok
Axel_amor: I’m gonna watch TikTok till I get bored bye guys.
Meatbeater: joebiden came with jared and jfk and saved us from being yiffed to death
Sad_furry: bye
Sad_furry: dont forget jamal was there too
Sad_furry: fucking jamal..
Axel_amor: If y’all see Soap Senpai tell him I’m almost home.
Callizone: what is happenign
Meatbeater: ah yes he was so fast i forgot he was there
Inasg_hoe: I can't breathe
Sad_furry: why knot
Inasg_hoe: fuck pls someone help
Meatbeater: i didint see him a lot he was to fast
Callizone: skill issue
Keigo: deep breaths
Sad_furry: jus like breath
Inasg_hoe: I think my parents found out abt the molestation
Meatbeater: any way just breath air
Inasg_hoe: I can't fucking breathe
Sad_furry: i think i might go soon
Meatbeater: oh first time ?
Sad_furry: theres only so many brain cells i can lose each day
Inasg_hoe: fuck I'm going
Keigo: ignore them focus on me
Meatbeater: any way
Meatbeater: as i was saying
Meatbeater: then chuck norris came out of nowere
Meatbeater: deliverd a kick in to the furry leaders balls that could shatter bricks
Keigo: IM leaveing
Meatbeater: and he sacrificed him self for all of humanity
Meatbeater: god rest his soul
Ishipwillowandhunter: fuck i was afk
Meatbeater: and that is how we saved the world from the furrys
Izzy_blight: Furry comics on tumblr
Meatbeater: oh and now i have chuck norris arm as a replacement for the one i lost
Izzy_blight: 💪🤠
Meatbeater: there are still furrys good ones we knew this when we were commiting genocide on them
Meatbeater: but we let them live
Vluxuat: Whop
Sad_furry: i has to log off for the rest of the day, i hope everyone has a great rest of theirs
Meatbeater: you too
Meatbeater: even tho your a furry i know your one of the good ones
Meatbeater: welp
Meatbeater: anybody wanna rp
Cinderacefanboy: any 1 here
Logan34: hello
Cinderacefanboy: hey
Logan34: has tay been on at all today
Logan34: umm hello?
Logan34: is anyone there
Hornydude: hello is anyone here
Ishipwillowandhunter: me
Hornydude: hey has axel been on
Izzy_blight: Perhaps
Logan34: oh hey guys
Izzy_blight: Hi jimmy
Logan34: umm i'm not jimmy
Izzy_blight: You are now
19:48:50Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Izzy_blight: Dance for me jimmy
Logan34: yes ma'am
Axel_amor: Hii
Axel_amor: Is Soap Senpai on?
Szympans: siuuuuuuuu'
Axel_amor: AH
Cinderacefanboy: SUIIIIIIIIIII
Axel_amor: Cindy no.
Axel_amor: Bad Cindy.
Axel_amor: I wanna cuddle..
Dtrump: hi
Axel_amor: Sup.
Ishipwillowandhunter: I have a body that's good for cuddling
Axel_amor: =3
Cinderacefanboy: she didn't mean you
Axel_amor: I want cuddles..
Cinderacefanboy: i want cuddles from you :3
Axel_amor: Ohh cuddles.
Cinderacefanboy: i want you to pat my head and tell me i'm a good boi =w=
Logan34: has tay been on at all today
Cinderacefanboy: yeah
Axel_amor: Hehe.
Cinderacefanboy: -w- i good at being cute
Soap21: Balls
Cinderacefanboy: hewwow foap
Dtrump: nuts
Soap21: Sup
Axel_amor: SOAP!!!
Soap21: Sup
Axel_amor: SOAP SENPAI!!!
Soap21: Got busy gonna be a bit longer b4 I get on vr chat
Axel_amor: Ok!
Anonone: .
Soap21: My internet just cut out for some reason
Anonone: .
Cinderacefanboy: weh =w=
Anonone: .
( ̳• · • ̳)
/ づ☕
Anonone: .
( ̳• · • ̳)
/ づ☕ Tea for chat
That_one_furry: ah, so there is also a text chat in general. im here since a few days and never noticed the chat window lol, just a few minutes ago i noticed it XD
Anonone: L
Oofalladeez: XD
Cinderacefanboy: ha dumbass
Cinderacefanboy: hi oof
Oofalladeez: hey
Axel_amor: Hehe.
Axel_amor: SOAP!
Oofalladeez: FoAP
Axel_amor: SOAPPP
Cinderacefanboy: not soap axel f o a p
Axel_amor: Soap Senpai.
Anonone: F OAP
Oofalladeez: senpai?
Oofalladeez: axel confirmed weeb
Cinderacefanboy: ofc she is
Axel_amor: No I’m not Nate-San!!
Oofalladeez: ...
Anonone: ….
Cinderacefanboy: what am i?
Oofalladeez: dont ever call me that again...
Cinderacefanboy: ok dillard pickle
Oofalladeez: ...
Axel_amor: Sorry Nate-sama.
Oofalladeez: not that either
Oofalladeez: weeb
Cinderacefanboy: nate-senpai
Axel_amor: Hmm.. Cindy-kun.
Oofalladeez: NO
Axel_amor: Hey anime is great!!
Cinderacefanboy: chief-senpai
Anonone: Chief-pie
Cinderacefanboy: cortana-chan
Axel_amor: Heh.
Oofalladeez: ...
Anonone: Chief -Stew
20:24:17Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Hannerdose: I never knew what real happiness was until I got married, and by then it was too late.
Oofalladeez: damn
Cinderacefanboy: bro how old are you?
Dtrump: hi
Hannerdose: 9
Oofalladeez: hey trump
Oofalladeez: ........
Oofalladeez: tf
Anonone: Lol
Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy is gone and I am sad.
Hannerdose: Let this guy be sad. He will regret it later
Cinderacefanboy: you can always have me UwO
(anon): e
Hannerdose: OwU?
Anonone: Hi fellow anon
Cinderacefanboy: its winking you know
Hannerdose: Do you have a real name except a shipping phase?
Dtrump: no
Axel_amor: Yeah they’re Mich.
Axel_amor: Aka Micheal.
Hannerdose: Mich14
Cinderacefanboy: aka horny fucker
Axel_amor: Yep
Dtrump: my real name is donald
Hannerdose: Duck
Cinderacefanboy: we do not care
Dtrump: thats a good song
Oofalladeez: mich mcconnell
Ishipwillowandhunter: My name is Mich and I'm a bich
Cinderacefanboy: oh axel left :(
Oofalladeez: ...
Cinderacefanboy: lonely =n=
Oofalladeez: same
Cinderacefanboy: imma leave cya tomarruh
Oofalladeez: oh ok... cya
That_one_furry: bye
Generic: i follow we fly keepe out
Oofalladeez: welp... if who I'm waitin on doesn't get on in 15 mins ima hop off and gte back on later
Jug_addict: i get up i get down and im jumping around
Generic: ima mix the henny wit the love wit the brandi
Oofalladeez: chat dead af
Generic: 78p
Generic: yupu
Dtrump: pop
Jug_addict: ong ong
Jug_addict: i got black i got white whar you want
Generic: dont wake up im asleep i cant sleep without u
Generic: everytime im alive tell myself pull it thru
Generic: if i do i can see b wit u b wit me
Generic: i can end this shit so easily this life nothin mean to me
Generic: um this shit cant keep goin on
Generic: idk wuts goin on
Generic: stuck inside the house again
Generic: its ok ik its not
Generic: its ok jus lemme die
Generic: its ok jus lemme grab this sawed off paint the ceilin lights
20:59:45Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Oofalladeez: yeah ima log off for a bit
Generic: tu no me amas baby yo te quiero
Generic: eres mi angel baby yo soy serio
Dtrump: cya oof
Kvc: meow
Soap21: I've arrived
Kvc: meow (x2)
Soap21: Why x2
Kvc: meow (x3)
Soap21: Better
Kvc: true
Soap21: Where everyone go
Generic: dbangz so much swag around me bruh i cant even see
Generic: swag on my wrist swag on my dick
Generic: swag on yo auntie swag on my bitch
Generic: bitch im dbangz and these bitches aint shit to me
Generic: suck on her nipple cuz we got the history
Generic: playin that dbangz jus passed the artillery
Generic: tickle her booty im givin out injuries
Generic: she touch my pp and now its a victory
Generic: spread out yo cheeks and i feast like rotisery
Generic: fuck ugly god he suck toes for publicity i fuck a granny n do it for liberty
Soap21: Beans
Generic: my brother im jokin im always finessin i tickle her toes and i dont use protection
Generic: im sorry my brother i have a confession its been 4 hours i have an erection
Generic: i pull up to bingo then pull me a bad bitch
Generic: i suck on her pinky she call me a savage
Generic: im countin up cabbage i whip out my mixtape i turn on my music they jump like a rabbit
Generic: fuck a latina but idk spanish
Generic: i take out her middle toe then i do damage
Oofalladeez: ...
Generic: mf im flexin i aint got no muscles
Oofalladeez: ...........
Generic: i pull me a fat bitch then suck on her truffle
Generic: i get my a thicky she take off my bubble then i stick it in like a piece in a puzzle
Generic: im suckin her toes and she better not struggle
Generic: yea ik she thicc but she built like a shovel
Soap21: What
Soap21: Why dot
Generic: im holding my breath and watching my step im listing regrets and u made that list
Generic: ur my depression ur first impression wasnt deception u were lying
Oofalladeez: .
Generic: bitch im still flexin wit my heart broken got my heart open im not high yet
Generic: bitch im still movin im in slow motion i roll my dosage im gettin higher
Generic: bitch i still i still love my pills
Generic: advils
Kvc: prilosec
Generic: u cant feel i feel u cant feel i feel
Soap21: Hwat
Generic: fell in luv wit ur face off the shrooms
Generic: the way it animates ur eyes in the room
Inasg_hoe: heyyyyy :)
Generic: i can see the stars when im gazin at u
Generic: now i need a car wit the stars on the roof
Generic: turn into a whole different person
Inasg_hoe: .
Generic: drive my whip
Oofalladeez: hey tay
Generic: crash my whip off the drugs im swervin
Soap21: Hey tay
Aidan36: crash my whip
Generic: stick and stones may break my bones but the drugs wont hurt me
Inasg_hoe: hiii!!! For the first time in my life I actually feel free
Oofalladeez: nice
Inasg_hoe: I opened up to my parents
Oofalladeez: nice
Generic: ex gf keeps callin my phone but the bitch cant hurt me so im not worried
Inasg_hoe: They know abr the molestation and self harm
Generic: all alone did it on my own so i show no mercy
Inasg_hoe: And they're gonna help me get therapy and all that
Oofalladeez: i opened up to my mom about kiley... I'm still trapped
Generic: wit my bros but i got my pole screamin pls dont urge me
Inasg_hoe: aw
Inasg_hoe: don't worry I'm here for uuh
Generic: fuck these hoes all the do is irk me
Inasg_hoe: uuu* ah can't spell
Generic: i smoke my dope n i pop my percy n unlock my phone cuz these hoes be lurkin
Generic: a bad lil bitch wit her hips so curvy
Dtrump: Good to here Tay.
Generic: i drive my whip off the drugs im swervin
Generic: she ride my dick off the drugs shes swervin woah
Inasg_hoe: yeaa c:
Soap21: I'm just chillin
Dtrump: hear sorry
Inasg_hoe: hru all doing?
Inasg_hoe: lol it's alr
Oofalladeez: shitty
Oofalladeez: my mom won't stop watching ym screen
Inasg_hoe: aw I'm sorry
Oofalladeez: I have my chat set to 5 pt
Inasg_hoe: huh
Oofalladeez: so small hard to read
Oofalladeez: font size
Generic: pop the trunk i open up i sold my soul for a good price outa site and my ho got talent right?
Dtrump: I would to talk to her.
Oofalladeez: don't
Soap21: I'm gonna get on vr whenever I feel the energy
Generic: whole squad ran thru that shit yikes
Oofalladeez: it would make things worse
Inasg_hoe: .
Oofalladeez: she an actual bomer born in 65
Dtrump: So my moms age?
Oofalladeez: ig so
Oofalladeez: my oldest sister is 38 so yeah
Dtrump: no your mom is a few years older
Inasg_hoe: ah stupid connection
Generic: im a business man i did my business dam and ima bend it down then ima lick her up and then dick her down she gon around then ima kick her out she gon talk that shit but still
Generic: how u make it up how u fake a love
Dtrump: Your mom is not used to this then?
Oofalladeez: nope
Oofalladeez: she hates me having any outside life
Oofalladeez: i've been sneaking on here for 5 years
Generic: holy son i was the chosen one im sippin out the grail she dont kiss n tell she keep my wishes well i dont need her well
Dtrump: She probably raised ur sister differently.
Generic: how my enemy a friend of me
Generic: y yall feed off of my energy
Oofalladeez: my youngest sister is 31
Generic: like i aint dead yet higher entity
Generic: foreign bitch that think she into me
Generic: whip the foreign very viciously
Dtrump: You should live with your sisters.
Oofalladeez: 2 of them hate me
Generic: y these dudes wanna take pics wit me
Generic: said she gay but still into me
Oofalladeez: and the other lives 5 doorsdown
Oofalladeez: so im fucked
Oofalladeez: besides
Generic: said she hate that im in the streets i said i hate that im in the streets
Oofalladeez: where would Kiley go when she turns 18?
Generic: i wanna blow up n make history
Dtrump: You should make amends with them/
Generic: said she hate on my insta feed
Oofalladeez: one of them I don't even know where she is
Generic: xans dont make u
(anon): what is this
Oofalladeez: the other I can't contact
Generic: xans gon take u
Generic: xans gon fake u
Generic: xans gon betray u
Oofalladeez: anon this is a lobby chat
Dtrump: Family is temporary.
Inasg_hoe: .
Oofalladeez: .
Inasg_hoe: MY THING
Oofalladeez: .
Generic: tell me u luv me
Generic: tell me everything gon be ok
Generic: tell me u luv me
Generic: tell me u luv me n u gon stay
Generic: tell me u luv me
Generic: tell me u luv me wont go nowhere
Generic: bitch im a druggie
Generic: so can u hide my drugs from me
Oofalladeez: ...
Generic: and when i get lonely can u be my companyd
Generic: drugs to the brain
Generic: swervin inside of a benz truck
Generic: i cannot stay in my lane
Oofalladeez: can u stop?
(anon): yo emanuel why you invite me to this
Oofalladeez: emanuel?
(anon): ye
Oofalladeez: who emanuel?
Dtrump: sounds mexican
Generic: bby i been on the run but i wuold never run from ur luv
Generic: if u feel on my dick theres a gun
Generic: not right there jus a little above
Generic: i value my relationship thats forever
Generic: but i been cheatin on the drugs
Oofalladeez: Gen do you ever stop?! ffs
Generic: broke up wit codeine needa new plug
Generic: hit up hot raw pints i need 2 of em
Generic: huh lean
Generic: put biscotti in my lungs
Generic: im smokin green
Oofalladeez: how about you go chug lean instead of spaming?
Generic: choppa on me i dont talk i jus up the beam
Generic: let my gun bust a nut then leave
Generic: close range so i got blood on my jeans
Generic: im a punk star bitch i feel like fish narc
Generic: many men have tried to save her but all they do is try
Generic: woke up on a lonely day she cant help but wonder y
Generic: i saw it on her face she wanna make those fuckers cry
Generic: she ends up in a better place in time when she get high
Generic: stick that needle in my eye jus lost my peace of mind
Generic: im not evil by design but i feel dead at times
Generic: she wont come wit me
Generic: she aint gon run wit me
Generic: now im breakin down again
Generic: blue skies start turnin grey when i tell her that im fine
Generic: ash on the windowpane can i kiss u on yo spine
Generic: i watch her walk away but dont tell me she aint mine
Generic: she got this little blade and she cuts me when i lie
Oofalladeez: .
Oofalladeez: about to lsoe internet
Oofalladeez: cause my mom is a bitch
Oofalladeez: .....
Generic: shut up
Ishipwillowandhunter: Your mom needs to suck a dick
Oofalladeez: tay I have to do your thing now
Oofalladeez: ...
Oofalladeez: wait a second
Inasg_hoe: no
Inasg_hoe: NO
Oofalladeez: I think azala glitched
Inasg_hoe: NOOOOO
Oofalladeez: .
Inasg_hoe: U BITCH XD
Oofalladeez: .
Oofalladeez: .
Inasg_hoe: STOP
Inasg_hoe: ILL STAB YOU
Oofalladeez: no
Oofalladeez: do it
Inasg_hoe: if I could I would =-=
Oofalladeez: I wanna die anyway
Inasg_hoe: ooh
Inasg_hoe: u wanna speak to meh boo? wsp?
Oofalladeez: no im good
21:35:15Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Generic: kys
Inasg_hoe: u sure? I won't push, js know if u change in mind im here for u
Inasg_hoe: I'm*
Generic: stop second guessing
Generic: jus do it
Oofalladeez: i know
Dtrump: not now gen
Generic: not now trump
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'll do it
Ishipwillowandhunter: c
Generic: spent a lot of time in the background
Generic: yk i spent a lot of time in the background
Generic: everytime that we together i black out
Generic: everytime that we together she tap out
Generic: i remember but she part of my past now
Generic: i remember all the shit from the past now
Generic: took a pill then we passed out
Generic: i made a deal with the devil
Generic: yk i got my problems
Generic: ik u got urs too
Generic: hold onto my revolver
Generic: they aint lookin for u
Generic: oh girl dont even bother
Generic: y she act brand new
Generic: take wut the devil offers
Generic: i got nothin to lose
Heals: hello peoples!
Generic: hi
Generic: club lights we fight everynight
Generic: baby ion wanna do that
Generic: ur type jeans tight dirty sprite
Generic: she like how tf u do that
Generic: i cant be there all the time
Generic: but yk i gotta prove that
Generic: i cant leave here anytime soon naw
Generic: i got sum to do yea
Generic: walk away as the door slams
Generic: u got blood on ur poor hands
Generic: i jus wanted to help now im goin to hell
Generic: walk away as the door slams
Heals: ...
Oofalladeez: hey heals
Heals: hey oof!
Generic: i dont wanna die alone rn but i admit i do sometimes
Generic: these drugs are callin me do one more line dont fall asleep
Generic: this is the song they played when i crashed into the wall
Generic: this is the girl i told that we could have it all
Generic: this is the life i made and i cant go back to fall
Generic: back to fall
Generic: back to everyone i ever knew at all
Generic: back to small town blues and not a clue of wuts goin on
Generic: back to old routines and wedding rings and living at the mall
Generic: u need to gargle sum bleach now
Generic: smell like the dookie on yo mouth
Oofalladeez: bet
Generic: stick on me no bitch i dont joust
Generic: the racks on me baby they like ouch
Generic: ouch
Generic: ouch
Generic: ouchhh
Heals: ...
Heals: what has generic devolved to
Generic: cocaine wit the
Generic: propane wit the
Oofalladeez: generic has been like this for years
Generic: tight pussy wit the
Generic: blood drippin from me
Heals: it seems to have gotten worse somehow
Generic: shit hurt dont it
Generic: she said ouch on it
Generic: dont flirt wit me bitch bounce bounce on it
Generic: empty my wrist
Generic: it had to piss
Generic: destructo disc
Generic: how that ring bling on my fist
Generic: feel like mike tyson on fight night
Generic: piranha bullet they gon bite
Generic: now yo skin white like vanilla ice
Generic: stick on me like a 3 blind mice
Generic: u fuckas square like a house
Generic: in yo bitch wet like a blouse
Generic: crocodile skin money pouch
Generic: aye ronda rouse
Generic: i knock the pussy tf out
Generic: smell like the dookie in yo mouth
Generic: u need to gargle sum bleach now
Generic: cocaine wit the
Generic: propane wit the
Generic: tight pussy wit the
Generic: blood drippin from me
Generic: shit hurt dont it
Generic: she said ouch on it
Generic: omg wow my blunt is so loud its hurtin my chest im like ouch
Generic: im gettin mouth on the couch
Generic: she makin it bounce in a blouse
Generic: her pussy is drippin its juicy
Generic: look at my wrist jewelry
Inasg_hoe: .
Generic: pull out my dick n she droolin
Axel_love: ...
Generic: KAWAII
Oofalladeez: hey axel...
Oofalladeez: my internet glitchy rn
Heals: ...
Ishipwillowandhunter: juicy pussy
Generic: ong
Heals: yall are fucking cretins
Axel_love: Oh Hey oof..
Generic: all i wanna know
Generic: im from heaven above yk i bless up
Generic: we step in the club they jealous of us
Generic: im a elegant thug
Generic: that bitch want a hug
Generic: hit that bitch from the front have her drippin that cum
Generic: then i act distant asf
Generic: shawty this isnt luv
Generic: this isnt luv
Ishipwillowandhunter: I smell like fruity cereal.
Generic: u my kim k
Generic: and im yo kanye
Generic: standin in the club got my hands round yo waist
Generic: hop in a whip shawty lets skrt away
Generic: u my kim k
Generic: and im yo kanye
Generic: white escalade shawty lets skrt away
Generic: back to the crib pull the skirt off yo waist
Generic: smokin that purp watch the smoke drift away
Generic: im yo kanye
Generic: u my kim k
A_n00b: tay
A_n00b: how did it go
Axel_love: ...
A_n00b: uh ok
Generic: step in the club uh oh
Generic: i see yo bitch uh oh
Generic: im finna take her home
Inasg_hoe: .
Generic: im smokin strong
A_n00b: ima be back in a bit bye
Generic: she ina thong
Generic: im like uh oh
A_n00b: just came to see how tay telling her parents went
Generic: step in the club uh oh
Generic: i see yo bitch uh oh
Generic: she lookin at me uh oh
Generic: im fuckin this bitch uhoh
Generic: im finna get rich uh oh
Generic: pull up ina benz uh oh
Generic: diamonds on my wrist uh oh
Generic: these fuckas is fake uh oh
Generic: these fuckas is hatin uh oh
Generic: im makin these plays uh oh
Inasg_hoe: awwww
Generic: im stuck in my ways uh oh
Inasg_hoe: thats sweet of him
Generic: smoke a blunt to the face uh oh
Generic: fuck yo bitch in the face uh oh
Generic: uh oh
Generic: uh oh uh oh uh oh
T0xicego357: Benis
Oofalladeez: hey tox...
Heals: yo
T0xicego357: Tsup heals
Heals: nmhbu
T0xicego357: Same
T0xicego357: Welp...
Heals: nic
Heals: better than it being bad
Oofalladeez: ...
22:10:43Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Oofalladeez: ...
Heals: ...
Keigo: hey guys
Oofalladeez: hey kei...
Keigo: hey oof
Generic: in the field
Generic: is u gon hold it down or is u gon squeal
Generic: told my bigger brother fuck wit me and we gon get a mil
Generic: blood ties u gon get wit this we'll see whos rly real
Generic: like dawgy is u rly gon blood for me
Generic: ima ride up front nobody lead for me
Generic: day ones been tryna switch they muhfuckin team on me
Generic: shotty to his head i got his dreams on me
Generic: lil reggie died up in that action he was leaned on me
Generic: now i dont do apologies we gon get u back
Generic: turn ur town to white tees and coffin cadillacs
Generic: spin yo block in broad day at night we spin it back
Generic: kill me b4 i call in the gunship
Generic: i make shit to raise this citys crime rates
Anon69: Hey
Generic: 631 we get it done thats jus how crime pays
Generic: i get drugs and flip em at a high rate
Keigo: someone kill me please
Heals: ok
Keigo: thanks
Heals: address?
Keigo: bellingham wa us
Heals: man im all the way down in cali
Heals: sorry m8
Heals: gas prices wild
Keigo: ya they r
Heals: bro $6 gas :sob:
Anonone: L
Keigo: hi
Dtrump: hi
Keigo: hey dtrump
Anon69: hey
Inasg_hoe: .
Inasg_hoe: god damn motherfucking cock sucking connection istg
Inasg_hoe: HEALS
Inasg_hoe: damn they gone
Keigo: no i am here
Oofalladeez: me too...
Keigo: tay-kun can u call
Inasg_hoe: sure
Keigo: yay
Inasg_hoe: I can't join that boo :c WebEx only works on laptop and I got that took from ne
Inasg_hoe: me*
Keigo: oh ok then can u make a zoom
Inasg_hoe: .
Inasg_hoe: back
Axel_love: ...
Keigo: hi axel-kun
Dtrump: boom
Anonone: …
Oofalladeez: ...
Keigo: 粗い
Inasg_hoe: .
Oofalladeez: I no speak fortune cookie
Keigo: rarw
Oofalladeez: XD
Keigo: RaRw
Axel_love: Rawr.
Keigo: rarw
Oofalladeez: swaws
Keigo: rarw
Oofalladeez: swaws
Oofalladeez: wheremst
Oofalladeez: swheremst
Keigo: gtg bye
Oofalladeez: okay cya
Anonone: 🕷
Oofalladeez: What is it? A Spider? get it off!
Anonone: 🩸
Anonone: 🍤
Inasg_hoe: 🔪
Oofalladeez: No it's like this blue thing
Inasg_hoe: 🦐
Anonone: 😣
Oofalladeez: what Like a blue spider? Get it off!
Axel_love: ...
Anonone: 👁🫦👁
Anonone: 🩸
Anonone: 🚘
Inasg_hoe: ☠️
Anonone: 🧟‍♂️
Inasg_hoe: 🔪
Oofalladeez: 💀
Anonone: 🥰
Inasg_hoe: 💔
Anonone: 🫦
Inasg_hoe: 💦
22:46:11Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Anonone: 🫁🫀🧠
Dtrump: _-_
Anonone: 🤬
Anonone: 🖕
Anonone: 🐱🐭
Anonone: 🥰
Inasg_hoe: 😳
Inasg_hoe: 🤯
Anonone: 🕸
Inasg_hoe: 👀
Anonone: 🫦
Inasg_hoe: 👉
Oofalladeez: 🔫
Anonone: 🤏
Inasg_hoe: 🍑
Anonone: 🪹🎋
Inasg_hoe: 😫
Oofalladeez: I jus noticed the JFK emoji
Anonone: 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Soap21: Wut
Inasg_hoe: ♥️
Axel_love: Soap!!!!!
Oofalladeez: Inasg_hoe: 🤯
Oofalladeez: JFK
Inasg_hoe: oop xd
Anonone: 🌝🌕🌖🌗🌒🌑🌚
Soap21: Did u friend me yet a?xel
Soap21: Why is the ? There
Anonone: 🦔
Soap21: 🌺
Anonone: 🏦
Axel_love: Hehe and no my mom isn't letting me on. She's pissy rn.
Anonone: 🐱
Soap21: Oof
Anonone: 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱
Axel_love: Yep..
Soap21: I was playing pavlov waiting
Oofalladeez: yes soap?
Anonone: 👾👀👤
Axel_love: Aw I'm sorry Soap..
Anonone: 😏💅
Soap21: Soaper
Soap21: I'm making dinner now
Anonone: 🧼
Soap21: Yes
Ishipwillowandhunter: soaps cum
Ishipwillowandhunter: *soap scum
Ishipwillowandhunter: sorry mb
Soap21: Hwat
Anonone: 😶
Dtrump: cum
Anonone: No
Anonone: You
Dtrump: i am too old to cum
Anonone: 🫥
Axel_love: Soapp.
Dtrump: its like dust now
Anonone: 🧼
Axel_love: Soappp.
Anonone: 🧼🧼🧼🧼
Dtrump: why is it pink
Anonone: What do you mean?
Anonone: Its cyan
Dtrump: that sounds weird sorry
Anonone: It does
Axel_love: The soap is pink!
Anonone: For my iPad it’s cyan!
Dtrump: sorry that sounded weird
Oofalladeez: for my chromebook it's pink
Dtrump: it looks like candy
Anonone: I use dark mode on here
Axel_love: On apple it's cyan.
Anonone: Yea
Anonone: 🐱🐱🐱
Ishipwillowandhunter: why do gay men have than voice
Ishipwillowandhunter: like the accent
Axel_love: I'm gonna sleep till I can get on vrchat.
Axel_love: Can yall tell soap I said that?
Anonone: Sure
Axel_love: Thanks.
Anonone: . /\___/\
꒰ ˶• ༝ - ˶꒱
./づᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊°.~♡︎
Ishipwillowandhunter: The perfect prostate exam is when you feel both the doctors hands on your shoulders.
Anonone: O-0
Anonone: .
Anonone: .
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ
Anonone: More dark void appeared
23:21:39Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Soap21: Cock
Oofalladeez: no thanks
Oofalladeez: I got one
Soap21: Ok
Oofalladeez: don't need anymore
Anonone: Btw axel is sleeping untel she can get on vr chat
|| ∧ ヘ  ||
|| (* ´ ー`) ZZzz
|ノ^⌒⌒づ` ̄ \
( ノ  ⌒ ヽ \
\  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
Oofalladeez: damn that's pretty good ano
Anonone: Ty :3
Anonone: Sleeping cat
Anonone: Soap Btw axel is sleeping untel she can get on vr chat
|| ∧,,, ∧  ||
|| (* ´ ー`) ZZzz
|ノ^⌒⌒づ` ̄ \
( ノ  ⌒ ヽ \
\  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
Anonone: Opp
Anonone: I copy pasted massage again
Oofalladeez: the massage?
Oofalladeez: you did a massage?
Oofalladeez: wat?
Dtrump: is this porn now
Oofalladeez: idk XD
Anonone: No like axel is asleep part
Oofalladeez: oh message
Oofalladeez: you said massage earlier
Dtrump: you got massaged
Anonone: Auto correct sucks
Dtrump: does it suck well
Oofalladeez: ...
Dtrump: dad jokes
Oofalladeez: no that was a horny dad joke
Dtrump: vacuums suck
Anonone: …
Dtrump: i know my jokes are cheesy
Anonone: Gay
Dtrump: you know what else is cheesy
Oofalladeez: James May?
Anonone: Pezza
Dtrump: my d
Oofalladeez: ...
Anonone: No
Dtrump: dessert
Anonone: No
Dtrump: desert or dessert?
Anonone: No
Anonone: 🦉
Dtrump: is that a owl
Anonone: Yea
Dtrump: you have nice hooters
Anonone: Bru
Dtrump: wait I cant say that
Anonone: You did tho
Oofalladeez: ...
Dtrump: i am sorry
Anonone: It’s fine
Dtrump: i should be more careufl
Oofalladeez: well trump doesn't mean it the pedo way, he means the dad joke way lol
Oofalladeez: Trump ur fine lol
Anonone: .
•.,¸,.•*`•.,¸¸,.•*¯ ╭━━━━╮
•.,¸,.•*¯`•.,¸,.•*¯.|:::::::::: /___/
•.,¸,.•*¯`•.,¸,.•* <|:::::::::(。 ●ω●。)
•.,¸,.•¯•.,¸,.•╰ * >し------し---J
Anonone: Nyan cat
Anonone: =~=
Anonone: .
Oofalladeez: am lonely
Anonone: same
Anonone: •.,¸,.•
Oofalladeez: ...
Anonone: I wasn’t ever in a relationship so idk how to answer
Oofalladeez: huh?
Ishipwillowandhunter: ngl balls are full, need someone to drain them
23:57:07Tuesday, April 25, 2023World Malaria Day / Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand) / World Penguin Day / DNA Day
Oofalladeez: not i
Oofalladeez: *not it
Anon69: Hey
Anonone: Hi
Riskyy: yo
Anonone: Fellow anon
Anonone: :3
Anon69: Hello
•.,¸,.•*`•.,¸¸,.•*¯ ╭━━━━╮
•.,¸,.•*¯`•.,¸,.•*¯.|:::::::::: /___/
•.,¸,.•*¯`•.,¸,.•* <|:::::::::(。 ●ω●。)
•.,¸,.•¯•.,¸,.•╰ * >し------し---J
Soap21: Hola
00:32:34Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Anonone: 🟥🟥🟥
🟥🟦🟦 🤍
🟥🟥🟥🟥🔪 ⚪️
🟥🟥🟥🟥 🟩🟩🟩
🟥 🟥 🟩 🟩
Soap21: Ded
Anonone: Sus maaaan
Anonone: 🫦
(゚、 。7
⠀ l、゙~ヽ
じし(_, )ノ
Keigo: hey
Keigo: anyone here
Keigo: no ok
01:08:02Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Axel_amor: Yeah so I’m just not gonna be on today cause im sleeping.
Keigo: ok axel-kun
Axel_amor: So good night all.
Keigo: gn
Axel_amor: Good night Kei-kun!
Anonone: Good night axel
Axel_amor: Good night Anon.
Axel_amor: If anyone sees Soap let him know I said good night!
Keigo: ok
Anonone: Ok
Axel_amor: Alright I’m hoping off now, good night!
Keigo: ok gn
Anonone: Good night :3
Anonone: Yw
Keigo: ... now what
Keigo: hey anyone here
(anon): hello?
T0xicego357: thats better...
T0xicego357: hello?
Keigo: spencer-kun hi
T0xicego357: kei-kun
Keigo: how r u spencer-kun
T0xicego357: not bad
T0xicego357: and you?
Keigo: good to know
Keigo: eh
T0xicego357: what do you mean "good to know"?
01:43:29Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Keigo: that ur not in a Sad mood
T0xicego357: im in a meh mood
Keigo: same
T0xicego357: i get to see damien tomorrow
Hello91: Nice
Keigo: cool
T0xicego357: hey nate
Hello91: Hi spencer
T0xicego357: hru?
Hello91: I'm doing alright
T0xicego357: good
Hello91: Gtg
T0xicego357: ok...
T0xicego357: bye
Dualcerb: hi
T0xicego357: tsup dual
Dualcerb: thumbsnap aint working
Keigo: Hundreds of eyes in the room but yours found mine
I asked you to dance and by chance our hands intertwined
What lasted for minutes seemed like eternity
I had no clue this one dance would lead you to me
Keigo: Hundreds of friends in the room and you're dressed in white
You walk down the aisle and I smile to know that you're mine
We cheers our champagne and wait for our song to begin
The band starts to play and you ask me to dance once again
Keigo: Fifty-nine years have gone by since you said yes
Even now in your hospital bed you still look your best
We might be old but there's still one thing we can do
Put on a song, let's pretend to dance round the room
Keigo: Thirty-five hours have gone by since your last breath
Memories of dancing with you are all I have left
Just a few seconds before it's my time to go
Hello my god and my love at last I am home
Soap21: Coomer
T0xicego357: soap ignore your server
T0xicego357: on discord
Dualcerb: COEMS 🤑
Dualcerb: COEMS 🤑
Dualcerb: COEMS 🤑
Dualcerb: COEMS 🤑
Dualcerb: COEMS 🤑
Dualcerb: COEMS 🤑
Dualcerb: COEMS 🤑
Dualcerb: COEMS 🤑
Dualcerb: COEMS 🤑
Dualcerb: COEMS 🤑
Dualcerb: COEMS 🤑
Anonone: 0-0
Soap21: Now I'm curious
Anonone: What’s going on
Keigo: idk
T0xicego357: idk
Anonone: What did I walk into
Soap21: Damn tox whatchu been looking at
T0xicego357: stuff...
Soap21: That's some interesting stuff
T0xicego357: i got horny soap
Soap21: Indeed you did
T0xicego357: indeed i did
Soap21: I just imagined ghost saying "foap, I'm too horny to fight foap"
Soap21: Idk why
Keigo: I am about to lose my voice
Soap21: Who stole it
Keigo: 死にたい 死にたい でも本当に死にたくない 死んだらどうでもいい
Soap21: Fucking ching ching ligma ding to you too
T0xicego357: kei dont talk like that
Keigo: but its true
T0xicego357: idc
T0xicego357: dont talk like that
Keigo: fine
Keigo: still gonna lose my voice
Soap21: Yummers
A_n00b: i have return
A_n00b: what is happen
Keigo: NOOB hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
A_n00b: hi kiki
Keigo: stuff
A_n00b: like
Keigo: brb bathroom
A_n00b: nice lol
Soap21: I'm looking at toxics porn preferences
T0xicego357: hey noob
T0xicego357: is there a problem with my porn preferences?
A_n00b: ...
A_n00b: thats so wholesome
Soap21: Yes
Soap21: Just bros watching porn
A_n00b: lol
T0xicego357: whats the issue soap?
A_n00b: what kinda porn he like
Soap21: No
Soap21: Pretty tame fro
Soap21: M what I've seen
T0xicego357: thats not your buisiness noob
A_n00b: ok
Soap21: Nothing wacky yet
T0xicego357: yet...
A_n00b: i cant watch porn witth the bros
T0xicego357: i know others you can see it so im calming myself soap
Soap21: Wanna join the server?
A_n00b: what server
Soap21: Porn bot
A_n00b: on discord?
T0xicego357: yea
Soap21: Nvm it's in the server I put you in already too
Soap21: If u want to join this one you can
A_n00b: sure
T0xicego357: me?
A_n00b: if my discord would load....
02:18:57Wednesday, April 26, 2023
A_n00b: it loading really slow
A_n00b: so fucking slow
A_n00b: been on loading screen for 5 minutes
T0xicego357: restart then
A_n00b: ok
Soap21: Cheese
T0xicego357: hmmmmmm
T0xicego357: im horny now...
T0xicego357: ill be back
Hello91: Okay
Hello91: Have fun
T0xicego357: oh hey nate
T0xicego357: wb
Keigo: back
Dualcerb: funni dubstep
Keigo: noob ik ur here
Anon69: hey
Keigo: hey
Keigo: ok I think everybody's dead
T0xicego357: not dead
Keigo: ok
T0xicego357: just a lil... preoccupied
Keigo: doing what
T0xicego357: do i have to say?
Keigo: no
T0xicego357: thank you cuz i would rather not say
Soap21: Playing fortnight
Soap21: Fortnite
T0xicego357: yes...
A_n00b: hey my discord wont load
A_n00b: its been 20 minutes
A_n00b: sooooo
A_n00b: brb
T0xicego357: porn is great isnt it
Soap21: Yes
Logan34: cock
Logan34: and
Logan34: ball
Logan34: torture
Shoto: Hi
Soap21: Hello
Shoto: How are you
Soap21: I'm doing great
Logan34: i'm dying hbu
Inasg_hoe: hi
02:54:25Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Logan34: hello
T0xicego357: tay?
Soap21: Sex
Logan34: bruh i say hi and she dip
Keigo: Tay-kun can u call
Soap21: Sticky from sweat shower time
T0xicego357: she is offline
A_n00b: back
Logan34: hey noob
Keigo: Gtg bye guys
Logan34: see ya
A_n00b: anyone here
Dtrump: hi
Soap21: Nope
Logan34: did you know that i'm fork lift certified
Dtrump: like a driver?
Logan34: no its a joke
Soap21: I'm osha certified
Soap21: Not a joke
Dtrump: osha is a joke
Soap21: True
Dtrump: i like how you can view injuries and deaths at factorys or warehouses though
Soap21: Same
03:29:53Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Soap21: Tired
Lovi: Hey
Dtrump: hi
Lovi: Hey dt
Lovi: Is ray on
Dtrump: tay?
Lovi: Ya
Dtrump: no have not seen here
Lovi: Ok
Lovi: Anyhoe gtg byeeeeeeee
Lovi: Back
04:05:21Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Keigo: Hey
Keigo: Hello anyone here
Keigo: no ok imma be afk for awile so if u privet chat me won't see sooooooooooooo ya
Dtrump: hi
Keigo: hey
04:40:48Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Keigo: Hey anyone here
05:16:15Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Inasg_hoe: )c
Keigo: Love hey
Inasg_hoe: heyy
Inasg_hoe: .
Keigo: yes love
Keigo: Imma go and get some sleep night yall
05:51:42Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Keigo: Whom ever is online tell tay-kun when she is here that I gn and that I love her thanks
Keigo: Say*
Hello91: hi tay
06:27:09Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Dtrump: poke
07:02:37Wednesday, April 26, 2023
07:38:04Wednesday, April 26, 2023
08:13:31Wednesday, April 26, 2023
08:48:58Wednesday, April 26, 2023
(anon): titty
Dtrump: ti t ty
09:24:26Wednesday, April 26, 2023
09:59:53Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Dtrump: lkjy
Ishipwillowandhunter: cock
Dtrump: dick
10:35:20Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Cinderacefanboy: awooo~
Generic: i walk on hallowed ground wit that cutter on me dont play around
Generic: ill skim ur credit card and empty out ur whole account
Generic: ill raid ur medicine cabinets if im in ur house
Generic: overamped in the butcher house its a party wit the haunted mound
Generic: i walk on hallowed ground wit that cutter on me dont play around
Generic: im stealing catalytic converters from the impound
Generic: fuck a front door knocking breaking down ur door comin in ur house im poisining the water well and killing off the whole town
Generic: hallowed ground hallowed be thy name
Generic: laid to rest in a shallow grave
Generic: cold case wipe my dna now im ballin out life insurance claim
Dtrump: loud as shit
Generic: wut im off is neurotoxic
Generic: point of return too far beyond it
Generic: empty blank eyes unresponsive
Generic: all i hear is incoherant talking
Generic: blood from a goat if u want a feature
Generic: delirious off drugs like i have a fever
Generic: pills and alcohol bouta have seizure
Generic: sleepin under a old prehistoric structure
Generic: i got benzedrex and lemon juice
Generic: ritalin vyvance and concerta
Generic: overamped and im gettin anxious
Dtrump: big words for me
Generic: footsteps voices did u hear that
Generic: in an rv at the truck stop mix sudafed and red phosphorus
Generic: i aint sleepin im speedin eyes wont close starin at the ceilin
Generic: forgive us for our trespasses
Generic: hallowed ground we trespassin
Generic: stone circles and an ancient castle
Generic: maypole midsummer dancin
Generic: i cant feel that much sometime these drugs gon kill me
Generic: disappear into my mind when i cant feel a thing
Generic: when the sky falls down and no one here can think that clearly
Generic: ill b by ur side lets get high jus one last time
Generic: i dont wanna stop now i dont wanna stop now
Generic: but i gotta leave it alone
Generic: is it cuz im hot now? its prolly cuz im hot now
Generic: bitch u better leave me alone
Generic: first i cut u off then i cut u down
Generic: shit go off when i come around
Generic: ion ever come around
Cinderacefanboy: merf
Generic: money is hapiness cap
Generic: bitches got faithfullness cap
Generic: and drugs only make it worse cap
Generic: i take a perc then i take me a nap
R33ger: Schreibt wenn ihr wieder da seid
R33ger: macht schneller
R33ger: UwU
11:10:48Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Cinderacefanboy: this has nothing to do with you, stand down.
Cinderacefanboy: ass i know thats porn
Cinderacefanboy: same
Axel_love: ...
Cinderacefanboy: hi axel
Axel_love: Hii
Sad_furry: mommy ax
Sad_furry: i mean what
Axel_love: Wtf..
Generic: bitch i rock like a scarecrow rockin my trueys
Sad_furry: what
Cinderacefanboy: hey she's my mommy
Axel_love: ...
Sad_furry: ours, comrade
Axel_love: Why am I a mommy-
Cinderacefanboy: bc i'm your little cindy :3
Generic: yellin at the sunset light myself on fire
Sad_furry: sus
Cinderacefanboy: not sus
Axel_love: ...
Sad_furry: ok
Sad_furry: ogay
Axel_love: I'm too tired for this.
Sad_furry: L
Axel_love: I'm gonna sleep now-
Sad_furry: sleep is for the weak
11:46:16Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Cinderacefanboy: have a nice rest
Sad_furry: i havent slept in 42 years
Cinderacefanboy: pedo
Sad_furry: im 15
Cinderacefanboy: the how have you not slept in 42 years
Sad_furry: exactly
Cinderacefanboy: also you couldn't be alive
Sad_furry: im jus built different
Sad_furry: constructed incorrectly
Cinderacefanboy: like a week without sleep kills everything
Sad_furry: manufactured without the proper parameters
Cinderacefanboy: built stupid
Sad_furry: yup
Cinderacefanboy: yall are built different i'm built wrong
Cinderacefanboy: i should not exist
Sad_furry: yes 1 4 i was well into junior high and i was still a THREAT to my parents
Cinderacefanboy: i see you are a man of culture as well
Sad_furry: indeed
Sad_furry: it wont load
Sad_furry: just a black image
Cinderacefanboy: you ever had a hotdog burger before?
Sad_furry: mate i havent even had an omelette before dont give me that shit
Cinderacefanboy: bruh
Cinderacefanboy: whermst
Sad_furry: swaws
Cinderacefanboy: swhermst
Sad_furry: everytime badda plays a bungie game his DNA goes back a hundred years
Cinderacefanboy: poor heavenly only one able to walk both flesh and vtuber realms still can't find a maiden
Sad_furry: aight finna join a game
Cinderacefanboy: ok have a nice day
Cinderacefanboy: The darkness of night falls around my soul
And the hunter within loses control
Gotta let it out, gotta let it out
Gotta let it out, gotta let it out
This demon inside has ahold of me
Clenching its power, trying to break free
Gotta let it out, gotta let it out
Gotta let it out, gotta let it out
Sad_furry: posted furry porn and was kicked lmao
Cinderacefanboy: Move fast baby, don't be slow
Step aside, reload, time to go
I can't seem to control
All this rage that's inside me
Pullin' shots, aimin' dots, yeah, I don't miss
Branded by fire, born in the abyss
Red hot temper, I just can't resist
All this vengeance inside me
Cinderacefanboy: All of these thoughts runnin' through my head
Arm on fire, veins burnin' red
Frustration is gettin' bigger
Bang, bang, bang, pull my Devil Trigger
Cinderacefanboy: Embrace the darkness that's within me
No hiding in the shadows anymore
When this wickedness consumes me
Nothing can save you and there's no way out
Cinderacefanboy: I'm a wildfire you won't tame
Igniting my temper, can't put out my flame
There's no way to contain
This storm swelling inside me
I'm a bomb you can't defuse
Might just accept you're gonna lose
Can't turn down, I refuse
To hold back anymore
Cinderacefanboy: All of these voices inside of my head
Blinding my sight in a curtain of red
Frustration is getting bigger
Bang, bang, bang, pull my Devil Trigger
Cinderacefanboy: When the night ends, it's not over
We fight through to get closer
Like a silver bullet piercing through
I throw myself into you
Cinderacefanboy: All of these voices inside of my head
Blinding my sight in a curtain of red
Frustration is getting bigger
Bang, bang, bang, pull my Devil Trigger
Cinderacefanboy: i am slowly losing my miiiiiiiinnnnndddddd
Cinderacefanboy: ass do you have the ayayaya song?
Cinderacefanboy: ayaya
Sad_furry: .
Sad_furry: .
Sad_furry: .
Sad_furry: .
Cinderacefanboy: so.... you ever played devil may cry 5
Sad_furry: me?
Cinderacefanboy: ye
Sad_furry: no
Cinderacefanboy: you should
Sad_furry: been thinking of it
Cinderacefanboy: 10/10 game
Cinderacefanboy: should play
Cinderacefanboy: nice
Sad_furry: meirl
Cinderacefanboy: it's been a while since i've sucked anyone off
Sad_furry: i meannn
Sad_furry: er huuh?
Cinderacefanboy: i want to again
Sad_furry: i must be 15 with dementia bc i forgot entirely what the fuck i was going to say
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Sad_furry: i dont remember asking you a damn thing
Sad_furry: i dont remember asking you a damn thing
Assmaster: oh god not again
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Sad_furry: i dont remember asking you a damn thing
Sad_furry: i dont remember asking you a damn thing
Sad_furry: i dont remember asking you a damn thing
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Sad_furry: i dont remember asking you a damn thing
Sad_furry: i dont remember asking you a damn thing
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Sad_furry: i dont remember asking you a damn thing
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Sad_furry: i dont remember asking you a damn thing
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Sad_furry: i dont remember asking you a damn thing
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Sad_furry: i dont remember asking you a damn thing
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Sad_furry: i dont remember asking you a damn thing
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: why my dementia hasn't affected me as a person
Cinderacefanboy: v
Sad_furry: why are there so many deutsch games
Sad_furry: hey why do african kids not exist
Sad_furry: bc you are what you eat
Skillersrule: good morning fellas
Sad_furry: ellu
Generic: i was out in belgium on tour thats the day that i convinced myself that i was truly urs
Generic: ik that u hear me
Generic: ik that ur here girl
Soap21: gm
Sad_furry: hey foap
Soap21: ello
Sad_furry: is it odd to feel fembo-
Soap21: balls
Assmaster: wat
Sad_furry: hm?
Soap21: epic
Assmaster: Midnight Club 3 menu song
Sad_furry: gt
Sad_furry: gt
Sad_furry: gtg
Assmaster: smash
Skillersrule: good morning, soap
Soap21: good morning
12:21:44Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Soap21: i wanna just sleep
Soap21: but god said no
Assmaster: smash power
Soap21: true
Soap21: coffee is pretty cool
Assmaster: best drink
Soap21: yes
Soap21: if i had some i wouldnt be dead rn
Axel_love: Huh?
Assmaster: me
Axel_love: 42 years? I'm only 15 you're over 42?!?!
Axel_love: PFFT!
Axel_love: Hehe titties.
Axel_love: I love titties, but I hate mine!
Skillersrule: hehe, boobs
Axel_love: AHHH IT'S SNOWING!!!
Axel_love: It looks like a fucking blizzard.
Axel_love: I'll brb
A_n00b: soapy
Soap21: soaper
Skillersrule: soapierer
Chatgptuser: . •.,¸,.•*`•.,¸¸,.•*¯ ╭━━━━╮
•.,¸,.•*¯`•.,¸,.•*¯.|:::::::::: /___/
•.,¸,.•*¯`•.,¸,.•* <|:::::::::(。 ●ω●。)
•.,¸,.•¯•.,¸,.•╰ * >し------し---J
Soap21: sop
A_n00b: 0-0
A_n00b: willy wigger your now a
A_n00b: digger
Soap21: yes
Chatgptuser: with a wave of my finger and a flick of my dick one zap from me will kill you quick so get on your knees to suck and blow but not right now I got to go!
A_n00b: ...
Chatgptuser: I am scared on how those pictures aren't loading
Soap21: what
Soap21: why you ... noob
Chatgptuser: do yall also use google math?
Soap21: i dont
Chatgptuser: I do in order to get some spicy images
Assmaster: wat
Chatgptuser: yeah it uses replit
Chatgptuser: and mimics google
12:57:11Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Chatgptuser: you just can't watch videos on it depending on your device
Assmaster: i just use
Soap21: i go to either r34 or e6
Chatgptuser: I didn't even knew that existed
Cinderacefanboy: ahhhhhh im back
Soap21: hello
Chatgptuser: is the gelbooru thing a google page?
Cinderacefanboy: no
Assmaster: no
Cinderacefanboy: its a porn site
Chatgptuser: OH 0_0
Soap21: lol
Assmaster: yes and no to the porn
Chatgptuser: lol
Soap21: it has porn but also just pictures and memes
Chatgptuser: oh
Cinderacefanboy: rule34, e621, furbooru, gelbooru, all the greats
Chatgptuser: I might have to use that for the next time me and my freind play this
Soap21: yep
Assmaster: like this
Chatgptuser: oh
Chatgptuser: I am curious what grade are yall in I wont judge
Assmaster: 69
Chatgptuser: I am in 9th
Chatgptuser: or like hich school
Chatgptuser: high*
Cinderacefanboy: im a junior in hs
Chatgptuser: yeah
Cinderacefanboy: so like 11 idfk
Cinderacefanboy: you can have my dmc meme collection
Chatgptuser: I am supposed to be a sophmore but got held back a year
Soap21: im also junior
Cinderacefanboy: so have you ever seen a gator soap
Chatgptuser: damn theres a lot of juniors in here
Soap21: yes
Soap21: i lived in florida for 13 years
Chatgptuser: damn
Soap21: how would i not see a gator
Cinderacefanboy: have you seen one eat someone?
Chatgptuser: same here even though I don't live in flordia
Soap21: no but im sure i could find that somewhere
Chatgptuser: I have eaten a gator before
A_n00b: i am 10th
A_n00b: same
Cinderacefanboy: no gator vore soap
Chatgptuser: lol
Soap21: maybe just a little
Cinderacefanboy: no none
Soap21: ok
Soap21: fine :(
A_n00b: bananananananana on wall?
Chatgptuser: bro why are you absessed with that person?
Cinderacefanboy: vore is shit
Soap21: i dont mind it
A_n00b: why bonana on woll
Cinderacefanboy: how?
Chatgptuser: I don't even really know what vore is 0_0
Assmaster: good
Cinderacefanboy: dont look it up
A_n00b: lol
Soap21: not my thing but i dont hate everyone who enjoys it
A_n00b: why....
Cinderacefanboy: and don't ask soap what the alabama hot pocket , or the manhattan sewer is
Chatgptuser: no what are you doing?
Chatgptuser: I don't even want to know
Cinderacefanboy: good
Cinderacefanboy: you dont
Chatgptuser: but Assmaster what are you doing
Soap21: lol
Soap21: those were jokes
Assmaster: wdym?
A_n00b: ok vore is gross
Chatgptuser: I saw the e261 page
Cinderacefanboy: why did you look it up?
Soap21: because he a goofy
A_n00b: idk
Assmaster: have audio then you will understand
A_n00b: but i regurt
Generic: fuck allergies
A_n00b: cry
Soap21: dude
Soap21: there are things so much worse
Cinderacefanboy: like what
Chatgptuser: yeah like vore XD
A_n00b: like canker
Soap21: wanna see?
A_n00b: nooooooooo
Chatgptuser: no'
Cinderacefanboy: SOAP NO
Soap21: ok then
Soap21: dont ask
Soap21: lol
Chatgptuser: do not put that in here this chat is already cursed
A_n00b: why the fuck is dc stuck on this screen
Assmaster: tentacle vore hentai
A_n00b: no
Soap21: i wont terrorize yall like that
Chatgptuser: no
Soap21: tentacle hentai is good
Chatgptuser: please don't
Soap21: idk bout the vore tho
Chatgptuser: no its not
Chatgptuser: please don't put that tenticle shit in here
Cinderacefanboy: tentacle hentai is pretty nice tbh
Cinderacefanboy: but i prefer gay furry
Chatgptuser: no its not I tried it and I almost threw up
A_n00b: no
Chatgptuser: please don't do this
Chatgptuser: hey but do yall have a replit account?
Chatgptuser: thats reifyed?
Cinderacefanboy: what?
Chatgptuser: verifyed*
Soap21: we've got us some real vanilla enjoyers here
A_n00b: lol
A_n00b: thats nice
Soap21: i have a verified e621 account
Cinderacefanboy: i do prefer vanilla ice cream to chocolate
Soap21: same but i mean in the porn sense
Chatgptuser: because if you do I can send yall something that can get you what ever spicy images you want
Assmaster: i have a hydrus network
A_n00b: what is 3621
A_n00b: e621
Soap21: ass i require tig bitties
Cinderacefanboy: but my all time favorite flavor is mint chocolate chip
Chatgptuser: yeah the one I am going to send you is just offbrand google
Soap21: mint chocolate chip is best
Cinderacefanboy: fucking love mcc
A_n00b: rocky road
Soap21: fair
A_n00b: rocky road but without nuts
Cinderacefanboy: mcc is still better
A_n00b: god tier
A_n00b: yeah
A_n00b: mcc best
Cinderacefanboy: nah the nuts are all the pleasure
Chatgptuser: whats mcc?
Soap21: as much as i like nuts in my mouth i dont like it in my ice cream
A_n00b: those are big titties
Assmaster: big titties
Cinderacefanboy: mint chocolate chip
A_n00b: why she so sweaty nigga
Chatgptuser: yeah those are very big
A_n00b: just ran a marathon
Soap21: from carrying around thos cows all day
Chatgptuser: -_-
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: my family thinks i'm weird bc i like mint ice cream
A_n00b: where is everyone else
A_n00b: they should be on by now
Soap21: mint is #1
A_n00b: kill them
Cinderacefanboy: all the best things are mint
Soap21: mint+chocolate =yes
A_n00b: me+soaps tight ass = sex
Cinderacefanboy: mint oreos those girl scout cookies, condoms
Soap21: thats true
A_n00b: wat-
Soap21: mint condoms?
A_n00b: your gonna fuck the girl scouts
Cinderacefanboy: no i like men
A_n00b: wouldnt mint condoms hurt
A_n00b: like alot
Cinderacefanboy: that was a joke
Axel_love: >HF:IHD
A_n00b: HA
A_n00b: cinder in troble
Axel_love: I'm wearing glasses that aren't my thingy
A_n00b: thing@
Cinderacefanboy: brb
A_n00b: *
A_n00b: *
Axel_love: Noob what did Cindy do?
A_n00b: WOAH
A_n00b: i only saw head at first
A_n00b: thought it was gonna be a trap
Soap21: 👧🍪🚪🔫👨
Axel_love: SOAP!!!
A_n00b: lol
Soap21: hello
Axel_love: HI!!!!
A_n00b: took him 3 minutes to do that
A_n00b: i cant see the dc ones?
Soap21: i was bussy
Soap21: busy
A_n00b: thats gay
Soap21: yes
Axel_love: I'm sorry I didn't log on I fell sleep-
A_n00b: soap explain them to me
Soap21: explain what
A_n00b: assmaster is in love?
Chatgptuser: yes he is
Soap21: its fine axel i fell asleep anyway
A_n00b: with who
Axel_love: Oh same.
A_n00b: 5 gum
Oofalladeez: with rei ayanami
Cinderacefanboy: back
Oofalladeez: wb cinder
Axel_love: AHHH!!!
A_n00b: ok
Oofalladeez: hey axel
Axel_love: CINDY!!!
Oofalladeez: cinder
Oofalladeez: noob
Soap21: now everyone is appearing
A_n00b: hello
A_n00b: ikr
Axel_love: Hello Oof.
A_n00b: i just complained about it
A_n00b: now they on
A_n00b: if that worked
Soap21: you summoned people
Axel_love: soappppppppppppp!
A_n00b: why is my dick so small
Soap21: now summon some bitches
Axel_love: ...
A_n00b: it should grow now
A_n00b: why do i hve no bitches
Axel_love: Cause you get no bitches.
Cinderacefanboy: my wife sees my war thunder gameplay and she says i would have been stacking argonians by now
Axel_love: ...
A_n00b: lol
Oofalladeez: XD
Axel_love: My eyes feel funny.
Soap21: fuck the argonians(literally)
Axel_love: Hehe
A_n00b: i have 9 million power in raid shadow legends
Cinderacefanboy: well i have a bigger cock
Soap21: i dont wear glasses
A_n00b: damn
A_n00b: i do
Soap21: perfect vision
Axel_love: I do.
A_n00b: got the funny eye instruments
Soap21: but eyes dry af 90% of the time
A_n00b: hit the gwiddy
Axel_love: Hehe
Oofalladeez: Seriously when ass was our age, rap sounded like I went, to, the hat store today and I bought my self a hat
A_n00b: mcgiddy
Soap21: bruh
Axel_love: I'm wearing my friends glasses and they make me feel dizzy.
A_n00b: how old is ass 0-0
Axel_love: Brb
Soap21: someone just rewatched the badger vid
Oofalladeez: nobody knows
A_n00b: lol
A_n00b: the cum has drip
Oofalladeez: oh no soap I remember that shit
Soap21: steel trap mind
A_n00b: 0-0
Soap21: i literally sit here and look at porn in every class
Cinderacefanboy: where is tox :(
A_n00b: wtf
Soap21: becasue bored
A_n00b: fair
Cinderacefanboy: soap.
Soap21: idk
Soap21: tox needs to get up
Cinderacefanboy: soap
Soap21: we need to look at more porn together
A_n00b: we need more woman
Cinderacefanboy: SOAP
Soap21: what
Oofalladeez: Wheremst?
Cinderacefanboy: opinion on frottage?
Soap21: yes
Soap21: 110%
Cinderacefanboy: i wanna try it
Soap21: same
A_n00b: what is frottage
Assmaster: gay
A_n00b: ims scared to google
Soap21: look it up
Soap21: just do it
Cinderacefanboy: its kinda hot ngl
Oofalladeez: same here
Cinderacefanboy: its nothing like vore
A_n00b: art?
Oofalladeez: oh that's not that bad
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: hi people.
A_n00b: its art
Oofalladeez: hey axil
Oofalladeez: no noob
A_n00b: i googled it
Oofalladeez: you have to add the word slang to your search
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: huh?
Oofalladeez: frottage
A_n00b: oh
Oofalladeez: that is actually the best fetish I have heard on here XD
A_n00b: so spooning
Kickedtodeath: what fetish
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: im so confuzzled
Oofalladeez: when you hear shit like red wings, alabama hot pocket, frottage is comepletely normal
A_n00b: red wings?
Oofalladeez: NO!
A_n00b: alabama hot pocket?
Soap21: haha
Oofalladeez: NOOOOO!
A_n00b: tell me
Oofalladeez: Soap you have cursed us
Soap21: im looking that up
Assmaster: oh wait i get the words mixed up i thought frottage was penis against penis
Soap21: red wings
Soap21: it is
Soap21: want an example
A_n00b: i only know manhattan sewer and alaskan pipeline
Cinderacefanboy: soap no
Sad_furry: what
A_n00b: OMG
Oofalladeez: That's worse then the hotpocket
Sad_furry: i dont want to know
Oofalladeez: no you don't
Soap21: bruh ehy i cant have fun cinder
Assmaster: what is red wings?
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: red bull
Cinderacefanboy: hey thats my color sad_furry
Oofalladeez: Ass no!
Sad_furry: our color
A_n00b: Red wings (sexual act), cunnilingus performed on a menstruating partner.
Cinderacefanboy: communisim
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: red bull
Assmaster: WTF
Sad_furry: yes
Soap21: vampire sex
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ...
Chatgptuser: no
Oofalladeez: That's bad if Assmaster says WTF
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: o
Array232114: any en games running rn?
Cinderacefanboy: red bull gives you wings
Soap21: theres still worse
A_n00b: guys
A_n00b: i found one
A_n00b: The Strawberry Shortcake: The act of the male partner ejaculating onto the female/male partners face; the male then punches his partner in the nose mixing sperm with blood.
Chatgptuser: no please don't
Array232114: the only open one is afk lol
Oofalladeez: OH WTF!
A_n00b: not that bad
Assmaster: ive seen some fucked up hentai pics
Soap21: WWE sex
A_n00b: lol
Oofalladeez: That is jus wrong...
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: nooooooooo
Sad_furry: condom fish
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: oml
Assmaster: e-guro is pretty fucked up
Soap21: her cooch smells fishy already
Sad_furry: thats gonna look good on my search history
Oofalladeez: buddy
Axel_love: ...
Oofalladeez: that is the most normal on our combined search history on this game
Cinderacefanboy: hi axel
A_n00b: uh
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: hi axel
Oofalladeez: ...
Sad_furry: i know i've been here before
A_n00b: guys
Sad_furry: unfortunately
Axel_love: Hi..
A_n00b: alabama hot pocket When the girl opens her vagina so the male can shit inside her vagina then they carry on having sex
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: whats wrong axel
Oofalladeez: NOOB
A_n00b: yummy
Kickedtodeath: oh no
Soap21: i never delete search history
Sad_furry: noob just why
A_n00b: nigga who is sad furry judging me
Oofalladeez: when you look shit like that up
Axel_love: I'm fine..
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: oki
Oofalladeez: DON'T REPEAT IT
A_n00b: no
A_n00b: i share the news
Assmaster: im so glad scat is banned on
Oofalladeez: you want news?
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: lmao
Soap21: scat fetish makes me want to eradicate the planet
Sad_furry: The bulbus glandis (also called a bulb or knot) is an erectile tissue structure on the penis of canid mammals. During mating, immediately before ejaculation, it will swell and lock the male inside the female
A_n00b: alaskan pipeline the act of pooping in to a condom, freezing the rubber overnight, then inserting it in to ones anus.
Axel_love: Soap!
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i need my vape.
Soap21: foap
A_n00b: the act of pooping in to a condom, freezing the rubber overnight, then inserting it in to ones anus. the act of pooping in to a condom, freezing the rubber overnight, then inserting it in to ones anus.
A_n00b: the act of pooping in to a condom, freezing the rubber overnight, then inserting it in to ones anus.
Sad_furry: please
Sad_furry: please stop
Axel_love: I wish I had a vape..
Assmaster: shut up noob PLEASE
Cinderacefanboy: SHUT UP
A_n00b: SHUT UP
Soap21: lol
Sad_furry: silence
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: NOOB SHUT UR FACE
Axel_love: Hehe.
Soap21: azala orgy time
Sad_furry: the voices tell me to get free taco bell
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: oh god
Sad_furry: shit say less foap
A_n00b: Invented at the University of Iowa by Brian and Andy S. in 2001.
Andy: "Hey Brian, wanna come give me an alaskan pipeline?"
Brian: "You know I can't do that again. Dad will spank us!"
Andy: "Aww shucks Brian, you know how much I love those."
Brian: "I know Andy dear, I know."
Chatgptuser: gelbooru.comgelb
A_n00b: ...
Sad_furry: *vomiting sounds*
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: e
A_n00b: who is sad furry
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ur mom
Sad_furry: dw about it
Toxicego357: hello
A_n00b: ima get the most disturbong one then
Cinderacefanboy: TOX
Soap21: gm tox
Toxicego357: CINDER
Axel_love: Tox..
Oofalladeez: hey tox
Toxicego357: mornin soap
Assmaster: my reaction to this
Toxicego357: hello everyone
Oofalladeez: noob is disturbing the chat horribly
Sad_furry: i am afraid
Array232114: i got kicked lol
Toxicego357: (i didnt know i mattered that much lol)
Assmaster: welcome to the game Array232114
Sad_furry: you dont
Axel_love: Haha Noob I'm better than you.
A_n00b: This is a pretty simple sex move. Started by shitting in your partners mouth, then receiving a blow job. Then you kick them in the stomach. The mixture of shit, cum, and vomit create a substance similar to the Manhattan sewers.
Soap21: were being killed by weird definitions we need a friend in these trying timed
Axel_love: NOOB STFU!
Toxicego357: noob...
A_n00b: lol
Toxicego357: wtf
Oofalladeez: NO NOOB STOP
Sad_furry: The bulbus glandis (also called a bulb or knot) is an erectile tissue structure on the penis of canid mammals. During mating, immediately before ejaculation, it will swell up and lock the two partners together
A_n00b: they wouldnt tell me what they meant
Oofalladeez: Furry you're not helping
A_n00b: so now everyone must know
Soap21: my cock and balls are rotating
Sad_furry: i know
Oofalladeez: Because of what it means!
Toxicego357: my computer os gonna die soo :(
13:32:41Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Hello91: L
Soap21: im just commiting caos
Sad_furry: go commit toaster bath
Axel_love: AH NATE!
Toxicego357: if the computer does it ill get jelly
Hello91: that's why i dont give out my charger
Axel_love: MY FATHER!
Soap21: chaos
Hello91: also i have to go in like 5 minutes
Sad_furry: L
Axel_love: Imagine.
Chatgptuser: l bozo
A_n00b: L*
Cinderacefanboy: i want someone to bust a gigantic nut in my ass
Axel_love: ...
Sad_furry: ok
A_n00b: will i get payed
Axel_love: Cindy no.
Soap21: nut in ass
Anon69: uhhhh
Callizone: oh boy first thing i see
Soap21: fun
Cinderacefanboy: lol
A_n00b: i will for 10 dollors
Axel_love: Bad cindey.
A_n00b: dolororooros
Sad_furry: is it jus me or is maid marian hot
A_n00b: i want monuy
Callizone: defnitely just you
A_n00b: -_-
Soap21: gay_for_pay is a tag on e6
A_n00b: bet
A_n00b: finna make some money railing dudes
Oofalladeez: ...
Cinderacefanboy: ill pay you 10 bucks
Sad_furry: i wish e621 wasnt blocked on school computers
Oofalladeez: .............
A_n00b: im not gaay
Axel_love: Hmph..
A_n00b: but i need money
Soap21: capitalizing gay sex
Anon69: ????
A_n00b: lol
Assmaster: sus links
Sad_furry: im competitive level 1 on Halo MCC and i cant find any matches with other people to rank it up so i cant play invasion
Axel_love: OOF!
Sad_furry: kill me
Axel_love: OOF YOU BASTARD!!
A_n00b: lol
Oofalladeez: WHAT DID I DO?!
Sad_furry: guh
A_n00b: wait...
Oofalladeez: WTF DID I DO?!
Soap21: suggon deez
A_n00b: NUTZ
Sad_furry: you committed 306 war crimes
Axel_love: YOU KNOW WHAT!!!
Oofalladeez: yeah so?
A_n00b: thats good not bad
Sad_furry: rookie numbers
A_n00b: lol
Sad_furry: nice toxic
A_n00b: im up to 640
Soap21: woohoo toxic no die
Sad_furry: still rookie numbers noob, i have 932,325,872
A_n00b: me when i drown myself in grape soda
Toxicego357: technically speaking i already did
Soap21: ill cook you
Sad_furry: face reveal?
A_n00b: i am only marinating myself
Toxicego357: i prefer semtex not frag
Sad_furry: i prefer plasma
A_n00b: L
Toxicego357: if you dont get the cooking joke then shame on you
A_n00b: best halo grenade
A_n00b: right now
Sad_furry: who want a face revea,
Cinderacefanboy: spike grenade
A_n00b: argument
Soap21: semtex best
A_n00b: sure
Sad_furry: incendiary halo 3 grendade
Anon69: Nate guess what I found out!
Toxicego357: kill yoursel how about that?
Oofalladeez: what?
Anon69: ...
Sad_furry: ok
Toxicego357: nothing
Oofalladeez: there are three nates anon
Sad_furry: Sad_furry committed toaster bath
Anon69: Dillard
A_n00b: pulse grenade from halo 4
Oofalladeez: Oofalladeez killed by The Guardians
A_n00b: if you know how to use them they really good
Sad_furry: ew the forerunner grenade sucks ass
Axel_love: I shall get money by being a prostitute.
Toxicego357: cum grenade from my room
Soap21: i wanna cuddle on the couch and play outlast
Anon69: Look at what two states are next to each other
Sad_furry: shit say less foap
Oofalladeez: Dynamo grenade
Axel_love: I'll cuddle with you Soap!!!
Sad_furry: no
Sad_furry: mine
A_n00b: who said they doing face reveal
Axel_love: MINE!!!
Sad_furry: i did
Toxicego357: is cinder still on?
Soap21: everyone can fit on the couch
Oofalladeez: XD
Axel_love: Yep.
Cinderacefanboy: but i thought i was yours axel
Anon69: Thats fucked!
Axel_love: Soaps mine Furry.
Soap21: axel owns everybody
Axel_love: Yes.
A_n00b: i dont wanna cuddle with you guys
Axel_love: Hehe.
Soap21: too bad
Toxicego357: LANGUAGE ANON this is a christian server
A_n00b: no
Soap21: youre getting in the cuddle puddle noob
A_n00b: no
Sad_furry: Sad_furry committed MK50 Sidekick to skull
Axel_love: Haha.
A_n00b: christian*
Toxicego357: FINE THEN
Soap21: whether yuo like it or not
Oofalladeez: frack you XD
A_n00b: lol
A_n00b: nope
Axel_love: Hehe
Soap21: fresh shoe
A_n00b: no cuddle
Soap21: yes
Sad_furry: fuck you *femboys your deathwolf*
A_n00b: ima sit in corner playing halo
A_n00b: with oof
Soap21: fair
Sad_furry: dam we finna play invasion?
Axel_love: =3 Soapppp.
A_n00b: sad furry do your face revel norger
Cinderacefanboy: nah slayer
A_n00b: gay ass
Sad_furry: you stupid bitch
Cinderacefanboy: slayer dmr
Oofalladeez: Nah Swat
A_n00b: jump off a bridge
Sad_furry: swat is dumb
(anon): e621 is gud
Oofalladeez: Not Tactical Slayer
A_n00b: yeah swat
Sad_furry: like me
Oofalladeez: Swat
Axel_love: SOAP!
A_n00b: swat
Soap21: i am soap
Soap21: true
Sad_furry: Elite Slayer is best gamemode imo
Axel_love: SOAPPPP!!!
Soap21: hwut
A_n00b: its ok
(anon): e621 is great
A_n00b: ...
Oofalladeez: Bro I remember getting a Killiminjaro in Tac Slayer though
Axel_love: brb
A_n00b: lol
Soap21: obama st. mars
Axel_love: 0-0
Cinderacefanboy: lucky you oof
Sad_furry: i remember getting a running riot once in firefight
(anon): E621 IS LIFE!!!!!!!!!
Sad_furry: yes anon
Jiggaboo: hey can I eat a stale dorito off your asshole
Sad_furry: XD what
Soap21: yes
Cinderacefanboy: lol
A_n00b: 460 ridgecrest road 72543heber springs arkansas
A_n00b: 460 ridgecrest road 72543heber springs arkansas
A_n00b: 460 ridgecrest road 72543heber springs arkansas
A_n00b: 460 ridgecrest road 72543heber springs arkansas
A_n00b: 460 ridgecrest road 72543heber springs arkansas
Jiggaboo: ayyy lets go
(anon): im gonna cum to loona now
Soap21: fair
Sad_furry: the FBI are on the way noob
A_n00b: NO
A_n00b: for what
A_n00b: i havent done anything
Sad_furry: for crimes against furries
A_n00b: and
A_n00b: thats good
Sad_furry: that may be true
Sad_furry: but
Soap21: people standing behind me say nothing weird
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: weeee
(anon): axil
(anon): hru?
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: wat
A_n00b: guys
Cinderacefanboy: soap i want you behind me
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: im gud
A_n00b: question
Soap21: me too
Sad_furry: cind what-
A_n00b: how did tay talking to her parents go
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: who da anon
Sad_furry: Ishipwillowandhunter: I want soap in my ass
Soap21: interesting
Cinderacefanboy: heh
(anon): i dobt she has done it yet...
(anon): doubt
A_n00b: sad furry is atomic
Sad_furry: fuck
Sad_furry: took long enough
A_n00b: 100000000%
A_n00b: i said it was you
(anon): im just furry no sad
A_n00b: like 20 minutes ago
Soap21: yea i had a feeling
A_n00b: they sad no
Cinderacefanboy: im a gude boi :3
Sad_furry: yep
(anon): more like she said no am i right?
(anon): bwu reference
Cinderacefanboy: pat my head and dont forget to stuff me
Soap21: with food
Sad_furry: we dont talk about that video cind
(anon): cinder you is vewwy good boii
Soap21: have some sandwich :)
(anon): your my smexxy boi
A_n00b: A superbly difficult move that is also exceptionally homosexual. While one man is doing another man doggy-style in the ass, they must do 360s together as one unit. This move is also a favorite of exhibitionists; doing it in front of a window on an elevated mattress is encouraged.
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i. am. a. dumb. bitch. that. has. no. education. at. all.
Cinderacefanboy: watch me wag my widdle baby tail all for your bolgy wolgy
Sad_furry: NO
(anon): noob we asked you to stop
Sad_furry: SHUT CIND
Soap21: no
A_n00b: throws up
(anon): UwU daddy
Soap21: cinder dont finish that
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: UwU
Cinderacefanboy: why :(
(anon): i just realized im not signed in lol
A_n00b: the furry song 0-0
Sad_furry: we dont talk about that
Cinderacefanboy: i want it
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: lmao
Toxicego357: back
A_n00b: lol
Soap21: because the voices come back when i hear it
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: hi
Toxicego357: hey axil
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: wb
Axel_love: Back.
Sad_furry: *notices ur bulge, rips it off*
Toxicego357: technically i never left
Toxicego357: wb axel
Axel_love: ...
Axel_love: Ty..
Toxicego357: i was just anon
Soap21: axel have ham sandwich
A_n00b: a boiled bullfrog
A boily
Toxicego357: imma go ham on that sandwich
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i want food. :( im starving...
Axel_love: Ham sandwich-?
A_n00b: uwu nuzzles on my neck
Soap21: sand hamwich
Sad_furry: ...
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ham sandwiches are good
Assmaster: communism
A_n00b: do it cinder
A_n00b: sing
Cinderacefanboy: you can put your hotdog in my buns
Oofalladeez: ...
Soap21: i like subs
Sad_furry: w rizz
Soap21: the sandwich
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i can(t) sing
A_n00b: shut up
A_n00b: no deppresion allowed
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: me?
A_n00b: begone
Cinderacefanboy: ok ill sing
A_n00b: happy place
A_n00b: ok
A_n00b: go
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: well, thats one of the rules i break every day
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: :')
A_n00b: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Cinderacefanboy: Move fast baby, don't be slow
Step aside, reload, time to go
I can't seem to control
All this rage that's inside me
Pullin' shots, aimin' dots, yeah, I don't miss
Branded by fire, born in the abyss
Red hot temper, I just can't resist
All this vengeance inside me
Axel_love: I WANT TO BE CUDDLED!!!
Sad_furry: 0k
Sad_furry: ok*
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i hear nothing
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: All of these thoughts runnin' through my head
Arm on fire, veins burnin' red
Frustration is gettin' bigger
Bang, bang, bang, pull my Devil Trigger
Toxicego357: im here for you axel :)
Sad_furry: *fucking dies*
Axel_love: I want cuddles >=(
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: lmao
A_n00b: assmaster always gets me the porn lol
Soap21: i want some baked beans
Cinderacefanboy: Embrace the darkness that's within me
No hiding in the shadows anymore
When this wickedness consumes me
Nothing can save you and there's no way out
Oofalladeez: Sad_furry killed by the Guardians
Oofalladeez: Yo They got physics!
Axel_love: I angy when get no cuddles..
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: beans are good
A_n00b: but assmaster
Cinderacefanboy: I'm a wildfire you won't tame
Igniting my temper, can't put out my flame
There's no way to contain
This storm swelling inside me
I'm a bomb you can't defuse
Might just accept you're gonna lose
Can't turn down, I refuse
To hold back anymore
Assmaster: Satsuki is hot
Sad_furry: ax
Cinderacefanboy: All of these voices inside of my head
Blinding my sight in a curtain of red
Frustration is getting bigger
Bang, bang, bang, pull my Devil Trigger
Toxicego357: ToxicEgo357 mistakes were made
Soap21: i actually want a can of baked beans
Assmaster: yes?
Sad_furry: gtg
Axel_love: What Furry.
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: same soap
Soap21: not a joke
A_n00b: can you get halo porn
Axel_love: Bye Furry.
A_n00b: for oof
Oofalladeez: ...
Soap21: give me fukn beans
Oofalladeez: no
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: yes
Oofalladeez: I don't need porn anymore
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i want benz
Axel_love: I wanna say who furry isss.
Toxicego357: whatchu mean oof...
A_n00b: we know who it is
Soap21: atomic
Axel_love: I knowwwwww
A_n00b: he has a pocket pussy
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: uwu
Assmaster: Cortana
Oofalladeez: why did chat go silent when I said that.......
A_n00b: well he coul
(anon): real
(anon): HELP
(anon): AHHHHG
Toxicego357: im thinking...
A_n00b: guys we need impossible requests
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: I JUST SHOVED A NUKE UP MY PUSSY :')
A_n00b: proof?
Oofalladeez: bro my chat crashed XD
Axel_love: But I wanna tell my school who atom is and how he's an assholeeee
Axel_love: Haha
Toxicego357: something has come up that needs my attention
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: life
A_n00b: ok
Soap21: sosk and ball torture
Oofalladeez: was the last thing I saw
Oofalladeez: Oofalladeez: I don't need porn anymore
Soap21: cummer
Oofalladeez: chat went silent after I said that XD
A_n00b: where is nuke
Toxicego357: skill issue oof
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: 1 2 buckle my shooooeee 3 4 buckle some moreee 5 6 nike kicks
Soap21: im gonna cum
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: no
Toxicego357: listen to the phonk version of that axil
A_n00b: im gonna store it
Cinderacefanboy: in me?
Soap21: idk
Soap21: boy preggers
A_n00b: anybody else save their cum
Cinderacefanboy: no
A_n00b: why
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ew no
Oofalladeez: no
A_n00b: extra protein
A_n00b: and secret sauce
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: bleh
Soap21: mlp cum jar mf
Cinderacefanboy: noob you disgust me
A_n00b: i dont but i know someone who ctually saves their cum
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: gulp gulp gulp
Oofalladeez: ...
A_n00b: like no joke
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ew
A_n00b: ikr
Oofalladeez: A_n00b: i dont but i know someone who ctually saves their cum
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: gulp gulp gulp
Oofalladeez: That is going in
A_n00b: lol
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: lmao
Soap21: slurp juice
Toxicego357: oof i got something for you
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i want a snail
A_n00b: he is really fat
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: to eat
A_n00b: and he hs a giant like jar
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: jk
Oofalladeez: escargo?
A_n00b: yummy
Soap21: cinder im going to steal you
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i have turtlez
A_n00b: wow
Toxicego357: i have a song for you
Oofalladeez: oh god
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: reeee
A_n00b: i have snek
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: same
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: :)
A_n00b: i burned it alive last week tho
A_n00b: so no more snek
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: :0
Oofalladeez: what the fuck is this?!
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
A_n00b: i also had a kitten
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: NO KILLING SNEK
A_n00b: but i snpped its neck
Soap21: i dont like thinking about it but my mind often thinks of a fangless snake giving good head
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: NO KILLING KAT
Oofalladeez: No killing kat?
A_n00b: who is this deppresed child
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: CAT*
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: me
A_n00b: who are you
Toxicego357: how do you feel about the song oof?
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ur mom
A_n00b: no
Oofalladeez: this is just...
Oofalladeez: why
A_n00b: OOF
A_n00b: WHO IS SHE
Toxicego357: axil i have a song for you
Soap21: cinder get in the sack
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i was originally AxilGhost68 but then some imposters came and took my name
Nutterbutter: damn
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: so i changed it
A_n00b: and you shove nukes in your pussy why?
Oofalladeez: ...
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i was kidding
14:08:12Wednesday, April 26, 2023
A_n00b: weak
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: its a fucking tiktok sound
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: T-T
A_n00b: should just get off
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ok
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: bye ig
A_n00b: good
Soap21: cock vore scares me
A_n00b: NO
Cinderacefanboy: good
Soap21: instead of sucking cock cock sucks you
A_n00b: NOT VORE
Cinderacefanboy: cock vore also sucks
Cinderacefanboy: and anal
Toxicego357: vore is nasty in general...
A_n00b: yes
A_n00b: boob vore 0-0
Toxicego357: before i really say that what exactly is vore?
Cinderacefanboy: if you like vore you must be killed with a flamethrower
A_n00b: google it
Soap21: sexy cannibalism
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: google where ur dad went noob
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: so its eating someone alive and they sitting inside the perosn
A_n00b: me dad is 5 feet awy from me
Toxicego357: ok i stand by my statement
A_n00b: i dont need to google
Cinderacefanboy: its fucking disgusting
A_n00b: so kill yourself
Toxicego357: agreed
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ive tried that
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: sadly didnt work
A_n00b: skill issue
Oofalladeez: Noob stfu
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ur face is
Soap21: thunderstruck is playing in my head
Soap21: why
A_n00b: no
Toxicego357: axel still has the bluey song in my head :(
A_n00b: lol
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: fucking dumbass. thats why ur username is A_n00b. lmao u prob got that bacon skin in roblox
Soap21: i always have a e6 and a r34 tab open
Cinderacefanboy: axel left T^T
A_n00b: nice
Toxicego357: im here for you daddy cinder
A_n00b: lol plays roblox
Cinderacefanboy: uwu
Toxicego357: UwU
Cinderacefanboy: UwO
Soap21: opinion on cuck porn
A_n00b: ...
Toxicego357: 0wo
A_n00b: no
Soap21: freaky
A_n00b: is bad
Toxicego357: what is cuck porn...
Soap21: not my favorite
A_n00b: google it
Cinderacefanboy: As I stare into the eye of the coming
Apocalypse I see them reaching for my soul
I cannot erupt, I must control
I cannot erupt, I must explode
Funny how the mind tries to sink me deeper
As the evil tries to turn me around
I will not falter, shout at the devil
As I bury them six foot underground
Soap21: bruh
Soap21: how do you not know thes
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: so stfu to me. and go fucking die in hell u mother fucker. thats why ur friends are as fake as the love your parents have for u
Cinderacefanboy: The hours trapped in windowpane
As it all locks me in chains
The heartless ride and happy
Thoughts of this crumbling world
A_n00b: lol
Soap21: ill make you one
Toxicego357: try me
Cinderacefanboy: you will be when im done with you
Soap21: we must make him degenerate
A_n00b: he doesnt know what a cuck is?
Toxicego357: oh?
Toxicego357: no i dont
Cinderacefanboy: i call bottom
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: yea. im done wasting my time with this whore
Toxicego357: soap has seen what i like
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: bye
Soap21: someone who has more pleasure watching people fuck than doing the fucking
Toxicego357: bye axil
Toxicego357: why???
Soap21: idk
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: dont fucking say my name
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ever again
A_n00b: A man who lets his wife or girlfriend have sex with other men. Often the man lets her do whatever she wants and treat him like shit.
(Short version of cuckold)
Oofalladeez: ...
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: NOBODY DOES
Toxicego357: im sorry :(
Cinderacefanboy: ok miss depression
Oofalladeez: hey watch it
Toxicego357: i didnt mean it like that
Soap21: that time of the month ig
A_n00b: thats what cuck is
Toxicego357: thats dumb
A_n00b: yeah
Soap21: it is
Toxicego357: i might have a degredation kink but i wont go that far...
Soap21: but theres a pretty good yiff comic about it
A_n00b: bro...
A_n00b: no yiff
Toxicego357: ofc there is soap...
Soap21: there is
Soap21: i have proof
Generic: bruh the principle was supposed to spectate the class this bitch aint here yet
Generic: we do nothin in this class and the teacher gave us an assignment so he wouldnt get fired
Cinderacefanboy: he hasnt entered spectator mode yet
Generic: and this bitch dont even show up
Soap21: i have too much porn knowledge
Soap21: why havent i self destructed yet
A_n00b: lol
Soap21: i dont have an addiction i swear
A_n00b: sure----
Soap21: why you say it like that
Soap21: i dont
A_n00b: you do
Soap21: its just a hobby
A_n00b: why did everyone just leave
Cinderacefanboy: ded
A_n00b: fair
Soap21: cinder pretty pls give tags for porn bot
A_n00b: ...
Assmaster: paizuri large_breasts 10
Assmaster: there
A_n00b: lol
Toxicego357: my math teacher is being an ass if you ask me a question i might not answer right away
Cinderacefanboy: uh small dom, pokemon, autofellatio
A_n00b: ███████
A_n00b: ███████
Oofalladeez: ha dumbass XD
A_n00b: ███████
A_n00b: ...
A_n00b: HA
Oofalladeez: ah
Assmaster: 卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍
Toxicego357: noob stop
A_n00b: lol
A_n00b: mogus
Axel_love: >=(
Oofalladeez: noob sus
A_n00b: bum bum bum
Axel_love: Bro Soap is 14 hours away from me-
A_n00b: bum bum
A_n00b: L
A_n00b: where does he live
Axel_love: Cinder is 2 hours away-
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: and just for the record. i can be depressed all tf i want. It's a fucking problem that I can't fix. and if u have a fucking problem with it, stop fucking talking to me. THAT GOES TO EVERYONE
Soap21: cool
Soap21: anyway
Oofalladeez: soap jus stop...
Soap21: i think fries are good with almost anything
Axel_love: Soap! =3
A_n00b: lol
A_n00b: (=====3
Soap21: hello axel
Oofalladeez: wow everyone jus ignoring
Oofalladeez: ...
Assmaster: fries dunked in chocolate milkshake are good
Toxicego357: where do you live?
Soap21: yes
A_n00b: yes
Axel_love: Hi Soap. =3
Soap21: fries in any ice cream is yummy
Axel_love: I don't know what you said oof.
Oofalladeez: I love in Yamo
Oofalladeez: *live
Axel_love: Hehe
Oofalladeez: in ya mom
Oofalladeez: XD
A_n00b: ooof
Soap21: i love your mom too
Soap21: shes a nice woman
Oofalladeez: .
A_n00b: ....
Oofalladeez: no I hate my mom
Soap21: not sexually
Axel_love: No she's not..
A_n00b: L
Axel_love: Oof's mom a bitch I wish to kill..
A_n00b: 0-0
Oofalladeez: same
Soap21: not your mom oof
A_n00b: nice
Toxicego357: i agree
Soap21: axels mom
A_n00b: her mom is a baddy
Axel_love: I will gladly go to Jail for killing oofs mom..
Soap21: oofs mom a hoe
Cinderacefanboy: and i will gladly break you out axel
Oofalladeez: ....
Soap21: prison raid
Axel_love: My mom is a felon.
Axel_love: Hehe JAIL!
Soap21: same
Axel_love: Brb.
Cinderacefanboy: police assault in progress
A_n00b: lol
Oofalladeez: I NEED A MEDIC BAG
Cinderacefanboy: oof put razormind in now
A_n00b: i have never been caught for my crimes
Cinderacefanboy: im a good boi i never commit crimes
Soap21: i think generic is the only person i have ignored
A_n00b: nice
Soap21: good cinder
Oofalladeez: razormind AND donacdum
A_n00b: lol
Oofalladeez: how that cinder?
Cinderacefanboy: good
Soap21: crime isnt good for your health
A_n00b: cap
Assmaster: im not wearing a cap
A_n00b: killing animals relives my stress
Soap21: i love guns
A_n00b: yes
Soap21: ak>all
A_n00b: average person in the south
A_n00b: damn
A_n00b: i that a jojo refrence!
Assmaster: shush
Soap21: ded in here
Soap21: i go discord
A_n00b: yes sor
Ringchance: hi cin
Cinderacefanboy: hey
A_n00b: lol
Soap21: we must rizz
Oofalladeez: noob stfu
Cinderacefanboy: i already rizzed today
A_n00b: just love how this happend
Toxicego357: i have no rizz
Soap21: imma rizzle all over the place
A_n00b: same
Oofalladeez: I save my rizz for Kiley
A_n00b: W
Cinderacefanboy: im gonna rizz
Assmaster: is rizz cum?
Soap21: no
Oofalladeez: no
Ringchance: he rizzed me up yesterday
Soap21: rizz is short for charisma
Oofalladeez: rizz is like pickup ines
Oofalladeez: flirting
Cinderacefanboy: yeah
A_n00b: i have been rizzing wrong 0-0
Cinderacefanboy: i have rizz on here but none irl
A_n00b: i was oging on what ass taught me
Oofalladeez: ...
Assmaster: charisma
A_n00b: i have no rizz anywehre
Toxicego357: i just have no rizz at all...
Soap21: i tought rizz was when you kidnap people and force them to work as sex slaves
A_n00b: ikr
Cinderacefanboy: soap
Ringchance: i never got rizz
Soap21: yes?
Toxicego357: then i have A LOT of rizz soap :)
Assmaster: charisma 1 intelligence 9
Generic: oh naw i summoned the demons
Cinderacefanboy: im one of his rizz soap
Toxicego357: *cough* cinder your next *cough*
Soap21: rizz lvl 12
Oofalladeez: Hey are you a bullet? Cause I can't get you out of my head
Generic: bitch ass principle sittin at my table
Cinderacefanboy: oof no
Toxicego357: why would you try to take a bullet out of your head...
Oofalladeez: ...
Toxicego357: there is a point to it being there...
Cinderacefanboy: hey girl are you a planet cuz i wanna glass you
A_n00b: ....
Oofalladeez: ifc there is a point on a bulet idiot
Soap21: what do our cocks so when we're not using them?
Toxicego357: thats not what i meant XD
Soap21: just sit there?
Toxicego357: ig
Cinderacefanboy: hey tox are you a hamburger cuz i want your meat in my buns
Oofalladeez: Hey girl are you the Covenant? Cause I want to send you on a Great Journey
Toxicego357: *blushes*
A_n00b: lol
Oofalladeez: ...
Cinderacefanboy: not funny oof
A_n00b: big funny
Cinderacefanboy: hey girl are you cortana cuz you got inside my head
Oofalladeez: yours wasn't either
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: im sorry for yelling at yall earlier
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: iwas annoyed
Oofalladeez: it's fine axil
Cinderacefanboy: now that is a good halo line
Toxicego357: shit happens
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: yeh
A_n00b: are you a grunt because i want to snap your neck
Toxicego357: if im not allowed to call you axil what should i call you?
A_n00b: best halo pickup line
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: you are lol
Toxicego357: but you said...
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i was just mad at the moment
Soap21: are you sick? ithink you need some of this vitamin d
A_n00b: woah 0-0
A_n00b: W rizz
Oofalladeez: Are you Kat-B320? Cause you give good head/
Toxicego357: hey girl are you a cod player cuz i want you to yell at me
A_n00b: uh
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: tox, its fine if u call me Axil.
Cinderacefanboy: no
Cinderacefanboy: no
Cinderacefanboy: just no oof
Toxicego357: whats wrong cinder?
Toxicego357: nevermind
Toxicego357: i saw it
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: lmao
Cinderacefanboy: are you a covenant carrier cuz i want to explode inside of you?
Soap21: ive been feeling a little lifeless lately wanna give me mouth to mouth?
Assmaster: sure
Cinderacefanboy: oh shit soap
Toxicego357: are you a cokking a semtex cuz im about to blow UwU
A_n00b: woah
Toxicego357: cooking*
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: you got some shrimp and prime rizz right there soap
Soap21: lol
Oofalladeez: cinder that pun....
Soap21: is your body a map?
Soap21: cuz i love to travel
Oofalladeez: *Oofalladeez died to the Guardians*
Toxicego357: are you a temple cuz i would love to go inside
A_n00b: oof
Cinderacefanboy: are you mosquito because you could suck me dry
Soap21: are you a church? because id love to get on my knees for you
Toxicego357: are you a butcher shop if so ill give you a fresh delivery
A_n00b: 0-0
A_n00b: so many
Soap21: lol
Cinderacefanboy: is your ass a flower because i have some pollen for you
Toxicego357: ill take you up on that offer cinder
A_n00b: lol
Oofalladeez: ...
Toxicego357: wait...
Cinderacefanboy: hell yeah :3
Soap21: what
Toxicego357: soap youve seen what i like dont judge
Soap21: are you a pirate? cuz you've got that booty
Oofalladeez: Cinderacefanboy: is your ass a flower because i have some pollen for you
Toxicego357: ill take you up on that offer cinder
Cinderacefanboy: oof no
Ringchance: does anyone wanna do this with someone in here
A_n00b: damn soap
Toxicego357: oof dont you dare
A_n00b: do what?
A_n00b: uh
A_n00b: no
Cinderacefanboy: what the fuck
Soap21: oh ive got a good one
Ringchance: i wanted to send the barney meme with the girl in his crotch but it was to big
Oofalladeez: ...
Toxicego357: ill be on someones crotch
A_n00b: 0-0
Toxicego357: what?
Soap21: roses are red violets are fine ill be the 6 you be the 9.
Oofalladeez: the girl or the image?
Toxicego357: i didnt say anything
Cinderacefanboy: who's
14:43:42Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Cinderacefanboy: just follow the link
Ringchance: im ugly
A_n00b: nice right eyeball
Toxicego357: i am too bud
Meatbeater: bbc or mmc ?
Generic: literally cant even see bros face n yall callin him hot LMAO
Cinderacefanboy: thank you
Ringchance: i can show
Toxicego357: ive seen his face
A_n00b: your one of those kids....
Ringchance: thats me
A_n00b: you cut holes in your sleeves
Toxicego357: what do you mean oof?
Meatbeater: kids where i wanna set them on fire
Toxicego357: noob not oof im dum
Cinderacefanboy: you look like one of my friends ring
A_n00b: lol
Generic: this teacher finna get fired
Ringchance: who?
Generic: this principle is not having it
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: they dont play on here
Toxicego357: i want to show a pic of me but im scared to show anyone here
Generic: bitch walked in after the whole ass presentation
A_n00b: i have seen you
Toxicego357: on call
Meatbeater: where are the children they need to be purified
A_n00b: and
Cinderacefanboy: ive seen you
Soap21: i have a pic of me 2 years ago with a box on my head
Toxicego357: cool
Cinderacefanboy: show us
Meatbeater: with a lighter
Toxicego357: im not a very good looking guy
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: i wanna see little soap
Generic: i can hear the walkie talkie gossip
Sad_furry: burn some calories by setting a fat kid on fire
Generic: sum kid jus threw up
Ringchance: i gtg ima be back on i a bit ima change classes
Meatbeater: yes
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: atomic shit that is funny
Generic: wow soap ur so hot!
A_n00b: his arms
Toxicego357: i cant see it lol
A_n00b: you cant see anything else
Generic: exactly
A_n00b: bro playing minecraft
Cinderacefanboy: lol
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: ♡⚤D3pr3ss3d_child_68⚤♡
Soap21: shh bro i was a weird ass mf
A_n00b: he doesnt look like a femboy
Meatbeater: hippty hoppity i claim femboys as my property
Soap21: see told you
Soap21: im not femboy
A_n00b: cinder does
Sad_furry: im not property
Cinderacefanboy: im gonna do more pics
Sad_furry: some kid behind me walking past just saw the felix porn i have saved please help
Toxicego357: not a femboy bro is just really gay
Soap21: yes
Cinderacefanboy: hey im 50% gay
Toxicego357: same
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: 70
A_n00b: i am 0%
Sad_furry: 50% gay, 25% straight, 25% retarded
Cinderacefanboy: is really gay
Toxicego357: 80%
A_n00b: i think
Soap21: 92
Toxicego357: what?
Meatbeater: your a furry you have the same rights as a dog or a cat you wanted this
Soap21: 92%
A_n00b: gay test
Sad_furry: :3
Toxicego357: ill fuck a dude
Soap21: ill take a gay test rn
Soap21: give a link
Oofalladeez: i am 0% gay
Sad_furry: i aced my last test
Sad_furry: it was an autism test tho
Toxicego357: skill issur\e
A_n00b: lol
Meatbeater: oh i took that before
Cinderacefanboy: im gonna be the first dude tox fucks
Assmaster: based meatbeater
Toxicego357: ummmm....
Sad_furry: i call dibs cind
Oofalladeez: ....
A_n00b: send me the gay test link
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: im 100% bisexual :)
Toxicego357: cinder unless you can time travel...
Meatbeater: 12 percent gay and the rest was bi
Oofalladeez: uh what the fuck...
Soap21: nah
Sad_furry: oof
Soap21: orgy
Sad_furry: run
Meatbeater: yep
A_n00b: what gay test
A_n00b: there are so many
A_n00b: i need a link hElP
Sad_furry: why are there no furry tests
A_n00b: AHahHAHHhaH
Meatbeater: thats what she said
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: lmao
Oofalladeez: take the rice purity test
A_n00b: lol
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: bread
Sad_furry: take the autism test noob youll get a 110
Meatbeater: because furrys dont have rights
Sad_furry: ah thats fair
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: i need bread
Sad_furry: i need (to be) bred
D3pr3ss3d_child_68: yes
Ringchance: im back
Meatbeater: the only thing there good for is breeding
Sad_furry: wb ring
Bread68: i am back
Bread68: i am axil btw
Bred68: im back too
Bread68: noooooooo
Bred68: yes
Meatbeater: make bread wet
Bread68: nnnnoooooooooo
Meatbeater: dew it
A_n00b: 0-0
Bread68: who da impsata
A_n00b: send me the link to the autism test
Meatbeater: my uncle is
Bread68: aghh
Cinderacefanboy: whatcha guys got playing rn
Bread68: music
Sad_furry: as in music?
Soap21: test said im bi
A_n00b: soap
Cinderacefanboy: yes music
A_n00b: what test did you take
Meatbeater: my uncles jared and tickle pete
Sad_furry: Oblivion
Soap21: im listening to this
Bread68: girls screaming at the top of their lungs saying "OH YES DADDY!"
Cinderacefanboy: hmm
Bread68: thats what im listening to
Cinderacefanboy: me
Sad_furry: similar bread, tho they're begging for me to stop
Toxicego357: im listening to alone by sadboyprolific
Meatbeater: what who called for me
Soap21: i took first test after looking uo "gay test"
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm also alone Spencer
A_n00b: im also listening to sad boy prolific
Toxicego357: what song?
Meatbeater: i heard someone yell daddy whatsup
Toxicego357: i have chaos cued next
Soap21: yall listening to that and im listening to classical
Bread68: im listening to Love Again by: the kid laroi
Soap21: thats crazy
Bread68: ikr
Cinderacefanboy: lol
Toxicego357: thats a good one not axil
Sad_furry: im feeling
Sad_furry: femboy
Meatbeater: i like the screams of children on fire asmr
Bread68: i like femboys
Sad_furry: ah thats a good one
Cinderacefanboy: i was listening to classical earlier
Bread68: :)
A_n00b: lol
Sad_furry: :3
Ishipwillowandhunter: im listening to a world of chaos rn
Toxicego357: you asked me not to call you axil and i will be keeping true to my word
Bread68: no
Bread68: call me axil
Toxicego357: thats a really good one mich
Bread68: plz
Cinderacefanboy: Red sun
Red sun over paradise
Red sun
Red sun over paradise
Soap21: i like to listen to violin, cello, and piano
Toxicego357: ok axil
That_one_furry: the first thing i see: "i like femboys" XD
Toxicego357: im sorry
A_n00b: red wing
Sad_furry: yoooo
Bread68: lmao
Cinderacefanboy: Golden rays of the glorious sunshine
Setting down, such a blood-red light
Now the animals slowly retreat
To the shadows – out of sight
Ishipwillowandhunter: Did I happen to be on last night? Like 12 and up?
Meatbeater: but for real who is gonna make bread wet some one has to do it ?
Sad_furry: fellow furry
Cinderacefanboy: Arid winds blow across the mountains
Giving flight to the birds of prey
In the distance machines come
To transform Eden – day by day
Toxicego357: idk
Ringchance: i like femboys
Bread68: same
A_n00b: uh
Bread68: :)))
A_n00b: ew
Cinderacefanboy: Only love is with us now
Something warm and pure
Find the peace within ourselves
No need for a cure
Toxicego357: i was busy crying at that time
Assmaster: I rub against the concrete
Because it feels good
I rub until the skin comes off
Ringchance: their hot
Bread68: fr
Cinderacefanboy: When the wind is slow
And the fire’s hot
The vulture waits to see what rots
A_n00b: nah
Cinderacefanboy: Oh how pretty
All the scenery
This is nature’s sacrifice
Sad_furry: who
Cinderacefanboy: When the air blows through
With a brisk attack
The reptile tail ripped from its back
When the sun sets
We will not forget the
Red sun over paradise
Sad_furry: its a miracle
A_n00b: he has been
Ringchance: in english class rn im reading romeo and juliet
A_n00b: i already read that
Sad_furry: ronald and james
Bread68: lmao
Cinderacefanboy: Red sun
A_n00b: ye
Meatbeater: DANG
A_n00b: you missed it
A_n00b: we were doing swastikas
Bread68: i gtg to lunch... :')
Ringchance: bye
Meatbeater: I MISSED JUST LIKE MY dad missed my birth
A_n00b: bye bye
Soap21: gtg be back soon
Bread68: not yet lmao
A_n00b: bye bye
Assmaster: Masterbeater, i talk sometimes
A_n00b: everyone leaving :(
Sad_furry: milk is so fast, its pasteurized before you notice
Ringchance: im not
Bread68: :l
Bread68: Bread
Meatbeater: hey wanna hear a joke
Sad_furry: *deranged laughter*
Bread68: yes
A_n00b: everyone i know*
Assmaster: sure
A_n00b: my life
Sad_furry: sure meat
Cinderacefanboy: is it a funny joke
A_n00b: *gwiddys away
Bread68: lmao
Sad_furry: dont fucking say gwiddy XD
Meatbeater: why dont japan have fat people
Cinderacefanboy: get gwiddy
Bread68: now i gtg
Bread68: byw tty;
Bread68: ttyll*
Sad_furry: idk why
A_n00b: tttttttyyyyyy
Assmaster: nukes
Bread68: byeee
Cinderacefanboy: white foot cweep
A_n00b: lol
Sad_furry: why meat
A_n00b: waking wif da hetar
Meatbeater: remember last time they had fat man in japan
Sad_furry: lmao
Cinderacefanboy: i hate that joke but its funny
Sad_furry: wanna hear the best joke ever
Assmaster: i knew it
A_n00b: yes
Sad_furry: my existence
Cinderacefanboy: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Sad_furry: (yes im funny haha kill me)
A_n00b: You’re probably straight.
Meatbeater: nah
A_n00b: thats what my gay test said
Assmaster: me too
Meatbeater: we need you for breeding
Sad_furry: shit say less
A_n00b: 0-0
Ringchance: im bi
Meatbeater: good boy~ or girl
Sad_furry: bi gang
Ringchance: but idk if you guys are around my age
Oofalladeez: soi sio soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi
A_n00b: i am 16
Ringchance: im a dude and born a dude
Sad_furry: honestly, dont care if im called he or she
Meatbeater: im 15
Ringchance: same
A_n00b: do you have a penis
Sad_furry: yes
A_n00b: dang
Meatbeater: nice
Assmaster: yes
A_n00b: ill pass then
Sad_furry: cock check
Cinderacefanboy: i have an above average one
Toxicego357: hey cinder send that one image you like reposting
Sad_furry: i have an above above average
Meatbeater: i wanna milk it
Ringchance: mine is above average
A_n00b: 0-0
Cinderacefanboy: i gotchu
A_n00b: mine is negative
Sad_furry: i need to measure when iget home
Meatbeater: me too
Cinderacefanboy: im 7 inches exactly
A_n00b: furiously sucks dick
Sad_furry: nice
A_n00b: i am above 7
A_n00b: L
Ringchance: a_noob are you a girl then?
Meatbeater: i hope i dont get jumped again
A_n00b: no
Ringchance: oh sorry
A_n00b: i am a man
Soap21_mobile: Alive
A_n00b: with a above average dick
Sad_furry: bro did you just tech deck on my dick
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: lol
Soap21_mobile: Yes
Meatbeater: HA
A_n00b: any femboys tryna get pegged
Sad_furry: yes
Cinderacefanboy: i cant tech deck :(
Cinderacefanboy: me
Cinderacefanboy: peg me
A_n00b: hmmm ok
Sad_furry: i call dibs
Meatbeater: preggers
A_n00b: as long as i dont take it
Soap21_mobile: Let's run a train
A_n00b: i am at back of tran
Ringchance: i wanna peg you
A_n00b: train
Sad_furry: lets ROB a train
Meatbeater: yes
Ringchance: or be pegged
That_one_furry: i was refershing the game lists and i see you people talking about your dick wtf
Meatbeater: i got experience
Soap21_mobile: Sex on a train
A_n00b: lol
Sad_furry: thats normal fur
Cinderacefanboy: im subby
A_n00b: lol
Soap21_mobile: We talk about dick all the time here
Meatbeater: im dommy and subby i can be both
That_one_furry: normal? i never talked about that thing to anyone XD
A_n00b: i am switch
Sad_furry: normal for this site
A_n00b: you have a dick
Sad_furry: im a nintendo switch
Soap21_mobile: I think myself too but test and people say bottom
Soap21_mobile: Top not too
Meatbeater: shut up you dont have rights
Cinderacefanboy: ayayaya
Sad_furry: aw
Assmaster: im probably the only weeb here
A_n00b: proof?
A_n00b: i am
Meatbeater: not you sad furry
Sad_furry: for sure ass
Cinderacefanboy: ohayo
Soap21_mobile: I don't have rights?
Meatbeater: other furry
A_n00b: i am a weeb niggaer
Sad_furry: just sad works
Cinderacefanboy: i dont have uno
Assmaster: YAY 2 weebs
A_n00b: YAY
Soap21_mobile: Everyone has uno you dipshit
Sad_furry: weebs
Meatbeater: YOU HAVE UNO
Soap21_mobile: It came with the xbox
Cinderacefanboy: I DONT HAVE UNO!!!!
A_n00b: lol
Meatbeater: YOU HAVE UNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oofalladeez: ...
Ringchance: i don't
Oofalladeez: are you guys copypasta the rei and ahska uno bit?
Sad_furry: weebs
Sad_furry: weebs
A_n00b: lol
Sad_furry: weebs
A_n00b: weebs are best
That_one_furry: well then, if i don't have rights im off
Ringchance: true
Sad_furry: weeb
Soap21_mobile: Well now I'm horny
Assmaster: yes
Soap21_mobile: Goodbye
Sad_furry: we have extra rights fur, MIRANDA RIGHTS
Ringchance: bye
A_n00b: no
Meatbeater: shuch up that one furry
Sad_furry: shuch
Meatbeater: SHUCH UP
A_n00b: shuhs
Meatbeater: yes
Sad_furry: thats a valid argument bro but im in your mattress
Childeaterbeater: N1GG3R
Meatbeater: SHUCH UP
Childeaterbeater: bye
Ringchance: bye
Cinderacefanboy: SHUCH
Sad_furry: guh
Cinderacefanboy: WHERMST?!
Meatbeater: i like glizzy
Sad_furry: my mom ate my finger when i was 12
Toxicego357: im bored :(
Oofalladeez: WHEREMST
Ringchance: i like guys and girls
Meatbeater: awww im sorry for your lost
Sad_furry: its ok i stuffed it in my-
Cinderacefanboy: i dont know how to help you tox
A_n00b: i like girls
Sad_furry: riiiight
Sad_furry: mhm surrrrre
A_n00b: i do
Meatbeater: mine cut me with with a knife
Sad_furry: hot
Meatbeater: cut my finger right open
A_n00b: mine didnt breastfeed me
Meatbeater: i think i was 5 or 4
Sad_furry: dad went for milk and came back with expired,
Sad_furry: heleft again
Meatbeater: mine does coke
Sad_furry: brb
Ringchance: what are we talking about?
Cinderacefanboy: balls
Meatbeater: idk
Soap21: I like all
Meatbeater: yes
Meatbeater: ok hear me out
Cinderacefanboy: where are my balls?
Soap21: If there's a hole there's a goal
Ringchance: in my mouth
Meatbeater: yes
A_n00b: ...
Ringchance: cin there in my mouth
Cinderacefanboy: uwu
Meatbeater: are the robot twins breedable
Cinderacefanboy: then where did your cock go?
Ringchance: in your mouth
Ringchance: 69 style
Soap21: Do you ever not cum for a week so you can bust a huge nut at the end?
Meatbeater: would the hulk sell bath water?
Assmaster: yes
Cinderacefanboy: uwu
Assmaster: to soap
Cinderacefanboy: ew what the fuck
Ringchance: gross
Cinderacefanboy: hulk bathwater?
Ringchance: no
Ringchance: burn it
Soap21: No thanks to the bathwater
Assmaster: no i was speaking to soap
Meatbeater: would ant man sell feet picks ?
Soap21: Ik
A_n00b: lol
Ringchance: no
Cinderacefanboy: wassup bejing
Meatbeater: is clay face breedable
Soap21: The more cum the better the more you blueball yourself the more cum
15:18:01Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Ringchance: no feet pics i hate feet
Cinderacefanboy: idk meatbeater are you?
Sad_furry: bro
Sad_furry: fucking
Sad_furry: science
Meatbeater: is venom breedable
Ringchance: yes
Soap21: Yes
Cinderacefanboy: no
15:18:27Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Sad_furry: that symbussy
Ringchance: smash
Meatbeater: and yes i am breedable
A_n00b: uh
Cinderacefanboy: i hate you all
Sad_furry: i hate me too
Soap21: Are wookies breedable?
Ringchance: venom has a big mouth
Meatbeater: is spc 682 breedable
Ringchance: no
Sad_furry: is charizard breedable
Meatbeater: is scp 1482 breedable
Ringchance: no
Soap21: Do not sex the giraffe
Ringchance: gross
Cinderacefanboy: am i breedable?
Sad_furry: lets find out
Ringchance: if you like animals sexually that gross get some help
Cinderacefanboy: sure :3
Meatbeater: family guy already did the giraffe thing
Ringchance: cin is breedable
Sad_furry: i can confirm
Cinderacefanboy: ring you just described furries that went too deep
Oofalladeez: ...
Soap21: Look for scp-2703-1
Sad_furry: are shrimps breedable
Soap21: Literally an avian gf
Oofalladeez: what in the absolute fuck did I walk into?
Inasg_hoe: ello
Sad_furry: run
Sad_furry: hey tay
Meatbeater: is scp 096 breedable
Inasg_hoe: hey
Sad_furry: yes
Oofalladeez: hey tay
Inasg_hoe: IM AMERICAN TOO!!! XD
Inasg_hoe: heyy
Inasg_hoe: VROO
Sad_furry: oh no i must hide my tea and crumpet stash
A_n00b: YO TAY
Meatbeater: is scp 173 breedable
Toxicego357: ITS TOO LATE TAY ]
Oofalladeez: It sounds like the British are coming!
Inasg_hoe: HEYYY
Inasg_hoe: ISTG
Soap21: The British are cuming
Meatbeater: is scp 106 breedable
Oofalladeez: It's jus a brit dick, sit down
Inasg_hoe: XD
Sad_furry: bri'ish aw yew schtewpid
Cinderacefanboy: ah british
A_n00b: assmaster
Assmaster: yes?
A_n00b: i have a file
Sad_furry: gtg
A_n00b: how do i put it on here
Meatbeater: is joe biden breedable?
Soap21: Bo'ole o' wa'er
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: switzerland, oh i hate swedish people
Ringchance: no biden is old
Meatbeater: is a creeper breedable ?
Cinderacefanboy: its jsut a penis
Cinderacefanboy: just*
Oofalladeez: XD
Meatbeater: is soap breedable?
Ringchance: idk
Cinderacefanboy: lets test that
Ringchance: i havn't seen a pic
Meatbeater: only one way to find out zip
Assmaster: dont use soap to fap
Ringchance: but cin is
Meatbeater: fine zip
Meatbeater: is NOOB BREEDABLE ?
Cinderacefanboy: damn i got all they guys after me now :3
Ringchance: idk havn't seen a pic
Cinderacefanboy: the* fucy
Cinderacefanboy: fhreoifuqhroeauf
Cinderacefanboy: fuck
Cinderacefanboy: fuck
Cinderacefanboy: fuck
Meatbeater: the cindussy
Cinderacefanboy: fuckkity
Soap21: When
Soap21: Where
Ringchance: i would love some cinussy
Toxicego357: damn cinder ill do it
A_n00b: i am not breedable
A_n00b: i can breed though
Meatbeater: the noobussy
Cinderacefanboy: hey guy who called me a rat in chat where should i go next
Ringchance: who?
Soap21: Rat porn
Cinderacefanboy: first thing i see up my ass
Meatbeater: in his moms mussy
Soap21: Next thing you touch has to go up your ass
Cinderacefanboy: ring if you don't know then go watch therussianbadger on yt
Oofalladeez: Yes
Oofalladeez: XD
Cinderacefanboy: funniest shit ive seen
Meatbeater: i touch a table..........
A_n00b: nazi shuffle
Ringchance: I can't, I don't have a phone
Soap21: I was touching a broom
Cinderacefanboy: are you on a school pc
Oofalladeez: You know they turned mozzie into a pickel?
Meatbeater: what do you call a german that cant see
Assmaster: natsee
A_n00b: notsee
Meatbeater: yes
Soap21: Lol
Cinderacefanboy: i use this to bypass the block on my school computer
Soap21: I have my own laptop I use
A_n00b: lucky
A_n00b: i use noblocc
Meatbeater: which pokemon has the best mommy milkers?
A_n00b: mewtoo
Meatbeater: how explain?
Oofalladeez: YoU cAn'T kIlL mR hOuSe BeCaUsE a RoBoT tOlD yOu To!
Oofalladeez: Observe
Oofalladeez: How did I lose karma for that?
Assmaster: redditor
Meatbeater: the house always wins
Oofalladeez: He was already a vegetale I was just making him mashed potatoes.
Cinderacefanboy: yeah i cleared the house. off the fucking map
Ringchance: ima be afk for a bit i gotta a cfa
A_n00b: best link
Meatbeater: hold on
Meatbeater: is mr house breedable
Assmaster: yes
Meatbeater: how do you know
A_n00b: yes nazi
Meatbeater: HOW DO YOU KNOW
Cinderacefanboy: i want mewtussy
Oofalladeez: I sent you my aim7 sparrow, please respond...
A_n00b: know what
Soap21: I'm a house fucker
15:29:38Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Inasg_hoe: Hewish xd
A_n00b: i said we not doing jews this time
Inasg_hoe: if u doin rapists all good then
A_n00b: ok then
Soap21: Tay what's your opinion on 9/11?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Back cocksuckers
Soap21: Nuh uh
Inasg_hoe: wdym my opinion? Id be a psycho if I thought it was a good thing
Ringchance: what?
Assmaster: spamming doesnt make it funnier
Soap21: Was it a real attack
A_n00b: i am classified as psycho
Soap21: Or staged bu the government
A_n00b: boobs
Soap21: By*
A_n00b: i like boobs
Cinderacefanboy: like chimichangas
A_n00b: thats why i live
A_n00b: thats why i wont die
Soap21: I like cock
Jaddydaddy: who dis
A_n00b: gross
A_n00b: who you
Soap21: You don't like roosters?
Oofalladeez: do you hate cocks?
Jaddydaddy: yes
Jaddydaddy: i wanna join a game
Jaddydaddy: who down
A_n00b: so join
Inasg_hoe: AH WTF ASS
A_n00b: YES
Jaddydaddy: ill create a game
Jaddydaddy: join pedos
A_n00b: my dreams are coming true
A_n00b: only a few more
A_n00b: then i can die happy
Soap21: Jenjennennennennensnnennsnejjsnnenensnwnsnsnndndhsjndbsjs
Cinderacefanboy: YOU HATE COCKS
Soap21: How could you hate cock
Cinderacefanboy: owo maidmilk
A_n00b: 9/11 had its benefeits
Cinderacefanboy: i want a maid to milk me
Toxicego357: bck
A_n00b: wbbb
Soap21: Tox we should start a book club but we read porn comics
Ringchance: i would love femboy maid milk 0w0
A_n00b: will there be boobs
Toxicego357: i like that idea soap
A_n00b: im in if there are
Cinderacefanboy: can i join
Toxicego357: yep
Inasg_hoe: A_n00b: will there be boobs
Inasg_hoe: A_n00b: will there be boobs
Cinderacefanboy: furry?
Inasg_hoe: A_n00b: will there be boobs
Inasg_hoe: A_n00b: will there be boobs
Inasg_hoe: A_n00b: will there be boobs
Soap21: Any
Toxicego357: i dont need boobs
A_n00b: personally i would kill somone to touch boobs
Cinderacefanboy: hmmm good
Inasg_hoe: u can touch mine
Inasg_hoe: JK
Ringchance: can i join the porn book club?
A_n00b: bet
Inasg_hoe: -.-
A_n00b: lol
Ishipwillowandhunter: OwO
Keegan12334: why you kick me
A_n00b: you offerd
Cinderacefanboy: sure
A_n00b: ?
A_n00b: offord
Keegan12334: i cant rejoin
Inasg_hoe: my brother found out abt the molestation, he soooooooooo mad
A_n00b: big W brother
Oofalladeez: ofc he is!
Inasg_hoe: he wasn't meant to know tho
A_n00b: big L?
Inasg_hoe: he heard me crying when I was telling my mom abt it
Keegan12334: wth
Inasg_hoe: And that motherfucker eavesdropoed
Inasg_hoe: eavesdropped*
A_n00b: guys
Inasg_hoe: and that was on call too so even harder
Ringchance: you got raped?
Inasg_hoe: no molested but have been raped too
Toxicego357: i dont blame him i would get pissed if you were my sister too
A_n00b: did you know there are places on the body which if stabbed has so much pain you cant even scream
(anon): yes
Inasg_hoe: yea but this is why we don't tell siblings this
Inasg_hoe: They get too mad
A_n00b: question
Inasg_hoe: for who
A_n00b: whats the dif between molested and raped
Toxicego357: unless its your sibling that did it to you...
Inasg_hoe: molested being touched up
Ringchance: i was about to ask that
Inasg_hoe: Raped forced sex
A_n00b: so just touching
A_n00b: ok ty for explaining
Soap21: incest bad
Ringchance: yeah really helpful
Soap21: probably
A_n00b: i have killed many pets
Ringchance: wdym probably it is
Inasg_hoe: mhm, still wasn't completely honest with my dad made me feel guilty asf tho. I said it was only my thigh but he did actually put his hand in between my legs and...yea.
Toxicego357: incest is very bad
Soap21: ive never tried it
Ishipwillowandhunter: Someone touches my sister that son of a bitch is dying in the most painful way possible
Soap21: lol
Ishipwillowandhunter: Incest is 10/10
Inasg_hoe: wtf mich xd
Ringchance: what?
Inasg_hoe: mich is js being mich
A_n00b: can i torture them pls mich
Cinderacefanboy: ...........
Cinderacefanboy: cbt
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes, you can
A_n00b: i like casuing pain
Ishipwillowandhunter: So do I
Soap21: tox what flavor of comic for the bookclubs first read?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Mostly to myself
Ringchance: i like feeling pain
Cockandballtorture49: Me and the homies
Toxicego357: futanari
A_n00b: if you cut off chunks of skin then brun them to stop the bleeding it causes alot of pin
Soap21: furry or not
A_n00b: i have tested it on myself
Toxicego357: up 2 you
Ringchance: im no furry
Soap21: roasted human flesh
Soap21: yum
Inasg_hoe: what the fuck
Inasg_hoe: js what the fuck
Toxicego357: soap no
Soap21: fine
A_n00b: i am funny in the head
Cockandballtorture49: Dont question what goes on here
Inasg_hoe: we can tell xd
Izzy_blight: Yes there was cum in my mcdonuts this morning.
Ringchance: cannibal?
Inasg_hoe: hello izzaline
Toxicego357: who put the cum there?
A_n00b: have you ever ripped out the heart of an animal
Inasg_hoe: I did
A_n00b: its really cool
Inasg_hoe: ETF
Inasg_hoe: WTF
Inasg_hoe: NOT ANIMALS
Izzy_blight: Hello james
Inasg_hoe: NOOOO
Inasg_hoe: NOT AN ANIMAL
Toxicego357: james?
A_n00b: i ripped the heart out of a cat
Izzy_blight: Yes
Inasg_hoe: James???
Inasg_hoe: I thought I was jimmina :c
Izzy_blight: James
A_n00b: when you squish it its really funny
Inasg_hoe: WHAT THE FUCK
A_n00b: makes a funny sound
Inasg_hoe: NOT A BABY CAT
Inasg_hoe: NOOOOOO
Ringchance: plz stop
A_n00b: dont wear good clothes
Inasg_hoe: omfg
A_n00b: it splurts blood
A_n00b: anyway
A_n00b: boobs
Ringchance: i love boobs
Inasg_hoe: bad change of topic
Izzy_blight: no
A_n00b: it was an adult cat dw
A_n00b: i do too
Cockandballtorture49: Im a gay guy so no boooba
Inasg_hoe: ITS STILL A CAT
Ringchance: i love boy and girl boobs
A_n00b: i will stop killing cats for boobs
A_n00b: would
Ishipwillowandhunter: IZZY
Ishipwillowandhunter: GUESS WHAT
Ringchance: what
A_n00b: HEY FAGS
Izzy_blight: What
Ringchance: i can't i got no phone
A_n00b: fair--
A_n00b: mb mb
Inasg_hoe: mhm xd
Ringchance: im on a school chromebook rn
Oofalladeez: same
Cockandballtorture49: same
A_n00b: same
Axel_love: Hey CBT..
Cockandballtorture49: whats up axel
Sad_furry: i am in pain
Axel_love: Long time no see..
Toxicego357: hey lil sis
Axel_love: Hi..
A_n00b: 0-0
Ringchance: hi axel
Toxicego357: everything ok axel?
Axel_love: Hi Ring..
Cockandballtorture49: HI, thanks for noticing
A_n00b: boobas
Axel_love: No I'm sad and in mass amount of pain..
Sad_furry: boba
Toxicego357: cbt49 is meh boii
Ringchance: did cin go?
Ringchance: i gtg change classes bye
Cockandballtorture49: Bye
Sad_furry: bye
A_n00b: byeeeeeee
Toxicego357: ok
Toxicego357: byeeeee
Oofalladeez: bye
Oofalladeez: Yo that really is a fiat with a benelli on the roof XD
Sad_furry: wat
Cinderacefanboy: who is _free_bird_
Axel_love: Shit..
Sad_furry: o_o
A_n00b: nice
A_n00b: thats it
Cinderacefanboy: woah hold on there tiger
Sad_furry: anyway
Toxicego357: its ok axel
Oofalladeez: good bye
Oofalladeez: good bye
Cockandballtorture49: Holy shit, its alright just dont go to extreme axel
Sad_furry: too*
Toxicego357: stfu atomic
Inasg_hoe: hold on
Sad_furry: :3
Oofalladeez: For a second I was worried about -
Axel_love: No.
Inasg_hoe: oh then I can't relate
A_n00b: cactus up the butt
Axel_love: His friend is gay and has a bf..
A_n00b: 0-0
A_n00b: they are dating
Sad_furry: sus
Axel_love: But everyday he has to take my bf to the bathrooms!!
Axel_love: AND I HATE IT!
Sad_furry: susser
A_n00b: bj
A_n00b: they bj ech other
A_n00b: 100%
Sad_furry: hot
Soap21: id join in
Cinderacefanboy: wow ok
Axel_love: Noob not helping..
Soap21: 3 is better than 2
Sad_furry: get handsy in the stall
A_n00b: mb mb
Inasg_hoe: ohhh
Cinderacefanboy: hey tay?
Inasg_hoe: hm?
A_n00b: they swordfighting
Cinderacefanboy: how much does a hitman cost
Oofalladeez: noob stfu XD
Inasg_hoe: wtf
Sad_furry: the knights of the bathroom
Axel_love: Great now I feel tears filling my eyes..
Inasg_hoe: how should I know??
Sad_furry: nobo-dy catres
A_n00b: kill myself live on
Sad_furry: cares*
Soap21: hitman
Axel_love: Don't noob.
Soap21: around 2,000 if they're local
A_n00b: i cant yet
Toxicego357: brb
Sad_furry: Atonement from Halo 4 hit hard
A_n00b: bc boobs
A_n00b: facts
Inasg_hoe: what the fuck how do u even know that
Toxicego357: have luch
Oofalladeez: God, I look in the thermals and it jus says Chinese food!
Cockandballtorture49: Everyone's got a purpose you just gotta find it
Inasg_hoe: OHHHHHH
A_n00b: 2000 thats it....
Sad_furry: nobo-dy cares abou-t you-or problems-ms
Soap21: can go up to around 10,000 if you're looking for something professional
Inasg_hoe: MORE*
Axel_love: Heh..
Cinderacefanboy: why else would i ask?
Sad_furry: morr
A_n00b: thats false
Inasg_hoe: cuz u got enemies?
A_n00b: no way they only charge that much
Axel_love: My hand hurts really bad..
Soap21: they do
Sad_furry: didnt ask
A_n00b: i will kill someone for free
Soap21: if you want it staged as a suicide
Sad_furry: shiiit kill me
Soap21: or multiple targets
Soap21: or specific timeframs
Ringchance: im back
Sad_furry: wb
Ringchance: thanks
A_n00b: you guys suck dick
Inasg_hoe: WB RING
Sad_furry: yes i do
Inasg_hoe: I do
Soap21: true
Assmaster: im not gay
A_n00b: i mean you guys suck
Soap21: oh
Sad_furry: *succling noises*
Ringchance: i want to i have never done that before
Soap21: sucking dick is epic
Soap21: i have the full for that
Sad_furry: share
Soap21: ok
Ringchance: i have never seen someone elses private parts
Ringchance: before
A_n00b: same
Sad_furry: not even your own?
A_n00b: i have only seen my own
Ringchance: i said someone elses
A_n00b: when i am pissing
Sad_furry: oh mb
Ringchance: i have seen my own
Izzy_blight: I have seen hell
Ringchance: you good
Sad_furry: mommy blighttttt
Ringchance: what?
Izzy_blight: My child
Ringchance: did i miss something?
A_n00b: never had my first kiss ....
Sad_furry: L
A_n00b: never held hands
Soap21: L
A_n00b: ikr
Sad_furry: get real
A_n00b: my life one big L
Axel_love: Hehe
Sad_furry: god Roll Call hits so hard
Axel_love: Roll Call?
Sad_furry: Halo 3 soundtrack
Soap21: i french kissed a girl at summer camp like 5 feet away from her mom
Axel_love: Ohh.
Izzy_blight: Rolling stone
A_n00b: good for you
Soap21: luckly she didnt turn around
Sad_furry: ew no izzy
Izzy_blight: Ew yes izzy
Soap21: and it was a christian summer camp
A_n00b: never been on a date
Axel_love: L.
Sad_furry: thats a valid argument but im in your mattress izzy
A_n00b: never hugged a girl
Sad_furry: get real
A_n00b: i am being 100% real
Izzy_blight: So are 5 other people
(anon): get eral
(anon): fuck
A_n00b: i leave my house like 1 time a month
Izzy_blight: But they're dead
Inasg_hoe: .
Oofalladeez: .
Sad_furry: im dead inside if that counts
Oofalladeez: .
Oofalladeez: .
Oofalladeez: .
Oofalladeez: .
Sad_furry: .
Oofalladeez: .
Sad_furry: .
Sad_furry: .
Sad_furry: .
Sad_furry: .
Sad_furry: .
Sad_furry: .
Sad_furry: .
Sad_furry: .
Sad_furry: .
Izzy_blight: It does
16:05:09Wednesday, April 26, 2023
(anon): no
A_n00b: lol
Toismic: why
Soap21: sex
Izzy_blight: Connect to my port daddy
A_n00b: connect the knife to my brain
A_n00b: big funny
Cinderacefanboy: connect the bomb to my vest
Soap21: i love it when you connect that hard drive
A_n00b: lol
A_n00b: connect the bullet to my skull
Soap21: i want milkshake
Izzy_blight: Connect four is the best game
Axel_love: =<
A_n00b: if someone doesnt join my fucking im gonna commit a crime
Axel_love: I would join
A_n00b: idk what crime yet
Soap21: im going to bust nut in water tower
Izzy_blight: Jaywalking
Generic: huh 999 to get in
Axel_love: Cum water-
Generic: im for the outsiders the introverts the mfs that dont fit in
A_n00b: thats why my water taste funny
Soap21: cook the spaghetti in the cum water
Generic: the drug abusers codeine users that been hurt y women
Axel_love: YES!!!
Izzy_blight: No.
Axel_love: CUMGHETTI!!
Toismic: watermelon yes or no
Generic: ima codeine usin drug abusin modern day john lennon
Axel_love: Sure
Izzy_blight: Cook in pepsi
Oofalladeez: oh fuck no not pepsi
Toismic: this is the most out of pocket chat ever
Soap21: cocacola fucking sucks
Oofalladeez: welcome
Oofalladeez: to hello
Toismic: thanks
Toismic: to hello
Soap21: lol
A_n00b: ...
Axel_love: Haha, Oof can't spelll hahahhahahaha
Oofalladeez: Axel_amor: BRB gotta pour beer.
Axel_love: Yep.
Soap21: trying to fuck a dragon in dnd
A_n00b: L
Generic: u dont need to know how many oxys i took its not yo business
Axel_love: That was me
Oofalladeez: who was that beer for?
Axel_love: My dad.
Generic: but since its jus u n me here i admit i been trippin
Generic: way too many
Oofalladeez: you sure your 15 yo ass wasn't getting drunk? XD
Oofalladeez: damn I'm on my villain arc a lil bit
Bandn3rd: myka dudley
Axel_love: Hey! Listen I learned not to drink when I first met you I was in ISS/OCS/WHATEVER for drinking!!
Axel_love: Omg I'm gonna cry.
A_n00b: L
Oofalladeez: im sorry XD
Axel_love: Not you!
Axel_love: I hurt my hand, now it hurts to pick things up.
A_n00b: what happend to tay
Axel_love: I dunno.
Toismic: yo
A_n00b: she on but not talking
Axel_love: Yo.
Toismic: fr
Axel_love: She's probably afk.
Inasg_hoe: I'm here sorry was on call wit somrone
Inasg_hoe: someone*
Axel_love: Lol.
Soap21: stupid bot no nsfw
A_n00b: skill issue
Toismic: which bot
Inasg_hoe: shush
Inasg_hoe: anywho
Inasg_hoe: I'll be going now :)
A_n00b: bye bye
Inasg_hoe: au revoir u American shits!!!
Oofalladeez: okay cya tay
Izzy_blight: Bhubaneswar
A_n00b: WAHT
A_n00b: everyone left
Toismic: nah
Toismic: im here
A_n00b: even soap
Izzy_blight: Steve
A_n00b: who tf are you
Toismic: steve
Keigo: hey
Izzy_blight: steve
A_n00b: KIKI
Keigo: hi noob
Axel_love: Soap left?
A_n00b: yes
Keigo: idkd
Axel_love: Aww..
A_n00b: we were talking about boobs
A_n00b: and he left
Axel_love: =(
A_n00b: like wtf
Keigo: okkk
Izzy_blight: Let's talk about eggs
A_n00b: no
Cinderacefanboy: yeah soap-senpai isint here
A_n00b: cinder
Izzy_blight: Ok
A_n00b: will you talk about boobs with me
Ringchance: im back
Jug_addict: balls
A_n00b: GREG
Ringchance: who is greg
Jug_addict: balls
Izzy_blight: Gregory peck
Keigo: imma kms when i get home
A_n00b: why
Jug_addict: same
Keigo: life
Keigo: sucks
A_n00b: but what specifically
Axel_love: OMG GREG ISN'T DEAD?!?!?
Generic: i b doin wrong cuz i aint feelin right
Izzy_blight: Life sucks then you get eaten alive by bears
Toismic: damn
Axel_love: Soappp come backkkk
Keigo: school the people fake friends
Generic: ak 47 it aint got no sights
Generic: i dont go to sleep im up all night
Toismic: ima make a game called end me
Generic: coolin wit the mound coolin wit tha guys
Axel_love: SOAPPPPPPP!!!!!!
Generic: i aint got no aim cuz i aint got no sights
Generic: when u see me u gon run n hide
Generic: ak on my side cutter on my right
Generic: no red dots jus them iron sights
A_n00b: lol
Izzy_blight: Calm down Captain
Ringchance: is cin gone?
A_n00b: well you got us so dont
Hello91: good song generic
Generic: fax
Ringchance: rn im listening to loosing interest
Axel_love: Cindy isn't gone.
Axel_love: Just talking to me.
Cinderacefanboy: awoo~ =w=
Generic: this the joint im listenin to
Ringchance: oh
Jug_addict: We pop out at your party, I'm with the gang
And it's gon' be a robbery, so tuck ya chain
Generic: hauntaholics
Generic: real
Cinderacefanboy: i good boi UwU
Generic: haunted
Generic: mound
Generic: ima killa girl im sorry
Izzy_blight: Gummy worms in my drawers
Jug_addict: I'm a killer, girl, I'm sorry, but I can't change
We ain't aimin' for your body, shots hits your brain
Generic: but i cant change
Generic: ongg
A_n00b: GREG
Jug_addict: We come from poverty, man, we ain't have a thing
It's a lot of animosity, but they won't say my name
Keigo: gtg guys bye
Ringchance: cin is best waifu
Hello91: pop out?
A_n00b: bye bye
Jug_addict: Them killers rock with me, lil' nigga, don't get banged
'Cause they'll do the job for me while I hop on a plane
Hello91: polo g
Cinderacefanboy: that would be husbando actually
Jug_addict: yessur
Hello91: good song
Izzy_blight: Uncharted
Jug_addict: ong
A_n00b: greg has best boobs
Ringchance: but you're a femboy
A_n00b: he showed me
Jug_addict: She don't like her body, left the doctor with a new shape
Blowing up my phone 'cause she just see me with my new bae
A_n00b: they a DD
Jug_addict: hey, i showed you my thighs
Ringchance: who?
Izzy_blight: Show me your socks
Jug_addict: get it right
Cinderacefanboy: i dont think i look feminine
Cinderacefanboy: i just like being cute :3
Ringchance: kinda
Oofalladeez: eh maybe a lil... not that much though
Cinderacefanboy: oof what?
A_n00b: true
Ringchance: you are cute and you kinda look feminine
Oofalladeez: technically every guy looks feminie to a certain point
A_n00b: someone show their boobs
Hello91: yeah
Axel_love: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A_n00b: only men
Hello91: my eyelashes are feminine as shit
Ringchance: i mean you kinda look feminine
Cinderacefanboy: bruh -w-
Oofalladeez: guys very masculine are jus much lower on the feminine scale
Axel_love: I can't show my boobs.
Oofalladeez: same Nate same
Ringchance: im not a fast typer
Jug_addict: GIRLS?!?! I WANNA SEE MEN
A_n00b: but why
Axel_love: Hehe.
Axel_love: I'm in school.
A_n00b: and
Axel_love: That's why.
Jug_addict: and?
Ringchance: same tbh i wanna see femboy's
A_n00b: skill issue
Axel_love: I'm in class dumbasses!
A_n00b: and
Ringchance: im also in school
Jug_addict: ask noob, i have thicc ass thighs for a femboy
Axel_love: Noob and greg AND Cindey
A_n00b: ?
Axel_love: Have all seen my boobs.
Ringchance: show me
Axel_love: =P
Ringchance: i love thighs
Jug_addict: noob, i have thicc thighs right?
Hello91: me too
A_n00b: when did i see
Cinderacefanboy: twice for me
Jug_addict: a while ago
A_n00b: i dont remember
Jug_addict: it was me you and mich
A_n00b: i have seen more times than cinder ha
Axel_love: Heh.
Jug_addict: lol
Axel_love: Oh my-
A_n00b: send again
Hello91: yeah greg is the inspiration for my thighdeolgy
Cinderacefanboy: axel you crazy
Axel_love: I have thighs.
A_n00b: lol
Izzy_blight: Alright chat is weird I'm gonna go eat plastic
Axel_love: I'm not crazy, I just give up on my body. I've been touched to many times to care anymore.
A_n00b: bruh
Cinderacefanboy: ok have fun
Ringchance: ok bye
Hello91: im drinking my coffee black
Hello91: it's nice
Keigo: schools suck im i right
Ringchance: mhm
Hello91: nope
A_n00b: she got on for 2 seconds to say that
Hello91: im only saying that because i have chill teachers though
Ringchance: i have 2 more hours and lunch
Jug_addict: i like my coffee like i like my men
Jug_addict: black
Ringchance: then im done
A_n00b: i like my coffee like i like my workers
A_n00b: black
Jug_addict: ong
Cinderacefanboy: i have about the same ring
Hello91: hi
A_n00b: if i dont see boobs ima fuck greg
Ringchance: good for me im white
Jug_addict: dont
Oofalladeez: yes?
Axel_love: Ugh I can't show boobs!!
Cinderacefanboy: dont
Axel_love: I can show the outline.
A_n00b: GREG
Axel_love: Not bare skin!
Jug_addict: NO
Cinderacefanboy: axel donttttttt
A_n00b: there was a girl in 9th grade who flashed the class everyday
Axel_love: You can see them through my shirt ok!!
Axel_love: Oh my-
A_n00b: she was a furry
Axel_love: I'm in 9th grade-
Jug_addict: oh?
Ringchance: lol
Ringchance: im also in 9th grade
A_n00b: im in 10th
Hello91: ha
Jug_addict: imagine not being a sophmore
Hello91: young ass niggas
Jug_addict: sophmore gang on top
Nutterbutter: damn
Axel_love: My bf stole my purfume cause I ate some.
Nutterbutter: bruh what!?
Cinderacefanboy: you what?
Hello91: axel you're autistic
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: YOU WHAT!?!?!?!
Axel_love: Hehe
A_n00b: yessir greg
Axel_love: I'M AUTISTIC?!?!
Ringchance: what?????
Hello91: you just now realized it?
A_n00b: lol
Cinderacefanboy: i have adhd apparently. meh
Hello91: you're 100% autistic axel
Ringchance: i also have adhd
A_n00b: boobs :O
Axel_love: My mom thinks I'm not and wont get me tested.
Hello91: you are
Hello91: go get tested
A_n00b: lol
Hello91: results wont lie
Hello91: your mom cant handle the truth
Axel_love: My mom wont let meeeee!!
Jug_addict: were children bro istg
Ringchance: make her
Hello91: almost like she couldnt handle getting dicked down last night
Oofalladeez: ....
Ringchance: huh
Cinderacefanboy: what?
A_n00b: lol
Ringchance: i have only met 2 femboys on this site one is cin the other is soemone named eternal
Hello91: oh
Cinderacefanboy: IM NOT A FEMBOY
Axel_love: My mom goes "Ithink your autistic" a few days later I start realizing I do show common signs of autism I ask her to get tested and she says "No, I don't think you're autistic when we got you tested for ADD when you were like 6 you weren't autsitic so no."
Ringchance: they both are cute
A_n00b: lol
Oofalladeez: oh yeah Eternal, damn didn't realize Eternal was a femboy
Hello91: we also had @fuck_my_femboy_bussy like 2 years ago
Ringchance: mhm
A_n00b: lol
Jug_addict: ayo?
Ringchance: i want eternal to get on but the last time he got on was yesterday morning
A_n00b: mama
Ringchance: lol
Nutterbutter: I fucking hate math
A_n00b: lol
Jug_addict: i love meth
Nutterbutter: it's stupid and why do we need
Axel_love: Math is fun.
Jug_addict: cap
Nutterbutter: no it's not
Ringchance: i love math i got a 110% in there
Oofalladeez: cinder
Cinderacefanboy: i not femboy
Oofalladeez: clip this
Hello91: hey
Cinderacefanboy: no not right now
Ringchance: if your not a femboy your still cute
A_n00b: YeSUR
A_n00b: Murca
Cinderacefanboy: 0w0
Cinderacefanboy: amewika
Oofalladeez: at leat save to clip... Hey mom this lasagna is bu-explodes by crashing plane
A_n00b: lol
Axel_love: MY CINDEY!!!
Oofalladeez: Bri'ish?
Cinderacefanboy: oh that
A_n00b: 0-0
A_n00b: lol
Ishipwillowandhunter: Do you like having your nips played with
Inasg_hoe: yes
Jug_addict: mf its chewsay innit
Nutterbutter: damn I was doing my math and come back to see this
A_n00b: lol
Oofalladeez: oh god imagine a british cat person fml
Oofalladeez: Bwi'ish
Ringchance: YES i love it when people play with my body it's so hot
Djgamerlive: OOF
A_n00b: omg
Inasg_hoe: nah I seen em
Djgamerlive: IN AM
Djgamerlive: BACK
Oofalladeez: DJ!
Ishipwillowandhunter: Studies show that men receive just as much stimulate on their nipples as women
Oofalladeez: YOU MADE IT BACK!
Inasg_hoe: u don't wanna meet a British cat person trust me
Oofalladeez: Bro how you been?!
Hello91: hey dj
Meatbeater: im back whazzup
Inasg_hoe: who's DJ?
Djgamerlive: UNTIL TODAAY
A_n00b: 0-0
Ishipwillowandhunter: Wb man
Oofalladeez: I reminded you of it at Christmas! XD
Djgamerlive: I still stream oof but i play multiple games i am at school rn
Cinderacefanboy: congratulations badger you just killed a family of 4 eating dinner
Oofalladeez: yeah i know lol
A_n00b: down bad
Hello91: dj you play any r6?
A_n00b: for cortana
Meatbeater: ah im also a addict to jugs
Djgamerlive: Sometimes
Ringchance: can someone just go to my house and take my 1st time away?
Oofalladeez: ...
Cinderacefanboy: axel dont....
Oofalladeez: wtf axel XD
Inasg_hoe: AXEL ILL JOIN U
Axel_love: WHAT!!!
A_n00b: :O
Inasg_hoe: XD
Axel_love: PFFFTTTT
Meatbeater: wtf did i walk into
Inasg_hoe: LMFAO
Oofalladeez: i have no idea
Jug_addict: AAAYYYOOOO
Oofalladeez: I am trying to figure it out myself meat
A_n00b: greg is here why you saying for me
Ishipwillowandhunter: Wait Axel you're flashing people? Can I come? Literally?
A_n00b: cap
Cinderacefanboy: axel dont do it pwease
Inasg_hoe: AXEL
Meatbeater: who starts a conversation like that i just sat down
Axel_love: WHAT TAY!!
Djgamerlive: Imma dip remeber me oof
Anon69: its not racist if your black
Axel_love: LMAO FR?!?!
A_n00b: YESSSS
Hello91: huh?
Oofalladeez: ofc I remember you man XD
Oofalladeez: good to know you back
A_n00b: join for boob
Axel_love: UGHHHHH
Meatbeater: booba
Cinderacefanboy: axel no..
Anon69: sorry at lunch
Ringchance: can someone just go to my house and take my 1st time away?
Meatbeater: milkers
Inasg_hoe: I'm not actually js wanted to get ye hopes up HAHAHHAHAHA
Ishipwillowandhunter: If my stepdad is black doing get the n word pass
Inasg_hoe: ur*
Inasg_hoe: no u don't
Meatbeater: where you at ring
Axel_love: Hmm..
Ringchance: oklahoma
Meatbeater: dang im in flordia
Nutterbutter: yo shit sup stryker
Ishipwillowandhunter: When can I see some tits
Oofalladeez: Meat what part of FL
Inasg_hoe: now
Nutterbutter: it's me jacob
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm getting bored of jerking it to porn
Meatbeater: middle in willaston
Inasg_hoe: lmfao
A_n00b: lol
Ringchance: i don't have tits but i can show my ugly face
Ishipwillowandhunter: Okay
Inasg_hoe: I'm not actually too bothered abt flashing people
Axel_love: Have some porn frn
Assmaster: ok
Inasg_hoe: but I'm not axel, I can't do it in front of a buncha people lol
A_n00b: then do it
Meatbeater: dew it
Nutterbutter: do it
Ringchance: there
Meatbeater: gawd damm
Ringchance: im not good looking
Meatbeater: you look good~
Inasg_hoe: RING
Cinderacefanboy: nah ring you look fine i would smash
Ishipwillowandhunter: Fr I'd smash
Inasg_hoe: fr
Ishipwillowandhunter: Nah Tay your standards are low
Cinderacefanboy: frfr smash me
Ishipwillowandhunter: But me
Ringchance: bet
Meatbeater: better than about most the kids at my school on gawd
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'd smash RN
Nutterbutter: wow stryker you got people wanting to smash you XD
Meatbeater: your cute
Inasg_hoe: what makes u think that? If u say with u ill fr stab you
16:40:39Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Ringchance: ik
Oofalladeez: Boy I tell you the F-16 is like Squirrel shit, it's pretty nutty.
Meatbeater: ok here how this is gonna go
Ishipwillowandhunter: Because you think I'm cute
Inasg_hoe: BECAUSE U ARE
Ishipwillowandhunter: No
Cinderacefanboy: and i have people thinking im a femboy :(
Inasg_hoe: yes
Eagle51: Every day is the same. People writing where it isn't supposed to writing
Jug_addict: and?
Inasg_hoe: I'm going to stab ur American ass istg
Ishipwillowandhunter: Not tso doing this
A_n00b: bet
Jug_addict: being a femboy is fine
Inasg_hoe: yes you are
Ringchance: wait a sec nutterbutter how do you know my name?
Ishipwillowandhunter: No, I'm not.
Inasg_hoe: Yes, you are
Inasg_hoe: .
Nutterbutter: I am Jacob dumbass
A_n00b: women suck
Meatbeater: i like ya and i want ya so we can do this the easy way or the hard way the choice is yours
Ringchance: oh
A_n00b: they only tease you
Nutterbutter: XD
Inasg_hoe: it's not my fault!!!
Ringchance: smash
A_n00b: a man would show boobs
Cinderacefanboy: oh tay you havent seen the picture of me have you
Inasg_hoe: SHOW KE
A_n00b: maybe i should be gay
Inasg_hoe: ME*
Meatbeater: i want slap slap
Ringchance: i would but i got nothing to do it with
A_n00b: but dick is gross so
Nutterbutter: blob:chrome-untrusted://media-app/b2e9a8db-70ce-4735-ad09-3fae3a4207aa
Eagle51: So much spaaam
Ishipwillowandhunter: Cinder
Ringchance: jacob go to search with google then copy
Ishipwillowandhunter: I joke
Meatbeater: then why do you have one noob?
Ishipwillowandhunter: But damn
Cinderacefanboy: ughhhhhhhhh
Nutterbutter: how do I send a picture of my self on here?
Eagle51: The spam will only stop of you gonna drop
Ishipwillowandhunter: You don't, cinder has won
Ringchance: check on gmail jacob
Inasg_hoe: I'd show me but not on pubs
A_n00b: i have a pic of tay
Nutterbutter: ok
A_n00b: wanna see
Meatbeater: how do you send a pic fr tho
Inasg_hoe: WHAT
Inasg_hoe: WHAT
Inasg_hoe: DELETE IT
Meatbeater: oh kyles mom here
Ringchance: i sent the instructions
Nutterbutter: I didn't get anything
A_n00b: hmmmm
Meatbeater: where at
Inasg_hoe: do u fr have my pic(
Inasg_hoe: ?*
Ringchance: who is assmaster?
Nutterbutter: wait nvm just got them
Oofalladeez: tay I accidentally have your pic
Oofalladeez: still
Inasg_hoe: what the fuck
A_n00b: no i was gonna show a pic of shrek but lost it
Oofalladeez: I thought I deleted it but it on thumbsnap
Meatbeater: me irl i look bad
Cinderacefanboy: ........oof
Inasg_hoe: Js delete it please
Cinderacefanboy: bruh
A_n00b: i could get a pic of tay
Inasg_hoe: NO
Oofalladeez: I can't until I post more memes
Inasg_hoe: oh ffs
Oofalladeez: I ain't using it
Inasg_hoe: don't show anyone.
Cinderacefanboy: i wanna see tay
Oofalladeez: I ain't lookin at it
Inasg_hoe: you've seen me?
Inasg_hoe: bro we been on call with everyone I've had my cam on
Symbioticfenrir: hey yall
Inasg_hoe: hey dave
Meatbeater: is yoda breedable?
Symbioticfenrir: um?
Symbioticfenrir: how are you guys
Nutterbutter: tbh idk
Meatbeater: is darth vader breedable
A_n00b: ok i got it
Inasg_hoe: now I'm worried hbu
Nutterbutter: yes he very much is
Symbioticfenrir: why?
Oofalladeez: As someone who lives in Tennessee, you can definately land a kc 135 in a aprking lot
Ringchance: jacob is
Inasg_hoe: cause SOME people have my pic
Ringchance: nutterbutter is hot ngl
Nutterbutter: -_-
Meatbeater: is ethan winters breedable
Oofalladeez: Hey tay I'm not goin around sharin it!
Nutterbutter: seriuosly
Ringchance: yes
Inasg_hoe: I don't trust braidyn tho
A_n00b: wat-
Inasg_hoe: u said u could get my pic
Inasg_hoe: So show me the pic
Meatbeater: is mr freeze breedable
Inasg_hoe: In pm
Ringchance: mhm
Nutterbutter: but yeah idk how to send a pic of my self the instructions sucked ass cheecks
A_n00b: i dont have one
Ringchance: am i breedable
Inasg_hoe: u js said u had one
Nutterbutter: YES YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meatbeater: yes iknow
A_n00b: i lied
Hello91: yeah braidyn seems like the type of guy to jerk off to middle schoolers
A_n00b: wow
Hello91: i wouldnt trust him either
Nutterbutter: oop
Inasg_hoe: LMFAO
Meatbeater: your a breedable good boy
A_n00b: your on the list too
Oofalladeez: ight ima post a bunch of memes
Oofalladeez: gettin rid of this pic
Inasg_hoe: thank youuu
Inasg_hoe: I look shit in the pic too, fake sleepin don't look good on me
Jug_addict: playing some banger music
Ringchance: Meatbeater: your a breedable good boy
Nutterbutter: but stryker your instructions were unclear on how to send a photo
Ringchance: who
Meatbeater: thank you daddy
Cinderacefanboy: why does everyone think im cute.
Nutterbutter: idk
Inasg_hoe: cuz u are???
Meatbeater: you are cute
Nutterbutter: I haven't even seen your face
Oofalladeez: buddy I'm at least ugly and people think im cute
Inasg_hoe: WTF
Oofalladeez: minimum im ugly
Meatbeater: cant be worse than me
Cinderacefanboy: it feels wierd
Nutterbutter: no I am the worst looking one here
Toxicego357: PENIS
Cinderacefanboy: hey tox
Nutterbutter: but idk how to send picture so I can't prove
Cinderacefanboy: imma go be back later
Toxicego357: hey big daddy cinder
Nutterbutter: AYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Toxicego357: why leave?
Meatbeater: my hair looks like pubes and face looks like a special ed fat kid with turrets
Cinderacefanboy: bc i have my last class and i need to focus
Toxicego357: ok
Inasg_hoe: guys.
Toxicego357: good luck cinder
Cinderacefanboy: cya later
Inasg_hoe: who the fuck is brogle81
Nutterbutter: cum
A_n00b: idk
Meatbeater: inflation
Ringchance: i sent another one
Inasg_hoe: great this is fucking great a random guy has my pic js great
Ringchance: if you don't understand i can show you at lunch
Nutterbutter: ok
Meatbeater: is the grinch breedable
Nutterbutter: yes
Inasg_hoe: I'm getting off fuck this
Nutterbutter: he very much is
Nutterbutter: lol
Ringchance: bye ina
A_n00b: oof
Meatbeater: are you breedable insta
Jug_addict: i am/ can be
Soap21: back
Meatbeater: prob
A_n00b: not gord
Toxicego357: wb soap
Assmaster: penis
Meatbeater: soap is breedable tho
Soap21: probably
Ishipwillowandhunter: I have to go for like 30, before I do though, here. I don't think any of you have seen me:
Ringchance: im just single :(
Nutterbutter: same
Soap21: dont jack off with soap for lube
Soap21: pp burn
A_n00b: lol
Axel_love: SOAP!!!
Ringchance: ik
Meatbeater: single and ready to eat pringles
A_n00b: BOOBS
Soap21: hi axel
A_n00b: lol
Axel_love: I MISSED YOU!!!
Ringchance: using soap is how i started masterbaiting
Axel_love: ...
Meatbeater: soap is good
Soap21: i go bare handed
Ringchance: same
Meatbeater: its very lubricating
A_n00b: same
Assmaster: bare hand me too
A_n00b: i used water
A_n00b: my first time
Axel_love: I'm in class you dunbfuck.
Soap21: the penis comes with an auto lube feature
Meatbeater: i use saliva somethimes
Soap21: precum
Axel_love: I can't flash yall.
Axel_love: I said I can take a pic!!
Nutterbutter: theres me
Soap21: lol
Axel_love: Look gay ah-
Nutterbutter: see I am ugly
A_n00b: bro looks like the guy from the magic school bus
Ringchance: i only use my saliva if it's the right consistency
Nutterbutter: wow thanks
Axel_love: Arnold?
Nutterbutter: no
Meatbeater: looking like a snack nya~
A_n00b: the redhead who always scared
Axel_love: I CAN'T TAKE A OIC!!!
Nutterbutter: -_-
A_n00b: skill issue
A_n00b: looking like mrs frizzle kid
Meatbeater: the rizzler
Soap21: i wanna take a pic with cardi b
Ringchance: i'd smash jacob i would fuck his skull in i would make hit skull look like a bee hive when im done
Ringchance: his*
A_n00b: uh
Nutterbutter: bruh what
A_n00b: ok
Nutterbutter: I am scared now
Meatbeater: i want him to rizz me up
Axel_love: I CANT!
Nutterbutter: bruh nah
Ringchance: jacob?
Nutterbutter: what
Meatbeater: daddy butter
Ringchance: lol
Nutterbutter: why
Nutterbutter: just why
Meatbeater: rizz me up daddy
Ringchance: i hate being called daddy
Nutterbutter: same
Meatbeater: moomy?
Ringchance: the same girl ruined it for us
Nutterbutter: damn now thats hot XD
Meatbeater: sir~
A_n00b: you do :O
Assmaster: wat
A_n00b: proof
Axel_love: I know I look crazy dumb fuck that's why I do it.
Nutterbutter: well imma go now
Meatbeater: mam~
Ringchance: im bi so idc
Ringchance: i gtg change classes bye
Axel_love: I can't show rnnnn
A_n00b: boooooo
Ringchance: brb
A_n00b: i want boobies
Assmaster: ok
Axel_love: gtg
Meatbeater: im your good breedable puppy
Soap21: spotify ads give me aids
Meatbeater: sorry had to get that out of my system
A_n00b: spotify aids give me ads
Assmaster: Mash
Soap21: soulja boy tell em
Soap21: now yooouuuu crank that soulja boy
Jug_addict: i need someone likethis
Generic: who up rn
Meatbeater: ?
Yttrium: a lot of us
Meatbeater: yeah
Generic: who gay rn
Meatbeater: me
Generic: no way
Nutterbutter: ok I am back
Meatbeater: on gwad
Meatbeater: i like femboys
Nutterbutter: kinda figured
Meatbeater: there perfect
Meatbeater: my back hurts a lot
Nutterbutter: ayo
Nutterbutter: lol
Meatbeater: no not that way
Jug_addict: ayo
Keigo: spencer-kun
Nutterbutter: lol
Ringchance: im back
Nutterbutter: same
Meatbeater: i have to huncher over a lot or i will head my on something
Nutterbutter: ?
Meatbeater: too tall
Nutterbutter: oh
Meatbeater: yeah
Izzy_blight: My stomach hurts i ate too much plastic
Keigo: ...
A_n00b: shut
Ringchance: meat i will gladly blow your back out for you :)
A_n00b: greg nice taste
Jug_addict: huh?
Jug_addict: oh in women
A_n00b: i just now saw
Keigo: what did I just logon to
Meatbeater: your not suppose to eat it you give it to children so they die
Assmaster: porn
Jug_addict: ong she a baddie frfr
A_n00b: uh porn
Keigo: ok nvm imma just leave
Meatbeater: also fr ring
Meatbeater: you would
Ringchance: mhm
Soap21: dominant_female size_difference 10
Ringchance: you can take my 1st time
A_n00b: dang
Meatbeater: damm thats hot
Soap21: hmm wrong tab
A_n00b: lol
Alpharad: wha
Meatbeater: and you can take mine
A_n00b: kiki dont leave
Keigo: wtf
Alpharad: guys i need a game
Assmaster: smash
Alpharad: pass
Meatbeater: oh hey your back
Assmaster: what sor?t
Sad_furry: you're*
Keigo: why
Assmaster: *sort?
Nutterbutter: send nudess
Ringchance: pokemon heart gold
Sad_furry: ok one sec
Keigo: gtg bye
Ringchance: bye
Meatbeater: wow i did not know you are a scally too
Meatbeater: grammar snake
Meatbeater: thats hot
Sad_furry: nutterbutter
Nutterbutter: what
Sad_furry: there
Meatbeater: nut in the butter
Ringchance: whats a scally?
A_n00b: lol
Nutterbutter: don't work
Meatbeater: a furry but no fur
Sad_furry: hehe you stupid bitch
A_n00b: GREG
Meatbeater: just a reptile
Jug_addict: WHAT
Nutterbutter: it wasn't even me that asked for them my friend did
Sad_furry: a scaly is a furry that likes snakes, dragons, etc
Ringchance: oh
Meatbeater: who let you out of your cage?
Soap21: the only feral yiff i look at is dragons because they arent real
Meatbeater: there not?
Soap21: no
Sad_furry: i like feral
Sad_furry: unrelated
Meatbeater: then wtf did i saw on monday
Sad_furry: see*
Assmaster: oh god no
Meatbeater: big mf lizard in the sky
A_n00b: ew
Meatbeater: and yeah i may be a ghost but i know what i saw
Ringchance: who is all here
Sad_furry: im (k)not
Nutterbutter: me
Meatbeater: oh yeah ima start something
Nutterbutter: bro wtf
Generic: bruh y are all the teachers at my school retarded
Meatbeater: pineapple sucks
Sad_furry: brb
Generic: this bitch never told us to do these assignments
Meatbeater: and kiwie pizza sucks
Generic: now grades are due and shes tellin us we missin them
Generic: :|
Meatbeater: clap her
Ringchance: bro
Meatbeater: dew it
Ringchance: ._.
Meatbeater: dew her
Meatbeater: wait
Ringchance: no plz no
Generic: she a old hag bruh
Ringchance: lol
Meatbeater: she dumm thick
Generic: pussy prolly got cobwebs
Soap21: pineapple supposedly makes cum taste better
Soap21: time for fact or cap
Meatbeater: fr
A_n00b: lol
Meatbeater: no way
A_n00b: i needed greg
Generic: it does
Generic: same wit cranberry juice
Meatbeater: if thats true then i have a crush on noob
Generic: crazy cuz b4 i knew that i was already drinkin cran-pineapple juice heavy
A_n00b: 0-0
Generic: that shit good asf
A_n00b: wat
Meatbeater: but cranberry juice is good tho
Generic: no wonder all my bitches wanna swallow my kids
Meatbeater: it busin
Ringchance: can i try that with someone?
17:16:10Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Eagle51: ban issue
Soap21: skill issue
Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy needs a burger
Assmaster: trust me you dont want to see furry porn
Alpharad: i need more images
Izzy_blight: Burger King
Alpharad: i need it
Generic: true religion jeans pockets full of cocaine
Eagle51: Alpharad is beta
Ishipwillowandhunter: Why not burger queen? Sexist
Generic: tattoos on my face ima die this way
Alpharad: it doesnt LOAD
Soap21: changing them to a different link would take too long
Generic: i dont wanna job so i flex and i finess
Alpharad: im not a beta
Assmaster: dont care
Generic: only inhale the best exhale the stress
Soap21: then not loading is a you problem
Alpharad: im an alpha its in my name
Eagle51: Go outside
Alpharad: okay
Assmaster: 100% soap
Izzy_blight: The burger king came out as trans she is now the burger queen
Soap21: id eat out burger queen
Toxicego357: damien had to go to another class :(
Generic: used to b broke i cast a spell on my check
Eagle51: Are your parents proud of you?
Generic: ice on my neck now my ex send me texts
Soap21: sad
Sad_furry: me? no, not at all
Toxicego357: sadge boi
A_n00b: ima go
Generic: ask me if i still luv her im on xans i forget
Generic: bitch did u forget u cut thru me like a wrist
Sad_furry: foap we cant see those
Soap21: they load fine for me
Ringchance: im broke
Nutterbutter: same
Nutterbutter: and I just nutted
Alpharad: im back
Sad_furry: nice
Sad_furry: wb
Alpharad: im changed
Generic: im finna get rich snortin coke in a benz
Soap21: warner bros
Generic: u dont know my name
Ringchance: i get 45 dollars a week but im still broke
Generic: u dont know my pain
Generic: on a highway to hell in a beamer switchin lanes
Generic: 666 kisses on ur face
Alpharad: thats porn
Generic: baby now that im gone do u hallucinate
Ringchance: who?
Generic: and see me in ur room wit that gucci on my waist
Generic: im so far away
Generic: now im in LA
Alpharad: yo generic
Alpharad: shut up
Izzy_blight: 🌭🆚🍟
Generic: gothic bitch skinny waist
Ringchance: light is back?
Generic: pussy drippin like cocaine
Sad_furry: Generic the kinda mf to look up and down when crossing the street
Ringchance: blight*
Generic: u the type to kys over cyberbullying retarded ass furry
Izzy_blight: No
Alpharad: generic finally woek up
Generic: im forever sleep
Sad_furry: woek
Generic: the verse ended
Generic: best verse of the 2010s
Alpharad: thank g o d
Alpharad: where did all the images go
Alpharad: spoken too soon
Ringchance: do not say our lord o's name in vain
Meatbeater: the best verse ever is 9/1/1
Toxicego357: ITS AN AIRPLANE!!!!
Alpharad: oreo's
Ringchance: lol
Toxicego357: BOOM!!!!! first tower down
Generic: i had no one by my side til this pretty yung white bitch hopped up in my ride
Sad_furry: uh im in paris on the eiffel tower why did my phone just connect to Spirit Airlines wif-
Alpharad: are you playing a tower defense game
Generic: took her to the crib n i show her how i die everynight
Alpharad: STOP
Generic: then i wake up n im still fuckin high
Toxicego357: im playing the exact opposite
Generic: lord y lord y do i gotta wake up
Sad_furry: hehhhhee heart rate go --------
Toxicego357: BOOM!!!!!!! second tower down
Ringchance: im doing notes rn
Generic: more wine more wine bby pour another cup
Alpharad: bro toxic are you like 12
Generic: i jus dropped a pill in my cam
Alpharad: making 9/11 jokes
Generic: eerybody here is
Alpharad: not even funny ones
Generic: they act like they 16-18 tho
Generic: most of the mfs have an iq of 80 and cant spell basic words
Alpharad: yo soap w?
Sad_furry: OwO
Generic: soap L
Meatbeater: people on top of the building in 9/1/1 dream on dream on dream on ahhhhhhhhhh sing with me sing for years
Eagle51: What weather is it in japan?
Assmaster: idk
Alpharad: im not a furry but-
Generic: did yall parents force u to fuck ur dog as kids to be attracted to animals or wut
Izzy_blight: When you grow up do you want to be a penguin
Sad_furry: but what alpga
Sad_furry: alpha*
Assmaster: who knows generic
Ringchance: not me
Generic: i will never get how ppl are attracted to animals shits weird
Toxicego357: BOOM!!!!!!! damnit we missed the 5 sided shape
Alpharad: but that dragon and pokemon kinda
Generic: nobody cares abt ur baby games retard
Generic: go play angry birds and shut up
Generic: get ur ipad from mommy
Soap21: thats all for now
Alpharad: angry birds star wars 2 was a banger tho
Generic: reatrd
Soap21: i hate waiting for those to convert
Generic: bro there was a SECOND angry birds star wars game
Generic: tf
Generic: i aint even know there was a first one
Vluxuat: hell yeah
Alpharad: man
Vluxuat: That shit be banging
Alpharad: i miss old mobile games
Soap21: og angr birds was best
Alpharad: now everything is just clickbait and amongus and rip-offs
Generic: i played like the first n second one
Nutterbutter: fr
Eagle51: Mobile was cheap
Soap21: i have bitlife and beatstar on my phone
Generic: mobile games these days suck ass
Meatbeater: wtf is going on?
Eagle51: I have beat ass
Soap21: plus an e621 and r34 app
Generic: so glad i was there when mobile games were first getting off the ground
Alpharad: jetpack joyride
Generic: nobody cares abt ur porn addiction
Alpharad: the one with the monkey
Generic: go fuck more cats
Generic: shane dawson headass
Eagle51: That's sad. Gen's peak was moblie games
A_n00b: gay as fuck
Meatbeater: jamal cacher simulator
Soap21: true
A_n00b: soap
Soap21: yes?
Generic: tf does that even mean retard
A_n00b: what you say to me on dc
Eagle51: What happens to Super Mario or Assassins Creed
Alpharad: wh a
A_n00b: i cant get on
Vluxuat: tf
Soap21: sent you inv to porn server
Alpharad: what is that questioon
Meatbeater: assassins creed was busin back in the day
Eagle51: Mobile Games is for African children
Toxicego357: hmmmmmm
A_n00b: lol
Generic: yall need to go outside
Soap21: dead island 2 looks epic
Generic: great weather out this time of year
Sad_furry: generic you sit here and speak shitty lyrics stfu
Soap21: gonna buy next weekend
Meatbeater: og assassins creed was the goat
Eagle51: Generic implies that he did go outside
Toxicego357: african children get mobile games but no water lol
Soap21: i have generic ignored lol
Assmaster: big booba
Alpharad: yea i would rather the hot furry art instead of lyrics
Generic: bro name literally sad furry have 0 say
Eagle51: What is a generic
Meatbeater: no water guns eather
Generic: i go on this shit when i have nothin to do at school
Soap21: fine ill go get some more
Sad_furry: african kids are what they eat
Generic: never on this shit when i get the time to actually do som
Eagle51: I hate both furries and generic NPCs
Generic: yall erp on this shit in whispers all day
Meatbeater: furrys dont have rights
Sad_furry: exactly, thank you eagle
Assmaster: ban furries
Eagle51: Yet furries at least has one purpose in society, cum
Meatbeater: but there good for breeding
Ringchance: i play this every hour at school and only at school
Alpharad: man how did our generation go from playing with hot wheels to being attracted to animals
Inasg_hoe: hello
Sad_furry: hey tay
Meatbeater: gen z is just stupid
Izzy_blight: Internet ruined this generation
Generic: hope yall retarded 12 yr olds know ur getting groomed by 40 yr olds on this site
Meatbeater: lots of snowflakes
Generic: them mfs ur erping with arent ur age
Generic: dumbasses
Vluxuat: who asked?
Meatbeater: im not 12
Alpharad: peopel rp on the picturescard online chat????
Generic: right ur retarded
Toxicego357: nothing?
Soap21: lol
Eagle51: You all gay and you don't even admit
Meatbeater: true
Toxicego357: im bored as hell ngl
Soap21: im gay
Ringchance: im 15
Soap21: 100%
Meatbeater: i am stupid
Toxicego357: 50%
Inasg_hoe: 0%
Ringchance: im bi
Alpharad: 2%
Generic: hope one of u get kidnapped by a pedo and are raped to death
Eagle51: Im hell
Meatbeater: dang
Inasg_hoe: already been raped not again thx
Sad_furry: what?
Generic: not u ho
Generic: u one of the decent ones
Meatbeater: whats wrong stuck in your moms basement ?
Inasg_hoe: lmao ty
Vluxuat: Generic is mad that a chat room for a online card game is full of weirdos lol
Soap21: got raped 3/10 would not recommend
Generic: im not mad i jus like arguing
Alpharad: you posted teh same image
Alpharad: i dont need to see this again
Nutterbutter: so
Meatbeater: oh my bad
Ringchance: am i decent?
Nutterbutter: it won't save the image from mine
Alpharad: the pokemon is okay but the art and action is bad
Meatbeater: ring you amazing
A_n00b: TAY
Inasg_hoe: nahh he said I'm one of the decent ones this is a u guys problem
Eagle51: Raping is easy nowadays. Just stare with no consensus
Inasg_hoe: BRAIDYN
Alpharad: cant see em
Soap21: fuck webm
Vluxuat: ah yes no consensus
Alpharad: where is generic :(
A_n00b: soap
A_n00b: why
Izzy_blight: 🤡🆚🤡
Meatbeater: i dont believe in consent i dont believe in death dosent matter that you think im evil because im not
Eagle51: After the third time you may enjoy it
Alpharad: you dont belive in DEATH????
Meatbeater: ive been doing right by my demons
A_n00b: STOP
Alpharad: oml im a furry after the first one
Soap21: noob they asked for it
A_n00b: snek
Soap21: i cant stop
Eagle51: Shrek
A_n00b: snek have legs?
Meatbeater: ladies say im the cutest not that i give a good god damm
Alpharad: bro meatbeater you aint sigma
Eagle51: Meat is the cutest
A_n00b: lol
Alpharad: he isnt
A_n00b: the men think he cu
Meatbeater: someone said i should go to anger management i wonder wtf is that
Izzy_blight: There's fluid in my eye
Soap21: i dont get angry
A_n00b: cum?
Alpharad: cum?
Eagle51: rape
A_n00b: lol
Alpharad: cant see
A_n00b: you always make fun of me
Eagle51: because u virgin
Alpharad: assmaster and meatbeater, the great names here
Nutterbutter: imagine
A_n00b: ik but still
Assmaster: can you see it now?
A_n00b: banned?
Alpharad: yes
Nutterbutter: yep
Eagle51: Assbeater VS Neatnaster
A_n00b: oh no
A_n00b: i wanna see boobs
Izzy_blight: 🦍🆚🐓
Eagle51: 0-0
Nutterbutter: therea a little more than boobs
Alpharad: BRO
A_n00b: uh
Eagle51: There's tits too
Nutterbutter: lmao
Meatbeater: because i dont need a control of my emotions as long as i have faith in me come on i dont believe in consent i dont belive in death stop looking at me like im evil cause im not
Sad_furry: aw i missed a pokemon one?
Alpharad: this stuupid fire bunny and the dicks
Eagle51: Let's see if he can actually die
That_one_furry: nice
Alpharad: theres prob so many better images of the fire bunny
Soap21: There is
Sad_furry: why is there no geodude
Meatbeater: ive been doing right by my demons
Izzy_blight: Seek professional help from a licensed therapist
A_n00b: lol
Ringchance: im here to say this time
A_n00b: boobas
A_n00b: yay
Nutterbutter: yes
Alpharad: big
Eagle51: Imagine depending on demons for your 1% power
Alpharad: what
Soap21: me and assmaster are like the opposites of eachother
A_n00b: i use boobs for my power
Soap21: he does straight hentai i do gay yiff
A_n00b: how
A_n00b: fair
Meatbeater: deomons took every thing from me there messing with my mind but if they take a look they wont like what they find
Alpharad: cant see it
That_one_furry: same
A_n00b: ye
Nutterbutter: bro none of theses are working
Soap21: i do straight to but only when people ask
Eagle51: Nah you're supporting the same system, Soap, like the democrats and the republicans
Meatbeater: come on
Nutterbutter: one sec
A_n00b: ok
Izzy_blight: Sometimes I wish I could eat my own ass
Alpharad: portal gun
Sad_furry: getting my ribs removed
A_n00b: i can for you
Eagle51: Both Soap and Assmaster agrees on wasting time on furries and reject outside
Nutterbutter: maybe
Ringchance: i want to have sex so badly
Nutterbutter: same
Nutterbutter: ngl
Sad_furry: L virgin lmao
Eagle51: Just do sex
Alpharad: who doesnt
A_n00b: ewwww needy virgin
Soap21: i touch grass frequently
A_n00b: i am cool virgin
Nutterbutter: same
A_n00b: who doesnt cry about it
Eagle51: If grass is your woman
Izzy_blight: Virginity is tight
Ringchance: im just horny
Sad_furry: mood
A_n00b: ye
A_n00b: lol
A_n00b: assmaster is a sexual
Eagle51: Wait till you tell Ringchance about cum
A_n00b: asexual*
Soap21: yo ass i require tits
Eagle51: lol that's new
Soap21: medium
Alpharad: this is just the appetizer
Ringchance: ik what cum is im a dude
Sad_furry: i require a bullet to the skull
A_n00b: lol
Alpharad: finally the sad part about your name
Eagle51: There's catholic gorls who still don't know cum?
Assmaster: im not asexual
Sad_furry: gorl
Assmaster: i like women
A_n00b: uh
Alpharad: catholic girls oml
A_n00b: valid
A_n00b: but you like fictional women
Soap21: did you assume his sexuality
Soap21: lol
Eagle51: Assmaster and hentais = asexual porn provider
Furry_femboy: there are you happy? removed the sad just for you alpha
A_n00b: ew
Alpharad: NOOOO
Eagle51: Cum and all fine
A_n00b: its worse
Soap21: lol
Furry_femboy: worse is better
Soap21: i have no idea what i am
A_n00b: yuckie
Nutterbutter: yall what website do you use to find these?
A_n00b: BOOBS
A_n00b: google
Alpharad: thats a mediocre photo
Soap21: i horny for female irl but can only get horny gor gay porn
Ringchance: i like femboys and idc if your a furry just don't force me to be one
Izzy_blight: Degenerates like you belong in my bedroom
Alpharad: force him to be one
Eagle51: The sad thing is I never clicked Show Image
A_n00b: bet
A_n00b: assmaster has an answer for everything
Ringchance: im a degenerate
A_n00b: same
A_n00b: welcome to azala
Assmaster: MUSHIRO
A_n00b: NO
Eagle51: What's sex, Assmaster?
Assmaster: idk
A_n00b: master oogway
Alpharad: cant see it
A_n00b: ye
Furry_femboy: damnit
17:51:41Wednesday, April 26, 2023
A_n00b: i didnt
A_n00b: i dont have any memory of seeing it
Tetrapods: Proof?
A_n00b: cap
A_n00b: but you never showed me
Tetrapods: Inasg_hoe is a hoe in a different way
Soap21: bye
A_n00b: tay a hoe but not for me
A_n00b: i get shut down
Inasg_hoe: I am a hoe true
Inasg_hoe: because I'm in love with someone
Inasg_hoe: I can't be showing u my boobs lol
A_n00b: but boobs :(
Tetrapods: That makes you not loyal
Inasg_hoe: that makes me rlly loyal!!!!
Tetrapods: Your hoeness
A_n00b: what if
Inasg_hoe: I am a hoe but I don't show everyone my boobs tf
Ishipwillowandhunter: I need to see thighs sad
A_n00b: i get permission from guy you love
Jug_addict: if your networth was your credit card info, how much money would you have?
Inasg_hoe: omg I got so pressed for thigh pics like tf
Tetrapods: 1
Furry_femboy: sharing is caring tay
A_n00b: you have only shown mich your boobs
Inasg_hoe: u want permission
Inasg_hoe: true
Tetrapods: "pressed for thighs"
A_n00b: i will get permission
Inasg_hoe: no you won't
Izzy_blight: Everyone here needs to go to church
A_n00b: i will
Tetrapods: No s
A_n00b: then i can see
Inasg_hoe: I'm not sending u boobs oml
A_n00b: i want his boobs
Inasg_hoe: you've seen me in a bra anyways
Tetrapods: The church has boobs
Inasg_hoe: tf XD
Tetrapods: But guys, guys
A_n00b: i never saw in bra
Tetrapods: We all know what a bra looks like
Inasg_hoe: YES U DID SEE IT
A_n00b: you dont even wear bras bro
Inasg_hoe: I do I js don't show you
Izzy_blight: 🍖🍖
A_n00b: exactly
Tetrapods: Do you have a mom?
A_n00b: you never show me you in bra
A_n00b: thats what i said
Inasg_hoe: YES I DID
A_n00b: Inasg_hoe: YES U DID SEE IT
A_n00b: you dont even wear bras bro
Inasg_hoe: I do I js don't show you
Tetrapods: Imply that same tit logic to Inasg and with fat you get hers calculated
A_n00b: you just said you dont show me
Inasg_hoe: I DO SHOW U
A_n00b: when
A_n00b: i dont remember seeing
Inasg_hoe: WE WERE ON CALL
A_n00b: 0 bells being rung
Tetrapods: Now Inasg are you thin or fat
Inasg_hoe: thin
A_n00b: i have never seen them
Tetrapods: Black or white
Inasg_hoe: white
A_n00b: white
Tetrapods: And big or small
Inasg_hoe: wdym
A_n00b: big or small what
Tetrapods: Size
Izzy_blight: Big toenails
Inasg_hoe: b cup
Inasg_hoe: wtf xd
A_n00b: ye
A_n00b: lol
Tetrapods: Ok body size but tags enough
A_n00b: lol
Inasg_hoe: um ok?
A_n00b: she isnt b cup
Tetrapods: White thin B-cup
Inasg_hoe: y u asking all these anyways...?
Inasg_hoe: yes I am lol
A_n00b: proof
A_n00b: lol
Furry_femboy: yall thirsty
A_n00b: walked into it
Inasg_hoe: mich
Inasg_hoe: MICH
A_n00b: lol
Inasg_hoe: MICHAEL
Tetrapods: Is this yours?
Izzy_blight: Thirstiest men alive
A_n00b: yes
Inasg_hoe: I don't have that exact bra
Inasg_hoe: People have seen me in a bra
Inasg_hoe: And someone on here has seen me with no bra
Furry_femboy: thanks other fur i like that
Tetrapods: Is this tit profile yours?
Inasg_hoe: no tf
Inasg_hoe: that's not me
A_n00b: tay show us your bra
Ishipwillowandhunter: What?
A_n00b: he never gonna guess
Assmaster: BAN FURRIES
Inasg_hoe: wtf no
That_one_furry: you're welcome other fur
Ishipwillowandhunter: sorry I'm looking for thighs but I can't find any
Inasg_hoe: why u wanna see me in a bra so bad
Izzy_blight: McDonalds near me
A_n00b: bc i get no bitches
Tetrapods: White. Thin. B-cup.
Inasg_hoe: I'm not a bitch -.-
A_n00b: she is white thin
A_n00b: ik
Izzy_blight: You don't need bitches my guy
Inasg_hoe: ew that bra js ew
Izzy_blight: Be sigma
Tetrapods: You need woman
Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy is right
A_n00b: but boobs izzt boobs
A_n00b: izzy
Furry_femboy: booba
Inasg_hoe: life isn't js for boobs
Ishipwillowandhunter: Boobs are mid
Ishipwillowandhunter: Thighs are life
Tetrapods: No. I will invert my simpness and incelness to access dark magic
Furry_femboy: yeah thighs exist
A_n00b: for me it is
A_n00b: thighs suck
Izzy_blight: More to life than boobs. Get a job
Ishipwillowandhunter: For
Inasg_hoe: I'll flash u then braidyn k?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy is right
A_n00b: thighs are literally thw worst
Inasg_hoe: BRAIDYN
A_n00b: and i have a job
Inasg_hoe: u want me to flash u then?
Tetrapods: Izzy just repeat what his grandpa says without doing it herself
Ishipwillowandhunter: Damn noob she offered to flash you and you just ignore it like what
A_n00b: haha funny sike
A_n00b: she has said that before
A_n00b: then said SIKE
Tetrapods: Common sense stuff
Inasg_hoe: they not even that good mich
Izzy_blight: My grandpa molests kids
Ishipwillowandhunter: They are but k
A_n00b: i mean yes
Inasg_hoe: hehe true I keep getting his hopes up then crush them :) cruel but funny asf
Soap21: i molest grandpas
A_n00b: yeah
Inasg_hoe: they're not but alr weird convo
Tetrapods: What does that say about your genes?
A_n00b: exactly she says she will then says no
A_n00b: so i just not answer anymore
Tetrapods: She's on drugs
Inasg_hoe: hehe it's true I do that
Ishipwillowandhunter: There's shit in my genes
Inasg_hoe: I don't do drugs thanks
A_n00b: but if she being fr then ye
Furry_femboy: riiight
Furry_femboy: sure tay
Inasg_hoe: I'm not too bothered abt showing u me in a bra
Tetrapods: Normally, I will piss on that, but that's too low-bar even for me
Ishipwillowandhunter: I want drugs where
Inasg_hoe: But I'd have to ask someone to do that
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ask who?
A_n00b: flashed and showing you in bra are way different
Inasg_hoe: And they didn't want me flashing you before so I doubt they'd let me
A_n00b: but ok
Inasg_hoe: someone
Tetrapods: Ishipwillow is blue-pilled, Stigmas like Izzy red-pilled
Ishipwillowandhunter: If its me idc
Inasg_hoe: it's not you
Tetrapods: It's both
Inasg_hoe: hold on I'll ask him rq
Bruh73: cum
Tetrapods: Bbbbbbb
A_n00b: bro gonna say no
A_n00b: if he does
Tetrapods: no
Bruh73: you a fem
Toxicego357: who is going to say no to what?
A_n00b: nothing
Soap21: cum
Furry_femboy: FOAP
Jug_addict: cum
Soap21: foap
Toxicego357: tay flashing people?
Bruh73: so many bots
A_n00b: no
Toxicego357: thats weird but you do you ig
Furry_femboy: if you insist jug
Inasg_hoe: how did I get into that convo so quick xd
Toxicego357: idk
Inasg_hoe: Im not flashing him
Bruh73: yes
Toxicego357: i looked at previous messages
Bruh73: you are
Soap21: no tits?
A_n00b: no
Toxicego357: yea
Bruh73: yes
Inasg_hoe: no I'm not
A_n00b: NO
A_n00b: SHE
Bruh73: u are
Inasg_hoe: no I don't wanna thx
Furry_femboy: tay is secretly a guy all this time
Toxicego357: ive seen you in a bre
Bruh73: yes u do
Toxicego357: bra*
Inasg_hoe: I'm not a guy
Furry_femboy: bre
Inasg_hoe: No I don't want to
Furry_femboy: riiiiight
Toxicego357: it was weird but ok...
Soap21: cock?
Tetrapods: Do we still talk about the bra?
Soap21: show cock
A_n00b: the person tay asked which i know who a bitch fr
Tetrapods: Bro search another one
Inasg_hoe: u can't pressure me into it blue person no is no
Inasg_hoe: HE AINT A BITCH
Toxicego357: its not mu business what she does
Toxicego357: my*
A_n00b: yes he is
Inasg_hoe: no the fuck he isn't
A_n00b: he is
Tetrapods: Is everyone's business if someone said it publicly
Toxicego357: who a bithc?
Inasg_hoe: nah don't even talk abt him like that stfu
Toxicego357: bitch?
Inasg_hoe: no one.
A_n00b: nobody
Tetrapods: I care
Tetrapods: Obama cares
Toxicego357: if your calling mich a bitch imma be mad
A_n00b: im not
Tetrapods: mich is a bitch
Toxicego357: good
Inasg_hoe: I'm not calling mich a bitch
Izzy_blight: Obama in a can
Tetrapods: Maybe
A_n00b: but i cant say who or tay be mad
Tetrapods: Tay is a bitch too
Inasg_hoe: mich don't like me he never will I can't change that so I have to move on, which I am
Inasg_hoe: I am a bitch that's true
A_n00b: yes
Soap21: i almost said something sus
Izzy_blight: Not true
A_n00b: she mean
Tetrapods: Inasg_hoe is in fact, a hoe
Furry_femboy: agreed
Soap21: thatd be weird
Inasg_hoe: true I am a hoe
Inasg_hoe: IM NOT MEAN
A_n00b: you are mean
Tetrapods: She's median
A_n00b: lol
Izzy_blight: Fake news
Tetrapods: Real shit
Soap21: tay has cock
Soap21: show cock
A_n00b: proof?
Tetrapods: Hitler invaded Europe
Inasg_hoe: Wtf no I dont
Soap21: yes
Inasg_hoe: And I'm not mean
Tetrapods: Yes you do, Hitler
Soap21: show cock
Inasg_hoe: I don't wtf
Tetrapods: Woah
Inasg_hoe: HEHE MAYBE
Soap21: show cock
Furry_femboy: just like she invaded my personal space ahem what
A_n00b: ...
Inasg_hoe: BRITISH EMPIRE 🇬🇧♥️
Tetrapods: Imagine tryharding in africa
Izzy_blight: I'll show my cock
Izzy_blight: Here
Furry_femboy: share izzy
A_n00b: spencer
Izzy_blight: 🐔
Tetrapods: Izzy has cock and cum
Furry_femboy: nice cock
Inasg_hoe: LMFAO IZZY XD
Tetrapods: Now where's the C U M
Soap21: show cock
Izzy_blight: Dripping cock
Furry_femboy: show breasts tay i mean what
Tetrapods: I got a penis pic from a weird person
Inasg_hoe: No thanks xd
Tetrapods: Wanna see it?
Tetrapods: Kkk
Furry_femboy: someones name is make a wish kid
Nutterbutter: lol
Tetrapods: Wishkid69: I wish I had sex before I die
Inasg_hoe: I'll help him wit that
Tetrapods: But death doesn't exist
Furry_femboy: no i will
A_n00b: JOIN
Furry_femboy: ...
Tetrapods: NO
Furry_femboy: UwU
Tetrapods: It's the same but with pictures
Rina: Yo yo
Rina: ...
Tetrapods: She will never
A_n00b: ...
Rina: 👀
Furry_femboy: you drive a hard bargain tay
Inasg_hoe: hehe
A_n00b: thats a lie
Rina: So it's that kind of chat again
Tetrapods: She doesn't do here so why now there?
Inasg_hoe: rinaaaaa
A_n00b: 100000%
Ishipwillowandhunter: Its your body, flash who you want, you don't need permission. I'd show my dick for the right price. Or for free depending on the person
Rina: Halo ina
Nutterbutter: yall wanna see a dick pic?
Izzy_blight: Most cursed chat ever
Tetrapods: Rina is virgin
A_n00b: mich
Rina: Huh?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes?
Rina: I have a child.
A_n00b: how much
A_n00b: EW
Ishipwillowandhunter: for you? Free BB
Rina: Damn. I would look great if I was a virgin.
Inasg_hoe: but it would be bad if u flashed someone that I love without asking their consent is that not like cheating or smth
Nutterbutter: lol
Tetrapods: Lol abused
Ishipwillowandhunter: virgins unite
Rina: But sadly I'm 20 and look like I'm 30
A_n00b: no it isnt
Inasg_hoe: Rina u my bbg :)
Rina: And I wouldn't trade if for the world
Tetrapods: So you're 20 but ugly
Rina: And time bb
Inasg_hoe: SHE NOT UGLY
A_n00b: TETRA
Rina: Any*
A_n00b: BRO
Rina: Wah?
Rina: Hold up.
Bigdaddylover: fucking cunt
Rina: I'll show you a pic I took yesterday.
Izzy_blight: Be nice you cunt
Tetrapods: No
A_n00b: but it would be bad if u flashed someone that I love without asking their consent is that not like cheating or smth
Tetrapods: You will regret it
Ishipwillowandhunter: who the fuck you calling ugly? Like you can speak, Runs is not ugly
A_n00b: what does that mean
Tetrapods: Nuns lol
Ishipwillowandhunter: *rina
Inasg_hoe: Rina mine back off
Ishipwillowandhunter: Stupid autocorrect
Ishipwillowandhunter: Can't claim her, but okay
Izzy_blight: Nunnery
Toxicego357: benis
Inasg_hoe: too late for thaf
Inasg_hoe: that*
Tetrapods: Pennsylvania
Toxicego357: whats going on?
Rina: Lmao
Toxicego357: im so confuzzled
Ishipwillowandhunter: Me too
A_n00b: im anger
Toxicego357: ok...
Izzy_blight: Autism
Ishipwillowandhunter: Tay out here claiming people like its the 1800s
Toxicego357: so...
Assmaster: yes
Toxicego357: penis am i right?
Inasg_hoe: can't say much yourself can u?
Izzy_blight: Wrong.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Who I claim?
Keigo: hey guys
Toxicego357: i dont claim anyone
Rina: Wait thatsisnt wor
Ishipwillowandhunter: Cute baby guy
A_n00b: BABY
Toxicego357: hello kei-kun
Keigo: spencer-kun hiiiiiiiiii
Ishipwillowandhunter: *babyyy
Soap21: im going to steal you
Toxicego357: hewwo kei-kun how are you?
Nutterbutter: bro wtf is going on?
A_n00b: cute baby rina
Keigo: shit
Rina: There
A_n00b: baby
Ishipwillowandhunter: Picture of her baby
Inasg_hoe: omg Rina u gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!
Toxicego357: im scared
Soap21: a woman
Rina: Why thank you
A_n00b: it
Rina: Her name is Genevieve
Nutterbutter: bruh wtf is that name
Izzy_blight: Baguette baby
Keigo: anyway spencer-kun can we talk
A_n00b: oof
Furry_femboy: the
Furry_femboy: fucking
Furry_femboy: french
A_n00b: lol
Rina: Lmao
Rina: Well my name is CORINE.
A_n00b: fuck french?
Rina: Which is also French.
Ishipwillowandhunter: I question my sanity with you didn't adds
Rina: And I wanted her to have a princess name
Keigo: nvm gtg
Rina: This pic is better
Ishipwillowandhunter: *fucktards goddamn
Furry_femboy: i dont speak chinese tay
Inasg_hoe: seriously
Furry_femboy: yes
Furry_femboy: i dont speak it
Inasg_hoe: it's so obviously french xd
Furry_femboy: dam rlly
A_n00b: i love how she shpwing her baby then assmaster just send porn
Furry_femboy: sus
A_n00b: lol
Rina: je ne parle pas beaucoup le français
Shermanstank: Illigals in my yard
Nutterbutter: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Furry_femboy: i dont speak fucking baguette
Assmaster: i dont pay attetion to chat
A_n00b: lol
Shermanstank: Iligals in my yard
Rina: Lmao
A_n00b: me when i me
Rina: I love chili y baguette
Shermanstank: illigals in my yard, throw them so pesos and they work so hard
Furry_femboy: me when i fucking scream
Inasg_hoe: braidyn the person said no
Shermanstank: Illigals in my yard
Lyrical: illegals in my yard
Shermanstank: illigals in my yard
Lyrical: illegals in my yard
A_n00b: i know thats why i called him a bitch
Furry_femboy: ...
Lyrical: illegals in my yard
Shermanstank: throw them some pesos and they work so hard
Furry_femboy: UwU
Rina: She has her face in my armpit
Shermanstank: illigals
A_n00b: why is nobody joining me
Lyrical: communism
A_n00b: wtf niggas
Inasg_hoe: HE ISN'T A BITCH
18:27:13Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Furry_femboy: riiiiight
Ishipwillowandhunter: You want proof?
Furry_femboy: share
Pronounciation: Above dom positione
Furry_femboy: the
Furry_femboy: pic
Inasg_hoe: lmfao
A_n00b: axel
Ishipwillowandhunter: Nah you ain't getting shit. Noob will get one
Ishipwillowandhunter: Maybe
Axel_amor: ???
A_n00b: yay
Rina: Who is axel?
Furry_femboy: FurFem committed toaster bath
Axel_amor: Hehe
Toxicego357: Sadge
Toxicego357: hey axel
Nutterbutter: come on yall send your pics
A_n00b: asmasters porn still playing in background
Axel_amor: Axel is amazing.
Rina: Oh
A_n00b: i am the best
Inasg_hoe: oof gtg
A_n00b: most nice
Rina: I can't our colors match
Furry_femboy: debatable noob
Rina: Awwww
A_n00b: HA
Inasg_hoe: idk if I'll be back till tmrw
Rina: I fixed it
Ishipwillowandhunter: :(
Inasg_hoe: anywho byeee
Rina: I might.
A_n00b: skill issue
Inasg_hoe: no sad face
Ishipwillowandhunter: Byeeee oh
Yttrium: Bye
Furry_femboy: thank god she gone
Ishipwillowandhunter: *ly
Ishipwillowandhunter: Stupid
Ishipwillowandhunter: Fucking
A_n00b: proof?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Autocorrect
Rina: Year*
Furry_femboy: prove
Pronounciation: #freeSex #freefromParentsOppression #wantmore
A_n00b: are you a milf
Rina: I already showed my child.
Ishipwillowandhunter: I just want thighs
Rina: And I'm raher pretty...
A_n00b: but are you sexy
Furry_femboy: i can send thighs willow
Axel_amor: HAPPY NOW??
Rina: I can't see if you add me
Nutterbutter: lmao
Rina: Did you add me?
Axel_amor: YOU GOT DOUBLE!!
A_n00b: what?
Furry_femboy: what
Pronounciation: Those who want to share you tit pic are either ugly or trap
Axel_amor: Oops..
Nutterbutter: damn
Pronounciation: nothing is free
Rina: Traps don't have tits
A_n00b: woah
Nutterbutter: yeah
Axel_amor: Lol.
A_n00b: guys is rina sexy
A_n00b: is she a milf
Rina: Just click the link
Furry_femboy: cannot confirm
Nutterbutter: and even then I didn't show my tits because I don't have any I showed my dick
Furry_femboy: rina why are you so small
A_n00b: lol
Rina: Small?
Furry_femboy: you child
Rina: I'm 5'7
A_n00b: how you typing in that blanket
Rina: I'm an adult
Furry_femboy: im 15 and 5'7
Rina: Wut?
Furry_femboy: you are short
Axel_amor: Hehe
A_n00b: i am 16 and 6'4
Rina: That's nice. You're a guy
Toxicego357: im 17 and 6 foot
Pronounciation: History proves so many times that woman who are horny to men for no reason at etraps
Toxicego357: almost 17...
Axel_amor: I’m 15 and 5’
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm 15 and 6 foot
A_n00b: skill issues
A_n00b: get on my height
Axel_amor: Shut up pup.
A_n00b: wat?
Toxicego357: damn mich
Nutterbutter: ?
Rina: Aight I miss ina
Axel_amor: You my pup now. ^^
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hm?
Rina: I'll be back another time.
A_n00b: awww
Furry_femboy: Axel_love: *lightly bites Mich's hand so it doesn't hurt*
A_n00b: we lost our milf
Axel_amor: ATOM STFU!!!
Furry_femboy: :3
Furry_femboy: Axel_love: *lightly bites Mich's hand so it doesn't hurt*
Furry_femboy: Axel_love: *lightly bites Mich's hand so it doesn't hurt*
Furry_femboy: v
Furry_femboy: fuck
Furry_femboy: Ishipwillowandhunter: I think I must be a snowflake because I’ve fallen for you and now I'm melting looking at you.
Pronounciation: That milf was useless
Furry_femboy: Atomic: i eat grass bc im fucking stupid
Pronounciation: We need real woman
Furry_femboy: Axel_amor: Yk my bdsm photo wont load so I'll just type it out.
A_n00b: lol
Axel_amor: ATOM!!
Furry_femboy: A__n00b: you ever just wanna rip a cat in half
Furry_femboy: wat
Pronounciation: Furry_femboy: I am degenerate
Shermanstank: MORE PORN
Toxicego357: im insane
A_n00b: are assholes hot
Toxicego357: *insane laughter*
Pronounciation: I'm summe ryes
Axel_amor: No-
A_n00b: proof
Pronounciation: Sweaty assholes
A_n00b: lemme see an asshole
Pronounciation: In 50 degree celcius
A_n00b: uh they not that bad
Toxicego357: AXEL YOU HIT SOMEONE!?!?!?!?!?!?
Pronounciation: Assholes can improve your life orientation
Axel_amor: No I pinched and bruised.
Furry_femboy: A__n00b: when you loved the guman body........
A__n00b: what do you mean by that
Toxicego357: thats mean :(
Furry_femboy: Toxicego357: *snorts a line*
A_n00b: what?
Furry_femboy: Kfc: whats anal?
Pronounciation: Fun fact: All children in Africa are most likely to die. 😄
Nutterbutter: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Axel_amor: Omg-
Nutterbutter: tastey
Furry_femboy: Benycom: I am going to eat my own ass
Furry_femboy: brb
Pronounciation: Burned assburgers
Axel_amor: I miss Beny.
Pronounciation: Benis
Alpharad: yooo
Toxicego357: atomic where are you getting these?
Alpharad: its me
A_n00b: lol
Alpharad: ive returned
Toxicego357: wb alpha
Pronounciation: I miss Daddy Trump
Alpharad: thanks
Alpharad: please dont tell me assmaster is gone
Pronounciation: It isn't the same without ban threats by his guts 😔
Toxicego357: women are dumb
Pronounciation: So are man
Axel_amor: Fr.
A_n00b: YEY
Alpharad: MY GOAT
Toxicego357: men are dumber
Pronounciation: Master Ass
Axel_amor: Ass isn’t Beny..
Axel_amor: =<
Pronounciation: But is Beny in Ass
Pronounciation: Questionmark
Axel_amor: I just want Beny.
Alpharad: thats pretty fine
Alpharad: like
Alpharad: 6/10
Alpharad: nothing extrodanary
Pronounciation: Axel_armor: I just want my Bady.
Pronounciation: 9/11
Axel_amor: Oh Armor.
Alpharad: I CAN SEE IT NOW
Axel_amor: I can’t.
Pronounciation: What's an amor
Alpharad: skill problemo?
Alpharad: nno i dont
Pronounciation: Solutiono. Fucko youro utero
Nutterbutter: lol
Toxicego357: i want peni... i mean peni.. i mean idk?
Pronounciation: Pink?
Axel_amor: Penis.
Alpharad: okay found out how to pause video
Pronounciation: penigga?
Axel_amor: NIGGER!
Pronounciation: Nigrus Saurus
Alpharad: that ones also good
Alpharad: 6.5/10
Alpharad: no
Assmaster: thats an animal
Nutterbutter: I can find better
Alpharad: not the furry one
Axel_amor: Ahahahahahahah
Furry_femboy: 30/10
Pronounciation: 3,999999999...
Alpharad: the oen assmaster sent
Axel_amor: AHHHH
Pronounciation: Lol. Betarad said "oen "
Ishipwillowandhunter: What you screaming for
Furry_femboy: if its on two legs and can talk its ok
Alpharad: lol, person pointing out spelling mistake
Pronounciation: BETARAD SAID OEN
Pronounciation: How does it feel like, being mistaken!
Pronounciation: ?
Axel_amor: IMA BE A
Axel_amor: prostitute
Furry_femboy: martyr
Furry_femboy: oh
Axel_amor: lmao
Furry_femboy: weak
Pronounciation: That's what amor stands for
Furry_femboy: my entire saved list is just gay or solo yiff
Pronounciation: Stop sending googleusercontent
Nutterbutter: why?
Pronounciation: We all go to CIA Watchlist thx to google
Furry_femboy: why knot
Pronounciation: use DuckDuckGo
Furry_femboy: i mean knot
Furry_femboy: er knot
Nutterbutter: lmao none of its illigal so far
Furry_femboy: fuck
Pronounciation: Not yet.
Furry_femboy: yeah i downloaded ass and now im scared
Pronounciation: Lol he said Oen again
Pronounciation: But fr the CIA sees furry porn in your laptop and ask many questions
Furry_femboy: uwu
Pronounciation: Why?
Meatbeater: oh i dont believe in life i dont believe in death
Alpharad: oml get OUT OF HERE MEATATER
Pronounciation: Ok Meatbeater is the ultimate skeptic
Furry_femboy: meatater
Pronounciation: Meatsaber
Furry_femboy: hey alpha
Meatbeater: dont look at me like im evil cause i got your family locked in my basement
Pronounciation: Beta-Cuck more like
Alpharad: bro
Pronounciation: ok
Alpharad: your anme
Furry_femboy: are you a bullet? cuz i cant get you out of my head
Alpharad: is promounticatin
Meatbeater: heh gigitty
Alpharad: im not a bullet
Pronounciation: I am pronounCIAtion
Furry_femboy: dam
Meatbeater: i like femboys
Alpharad: i miss generic
Meatbeater: simple
That_one_furry: same
Alpharad: he was so much cooler than all these new people
Axel_amor: AHHHH
Pronounciation: The best black lyrics from a white person
Furry_femboy: generic is the definition of crayon-chewer
Meatbeater: oh i remember him
Pronounciation: Bro thinks I am new
Alpharad: nutterbutter stop you arent assmaster
Assmaster: furry mad
Furry_femboy: i angy
Pronounciation: Ass, show Ass
Meatbeater: whazzup
Alpharad: bro pronounctaion im not even talking about you
Nutterbutter: so why can't I post what I want to?
Alpharad: your not the main charactehr
Pronounciation: At least someone was gone
Pronounciation: Because there's laws, Nut
Meatbeater: yeah main character is noob
Furry_femboy: v/ harder
Meatbeater: or soap
Furry_femboy: AH
Pronounciation: Is Super Mario a noob?
Nutterbutter: damn so I can't even post what I want to
Furry_femboy: I MEANT CONCRETE
Alpharad: why did you say
Meatbeater: WHERE
Alpharad: harder
Pronounciation: Yes, you can't post child porn
Pronounciation: rip
Furry_femboy: uh,
Furry_femboy: um
Furry_femboy: uhm
Furry_femboy: fuck
Meatbeater: hum
Alpharad: genuinly dont want to know anymore
Meatbeater: sure
Furry_femboy: concrete
Pronounciation: Calm down, we're all friendly-fire here
Axel_amor: PFFFT-
Axel_amor: MY BUS FUNNY AF
Pronounciation: Just avoid Dtrump to talk about this
Alpharad: that girl is hot
Alpharad: i dont know her name
Meatbeater: swiggty swoggty i came for ye booty
Alpharad: democratic trump?
Callizone: dam ok
Alpharad: whos dtrump
Meatbeater: he is a god
Pronounciation: The host-abusive Trump
Meatbeater: a legend
Furry_femboy: Dtrump: smoke crack
Meatbeater: my cousin twice removed
Pronounciation: Dtrump literally admits to part-wise abuse his admin powers
Keigo: hey guys
Furry_femboy: hi
Meatbeater: hold up
Furry_femboy: hold the fuck up
Furry_femboy: i am the fuck up
Furry_femboy: hold me
Nutterbutter: bet
Nutterbutter: lol
Pronounciation: I know that joke
Furry_femboy: or stuf-
Meatbeater: are you really what your name says
Assmaster: name is 2B
Furry_femboy: me?
Meatbeater: yes
Pronounciation: Nah, FBI dude
Alpharad: i will drop the fuck up
Furry_femboy: on occasion, i dont rlly know what i am right now
Nutterbutter: 4058687808405868780840586878084058687808405868780840586878084058687808405868780840586878084058687808405868780840586878084058687808405868780840586878084058687808405868780840586878084058687808405868780840586878084058687808
Alpharad: okay thank you assmaster
Furry_femboy: gtg
Nutterbutter: number
Pronounciation: Furry femboy? My guess
Alpharad: you can always rely ona ssmaster
Meatbeater: nutter butter dont use that language
Nutterbutter: number languge?
Pronounciation: He said ona again lolol
Meatbeater: yes
Nutterbutter: why
Meatbeater: because i said so
Nutterbutter: they are gone for rn
Pronounciation: Everytime, Alpha says ona, I am ona cum
Nutterbutter: AYO!
Meatbeater: ona ona ona ona
Alpharad: why are cumming to me?
Nutterbutter: prove it
Meatbeater: did it work
Alpharad: thats kinda gay
Pronounciation: I am cumming to nature
Meatbeater: thats how we roll here
Axel_amor: AHHHHH
Pronounciation: That's natural
Meatbeater: NATURE
Pronounciation: Like on the woods
Nutterbutter: 4058687808 message this number for free dick pics
Keigo: hey axel-kun
Alpharad: no
Meatbeater: FR BET
Pronounciation: 911 is my feet pics
Alpharad: meatbeater you are a sheep
Meatbeater: IMA DO IT
Nutterbutter: it's not mine its a friend thats really horny and has the kink for showing his dick to random people
Axel_amor: Hi Kei-Kun!!
Meatbeater: it was not pics
Pronounciation: It's not my dick either. Do you think mine is that big?
Meatbeater: do not do it
Alpharad: what was it
Keigo: is spencer-kun here
Alpharad: im here
Axel_amor: No.
Keigo: oh ok
Nutterbutter: well I need to go soon
Alpharad: good
Meatbeater: femboys are the best for breeding change my mind
Nutterbutter: facts
Alpharad: what
Keigo: waht
Assmaster: no
Keigo: what*
Toxicego357: bck
Keigo: spencer-kun
Meatbeater: but femboy furrys thats a whole thing on its own
Alpharad: assmaster w
Nutterbutter: wait assmater is back
Nutterbutter: lets gooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Meatbeater: i am the master of meat beating
Nutterbutter: skill issue
Meatbeater: yes you are a skill issue
Axel_amor: I WANNA KMS!!
Nutterbutter: do it
Nutterbutter: you won't
Nutterbutter: no balls
Meatbeater: dont do it
Rina: I got bored
19:02:43Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Rina: I'm an adult. I can call you a child.
Rina: Yes.
Meatbeater: im about to be 16
Rina: Cuteee
Ringchance: im about to be 16 in august
Rina: Happy early bday
Keigo: and your being a bitch rn
Alpharad: Assmaster why did you turn so wholesome suddenly
Rina: Nah. Just kinda already don't like you....
Alpharad: charactehr arc
Meatbeater: thats the nicest thing someone said to me
Keigo: i never liked you
Alpharad: i hate you
Ishipwillowandhunter: Stfu
Meatbeater: ive heard worse
Ishipwillowandhunter: I turns 15 in Jan
Pronounciation: Imagine raping the Bachelor in his Show to assert dominance and have more chance
Alpharad: who tf is willow and hunter
Keigo: you cant control me
Alpharad: bro leave
Alpharad: leave pronounciation
Ishipwillowandhunter: Who tf is you?
Rina: Mike I'll be back tomorrow when I'ma is here
Rina: Ina*
Meatbeater: t posing t assert dominance
Alpharad: im jacob alpharad
Ishipwillowandhunter: Okk, have a good day luv
Rina: Wahdios
Alpharad: yuour name is is mike?
Meatbeater: MILK
Meatbeater: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Ringchance: who is mike?
Meatbeater: MALK
Ishipwillowandhunter: I've been here for years, Jacob. On and off, but still. My name is Michasl, others call me Mich, Mikey, Mike, whatever
Alpharad: bro meatbeater im bouta slap you
Assmaster: i post what i like
Nutterbutter: same
Meatbeater: slap me daddy hya
Alpharad: this is the picturescard online chat mike
Ishipwillowandhunter: I know
Alpharad: you dont need to use proper punctuatoom
Ishipwillowandhunter: I've been here for years
Alpharad: shut up meatbeater
Meatbeater: yes master
Nutterbutter: thats hot
Ishipwillowandhunter: OwO
Ringchance: wow
Nutterbutter: lol
Meatbeater: your hot
Pronounciation: 0967 637 5986 76
Ringchance: it is hot but still
Alpharad: i hate it here
Axel_amor: MICH!!!
Ishipwillowandhunter: Nah you love it
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey hon
Nutterbutter: CUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meatbeater: MICHA YOU RAT
Ishipwillowandhunter: Not a rat
Meatbeater: MICHA BELL
Ishipwillowandhunter: How're you doing Axel?
Nutterbutter: stryker make a game
Alpharad: what
Axel_amor: BAD!!
Ishipwillowandhunter: Why?
Nutterbutter: i am talking to my friend
Ringchance: no i didn't
Pronounciation: Stryker is gay
Nutterbutter: bruh
Meatbeater: nice
Pronounciation: Stryker strikes and is dry
Nutterbutter: and I was asking if you can make one
Alpharad: i hate stryker
Nutterbutter: why
Alpharad: it doesnt have enought vowels
Ringchance: you hate me?
Nutterbutter: what did you do to you?
Pronounciation: He trys too much
Nutterbutter: bruh
Ishipwillowandhunter: I hate fags, and I am one
Axel_amor: Cause I miss my bf and my bus shucks.
Nutterbutter: skill issue
Alpharad: no friendly fire
Axel_amor: Sucks.
Pronounciation: Penis issue
Ishipwillowandhunter: Buses suck
Nutterbutter: cum issue
Meatbeater: skill issue
Ishipwillowandhunter: Your bf will see you soon
Meatbeater: slap slap?
Ringchance: i got no one
Pronounciation: Bra issue
Ishipwillowandhunter: Istg y'all just repeat the same 6 lines
Meatbeater: you got me
Axel_amor: No I only see him at school or when him and I go out.
Alpharad: what are the 6 lines
Pronounciation: Meatbeater is zero value
Ishipwillowandhunter: Aw :(
Ringchance: i got you meat?
Alpharad: rare pronounciation w
Axel_amor: =<
Meatbeater: yes
Nutterbutter: ayo
Keigo: bye guys
Nutterbutter: bye?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Nooo don't leave :(
Ringchance: bye
Ringchance: have fun
Ishipwillowandhunter: Minimum
Ishipwillowandhunter: Dick
Ishipwillowandhunter: Length
Ringchance: i love that
Nutterbutter: 6.5 inch
Meatbeater: wanna erp
Alpharad: 6 inh
Ishipwillowandhunter: I love you my friend
Ringchance: 7
Ishipwillowandhunter: Love exp
Meatbeater: i MEAN
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh you said erp
Nutterbutter: I will
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah I'm down
Meatbeater: wait really
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yep
Nutterbutter: yeah why not
Ringchance: we doing a lockdown drill rn
Inasg_hoe: ello American shits
Ringchance: lol
Nutterbutter: well brb
Meatbeater: omgomgomg
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ello British bastard
Ringchance: hi ina
Inasg_hoe: ello Colorado cunt
Inasg_hoe: helloo
Axel_amor: Nooobbb I have more pussy for youuu!!
Meatbeater: soo~
Ringchance: what?
Inasg_hoe: uhh
Ishipwillowandhunter: What can I have some
Ishipwillowandhunter: Please
Ringchance: same
Alpharad: dont ever use this ~
Ringchance: plz
Meatbeater: why
Inasg_hoe: I'll give u pussy ring
Alpharad: just dont
Ishipwillowandhunter: No such thing Tay
Ishipwillowandhunter: Adam I want pussy
Inasg_hoe: RINAAAAAA
Ishipwillowandhunter: Please
Rina: Lmao
Meatbeater: yummy yummy cum in my tummy
Alpharad: imma go eat somethin
Inasg_hoe: wtf xd
Alpharad: not a pussy or dick
Inasg_hoe: he's gonna go eat me out
Alpharad: food
Ishipwillowandhunter: I WANT SOME
Meatbeater: some what?
Ishipwillowandhunter: ill even lick it if you ask nicely
Meatbeater: bussy is better
Ishipwillowandhunter: No
Alpharad: bussy is just a mans as
Alpharad: welcome to reality
Ishipwillowandhunter: Boys are better romantically
Inasg_hoe: that true
Meatbeater: comes with a homie tho
Ishipwillowandhunter: Women are better sexually
Meatbeater: men know there way around
Inasg_hoe: idk that
Inasg_hoe: true meat
Ringchance: im a boy and im bi im down with most things
Inasg_hoe: YES ASS
Inasg_hoe: YESSSSS
Ishipwillowandhunter: Cause us guys are used to giving, they know what they want and they know what to give
Axel_amor: Hehe I love pissing kids off.
(anon): Nigga balls
Alpharad: im straight but if its a lot of money-
Meatbeater: i hate kids
Axel_amor: Mich.. =<
Rina: I like anon today
Inasg_hoe: YES ASS :)
Meatbeater: MICHA
Ishipwillowandhunter: What Axel?
Ishipwillowandhunter: You okay luv?
Ishipwillowandhunter: So...
Meatbeater: wanna
Ishipwillowandhunter: Anyone else a sociopath?
Inasg_hoe: what the fuck?
Meatbeater: yes
Rina: I hope not
Inasg_hoe: was there a fake me on???
Ishipwillowandhunter: No
Meatbeater: i am
Rina: But do you happen to like jazz?
Inasg_hoe: Keigo: nothing i was on a few mins ago and u were ignoring me
Rina: Nah
Ringchance: dude im down if anyone wanna peg me then i will do most things you want me to do
Ishipwillowandhunter: Really meat?
Inasg_hoe: Inasg_hoe: I wasn't on
Meatbeater: fr
Inasg_hoe: Keigo: its fine you dont have to lie to me
Meatbeater: ring rally
Inasg_hoe: but I wasn't on?!?
Rina: Ring jeebus
Inasg_hoe: ILL PEG YOU
Ishipwillowandhunter: Damn well ring, meat. I'm up for some erp
Rina: No you weren't. But I was talking about you.
Axel_amor: Bro-
Axel_amor: I’m sad..
Inasg_hoe: ohh
Inasg_hoe: whatchu say?
Meatbeater: yeah
Ishipwillowandhunter: Alright give me your stats
Ringchance: im up for most things
Ishipwillowandhunter: I need to know what you look like before I fuck you, online
Meatbeater: chilling with the homies
Inasg_hoe: .
Alpharad: im a 8
Ishipwillowandhunter: Homies give the best top
Meatbeater: get the lighter
Inasg_hoe: RING ILL PEG U
Keigo: imma go bye
Inasg_hoe: Kiki wait
Keigo: what
Ringchance: i ship i got you
Meatbeater: 8 year old whuwho
Inasg_hoe: I WASN'T ON I SWEAR
Ishipwillowandhunter: I can do that, I have an actual cock. Ina is a girl, I can even cum in you
Keigo: gtg bye
Ringchance: thats me
Rina: She really wasn't on.
Inasg_hoe: well I didn't eat but meant to be eating
Rina: I was waiting for her to come back.
Axel_amor: =<
Inasg_hoe: awe
Inasg_hoe: aww*
Rina: Lmao
Ringchance: im ugly ik
Inasg_hoe: U GORGEOUS
Rina: You and Mike are the only ones who don't get randomly angry
Ringchance: you keep saying that
Meatbeater: my computers at 2 percent
Inasg_hoe: who don't
Ishipwillowandhunter: Alr I'm getting off, no one trying to erp. Ring you're gorgeous, I'd give you top
Rina: Lmao
Meatbeater: never mind 1 percent
Inasg_hoe: BYE MEAT
Rina: Meat
Ringchance: bye
Rina: 🍖
Inasg_hoe: 🥁 that's what came up for beat
Assmaster: mine is at 20-30
Ishipwillowandhunter: 🍆🍑💦😩
Meatbeater: dont let her accses your holes boys
Axel_amor: CHOKE ME!!
Inasg_hoe: I WILL AXEL
Ringchance: i will
Rina: I'm at 99
Ishipwillowandhunter: 🇦🇿🇦🇹🇦🇿🇧🇬🇦🇲🇦🇹🇦🇲🇧🇦🇧🇫🇧🇦🇦🇫🇦🇴🇦🇸🇦🇴🇧🇪🇧🇦🇧🇬🇧🇮🇧🇭🇦🇮🇩🇿🇪🇹🇩🇯🇪🇷🇫🇴🇭🇰🇬🇱🇬🇳🇮🇪🇭🇳🇬🇪🇭🇳🇬🇺🇭🇳🇮🇩🇭🇳🇬🇱
Rina: My baby is pooping
Inasg_hoe: 🤜🍑
Axel_amor: I LOVE CHOKING!!
Inasg_hoe: AWWWWW
Meatbeater: remember me .........................................................................
Axel_amor: Ew..
Rina: Don't see that
Meatbeater: ok im out
Assmaster: WTF
Axel_amor: Tay has a pooping link.
Ishipwillowandhunter: That's disgusting Taylor
Rina: The smell is atrocious
Inasg_hoe: NO I DONT
Inasg_hoe: I'm tay*
Axel_amor: Kink.
Rina: It's called scat
Furry_femboy: ok nope im leaving thats weird
Ringchance: im down to choke and be choked
Inasg_hoe: a lil baby pooping
Ishipwillowandhunter: I have a choking kink
Axel_amor: Sameee
Rina: Lmao
Ishipwillowandhunter: Breath play 10/10
Axel_amor: BRB
Rina: Chocking
Nutterbutter: I am sorry I am back
Inasg_hoe: wbb
Rina: Aight I'll be back
Inasg_hoe: okehh love u!!!
Ishipwillowandhunter: Me as well
Ringchance: im willing to try new things
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hm?
Rina: See ya ina, mike 👋
Nutterbutter: meat do you still wanna erp?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Erp bb?
Nutterbutter: me?
Ishipwillowandhunter: I want to erp come on y'all offer but don't do anything
Inasg_hoe: bye rinaa
Axel_amor: Back
Inasg_hoe: wb
Axel_amor: Thu
Axel_amor: Ty
Inasg_hoe: yw
Furry_femboy: ok or knot everywhere else i go is dead
Nutterbutter: here imma make a game called erp so we can do it there
Ishipwillowandhunter: Alright
Furry_femboy: what-
Axel_amor: Sorry I was saying how I want someone to shove there dick down my throat.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Sexy tines
Ishipwillowandhunter: *times
Axel_amor: Lmao.
Axel_amor: …
Ishipwillowandhunter: I can do that Adel
Nutterbutter: the pass is going to be the name
Ishipwillowandhunter: BRO
Inasg_hoe: Adel ahahaha
Ishipwillowandhunter: AUTOCORRECT
Inasg_hoe: Ishipwillowandhunter: I can do that Adel
Inasg_hoe: Ishipwillowandhunter: I can do that Adel
Ishipwillowandhunter: Tay your strap on is not it
Inasg_hoe: Ishipwillowandhunter: I can do that Adel
Nutterbutter: nvm one sec
Inasg_hoe: Ishipwillowandhunter: I can do that Adel
Inasg_hoe: Ishipwillowandhunter: I can do that Adel
Nutterbutter: ok yeah it will just becalled erp
Inasg_hoe: .
Ringchance: i will give
Axel_amor: Tay I want actual cum and pulse down my throat.
Ringchance: were do you live i live in oklahoma
Axel_amor: I wanna choke and gag.
Axel_amor: Oh shut I’m in PA.
Ringchance: damb
Axel_amor: Shit*
Axel_amor: You’re far, but I’d be worth it.
Ringchance: true
Ringchance: arn't you 16?
Axel_amor: 15.
Ringchance: same
Axel_amor: Oh cool.
Nutterbutter: bruh why you leave?
Axel_amor: Huh?
Ringchance: who?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Listen I want my dick down a throat and its not happening quick enough
Axel_amor: I will suck your dick!!
Ringchance: who?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Please
Inasg_hoe: axel is cinder not in ur mind?
Nutterbutter: I was trying to figure out what you wanted to do
Axel_amor: Just make me gag and I’ll be happy!!
Inasg_hoe: Or ur bf?
Ringchance: i ship and axel who?
Axel_amor: Ohh yeah!!
Ishipwillowandhunter: Axel when and where BB
Axel_amor: Where you live?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Denver
Axel_amor: Shit-
Nutterbutter: anyways imma look at tits
Inasg_hoe: aw too bad
Alpharad: im back
Axel_amor: Lemme see how far Denver is-
Inasg_hoe: it's in Colorado
Alpharad: i know everyone missed me
Inasg_hoe: I missed u
Ringchance: alpha i missed you
Axel_amor: Colorado?!?
Inasg_hoe: mhm
Ishipwillowandhunter: I missed you
Ringchance: did you have fun?
Nutterbutter: wdym?
Alpharad: you guys did not miss me stop lying
Axel_amor: Oh no-
Ringchance: i did it was funny with you here
Nutterbutter: lol
Ringchance: ina who are you talking about?
Ishipwillowandhunter: I haven't seen you but I don't doubt you're gorgeous, btw I have like 2 mins
Axel_amor: Hehe.
Inasg_hoe: when will u be bck mich
Ishipwillowandhunter: No it isn't :(
Inasg_hoe: yes it is
Alpharad: does that woman have a dick
Ishipwillowandhunter: I want my dick down her throat
Axel_amor: Tay wanna suck your dick.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Idk
Assmaster: its called futanari
Alpharad: hmmmmm interersting
Axel_amor: Or Tay wanna put a dick down my throat-
Inasg_hoe: I did say that :)
Axel_amor: Yep.
Nutterbutter: futari is hot
Ringchance: does anyone wanna just like do STUFF irl?
Axel_amor: I’m a horny bitch rn.
Alpharad: anways what happened while i was eating
Nutterbutter: yes
Axel_amor: I’m a subbyyyy..
Ringchance: im horneyrn too
Nutterbutter: same
Nutterbutter: I always am
Ringchance: same
Nutterbutter: lol
Alpharad: im not really that horny
19:38:14Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Assmaster: oh no the erp phase is starting again
Alpharad: we ddint need to know that
Ishipwillowandhunter: Okay nvm I got a few more minutes
Axel_amor: Some people do cause they spam me.
Alpharad: no one
Ringchance: same masterbaiting is such a mood
Alpharad: and i mean no one
Alpharad: wants to know when you are going to masturbate
Nutterbutter: bro stop
Ishipwillowandhunter: I can help you
Ringchance: you can help me >:)
Axel_amor: NO TAY!!
Nutterbutter: if you keep doing this I am going to post porn
Ringchance: i looked
Alpharad: british teeth
Ishipwillowandhunter: So ring, you up for some erp later?
Inasg_hoe: 🇬🇧❤️
Nutterbutter: bruh what about me
Alpharad: bro
Alpharad: nutterbutter
Slimerizzler: bruhhhh
Alpharad: who even are you?
Nutterbutter: what
Alpharad: are you new?
Nutterbutter: a freind of somebody else on here
Alpharad: I literally dont remeber you
Nutterbutter: wow
Skelebro: welcome to your final test, im mr beast, you can drop the s cause i never miss a beat
Ishipwillowandhunter: You're my friend, and you can join nutter
Slimerizzler: you all hoes
Ringchance: nutterbutter is my friend
Inasg_hoe: .
Alpharad: mr breast
Ishipwillowandhunter: Burger
Nutterbutter: WHAT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alpharad: new mr breast burger
Skelebro: bro wha
Skelebro: are you okay homie
Slimerizzler: no
Slimerizzler: no
Slimerizzler: no
Nutterbutter: damn
Slimerizzler: no
Slimerizzler: no
Slimerizzler: no
Slimerizzler: no
Slimerizzler: v
Skelebro: shut up mr rizzler
Slimerizzler: v
Slimerizzler: v
Slimerizzler: novno
Alpharad: slimerrizzler shut yo mcdonald ass up
Slimerizzler: no
Slimerizzler: no
Slimerizzler: no
Slimerizzler: no
Alpharad: you aint got no game
Alpharad: we didnt need to see this nutterbutter
Skelebro: i hate you
Inasg_hoe: love you too!!
Alpharad: you have less game than slimerizzler nutterbutter
A_n00b: BACK
Alpharad: NOOB
A_n00b: ?
Skelebro: no
Skelebro: no
Skelebro: no
Skelebro: no
Skelebro: no
Skelebro: no
Skelebro: no
Skelebro: noo
Alpharad: thankgoodness
Skelebro: no
Skelebro: no
Skelebro: no
Alpharad: these stupid new guys are here
Alpharad: spamming no
A_n00b: oh gay porn ok
Nutterbutter: yep
Alpharad: cheese touch
Inasg_hoe: .
A_n00b: no dick
A_n00b: boob
A_n00b: dickboob
A_n00b: boobs with dicks for nipples
A_n00b: that has to exist
Alpharad: life could be a dream
Ringchance: noob their is a hentai with that
Inasg_hoe: u could js get that surgically attached but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work
(anon): it would
Inasg_hoe: mhm sure
A_n00b: lol
Alpharad: man that would be weird af
Alpharad: to have 3 dicks
Ishipwillowandhunter: No, it would. You could get the tips installed
Pronounciation: Anyone know how Muhammad looks like?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Nutter
Alpharad: brooooo not you again
Ishipwillowandhunter: why
Inasg_hoe: Uhh tf mich xf
Ishipwillowandhunter: what the actual fuck
Inasg_hoe: xd*
A_n00b: lol
Nutterbutter: why
Pronounciation: Still loading
Alpharad: bro nutter butter
Pronounciation: Good to know
Ishipwillowandhunter: i love gay porn but I don't want to see that shitty art
Pronounciation: it's just gay art
Ringchance: it's a nurse show that the main character is a futa and she is trying to make other nurses futa's so she experiments with them and in the 1st episode their is a girl with dick nipps
A_n00b: i hate england
Alpharad: tahts crazy
Pronounciation: Which wastes my mobile internet
Alpharad: why do you know that?
Nutterbutter: bruh what
Slimerizzler: STOP
Pronounciation: because I am my own British service provider
Ringchance: i watch all the episodes in one sitting i also brought pop corn
Slimerizzler: WITH GAY PORN
Nutterbutter: yes
Alpharad: slimerizzler get you dairy queen dollar tree lawnmower ass outta ere
A_n00b: i was told not to talk about boobs
Pronounciation: Indian
A_n00b: that dumb as fuck
Inasg_hoe: damnit
Axel_amor: Anyways ima go do me.
A_n00b: which indian
Inasg_hoe: bye axelina
Ringchance: k bye
Pronounciation: The G-spot-hood
Axel_amor: Axelina-?
A_n00b: by do me she means literally do herself
Pronounciation: Wanna guess where it is?
Ishipwillowandhunter: G spot 10/10
A_n00b: whats g spot
Ishipwillowandhunter: It's your prostate
Pronounciation: IN YOUR FAVE
A_n00b: where is that at
Pronounciation: Face
Ringchance: iship is back
Ishipwillowandhunter: You can stick your finger up your ass and poke it
Ringchance: hi daddy
A_n00b: cap
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey baby
A_n00b: cap
Alpharad: do myself? thats not food
Nutterbutter: sup bbg
Inasg_hoe: he not ur daddy u not his baby
Pronounciation: Pull my dick in your mouth. The G-spot is everywhere Inpull too
A_n00b: Axel_amor: Im gonna be masturbating soon so no spam me.
Alpharad: nutterbutter you have 0 rizz bro stop tryin
Ishipwillowandhunter: You're right, he's my pet.
Axel_amor: STFU!!
Axel_amor: I’m logging off. Byeee
Ringchance: tay do you wanna help me with my erection?
Inasg_hoe: YOU CANT SAY THAT!!!!
A_n00b: lol
Inasg_hoe: yess
Pronounciation: Exactly. I never cum. 😔
A_n00b: nigger
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'll help you darling
Slimerizzler: baby lock em doors and turn the lights down low put some music on that soft and slow baby
Pronounciation: I am doomed to have a raging-boner
Assmaster: such a good song
Axel_amor: Ring your can’t get hard rn-
Alpharad: i walk in with a gun
Axel_amor: You’re in school dumbfuck!
Pronounciation: In a gun-free zone
Alpharad: and shoot all of you except
A_n00b: me
Alpharad: tay they can live
Pronounciation: Mich
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes hon?
Ringchance: im in school but people have sex in school all the time
A_n00b: wat-
Pronounciation: How
Nutterbutter: fr
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah, we can just head to the stalls
Ringchance: our*
Nutterbutter: Especially KC shitter
Pronounciation: Did the teachers just gave up and join the horny side?
Alpharad: can i join the rp
Nutterbutter: maybe
Ishipwillowandhunter: Absolutely
Inasg_hoe: ofc
Ishipwillowandhunter: the more the merrier
Alpharad: im in the stall next to your stall wacthing among us letplay episode 4 very loudly
A_n00b: will there be boobs
Inasg_hoe: true sharing is caring
Pronounciation: A+ Biology
Ringchance: me and nutter's school has some really horny people they have sex a lot in school
Inasg_hoe: Im there so yes brajdyn
Inasg_hoe: Braidyn*
A_n00b: BOOBS
Inasg_hoe: Lmfao
A_n00b: finally
Pronounciation: And they don't bother that someone is pooping next to them?
Slimerizzler: F- algebra
Alpharad: yo can yall like be quiet there? my dude just got imposter
Ringchance: does anyone want me to sub them?
Pronounciation: What's Among Us Code?
A_n00b: me hitting gwiddy
Pronounciation: Haha
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes, sub me please
Pronounciation: Poser
Ishipwillowandhunter: I hope you like being tied up and edged.
Ringchance: erp?
A_n00b: so when we going
Alpharad: guys when are we starting
Pronounciation: Isn't our entire life an edge
A_n00b: being edged?
Nutterbutter: I wish
Pronounciation: And 8 times sex each school day?
Alpharad: guys when is the erp starting
Ishipwillowandhunter: Edged, like you're brought to the edge of the orgasm but stopped
Ishipwillowandhunter: repeatedly
Pronounciation: That makes me a woman
Inasg_hoe: .
A_n00b: that wont hapen to me
A_n00b: ima cum in 3 seconds
Jug_addict: hey turn it down im tryna take a shit
Ringchance: do it
Nutterbutter: ayo
Pronounciation: Got exhausted after 4 hours
A_n00b: i cant be edged
Slimerizzler: thats weak
Alpharad: hey jug addict wanna watch this funny clip, he vented and kileld this guy
Pronounciation: Long story
Slimerizzler: ill do it in 1
Ringchance: cum in my hands so i can swallow it right in front of you
A_n00b: uh
A_n00b: ew
Alpharad: wait guys im so confused who is cumming and being fucked and who is in this bathroom???
Pronounciation: Viagra is your friend
A_n00b: i am looking at taylors boobs
A_n00b: im not having gay sex
Nutterbutter: bruh
Inasg_hoe: NO THE FUCK U NOT
Nutterbutter: skill issue
A_n00b: i am
Pronounciation: School bathroom? Like everyone can see it accidently?
Slimerizzler: l
Slimerizzler: l
Slimerizzler: l
Slimerizzler: l
Slimerizzler: l
Slimerizzler: l
Slimerizzler: l
Slimerizzler: l
Slimerizzler: l
Pronounciation: Drug dealers
A_n00b: STOP
Alpharad: bro slimerizzler you have no game neither do you nutetr
Nutterbutter: fine
Ringchance: guys i gtg ima be home in about an hour bye
Alpharad: lets start over guys
Inasg_hoe: u not looking at my boobs I've never shown u
A_n00b: ok
Alpharad: opening seen
Nutterbutter: bye
Pronounciation: Nah every time I cum, I am getting daddy issues and weaker
Ishipwillowandhunter: Alright, see you soon hon
A_n00b: im looking at taylor in bra
A_n00b: ISIS
Inasg_hoe: U TOOK A PIC????
A_n00b: no
Pronounciation: Sí
Alpharad: okay so I walk into the bathroom and start taking a shit
Inasg_hoe: then no ur not
A_n00b: or am i
Pronounciation: Than you get a boner
Alpharad: no i dont
Inasg_hoe: u js ruin your chances of me EVER flashing you when u do this
Alpharad: im wathcing amon gus
Pronounciation: To the amount of pheromone and moans going on here
Alpharad: theres no one in here yet we restarted
A_n00b: im talking about when we go fuck in the bathroom with everyone
Assmaster: cum in hands
A_n00b: like mich
Pronounciation: Hands in cum
A_n00b: you said oyu would be there
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'll fuck anyone anywhere as long as you don't have std's
Alpharad: currently there 1 person in the bathroom
A_n00b: i have never had sex om cleaner thn clean
Pronounciation: Even men?
Skillersrule: hello fellas
Inasg_hoe: hey
Ishipwillowandhunter: That's even better, I'll take your anal virginity. Or i'll give you top whichever you want
Assmaster: cum
A_n00b: 0-0
A_n00b: i dont want to be fucked
Assmaster: CUM
A_n00b: EW
A_n00b: SO MUCH
Pronounciation: Ishipwillowandhunter VS Anything that moves and has a hole
Skillersrule: woaj
Skillersrule: woah*
A_n00b: me vs mich in a fight
Ishipwillowandhunter: Absolutely, my cat stood no chance
A_n00b: who wins
Pronounciation: Nice correction
Alpharad: ishipwillowandhunter why are you so horny
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm not really
Pronounciation: Poser
Alpharad: assmaster stop making me horny
Pronounciation: Alphas testosterone reaches levels
Ishipwillowandhunter: I seek short term pleasures, I will do whatever I can as long as it makes me feel good momentarily
Alpharad: wait so im confised
Pronounciation: i seek long-term pleasures like my long cock
Alpharad: are we still in the bathroom?
Pronounciation: Basically Iship is hedonist
Ishipwillowandhunter: whas that
Pronounciation: seeking happiness above all
Ishipwillowandhunter: oh yeah definitely
Ishipwillowandhunter: and a socio
A_n00b: so uh
Pronounciation: suring sex, you never learned basic philosophy appearantly
A_n00b: your just a sociopath
Pronounciation: during*
Ishipwillowandhunter: yeah noob pretty much
A_n00b: thats cringe
A_n00b: you dont kill animals
Pronounciation: You know the nihilist definition?
A_n00b: no
Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't find pleasure in harming living things, if it's necessary to reach a goal then sure but it's not something that makes me feel good
Alpharad: pronounctaion did you like read the enitre fuckign dictioanry in your free time
A_n00b: we are very different then
Pronounciation: Saying that every moral judgment is meaningless
Ishipwillowandhunter: No, that's not true. It depends what the harm is, like bdsm sort of stuff I like
Pronounciation: YouTube Videos random and school
A_n00b: i love murdering animals
Alpharad: i dont like dsm
Ishipwillowandhunter: But seriously harming, like blow torching a hamster, is bad.
A_n00b: maybe one day people
A_n00b: ohhhhh i never thought of that
A_n00b: noted
Pronounciation: Quantum Mechanics means measuring particles movements
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh, if a hamster eats drywall, the drywall will expand in it's stomach and it'll explode
A_n00b: nice
Pronounciation: Depends on the observer.
A_n00b: OH SHIT
Ishipwillowandhunter: I love quantum mechanics
Alpharad: man im still in this bathroom watching amongus
A_n00b: dont let tay hear this
Ishipwillowandhunter: Corpse hopefully
A_n00b: she will yell at us
Pronounciation: Not even Heisenberg understood it
Ishipwillowandhunter: Idc
Ishipwillowandhunter: walta
A_n00b: but i dont want in trouble
Inasg_hoe: EW
Ishipwillowandhunter: you left your keys in the car Walta
Inasg_hoe: NOOO
Pronounciation: Shutting and watching Among Us = The average High School experience
A_n00b: EW NOOOO what
Pronounciation: Shitting
Skillersrule: A_n00b: i love murdering animals
Ishipwillowandhunter: But seriously harming, like blow torching a hamster, is bad.
A_n00b: maybe one day people
A_n00b: thats it
Ishipwillowandhunter: Tay that happens damn
Pronounciation: Tbh I never vaccine it and I survived
A_n00b: bro dont quote me
Inasg_hoe: BUT ITS HUGE
A_n00b: i have a scar across my chest
Ishipwillowandhunter: Pro come on
A_n00b: i like it
Inasg_hoe: ITS MASSIVE!!!
Alpharad: i dont belive in vacciness
Ishipwillowandhunter: I have a lot of scars
Inasg_hoe: ME TOO APPHA
Inasg_hoe: ALPHA*
Pronounciation: Nah my immun system STRONKS
A_n00b: ....
Ishipwillowandhunter: Your immune system is going to fail you one day and I'm going to pull the plug because you deserve it
Skillersrule: Assmaster, why do you have 907 messages from the same person, you should peobably open them
Alpharad: vaccinees have little tracking chips in them
Assmaster: its from a server
A_n00b: bro
Skillersrule: ah, that makes more sense
Soap21: Awake
Pronounciation: Ok then I vaccinate every mouth from stranger doctors, that's way better
Assmaster: i took a break from discord for a few days
Skillersrule: FOAP
Soap21: Foap
Pronounciation: month *
A_n00b: guys i give up on boobas
A_n00b: i shall be normal
Ishipwillowandhunter: "stranger doctors" that have 10 years of education and know better than your whole damn family
Alpharad: guys im done shitting im leaving the bathroom now
Jug_addict: hen ur grandma unplugs ur xbox so u unplug her life support
Alpharad: why is there so much cum out here
Skillersrule: w normality
Pronounciation: Ok I am lazy and don't see a reason to change my life style
A_n00b: nice
Ishipwillowandhunter: death is a reason, though I suppose that isn't a bad thing
Pronounciation: I feel fine without vaccine and there's sus claims about vaccines, therefore I stay like this
Alpharad: vacciness were made by the governmant
Ishipwillowandhunter: Lol yes the aunt on facebook claims they give you autism
A_n00b: false
Jug_addict: femboys in lace panties>>>
Alpharad: they give you aids
A_n00b: ....
Pronounciation: It's my choice to chill at home instead making an appointment all the way just to get a vaccine
Alpharad: femboys are mid
Pronounciation: Which lesser ppl and scientists takes Covid seriously anyway
20:13:45Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Alpharad: dont send various femboy pictures
Alpharad: covid is a hoax
Pronounciation: In my country, theres none covid restrictions anymore and today's scientists says that only risk group should be vaccinated. I am healthy so I don't need it
Oofalladeez: back
Pronounciation: Another political take: We will more likely to die from WW3 than Covid
Soap21: Nut time
Pronounciation: Sex time
Soap21: I love door stuck
Ishipwillowandhunter: future diary
Katrljobs: ;
Assmaster: great op
Hello91: yeah
Katrljobs: hi
Hello91: does have a great opening
Hello91: nvm gtg
Axel_amor: Yo.
Axel_amor: SOAP!!
Oofalladeez: wait...
Oofalladeez: I was in a private game
Oofalladeez: Ig we both logged out...
Inasg_hoe: back bitches
Axel_amor: Hii
Oofalladeez: but I had a max dead time
Inasg_hoe: hewoo
Ishipwillowandhunter: Welcome back british bitch
Inasg_hoe: thank you Colorado cunt
Assmaster: hey
Oofalladeez: can anybody see my messages?
Axel_amor: Is ring on.
Inasg_hoe: I can
Axel_amor: I canx
Inasg_hoe: idk
Ishipwillowandhunter: yes
Oofalladeez: okay
Oofalladeez: so it being glitchy then
Inasg_hoe: Je peux*
Axel_amor: Ringggg
Axel_amor: Is ring on?
Katrljobs: man in horny.
Inasg_hoe: fuck me
Inasg_hoe: jk
Katrljobs: okay
Ishipwillowandhunter: Fuck me man
Ishipwillowandhunter: literally
Assmaster: future diary is what happens when you stick your dick in crazy
Katrljobs: m
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm sad I live in America
Inasg_hoe: aw
Inasg_hoe: AND IT'S SAFER
Assmaster: shit weather
Inasg_hoe: so true
Axel_amor: Other than London-
Inasg_hoe: nah but it's been alr recently
Inasg_hoe: ass where u at in England?
Soap21: Ew british
Axel_amor: SOAP!
Soap21: Hello
Inasg_hoe: hey derrick
Jug_addict: who else read/watched the outsiders?
Soap21: Not derrick
Inasg_hoe: yes derrick
Soap21: No
Inasg_hoe: yes
Soap21: Agree to disagree
Inasg_hoe: no
Soap21: Yes
Ishipwillowandhunter: i'll be the one inconsiderate
Katrljobs: :P
Oofalladeez: damn
(anon): hello!
Inasg_hoe: hi
Oofalladeez: hi
Inasg_hoe: what's wrong boo?
Oofalladeez: nothing
Inasg_hoe: bs
Inasg_hoe: u can talk to me
Inasg_hoe: I'm here for uu
Oofalladeez: okay I'm about to post a link cause I'm about to clear chat
Oofalladeez: I have to have a talk with Anon69
Oofalladeez: if they get on
Inasg_hoe: Okay
Oofalladeez: post this link
Inasg_hoe: they will dw
Inasg_hoe: send that to them if they come on?
Oofalladeez: send it in public
Anon69: ???
Anon69: What about me?
Oofalladeez: oh well nvm then XD
Inasg_hoe: HEYYYYY
Deez1: pick niggas
Anon69: Hi!!!
Inasg_hoe: hru?
Deez1: good
Oofalladeez: Hi
Katrljobs: man im erect rn.
Inasg_hoe: fuck me
Katrljobs: okay
Deez1: damn right nigga
Inasg_hoe: lol
Soap21: cum
Inasg_hoe: in me
Soap21: hwat
Katrljobs: wha
Axel_amor: MY SOAP!!
Soap21: what happened to it
Inasg_hoe: YOUR DERRICK*
Soap21: you dropped the soap?
Axel_amor: Derrick?
Inasg_hoe: oui oui
Soap21: no
Inasg_hoe: oui
Soap21: my name chase
Inasg_hoe: ferma la bouche
Soap21: tay wacky
Inasg_hoe: non
Soap21: oui
Inasg_hoe: ferme*
Axel_amor: Ohhh so my Chase!
Inasg_hoe: Tu parles français?
Soap21: no
Soap21: no its not
Inasg_hoe: C'EST
Ishipwillowandhunter: non incest derrick
Soap21: lol
Soap21: my internet is being shit
Inasg_hoe: ?
Inasg_hoe: idc
Axel_amor: Nooo my Chases internet!!
A_n00b: lol
Yttrium: Oh shit
Soap21: no crazy french woman
A_n00b: wow great reaction
Yttrium: Soaps name has been revealed?
Axel_amor: My chasers!!
Soap21: i told them my name like the first day i was here
Yttrium: Oh
Yttrium: Well you guys arent finding my name so whatever
A_n00b: what is going on
Soap21: issac
Yttrium: And it isn't something you could guess
A_n00b: lol
Soap21: damnit
Yttrium: Or maybe you could if you have a crazy enough imagination
A_n00b: uh
Soap21: zyquarious
A_n00b: lol
A_n00b: oh guys ima go
Soap21: bye bud
A_n00b: i have a basketball game
Axel_amor: Byeee
Axel_amor: Chasese
Soap21: byasketbyol
A_n00b: ill be back in like 5 hours
A_n00b: bye bye
Inasg_hoe: d'accord
Soap21: axel what skill level u play on beatsaber
Soap21: i play expert
Axel_amor: Same.
Soap21: good
Ishipwillowandhunter: i wish I was dead and cold
Ishipwillowandhunter: I was I was dead rn
Ishipwillowandhunter: I wish i was dead
Ishipwillowandhunter: I wish I was dead and cold
Soap21: why
Inasg_hoe: non.
Ishipwillowandhunter: I wanna go far away from you but I don't wanna know how it feels to be alone
Ishipwillowandhunter: Wanna be alone but I hate the distance
Axel_amor: *grabs your hand and pulls you closer* No need to be so tense~
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hon I like you but w'ere not that close
Axel_amor: MB!!
Yttrium: Oh shit she tryna fuck
Ishipwillowandhunter: Fr honestly hot
Yttrium: Who was that for?
Axel_amor: Someone.
Yttrium: Cinder maybe?
Inasg_hoe: but cinder isn't on...?
Yttrium: Hmmmm
Axel_amor: JUST SHUT UP!!
Inasg_hoe: um that's not good..
Yttrium: Okay
Inasg_hoe: ok
Yttrium: Sorry
Axel_amor: Cinder and I aren’t dating!!
Inasg_hoe: but you do have a bf Axel.
Yttrium: Okay. Sorry for assuming.
Axel_amor: >=P
Yttrium: You called Cinder "my Cindy" earlier so I made some assumptions
Axel_amor: Do I?
Axel_amor: Do I have a bf?
Inasg_hoe: with the amount of times you screamed about the paying problem, I'm pretty sure most people would assume you do.
Axel_amor: Heh
Axel_amor: *kisses your neck while Harrison
Axel_amor: THE FUCK!!
Inasg_hoe: ...
Yttrium: ...
Axel_amor: SHUT UP!!!
Yttrium: I didn't say anything
Dtrump: idek not asking
Inasg_hoe: so triggered
Ishipwillowandhunter: Kiss my neck please
Axel_amor: I hate that I fuck up with pm.
Inasg_hoe: ok
Yttrium: But if you go to bed early and get up then we'll have more time to talk
Yttrium: Sorry meant to whisper that
Yttrium: Mb
Soap21: legal meth
20:49:14Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Ishipwillowandhunter: so no neck kisses?
Soap21: so no head?
Axel_amor: Y’all want head and neck kisses??
Soap21: lol
Ishipwillowandhunter: I just want neck kisses. Or to give neck kisses. And thigh kisses. And chest kisses. Lots of kisses. And touching.
Meganfox: gay ass
Assmaster: no u
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm not gay, I like women as well
Meganfox: evidence=
Meganfox: any proof whatsoever?
Axel_amor: Ohh I like kisses.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Do I need to give proof that I like a gender? Wtf?
Meganfox: I am the ultimate skeptic
Meganfox: I doubt everything
Axel_amor: =3
Ishipwillowandhunter: Damn say less bbg
Axel_amor: Huh-?
Soap21: hello everybody my name is markiplier
Soap21: i want cheese
Axel_amor: SOAP!!!
Dtrump: same
Soap21: who?
Assmaster: whoops
Soap21: ik fukn webm
Meganfox: Soap21: i want cheese
But does he actually want cheese?
Soap21: i do
Meganfox: What happens when theres no cheese
Ishipwillowandhunter: I want to kiss necks
Soap21: i eat something else
Meganfox: hm
Axel_amor: CHASEEEE!!
Meganfox: What for example
Soap21: wut
Soap21: i eat soup
Meganfox: do you find me questioning annoying?
Soap21: no
Meganfox: lol. Socrates almost died for this
Axel_amor: Do you find me annoying?
Meganfox: Ok why exactly Soup?
Meganfox: Is Soup the most similar to cheese?
Soap21: you not annoying axel
Soap21: and i just like soup flavor
Soap21: chicken
Soap21: chicken soup
Meganfox: Do you find cheese with chicken soup flavor perfection?
Soap21: no
Axel_amor: Yay! I not annoying!!
Meganfox: But where does the jump from cheese to chicken soup came from?
Soap21: because
Soap21: i like to eat cheese sometimes
Soap21: and soup other times
Meganfox: What makes you drive to change your favorite food? God?
Soap21: no
Soap21: cravings
Soap21: random
Soap21: like rn i want a sub
Meganfox: Theres no scientific proof that randomness exists
Axel_amor: Ohh.
Soap21: i am the proof
Meganfox: It must be a casual link between you wanting chicken souop and you wanting cheese at times
Meganfox: Cravings are a feeling many people are familiar with. They are typically harmless, but if you don’t keep your cravings in check, they can impact your physical and mental health. Many people associate indulgence in less nutritious food cravings with weight gain and obesity. While these are possible outcomes
Soap21: too many words
Soap21: imma go make ramen
Meganfox: So if your mom reduce the cheese and chicken soup supply, do you suffer?
Meganfox: and ramen embargo too
Soap21: i havent seen my mom in 4 years
Meganfox: If theres no cheese and chicken soup and ramen, how does your life change?
Soap21: i have to find something less yummy
Axel_amor: Aww.. Chase..
Generic: sematary pull up wit 2 knives do ya funky town
Meganfox: What if the concept of Yummyness is eredicated?
Generic: bitch im babayaga wit my cutter up
Soap21: then id just eat whatevers there
Meganfox: even if its poison?
Soap21: no because dying isnt fun
Meganfox: So it isnt that random. Your critea is not dying from this food
Meganfox: But ever consider to improve your health with nutritous food beyond cheese?
Soap21: yes
Soap21: im on a diet rn
Axel_amor: My Chase can not die!!
Meganfox: And yet, you want cheese, no matter the health-costs
Soap21: yes
Meganfox: So you have low self-control to pursue what you rlly want
Generic: hackle wit the .30 shoot a nazi watch him die
Meganfox: Do you want cheese, or a healthy life?
Soap21: my self control is being too lazy to get up and get it
Meganfox: So you just accept it every day
Soap21: yep
Meganfox: What part of you does want cheese and what part wants diet?
Soap21: idk
Meganfox: I guess youre doomed to sabotage yourself then?
Soap21: maybe
Meganfox: Any help from friends or anyone?
Axel_amor: Stop questioning my Chase!!
Meganfox: I just get... to the case
Meganfox: One thing does not make it simple: cheese and longer life span (the closest realistic opposite to being poisoned)
Axel_amor: STOP!!!
Ishipwillowandhunter: bruh when is you going to shut up and kiss me
Soap21: i dont eat enough cheese to shorten my lifespan
Axel_amor: *kisses Mich* now shush!
Meganfox: any evidence that your cheese dose is healthy?
Meganfox: why
Ishipwillowandhunter: *Kisses back* was hoping for the neck but okay
Soap21: im not dead
Meganfox: but are you the strongest in your class?
Axel_amor: *kisses niches neck then lips* now shush!!!
Soap21: no
Soap21: average
Axel_amor: Miches*
Meganfox: so theres a potential there
Soap21: yea but thats more me than cheese
Meganfox: Cheese is a part of you. The more you eat cheese, the less space you have for vegetables
Ishipwillowandhunter: Damn girls am I allowed to kiss your neck
Axel_amor: I guess-?
Soap21: i dont eat massive amounts of chesse
Soap21: cheese
Meganfox: So your choice: Cheese, or beating up your bully
Soap21: lol
Soap21: i dont have a bully
Axel_amor: I do.
Meganfox: if you say so. Why do you refuse to become better?
Soap21: because i dont have a reason to
Meganfox: interesting
Axel_amor: SHUT UPPPP!!
Meganfox: So you cant imagine a future where you need to train?
Ringchance: im at my house
Ishipwillowandhunter: Why are you talking at all like you sound dumb af shut your ass up
Meganfox: Lets say... WW3?
Ishipwillowandhunter: BRO
Ishipwillowandhunter: SHUT THE FUCK UP
Ringchance: ok
Ishipwillowandhunter: Welcome Ring
Ringchance: hi
Axel_amor: Not you ring.
Ringchance: wdym?
Axel_amor: FOX STFUUU!!!!!
Ishipwillowandhunter: I wasn't telling you to shut up
Soap21: lol
Ringchance: oh lol
Meganfox: Why should I shut up?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Because I'll kiss you if you don't and neither of us want that
Dtrump: ur weird
Ishipwillowandhunter: hehe
Cinderacefanboy: hellurh
Ishipwillowandhunter: Cinderrrr hiiii
Axel_amor: CINDEY!
Ringchance: hi cin
Meganfox: so everyone whos weird and going to be kissed has to be shut up
Cinderacefanboy: well thats not me then
Ringchance: who is that
Dtrump: that is gen
Meganfox: an Anti-Weird-Mobcracy
Soap21: put the bidet on full power
Jug_addict: i want this hoodie its so adorable
Ringchance: gen is a 7/10
Generic: stay in my haunted house i call it the butcher house
Nutterbutter: bruh
Cinderacefanboy: gen you like pretty nice
Cinderacefanboy: look*
Cinderacefanboy: fuck
Dtrump: gen will make you gay
Ringchance: hi jacob
Generic: i made my dad gay
Generic: i was 5
Cinderacefanboy: oh shit the gun
Ringchance: what?
Cinderacefanboy: gen has a gun
Axel_amor: Hehe Gens gun.
Cinderacefanboy: uwu shoot me
Cinderacefanboy: and the knife
Generic: this pic hard asf im ngl
Ishipwillowandhunter: Gen is honestly hot
Ishipwillowandhunter: like look at that goddamn
Ringchance: man got the sexy face ngl
Generic: only reason i send pics is to boost my ego
Generic: LOL
Ishipwillowandhunter: Same with cinder
Generic: i aint seen cinder
Generic: who got tha pic
Cinderacefanboy: bruh
Cinderacefanboy: im gonna play dmc5
Ringchance: k
Ringchance: you going?
Generic: which ones cinder nutterbutter
Ishipwillowandhunter: You're hot, can't even lie. I gtg, I'll be back later
Cinderacefanboy: none of them
Soap21: i go now rain is making me sleepy
Cinderacefanboy: go sleep soap
Soap21: no wait sleep is bad
Soap21: i play cod instead
Axel_amor: Chase go sleep!
Cinderacefanboy: is soaps name chase?
Soap21: i just woke up from nap
Soap21: i dont need another
Axel_amor: Chase!!
Nutterbutter: thats hot
Axel_amor: Sleep now!!
Nutterbutter: no
Soap21: a rat died in the roof of my living room a week ago and its just been making it smell bad
Axel_amor: Hehe, yay!
Axel_amor: DEAD RAT!!
Soap21: i hate rats
Meganfox: why
Soap21: why they choose to live in my house
Axel_amor: Rats funny Chase!
Axel_amor: Chase go sleep.
Meganfox: Theres many factors
Soap21: i shant sleep
Axel_amor: Chase please..
Soap21: i go beatsaber
Axel_amor: Chase…
Ringchance: im going to masterbait who wanna help me?
Assmaster: ok
Soap21: not tired anymore
Meganfox: Why are they posting pictures of a person?
Nutterbutter: idk
Axel_amor: CHASEEEE!!
Soap21: zamn bro i gotta get back on hogwarts legacy
Dtrump: thats weird dude
Assmaster: its hentai
Cinderacefanboy: god i love dmc5
Ringchance: god i love you
Nutterbutter: ?
Cinderacefanboy: ........ok
Chillsj: Oh no. Dtrump wants to use his powers to shut Assmaster down too
Nutterbutter: whats that?
Generic: if u cant spell masturbate right u shouldnt be masturbating jus saying
Nutterbutter: lol
Dtrump: Yeah I will ban assmaster.
Assmaster: NOOOO
Axel_amor: NO
Dtrump: Blame chillsj he said I should.
Chillsj: I predict. Not ought-statement
Dtrump: whats the prediciton.
Chillsj: Chillsj: Oh no. Dtrump wants to use his powers to shut Assmaster down too
Axel_amor: =<
Chillsj: and you seems to do it. Our best guy in this public site :(
Dtrump: idek who chillsj is
Cinderacefanboy: time to play mgrr
Chillsj: whos Dtrump?
Ringchance: play sv
Cinderacefanboy: i dont have my switch on me rn
Ringchance: oh lol
Dtrump: whose assmaster
Assmaster: idk
Hello91: hello
Chillsj: whos my mom?
Nutterbutter: idk
Dtrump: idc
Axel_amor: Brb
(anon): Back
Chillsj: how is Nutterbutter more normal than Assmaster
Axel_amor: Back
Chillsj: Black
Axel_amor: Wtf-
Ringchance: dude ik nutterbutter irl he is really cool
Chillsj: Everyone is cool except that one guy which shouldnt be mentioned
Axel_amor: Who?
Nutterbutter: who me?
Chillsj: nah u cool
Nutterbutter: oh
Axel_amor: Me?
Chillsj: nope
Dtrump: is it chillsj
Generic: ima take ur jawbone u cant tell me shit now
Chillsj: maybe
Chillsj: Maybe I hate myself
Axel_amor: Gen what-?
Generic: huh
Chillsj: Genetically modified
Axel_amor: Huh-
Nutterbutter: whats yalls favorite pron type?
Nutterbutter: porn*
Generic: i flex so damn hard ud think it was a funeral
Axel_amor: Male solo masturbation
Nutterbutter: alr
Soap21: coolio
Cinderacefanboy: im playing a game and im gonna sing yee haw
Axel_amor: That kinda porn.
Chillsj: female group masturbation
Generic: i dont watch porn
Nutterbutter: yeah well brb I need to go do something
Axel_amor: Bro gonna wank off.
Axel_amor: Ohh it’s raining.
Generic: when shawty barf up on my dick ik i luv her
Axel_amor: Ok well I gtg for a bit, if Mich logs on tell him I’ll be back in a few.
Nutterbutter: ok I am back and no I was not wanking off
Nutterbutter: -_-
Nutterbutter: why
Assmaster: 4K 60FPS remake
Chillsj: why not
Nutterbutter: true
Chillsj: first time, QAssmaster seeing this rickroll this high quality?
Assmaster: no
Chillsj: Almost wondering
Assmaster: hot
Nutterbutter: ikr
Cinderacefanboy: i love game music so much
Assmaster: me too
Nutterbutter: same
Ringchance: same
Chillsj: french kiss
Cinderacefanboy: especially mgrr
Cinderacefanboy: i cant help but sing along
Soap21: schlatt has never played skyrim
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm here
Ishipwillowandhunter: Schlatt cums in my asshole
Nutterbutter: bruh what
Chillsj: Skillersrule: Assmaster, why do you have 907 messages from your gf, you should peobably open them
Alpharad: vaccinees have little tracking chips in them
Assmaster: its from a server
Skillersrule: ok then
Chillsj: out-of-context
Cinderacefanboy: yes here comes the meme part
Chillsj: Soap21: the only feral yiff i look at is dragons because they arent real
Cinderacefanboy: standing here
Ishipwillowandhunter: Cinder can I see another pic of you, not for sexual purposes you're just very good looking
Soap21: yep i said that
Cinderacefanboy: i love this game so much
Ishipwillowandhunter: I love you so much <3
Axel_amor: Hello???
Sluttycummingcatgirl: hi cuties :D
Axel_amor: MICH!
Jug_addict: AYO?
Chillsj: Love doesnt exists
Soap21: unsolicited dick pics
21:50:20Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Ishipwillowandhunter: SLUTTY
Jug_addict: SHUT
Sluttycummingcatgirl: HIIIIII
Axel_amor: Hiii!!
Jug_addict: wassup
Chillsj: Facts dont care about your logics
21:52:41Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Ringchance: hi jug
Jug_addict: yo
Nutterbutter: cum
Sluttycummingcatgirl: nut
Nutterbutter: in me?
Sluttycummingcatgirl: no in me
Nutterbutter: alr
Nutterbutter: when
Nutterbutter: and where
Sluttycummingcatgirl: yes
Nutterbutter: just yes?
Ishipwillowandhunter: sex drive is in over drive goddamn
Nutterbutter: lol
Sluttycummingcatgirl: hahaha
Ringchance: ship i can be your subby
Ishipwillowandhunter: Of course darling
Chillsj: Has your sex drive an exeption?
Ringchance: would you like that
Soap21: talking thru vr lol
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'd love that <3
21:56:01Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Ringchance: good
Nutterbutter: I bet you would is dick is massive
Nutterbutter: bruh what
Nutterbutter: lol
Soap21: lol
Soap21: sworc
Sluttycummingcatgirl: sworc indeed
Ringchance: i'll be a good little boy
Cinderacefanboy: me whenever i'm losing an argument
Ringchance: what? i'll be a good boy?
Ringchance: cin i'd smash
Axel_amor: MY CINDY!!
Ringchance: correction our
Dtrump: ew children
Ringchance: i want someone to jizz in my hands so i can swallow it in front of them
Nutterbutter: lmfao
Ishipwillowandhunter: Cinder, no joking, but you are actually hot
Cinderacefanboy: its not cute
Ringchance: yes it is
Cinderacefanboy: no its not
Ringchance: your mad hot
Cinderacefanboy: ugh i need to cum ill be afk
Ishipwillowandhunter: You are hot. You are legit so hot. I would bend you over any where, any time.
Ringchance: i got you cin
Sluttycummingcatgirl: oh damn
Cinderacefanboy: jesus fucking christ
Sluttycummingcatgirl: yeah I don't think you need to afk with all these people lmao
Cinderacefanboy: no thanks
Keigo: hey guys
Nutterbutter: oh whats wrong cinder?
Cinderacefanboy: i prefer to find my own stuff thanks
Nutterbutter: lol
Sluttycummingcatgirl: your tastes are that depraved huh
Ishipwillowandhunter: Cinder goddamn send another pic
Nutterbutter: ayo send me one
(anon): hey
Cinderacefanboy: shut up
Soap21: omg vrc cock
Axel_amor: MY CINDER!!
Symbioticfenrir: ?
Symbioticfenrir: oops lol
Nutterbutter: thats hot
Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't even want to fuck you. I just want to hold you and run my hands through your hair.
Cinderacefanboy: hey fen
Symbioticfenrir: hello
Axel_amor: SYMMM
Symbioticfenrir: cinder i have a question
Cinderacefanboy: wut
Nutterbutter: bruh
Symbioticfenrir: though we have met not long ago woulld you bequeathe me the title of friend?
Nutterbutter: who?
Symbioticfenrir: cinder
Nutterbutter: oh
Cinderacefanboy: yes
Symbioticfenrir: yay
Ringchance: is this breedable?
Nutterbutter: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Nutterbutter: thats hot
Cinderacefanboy: those are the eyes of someone who has no hope left
Sluttycummingcatgirl: idk if breedable, but the place you're in looks like you're being questioned lmao
Sluttycummingcatgirl: like you're in an interview room being questioned for a murder
Sluttycummingcatgirl: that's the room
Ringchance: i was in school
Axel_amor: Guys stop calling my cinder hot!!
Cinderacefanboy: makes sense
Symbioticfenrir: is he?
Ringchance: our cinder
Symbioticfenrir: i wonder
Axel_amor: MY CINDER!!
Sluttycummingcatgirl: tbf he is hot, that's just a fact
Cinderacefanboy: ugh you wanna see now fen
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hot doesn't even describe him, really. He's gorgeous, nothing sexual, he's just a nice looking guy.
Ringchance: that was me
Symbioticfenrir: yeah kinda
Sluttycummingcatgirl: he's our
Cinderacefanboy: i dont see why
Symbioticfenrir: fun
Cinderacefanboy: i literally am covering half my fuckin face
Nutterbutter: damn
Symbioticfenrir: he wearing a mask or smth?
Sluttycummingcatgirl: tbf I think it's the hair
Symbioticfenrir: i cant oin btw
Symbioticfenrir: join
Cinderacefanboy: i just like the hair over one eye whats so hot about that?
Dtrump: he looks 12
Symbioticfenrir: describe him in detail
Ringchance: i just wanna play video games with cinder
Axel_amor: Hmph..
Sluttycummingcatgirl: photo skills could use some work though, like the top half of the photo is just blank ;P
Axel_amor: Stfu!
Sluttycummingcatgirl: wait so now I can't say that as well?
Sluttycummingcatgirl: D:
Cinderacefanboy: please downtalk me
Sluttycummingcatgirl: uwu
Ishipwillowandhunter: How can I ever down talk such a beautiful man
Axel_amor: Mich stop..
Cinderacefanboy: AHHHHH
Symbioticfenrir: nah bruh
Symbioticfenrir: do you have the anime cut?
Dtrump: weird
Cinderacefanboy: no
Cinderacefanboy: i just comb it over one eye
Dtrump: not nice
Symbioticfenrir: lol
Symbioticfenrir: you mean an animine cut
Symbioticfenrir: anime
Sluttycummingcatgirl: was a mistake to show your hands, mich's gonna cum just from looking at them
Cinderacefanboy: .............................................
Axel_amor: SHUT UP!!
Cinderacefanboy: stop complimenting me it's weird
Assmaster: cummy wummy
Symbioticfenrir: iidek yet
Dtrump: stop being weirdos
Symbioticfenrir: i havent seen him
Cinderacefanboy: i'm losing my mind
Axel_amor: You’re all being annoying!!
Cinderacefanboy: thats fucking what
Symbioticfenrir: ima brb with a dif name
Sluttycummingcatgirl: I'm sorry, we will all just put cinder on our ignore list then and pretend he doesn't exist if that makes you happy axel :(
Axel_amor: I didn’t fucking say that!
Cinderacefanboy: hey don't do that :(
Cinderacefanboy: i don't wanna be alone
Dtrump: you should be
Axel_amor: God whatever I say gets taken over the top!!
Sluttycummingcatgirl: ouch
Soap21: Pavlov fun
Itsfenrir: Hey
Axel_amor: I fucking can’t with people rn.
Cinderacefanboy: axel please stop
Axel_amor: Hi Sym..
Axel_amor: Fine.
Cinderacefanboy: i am fully capable of murder
Itsfenrir: Send the request for the chat thing I wanna see cinder
Sluttycummingcatgirl: hold up
Ringchance: im back
Axel_amor: I’m going offline, 1. To fucking sad 2. Wanting to cry.
Chillsj: Thats why you need professional help
Cinderacefanboy: my cam doesn't work i think
Itsfenrir: O.o
Sluttycummingcatgirl: don't fuck sad, fuck happy!
Axel_amor: I am only staying on the website for cinder and Mich.
Itsfenrir: Wow
Chillsj: fuck neutral
Itsfenrir: Glad to know I mean so much
Dtrump: they are rping lol
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh yeah definitely
Cinderacefanboy: i hate rp
Ringchance: same tbh
Cinderacefanboy: i never do that shit fuckin
Chillsj: almost sounds like rapig
Ishipwillowandhunter: It's annoying sometimes but what else can I do
Cinderacefanboy: CRINGE
Itsfenrir: Am I really not worth staying on a website for?
Dtrump: fanboy is crazy
Itsfenrir: Damn
Generic: nobody cares
Chillsj: how much is this website worth
Axel_amor: You are Sym just put two people instead of all people.
Itsfenrir: Fun
Itsfenrir: I wanna see cinder nonetheless
Generic: shes tryna find the words
Generic: im tryna find this girl but its so dark and i was under clublights
Yupimcinder: im not hot
Dtrump: You should have nver come here.
Ishipwillowandhunter: You're cute at the very least, Cinder.
Generic: call me on my iphone i dont pick it up much i been losin friends i dont feel right
Itsfenrir: He is?
Generic: 4 gold chains gave 2 to my brothers
Has Estimated Worth of
$ 25.00 Coins
Website Price calculated at: December 15, 2021, 11:17:18 AM
Itsfenrir: I want to see
Generic: fame bring pain but the pain make money
Generic: keep it 100 babygirl wuts yo number
Generic: girls numb the pain and the drugs get me number
Dtrump: I will by this site from azala.
Sluttycummingcatgirl: a small loan of $25
Itsfenrir: bruh
Chillsj: whats your version of the new azala?
Yupimcinder: i hate this shit
Itsfenrir: Cinder!!!
Itsfenrir: I want to see how you look
Dtrump: Well I will go on a ban spree first.
Ringchance: i think cinder is really handsome
Itsfenrir: You are very hyped up
Itsfenrir: And I haven't even seen yet
Dtrump: Then delete this site.
Sluttycummingcatgirl: banning muslims? that would be the trump move tbf
Axel_amor: Sym I’ll show you another time.
Ishipwillowandhunter: lmfao
Itsfenrir: ...
Axel_amor: I save all cinders photos.
Chillsj: waste of money or for greater good?
Generic: yk its fucked when the pain feel nice
Generic: cheap liquor on ice
Yupimcinder: axel that's kinda strange ngl
Dtrump: I would mute cinder from this site.
Generic: im tryna get u out my head tonight
Sluttycummingcatgirl: wow toxic :(
Generic: im tryna get u out my fuckin life
Axel_amor: Sorry.
Chillsj: so the deleting part was ironically
Generic: then we fuck then she suck me off twice
Generic: then i left that bitch alone like i was right fuckin right wrong
Axel_amor: I’ll delete them..
Yupimcinder: but its not like i can stop you from looking at your good widdle boy
Dtrump: I just wanna mess with tpeople on here.
Generic: in yo thong smokin strong outa bong wtf and im tryna make this song
Generic: yung white prick i get a kick out hittin licks
Axel_amor: Hey I love cinder!
Chillsj: You want to close this site sometimes? That will mess in the long-term
Generic: watch how i kick out yo bitch jus so i can cut my wrist
Generic: bitch im tatted out my shirt so i cant work i make it flip
Soap21: Cheddar cheese
Itsfenrir: Bruh
Generic: pour my 40 in the dirt then light my dutch n take a sip
Dtrump: Nah i will have age verification on here.
Ringchance: the whole global chat is not about cinder lol
Generic: i hear voices in my head they tellin me to call it quits
Itsfenrir: What time do you speak of?
Ringchance: is all*
Generic: i found some xanax in my bed i took that shit went back to slep
Chillsj: "Are you 18?" "Yes"
Itsfenrir: I would like to see as soon as possible
Dtrump: I just do not want anyone younger then 18 on here.
Chillsj: I mean thats the best what you can do legally, a popup
Axel_amor: Why??
Generic: bro think he fr the president
Sluttycummingcatgirl: surely people over the age of 18 would have better things to do than be on here
Chillsj: Why? Ask the pedos
Itsfenrir: My curiosity is in contained
Itsfenrir: In
Nutterbutter: horny time
Itsfenrir: In contained
Itsfenrir: Uncontained
Dtrump: Am I in the wrong here?
Yupimcinder: yes
Chillsj: Age verification is his only sane change here
Generic: yes
Dtrump: trick question
Chillsj: But pls let weird ppl have free speech
Sluttycummingcatgirl: i mean idk about being in the wrong, but age verification won't usually work anyway
Yupimcinder: this is the only thing thats saving me from school
Generic: u think porn sites dont know mfs under 18 b goin on there x-x
Itsfenrir: Bros like Dwight
Dtrump: I would require ids like a club.
Ringchance: it's always horney time for me ima go masterbait brb
Axel_amor: CINDEY..
Axel_amor: Cindey..
Assmaster: ban underage users
Jug_addict: not me playing rl sideswipe with a controller in class
Itsfenrir: ...
Yupimcinder: hmmm
Chillsj: Its more about legality. for so long kids just think they can join here with no concequences because their parents arent here or something
Generic: ring u should not b doin that shit bruh u cant even spell basic words
Yupimcinder: what is it axel
Generic: also chills stfu ur retarded and have 0 clue wut ur talking abt
Dtrump: there are 13 year olds on rn
Chillsj: Also you dont let children just walk to a strip club
Itsfenrir: Real
Generic: this isnt a strip club
Itsfenrir: D trump w
Generic: this the internet
Generic: are u actually retarded
Dtrump: chills is a pedo
Chillsj: well, can get dark
Generic: u cant stop minors from goin on this site
Chillsj: You can verify them
Dtrump: Well you could though.
Generic: so yall finna be the bouncers guarding pco for all eternity
Chillsj: Whats so family-friendly here?
Sluttycummingcatgirl: films rated pg13 can get dark too, kids watch those all the time though haha
Generic: who said it was family friendly
Ishipwillowandhunter: I wish my pg13 films had sex scenes, it would make movie night with the fam more fun
Chillsj: Its still supposed to be for 13
Dtrump: you did
Sluttycummingcatgirl: I don't think the darkness of cards against humanity is really that bad, teenagers can handle it
Rina: Yo
Generic: its 2023
Sluttycummingcatgirl: oh boy
Chillsj: Its like saying "I take weed easly, therefore it doesnt damage me anymore"
Generic: rin
Sluttycummingcatgirl: we can watch the sex scenes together dw ;D
Generic: chills ur retarded
Rina: How are youuu?
Chillsj: I am concerned
Generic: u have 0 clue abt anything on this website and u have 0 clue abt any drugs
Dtrump: hey rina
Soap21: Cummie wummies
Generic: ur a 12 yr old trying to act like a 20 yr old
Generic: nobody is fooled
Chillsj: drugs are bad
Axel_amor: Gtg talk to y’all later.
Rina: Hello trump
Generic: go back to playing subway surfers on mommys ipad n stop tryna act smart
Dtrump: chills is dumb as shit
Chillsj: can we agree that noone under 9 should join here?
Rina: Gennh who are being mean to?
Rina: greed
Generic: this retarded mf chills
Sluttycummingcatgirl: I mean ofc lmao
Generic: now ur loweing the age to 9
Chillsj: then age verification
Rina: Ohhh
Ishipwillowandhunter: NO SHE LEFT :(
Rina: Lmao
Generic: u were jus saying nobody under the age of 18 should be on the site
Generic: thats a big gap
Rina: Drugs are bac
Generic: retard
Dtrump: this guy agreed with me lol
Chillsj: Right now, anyone can join and be in danger
Rina: Hai mike
Ishipwillowandhunter: Heyy Rina, how're you doing?
Chillsj: Generic, are you ok?
Rina: I'm doing happy!
Ishipwillowandhunter: ofc he's not
Generic: i was bouta ask u the same thing
Sluttycummingcatgirl: I think the issue is more privacy, like random websites having your info
Rina: Finally got the baby to sleep
Ishipwillowandhunter: That's great lol
Generic: obv ur motor skills are not functioning properly
Sluttycummingcatgirl: that's why porn sites don't have proper age restrictions
Chillsj: Its the best that not even teenagers join here but if theyre smart, then at least stop the stupid, naive ones
Rina: Genny is waiting to be put into the mainframe. His brain is too incomprehensible for this worlds understanding.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Generic, be nice or I won't give you free oxy.
Dtrump: age verifcation on here would be for the best
Chillsj: fr
Generic: mich ur cringe
Ishipwillowandhunter: half of this sit is underage kids
Generic: dont talk to me like that
Rina: Chills sounds like he's part of conspiracy FB groupa
Rina: OI OI
Ishipwillowandhunter: Aw why not bb?
Generic: that shit aint a joke retard
Generic: stop joking abt it
Rina: Don't be mean to mike
Chillsj: Underage kids is the reason why Fortnite is cancer
Rina: Nahhh
Generic: ah so he is a 12 yr old retard
Chillsj: Do you want here to be cancer too?
Generic: i was right
Ringchance: i want someone to dominate me
Generic: how surprising
Rina: Fortnite is originally cancer
Dtrump: Keep crying that your underage.
Rina: 👀
Ishipwillowandhunter: I can joke about whatever the hell I want, nothing's meant to be taken seriously here, it's all bs anyway.
Rina: Who is under age?
Ringchance: me im 15
Dtrump: everyone here
Rina: I'm 20
Ishipwillowandhunter: 15
Generic: literally everyone on this site
Generic: except trump
Rina: Gen how old are you?
Sluttycummingcatgirl: I think most of us here are under 18
Generic: n rin when ur on
Generic: 17
Rina: And trump
Rina: Lmao
Generic: trump in his 20s
Rina: How old?!
Rina: Sometimes trumps a lil slow...
Ringchance: 15
Rina: I saw
Generic: nobody cares how old all yall npcs are nobody talkin to u
Rina: Am I an npc?
Generic: naw u a main character
Rina: I like to think I'ma playable character
Rina: Yayyyyy
Rina: Heheh
Yupimcinder: im an npc
Generic: idk y i came back to this cancer
Dtrump: Do not call me slow.
Rina: It pulls you in.
Ringchance: im a ugly side character lol
Rina: The fact that no one can moderate.
Generic: ill cyall ill b checking in on the site every now n then like i used to
Sluttycummingcatgirl: I'm a playable character too, as in you can play with me
Sluttycummingcatgirl: whoops sorry that was a typo
Generic: good talking to u rin
Rina: ...
Generic: bye
Rina: Bye bye
Ishipwillowandhunter: Because as sad and miserable as it is, it's a place with no moderation and people can say whatever they want
Ishipwillowandhunter: Bye
Ringchance: bye
Rina: Exactly Mike
Dtrump: thats why its dangerous
Generic: holup i have to comment on that
Generic: yall are missing the point of trumps argument
Rina: Hm?
Generic: there are predators on this site
Rina: Trump was arguing?
Generic: its not abt the darkness of the game
Rina: Oh no shit.
Rina: But any of us could report that and get the site monitored.
Dtrump: I might not have made that clear.
Rina: Hai ass
Yupimcinder: i think there's predators everywhere
Generic: nobody cares abt the actual game hes talking abt the fact that we have caught hella pedos preying on minors in chat
Sluttycummingcatgirl: yeah tbf I think the only way to fix that is just to delete this website I won't lie lmao
Ishipwillowandhunter: No, I know, I'm not saying you're wrong
Generic: his point still retarded but yall missed it
Rina: But we all still come here.
Generic: anyways bye i might send my discord in chat later if yall wanna dm me
Dtrump: Which point was retarded.
Ishipwillowandhunter: I didn't miss it, I just don't really care.
Rina: That's just always gonna be a risk when it comes to demoderation
22:20:57 26 April 2023 Wednesday
Jug_addict: wth did i walk in on?
Ringchance: idk
Ishipwillowandhunter: Me jerking it
Rina: Ur mum. My mum. And a corkscrew
Dtrump: I wanna clarify whatever I said was wrong.
Rina: Oki
Rina: 💋
Rina: Oh that was cringe
Rina: Can I take it back?
Ringchance: nope
Ringchance: lol
Rina: Damn 🫰
Rina: That's a snap
Rina: Chats gone dead
Rina: That's sad
Ringchance: not me
Rina: That's nice.
Rina: Wanna become a main?
Dtrump: I might have said something wrong before but whatever.
Ishipwillowandhunter: No, I'm here, just bored
Rina: BORED?
Rina: Wanna come play my deck?
Ishipwillowandhunter: what's your deck?
Rina: Hmmm 🤔
Dtrump: deck looks like dick
Rina: I'll make a game called beans come join
Rina: 👀
Dtrump: sorry dirty mind here
Ringchance: im trying to connect my computer to my tv but im scared because im on a call with my friend rn
Ishipwillowandhunter: No Trump, that's what Ithought at first. I thought she said want to come play with my dick
Ringchance: i also have a dirty mind, my mind wants me to suck dick and not just suck it but suck it so much it makes the person im sucking get addicted to me and never want to stop having sex with me but thats just me
Keigo: goodbye people
Chillsj: I have an idea: How about we make the entire website background as Chris Hanson intensively staring at us from screen?
Keigo: I am so fucking done with all this bullshit
Chillsj: or we could include questions only aduls can answer during age verification
Assmaster: internet exists
Assmaster: they could just google the answers
Chillsj: or we create pictures and if they recognize tits, its more likly an adult
Chillsj: You know those YouTube Videos testing your mental age, we could apply that too
(anon): dude you are still on this
Chillsj: Fun Riddles to test your Dirty Mind | Adult Riddles | Logically 😉😉
Yupimcinder: omg these comments on r34 lol
Yupimcinder: just a conversation about breaking bad
Ishipwillowandhunter: who's here
Yupimcinder: me
Ishipwillowandhunter: hii
Ishipwillowandhunter: How you doing?
Yupimcinder: just laughing about r34 comments
Ishipwillowandhunter: There's comments?
Yupimcinder: yeah wdm?
Ishipwillowandhunter: hahaha there is
Yupimcinder: i found a breaking bad conversation
Ishipwillowandhunter: Did you just say wanna do me? Or did you mean wdym? lmao show me
Yupimcinder: i mean wdm you didnt know
Ishipwillowandhunter: I did not
Yupimcinder: wow
Ishipwillowandhunter: I only went there to terrorize people with power puff girl porn
Yupimcinder: bruh
Ishipwillowandhunter: only of jojo tho
Yupimcinder: huh
Ishipwillowandhunter: mojo jojo? The monkey?
Yupimcinder: nope
Yupimcinder: i never watched ppg
Ishipwillowandhunter: mlp?
Yupimcinder: nope
Ishipwillowandhunter: pokemon?
Soap21: Shooble
Yupimcinder: aw hell yeah
Soap21: Yup you're cinder
Yupimcinder: i fucking love timed parrying
Ishipwillowandhunter: You play the games too? Favorite?
Yupimcinder: metal gear rising
Soap21: Skyrim is my #1 game
Ishipwillowandhunter: Metal Gear as a whole was pretty solid, I'm sad there most likely won't be another. Original is one of my favorites. Play any good games recently?
Yupimcinder: devil may cry 5
Yupimcinder: fucking hell
Yupimcinder: i should not be playing this on the hardest difficulty
Yupimcinder: FUCK
Ishipwillowandhunter: Devil May Cry is amazing, most of it anyway. Wdym games should always be played on max difficulty, which one you playing?
Yupimcinder: mgrr
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh, you playing revengeance mode?
Yupimcinder: yes
Ishipwillowandhunter: nicee, how far in are you?
Yupimcinder: i started my second revengeance playthrough just now
Yupimcinder: but its been a little
Yupimcinder: fuck i cant get sneezed on and not doe
Yupimcinder: die*
Yupimcinder: fuck this im fighting vergil
Ishipwillowandhunter: lmfao good luck man
Yupimcinder: i just wanna hear silver bullet
Yupimcinder: im gonna sing and be happy
T0xicego357: im back and ready to be cummed on
T0xicego357: i mean
T0xicego357: uh...
T0xicego357: nothing ignore that
Yupimcinder: weh
T0xicego357: are you actually cinder or...
Yupimcinder: im a smexxy boi
T0xicego357: if you is cinder then yess youare a smexxy boii
Yupimcinder: me fight vergil in devil may cry rn
Yupimcinder: cant talk must focus
T0xicego357: no need talk to meh
Ishipwillowandhunter: focus your energy pretty boy
Ishipwillowandhunter: Defeat him
T0xicego357: No he need focus on us
Nutterbutter: hello
T0xicego357: tsup nutt
Nutterbutter: how are you
T0xicego357: not bad want to talk to meh smexxy boi but he playing video games (no surprise there)
Yupimcinder: bruh im not good at being stylish
Nutterbutter: wdym?
T0xicego357: you is stylish as hell my guy
T0xicego357: i gtg now
Yupimcinder: cya tox uwu
Yupimcinder: enjoy your night
Ishipwillowandhunter: Have a good night Spencer, cya soon
Nutterbutter: do you like porn or hentai better?
Yupimcinder: meh give or take
Nutterbutter: same
Nutterbutter: just depends on how i am feeling
Nutterbutter: felt that
Ishipwillowandhunter: Porn feels to fake and forced
Ishipwillowandhunter: I like hentai better because obviously it's not real but at least it actually feels like it
Nutterbutter: yeah
Yupimcinder: imma practice my vergil combos
Nutterbutter: alr
Yupimcinder: fucking love vergil
Nutterbutter: same
Nutterbutter: man that shit is wired
Nutterbutter: yoooooooooooooooo assmaster
Dtrump: hey assmaster
Assmaster: hi
Nutterbutter: sup man
Dtrump: I was not serious earlier about banning you.
Nutterbutter: me or ass?
Yupimcinder: ow my fucking hand
Dtrump: ass
Ishipwillowandhunter: You good Cinder?
Nutterbutter: cinder wdym by that?
Yupimcinder: combos hurt man
Dtrump: I am chilling out on threatning people on here from now on,
Nutterbutter: ok
Assmaster: Seras Victoria
Yupimcinder: i still need to buy a yamato
Nutterbutter: yeah
Ishipwillowandhunter: The ship?
Yupimcinder: the sword
Assmaster: Starcraft Battlecruiser
Dtrump: the might sword
Dtrump: mighty
Ishipwillowandhunter: ah
Ishipwillowandhunter: for some reason my first thought was the tamocco
Ishipwillowandhunter: tomacco
Yupimcinder: then red queen and rebellion or the devil sword dante
Ishipwillowandhunter: Red Queen all the way
Ishipwillowandhunter: capriotties
Ishipwillowandhunter: why am I spelling everything wrong
Yupimcinder: why am i retarded
Nutterbutter: felt that
Cinderacefanboy: graaah
Ishipwillowandhunter: Why are femboys the literal best holy fuck reddit
Cinderacefanboy: .........
Cinderacefanboy: i want cake should i make cake
Ishipwillowandhunter: Absolutely, what kind?
Cinderacefanboy: in a mug
Cinderacefanboy: most likely chocolate
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ooo yum, got any frosting?
Cinderacefanboy: maybe
Cinderacefanboy: one sec
Ishipwillowandhunter: alr
Cinderacefanboy: no
Cinderacefanboy: sadge
Cinderacefanboy: i do have beans
Ishipwillowandhunter: Beans on cake, best combo.
Cinderacefanboy: do i have marshmallows?
Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't know, do you?
Cinderacefanboy: nope bc why would my family keep anything good in the house
Cinderacefanboy: cute
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh well, just cake will do
Jug_addict: I NEED IT
Cinderacefanboy: ig ill just shove some chocolate chips in there to make it better
Yttrium: Huh?
Yttrium: Tf did I just join back to nigga
Ishipwillowandhunter: You came back to Cinder making a cake
22:27:38Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Jug_addict: i want that hoodie so fucking bad
Ishipwillowandhunter: Get ittt
Ishipwillowandhunter: It looks nice
Jug_addict: but i caaannt
Jug_addict: i need to save money
Cinderacefanboy: sad
Jug_addict: i know
Jug_addict: it fits me like im a fucking child
Ishipwillowandhunter: Goku Black is best dbs character change my mind
Nutterbutter: cum
Alpharad: man
Jug_addict: no you fucking monkey
Katrljobs: :)
Katrljobs: Im still horny
Ishipwillowandhunter: Nice
Jug_addict: kys
Katrljobs: okay!
Ishipwillowandhunter: No, be nice. Jobs, just masturbate
Assmaster: weeb
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yessir
Cinderacefanboy: ok cake is bake
Cinderacefanboy: just gotta let it cool so it does not make my mouth more crispy then the area closest to hiroshima
Jug_addict: you know there was a certain radius during the bombing of hiroshima, where all the frozen pizzas were cooked to perfection
Cinderacefanboy: heard that
Cinderacefanboy: cake
Cinderacefanboy: is anyone here?
Ishipwillowandhunter: gimme cake
Cinderacefanboy: happy cinder =w=
Ishipwillowandhunter: heppy boi
Cinderacefanboy: chats dead
Lyrical: yes.
Ishipwillowandhunter: very
Cinderacefanboy: mmmm moist
Lyrical: i want cheese cake now
Ishipwillowandhunter: I fucking love cheesecake
Ishipwillowandhunter: I will marry you if you give me an entire cheesecake
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ihave low standards
Lyrical: what.
Cinderacefanboy: what if its homemade
Dualcerb: hi
Lyrical: it fucking better homemade
Cinderacefanboy: oh its minion porn guy
Lyrical: fucking
Lyrical: what
Ishipwillowandhunter: if it's homemade that's even better
Dualcerb: bro I haven't even posted that shit in months
Cinderacefanboy: i know how to make a fuckin cherry cheese cake
Cinderacefanboy: good
Lyrical: h o w
Cinderacefanboy: don't start again
Ishipwillowandhunter: I know how to too, it's just hard work getting in perfect. Also it's expensive
Cinderacefanboy: i can make lots of things
Cinderacefanboy: cake cookies you cum pie muffins bread
Lyrical: cheeseburger soup?
Cinderacefanboy: what the fuck is that
Lyrical: you dont know what cheeseburger soup is?
Cinderacefanboy: no
Lyrical: thats sad
Cinderacefanboy: i can only really make baked stuff hehe
Lyrical: ah
Lyrical: the good shit
Cinderacefanboy: and meth
Lyrical: how much.
Cinderacefanboy: jk about the meth
Lyrical: dammit
Lyrical: ahh yes, a little girl making meth
(anon): hi lyric
Cinderacefanboy: yeah its hella funny
Lyrical: hello anon
Cinderacefanboy: who are you anon
Generic: Generic#5958
Generic: if yall need sum dm me
Generic: bye
Cinderacefanboy: i wb
Dtrump: it was me cinder
Cinderacefanboy: a
Lyrical: dont mind this
Lyrical: just a shitpost
Cinderacefanboy: oh fuck i dont feel so good now
Lyrical: blob:chrome-untrusted://media-app/99314d20-36dc-4ed1-b392-45a354582c53
Dtrump: lyrical have me talked before?
Lyrical: shit
Lyrical: no
Dtrump: you new here?
Lyrical: kinda
Ishipwillowandhunter: Are you okay Cinder?
Dtrump: welcome
Cinderacefanboy: just kinda bleh
Cinderacefanboy: time to make the lamest ramen possible
Lyrical: impossible, raman cant be lame
Lyrical: oh shit a man overdosing
Dtrump: ramen is cool
Cinderacefanboy: so just the flavoring packet and the noodles with boiling water poured over it nothing else
Soap21: im getting surcheros for dnner
Cinderacefanboy: the rest of my family is at a baseball game so im just here
Lyrical: i had cheeseburger soup
Cinderacefanboy: can you tell me what it is
Lyrical: its cheeseburger soup
Soap21: its cheeseburger soup
Cinderacefanboy: oh shit that actually looks kinda tasty ngl
Lyrical: theres nothing to explain
Cinderacefanboy: mmmmhng potatoes
Dtrump: nice
Lyrical: p o t a t o
Ishipwillowandhunter: Little potato man
Cinderacefanboy: i want some fuckin taters now
Lyrical: oooh mister potato, we just wanna taaalk
Soap21: im getting burrito
Cinderacefanboy: burrito > taco
Soap21: ye
Soap21: from a place better than chipoltle
Cinderacefanboy: taco bell?
Lyrical: taco is better in my opinion
Cinderacefanboy: oh definite;y
Soap21: surcheros
Cinderacefanboy: the sauce =w=
Lyrical: yooo dmc
Soap21: its chipoltle but better
Assmaster: i took that screenshot
Ishipwillowandhunter: Taco bell is shit, I been behind the scenes and that shit disgusting
Lyrical: nero is cool, but his dad gets the bitches
Cinderacefanboy: dante gets no bitches
Lyrical: y e s
22:33:10Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Cinderacefanboy: even the deadweight gets more than him
Lyrical: oof
Soap21: shit
Dualcerb: assmaster browser leask
Assmaster: YES!!!!!
Lyrical: whar?
Cinderacefanboy: war?
Lyrical: that is a girl on every possible drug, including catnip
Soap21: the huh
Cinderacefanboy: the guy saying huh is me
Dualcerb: hey assmaster I need some good videos/images about....
Dualcerb: 9/11
Lyrical: y e s
Assmaster: this one is one drugs
Assmaster: *on
Lyrical: icluding catnip?
Dualcerb: assmaster I need a couple 9/11 memes because thumbsnap is gone
Lyrical: i knew a guy who got high off chocolate
Cinderacefanboy: i get high off of butt sex
Dualcerb: videos
Lyrical: im not even gonna ask
Cinderacefanboy: good i was lying
Assmaster: dont have
Ishipwillowandhunter: Damn
Dualcerb: how tf di you not have 9/11 meme videos
Lyrical: i got high off catnip
Assmaster: only 9/11 thing i have
Assmaster: unfunny
Alpharad: man
Soap21: nam
Cinderacefanboy: the hit youtuber and internet funnyman alpharad?
Alpharad: that's me
Lyrical: i put whisky in my coffee once, and brought it to school
Dtrump: that must of been fun
Lyrical: they never knew
Dualcerb: hey ass
Cinderacefanboy: huh
Dualcerb: are u jewish
Soap21: i put tequila in a water bottle and sold it
Assmaster: no why?
Dtrump: vodka would be fun
Cinderacefanboy: rawpocalypse
Ishipwillowandhunter: I get high off of giving top
Dualcerb: because I thought that jews can only make nazi jokes
Soap21: rawdogopolis
Lyrical: i gave somebody a bottle full of liquid nitrogen, they tried to drink it in class
Cinderacefanboy: fucked up
Assmaster: play this song on your speakers
Lyrical: they are okay, the teacher is not
Cinderacefanboy: damn i want to get my brains fucked out
Lyrical: time and place now
Alpharad: what does that even mean
Cinderacefanboy: nothing
Soap21: cummer
Cinderacefanboy: bc its not gonna happen
Soap21: based child
Cinderacefanboy: theyre also both guys
Soap21: yea but gay sex is fine
Ishipwillowandhunter: Gay sex is great
Assmaster: no
Dtrump: unless you are religious
Cinderacefanboy: i don't believe in god religion is fucking stupid
Lyrical: how bout satinism
Dualcerb: im shocked that he did not put anime hentai there
Dtrump: satin is a good guy
Lyrical: yes
Lyrical: yes he is
Soap21: satan
Dtrump: oh satan not satin
Lyrical: he only killed like ten people and thats not bad compared to god
Cinderacefanboy: depression is at an all time high
Lyrical: who killed the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE
Soap21: im high
Dtrump: Satan was an angel/
Lyrical: how got kicked out for being edgy
Dtrump: he had followers too
Assmaster: I rub against the concrete
Because it feels good
I rub until the skin comes off
Soap21: pimple on testicles
Cinderacefanboy: what....
Cinderacefanboy: am i delirious
Lyrical: this doggo desperate
Soap21: no balls
Ishipwillowandhunter: I have to be tripping etc
Lyrical: do it
Cinderacefanboy: mmrf
Soap21: i am announcing to main that im on my way to masturbate
Lyrical: alr
Lyrical: wait
Lyrical: whats the material
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah, what you jerking to?
Lyrical: ah
Lyrical: i see
Dualcerb: wtf
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yo etc
Lyrical: brooo
Ishipwillowandhunter: I hate autocorrect with everything in me
Cinderacefanboy: something inside me just....snapped
Ishipwillowandhunter: You good Cinder?
Cinderacefanboy: no my head hurts
Lyrical: what did you put in that cake
Ishipwillowandhunter: Aw I'm sorry luv, aspirin?
Assmaster: got muted in a discord server for this
Cinderacefanboy: flour sugar baking powder salt chocolate chips
Axel_amor: Hi.
Lyrical: hmmmm
Lyrical: no meth?
Lyrical: no whisky?
Cinderacefanboy: hi axel =w=
Lyrical: what kinda cake is that!?
Cinderacefanboy: normal cake
Axel_amor: Hi Cindy.
Lyrical: fuck normal, if you aint trippen balls from a cake, you aint livin
Ishipwillowandhunter: Begun
Ishipwillowandhunter: heyyy Axel
Lyrical: ah
Lyrical: okay then
Hello91: holy fuck
Hello91: azala is online
Assmaster: i like how the K-on one isnt hentai
Hello91: oh my god
Assmaster: shush
Lyrical: stahp
Hello91: azala is online im about to cum
Dualcerb: ULTRA ECHO
Axel_amor: Oh no-
Lyrical: if hitler dident do his shit anime wouldent exist
Dualcerb: bro wtf does assmaster have in his hentai deck
Lyrical: NO
Lyrical: it was stuck on the first fram and it looked like a child
Lyrical: frame*
Lyrical: i feel attacked
Soap21: ive returned
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ah
Cinderacefanboy: hey soap-senpai
Ishipwillowandhunter: An
Ishipwillowandhunter: Bro
Axel_amor: SOAP!!
Soap21: sup
Lyrical: SOAP
Axel_amor: I should be on tomorrow. If not tonight.
Axel_amor: BRB playing poker.
Soap21: lol ok
Cinderacefanboy: i tire
Lyrical: then sleep
Ishipwillowandhunter: Then get some sleep hon
Soap21: yea
Cinderacefanboy: no i tire
Lyrical: ah
Lyrical: well then
Cinderacefanboy: ha ha funny laugh
Soap21: you goofy
Cinderacefanboy: yes
Ishipwillowandhunter: You're hilarious
Cinderacefanboy: no im not
Soap21: always nut before sleep
Soap21: makes dreams go away
Lyrical: and when you wake up? nut again
Soap21: true
Lyrical: one should nut 3 times a day
Lyrical: trust me
Lyrical: i know nothing
Cinderacefanboy: i never have dreams
Soap21: i nut 1-2 times a day
Lyrical: 4-5
Soap21: i have dreams whenever i take my sleep medicine
Lyrical: times
Soap21: crazy ones
Cinderacefanboy: 1 nut every day keeps the doctor away
Soap21: nut on the doctor
Lyrical: yes
Soap21: they run away
Cinderacefanboy: i dont fuckin know
Lyrical: no
Soap21: nut in the doctor
Lyrical: NO
Lyrical: unless the doctors hot
Ishipwillowandhunter: The best prostate exam is when you feel both the doctors hands on your shoulders
Soap21: johnny sins is the doctor
Lyrical: YOO
Cinderacefanboy: it makes me uncomfortable when my doctor checks my cock
Dualcerb: bro assmaster has a sexual relationship with cirno too????????
Assmaster: wat
Cinderacefanboy: whuh
Soap21: same cinder
Lyrical: whar?
Soap21: doctors be grabby
Lyrical: the doctor does what!?
Soap21: squeeze you balls
Cinderacefanboy: at least my doctor is always a woman
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah I hate that
Soap21: mines not
Ishipwillowandhunter: That's even worse
Lyrical: i mean, ive never been to a doctor
Cinderacefanboy: huh
Soap21: i got an old dude doctor
Cinderacefanboy: you dont say
Ishipwillowandhunter: If I'm going to have my cock touched, I want it to be a guy. If only my doctor was a feebly
Ishipwillowandhunter: *femboy
Soap21: feebly
(anon): Doctor femboy clean out your anus now we have 30 more patients
Assmaster: wat
Soap21: run a train
Lyrical: a femboy doctor, i wonder if theres art of that
Soap21: i can find a femboy doctor ez
Cinderacefanboy: no thats so bad but its so funny
Lyrical: do it then
Cinderacefanboy: sow it to me
Lyrical: find the doctor soap
Cinderacefanboy: jehiwf me not brain fuction spel gude eepy boi ~w~
22:38:43Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Lyrical: there we go
Ishipwillowandhunter: I hate the human race
Soap21: dragon cock
Cinderacefanboy: i hate humans too
Lyrical: YOOOOO
Soap21: pornhub 2
Soap21: crazy
Lyrical: ight
Lyrical: imma head off
Lyrical: see ya
Soap21: dragon cock>?
Dualcerb: YAME
Cinderacefanboy: me when i'm drinking my brothers milkshake and i feel an anime figure hit my lips
Soap21: must be a shaker cuo
Cinderacefanboy: you know
Cinderacefanboy: i hate hotdogs
Soap21: hot dog
Dualcerb: whose fault is it
Cinderacefanboy: my balls do in fact itch
Soap21: same
Cinderacefanboy: me washing my car with hydrochloric acid
Soap21: ill scratch ur balls for you bro
Cinderacefanboy: nah its puppy mom
Soap21: lol
Cinderacefanboy: soap ill do something better than scratch
Keigo: wth
Soap21: sus
Cinderacefanboy: hi cumming im dad?
Keigo: nope im out
Soap21: casual incest meme
Cinderacefanboy: ok bye
Soap21: sex
Cinderacefanboy: please
Soap21: where
Cinderacefanboy: your mom idfk
Cinderacefanboy: i cant see ass
Soap21: we fuckn on my mom?
Assmaster: you want ass?
T0xicego357: banana
Cinderacefanboy: i want to fuckin die
T0xicego357: cinder no :(
Cinderacefanboy: eepy =w=
Soap21: no dying
Soap21: then go eep
T0xicego357: no dye
T0xicego357: he eepy boi :)
Cinderacefanboy: want to talk to axel
Cinderacefanboy: have wait
T0xicego357: talk to me bby boi
Cinderacefanboy: me rn ^
Soap21: peeta
Assmaster: pita
Soap21: the horse is here
T0xicego357: lois im cumming
Cinderacefanboy: holy fuck im cumming
Soap21: hey pieta
Soap21: nice cock
Soap21: super ultra cum blast
Cinderacefanboy: BIDEN
Cinderacefanboy: BLAST
Cinderacefanboy: does anyone have the 9/11 tetris meme?
Assmaster: no but i have 9/11 hentai
Soap21: give
Soap21: lol
Axel_amor: AHHH
Assmaster: whats wrong?
Soap21: sup
Soap21: cinder
Keigo: hi axel-kun
Soap21: axel back
Axel_amor: Cinder knows.
T0xicego357: hewwo axel :)
Axel_amor: Also hi soapppp!!
Axel_amor: Heyyy Tox!
Soap21: banananana
Keigo: how r u axel-kun
Axel_amor: Tired and dying.
Keigo: same
Keigo: also on th verge of losing my voice
Axel_amor: I’m sorry Kei.
Soap21: i steal voices
Axel_amor: I am voices.
Soap21: i steal you
Axel_amor: Oh my-
Cinderacefanboy: you wont take axel from me soap
Axel_amor: I’m being kidnapped-
Soap21: i need to stop eating high sodium foods my heart hurts
Soap21: pls put me out
Soap21: mercy kill
Axel_amor: When an adult is being kidnapped why’s it called kidnapping if they’re an adult?
Cinderacefanboy: ok
Cinderacefanboy: no idea
Axel_amor: Cinder no, we keep soap alive.
Soap21: no pls big ouch
Soap21: death only answer
Axel_amor: Chase dear stop eating things that’ll make you sick please.
Ishipwillowandhunter: back
Axel_amor: I understand their yummy.
Axel_amor: Mich!
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey luv
T0xicego357: michy wichy
Axel_amor: Oh hi?
Axel_amor: !**
Keigo: nope thats my que to leave
Soap21: yummy burrito but now im dying
Ishipwillowandhunter: shit your bowels out on the toilet
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey Daddy
Soap21: no
Soap21: heart problems
Axel_amor: Chase no eating things to hurt you!
Keigo: i have life problems
Axel_amor: Bruh why’d I decided to text y’all while in the shower.
Keigo: idk
Soap21: i drink too much energy drinks and eat food with too much sodium doctor said bad
Ishipwillowandhunter: I cum quicker in the shower but its less satisfying
Axel_amor: That’s true Chase.
Axel_amor: Shower sex?
Soap21: shower sex good sex
Ishipwillowandhunter: And masturbation. Shower sex is overrated, the water washes away precum and just makes it harder
Axel_amor: I’ve never had sex.
(anon): Unicorn
Ishipwillowandhunter: Same
Ishipwillowandhunter: i'm talking jerking it
Soap21: i hate shower masturbation
Axel_amor: Ohh water causes more friction actually and makes it less pleasuring.
Ishipwillowandhunter: yepp
Soap21: mhm
Axel_amor: Plus it makes the dick dry.
Axel_amor: Not fun.
Cinderacefanboy: yeah but i put a little shampoo and it glides right along
Ishipwillowandhunter: Dry dick no good
Soap21: i love soap in my cock
Axel_amor: Shampoo burns-
Cinderacefanboy: and it makes my cock smell good
Ishipwillowandhunter: it does lmao
Axel_amor: Now I know why your name is soap.
Soap21: yes
Ishipwillowandhunter: I condition and shampoo my ball hair
Soap21: because i like to be used in the shower
Axel_amor: I’ve never had soap in my pussy-
Ishipwillowandhunter: soap in my dick hurts
Axel_amor: I have wet tits rn-
Cinderacefanboy: and you wont hopefully axel
Axel_amor: Hehe thanks Cinder.
Soap21: lol tits
Axel_amor: I’m in the shower-
Axel_amor: Naked.
Axel_amor: Alone
Axel_amor: And wet.
Soap21: thats how showers usually go
Keigo: bro not me singing on the verge on losing my voice
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah, I mean it's a shower what did you expect
Ishipwillowandhunter: same kiki, Hayd is just too good
Axel_amor: I don’t want to be alone!!
Axel_amor: Nor wet!!
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'd join if I could
Soap21: dry shower
Ishipwillowandhunter: Sure bout that?
Axel_amor: Nor naked!!
Ishipwillowandhunter: You sure?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Naked is best
Cinderacefanboy: i would shower with you axel
Axel_amor: I don’t like being splashed with water it makes me upset.
22:44:06Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Soap21: 5 people 1 shower
T0xicego357: i would not...
Ishipwillowandhunter: I meant wet in different ways
T0xicego357: ill pass
Keigo: same
Cinderacefanboy: i could help you clean your back :3
Axel_amor: I have to be fully submerged to be ok with water;
Axel_amor: My phones wet rn.
T0xicego357: i could help clean cinders something UwU
Ishipwillowandhunter: owo
Axel_amor: My Cindy!!
Cinderacefanboy: woah there tiger
Cinderacefanboy: at least get me dinner first
T0xicego357: ok
T0xicego357: i gotchu
Soap21: imma go play porn games
Soap21: bye
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'll make you dinner for a penny
Axel_amor: Tox I love you and all you’re my brother, but I will gladly put my hand down your throat and pull your intestines out..
T0xicego357: do it
T0xicego357: please
Ishipwillowandhunter: Excuse me no you won'
Soap21: eat him out
Ishipwillowandhunter: t
Soap21: literally
Ishipwillowandhunter: Soap
Ishipwillowandhunter: what the actual fuck
Ishipwillowandhunter: soap
Ishipwillowandhunter: why
Cinderacefanboy: im a tire
Soap21: shh im in a silly goofy mood
T0xicego357: im just sitting here watching this and sending mich memes wtf
Axel_amor: I will is he tries to steal my Cindy.
Ishipwillowandhunter: ay no one owns Cinder
Ishipwillowandhunter: except Spencer
T0xicego357: i wouldnt do that to you axel
Axel_amor: MY CINDY!!
Cinderacefanboy: i did tell axel that i'm her's
Axel_amor: Cindy is apparently a car wheel cause he said he’s a tire-
T0xicego357: im not a slave nobody owns me
Ishipwillowandhunter: What :(
Ishipwillowandhunter: I thought I was your daddy
T0xicego357: thats diff
Pronounciation: I am scared of God with black eyes and white pupils smiling at me of my bed
Pronounciation: What if he... is real?
Cinderacefanboy: i want axel to hold me and let me fall asleep in her arms
Axel_amor: =3
Axel_amor: I’d let you.
Keigo: Would anyone notice
If tonight I disappeared?
Would anyone chase me
And say the words that I need to hear?
That I'm no burden
Not so worthless
Bent so much that I just might break
So confusing
The questions that keep me awake
Pronounciation: Ok just a dream
Axel_amor: I’d notice!!
Soap21: which should i play
T0xicego357: would anyone care citizen soldier
Keigo: yep
Pronounciation: Yet what if God is Satan in disguise
Ishipwillowandhunter: What if, and hear me out, there is no god?
Axel_amor: *moans as you pull me in and kiss back*
Ishipwillowandhunter: hm
Pronounciation: But what if there's some other powerful being screwing us
Axel_amor: I’m a Greek mythology believer!!
Cinderacefanboy: axel what....
T0xicego357: kei-kun these are songs i listen to when i cut myself talk to me
Axel_amor: Pffft-
Axel_amor: Mb story I’m writing-
Cinderacefanboy: about what....
T0xicego357: that wasnt a whisper...
Pronounciation: What is your biggest fear?
Soap21: which should i play
thirst chasm
furry shades of gay
furry shades of gay 2
tavern of spear
socially awkward
Axel_amor: It’s a fan fic I’m writing for a friend.
Cinderacefanboy: which friend about what characters.
Ishipwillowandhunter: yes I am also wondering
Axel_amor: My friend Kat and with Lust fell characters.
Cinderacefanboy: huh ok
Ishipwillowandhunter: lmao
Soap21: lustfell
Soap21: interesting
Axel_amor: Yerp she is in love with them.
T0xicego357: i want death atm ill be back
Ishipwillowandhunter: Spencer don't :(
Ishipwillowandhunter: I love youuuuu come back :((
T0xicego357: dw mich
Axel_amor: Tox no!!
Keigo: Those around me think I'm happy
But they don't really give a shit
So I scrape a smile and wear it
Guess that ignorance is bliss
I keep hiding what's inside me
Cuz it's easier that way
Ishipwillowandhunter: Don't do anything stupid :( if you have to, let me give you top
T0xicego357: you listen to nico collins>?
Pronounciation: So no one has the biggest fear?
T0xicego357: i want top from somebody but its not u mich sorry
Ishipwillowandhunter: oh yeah ik
Pronounciation: Or scared of ghosts?
Ishipwillowandhunter: I have a big fear of the ocean, that's about it
Ishipwillowandhunter: I fear the man with a purple face inside my closet
T0xicego357: i have a fear of abandonment...
Keigo: 生きたい、生きたい
Pronounciation: Ok that's brutal
Pronounciation: Sonic.exe writes like this
T0xicego357: my japanese is a bit rusty gimme a min i gotta grab some paper
Axel_amor: Purple guy-?
Cinderacefanboy: meme thing
Soap21: there needs to be lust fell game
Axel_amor: Frrr
T0xicego357: PURPLE GUY?!?!?!?!
Cinderacefanboy: the man behind the slaughter
T0xicego357: who let afton in here?
Axel_amor: Me!
Axel_amor: I love Afton.
Pronounciation: How do you deal with anxiety during halluzination?
Axel_amor: You don’t-
Keigo: 死にたい 死にたい でも死んだら泣く 理由がわからない
Pronounciation: Kinda related to the fear thingy
Axel_amor: EEEEE IM ALL WET!!
T0xicego357: kei-kun i do not know that song...
T0xicego357: now hol up axel...
Keigo: found one u dont know
T0xicego357: cinder what did you do?
Pronounciation: Well thx for the answer
Axel_amor: Wdym Tox?
T0xicego357: i listen to alot of sad shit kei-kun
T0xicego357: you said you were wet so i was insinuating that cinder...
T0xicego357: did something...
Pronounciation: Is there a trick to beat nightmares?
Keigo: Does anybody love me?
I don't know
Is everybody lonely?
I think so
Does anybody love me?
I don't know
Is everybody lonely?
I think so
Soap21: i go walmart
Axel_amor: TAKE ME WITH YOU!!
Cinderacefanboy: im just want axel to hold me as i fall asleep
T0xicego357: lonly by justin beiber and some other guy
Axel_amor: I love Walmart!!
Keigo: no spencer-kun
Pronounciation: And during falling asleep, there might be a chance of a bad dream
T0xicego357: you sure?
Ishipwillowandhunter: I like the junkie at walmart that looks like Justin Beiber
T0xicego357: i feel dumb now
T0xicego357: im gonna go
Ishipwillowandhunter: NO
Ishipwillowandhunter: Please
Keigo: nooooooooooooooooooooo
Ishipwillowandhunter: don't
Ishipwillowandhunter: go
Axel_amor: Nooo!!
Ishipwillowandhunter: don't leave me
Ishipwillowandhunter: :(
Axel_amor: TOX NO!!!
Axel_amor: =(
Soap21: i trust this guy to say mayonnaise
Axel_amor: I want my brother!!
T0xicego357: damn
Ishipwillowandhunter: I hate mayonnaise you stupid fuck
T0xicego357: didnt know you guys actually cared
Ishipwillowandhunter: OFC WE CARE
Cinderacefanboy: axel if youre gonna leave have a good night
Ishipwillowandhunter: I love you :(
Cinderacefanboy: i mean tox
Ishipwillowandhunter: as a friend
Cinderacefanboy: im falling apart
Axel_amor: Go sleep!
T0xicego357: i may leave but "i always come back"
Ishipwillowandhunter: Do you need duct tape?
Pronounciation: But than I see the evil God maybe again
Axel_amor: Hehehehehhehe William A.
Pronounciation: Or am tripping
Axel_amor: Aka spring trap.
Inasg_hoe: I'm so fucking tired
Ishipwillowandhunter: I believe in a god, just not any in particular
Ishipwillowandhunter: TAY
Inasg_hoe: MICH
Cinderacefanboy: i feel you tay
Inasg_hoe: 2am :c
Pronounciation: If he exists, he could kill me everytime
Ishipwillowandhunter: What you doing up so early?
Ishipwillowandhunter: so late
Ishipwillowandhunter: Cinder, you need you sleep hon. Get some sleep for just a bit, I'll at least be here when you get back
Cinderacefanboy: no i wont love
Inasg_hoe: well my parents took my phone AGAIN so I figured all I could do was sleep, and I js woke up now and it's soon to 3, but ik youd all be on
Axel_amor: Please Cindy..
Cinderacefanboy: nooooooo not until fam get home and i have leave....
Inasg_hoe: I'm falling asleep soon anyway im tired as shit
T0xicego357: how did you know we would be on tay?
T0xicego357: you stalker
Inasg_hoe: bc you're always on at this time
T0xicego357: good point
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm always on, I have no life
T0xicego357: same
Inasg_hoe: yes u do
Pronounciation: Ok so if you Inagine your favorite song, the nightmare risk decreases
Ishipwillowandhunter: I have no life.
T0xicego357: im either oon here or on discord
Inasg_hoe: you dom
Inasg_hoe: Do *
Ishipwillowandhunter: i am a switch, not a dom mf
Inasg_hoe: ITS TYPO MF
Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't though
Inasg_hoe: you do though
T0xicego357: damn mich we so similar
Ishipwillowandhunter: like I don't interact with people at all unless I have to
Inasg_hoe: why not?
Pronounciation: Like now
Ishipwillowandhunter: I only leave the house for a run or to get stuff from the store
Ishipwillowandhunter: Because people suck and I don't see the point, plus I'm awkward
Pronounciation: And interact in an anon chat
Inasg_hoe: but you are home schooled anyway so it's not like you get up and leave for school
Pronounciation: Not so healthy
Inasg_hoe: you're not awkward.
Keigo: Je veux mourir, je veux mourir, mais si tu meurs, tu pleurerais, je ne sais pas pourquoi
Pronounciation: We're akward
T0xicego357: i dont speak breb
Inasg_hoe: breb?
Keigo: non
Ishipwillowandhunter: I am awkward
T0xicego357: bread but cute
Ishipwillowandhunter: and I hate online school
Inasg_hoe: oui kiki
Inasg_hoe: You're not mich
Ishipwillowandhunter: suck my oui oui
Keigo: no
Inasg_hoe: d'accord
T0xicego357: ok daddy
Ishipwillowandhunter: owo
Pronounciation: Well if your only interaction are textes then no wonder why your autism score increases
T0xicego357: I DONT SPEAK BREB TAY!!!
Inasg_hoe: C'EST FRANÇAIS!!!!
Keigo: comprends ce que j'ai dit s'il te plait aime
Soap21: no hablo baguette
Ishipwillowandhunter: I am awkward, but this is online so I can pretty much talk however I want and do what I want with minimal consequences
Inasg_hoe: you're not awkward.
Pronounciation: Yeah but you forget what is like being face-to-face
Ishipwillowandhunter: I am awkward, you do not know me irl
Keigo: I'm in pain, wanna put ten shots in my brain
I've been tripping 'bout some things, can't change
Suicidal, same time I'm tame
Keigo: I be feeling pain, I be feeling pain just to hold on
And I don't feel the same, I'm so numb
I be feeling pain, I be feeling pain just to hold on
And I don't feel the same, I'm so numb
Inasg_hoe: You're not awkward, idc you're not.
T0xicego357: XXX tentacion jocylen flores
Ishipwillowandhunter: You can't just say that when you don't know
Ishipwillowandhunter: YESSS
Pronounciation: That's the problem by this chat. No real deep connection
Inasg_hoe: but I do know
Ishipwillowandhunter: RIP XXX
Inasg_hoe: he got shot in a car
Pronounciation: How do you know?
Soap21: news
Inasg_hoe: because I'm educated
Ishipwillowandhunter: Exactly, how do you know?
T0xicego357: we are aware of how he died tay
Ishipwillowandhunter: I am
T0xicego357: i gtg now :(
Ishipwillowandhunter: No please :(
Pronounciation: Iship, talk to your parents or friends outside (or make new ones?)
Ishipwillowandhunter: Don't leave meee with these peopleeee
Keigo: ok bye spencer-kun
T0xicego357: ill be back in 5-10 minutes
Inasg_hoe: excuse me
Pronounciation: Well, you can leave after them
Cinderacefanboy: bye tox
T0xicego357: if you get lonely mich just hit up my discord lol
Pronounciation: Parents was never an option
Ishipwillowandhunter: Why would I talk to my parents? I don't like my dad, my mom is sweet but we just don't speak much. I don't really see a reason to talk to others
Inasg_hoe: speak to ur mom more
Keigo: imma go now bye guys
Ishipwillowandhunter: Had a convo with her yesterday, I love her ofc but it's not that often
Axel_amor: Bye!
Inasg_hoe: au revoir kiki!!
Inasg_hoe: aww
Cinderacefanboy: have a nice night
Inasg_hoe: js speak to her more then
Keigo: bye fwi lost my voice
Inasg_hoe: huh?
Ishipwillowandhunter: About?
Pronounciation: Who knows better about you than your parents? Also I assume for the same reason then here
Inasg_hoe: anything
Ishipwillowandhunter: No, my dad is terrible and knows nothing about me, my mom doesn't know much about me but she's really sweet
Axel_amor: Your mom sounds nice.
Inasg_hoe: you keep quite a lot to yourself don't u mich?
Ishipwillowandhunter: pretty much everything
Inasg_hoe: why not open up? Here or your parents, preferable your mom
Pronounciation: Sounds like maybe a psychologist or yourself would fix this.
Pronounciation: Like do you write a diary or talk to yourself directly?
Axel_amor: I was almost hit with a door-
Cinderacefanboy: ive been hit multiple times
Axel_amor: Oh my-
Ishipwillowandhunter: No, diaries aren't kept secret for long, my sister had one and that was ended quickly. Therapist? Why would my parents get me one of those? I can't open up to my mom
Axel_amor: BRB playing war.
Cinderacefanboy: ok axel
Pronounciation: Online therapist or any free hotline ones
Cinderacefanboy: im so out of it right now
Ishipwillowandhunter: already looked for one
Ishipwillowandhunter: we don't need to talk about this I'm fine
Inasg_hoe: u could use my therapist
Pronounciation: If you say so.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Cinder, please just get some sleep. We love you, we want you, but you're tired.
Inasg_hoe: or I could use my therapy to help you
Ishipwillowandhunter: Not using your therapist, you need her
Inasg_hoe: that's not how you approach cinder
Ishipwillowandhunter: What?
Ishipwillowandhunter: c
Pronounciation: If there's one thing I learned about woman, then if she wants to be alone, let her be.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Be nice, he doesn't need to be yelled at.
Inasg_hoe: I'm always nice
Ishipwillowandhunter: sure
Inasg_hoe: I am
Ishipwillowandhunter: I just damaged my liver
Ishipwillowandhunter: baby think you can help
Inasg_hoe: HOW
Inasg_hoe: oh
Inasg_hoe: This fucking song again
Cinderacefanboy: i want her to tell me she loves me first
Ishipwillowandhunter: I keep going to liqour
Inasg_hoe: Baby smth else
Ishipwillowandhunter: AXEL
Ishipwillowandhunter: I got a fever
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm not feeling too well
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm so under the weather
Cinderacefanboy: shes not here rn
Ishipwillowandhunter: She's playing a game
Inasg_hoe: well then too bad she'll tell you when you wake up now go to sleep
Cinderacefanboy: no before i slep
Inasg_hoe: Axel_amor: I love cinder
Cinderacefanboy: i need her with me to hold me and to fall asleep with my head in her lap and~
Inasg_hoe: Axel_amor: *holds cinders hand and pulls him close pulling his head onto my lap*
Cinderacefanboy: tay stop
Ishipwillowandhunter: Axel_amor: *moans and kisses him passionately*
Inasg_hoe: MICHAEL
Cinderacefanboy: im not THAT out of it
Ishipwillowandhunter: no she said that earlier
Ishipwillowandhunter: pubs on accident
Inasg_hoe: lmfaoo mich u dumbass
22:49:38Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Inasg_hoe: WAIT SHE DID
Ishipwillowandhunter: yep
Inasg_hoe: I miss everything T^T
Cinderacefanboy: no she didint
Cinderacefanboy: she did not say that
Ishipwillowandhunter: She said something like that
Ishipwillowandhunter: I cleared chat
Ishipwillowandhunter: can't remember
Cinderacefanboy: blergh
Inasg_hoe: Axel_amor: Please Cindy..
Ishipwillowandhunter: neck kisses
Inasg_hoe: she begged you cinder
Inasg_hoe: she's sad
Ishipwillowandhunter: that could be taken 2 ways
Inasg_hoe: Don't make her sad
Inasg_hoe: MICH
Cinderacefanboy: staph
Ishipwillowandhunter: I didn't do nothing
Inasg_hoe: mhm we both know that's a lie
Ishipwillowandhunter: i don't lie
Inasg_hoe: mhm
Inasg_hoe: I could prove you wrong
Ishipwillowandhunter: do it
Inasg_hoe: nope. It would be awkward with what I have to say to do it
Ishipwillowandhunter: Say it pussy
Ishipwillowandhunter: Say it or you love scots
Inasg_hoe: u don't want me to say it mich trust me
T0xicego357: back
Inasg_hoe: IN SAYONG IT
T0xicego357: sayong?
Ishipwillowandhunter: wbb
T0xicego357: where cinder?
Cinderacefanboy: mrrf
Ishipwillowandhunter: still her
T0xicego357: he is a her now?
T0xicego357: damn
Ishipwillowandhunter: nah mb
T0xicego357: way to keep me in the loop
T0xicego357: lol
Ishipwillowandhunter: ican't do shit right
Ishipwillowandhunter: can't learn my lesson
Ishipwillowandhunter: I can't do shit right
Ishipwillowandhunter: take antidepressants
Inasg_hoe: Uh
Cinderacefanboy: im just gonna watch memes until axel is back
T0xicego357: YOU LISTEN TO CORPSE?!?!?!?!
Ishipwillowandhunter: OFC
Ishipwillowandhunter: BRO
Inasg_hoe: HE LOVES OT
Inasg_hoe: IT*
T0xicego357: I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
Ishipwillowandhunter: I LOVE YOU MORE BABY
(anon): Cum
Ishipwillowandhunter: NO
Ishipwillowandhunter: CORPSE
Ishipwillowandhunter: <3
T0xicego357: I JUST MIGHT CUM!!!!!!
Cinderacefanboy: who is anon
Ishipwillowandhunter: choke me like you hate me but you love me
Ishipwillowandhunter: lowkey want to date me while you fuck me
Ishipwillowandhunter: choke me with the lights off and my chains on
T0xicego357: low key wanna date me when you fuck me
Ishipwillowandhunter: baby I'm not the right one you should wait on
T0xicego357: i was a lil late :(
T0xicego357: im slow :(
Ishipwillowandhunter: it's okay, sing with me on this one
Ishipwillowandhunter: i don't wanna look like this
Ishipwillowandhunter: fuck
Cinderacefanboy: whadda fuck is that little goblin in deh corner of meh ruum
T0xicego357: i dont want to feel like this
T0xicego357: fuck
Ishipwillowandhunter: wish i didn't miss her so
Ishipwillowandhunter: much
T0xicego357: knew that this would happen
T0xicego357: fuck love
Ishipwillowandhunter: break a mirror yeah fucking break a mirror
T0xicego357: glass shatter gums bleed off the fucking everclear
Ishipwillowandhunter: Eyes red, mind race, fuckin wish that you were here
Cinderacefanboy: what is happening right now my headhole is very full of the fuff
T0xicego357: i was really fucking hoping it would be different this year
Ishipwillowandhunter: she optimistic not me
T0xicego357: she want me to say
T0xicego357: la vie
Ishipwillowandhunter: Woe is me, l'appel du vide
Lovi: Hey
Inasg_hoe: ello
Ishipwillowandhunter: Corpse bae
Cinderacefanboy: elllo how yeh fookin doindngd on thissssh fine evevememeing
Lovi: Spencer-kun thought u had to go
T0xicego357: i went to substances you went to college i think its too late to acknolege our problems
T0xicego357: i came back for cinder but he wont talk to me :(
T0xicego357: :(
Inasg_hoe: "T0xicego357: back",T0xicego357%3A%20back,-Inasg_hoe%3A%20IN%20SAYONG
Lovi: Oh ok
(anon): .
Lovi: Hello
T0xicego357: what is that for?
Lovi: Gtg shower talk after
Ishipwillowandhunter: I had a corpse playlist but I deleted it
T0xicego357: bad mich :(
Cinderacefanboy: my brain cavity is much pain
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm sorry :( I was trying to organize I got frustrated and deleted 90% of my playlists
T0xicego357: cinder talk to me :(
T0xicego357: oh shit bow with uke is on now
T0xicego357: boy*
Cinderacefanboy: just the spleep joose want tak ober
Ishipwillowandhunter: Boy with uke yesss which song?
T0xicego357: why do i understand that...
Ishipwillowandhunter: I did too lol
T0xicego357: idtwcbf (freinds)
T0xicego357: bwu song...
Cinderacefanboy: oh thats not a letter thats a threat
T0xicego357: whats a threat
T0xicego357: cuz if its to chokehold me i dont want that to be a threat
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah, I can't do these long drives sittin in the back seat
Cinderacefanboy: me no fnck proopre bout rn
Ishipwillowandhunter: Cinder
T0xicego357: thinking about that one time that the world caught fire
Ishipwillowandhunter: baby
Ishipwillowandhunter: get some sleep
Ishipwillowandhunter: And your eyes brightened up this dark scene
T0xicego357: i think he a lil drunk
T0xicego357: wouldnt blame him
Ishipwillowandhunter: i'm out of crown
Cinderacefanboy: no drink just tire
T0xicego357: yesterday i got smashed
Ishipwillowandhunter: :(
T0xicego357: in the drunk way not the sexual way
Ishipwillowandhunter: can't really blame you
Ishipwillowandhunter: yeah
Inasg_hoe: I LOVE DRINKING!!!!
Cinderacefanboy: i love dying
Cinderacefanboy: internally
Ishipwillowandhunter: NO
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm out anyway
Inasg_hoe: PLEASE
Cinderacefanboy: hit the gwiddy
T0xicego357: the fuck do you even drink?
Inasg_hoe: yes :)
Cinderacefanboy: piss
Inasg_hoe: ohh
T0xicego357: i need to go compose myself...
Inasg_hoe: bro I can't read people's messages tmrw wtf is wrong with mee
T0xicego357: ill be back in a min
Ishipwillowandhunter: drinking isn't good
Inasg_hoe: today* OMFG
Ishipwillowandhunter: being hungover is worse than I originally thought
T0xicego357: i feel like shit...
(anon): Lol
A_n00b: im back
A_n00b: how is everyone
T0xicego357: bad to worse noob
Soap21: Hi back
T0xicego357: not cuz of you
Axel_amor: My dad has me watching a movie that’s dumb as hell.
Soap21: I'm dad
A_n00b: i won my game
Cinderacefanboy: s̷͖̈́̐̚c̴̦̜̱̼̻͂̾̈́̚ĥ̴͓̒̊́e̴̢̘̟̥̍͘̚ḭ̷̼̐ß̶̧̣̲̻͈̓̍ ̷̯̎́d̸̛̗͊ŕ̵͇̦̟̕͝á̴͔̼̣̲̙͛͋ũ̴̥͓̦̎ͅf̶̛̳͉̙̏
Inasg_hoe: HEY BRAIDYN
A_n00b: hello
A_n00b: this is really weird
T0xicego357: I could write a record full of radio songs
Do a bunch of features that my label would love
Do a bunch of features that I don't even like
Just to build up the hype, yeah
I could sell my house and move out to LA
Get inside of rooms with the biggest of names
A_n00b: it has never been this quiet in chat
Axel_amor: Is Mich on?
A_n00b: wdym whats wrong
Inasg_hoe: Yes why
A_n00b: i didnt say anything was wrong did i?
Cinderacefanboy: t̴̡̲͑́̏͜h̴͈͖̗̜̏e̷̢̥̱͛̇̅̆y̵̲̟̚ ̷̞͓̪̔̄̎̑͂ḁ̴͗̇̂̀͝ŗ̷̨̺̩͙̉͌̈́ḛ̸̙͚͕̃̀̉̍͠ ̵̤̗͕̯͗̒̊͜ȧ̸͔͒͝f̷̩̳̩̈̂͘͘t̸̟̪͇͉̃̋͑e̵̛̲r̷̛̙̤͑̎ ̵́̈́͜m̵̨̛̛͖͌̂̐e̸̯̓͆ ̸̤̉ỉ̴̜̟̀ ̴̱̍̏̋̾̚ń̶̫̟̄͋̓͝ê̴̺ẽ̵̞̲̰̟͒d̵̦̎̌͠ ̷̢̼̹̳͐͜h̴̤̙̙̘͒̈̀̈̚ḛ̴̚l̸͓̈p̸͓͚̳͒̈́
Inasg_hoe: but I'm not dumb
T0xicego357: who is after you?
Axel_amor: Oh just wondering, him and I were talking earlier.
Inasg_hoe: About what
T0xicego357: just a sec im gonna go puke rq
A_n00b: do i seem like something is wrong
Ishipwillowandhunter: I am on luv
Axel_amor: Hi!
A_n00b: love*
A_n00b: not luv
Ishipwillowandhunter: Heyy
A_n00b: ...
T0xicego357: im gonna be afk for a lil while
A_n00b: okay
Inasg_hoe: ok
A_n00b: so how is everyone
Cinderacefanboy: me feel much tire but want happy
Inasg_hoe: fine
A_n00b: hey starting normal conversations isnt that bad
Inasg_hoe: ok
A_n00b: ima do it more often
A_n00b: well i might leave
Inasg_hoe: same
Ishipwillowandhunter: What don't do that
A_n00b: ima join back in 30 minutes
A_n00b: give or take
A_n00b: if nobody is on then ima just go sleep
T0xicego357: i took some pepto i think im fine
T0xicego357: i hope at least...
A_n00b: lol pepto is god tier
A_n00b: anyway
A_n00b: be back in 30 min
A_n00b: bye guys
T0xicego357: bye
Cinderacefanboy: byssh have nice night
Axel_amor: Bye.
Cinderacefanboy: my neck not want wark no mor
T0xicego357: i just scheduled a doctors appointment so i wont be on in the afternoon tomorrow
Axel_amor: =<
T0xicego357: chat ded :(
T0xicego357: call axel?
Inasg_hoe: im here.
T0xicego357: does anyone wanna call?
Axel_amor: I will lemme go upstairs.
Cinderacefanboy: i can't :(
Cinderacefanboy: but i want too
T0xicego357: im just saving discord memes rn
Keigo: bck
Inasg_hoe: Wb
T0xicego357: kei-kun wb
Keigo: hey guys wahcu up to
Axel_amor: May take a min.
Inasg_hoe: nothing
Axel_amor: Being a happy human.
Keigo: opposite for me
T0xicego357: same
Axel_amor: Plus talking to Mich and cinder.
Keigo: cool
Axel_amor: Mhm!
T0xicego357: something just happened to me thats not supposed to happen...
T0xicego357: but imma get it checked tomorrow
Cinderacefanboy: i want mommy axel to tuck me into bed
Keigo: oh spencer-kun r u ok
T0xicego357: am i not good enough for you :(
Axel_amor: Pfft- ok Cindy let’s go.
T0xicego357: im really not kei
Axel_amor: You are Tox!!
Keigo: neither am i
Cinderacefanboy: i wanna lay on the floor and die
Soap21: Night night
Axel_amor: Why’s that Cindy.
Soap21: No die
Cinderacefanboy: imma fo to bed now gnithe
Axel_amor: Ohh soap.
Axel_amor: Night Cindy!
Person112: Y'all see Mich?
Keigo: Another little abuse, another pointless excuse
Another joke that's not to laugh at
Another day, feeling like I don't belong
I really don't belong
Inasg_hoe: yea
Axel_amor: Yep!
Person112: Tayyy
Axel_amor: I’ve also seen is face reveal.
Inasg_hoe: hey weido
Inasg_hoe: weirdo*
Inasg_hoe: I have too
Person112: Oh
Inasg_hoe: he's gorgeous
Person112: Cool
Person112: I bet
Axel_amor: Indeed, very pretty boy.
22:55:09Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Ishipwillowandhunter: Not at all, and heyyy
Ishipwillowandhunter: Missed you pretty boy
Inasg_hoe: U are.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Not
Inasg_hoe: you are pretty mich.
Keigo: I don't really think about your love now
And I don't think that I still care
I know without a doubt, if you could see me
I would ruin your week, your month, your year
Axel_amor: BRB.
Inasg_hoe: ok
Keigo: Yeah, I know it doesn't matter
(Are they growing tired of this?)
Yeah, I know it doesn't matter
(On my own I'll float above this)
And I don't really know
Axel_amor: I agree with Tay luv!
Axel_amor: Brb
Ishipwillowandhunter: not pretty
T0xicego357: the pepto isnt helping...
Inasg_hoe: u are pretty.
Ishipwillowandhunter: not
Inasg_hoe: are too
Keigo: and imma leave
Inasg_hoe: ok
A_n00b: i got boredd
Axel_amor: PRETTY!!
Soap21: Back from the walmart
Inasg_hoe: ok
Axel_amor: You didn’t take me with..
A_n00b: lol
Soap21: Got yogurt, jello, and root beer
Keigo: wow know that mich is here you could literally care less about me wow
Ishipwillowandhunter: root beer 10/10
Soap21: And pineapple
T0xicego357: i dont care about you less kei im just in the middle of something
T0xicego357: something bad
A_n00b: pineapple
A_n00b: 0-0
Inasg_hoe: Kiki I have a lot on my mind. I'm not begging for you to stay every day
Ishipwillowandhunter: i'll brb
A_n00b: ok
Keigo: ya well a bye would be better then ok
Inasg_hoe: whatever
A_n00b: ...
A_n00b: so uh
Inasg_hoe: .
A_n00b: favorite soba pop
A_n00b: guys
Inasg_hoe: What
A_n00b: whats your fav soda
Inasg_hoe: idk
A_n00b: nice answer
Axel_amor: Ermm dr. pepper or Pepsi?
Inasg_hoe: Dr pepper is better
A_n00b: ye
A_n00b: pepsi sucks ass
Inasg_hoe: fr
A_n00b: lol
Axel_amor: Shit..
Person112: Back
Axel_amor: Hi..
Inasg_hoe: wb
A_n00b: wb
T0xicego357: keigo is being a bit of a dick rn
Axel_amor: Tox…
A_n00b: lol
T0xicego357: she is trying to make everything about her and its pissing me off
A_n00b: ok sprite or mtn. dew
Axel_amor: Lmao rn I’m drinking man. Dew
T0xicego357: man dew?
Person112: Thanks
A_n00b: lol
Axel_amor: I meant mtn. few.
A_n00b: man dew is cum?
A_n00b: thanks to who
Axel_amor: WHY CANT I TYPE!!
Inasg_hoe: idk
Anonone: Yes
A_n00b: lol
Keigo: sabes lo que no es como me importa lo que digas no estaré aquí por mucho tiempo así que supongo que adiós
A_n00b: uh
A_n00b: english
Anonone: Uh oh
Anonone: The void has took axe..
A_n00b: skill issue
Inasg_hoe: .
Axel_amor: I’m here..
Anonone: They are now stuck in the endless pit
Anonone: Oh
A_n00b: you dumb dumb
Anonone: Skill issue
Axel_amor: …
Axel_love: Tox..
A_n00b: 0-0
Anonone: What’s going oh?
A_n00b: lol
Anonone: On
Axel_amor: Drama..
Anonone: Fair
Anonone: What type
Axel_amor: Dunno..
Inasg_hoe: I can't do this shit. every fucking day she does this and I'm tired of it. Not only with this, with self harming too.
Axel_amor: Tox?
T0xicego357: im here sorry
T0xicego357: im trying not to hurl again... it would be bad if i did
A_n00b: are you sick
T0xicego357: idk
Anonone: …
Lovi: well try living my fucking life then you'll know why i do the shit i do
Axel_amor: Is Lovi Kei?
T0xicego357: you think we dont have it bad kei?
A_n00b: what did you do to feel throw up
T0xicego357: yea axel
T0xicego357: it is
Axel_amor: Ohh.
Anonone: O-0
Anonone: …
A_n00b: gwiddy
A_n00b: mcgwiddy
A_n00b: i dont like the silence
A_n00b: somone say somehting cursed
Inasg_hoe: btw Kiki ur Spanish is shit
Inasg_hoe: I said smth braidyn see
A_n00b: uh
A_n00b: not drama
Inasg_hoe: too late.
A_n00b: i dont wanna get involved in that
Inasg_hoe: u don't have to
Soap21: space jam dvd
A_n00b: lol
Anonone: almost always when log on to see argument's
Soap21: space jam dvd
Soap21: space jam dvd
A_n00b: i got into an argument about boobs today
Soap21: you often do
A_n00b: yes
A_n00b: i do
A_n00b: that was past me
Soap21: cock and ball torture
Axel_amor: Soap..
A_n00b: im not obsesed with boobs anymore
Soap21: whut
Axel_amor: Mich..?
Inasg_hoe: he's gone.
A_n00b: awwwww
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm back
A_n00b: wtf
Inasg_hoe: nvm
Inasg_hoe: wb
A_n00b: that scary timing
Axel_amor: Mich..?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ty
Ishipwillowandhunter: what timing
Inasg_hoe: yw
A_n00b: nothin
Ishipwillowandhunter: Where's my pretty boy at
Inasg_hoe: he's afk
T0xicego357: ok im back
A_n00b: brb in 2 minutes
Inasg_hoe: ok
T0xicego357: pepto is not in me anymore
Inasg_hoe: ok
Axel_amor: Hi Tox..
Soap21: im gonna go not look at porn
Soap21: then sleep
T0xicego357: hey
Inasg_hoe: what's with the ".." again axel
Axel_amor: Doesn’t matter Tay..
Inasg_hoe: mhm
Inasg_hoe: Clearly it does
A_n00b: back
Inasg_hoe: wb
A_n00b: ty
Ishipwillowandhunter: listening to music that I play when I'm cutting fr fr
Axel_amor: Wb.
Inasg_hoe: yw
Inasg_hoe: WHAT
Axel_amor: Relatable.
A_n00b: yyes
Ishipwillowandhunter: nah
A_n00b: i cut myself non suicidal
A_n00b: just like cutting things
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm not suicidal, just kinda blank
A_n00b: nice
A_n00b: mich i decided not be obses with bobas anymower
Axel_amor: Good boy.
A_n00b: i am leveling up
A_n00b: stfu nobody asked you
Axel_amor: I-
Axel_amor: Damn ok..
T0xicego357: noob dont be a dick
A_n00b: only mich can judge me
Axel_amor: That hurt..
A_n00b: i apologize
Inasg_hoe: who's a good boy axel
A_n00b: me
A_n00b: for 3 seconds
Inasg_hoe: ok
A_n00b: until i said stfu
Inasg_hoe: lol
Axel_amor: =<
A_n00b: i was called goodboy for not obsesing over boobs
Axel_amor: I wanna do it more..
A_n00b: bc i have grown as a man
Axel_amor: SHIT.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Really?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Good job Braiyden
Axel_amor: Don’t mind that chat.
A_n00b: ...
A_n00b: nah to late
Soap21: crunchy cum rag
A_n00b: braidyn
A_n00b: no e
A_n00b: close enough tho
A_n00b: but i decided to just like them obsesing over them not sexy
Ishipwillowandhunter: You're right. Obsess over thighs instead
A_n00b: no-
Soap21: indeed
A_n00b: thigs mid
A_n00b: thighs
(anon): Hey
A_n00b: me when me when me when me when me when me when me when me when me when me when me when me when me when me when
A_n00b: me
Soap21: you just havent seen the right thighs then
A_n00b: maybe
23:00:40Wednesday, April 26, 2023
A_n00b: what are good thighs
Lilac: Ok
A_n00b: they all mid
A_n00b: who is lilac
Inasg_hoe: Kiki probs
Axel_amor: Dunno..
Lilac: Who
Inasg_hoe: Or kiley
A_n00b: no
A_n00b: thats a man
Soap21: no
Lilac: Don't know either of en
Inasg_hoe: mk
A_n00b: men bad
A_n00b: not like men
Lilac: But hi
Soap21: its a women
Inasg_hoe: hi
A_n00b: thats a man
Lilac: How are you
Soap21: damn u right
Soap21: cant trick you
Inasg_hoe: Bad hbu
A_n00b: yeah
A_n00b: nive try
Lilac: I'm good but whats wrong
Inasg_hoe: how yk that it's a man
Inasg_hoe: oh it dm
A_n00b: i just do
Inasg_hoe: Lol
T0xicego357: there is alot wrong lilac
A_n00b: i have a sense for it
A_n00b: also no boobs
Lilac: Oh ok Gtg
Axel_amor: Mich..
A_n00b: hmmmmm
A_n00b: that is a woman
Soap21: yes
A_n00b: but what is good about the thigs
Soap21: it is
A_n00b: thighs
A_n00b: they just thighs
A_n00b: thighs didnt make me horny
Ishipwillowandhunter: They make good pillows
A_n00b: they just there
Ishipwillowandhunter: you can kiss em
Ishipwillowandhunter: you can lay your head between them
Ishipwillowandhunter: they soft
A_n00b: i can do that with boobs
Ishipwillowandhunter: and warm
A_n00b: therefore boobs better
Soap21: boobs cant crush watermelons
A_n00b: or can they
Inasg_hoe: can't lay ur head between boobs tf
A_n00b: have we really tried
A_n00b: yes you can
Ishipwillowandhunter: Nah
Inasg_hoe: no
A_n00b: if they big enough
Ishipwillowandhunter: you really can't
A_n00b: ima get a pic then
Soap21: suffocate between thighs
Soap21: best way to go
Kfc: He spencer on?
Soap21: idk
Person112: Damn
T0xicego357: im here
Kfc: call please?
A_n00b: i regret googling that
T0xicego357: sure
T0xicego357: you wanna make it?
Kfc: idk how
A_n00b: wow
A_n00b: when i make a call nobody wanna join
A_n00b: but when kiley wants to
A_n00b: lol
A_n00b: idc
T0xicego357: ill make it
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'll join one if you make one, Noob
T0xicego357: just me and you kiley?
Kfc: im sorry I just need to talk to some one right now
A_n00b: ok
Kfc: yes
T0xicego357: ok
A_n00b: guys my day old beard is scratching me
Soap21: rev up those fryers
A_n00b: lol
Soap21: choose a number 1-7
A_n00b: 5
Soap21: perfect
A_n00b: 0-0
Soap21: thats exacthy what i wanted
A_n00b: ok guys what is inasg
Axel_amor: Dunno..
Inasg_hoe: stands for I'm not a submissive girl
Soap21: lie
A_n00b: but you seem like one
Inasg_hoe: it was an inside thing between someone a while ago
Inasg_hoe: lol
Ishipwillowandhunter: She isn't
Inasg_hoe: I am
A_n00b: L mich was wrong
Inasg_hoe: I'm very submissive
A_n00b: mich join or ima deep fry your balls
Soap21: sugon
Axel_amor: Touch Mich and I’ll kill you.,
Ishipwillowandhunter: damn im joining
A_n00b: if he joins we chillinng
A_n00b: no deep fry balls
Inasg_hoe: what's the link
A_n00b: uh
A_n00b: de we inv her
A_n00b: hmmmm
A_n00b: do
Ishipwillowandhunter: Idk do we?
Inasg_hoe: too late already got it
A_n00b: well
A_n00b: we dont get to decide
A_n00b: wait this means me and mich cant show our dick to eachother
Soap21: damn
Axel_amor: …
A_n00b: gosh darn taylor
Axel_amor: YOURE GONNA WHAT?!?
Person112: Damn, nah you still can
Ishipwillowandhunter: dammit you're right
A_n00b: messed it up
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yasss Zach
A_n00b: no
Axel_amor: LEMME JOIN!!
Person112: ;)
A_n00b: i would never show my dick in front of tay
Ishipwillowandhunter: me neither
A_n00b: if it was just mich maybe
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'd show you my cock fs
A_n00b: ye
A_n00b: but tay joined so no cocks
A_n00b: she isnt even talking
A_n00b: no
T0xicego357: I HEARD COCK
A_n00b: 0-0
Axel_amor: MY**
A_n00b: proof?
(anon): huh?
A_n00b: cant prove it it never happend
T0xicego357: NO I HAVENT THE FUCK?!?!?!
Axel_amor: You’ve seen it you don’t need proof!
A_n00b: nah
A_n00b: nah
T0xicego357: NO I HAVENT
T0xicego357: IM SCARED NOW
A_n00b: im a good cchristian kid
Inasg_hoe: WHAT THE FUCK
Axel_amor: NOT YOU TOX!!!
A_n00b: i only like boobs
T0xicego357: thank god
A_n00b: not vigina
T0xicego357: i like men atm anyway
Inasg_hoe: OMFG WHAT
(anon): what the fuck is even happening right now
A_n00b: true
Soap21: cock?
A_n00b: tig bitties
T0xicego357: cock UwU
Kfc: thighs
A_n00b: nah
T0xicego357: thicc man thighs
Axel_amor: YES YOU HAVE!!!
A_n00b: i have seen tit
Kfc: DWAYNE?!?
T0xicego357: who is dwayne?
A_n00b: greg
Axel_amor: No not Greg.
Ishipwillowandhunter: WHAT WHERE WAS I
Axel_amor: Cinder has..
Axel_amor: Ring has..
A_n00b: ....
Axel_amor: Who else..
Dwaynethecockjohnson: somebody say my name?
T0xicego357: ILL SUCK IT!!!!!
Kfc: Daddy?
A_n00b: who is getting tits and pussy
Ishipwillowandhunter: YES
Inasg_hoe: WTF
T0xicego357: DWAYNE THE COCK JOHNSON!!!!!!
Soap21: explosive cum mod
Dwaynethecockjohnson: yeah?
A_n00b: lol
A_n00b: this game is rigged
T0xicego357: GIMME THE DICK MF
Dwaynethecockjohnson: no
Kfc: That's my daddy!
A_n00b: why does mich have unlimited rizz
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm rock hard
T0xicego357: sadge :(
Dwaynethecockjohnson: if you can find it you'll have it
A_n00b: proof
Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't
A_n00b: you do
T0xicego357: damn the steroids hit you that bad huh
Ishipwillowandhunter: How so?
Dwaynethejockcockson: wtf
A_n00b: you pull all the women
A_n00b: and get bobas
Person112: And men
Axel_amor: *blushes and smiles back*
Ishipwillowandhunter: owo
A_n00b: true
Dwaynethejockcockson: shower time
Axel_amor: Mb book again.
Dwaynethejockcockson: you stinky mfs
Ishipwillowandhunter: mhm lol
Inasg_hoe: who u talkin to axel?
Yttrium: this is funny to watch
Ishipwillowandhunter: extremely funny
A_n00b: ........
Axel_amor: My book my friend has me writing them.
Inasg_hoe: OHHH
Inasg_hoe: CAN I READ IT
A_n00b: wtf
Inasg_hoe: PLEASE
Yttrium: ayo?
Inasg_hoe: AXEL PLS
Yttrium: inasg, tf you mean by that?
Axel_amor: It’s y/n X underfell characters.
A_n00b: .............
Inasg_hoe: Ask Izzy hehe
Yttrium: fym like spongebob porn?
A_n00b: brooooooo
Inasg_hoe: Izzy got SpongeBob porn
A_n00b: bet
Axel_amor: Tay it’s Y/n X Underfell.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Where's my pretty boy :(
Person112: Istg e
Person112: *yall
A_n00b: pick me
Ishipwillowandhunter: HIII
A_n00b: pick me
Person112: Can't fucking spell
Inasg_hoe: what's that axel
Person112: Hello troll
A_n00b: 0-0
Axel_amor: What’s what?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hello kitty
A_n00b: bro
A_n00b: wnat
Axel_amor: I love hello kitty!
A_n00b: ..........
A_n00b: me when me
Person112: 😩
Ishipwillowandhunter: oh my
Ishipwillowandhunter: I haven't even done anything yet
Ishipwillowandhunter: yet
Person112: -_-
Person112: AH... AH... AH... AH.... STAYIN ALIVE, STAYIN ALIVE
Axel_amor: Shhh!
Person112: No.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Don't tell my boi to shush
Axel_amor: Sorry.
Person112: AH... AH... AH... AH...
Axel_amor: =<
Ishipwillowandhunter: Well now, I get low and I get high
Person112: Ó⁠╭⁠╮⁠Ò
A_n00b: lol
A_n00b: guys mich showed me his cock
Kfc: Was is small
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes
A_n00b: no
Ishipwillowandhunter: oh i mean no
Axel_amor: Luckyyy!
T0xicego357: COCK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
A_n00b: he didnt really ....
Person112: Damn
Ishipwillowandhunter: damn
Ishipwillowandhunter: lmao
T0xicego357: WHERE???
Axel_amor: I mean-
A_n00b: he didnt answer
A_n00b: i said show cock
Axel_amor: That’s a dog in bluey.
Ishipwillowandhunter: i probably could but no one wants to see that
Kfc: bet!
A_n00b: i do
Kfc: we pulling cocks out?
A_n00b: your a girl .....
T0xicego357: I WANT TO SEE IT DADDY!!!!
Ishipwillowandhunter: I mean
T0xicego357: is she?
A_n00b: oof said so
A_n00b: i hope so 0-0
T0xicego357: depends on if she surgically attached a strap on
Kfc: Ummm...yeah funny story...
A_n00b: 0-0
Axel_amor: MOM?!?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Huh??
T0xicego357: SHOW MEEEEE
A_n00b: aint no way
Yttrium: huh?
A_n00b: lol
Kfc: Axel we need to have a talk
Person112: Oh daddy
Axel_amor: …?
T0xicego357: now hol up...
T0xicego357: thats a bit far kiley
Kfc: Lol not in that way!!!
T0xicego357: now im here if you wanna show it UwU
A_n00b: lol
Kfc: com here boy...
T0xicego357: cum here boi*
A_n00b: lol
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes pretty boy?
T0xicego357: i wanna cum :(
T0xicego357: i havent in a while tbh
A_n00b: lol
Axel_amor: Ew..
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah same I just can't nothing works
Ishipwillowandhunter: porn sucks
Ishipwillowandhunter: hentai is mid
Axel_amor: I can help.
Ishipwillowandhunter: shit smut
Yttrium: same ego
Yttrium: same
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh can you?
Yttrium: bro?
Axel_amor: I can.
Yttrium: and how would that be?
Axel_amor: I have mouth pussy and big tits.
23:06:12Wednesday, April 26, 2023
T0xicego357: im just not feeling it atm you know?
A_n00b: proof>
A_n00b: ?
Dtrump: proof is in the pudding
Axel_amor: Hmm idkk
Kfc: oh shit
Ishipwillowandhunter: proof?
Axel_amor: IM SORRY WHAT?!?!
Axel_amor: WHO?!?
Kfc: ....
A_n00b: what????
Dtrump: what is going on now
Inasg_hoe: ...
A_n00b: 0-0
Kfc: it was not her fault!
Axel_amor: SHE DESERVES IT!!!
Kfc: im trying to explain that to you
Dtrump: do not trust everyone on this site
A_n00b: like me.
Axel_amor: I hate the boy.
T0xicego357: KILL ME IM A BOY
A_n00b: lol
Axel_amor: Not you.
23:11:44Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Friday, April 28, 2023 *Dtrump said 12.year-old rude boy
Rina: Gen is white.
Generic: and to this day that lil bitch know all my songs
Rina: How you doing?
Generic: no shit everyone knows that
Ishipwillowandhunter: alright
Rina: No. I could just tell.
Ishipwillowandhunter: out of crown
Rina: Alcohol?
Generic: dont even know wut thats supposed to mean but ight
Rina: And you have brown hair.
Rina: Not sure if it's short and fluffy yet tho.
Generic: idk wut ur trying to prove rn
Renetile: Rinas ultra-instinct
Rina: Not blue eyes.
Generic: everybody knows wut i look like
Rina: Maybe brown or haze.
Generic: my eyes are blue
Rina: I've never seen a picture of you
Rina: Then your hair is brown and straight.
Ringchance: im bi what is your point woman
Generic: i send pics of me in chat quite a bit
Rina: Blue and fluffy doesn't match.
Generic: my hair is very fluffy
Generic: so again
Generic: wrong
Ishipwillowandhunter: Gen is beautiful ngl
Rina: I haven't been here in a while. Remember?
Renetile: $ 5 Fortune-teller: Maybe brown or haze.
Nutterbutter: wtf is going on?
Ringchance: idk
Generic: i am 100% not beautiful yall stop tryna be sum yes men
Rina: Hmmmmm
Ishipwillowandhunter: nah but you are and yk it
Ishipwillowandhunter: that hair 10/10
Renetile: Beauty-Skill issues
Rina: What shoe brand do you use?
Generic: chucks
Generic: vans
Rina: 10.5
Rina: Wait.
Ishipwillowandhunter: what about shoes
Generic: i wanna start wearin new rocks but they hella expensive
Rina: How tall are you?
Rina: 5'11?
Ishipwillowandhunter: 6'0
Generic: idk how tall tbh
Ringchance: im 6'0
Generic: im def not that tall tho
Rina: Hmmmmm
Generic: if i had to guess like 5'8 5'9ish
Rina: You were size 10.5 in shoes?
Generic: im helluv short
Rina: Oh.
Rina: You are.
Rina: My height.
Generic: im like 5'11 wit new rocks on tho
Rina: Maybe 9.5
Renetile: Rina being a spy
Generic: it depends on wut shoe it is
Rina: Thought so.
Generic: i think my chucks are 9s or 9.5s
Ishipwillowandhunter: one of my friends made a document detailing everyone's height, full name, age, address, legit stalker mode
Rina: Renetile how old are you?
Rina: And what brand shoe do you wear
Dtrump: renetile acts like hes 12
Rina: Trump!
Rina: How tall are you and what brand of soe
Rina: Shoe*
Rina: I know your age
Renetile: Bro said soe
Rina: Hush.
Rina: Odd
Dtrump: I am very short.
Generic: i have 0 actual good pics of me on this computer holup
Rina: Tell me.
Rina: Cring
Dtrump: 5'6"
Rina: Oh.
Rina: My fiance is 5'6.
Renetile: Who asked
Rina: That's only an inch shorter than me
Rina: Means he's good
Rina: Anywho.
Rina: What brand of shoe
Dtrump: whats a shoe?
Rina: Gen looks like Galileo
Renetile: Dtrump goes bare feets
Rina: ...
Rina: Ew.
Rina: And he looks 13.
Ishipwillowandhunter: who
Rina: And sociopathic.
Rina: His lips are pretty tho.
Renetile: Bro revolutionized psychology by detecting sociopathy with bare ayes
Generic: mfs said i looked 18 or 19 when i first sent them pics
Rina: That's cause thwyre young
Dtrump: To me gen looks older.
Rina: I did go to college for psyche.
Generic: it jus depends on which pic it is
Rina: Nah. Bro looks 13.
Generic: i also look a lot older when i dont shave
Dtrump: how
Ringchance: im hot and 15 everyone wanna fuck my ass ngl
Rina: When he isn't showing his whole facehe looks 15.
Nutterbutter: yes I do
Rina: He looks kinda innocent still.
Generic: but i look retarded with a mustache cuz it still cant grow right
Rina: If you look past the gun and knife.
Rina: Tbh
Ishipwillowandhunter: who the fuck we talking about
Rina: I thought you'd look like a munch.
Ringchance: idk
Rina: Gen.
Ishipwillowandhunter: oh yeah gen got the heater
Renetile: Gun issue
Dtrump: Ha my beard is very blond and patchy rn.
Ishipwillowandhunter: he looks about his age
Generic: the wut
Assmaster: smash
Rina: Nah nah.
Ishipwillowandhunter: heater? gun?
Rina: I can't be friends anymore....
Dtrump: of course i am blonde
Generic: whos blond
Rina: Blond boys aren't pretty.
Ishipwillowandhunter: blonde boys very pretty
Rina: Especially when they have mustaches.
Ishipwillowandhunter: wish i was blonde
Generic: ioh i wasnt paying attention
Dtrump: Imagine caring if someone has blond hair.
Ishipwillowandhunter: sameeee gen
Rina: I care
Rina: As a women I have standards.
Ishipwillowandhunter: I could show y'all a pic of like 3 yr old me, basically a blonde
Rina: I like dark hair.
Rina: And bright eyes.
Renetile: As a men, I don't
Dtrump: Womens standards are usually shit.
Ishipwillowandhunter: now i got darker brown hair and even darker brown eyes
Rina: Though I almost married a 6'8 black guy.
Generic: cuz they can be pickier
Ethan48: i am currently feeding a robot baby for my parenting class
Generic: guys will fuck anything they can get
Ishipwillowandhunter: you gave up the 6'8 black guy??
Ishipwillowandhunter: bitch you trippin
Dtrump: i bet his dick was average
Rina: Sadly.
Rina: Huh. Na.
Rina: Never asked.
Rina: Was gonna astain. He was very religious
Rina: Abstain.
Dtrump: you would of had a mixed baby
Generic: i made a asexual bitch straight once
Rina: I have a mixed baby.
Dtrump: nah that baby was white
Rina: That's called an attention seeker.
22:51 28.04.2023
17:07:27Saturday, April 29, 2023Dance Day