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Generally favorable reviews - based on 118 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: Introducing FINAL FANTASY XVI Coming to PlayStation 5. An all-new title in the legendary FINAL FANTASY series. FINAL FANTASY XVI is the newest entry in the FINAL FANTASY series, coming to the PlayStation 5 (PS5) system. FINAL FANTASY XVI is an all-new standalone single player action RPGIntroducing FINAL FANTASY XVI Coming to PlayStation 5. An all-new title in the legendary FINAL FANTASY series. FINAL FANTASY XVI is the newest entry in the FINAL FANTASY series, coming to the PlayStation 5 (PS5) system. FINAL FANTASY XVI is an all-new standalone single player action RPG produced by Naoki Yoshida (FINAL FANTASY XIV, DRAGON QUEST X) and directed by Hiroshi Takai (FINAL FANTASY XIV, THE LAST REMNANT). Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 0 out of 118
  1. Jun 30, 2023
    I may be a diehard classic Final Fantasy fan at heart, but there’s no getting past the fact that this game, with all of its high-octane, DMC-inspired action, is an absolutely phenomenal example of RPG craftsmanship. Setting out in a new direction once again, the oft-bitter, yet irresistibly engaging story and addictive, action-focused gameplay allow Final Fantasy XVI to stand tall as a phenomenal example of contemporary video game craftsmanship.
  2. Jun 21, 2023
    Epic. It's as simple as that when it comes to Final Fantasy XVI. Narrative, graphics, game design, combat. It's a flawless experience for both newcomers and hardcore fans. Innovative but also true to the franchise's roots, it's for sure one of the main titles of a really stacked 2023 for gaming.
  3. Jun 21, 2023
    Final Fantasy XVI is not only one of the best games of the year, it is one of the best role-playing titles made in Japan in a long time and, therefore, one of the most important exponents of the legendary franchise to which it belongs, thanks to to great production values and clear ideas that kept its development cycle on the right path, a matter that of course, leads to a tremendously solid video game that, despite not being perfect, undoubtedly has virtues that strongly outweigh its defects.
  4. Jun 21, 2023
    At its best, Final Fantasy 16 is a jaw-dropping epic of rarely seen proportions. It's pretty much the pinnacle of cinematic spectacle in modern games, and its often gripping, emotional story is only matched by its fantastic combat system. While its overall quality does dip outside of the main plot, this is still a must-play action RPG, and the best single-player Final Fantasy in over a decade.
  5. Jun 21, 2023
    Final Fantasy 16 is an excellent entry in the series, with a gripping story, thrilling combat, nuanced characters, and an ever-charming protagonist in Clive.
  6. Jun 30, 2023
    While Final Fantasy XVI is a focused game that has no hesitation in eliminating the unnecessary, the breathtaking realm of Valisthea feels polished like a true AAA title. It is a high-quality experience that can be cherished through its many details. That being said, the series’ more traditional tropes don’t always match Final Fantasy XVI’s modern production standards, which can at times stand in the way of the player’s enjoyment.
  7. Jun 21, 2023
    Final Fantasy XVI delivers on the “action” side of its action-RPG formula. A fierce and fast-paced combat system makes for the series’ most exciting stab at real-time swordplay yet, while its blockbuster Eikon fights rank among some of gaming’s most awe-inspiring battles. But there’s a general flatness surrounding those exhilarating highs, as shallow RPG hooks and dated design leave a promising evolution for the series stuck in the past.

See all 121 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Jun 24, 2023
    Fantastic game. Overall a nice game to play, spectacular setting and environment, characters done well. Couldn't have asked for more from aFantastic game. Overall a nice game to play, spectacular setting and environment, characters done well. Couldn't have asked for more from a final fantasy game. Expand
  2. Jun 23, 2023
    been playing for 6 hours now and this game just rocks! Haven't encountered any weak aspects yet and have just scratched the surface.
  3. Jun 30, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Great game, Bahamut was the best and I enjoyed it over and over again. PlayStation's best content! Expand
  4. Jun 24, 2023
    Just incredible! VA, battle, and story are excellent. It may even be the best FF of all time. I really like the mature path they took.
  5. Jun 24, 2023
    Jogo muito bom, história linda. Todos que tiverem um ps5 recomendo muito jogar. Progressão excelente nas batalhas.
  6. Jun 27, 2023
    Ignore the haters and read some real reviews! Gameplay is a lot of fun in this game and I'm a big fan of the story! If you love swords, magicIgnore the haters and read some real reviews! Gameplay is a lot of fun in this game and I'm a big fan of the story! If you love swords, magic and dogs then here's your game! In all seriousness, the fighting system is excellent, if your familiar with 7 remake and 15 then you'll pick it up in no time. The use of a dog partner to team with you is awesome as he can help you juggle enemies or give you a heal when you need it. I'm not done with the game yet but so far i feel that I've already gotten my money's worth. The graphics are beautiful, however there are moments where it feels like it's almost too much in the faster cut scene battles. The mechanics of some of the cut scenes where you button mash feel kinda redundant, like not very important even though I know its to help immerse you into the gameplay, so maybe it will be built upon as the games go on. I highly recommend this to FF fans, and don't let these haters throwing shade for no reason discourage you from purchasing this game. Expand
  7. Jun 30, 2023
    Старые части били лучше, серия умерла боевку испоганили геймплей испоганили в отряде 2 члена короч для фанатов серия умерла вывод игра тупоеСтарые части били лучше, серия умерла боевку испоганили геймплей испоганили в отряде 2 члена короч для фанатов серия умерла вывод игра тупое гавно тупого гавна ! Expand

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