Nibbler SEO audit for


The overall score for this website.


How accessible the website is to mobile and disabled users.

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How satisfying the website is likely to be for users.

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How well marketed, and popular the website is.

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How well designed and built the website is.

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Screenshot of

Nibbler tested a sample of 5 pages from this website at 14:04 on 28 Jun 2023 (BST).

Top priorities for website improvement

  • Consider a leading website analytics solution, such as WebTrends or Google Analytics. (read more)
  • Add printable stylesheets for all pages, wherever possible. In most cases, websites can share printable stylesheets over many or all pages, as with screen-based stylesheets. (read more)
  • Add width and height attributes to all image tags. The width and height you specify should be the same as the source image. If you want to resize an image in the browser, use CSS. (read more)


0% of pages use analytics

No Analytics SolutionNo

  • None of this website is using any recognised analytics software. It is still possible to gather a great deal of information from webserver logs, however complete visitor analysis requires client-side Javascript or an image not found here. Show recommendations
  • Note that this test can only detect recognised analytics solutions. If an analytics solution is new, obscure or used in a non-standard way (e.g. it has been customised) it may not be detected.


0% of pages are optimised for printing


96% of images have a clearly defined size

120 images are being resized by the browser


absolution additional advanced animation aquatic automate bees biome buzzy caves cherry chimneys cliffs color cyclic download dynamic earthquake edition fabric falling featured gear grappling graveyard hedgehog herobrine hook house instrumental ivtoolkit java lights loader minecraft mining mobs mods navigation near nether pack painting pandora's part physics pillage pocket posts queen quilt quilted resource ruins seed silent skibidi slimes sonic structures tree under update village villager's villages wild world xaero's zetter

  • All pages were found to use defined headings. This is excellent as it allows visitors and search engines to summarise the content of webpages quickly. Correctly defined headings aid accessibility and are particularly important for search engine optimisation.
  • Some headings (1.0%) were found to be empty, or incorrectly defined. Empty or invalid headings are of no value to search engines and make a website less accessible. Show recommendations
  • Some pages did not define headings correctly. The H1 tag should be used for the most top-level heading, with H2 being used for sub-headings and H3 for further sub-headings and so-on. Not conforming to this convention may confuse visitors. Show recommendations

Amount of content9.2

Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Average words per page678 average words per page 05001000
  • This website has an average of 678 words per page. The amount of content on a website has been shown to correlate with its search engine ranking.

Server behaviour10.0

Yes404 page


  • This website handles missing pages correctly by sending a 404 HTTP status code.
  • This website was served with GZIP encoding. This is very good because it reduces the loading time of a web page.
  • This website returns page content with or without a trailing slash on the URLs, but each page has a canonical tag to denote the correct version. This is ideal, as search engines will know which version to index.
  • This website follows the best practice of using a permanent (HTTP 301) redirect from to This is ideal.

Page titles10.0

100% of pages have defined titles

0% of page titles are weak

  • All pages were found to use page titles appropriately. Page titles appear in search results and at the top of the browser's window when visiting the site. Appropriate page titles are particularly important for search engine optimisation.

Meta tags10.0

This is how this website will look in Google search listings:

Minecraft Mods, Resource Packs, Seeds, Maps, Skins and Shaders

Download Minecraft Mods, Skins, Seeds, Maps, Shaders, HD Wallpapers, Videos and many more. Play like Minecraft games online here!

  • All pages were found to include a meta description. This is good because search engines (like Google) show this text in search result pages.

URL format10.0

  • This website uses appropriate web addresses (URLs) throughout. This is excellent and will help search engine placement, usability and the marketability of this website.


11062Estimated monthly organic visitors

  • This website appears to have a high number of monthly website visits each month

Source: Ahrefs


Last updated June 28, 2023

  • It looks like this website was last updated on Wednesday, 28 June 2023. This is good because visitors perceive up-to-date websites as more credible. Websites that are updated regularly are also spidered by search engines more often.
  • To find this information we used the last modified dates reported by this website's server in addition to looking for dates written on each page.


This website does not appear to be associated with a Twitter account.

  • There was a problem checking the Twitter accounts associated with this website.

Domain agei

  • Sorry, we cannot check the domain age of websites.

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