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Poster: Jeff Kaplan Date: Jan 17, 2012 10:26am
Forum: web Subject: will be dark on Wednesday, January 18 to protest SOPA and PIPA

12 Hours Dark: Internet Archive vs. Censorship

The Internet Archive believes that it is critical to protest and raise awareness of pending legislation in the United States: House Bill 3261, The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and S.968, the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA). is going dark from 6:00 am – 6:00 pm PDT on Wednesday January 18 (14:00 – 02:00 GMT) to drive a message to Washington. We need your help to do this.

Legislation such as this directly affects libraries (pdf) such as the Internet Archive, which collects, preserves, and offers access to cultural materials. Furthermore, these laws can negatively affect the ecosystem of web publishing that led to the emergence of the Internet Archive.

These bills would encourage the development of blacklists to censor sites with little recourse or due process. The Internet Archive is already blacklisted in China—let’s prevent the United States from establishing its own blacklist system.

For United States residents, please take action.

For non-US residents: Sorry for dragging you into this, and if you are willing, sign a petition to the State Department to express your concern.

–Internet Archive

Reply [edit]

Poster: downwithsopa Date: Jan 18, 2012 11:36am
Forum: web Subject: Re: will be dark on Wednesday, January 18 to protest SOPA and PIPA

I was interested to see that holds a number of historical pages of They have just arrested the owner of that domain name and are extraditing him to the USA simply because of the links on that website to alleged copyright breaches. So does that now mean also that and and criminals for allowing public to see such links ????? It is ridiculous.

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Poster: jory2 Date: Jan 17, 2012 11:38am
Forum: web Subject: Re: will be dark on Wednesday, January 18 to protest SOPA and PIPA

Best of luck!
You guys will need it!

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Poster: serious the dog Date: Jan 17, 2012 11:41am
Forum: web Subject: Re: will be dark on Wednesday, January 18 to protest SOPA and PIPA

We ALL will need it.

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Poster: jory2 Date: Jan 17, 2012 11:45am
Forum: web Subject: Re: will be dark on Wednesday, January 18 to protest SOPA and PIPA

We ALL don't run websites that can be proven to; infringe on copyrights, or of enabling or facilitating copyright infringement.