Kofu UFO Close Encounter Case(1975): Radioactive Isotope Discovery at Landing Site &Maeda Report Research
Subject: Kofu UFO close encounter case
The Kofu Incident is highly regarded as one of the two major UFO incidents in Japan (the other being the Kera Incident), and the radioisotope (RI) left at the UFO landing site forms the basis of the reason for the credibility of the incident. Simply put, it is artificial radiation that should not be there.
It is a radioactive isotope with a short half-life, not the kind found in fertilizer.
The basic data was compiled by Mr. Maeda, a teacher at a technical high school who conducted on-site radiation measurements (using a GM counter) immediately after the incident and recorded the results.
This report was published in 1977 in "Unidentified Flying Object No. 7," the journal of the Japan Space Phenomena Society (JSPS).
This original Maeda’s report is posted here.
Some people who do not know the contents of this data seem to think lightly of the evidence of the Kofu Incident and think that it was probably caused by nuclear power plants or something, so I decided to publish it here.
It is more than a story of a UFO entering or not entering under a grape trellis, it is a solid and puzzling physical trace left behind.
The discussion and research of this content is still ongoing, mainly at JSPS.
*Although the content of the report (sample method, etc.) is not strictly 100% scientific data, the fact that so much data was left behind at that time can be said to be the first physical UFO evidence in Japan.
Recently, the experiencers themselves have been talking about their experiences in videos and other media, and while this is an important and significant thing, we cannot expect any further progress.
●前田レポートの原本 *無断転載禁止
The topsoil was sampled at 1 meter pitch and the measurement time was 20-40 minutes for error correction. Of course, the background was also measured. (see table).
Of the 35 sampling locations, two locations, Nos. 7 and 23, were selected as the two locations where the counts were slightly higher than the background and were clearly defined, and their half-lives were determined.
The results lead to half-lives of 18 days for the no. 7 sample and 11 days for no. 23.
*Since the GM counter detects beta decay, the existence of nuclides with such short half-lives is an anomaly, and it is predicted that the nuclides may have been decayed by the presence of so-called artificial radiation (radioactive isotopes) or by the influence of UFOs.
Stable isotopes, which are a normal component of soil, don’t emit radiation.
The table below is a record of sample data from the two sites (No. 7 and 23).
B ・G are background values.
使用機器は波高分析器(PHA:Pulse Height Analyzer)になります。
Since the GM counter can’t identify the nuclides, the analysis is requested to the laboratory in Tokai-mura to identify the nuclides from the energy values by γ-ray spectrometer.
The instrument used is a PHA (Pulse Height Analyzer).
The first measurement was made on April 5, 1975, and the second on May 31, 1975.
If a peak value is found in each measurement, it means that a radioisotope nuclide was present.
The γ-ray energies and half-lives on the left side of the page show the first and second values of the 32 energies measured and the half-lives calculated from them.
The corresponding nuclide table on the right shows the energy values (energy) and half-lives (Th1) of the 32 species, as well as the assumed nuclides, their standard energy values, and standard half-lives.
In the right column, a diagram of the nuclear reaction that causes radioactive decay is shown.
The results are discussed in the following section: Γ (gamma) rays have a relatively short half-life of more than one month or very few, and most nuclides have a half-life of around 15 days.
(Editor's note: This comment is disputed within the JSPS, and the second measurement is less reliable as data for determining the half-life of gamma rays because of the long time that has passed since sampling.)
*There are five nuclides that emit exactly the same energy.
These two tables show the assumed nuclides, the left side of the page is a diagram of nuclear reactions when stable isotopes (metals, etc.) are disintegrated, which is assumed based on the measured energies in soil.
The table on the right side of the page is a schematic representation of nuclear reactions when the main stable isotopes present on the earth's surface undergo decays, based on the measured energy values.
The upper graph shows the counting rate of the No. 23 sample measured by the GM counter and the number of days elapsed since the sample was sampled and measured.
The result represents a half-life of 11 days. For the graph below, see the explanation on the next page.
●The upper graph shows the count rate of the No. 7 sample measured by the GM counter and the number of days elapsed since sampling and measurement.
The result shows a half-life of 18 days.
●The graph below shows the analysis of the No. 23 sample by the γ-ray spectrometer at the Tokai-mura Research Institute, where the horizontal axis represents the energy value of the radioisotope and the vertical axis represents the relative intensity, allowing comparison of the curve between the background (B and G) and the sample.
The results show that the sample is slightly higher than the B/G, and the second measurement shows that the sample and B/G are almost identical.
This is the important point: the radiation is gone after one month.
This is an unusually short period of radiation decay (half-life of radioactive isotopes), and this is the key evidence for the existence of UFOs in the Kofu incident.
● Later, in the 2017 "Special Issue on Unidentified Flying Objects," JSPS executive Mr.Kira wrote a 14-page discussion paper.
It is titled "The Kofu Incident: a new analysis after 40 years, that day, that time, a nuclear reactor appeared in a vineyard!" in the "Kofu Incident" section.
論文の一部 Part of the paper
●海外向けに発信している英文ダイジェスト版 ●The English digest version of the paper, which is being sent out to overseas readers
・Mr.Kira focused on 32P (phosphorus 32), which has a half-life of around 15 days from the half-life curve, based on a review of half-lives and the belief that the No. 7 and 23 samples had the same radiation source.
We hypothesize that 31P (phosphorus 31), a stable isotope, decayed to 32P by beta decay and was detected by the GM counter.
31P is one of the three elements commonly and widely present in soil.
The half-life of 32P is 14.2 days.
The half-life of 32P is 14.2 days. Since 32P does not undergo gamma decay, it was not detected in the analysis at the Tokai-mura laboratory.
(Editor's note: It is unclear why only two of the 35 sample sites emitted neutron radiation from the UFO as a result.)
The 32P theory and others are still under study, and various opinions are being expressed and discussed within the JSPS.
We would like to hear from anyone who has read this data and has a useful hypothesis.
*32P(リン32の壊変図:β崩壊してイオウ32に壊変する核反応):1.697MeVは、崩壊エネルギー(Decay Energy)
*32P (decay diagram of phosphorus-32: nuclear reaction of beta decay to sulfur-32): 1.697 MeV is the decay energy.