Updated: June 1, 2023
The Coresight Research US Store Tracker Databank is the definitive resource for information on store openings and closures by sector in the US retail industry. The Databank includes store openings and closures from 2012 to 2023 year to date (YTD), and the data can be filtered by sector, year and type (closures/openings/net store openings).
The Databank now also includes retailer-level data on announced, actual and total store openings and closures, store base counts and the estimated square-footage impacts of openings and closures.
- For more analyst insights on store openings and closures, please see the US and UK Weekly Store Openings and Closures Tracker series.
- This Databank is updated weekly.
The US Store Tracker Databank includes:
- Store Tracker Overview: Annual and YTD data on total openings and closures in US retail.
- Store Closures and Openings—Top Retailers: YTD and prior-year store closure and opening numbers by retailer.
- Store Closures: Annual and YTD data on closures, with a breakdown by retail sector.
- Store Openings: Annual and YTD data on openings, with a breakdown by retail sector
- Net Store Openings: Annual and YTD data on net openings, with a breakdown by retail sector.
- Distribution by Sector: The percentage breakdown of total store closures and total store openings by sector, annual and YTD.
- Distribution by Year: The percentage breakdown of total yearly store closures and total store openings, by sector.
Every week, Coresight Research data analysts monitor a list of hundreds of retailers to represent the overall US retail market. We use our industry expertise to adjust this list on a periodic basis to reflect key trends occurring in retail. We update 2023 closure and opening numbers on an ongoing basis as we obtain confirmed information from company releases and filings.
- Apparel, Footwear & Accessories
- Beauty Brands and Retailers
- Convenience Stores
- Department Stores
- Discount Stores
- Drugstores
- Electronics Retailers
- Grocery Retailers
- Home and Office Retailers
- Luxury Retailers
- Mass Merchandisers
- Warehouse Outlets
- Entertainment Venues
- Health Clubs
- Restaurants & Bars
- Other Service Providers
2023 YTD Closures
2023 YTD Openings
The chart below depicts the week-by-week totals of US store closures and openings in 2023 YTD.
Store Tracker Overview
This chart shows the number of major retail store openings, store closures and net store openings in the US from 2012 to 2023 YTD, by retail sector. For more information on specific sectors, please select from the dropdown list.
Store Closures and Openings: Top Retailers
2023 YTD Store Closures
Confirmed closures/openings reflect those confirmed to have taken place to date
Planned closures/openings reflect those announced but not yet confirmed to have taken place
*Estimate based on multiyear projections or non-calendar fiscal year data
†Figures pertain to North America closures/openings
Total base count: Store counts are for the period closest to the end of the prior calendar year without rolling into the current calendar year. As companies have different fiscal year-ends, store count information for most public retailers in the list above is based on reported counts from either the third quarter or the fourth quarter of their fiscal 2022. Store-count information for private retailers in the list above is based on reported counts from December 2022
2023 YTD Store Openings
Confirmed closures/openings reflect those confirmed to have taken place to date
Planned closures/openings reflect those announced but not yet confirmed to have taken place
*Estimate based on multiyear projections or non-calendar fiscal year data
†Figures pertain to North America closures/openings
Total base count: Store counts are for the period closest to the end of the prior calendar year without rolling into the current calendar year. As companies have different fiscal year-ends, store count information for most public retailers in the list above is based on reported counts from either the third quarter or the fourth quarter of their fiscal 2022. Store-count information for private retailers in the list above is based on reported counts from December 2022
2022 Store Closures
Confirmed closures/openings reflect those confirmed to have taken place to date
Planned closures/openings reflect those announced but not yet confirmed to have taken place
*Estimate based on multiyear projections or non-calendar fiscal year data
†Figures pertain to North America closures/openings
Tables show the 50 retailers closing/opening the most stores in the year. Some tables may include slightly more than 50 retailers where a number of retailers have an equivalent number of closures/openings.
Total base count: Store counts are for the period closest to the end of the prior calendar year without rolling into the current calendar year. As companies have different fiscal year-ends, store count information for most public retailers in the list above is based on reported counts from either the third quarter or the fourth quarter of their fiscal 2021. Store-count information for private retailers in the list above is based on reported counts from December 2021
2022 Store Openings
Confirmed closures/openings reflect those confirmed to have taken place to date
Planned closures/openings reflect those announced but not yet confirmed to have taken place
*Estimate based on multiyear projections or non-calendar fiscal year data
†Figures pertain to North America closures/openings
Tables show the 50 retailers closing/opening the most stores in the year. Some tables may include slightly more than 50 retailers where a number of retailers have an equivalent number of closures/openings.
Total base count: Store counts are for the period closest to the end of the prior calendar year without rolling into the current calendar year. As companies have different fiscal year-ends, store count information for most public retailers in the list above is based on reported counts from either the third quarter or the fourth quarter of their fiscal 2021. Store-count information for private retailers in the list above is based on reported counts from December 2021
Store Closures
Store Closures - Number of Stores
This chart shows the number of major retail store closures in the US from 2012 to 2023 YTD, by retail sector. Choose more than one sector to make comparisons.
Store Closures - YOY % Change
This chart shows the year-over-year (YOY) change of major retail store closures in the US from 2012 to 2023 YTD, by retail sector. Choose more than one sector to make comparisons.
Store Openings
Store Openings - Number of Stores
This chart shows the number of major retail store openings in the US from 2012 to 2023 YTD, by retail sector. Choose more than one sector to make comparisons.
Store Openings - YOY % Change
This chart shows the year-over-year (YOY) change of major retail store openings in the US from 2012 to 2023 YTD, by retail sector. Choose more than one sector to make comparisons.
Net Store Openings
Net Store Openings
This chart shows the number of major retail net store openings in the US from 2012 to 2023 YTD, by retail sector. Choose more than one sector to make comparisons.
Distribution by Sector
Distribution by Sector - Store Closures
This chart shows the sector shares of major retail store closures in the US since 2012, by year. For more information on specific years, please select from the dropdown list.
Apparel Footwear and Accessories,1122, 965, 1075, 1382, 2121, 3356, 2146, 5774, 3173, 2288, 849, 691, 21114 Beauty Brands and Retailers,53, 56, 50, 36, 51, 103, 61, 48, 91, 168, 400, 75, 549 Convenience Stores,133, 151, 157, 188, 220, 168, 50, 12, 139, 657, 248, 13, 1218 Department Stores,176, 81, 139, 143, 159, 396, 396, 239, 1356, 95, 17, 20, 3085 Discount Stores, 170, 258, 393, 105, 183, 249, 211, 1159, 448, 260, 321, 562, 3176 Drugstores,186, 218, 170, 55, 84, 137, 78, 395, 282, 159, 515, 311, 1605 Electronics Retailers,533, 2025, 1877, 2538, 553, 2063, 229, 218, 557, 250, 30, 18, 10593 Grocery Retailers,172, 130, 159, 142, 198, 462, 441, 529, 955, 256, 77, 31, 3188 Home and Office Retailers,288, 290, 556, 517, 429, 374, 868, 526, 1657, 380, 477, 932, 5505 Luxury Retailers,4, 13, 51, 55, 21, 6, 14, 174, 83, 132, 100, 21, 421 Mass Merchandisers,95, 76, 185, 299, 231, 331, 56, 95, 25, 30, 12, 26, 1391 Warehouse Outlets,4,3,4,2,1,0,1,0,2,0,0,0,17 Others,62, 166, 97, 57, 58, 236, 974, 653, 930, 553, 202, 75, 3233
Distribution by Sector - Store Openings
This chart shows the sector shares of major retail store openings in the US since 2012, by year. For more information on specific years, please select from the dropdown list.
Apparel Footwear and Accessories,1422, 1669, 1723, 1239, 1120, 919, 706, 1149, 537, 1051, 1436, 1088, 10484 Beauty Brands and Retailers,150, 125, 134, 149, 136, 242, 166, 168, 204, 187, 166, 119, 1474 Convenience Stores,136, 149, 180, 216, 235, 218, 91, 139, 355, 529, 393, 222, 1719 Department Stores,128, 84, 81, 83, 69, 120, 54, 26, 8, 15, 25, 47, 653 Discount Stores,1579, 1670, 1684, 1434, 1594, 2027, 1628, 1741, 1688, 1812, 1741, 1987, 15045 Drugstores,207, 343, 337, 192, 172, 136, 180, 102, 117, 60, 43, 1, 1786 Electronics Retailers,430, 304, 92, 99, 611, 155, 35, 13, 3, 4, 12, 20, 1742 Grocery Retailers,128, 252, 392, 419, 477, 283, 279, 349, 290, 400, 357, 252, 2869 Home and Office Retailers,539, 601, 730, 799, 635, 469, 211, 461, 320, 521, 548, 208, 4765 Luxury Retailers,51, 43, 41, 38, 9, 12, 9, 40, 19, 45, 51, 6, 262 Mass Merchandisers,158, 212, 322, 240, 135, 145, 67, 25, 33, 35, 23, 19, 1337 Warehouse Outlets,6, 20, 27, 29, 28, 31, 27, 14, 19, 20, 17, 22, 201 Others,162, 185, 117, 79, 186, 145, 180, 462, 111, 369, 354, 140, 1627
Distribution by Year
Distribution by Year - Store Closures
This chart shows the annual shares of major retail store closures in the US since 2012, by retail sector. For more information on specific sectors, please select from the dropdown list.
2012,2996,1122,53,133,176,170,186,533,172,288,4,93,4,62 2013,4432,965,56,151,81,258,218,2025,130,290,13,76,3,166 2014,4913,1075,50,157,139,393,170,1877,159,556,51,185,4,97 2015,5519,1382,36,188,143,105,55,2538,142,517,55,299,2,57 2016,4309,2121,51,220,159,183,84,553,198,429,21,231,1,58 2017,7881,3356,103,168,396,249,137,2063,462,374,6,331,0,236 2018,5525,2146,61,50,396,211,78,229,441,868,14,56,1,974 2019,9822,5774,48,12,239,1159,395,218,529,526,174,95,0,653 2020,9698,3173,91,139,1356,448,282,557,955,1657,83,25,2,930 2021,5228,2288,168,657,95,260,159,250,256,380,132,30,0,553 2022,3248,849,400,248,17,321,515,30,77,477,100,12,0,202 2023 YTD,2775,691,75,13,20,562,311,18,31,932,21,26,0,75
Distribution by Year - Store Openings
This chart shows the annual shares of major retail store openings in the US since 2012, by retail sector. For more information on specific sectors, please select from the dropdown list.
2012,5096,1422,150,136,128,1579,207,430,128,539,51,158,6,162 2013,5657,1669,125,149,84,1670,343,304,352,601,43,212,20,185 2014,5860,1723,134,180,81,1684,337,92,392,730,41,322,27,117 2015,5016,1239,149,216,83,1434,192,99,419,799,38,240,29,79 2016,5407,1120,136,235,69,1594,172,611,477,635,9,135,28,186 2017,4902,919,242,218,120,2027,136,155,283,469,12,145,31,145 2018,3633,706,166,91,54,1628,180,35,279,211,9,67,27,180 2019,4689,1149,168,139,26,1741,102,13,349,461,40,25,14,462 2020,3704,537,204,355,8,1688,117,3,290,320,19,33,19,111 2021,5048,1051,187,529,15,1812,60,4,400,521,45,35,20,369 2022,5166,1436,166,393,25,1741,43,12,357,548,51,23,17,354 2023 YTD,4131,1088,119,222,47,1987,1,20,252,208,6,19,22,140
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