among PCs i currently recommend MacBooks bc
1) last longer and cost less
2) the trackpad is good
get an MB or you'll turn into an MBTI
Yuuki Konno 金野裕希
Yuuki Konno 金野裕希
554 件のツイート
Yuuki Konno 金野裕希さんのツイート
i currently believe PCs win over phones and tablets.
a PC is like having 10 phones at once
having a computer may affect intelligence more than IQ.
the reason why i been a gifted may be bc i been using computers since i was 2
omg just signed up for discord and got the number 9801. that was ofc a perfect square 99² = 9801
my korean name is 김 유희 (Kim Yoo Hee, キム・ユヒ)
i wonder if my chinese name should be Minnie Chan
twitter isnt a place to save anything imo.
not the right place to post pics from 30 years ago
thinking on twt has made me insanely smart and helped me master math and english, which is why im now tweeting in engrish
id been doing that in japanese since i was 16.
i started at 14 but it said "what's happening" and i tweeted "using twitter" and closed it
i think twitter is where u "think."
not a place to post a photo once a day.
u shld twt once a sec.
so its important to write "i know" as "ik."
sorry if this offends anyone, but MBTI is complete nonsense. im an INFP so i put facts before other people's feelings
many people pin their MBTI.
according to wikipedia its pseudoscience.
i dont mean to hurt those who believe in it, but ironically, it has become a scientific literacy test.
seems "ur" is more common than "u r."
otoh "ru" is quite rare.
probably bc its confusing with the ISO 639 code for russian.
id heard writing "are you" as "r u" was lame 10y ago.
seems thats actually totally ok.
at first i thought eng meant engineering and there were a lot of ppl majoring in that
seems g = good, basically.
gm = good morning.
i thought eng wasnt tf (= twitter friendly) but i guess not.
1y ago, i learned stan = fan.
i wondered if ppl really use it.
now my tl is full of that.
seems here i saw english for the 1st time in my life.
even DeepL outputs unrealistic sentences like "This sentence is six words long."
some ppl may think im using multi acc, but thats not true.
my whole family plays pokemon go, even my 87yo grandma.
it stands for トップ画像 (toppu gazou, "top image") but ive never seen anyone say it in full form
ill teach you some slang.
pfp = profile picture.
this is a cool way to say it.
in japanese its called アイコン (icon).
it was called トプ画 (topuga) seven years ago but that's now obsolete.
ill start from a blank ball later. seems the earth isnt a ball tho. its an ellipsoid.
confusingly, due west of honolulu, there's no tokyo.
that seems to be either the philippines or indonesia.
this Mercator map is confusing.
now i prefer the so-called azimuthal equidistant projection.
seems the majority of #studytwt are indonesians and filipinos.
i like both but dont know where people from other countries are.
seems you can now translate tweets with 1 click if you have the DeepL Chrome extension installed on your PC
Fujii Souta played the move P-44 and declined Bishop Exchange in game 3 of 81st Meijin on May 13.
I just remembered that Kato Hifumi played this for decades and called it the Kato Opening (加藤流).