Age of Empires Series Wiki

Advanced ranged infantry with thrown explosive canisters that deal damage in a small area.
Age of Empires IV description

The Grenadier is a unique light ranged gunpowder infantry unit in available to the Chinese Ming Dynasty in Age of Empires IV at the Archery Range. Its projectiles deal area of effect damage.

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Further statistics[]

As Grenadiers are unique to the Chinese, only technologies that are available to them are shown in the following table:

Armor AoE4 FittedLeatherwork Fitted Leatherwork (+1 melee)
AoE4 InsulatedHelm Insulated Helm (+1 melee)
AoE4 MasterSmiths Master Smiths (+1 melee)
AoE4 IronUndermesh Iron Undermesh (+1 ranged)
AoE4 WedgeRivets Wedge Rivets (+1 ranged)
AoE4 AngledSurfaces Angled Surfaces (+1 ranged)
Creation speed AoE4 MilitaryAcademy Military Academy Military Academy (+25% creation speed)


  • Originally, Grenadiers dealt 15 damage, had an attack range of 4 tiles and the damage fallof on their attack was 100%/75%/50%. With Season Two Update 17718, they deal 13 damage, have an attack range of 3 tiles and the damage fallof on their attack is 100%/66%/33%.


Units in Age of Empires IV
CivilianVillager  · Trader
Civilian shipFishing Boat  · Trade Ship  · Transport Ship
ReligiousMonk  · Imam  · Shaman
Military units
Melee infantrySpearman  · Man-at-Arms
Ranged infantryArcher  · Crossbowman  · Handcannoneer
Melee cavalryScout  · Horseman  · Knight  · Lancer
SiegeSiege Tower  · Battering Ram  · Springald  · Mangonel  · Counterweight Trebuchet  · Bombard  · Ribauldequin  · Culverin
ShipArcher Ship  · Springald Ship  · Incendiary Ship  · Warship
Unique Units
CivIcon-AbbasidAoE4 Abbasid DynastyCamel Rider  · Camel Archer  · Ghulam
CivIcon-ChineseAoE4 ChineseImperial Official  · Zhuge Nu  · Palace Guard  · Nest of Bees  · Fire Lancer  · Grenadier
CivIcon-DelhiAoE4 Delhi SultanateScholar  · War Elephant  · Tower Elephant  · Sultan's Elite Tower Elephant  · Ghazi Raider
CivIcon-EnglishAoE4 EnglishLongbowman  · King  · Wynguard Ranger  · Wynguard Footman
CivIcon-FrenchAoE4 FrenchRoyal Knight  · Arbalétrier  · Galleass  · Cannon
CivIcon-HREAoE4 Holy Roman EmpirePrelate  · Landsknecht
CivIcon-MaliansAoE4 MaliansDonso  · Musofadi Warrior  · Javelin Thrower  · Warrior Scout  · Sofa  · Cattle  · Musofadi Gunner
CivIcon-MongolsAoE4 MongolsKhan  · Mangudai  · Traction Trebuchet  · Huihui Pao  · Keshik
CivIcon-OttAoe4 OttomansSipahi  · Mehter  · Janissary  · Great Bombard  · Grand Galley
CivIcon-RusAoE4 RusLodya Fishing Boat  · Lodya  · Warrior Monk  · Horse Archer  · Streltsy  · Militia
Non-standard units
LeadersDuke William  · King Harold  · King Henry I  · Robert Curthose  · King Louis VI  · King Stephen  · Willikin of the Weald  · William Marshal  · Jean de Beaumanoir  · Olivier Arrel  · Guy de Rochefort  · Geoffroy du Bois  · Yves Charruel  · Jeanne d'Arc  · General Subutai  · Genghis Khan  · Mongke Khan  · Baidar  · Batu Khan  · Liu Zheng  · Ismail  · Prince Dmitry  · Ivan III  · Ivan IV
Campaign-only unitsDanish Raider  · Huihui Pao  · Dismounted Knight
Cheat unitsPhoton Man